Such an unsatisfactory ending with Marion being being ensconced in the nunnery. Of course series 4 was to see Marion and Robin reunited, but series 4 was sadly not to be. Thanks for the two Marion compilations, Judy Trott was indeed like a May morning.
@GeekLegionofDoom6 ай бұрын
I'm not sure thats correct. Im pretty sure Judy Trott didn't want to continue on with season four much like Michael Praed wanted to leave after season 2 . So the intent was that she'd be written out being at the convent but with the option to come back if she wanted , the alternate idea was to have her killed off by Gisburne at the begining of season 4. Im not sure if they would have introduced a different female character in season 4 , but we would never find out due to the financing issues at Goldcrest
@TheGlassman636 ай бұрын
@@GeekLegionofDoom Hi, thanks for your reply, which i read with interest and i take on board your thoughts. I obviously watched ROS back in the 80s and again with my two sons on DVD a few years ago. They both enjoyed it but also said how the ending of S3 felt a little lame with Marion deciding to abandon Robin and become a nun. Yeah i can see that Judy may have wanted away. It was hardly luxury filming conditions on ROS, dressed in unflattering clothing and sometimes during winter months in the damp and cold. But the ending did feel false and im sure a season 4 would have seen Marion come to her senses and break away from Kirklees Abbey to continue her life fighting the good fight with the so called `merry men`. Just as aside to this. I don't know about you, but i thought Jason Connery was a admirable replacement for Michael and played his part well. So many fans ive spoken to have given him a rough ride.
@GeekLegionofDoom6 ай бұрын
@@TheGlassman63 I've met Jason Connery he was a really nice guy, and while i don't think he's as good an actor, i like the way he was introduced as a seperate character rather than a recast. Season 3 did end on a bit of a downer , i find this a problem with TV series as a whole many of them are cancelled and end up having an unsatisfacory ending . My top 3 favorite shows ( of which ROS is one ) all ended with another season planned.
@wardragonprime5 ай бұрын
I heard a fourth season was considered but it never happened.
@GeekLegionofDoom5 ай бұрын
@@wardragonprime That's correct. They planned to but Goldcrest the production company hit financial troubles and it sadly never happened. The creator made some new scripts some 20 years later in hope of a revival , but that never happened either. The best we got was one of the scripts turned into a radio drama
@sanjeewaperera49055 ай бұрын
She is very Beautiful
@warunasandaru1498 Жыл бұрын
@storytellerfan14206 ай бұрын
I feel like Marion was excellent example of a strong woman. Not an over powering badass but realistically strong for a woman raised as a noble then brought into the wilds. While I didn’t like her being a damsel in distress at first, she is only one woman against sorcery and savage brutes, and she has often gotten herself out of trouble with her wits and patience. Take note writers! I am!
@mariuszalbinski77029 ай бұрын
Lady Marion była bardzo świetną wojowniczka potrafiła nie tylko strzelać z łuku Ale również umiała władać mieczami i była bardzo anielska do dobrych ludzi którzy byli biedni i uczciwi
@jhonhussemantolentinotapia8411 Жыл бұрын
Después de años y años vuelvo a ver este resumen de escenas
@adamjaskot2092 ай бұрын
@silverkitty25039 ай бұрын
Aye little flower. :)
@mariuszalbinski77024 ай бұрын
Ja jedyny na świecie widziałem kobietę na niebie i w snach w sherwood and nothigham a Teraz jestem z Joanną Dark justice Robert of locksey i bardzo kocham
@vesta2606Ай бұрын
@APaganPerspective7 ай бұрын
Little Flower
@mariuszalbinski77024 ай бұрын
Reinkarnacja To nie zabawa to są kody czyli pamięć w duszy z bardzo dalekiej przeszłości justice Robert of locksey i piszę tylko prawdę
@vesta2606Ай бұрын
I understand you...💜✨
@warunasandaru1498 Жыл бұрын
@mariuszalbinski770210 ай бұрын
Basiuniu kocham cię mloda damo
@mariuszalbinski77029 ай бұрын
I jest nie prawdą że Lady Marion poszła na końcu do zakonu ponieważ stała się kobietą wyjętą z pod prawa jak była wcześniej zgwałcona i się wydostala z nothigham a dlaczego jej się udało ponieważ oni byli pijani i znała bardzo dobrze ten zamek czyli nothigham i stała się wojowniczka
@mariuszalbinski770210 ай бұрын
Ja widziałem kobietę na niebie justice Robert of locksey
@warunasandaru1498 Жыл бұрын
@mariuszalbinski77029 ай бұрын
Właśnie tutaj jak oglądałem pewnie setny raz wyczułem duchowo po raz pierwszy jak była porwana Lady Marion i zgwałcona i dlatego później wyparła się Boga poprostu przestała wierzyć justice Judy troot mi pomogła i to było w nothigham