Long Lost Parts of FFXIV

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11 күн бұрын

A little maintenance treat, I swear.
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Edited by @chloemeredxth
#ffxiv #dawntrail #ff14

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@heartlyght7422 10 күн бұрын
This probably isn’t the most outstanding answer but… please get rid of Freecure, it’s a trap for a lot of content and I really don’t wanna have to deal with it in higher level content when the baby WHM is spamming Cure 1 for the proc instead of using Lily or other options.
@koy540 10 күн бұрын
Give free medica or instacast medica when casting medica 2, this would actually be useful. Your HOT is already applied when you medica 2 but most people still just spam it in situations it is used.
@oktinaa 10 күн бұрын
came here to say the exact same thing. it's crazy how it's still in the game
@Dw7freak 10 күн бұрын
AST has the same thing for Benefic, so that needs to go, too.
@Jorvalt 10 күн бұрын
Cure 1 should really just upgrade to Cure 2
@bidyogames 10 күн бұрын
What they should do is make it proc off using your main gcd attack for both whm and ast
@Data033 10 күн бұрын
BRD not having a way to spread dots hurts my soul
@iPlayOnSpica 10 күн бұрын
It's such a completely detached system from the rest of the kit if used in aoe, I only use it to approach a mob from 25y away, as 1-2 gcds to spend until I'm close enough to Quick Nock
@tribblesfoxfolk 10 күн бұрын
I mean, they’ve been inching towards removing the DoTs from BRD ever since mid-Shadowbringers. Gutted potencies, removed their relevancy to songs, removed Sidewinder and Shadowbite DoT scaling, still no Bane effect to spread the DoTs (despite probably being one of the most asked-for additions to the job)…they want to axe the BRD DoTs, clearly, they just haven’t yet. Probably in 8.0 or even sooner, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the patch notes say “Stormbite and Caustic Bite: Depreciated and removed from the game.”
@GimmeTOKYO 9 күн бұрын
I can understand from like, a lore standpoint? The dots are attached to singular arrows, so how would they be able to spread them? They should just bring Flame Arrow or whatever the ground ability used to be called, but have it a point blank on an aoe that adds a fire dot to all mobs.
@steweygrrr 9 күн бұрын
​@@GimmeTOKYO You answered your own question because how would a single arrow cause an explosion of flame? Anyways... *laughs in SCH new aoe dot*
@HyouVizer 9 күн бұрын
either iron jaws as a later trait or one of brd aoe attacks with secondary effect to do so
@Valkoinen88 9 күн бұрын
Woah that was a surprise, I was just thinking "huh I don't remember some of these skills" then saw some familiar names in the party list, then saw it was MY footage from binding coil turn 11. Blast from the past.
@LairPlair 10 күн бұрын
Whats funny is after Break was removed, we see G'raha use it to stop the WOL spirits in the crystal tower.
@MallowPix 10 күн бұрын
And Ran'jit in the escape to Il'Mheg!
@mthebubble6565 10 күн бұрын
You still get holmgang bound in Sastasha!
@FinalDragoon 9 күн бұрын
You also get to use Break when controlling G'raha during the solo duty at the end of 5.55.
@Nihonguy 10 күн бұрын
Fun fact squadrons actually have a lot of older game skills, if you take an arcaniat into a dungeon theyll constantly cast shadow flare melting the health of mob pools and bosses alike its pretty neat to mess with lol
@ElrokFoxx 10 күн бұрын
Pretty much the main reason I had one in my party when I was leveling up my lower level jobs with my squadron before the trust/duty support system was added.
@hoodiesticks 9 күн бұрын
Squadron arcanist also tends to cast physic a lot, and it actually heals for a decent amount, so if you bring one you can pull farther. They're basically a second healer.
@Seeker265729 9 күн бұрын
Pld spams flash too for example
@yes7281 9 күн бұрын
Same with some job quests, in the dark knight quests Sid still uses dark arts
@Naoto-kun1085 9 күн бұрын
When I did squadron missions with an ARC I was so confused on why they had a ground AoE when SMN doesn't! It makes me wish they'd go back and make some adjustments to them 🤣
@iagodiago 10 күн бұрын
Physic on Summoner. I mean i get it. Throwback to Arcanist and such... But it scales with Mind... Which makes it even more useless than Sleep.
@hayalmatnu9919 9 күн бұрын
Sleep can be useful in field exploration! Physics however ...
@christophertorres114 9 күн бұрын
Personally I would love if they actually kept physic on summoner, but made it scale with Int similar to Vercure.
@iagodiago 9 күн бұрын
@@hayalmatnu9919 And in Deep Dungeons.
@Acrysalis 9 күн бұрын
Sleep is an actually useful ability, compared to physick which has literally zero potential use in any situation. They would either need to remove it or make it scale with int
@ArceusShaymin 9 күн бұрын
Literally all they need to do is give SMN a trait at level 1 that "upgrades" Physick into [Insert name here] that's a healing spell that scales with Int. That's it. It's that easy. Summoner gets to keep its taste-of-healer utility along with Resurrect and it'll actually see use in PF and prog during panic situations! And it won't even outshine RDM because Vercure>Verraise is still the most efficient way to recover a double-healer death in the game with Dualcast
@MegaCoolOreo 10 күн бұрын
I missed when healers had their own respective esuna animation. AST had Exalted Detriment and the animation was gorgeous…I miss it
@mist666999 9 күн бұрын
@Kazeryuun 8 күн бұрын
​@@mist666999 LEACHES UPON YE
@cina9218 10 күн бұрын
Freecure proc needs to be deleted, and cure 1 should directly upgrade to cure 2. Also, what the heck is wrong with flamethrower? Needs a big redo
@idontlikeURLs 10 күн бұрын
flamethrower is a skill i simple don't understood when the devs minded it can be used.
