Hey Sal, got a bit of a random one here. I’ve got an 8831 and when I try to power it, the base part boots and everything but the detached display / keypad does not turn on or do anything for that matter. I found a document on cisco’s website stating that it’s an issue with “9.3.3” firmware and I followed the steps which were to get a special firmware called 9.3.3-TO-10.X.X something I forget, but after completing that, I still have no luck here, I obtained the conference phone brand new in box completely sealed so its a bit weird why this even happens but please if there is something I might have missed please let me know. Thanks in advance.
@CiscoSal10 ай бұрын
I would just rma it. If you just bought it you could either tell the partner you bought it through that it’s DOA. Disti should be able toto swap it out. Or you could go the tac route. Everything you buy from cisco comes with 90 days of support.
@vrryan610 ай бұрын
@@CiscoSal Got It through ebay so cant do none of that unfortunately, I'll probably end up seeing if I can return it an try and grab an 8832 or something for a decent price. Not sure if I mentioned it but its a home lab environment so Im not typically getting stuff from a a partner/reseller.
@CiscoSal10 ай бұрын
Ah sorry. No support on ebay stuff 😁. If they let you return it, try purchasing through a cisco partner. That way you get support.