Request-Alcoholism Among High IQ and Non Normies

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An IT professional is a heavy drinker and was wondering what was the prevalence of alcoholism among "non-normies" and high IQ people. Cappy does the research and finds mixed results.
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Пікірлер: 83
@ericwedin4154 5 жыл бұрын
Smoking my pipe, sipping my whisky is by far the best escape from boredom. Avoiding mainstream media and stupid people is another great way to feel better.
@noyfbnoyfb8476 6 жыл бұрын
I drink to make people interesting.
@justen7994 6 жыл бұрын
NOYFB NOYFB have that key chain
@paulflint6254 5 жыл бұрын
I think you have to
@DaLeeza Ай бұрын
You and me both 😅 now I don’t drink and am happy in solitude.
@TheCoolwhipped 6 жыл бұрын
My question would be: are you an alcoholic, or are you just binge drinking? Because I see a lot of binge drinking in the IT and STEM fields. Why? Because your brain is so fried that you need something to relax, and quickly. I went to a STEM school and nearly every weekend we'd end up nearly blacked out from Friday to Sunday morning. During the week, we actually had "study beers" just to keep our heads from exploding. During St. Pats, you'd spend the entire week drunk. Why? Because you're doing nothing but strenuously working your brain for 8-12 hours a day. My advice, for what it's worth, go work out. Find a hobby that's mentally soothing. For me, it was firearms. Working on them, learning about them, shooting them. It allowed me a mental escape from the job and was much healthier. Now don't get me wrong, I still drink, but I don't go looking to get hammered like I used to.
@danielschloss1111 6 жыл бұрын
TheCoolwhipped engineer here, I agree I drink to calm my mind from a day of technical work. I work out run and hike pretty much every day I joined soccer teams, pursue hobbies, cook and stay busy but I still enjoying unplugging from rapid thoughts with a drink. I’ve quite drinking for a month before and it’s fatiguing how fast your mind starts working all day without a drink. Just my two cents.
@CE-vd2px 4 жыл бұрын
Why not just combine your drinking and guns together for ultimate relaxation? I bet youll never wake up
@danimaster6647 6 жыл бұрын
I can speak for programmers. You are sitting 10+ hours in front of a screen, highly concentrated with a lot of frustration and bad posture. It is proven that staring at a screen so long is bad for you're eyes and induces stress. It is not uncommon for me to sleep bad and after coming home the day is over and I'm too tired to do something useful but too fit to sleep. Drinking relaxes you and get's you in a nice indifferent mood.
@ShiceSquad 6 жыл бұрын
Same here, not a programmer but I work 10 hours a day on the computer - and at home no less - and it wears away at you. Makes me want to get out of the house, call a couple buddies up or go to a rock show and get plastered. At least I never drink at home because I can't bear to sit at home any longer when I'm not working.
@humancondition974 6 жыл бұрын
You mentioned eyesight: you may know this but if you don't want your eyesight to go down the toilet there are ways to improve your eyesight naturally. Endmyopia on youtube is the expert on this. Poor eyesight isn't a static or constantly decaying condition. It fluctuates, it can go up and down based on how you use your eyes. It's like a muscle, if you train it, it gets stronger, if not, it atrophies. You may want to try and offset your screen time by challenging your eyes at longer distances.
@wedrownysowianin9387 6 жыл бұрын
There is also the culture of IT and software development that is to blame, which is why I actually avoid getting jobs at places that try hard to show their "relaxed" atmosphere of bean bag chairs, no dress code, and ping pong tables. Those things tell me "we want to squeeze every minute we can out of you" and usually it means a lot of overtime and totally not mandatory outings with coworkers (but they'll tell everyone how you're not a team player if you don't attend) on evenings and weekends. The overtime part is not so bad if you really need to get some code pushed before a deadline, but as for everything else, I just want to go home and relax when my work is done. Then there's the increasing number of Pajeets going from H1B to green card and moving to a management position, and his management skills are just as bad as his coding. He brings on a few of his family members because though nepotism is forbidden to you, it's a god-given right to him. Because you actually have skills, you often take the blame when one of them screws something up. That's when I go from my usual frugal to downright stingy, brush off my resume and put it back up on Dice and Monster, stay just long enough to collect a couple more paychecks, then leave.