@Snoopy44291 9 күн бұрын
​@@idontlikeURLsI have found two uses for Flamethrower: 1.- While in a Deep Dungeon, after triggering an Impeding Trap (inflicts Pacification and Silence). Flamthrower is available. Usefull if you were in combat and the target was close to death. 2.- Saw on a guide that during a boss fight, if the boss makes itself intangible, you can aim Flamethrower to where it will reappear for a free hit right when it comes back (in the fraction of a second that you'd take to target it again and cast something). Still more useful than Freecure.
@ArceusShaymin 9 күн бұрын
@@Snoopy44291 Even in trash packs, Flamethrower is still better than Scattergun spam as long as your Heat < 30. It's niche but its use-case is pretty clear... at least until DT comes out and we now have Chainsaw 2 and F U L L M E T A L M A C H I N I S T. Not sure how often it'll come up when we have 2 more AoE tools to trash trash with. Cure 1 as a separate spell at least sees some use in lower-level harder content because of mana management but Freecure as a proc is just garbage and never worth fishing for.
@smaller_cathedrals 9 күн бұрын
No discussion about Cure 1 automatically upgrading to 2. I recently leveled whm from 80-90 and found myself in a low level dungeon, realizing I had no Cure available. Nobody in their right mind has Cure 1 on their hotbar once you get 2. For Flamethrower, ... I just use it in dungeons to add some spice to the trash pulls. I mean, it looks frigging awesome. It's just fun!
@DrForester 9 күн бұрын
I was in a static where one of the healers had me trained like one of pavlov's dogs to mana shift them whenever they did the bongo sound effect.
@apathetk 10 күн бұрын
I was just saying last night that they need to give Bard Bane. It's criminal that Bard has no way to spread its DoTs.
@zirilan3398 9 күн бұрын
there would be a very simple solution for that: make the 2 dotskills ogcd that grants a buff that gives your next weaponskill gcd apply the dot effect, that way you could get aoe dots with your aoe gcd.
@drewgregory4079 10 күн бұрын
There WAS a very good reason for bards to not get a bane-equivalent at least. Pre-Endwalker, bards' song procs were based on dot ticks. If you had 6 dots active across 3 enemies, you had 6 chances to proc your songs every 3 seconds. Adding a one-touch way to dot up a huge number of enemies would cause bards to go absolutely nuts with songs effects and remove the opportunity cost of sinking multiple gcds into manually applying those dots one at a time. Now that songs are on their own 80% proc check, however... Yeah give us bane.
@mist666999 9 күн бұрын
Even if that was the case, giving more song procs on trash pulls wouldn't be that crazy right? ...Right?
@AzureGreatheart 8 күн бұрын
@@mist666999Can’t be any crazier than Warrior being able to solo trash.
@ChouhouinNeko 10 күн бұрын
@Dynme 10 күн бұрын
6:00 Honestly, that's just completely in keeping with how Coils would have gone in ARR. Back when DRG had much lower magic defense than the other jobs, they would already be taking more damage than the rest of the party from unavoidable damage anyway, and then B4B comes along and is like "Hey, it'd be a shame if you took more damage on top of that more damage, right?" WHMs would be stoneskinning DRGs mid-fight when some big hits were coming up just so they wouldn't die.
@red5robb1 10 күн бұрын
Shadow Flare does still exist, its just relegated to Arcanists in Command Missions...and its the best attack for the NPCs
@Shuukuriimudaisuki-sama 9 күн бұрын
I sure miss SCH being a dotmage. All those dots, plus Bane, plus Shadow Flare while under the effect of Cleric Stance...that was some yummy DPS for a healer to be cranking out at the time. I also really miss DRK's Blood Price and Abyssal Drain being a spell. DRK was THE tank, as far as I was concerned, being able to do huge pulls, use Dark Arts + Abyssal Drain, and just regenerate the MP with Blood Price, pretty much leading to invincibility. Chef's kiss. At the very least, I wish Abyssal Drain would be a spell again, so we have something else to use MP on, instead of it being an ability with a shared cooldown with Carve and Spit. Oh well, I can dream...
@henryhunter9643 9 күн бұрын
While I don't 'hate' the ability, I feel that Summon Carbuncle is pretty useless right now. When I first started playing in Shadowbringers, you would summon your different carbuncles/egis for different things. IIRC ruby/ifrit for single target, emerald/garuda for AoE and topaz/titan for mitigation. Someone told me that in ages past the topaz carbuncle/titan-egi worked like a tank pet, similar to a Warlock's Voidwalker from World of Warcraft. But as it currently stands, Summon Carbuncle exists only as a button you have to press to unlock your major job mechanics, meaning Summoners have to press Summon Carbuncle every time they get revived. The carbuncle itself doesn't do anything anymore, it just sits there looking cute. At least the Scholar's fairy has several abilities I don't think removing the carbuncle would affect Summoner mechanically or job-fantasy wise that much to remove it. The only true carbuncle only ability is the shield, which you can only cast when the carbuncle is summoned, which is about 70% of the time. You lose it for a couple of seconds during the minor summons, and also can't use it during the major summons. That might be considered part of how to play the job, but I think losing your mitigation for 20 seconds because you activated bahamut/phoenix isn't good design. Rinon mentions Blood for Blood in the video, and the nonsense of being told to click it off or not use it during high damage scenarios in case it killed you. Holding back on your major summon to use your mitigation sounds counter-intuitive to me. Maybe summoner could be reworked a bit so that your summon spells turn your carbuncle into that summon for the full duration. Like Summon Garuda doesn't just summon Garuda for one attack, but instead works more like the major summons and Garuda becomes your pet. It could potentially tie into a pet placement mechanic where when you use a summon it generates an AoE effect on itself rather than your target. But on the flip side, that might make the entry level for Summoner too high, as newbie Summoners might not get the 'move your pet' part, or find having themselves stand closer so their pet's AoE can hit. Unless the summon spell itself summoned the primal onto the target and it did an AoE there before returning to your side. But TLDR I think Summon Carbuncle needs changed or removed.
