Avoid this printer if you don´t want to throw out 1200€ of ink vs the cost of ink in the models using the 750ml ink pouches ... this printer has 220ml non refillable (can be refilled manually..) pouches that cost around 100€ each . .same price as the 750ml ones!!! Which shouldbe enough to indicate that this is a teribly overpriced machine only allowing oyu to print on an A5 size print surface .. could have been A4 there is plenty of room .. but NOPE! .. Also there is no manual control on setting the height of the bed so be ready to walk a lot if you pc is not next to it. Another thing is this printer CLENAS A LOT like A LOT! after every 3 prints it will clean sometimes 2x in a row .. based on my calculaton for every 1 ml printed you will throw out 7ml ... on top of that you have a primer that is mostly useless and will just cost youi another 100 to jsut use on ink cleaning ... The print quality is SUperB but that does not make up for the extreme costs and basically 5000€of ink yearly if you stay with the original ink .. luckily there are alteratives that will save you 1200€ (the equivalent of buying 3x 220ml .. for the price of 750ml ... also turning the printer off can drmaatically reduce wasted ink .. I only turn it on before printing a few jobs and keep it off even a week .. nothing will happen. If you kep it on the ink will be waste on cleaning within a month. Not able to setup the cleaning cycles is a big NO and an indicator that this printers purpose is to drain your money through buying lots of small overpriced (200-300%) ink .. same price as the 750ml for 220ml ... ridiculous! After 6 months of usage I do not recomend this printer as it´s simply wasting a lot of ink. Terrible business plan.. I guess this model will go down in history as a balck sheep of the company .. or they fix these things by offering the ink pouches for 30€ each and reducing the clening cycles to 1 per 10 print jobs or if you print constantly only before you turn it off... So far very bad I would rate the print quality 10/10 but the economy of this model 1/10 the functions like missing 2 stupid buttons to go up and down also reduce the userfriendlyness ... wasted potential.. .stay away!