@philipdru9290 Жыл бұрын
Man, this guy gets it. I have an IQ of 150. I’ve done many jobs, but found farming and truck driving especially rewarding as I don’t have to deal with people. I don’t even think about drinking when I’m OTR or farming. But, when I’m home with my roommate who can’t watch anything but sci-fi, I find myself drinking much more than normal when I’m not at the gym or Karate Dojo.
@nyegye1606 11 ай бұрын
I'm at 136. Farmed and drove tractors, delivery driving, and manufacturing work. Loved isolated introverted work. Suffered a spinal chord injury and now struggling to work since I am forced to interact with people in customer service roles :/
@nyegye1606 11 ай бұрын
Drinking almost every night. At least one or two to cope
@DenshaOtoko2 7 ай бұрын
I thought being 100 IQ was hard at 15 then I was 114 IQ at 25. Now I'm at 90 to 92 IQ at 31. It's much easier to make friends the closer to average IQ you are .
@AmericanFluency 6 жыл бұрын
Clarey, you should get a dog, man.
@girlcrazyrockstar 3 жыл бұрын
A cute little corgi
@professorlayabout4878 6 жыл бұрын
Yep, top 1% IQ here and quit drinking finally three years ago.
@alwaysskeptical7221 3 жыл бұрын
@swpdisciple 6 жыл бұрын
What’s considered intelligent anyway and what’s a normie (I think I know what it means but I keep hearing a different slant on it)? I tend to think I’m somewhere in between as a former athlete and sports fan but I’m also INTJ and 136IQ so I almost never have a kindred spirit around. There’s a lot of hate both ways I don’t quite understand either. Can’t we all just get along? Lol
@CE-vd2px 4 жыл бұрын
Shut up beta. Dominate like an INTJ should. Had this young little ESFP the other day, didnt know what was comin when I dropped this big INT-P on-er!
@ShiceSquad 6 жыл бұрын
Nice to finally see a video dedicated to this topic, which surely must be pertinent to a great many AC viewers. Drinking problems can come in many shapes and sizes. I, for one, never drink at home, but will take the slightest occasion to get smashed when I go out. Some might call it "social drinking," but it is closer to "binge drinking" - working your ass off on the computer all the time and taking the slightest opportunity to pour a ton of beer in ya when out and about and drinking with others. And I can really put'em away. The recovery time has gotten much longer as my age is sneaking up on me - a real serious drinking session on a Saturday night can leave me not feeling normal again till Tuesday, whereuopn the weekend comes in 3 days and the cycle repeats itself.
@justen7994 6 жыл бұрын
That explained my early 20s
@mrhat7531 6 жыл бұрын
This one really rang home. I had a 1.5 year period in my mid 20s (still am in my 20s) where I was probably once a week picking up a 6-12 pack and downing it on a random week night at home while watching tv or playing video games. I work in IT and really think that sitting in front of the computer all the time doing boring shit is bad for the 'soul'. I also started working from home and the lack of social contact made it really hard. Obviously, this is just one situation, people from all walks of life run into this problem. You have to realize that this will likely progress into something much worse and will cause health problems and lower your life expectancy. It also is awful for weight gain. You must put an effort into stopping this RIGHT NOW. One book that was really helpful for me was This Naked Mind. You also need something to replace this activity because it sounds like it is stemming from boredom. You might go back and forth and 'relapse' for a year before you get this handled. Maybe you need to join some sort of meetup for something that interests you, start going to the gym, or something like that. I'd go for a run or walk when I felt the impulse and that really helped. If you watch this video you'll see that addiction stems from your environment, so you need to focus on changing your environment. I'm partial to alcohol now. I've actually learned to hate the hangover and the come down from even having 1-2 beers. Try little things like going out to eat without ordering a drink, the bars without drinking, get togethers without drinking, etc and let that become the new you. My personal rule of thumb is to never get to a state in which I can't drive, which is 1-2 drinks max. Maybe once every few months I'll go out and tear it up, but I've gotten myself to a point where I get more high on life than anything now. Long post, but this one was like me exactly and I hope that you can shake it.
@CE-vd2px 4 жыл бұрын
Damn doesnt sound like thats too bad.