@Castersvarog 8 күн бұрын
What they need to do is have Carbuncle auto attack again, at least until they rework the job completely
@korurikodakumi3683 10 күн бұрын
The Shadow Flare/Sacred Soil thing amused me, mostly because it wasn't nearly as bad to use as it sounds for a Scholar. Mostly because while you could only have one up at a time (per unique caster that is), they didn't actually share cooldowns. In ARR and HW dungeon pulls, it would be Sacred Soil to start and then Shadow Flare until you could pop another Sacred Soil, though usually the pull would be done and you're on to the next one. In Stormblood, they reworked Shadow Flare to have a longer cooldown than Sacred Soil, so you'd start with that first and then Sacred Soil. As for the question... Dissipation. Like just flat out. It feels like they wanted a tool for Scholars to use in an emergency and then forgot that the heals it empowers are slow to go into effect, and the extra Aetherflow stacks it gives wouldn't be of much use as its either 3 more Lustrates or 2 Lustrates and a Sacred Soil, short of your other Aetherflow heals coming off of cooldown by then. Its basically just a damage boost in coordinated groups or groups where you really don't have to worry about healing. Most any other time I feel like you'd be better off adjusting when and where you use your healing cooldowns.
@ArceusShaymin 9 күн бұрын
>3 more Lustrates or 2 Lustrates and a Sacred Soil Scholars everywhere laughing as they Dissipate for 300 more potency
@KashiShinano 10 күн бұрын
Dissipation and Life Surge
@HarrkGames 9 күн бұрын
Funnily enough, Fluid Aura had its place in PvP. It was really darn handy as it would not only knock back the target, but bind them in place so you could run or squeeze in a heal/repose.
@Mocita 10 күн бұрын
Back in 2.x-3.55 I used to play a battle SCH for fun. The dps it could output was really good, Stance Dancing to deal damage and then dance back for any emergency heals. I would actually run Selene from the start to boost attack speed for the party, then switch to Eos for better heals. If played right, you would never have to go back to heal stance.
@censuur12 9 күн бұрын
Early on lustrate healed for 30% of the target health, similar to benediction that just restores 100% health. This meant you could lustrate for full effect in cleric stance and made for a very cool dynamic on how you spent your resources in order to maximize time spent in cleric stance and reduce the amount of switching. I think I remember them changing it because lustrate was used to cheese the infirmity mechanic on Ramuh Extreme (and then they kind of stopped using infirmity anyway) but it was the first big cut into dynamic mechanics in healers.
@angelosan 10 күн бұрын
Dissipation, or atleast change it. Its not bad, just has very wonky synergy with the rest of the scholar toolkit.
@cutejustice 10 күн бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. Even in Dawntrail it seems clunky.
@henryhunter9643 9 күн бұрын
I have it on my bar but I almost never use it. I guess you could use it right before the crit-addlo + deployment tactics combo. But I doubt even in high end content there are situations where that is required or even useful. Especially since Dissipation locks you out of your fairy abilities for quite a long time. I know some use it as a DPS cooldown, but are three energy drains REALLY going to bump a Scholar DPS up much? Especially when you might need those Aetherflow for other things like Sacred Soil. Maybe I'm not good at Scholar, but I usually hold onto my Aetherflow until the ability to generate more is about off cooldown. Also, you cannot generate energy for the fairy gauge during Dissipation. While I do use Fey Union, I never really noticed it doing that much more healing compared to the Fairy just casting Embrace. Maybe I've been doing it wrong.
@penultimateApogee 9 күн бұрын
the fact that it disables half your healing kit for the duration (and can't be cut short) is so ridiculous, right? all the "risk-reward" in the world can't make that anything but anti-synergy.
@larcenciel7428 9 күн бұрын
@@henryhunter9643yeah, EDs will make you do more damage and 3 EDs in EW would do more damage than 1 broil. It doesn’t seem like much but it is significant over the course of an encounter cause sch is very monotone and doesn’t have any big hitting skills that can crit, just broil. So yeah, getting some extra ones will boost your damage by quite a bit! Granted, it doesn’t matter in most content, but if you wanna maximize your dmg it’s the way, which does make sch a bit clunky but also unique in that way.
@megaassassin9408 9 күн бұрын
dissipation is better than you'd think, while it does cut off use from all your fairy skills, you can still use them before hitting it so you get the usage of both, then you use the dissipation for damage if you have enough healing or to make some giga shields for a mechanic, it having a 3min cooldown and locking you out of all your skills is annoying but if you ever notice that you dont need the fairy skills for a bit coming into a burst window you can just get 3 free EDs
@Hoovinoyse 10 күн бұрын
Honestly I don’t like the DRK gap closer, they should replace it with a damage dealing gap closer, call it something like “Plunge Into Dark” or just “Plunge” for short.
@NanoElite666 9 күн бұрын
They should change Dragoon's gap closer too. For a class that's supposed to be about doing all sorts of crazy jumping attacks you'd think that it would be a no-brainer to use some of those jumps to close distance.
@mist666999 9 күн бұрын
To this day I still torment my FC's career Dark Knights by asking them "Have you tried [Dark Arts] [Plunge]"?
@FloodclawKupo 2 күн бұрын
Oh man, that's a cool idea. I feel like Gunbreaker could benefit from something similar, maybe call it 'Rough Divide' for a fun little FF8 reference.
@mintparfait 10 күн бұрын
What if we traded crutches in a raid 🥺👉👈
@virgilherring581 10 күн бұрын
2 videos and no mention of Wide Volley from archer/bard.
@ynni 9 күн бұрын
I hate Solar Bahamut and it's not even out yet.
@phuckerpower 10 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention that BLM were Mana Shift batteries. Also Protect included Shell when healers used Protect. PLD Protect was only Protect, and speaking of PLD you could have brought up that GLD used to equipt daggers before ROGs came out.
@elecrom_9757 9 күн бұрын
I think it was even worse: Protect was a WHM Skill and I remember that the Trait that added Shell was also on WHM. Kinda like Stoneskin where WHM had Stoneskin II which would make the start of a dungeon be quicker. Soooo many people just ran away without Protect or Stoneskin lol
@phuckerpower 9 күн бұрын
@@elecrom_9757 yep!
@phuckerpower 9 күн бұрын
@@elecrom_9757 it was cross classed to PLD from CNJ. So yes you're still correct.
@ezramdari 9 күн бұрын
And i remember mana shifting the BRD during foes requiem for that slight bit of uptime on the magic damage amp
@Malicebane 10 күн бұрын
Shield Bash is probably one of the coolest minor animations (getting to backhand the shit out of someone if you have the emperor's new shield or hit someone in the face if you don't) that you never used, so i want it reworked or off my bar
@Gloomdrake 9 күн бұрын
It’s an extra mini-mit in dungeons
@Malicebane 9 күн бұрын
@@Gloomdrake I feel like considering it triggers the GCD it’s always the last possible thing you should do cause low blow/aoe
@Gloomdrake 9 күн бұрын
@@Malicebane right. It's an "in a pinch" tactic
@zirilan3398 9 күн бұрын
@@Malicebane It also breaks your combo
@censuur12 9 күн бұрын
@@Malicebane If you have two enemies both doing something you need to interrupt using both low blow then shield bash is an option. It's not going to be too useful in regular content but some people doing challenge runs and such can make excellent use of it. If something stupid happens and a healer dies a lengthy stun can also make the difference between barely surviving and wiping, as you can use the time to make some space.
@koy540 10 күн бұрын
10:33 you have chosen violence.
@FelixSunblade 9 күн бұрын
I already got my wish, I don't have to manage Huton anymore. I'm sure someone will miss it, but the amount of heavy sighs I've had because I wasn't able to get my whole pre-pull routine as NIN off is too high to count.
@ariaglitter 9 күн бұрын
Ah, good old Arcanist Shadowflare
@GoodGirlPeruru 8 күн бұрын
Are you talking about 2.0 or 1.0? Because I'm quite certain that's not how it worked in 2.0 even...
@ariaglitter 8 күн бұрын
@@GoodGirlPeruru Which spell? Prot/Shell? It was indeed how it worked in 2.0 on release. It was reworked several times.
@filanfyretracker 10 күн бұрын
6:30 oh boy that sounds kind of like G-Flux in Everquest, A wizard spell that launched enemies up into the air. The problem is like most MMORPGs, EQ did not have totally optimal geometry meaning suddenly a raid boss was lodged outside the zone after being yeeted through the ceiling. Needless to say nobody other than wizards looking for a laugh enjoyed it, of course since EQ let you cast on yourself it was also used to reach places you should not be.
@wolfair 10 күн бұрын
Another banger, m'lord 🎩 Edit: that BRD burn though, daaaym
@TFalconwing 10 күн бұрын
Wait, Shake it Off in FFXIV used to behave exactly like warrior's shake it off in Guild Wars 2? Ha! In GW2 it's one of the best support skills warriors have.
@Kizoja 9 күн бұрын
I think he might have been mistaken. I remember it being only for the WAR themselves at the start of SB, which I remember being odd as a WAR main in HW because berserk used to pacify you in HW but the pacify was removed in SB along side them adding shake it off which removed detrimental effects from the WAR. Even if they'd kept the pacify, it seems pointless to just have a button that removes the pacify on the same CD as the ability that gives you the pacify. I went and double checked a couple of old media tour videos for Stormblood and both indicate that it's not AoE and only for the WAR.
@DalikSkywing 9 күн бұрын
​@@Kizoja you are correct. It was always a self only esuna, never a party wide one.
@Chaoseyes 10 күн бұрын
Well they just removed astrodyne so that one's off the table. Maybe a bit of a wonky answer, but I just really don't like Shadowbringer. Its unlikely to be removed, but its just another boring damage button on a job that already had one to many "just do damage" OGCD buttons. There's no interesting tech with it, it's just an additional two OGCDs to press every two minutes or your damage goes into the gutter. It also doesn't help that it essentially just feels like another flood of shadow, a skill DRK had for a while before then already. And for me, personally, its just uncomfortable to put on my hotbars. Also shoutout to intervention, which should really just be merged with holy sheltron rather than being two separate buttons. Nascent flash too, ever since they reworked raw intuition.
@oktinaa 10 күн бұрын
lowkey based with shadowbringer
@TheIceLurker 9 күн бұрын
Remember when WHM was the only job that had a stronger protect?
@Xbob42 9 күн бұрын
My wife still misses mana shift, she used to love having an excuse to use it when I was healing.