@angeldevildx 5 жыл бұрын
I just smoke a joint once every other weekend with a non-normie friend at the park.
@Clemburke1111 5 жыл бұрын
Back in the 1960s and 70s the number one place for alcoholism was on the space coast of Florida . I grew up there I and I know why .
@purplechronic9179 4 жыл бұрын
@Clemburke1111 4 жыл бұрын
@@purplechronic9179 Stress levels
@DJ239 4 жыл бұрын
I think it's at this juncture in a man's life is where a lot of mistakes are made. Well maybe I should get married and have kids least I won't be lonely, yeahh shouldn't a done that.
@timkeefe5676 6 жыл бұрын
1. It's possible that the guy might have an addictive personality, so check that out as soon as he can. If he does, then find out how things in his life might be feeding that addiction. Addiction is rarely just physical or psychological. It's a combination of both. 2. His boredom might result from coming off of over-stimulation from his IT job. Having worked in IT for many years myself, I know whereof I speak, and I had to train myself to find a way to sit with the silence and the boredom when I switch off the computer. It wasn't easy, but I could do it. 3. To help battle the addiction, look into this:
@stryder909 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a field tech so I have to go to a lot of different IT depts throughout the city to perform repair work on IT equipment. Even though a lot of these IT people are nice people overall, MOST of them are fat to obese, lethargic, or you can tell they are complete social recluses.
@snakegriffin4928 6 жыл бұрын
Just-B-Real that explains the stereotype. I wonder if the job makes you that way or you choose to be that way anyways
@benstone9755 6 жыл бұрын
Try not to fall victim to labels. The smartest people I know read comic books and smoke weed every day....The dumbest people I know smoke weed and play video games every day.
@simonm1528 3 жыл бұрын
I drink every afternoon once I finish work, I have a good life, single, I work towards my goals and enjoy feeling the effects of alcohol. I would prefer to be alone most of the time but I'm not depressed (just would prefer not to be aroubd work mates). Still work out and never let my alcolisim effect my work to earn a living and help me achieve my dreams.
@thedanielgunner 6 жыл бұрын
That picture was a very satisfying picture of alcohol.
@element19ch 6 жыл бұрын
daniel gunner cheers
@josephbrown9685 6 жыл бұрын
I drink a little every now and then but make sure not to overdo it. I have depression and it helps me relax and eases my depression for a bit as long as I don’t drink too much. My IQ is in the 120s (varies a little depending on the test) and I work with mostly normies. They aren’t bad people, but they are so boring and uninteresting, save for one man (thankfully), that there are days where I want to just stay home and be a hermit to get away from society and recharge.
@devilsoffspring5519 6 жыл бұрын
I don't really think alcohol can be considered 'fun', I tried it as a kid a couple times and found it pointless, did it a few times as a teenager just because it helps kill boredom and makes music sound better. Now I drink as an adult just because it helps a little with the natural boredom of normal adult life. Some people really like being drunk though. I guess it's a matter of personality and brain chemistry.
@devilsoffspring5519 4 жыл бұрын
Alcohol is alright. I wouldn't call it a great buzz. It's passable, and easy to get, so if you want a buzz, why not. It's legal pretty much everywhere as long as you're old enough. No big deal though, it's more convenient than anything, and that's probably why people drink so much of it. Convenient as long as you don't drive while high on it, though.
@bitchexpress 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with all of this. I guess I'm a non-normie. All of us in the family have high IQ, one of my bros speculates that were on "the spectrum" too cuz we're all socially awkward. That's another good reason to drink. Ok, I hear ya already...I went to art school, but ironically my parents forced me. I wanted to go into TV production and they told me no. I'm currently unemployed and have a mountain of loans still from 15 yrs ago. I drink every day cuz I'm in a trap I can't get out of, and yes I've often contemplated the plus side of heavy drinking causing me to die sooner. Enjoy the decline!
@epep50 5 жыл бұрын
I totally get it. I've been a slump for a while, most people are insufferable, annoying, and not interesting withou some booze onboard.
@realazduffman 6 жыл бұрын
VFW awesome place to drink
@infjintegrityvsnarcissism7295 6 жыл бұрын
Nailed it cappy. IQ of 131, I feel the same way about normies. Workout every other day, and I am a history nerd hermit.