@viktormaehle 10 күн бұрын
maintenance wooo
@Shinnouryu 10 күн бұрын
I remember a few things about MCH... BRD and MCH had a casting stance where they would cast and get a substancial damage buff, but it would also remove their auto attacks. MCH had to remove that stance during Wildfire after the very last GCD to try to get a an auto attack. Because yes, Wildfire wasn't a fix potency per GCD, but it would cumulate all damages inflicted during the window. During Stormblood, the overheat bonus was so low it wasn't worth entering overheat. SQEX decided to overbuff it. Same with manashift, MCH and BRD had manasong and tactician that respectly restored MP or TP. TP management... "existed" and only mattered in dungeon as AoEs would eat a lot of TP. When enmity management was still a thing, Ninja was loved because it had a skill that could generate more enmity for tanks, tanks would basically never use the tank stance thanks for it.
@jamesrusselleriii8284 9 күн бұрын
I miss Protect and Stoneskin. You may think it didn't add anything to encounters, and it's true, but those two skills were remnants of a bygone era in FFXI and FFXIV 1.0 where boss fights were more freeform and different strategies could be employed. Now it's just team jump rope > miss mechanic > get vuln up > die
@HyouVizer 9 күн бұрын
I missed Fluid Aura, still have it on my hotbar. I used it to knock ranged enemies into the mobs to help tanks. Warrior Berserker buff use to increase their attack power by 50% so it gave a debuff afterwards they couldn't do any actions for 5 seconds. The debuff could be removed, I recall many wars had Marco message just for that. In Heavensward, Bard got The Warden's Paean which removes a debuff from party member, could put it on war soon as you saw their Berserker icon, Paean would instantly remove their debuff prematurely.
@Alex.Holland 9 күн бұрын
I mained strength marauder in vanilla 2.0 and it was a beast. Unfortunately the real endgame was getting parties that wouldn't kick me as soon as I joined.
@GamerNym 9 күн бұрын
Shake it Off was NOT a party wide Esuna. It was a self Esuna but it cleansed EVERYTHING not just 1 debuff. In theory you could eat a Bad Breath type attack and with one button everything would be fine, but no situation to use it every came up.
@Kizoja 9 күн бұрын
Yeah, that's what I thought I remembered too. As a WAR/DRK main, leaning more WAR, in HW I remember wondering why we got an ability to remove our pacify in the same patch we lost our pacify, but at the same time having an ability that's mainly used to remove your pacify on the same CD as the ability that gives you the pacify seems pointless. I ended up mostly playing PLD with a little DRK in SB, so I don't remember when they changed what with shake, but I was pretty sure it made it to release as a WAR only cleanse.
@Dyxid 9 күн бұрын
The skills I hate the most are the ones that require me to stand *perfectly still*, not even turning, to get their effects because in a game where mechanics demand you stay on the move, those things never ceased to be a death sentence or end up being ignored on my hotbar, and they either feel redundant (Paladin/Samurai) or they're completely useless (Monk/Machinist).
@M9AX 10 күн бұрын
i not only echo other comments wanting 'freecure' removed but i want to take it a step further and have cure 1 and benefic 1 just upgrade to cure 2/benefic 2 instead of being a seperate skill you quickly have to re-map if you get satascha in roulette. also physick should just be upgraded to adlo. and why does medica 1 and helios 1 exist? just upgrade them too! and what happened to holy 2/glare 2?! is this a windows 9 situation?! flamethrower is a pointless skill but looks so funny. they should replace it with something that actually fits in your rotation (or just make it worth taking your hands off the keyboard for what feels like forever) just so they can keep the animation
@ArceusShaymin 9 күн бұрын
Flamethrower does have a use - it's a gain on Scattergun as long as your Heat < 30 iirc. Unlike most DoTs, Flamethrower ticks immediately on-hit and ticks every second instead of every third second, meaning its effective potency is 880. Every other option is still a gain on it (Even Reassemble -> Scattergun) but if you're out of other resources from the previous pack or the boss prior, Flamethrower is still perfectly valid. There's also the weird, niche use-case where Flamethrower ticks the instant a boss becomes tangible, so you can use it at the end of a phase transition to get a whole extra 80 potency! Wow! So cool! Definitely not really important as a use-case but it's always interesting to note.
@EveTheSheepgirl 10 күн бұрын
Of all the skills present, I don't know why Scathe for Black Mage is still in. "Mobility", I hear you say. I raise you: two charges of Triplecast, Paradox, Thundercloud, Firestarter, and Swiftcast. It sucks, I don't like it, please get rid of it Yoshi-P.
@jaydenfilios10 10 күн бұрын
If I had to choose a skill to remove it would be goring blade on paladin. It’s awkward, not fun to use, and doesn’t do that much damage. Make it ogcd at the very least
@idontlikeURLs 10 күн бұрын
agreed, taking this as a gcd is a bit clunky, the skill works but was like out of place.
@Infiniteimpossibilty 9 күн бұрын
I much prefer new goring blade to old goring blade. Having to keep up goring blade as a dot was a obnoxious, doubly so because it would override the DOT on your Blade of Valor(?) finisher, which was a Stronger dot effect.
@jaydenfilios10 9 күн бұрын
@@Infiniteimpossibilty It should have just been removed entirely. It’s certainly better now, but it’s still just a weird skill that should be removed
@turntapeover5749 2 күн бұрын
I think one of the weirdest I can remember was the scholar trait that add a chance to give them a 10 second spell speed buff when the fairy crit her heals. Also for people saying that ranged is dead because people will run double casters now, well bsck then they couldnt because ranged was the MP and TP bitch of everyone in the party because one of their main role was ressource battery.
@Chamele7n 6 күн бұрын
This is one of the best ffxiv youtube channels. Love ya Rinon!
@Jorvalt 10 күн бұрын
Toxikon needs a rework. As it stands now on single target, it's basically just a mobility tool that you're only going to get charges for out of combat or in phase transitions. On multi target it's a slight gain. This feels like ass to use.
@Gloomdrake 9 күн бұрын
They should have at least made it DPS neutral, like Blood Lilies
@Jorvalt 9 күн бұрын
@@Gloomdrake It is DPS neutral, provided you don't shield in combat.
@Gloomdrake 9 күн бұрын
@@Jorvalt exactly
@ArceusShaymin 9 күн бұрын
Addersting in general just needs another look-over. The only two ways you get it - E.Diag shield breaking or E.Prog shield breaking on YOU specifically (the latter of which was added LATER so it was even less useful before) - require you to either pre-pull shield the tank during trash (which you would then spend Toxikon immediately on, mooting its use) or before the boss pull and let the boss break it. Inside a fight, unless you're pretty much *required* to Eukrasia shield people (a very rare instance) you'll almost never get more Addersting stacks. Giving us max Addersting at the beginning of combat was only a bandaid fix. If Toxikon is supposed to be our in-fight movement tool then we need better ways to get Addersting mid-fight than to purposefully curb-stomp our DPS. Maybe if a shield you place (regardless of source) breaks on your Kardion target you get one or something? Would make the whole kit actually feel cohesive with Addersting at least.
@blindender9979 9 күн бұрын
Maybe a skill tree with a lot of skills sharing the same potence, so people can choose theirs farovite animation
@AllothTian 10 күн бұрын
You mentioned Blood for Blood deaths but forgot BLM's Convert, which also killed players in UCoB and other instances. Dropping your HP by 20% at the wrong time or when the healers didn't expect it was often a death sentence even in savage. I also miss DRK's Sole Survivor because of the cool optimisation opportunities. I don't really have an ability that I hate, but I dislike the animation lock of Primal Rend. It's very similar to the various execute abilities that got removed. I remember being extremely careful when it came to pressing NIN's Dream Within a Dream. Actually, I do hate one ability and wish it got removed or reworked - Living Dead. Despite all the buffs that made it less annoying to work with, you can still just die during downtime if you pressed it while your healers are dead or busy patching up the party, which happens more often than you can imagine in blind prog.
@RodericGale 5 күн бұрын
Ring of thorns was truly one of the coolest dragoon skills I wish they would bring back the animation. On current notes - they need to get rid of the new DRK dash and bring back Plunge. It can do no damage just like shadowstride but the animation was so much cooler and it felt way more "weighty".
@cresscaketv8419 10 күн бұрын
I love how he brought up blood for blood with drgs that made them take 10% more damage but they also got the tank buff that reduced all incoming damage by 10% that lasted for the same amount of time. The issue being as he clearly showed, most drg players never thought about macroing the two abilities together to cancel out that debuff of blood for blood. Nor did he mention with shared skills they got warrior frontal cone attack as well that increased threat allowing drgs to become offtanks/main tanks when the tank was in trouble or you just had a bad tank in groups.
@EratoTiaTuatha 9 күн бұрын
You know I'm learning a lot of stuff today that's finally explaining the question I've had for the longest time which was WHY does maiming gear share models with fending gear all the damn time xD
@midorixiv 9 күн бұрын
Foresight only worked on physical damage (or more specifically it raised your physical defence by 20%, which didn't translate to 20% mitigation), and when the majority of raidwides are magic damage, it didn't really help.
@cresscaketv8419 9 күн бұрын
@@midorixiv you’re right it was mitigation for physical attacks, I totally forgot it was physical only. Still doesn’t change the fact that minus it was basically 2 raid bosses where you either changed your timing or not used it, combining those together was still a better way for you to not only survive but help negate the damage. Especially if having to take tank busters to the face if/when a tank went down in both hard content, extremes, alliance raids, and some fights in coil. You are right about the magic part though I forgot after all these years that is was strictly physical.
@MizYin 9 күн бұрын
Would prefer them to split arcanist into two different paths, since right now it feels like SCH doesn't really make a lot of sense w/ how they reworked SMN. They use to make a lot more sense as something that was two parts split off from the same origin point, but now they feel far too distinct. If they ever delete SMN rez I feel that goes double.
@axylum4453 10 күн бұрын
Saw the thumbnail and instantly thought of Fluid aura
@wyrmas 9 күн бұрын
Damn man, you didn't have to burn bards like that.
@endalhan2060 10 күн бұрын
Haha Protect, wasn't Shell its own spell in XIV for a short while too or was its effect just added before complete removal. Honestly though it was a broken husk of a spell that had much more usage in XI (especially when higher levels would pass by and cast higher tiers) and probly lost in translation on how to get the same feel in XIV. Open world spell brought into an instanced world.
@silverstrider2046 9 күн бұрын
Shell was a WHM trait in ARR that gave Protect both physical and magical resistance for WHM only. It got removed in HW because with the inclusion of AST it wouldn't be fair if WHM was the only one able to provide both.......just for SB to come and remove Stoneskin, leaving WHM the only healer without on demand shields. I'm still pissed about it to this day
@GoldenPerception 8 күн бұрын
Okay I’m a relatively new player (~three years) and mana shift sounds so cool and ALSO mimics the parts of the MSQ where we lend other scions our aether or vice versa! That’s so sick and the fact that it ties in to story and lore makes me really sad it’s gone tbh.