@lidu6363 6 жыл бұрын
* sad react *
@richardraymond7775 6 жыл бұрын
They told me in A.A. if your bored it's probably because your boring. If your so high I.Q. it should be easy to come up with ways to make your life interesting, exciting and inspiring.
@benfrankog6111 5 жыл бұрын
High IQ people are essentially a different species. I sympathize for the super geniuses out there who cannot relate to pretty much anyone. I'm glad I only have a high IQ.
@MegaBigbootylover 6 жыл бұрын
Good video. I'm a chef. Feel bored in my job and used to drink tons after work. Was like a way to release the pressure. Don't drink much anymore and been offered a promotion.
@franetica123 5 жыл бұрын
For me is was to shut my brain off from over analyzing and thinking too much..yes High IQ makes ur brain work over time.
@j.j.macbocephus6707 6 жыл бұрын
3 deviations, 148pt IQ. I get bored when there's nothing pressing. Make lists to do every day, the sense of accomplishment every day is helpful. Beyond that, incorporate exercise and education into the daily list. Always be reading a book or keeping yourself healthy.
@johnpaul1455 6 жыл бұрын
Any tips for personal productivity?
@CE-vd2px 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnpaul1455 have a 148 IQ
@justins7796 6 жыл бұрын
Drinking hasn't been an issue for me lately but I wonder if I'm heading down the road of alcoholism. Do you just wake up one day and suddenly alcohol doesn't work for you? Or does your body shut down if you don't drink? Just curious cause so far there's no negatives by drinking daily for 3+ months (sunday/monday I take breaks). Not even hangovers.
@ForeignChopper 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve only had 1 drink in my life it’s not for me so I just chase money
@billybassman21 6 жыл бұрын
Stopped drinking all together, don't like the way it makes me feel when I come off of it.
@steveee2511 Жыл бұрын
im broke without job but ordered a 100 bucks Macallan scotch 1 order one expensive bottle a year rest i drink beers or wine specially while watching medical or aviation dokumentaries wine makes me like intelectual,beer makes me fart and blows my belly and whisky makes me chill love it while listening Jazz or Blues.
@SkinnyGirl125 6 жыл бұрын
Drinking is more efficiant than taking a vacation.
@neetlife3142 6 жыл бұрын
i finished my bucket list by 24, uhhh i wish i died young.... i should have died in japan. but irony im still here and bored lol
@carloslee2360 6 жыл бұрын
Call it a losers drug Cap but Marijuana is much easier on the body than alcohol, and in a few instances medically beneficial(ending tourettes and seizures). Alcohol is particularly nasty though since it's one of two substances that can kill you for quitting.
@DeepVerma728 6 жыл бұрын
Carlos Lee Alchoholics live forever.
@AurumLuxuria 6 жыл бұрын
Has nothing to do with conservatism and this rendering weed totally harmless is foolish too. I almost smoked myself retarded and am just getting myself out of this brain fog and mental retardation I got myself into. It's definitely fucking up your short term memory and making you demotivated and can make you emotionally unstable. Also there comes a point of depleting your pleasure chemicals in your brain that you are just depressed even when smoking. Pot isn't harmless. It can be addictive. Granted it's better than alcohol, but it's not this angelic substance people make it out to be.
@daytonasixty-eight1354 6 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I fucked my short term memory from weed. It is hard for me to retain information unless I really dedicate time to sit down and study it. Before I could sit in a math class for example and remember every detail of the lesson without cracking a book.
@senfglas214 6 жыл бұрын
So, Is our short time memory fucked forever?!
@bonfirehazemusicanime 3 жыл бұрын
8:31 He has nailed it on the head here. I have used all of these methods to deal with the stupidity of the masses. Be it making music, drinking (dont anymore), Gym, or even studying to keep my mind off the shit.
@thedanielgunner 6 жыл бұрын
I was another week away from making the same video, only I don't drink to that extent. I drink to fight boredom, and everyone (including my parents) think I do it to deal with life's pain. More of just its boredom.
@Atlstreetpodcast2.0 6 жыл бұрын
poor ppl and smart ppl
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