@ventus2602 9 күн бұрын
Honestly if we really wanted a call back. There used to be a point system for stats. Every time you level up you have stats you can level up. Strength, Dexterity, Mind, Intelligence making you focus on a class instead of a jack of all trades
@Cynnicinncynn 9 күн бұрын
ah, man I miss stormblood so much ;-; thank you for the nostalgia with this video! i remember unironically using crutch to free people from the bind debuff that the 3rd boss of rabanastre applies with those blue circles... really came in handy to save them from the proximity aoe, good times :'D
@hmai1982 5 күн бұрын
Also missed BLM’s old manawall, it was OPAF before, especially when back in the days mana not limited to 10k on every job, used to use it to tank dive attack on coil runs
@Lordwhizzkid 9 күн бұрын
I was thinking my take might be a little plain, but I haven't seen anyone really talking about it yet? I absolutely hate both the Fey Gauge abilities & Aether drain on Scholar. What do you mean I either get to do negligible damage or press a button that Sage gets every 30s for free? And what do you mean that if I want to heal a target a fraction more than normal I have to spend my useless damage buttons to do that, or get a heal that is objectively worse than the one I need to press to use this? I desperately want changes to Scholar that alters this stuff because it's a big part of the job and it just feels so awful for me personally
@Nimasho2go 9 күн бұрын
I remember playing the day before SB launched. There were tons of Dragoons (myself included) that were just standing in main cities spamming Ring of Thorns then waiting for their TP to refill, cause that was still a thing at the time. I was so mad when the second boss in the first dungeon of EW used the same animation. They stole it from us!
@MeowSkulls 9 күн бұрын
One ability in this game I actually dislike a lot is Dissipation on Scholar. Even though it has a lot of good usage, it feels really clunky to use, and going into dawntrail I feel like it's going to clash even more with Scholar's kit than it already is. When it's active, it removes the ability to use a bulk of your kit, and the most annoying part is you have to move your faerie back to the center of the stage.
@hmai1982 5 күн бұрын
WHM used to have stone skin, which is pretty OP, some of the old enemy mobs still have that skill but players doesn’t anymore.
@mthebubble6565 10 күн бұрын
What I want to be removed is not an ability, it’s the sound effect that cure 1 makes. When I do mentor roulette and get a whm that spams it, I’d much rather listen to someone running their nails down a chalkboard.
@ode-blu 10 күн бұрын
I wish we had psysick removed from sch after a level, or had it updated to Adlo.
@Veddea 9 күн бұрын
Machinist's Grenado Shot also buffed your DMG for a certain amount of time. I think 30sec.
@Northreyar7314 9 күн бұрын
Lifesurge Dissipation The entirety of the Shadowbringers DRK rework. Just all of it.
@closotezuka 10 күн бұрын
grenade shot… my beloved…
@ZianaSue 9 күн бұрын
I'm a scholar main and I hate that I have to recharge my aether flow (I don't remember what the recharge action is called). I don't understand why it can't be automatically charged while dealing damage in combat like the white mage lilies. Additionally, I have two pet actions (place pet and call pet back) that I'd like combined into 1 button to reduce button bloat. I'd like them combined to where you press it once to place the pet in a desired location and press the same button again to call the pet back to your side. I don't know what most of my skills are called, I just remember the button pictures and keybinds I put them with.
@halosaft 10 күн бұрын
Hmm, not, removed from the game, but I would love to see Cure/Benefic I just be upgraded to Cure/Benefic II instead of them being seperate buttons. It would help with button bloat too. I guess I would also want AST's Gravity to be removed or at least reworked to not need a target. Maybe like Holy, except it'll have a faster cast and no stun. Because AST is incredibly busy as is with having to target party members to hand out cards. So I always get annoyed when coming from other healers having to also target enemies just to be able to use my aoe that is so simple and feels so good to use on all the others. AST would probably be my favourite healer if the aoe was fixed. It's my favorite when it comes to aesthetics, the look of the weapon (using HW relic) and all the starry spell animations are so cool. But then I play it and it feels aweful to play in dungeons during wall to wall pulls because of how the aoe works. Just more added clicking on the healer that already has more added clicking.
@TrilainaBloodwind 9 күн бұрын
I still miss Shadowfang for Ninja. It drives me crazy how some of the animations and purpose of the named abilities just don't match with the mechanic at all. EX: Aereol Edge - wind based animation, wind based name, just does damage. Where as Armor Crush - hard-hitting stabby animation = extends your Huton (wind) gage. And Shadowfang - your over the top flourish attack move = a DoT.
@Squallcloud95 10 күн бұрын
I remember most of those. Except how dumb Holmgang was for so long, Mana shift and Crutch. Brought back some memories!
@psyonicpanda 8 күн бұрын
I honestly don't want a way to spread my dots as brd. It's fun to manually apply them
@RogueMage 10 күн бұрын
Wait, the DRG skill not called Blood for Blood anymore?
@rhiflux 9 күн бұрын
they need to bring back the ring of thorns animation for the poledancing
@AlexBearincess 9 күн бұрын
SHADOWFLARE ❤️ OMG ARR Scholar was *wild* 😂 I miss vanilla Lustrate restoring a flat 25% max HP to the target.
@exaltprince4199 8 күн бұрын
i miss dark passage on drk and stella on ast, not especially noteworthy in effect but i loved their animations. actually break was a reworking of stella into a role action instead of an ast spell
@ruta1133 9 күн бұрын
Whatever happens, it's important that Synastry remains pure and untouched, no matter how many reworks AST goes through. Thankfully, it seems the devs are aware of this irrefutable fact. No matter how much bloat AST has, there's always room for Synastry.
@chickennugget6684 9 күн бұрын
Synastry my beloved
@SuperHexer123 10 күн бұрын
Oh my god I completely forgot about manashift. Rdm was my main back in StB so I was always helping my healer friends with it. Also if I were to remove something, flamethrower on mch.....just get rid of it. I hated it back in StB, and I still hate it and find it useless now. Or at least change it into a better bioblaster with a longer cooldown, and separate it from bioblaster/drill's cooldown.
@Peashooter521 10 күн бұрын
Personally, I want Double Down removed, yeah its cool, but it makes the rotation way more strict and makes death and downtime way more punishing.
@censuur12 9 күн бұрын
Summoner is in for a fun time too, dying usually reset your progress toward Phoenix, but now its even more punishing.
@DeerMilky 9 күн бұрын
Physick on SCH/SMN
@eugenides04 9 күн бұрын
I still remember dying to the Prey markers in a12s, using B4B on Monk. Better days, those were.~
@shadow_psych7069 10 күн бұрын
What would I remove? Well, I'm a PLD main and let's just say there's a certain ability that doesn't exist on my hotbars but I really wish it either was useful enough to get a slot or was replaced with something else entirely so o could have something actually useful. As of right now, PLD is the only class with a full ability that just doesn't EVER get used.
@Corrderio 9 күн бұрын
Get rid of anything I want? In that case goodbye, Shield Bash!
@steweygrrr 9 күн бұрын
Ifrit dash! The amount of times I've died because of muscle memory making me dash into aoes... I actually like the skill itself but the way you're incentivised to burn through your charges on the other summons then, when you get to Ifrit, interrupt the flow of the job so you don't kill yourself (or worse, others) makes for some feels bad moments. It really does reward fight knowledge though so allows for some higher level play if you plan ahead and adjust your summon order around those mechanics.
@groom_of_the_stool1 8 күн бұрын
I got a World of Warcraft ad before this video.
@no00ob 7 күн бұрын
Caster revives, so you're not forced to play one with a res for prog.
@AA-ly5pu 9 күн бұрын
Reprise. It was niche when they introduced it in ShB and it's even worse now as they lowered the amount of whire and black mana generated/spent on everything in rdm's toolkit except reprise. The most use I get out of it is in EO when a mob is almost dead and I can't be bothered to cast.
@kamisguide 10 күн бұрын
I can't wait to see DT. It's hype.
@kamisguide 10 күн бұрын
on gunbreaker I HATE sonic break gcd. The class has problems but this button makes me angry when I have to push it.
@majimapyro370 10 күн бұрын
​@@kamisguide Sonic Break and Shadow of death has to be the two most unsatisfying buttons to press out of any job
@ruily276 10 күн бұрын
@@majimapyro370 What button are you allowed to press inside of enshroud other than your enhroud buttons? Harvest moon and that's right... shadow of death. So I really don't get the hate for it. Would you rather press no buttons if you accidentally go into enshroud too early right before your raid buff window?
@ArceusShaymin 9 күн бұрын
@@ruily276 Honestly? If it meant Death's Design got reworked into a mechanic that flowed with the rest of the job, YEAH. Absolutely I would take that.
@paulchapman8206 2 күн бұрын
they removed dragoons eyes, my baby is so empty.
@DisturbedByCheese 9 күн бұрын
I can’t think of anything I want outright removed, but I would love for caster raise to be limited to once per encounter. Healers can keep the infinite spam because mana remains a limiter, but casters rarely run into that issue. Besides, any run where specifically the caster needs to raise multiple times is cursed anyway, just go again
@RoboGamer1HD 9 күн бұрын
I would love for the animation from Aero 3 to return for Healer Dots. Truly an awesome animation and I would have liked Aero 3 or Aero 4 etc... to be our current dot. We also had Cleric Stance which was an interesting DPS stance for healers. The only thing that sucked was it would hurt our healing potency. So we had to be pretty picky about when to shift over to Cleric Stance otherwise if something goes wrong during the raid then we may not be quick enough to react/heal our party members in time. Edit: Replaced Clemency (ding dong head moment) for when I meant to say Cleric Stance... :P
@jordanbrown3660 9 күн бұрын
I think you mean Cleric Stance. Clemency is PLD's healing spell. Lol
@RoboGamer1HD 9 күн бұрын
@@jordanbrown3660 rip, idk why my brain went to that lol thank you for correcting me. I'll edit that XD
@elecrom_9757 9 күн бұрын
I guess my most missed skill is Aero III for WHM because it felt good to have an AOE DoT.
@FiendDrow 9 күн бұрын
I miss Mana Shift! When I started playing as a Red Mage in Stormblood I would constantly raise healers and Mana Shift them so they could do their jobs since I was a noob. Was it optimal? No. Did it feel good? Yes!
@karuy988 9 күн бұрын
I still have fluid aura on my hotbar!
@slavkei 9 күн бұрын
5:15 "I just can't shake the habit" You'd just talked about Shake it Off, how could you not have said "No matter what I do about this habit, I just can't seem to shake it off"
@K3fka_ 10 күн бұрын
Flamethrower on Machinist is just kind of awkward. Since it's an AoE, its only real use is in dungeons and alliance raid trash pulls, but those enemies frequently throw out their own attacks which would require you to dodge them, ending your Flamethrower. Or of course, the tank has to move to dodge something and ends up pulling the enemies out of your cone. At least let us turn! It also just doesn't really have very much feedback to make you feel like you're doing something. There is a sound effect that plays for the damage ticks, but it's so quiet that I can't hear it at all unless i turn SFX volume all the way up. Oh, and it also ticks once per second instead of once every 3 seconds, but the tooltip doesn't mention this at all, leading people to think it's a dps loss over Scattergun (it isn't).
@Gonglor 9 күн бұрын
The fact that Scathe still exists personally offends me.
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