r/Entitledparents Karen Claims She Owns My Kids!

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@rSlash 2 жыл бұрын
People brought up a lot of really good points about homeschooling that I'd honestly never considered before. I may have to change my opinion about homeschooling.
@DubSack302 2 жыл бұрын
That's why you're the man rSlash
@chickenman297 2 жыл бұрын
I was going to post for you to watch the "Parental Guidance" reality TV show from Australia. There is one parent... single mom who home schools her 6 kids. She pwns the show.
@RedLock12 2 жыл бұрын
Hey rslash I've been homeschooled for years and as long as you comit to it's a really great option I really only have to do school for four hours and that gives me a lot of time to pursue my hobbies and do duel enrollment plus I participate in a lot of extracurricular activities such as BEST robotics which is a great global program and 4H and master clubs all of which have given me a unique perspective of the world now granted I live in the middle of the country where theirs farms everywhere but homeschooling is a great option as longs as the parents aren't trying to control there kids lives
@randibgood 2 жыл бұрын
I've met so many people that were Home schooled and they lacked in so many areas. They were often times very sheltered, were unable to take care of themselves in so many different aspects of their lives, easily taken advantage of, unable to carry on a romantic relationship, very awkward socially. Some were unable to follow directions by a supervisor, couldn't handle money well. I don't think there is enough socialization for them to gather the emotional "tools" to not get taken advantage of in many situations. No "street smarts" can get people hurt in myriad ways. Some parents are truly not capable, intellectually speaking, to teach their children up through a high school level. I tend to think like you did at the end of this video. It is more rare for a homeschooled individual to be well prepared for the world, than to be ready to set the world on fire, in my interactions with them.
@hellcat9422 2 жыл бұрын
It takes a real strong character to admit when you’re wrong. Good on ya! IMO homeschooling should be supported by the public system, which would fix alot of issues. You’d have standardized test to make sure the parents are actually trying, homeschool kids would be able to take part in clubs, there would be monetary support to make it feasible, and there’d be a grade record through a school to actually give to colleges and such.
@catward9417 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled for 3 years cause of gang problems in my city and just so you know, there are so many kids homeschooled that they have groups that have classes together and social interactions. I was on swim team and took Biology class with 15 other students, taught by a professor. I also still had annual testing to make sure I was even with my age group. California has so many homeschoolers that they even have their own prom. So yeahhh, homeschooling can be done in a bunch of different ways. I have definitely seen the other side of it done too…
@williamking8684 2 жыл бұрын
Despite what people want to believe honeschool is a far better education than a government funded school.
@gwanael34 2 жыл бұрын
At that point you could just call it a private school. Cause that's what you guys did. You went beyond homeschooling and just Founded your own new school.
@xanderthecharmander8365 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled for half a year because I was horribly bullied. I would say there very good reasons to homeschool, but it has to be done right.
@carolgibson-wilson4354 2 жыл бұрын
My #2 g'kid is in cyber school and has been in it since mid-first grade due to bullying that became pjysical and teacher reaction was "oh that's too bad." #3 is autistic with SPD so will also be cyber schooled. I imagine in 5 years so will #4. #1 was cyber schooled in 5th and again for senior year. I wish we'd stuck to cyber school from 5th on because #1 has PTSD from an incident at 3, and again at 8 then at Jr. High thru HS witnessed a lot of fights. It is the ultra religious far right that is problematic for homeschooling because the parents do not recognize science and don't teach critical thinking.
@hellcat9422 2 жыл бұрын
@@carolgibson-wilson4354 to be fair, there are also ultra religious far left that don’t teach science either, since biology doesn’t fit the narrative & since flat earth morons exist on both sides of the political compass.
@AAAAAAA-dm5nk 2 жыл бұрын
"my mom made me apoligize to my siblings for attempting to commit" This hit so hard as s suicide survivor, I've been told several times i should've thought about others consequence but to be honest it's really not about anyone else. Its about how fucked up your life is that you tried to give up. Just not ok
@calvinatorx1541 2 жыл бұрын
I tried disemboweling myself twice so yeah
@fastertrackcreative 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you're doing better now. That is, you're in a better place.
@bnshortmovies7210 2 жыл бұрын
Yea like op. I tried to drown myself. But then I thought no
@st4rpt_603 2 жыл бұрын
Hope you're in a better place with your life now.
@NoImNotTellingYou45678 2 жыл бұрын
Actually this reminds me of a history fact I learned I was researching famous historical people and I researched Joseph Stalin’s 1st born son: Yakov and learned he was depressed as a child and was only loved my his maternal family , step mom and half siblings and he once attempted to shoot himself in the chest but missed and got heavily injured but survived while his stepmom and sister were helping him, Stalin was informed and all he had to say was “he can’t even shoot straight “ I was in tears after I read that he was a good person he was just born into the wrong family
@catsarelife8175 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid my dad pulled me out of elementary school, I think I was half way through second or third grade but I don't entirely remember. At first it was amazing, I had more freedoms, I could eat a snack when doing my work. But after two years of this I got really lonely. My neighborhood consisted of mostly older couples, which was fine! I loved chatting with them because they were honestly very enjoyable people. But my dad would get mad at me and tell me to go back inside and finish my work. I tried several times to get him to put me back into public school but each time he got infuriated and mean about it all. It started with the excuses of "you wont have any freedom" and "teachers will treat you badly" but then it started to escalate. He started telling me that I was an outcast and that no one wanted to be friends with me. I began to get very depressed from all of this, up until this time in the story I had been living with my dad for a week then with my mom for a week. This cycle would then repeat for years. One day when my mom was bringing me to my dads house for a week, I felt sick to my stomach and honestly couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't acting the same and instead of asking if I was ok, my dad got mad at me and eventually shut off the wifi and drove off, leaving me at home with a severe panic attack. I tried to text my mom but nothing worked. Eventually I got my call to go through and begged for her to pick me up. She was about half an hour away and I started to get a feeling of being trapped. I ended up taking a knife from the kitchen and almost doing something I to this day regret severely. When my dad got home he looked at me and grabbed the knife saying "what is this a suicide threat?!" luckily my mom got there soon after. Ever since that incident I have been living with my mother full time. I am now 15 and living my best life with little to no contact with my father. I was homeschooled by him from the third grade up until the seventh grade. I am now a sophomore in high school.. This encounter has damaged my communication skills tremendously and I still have trouble talking to others. Thanks for reading my story!
@gabrote42 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks to you for sharing it. Good luck with your HS
@ammolitetheanimator7764 2 жыл бұрын
Kinda sounds like something my Dad would have done, He called people who committed suicide cowards
@SinisterScoundrel6562 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like your father has zero compassion and is gluten for punishment once he meets God face to face. Yeah I can see why you'd hate him forever.
@barbarastrayhorn4667 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like your dad had some real problems. Sorry you had to go through that.
@Esiaa 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad your mother is a good parent and that you got out of your fathers grasp relatively quick.
@someoneelse4710 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschooling can very easily turn into an abusive situation. It's one of those things that really, really needs to be done right. My sister is interested in home schooling her future kids but that will be done alongside plenty of extracurricular activities for socialization and varied learning.
@Roukle 2 жыл бұрын
Same thing for public school, except that no one cares when public school kids are bullied and abused. Just another casualty of the system, oh well.
@hadlierose 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled and it was great for me. You're definitely right, parents need to understand how to do it properly.
@ammolitetheanimator7764 2 жыл бұрын
@@hadlierose I will be honest...I am one of the abused homeschoolers, I am 19 now and after moving with my Mom I am in highschool and I am getting what I am learning there more than I do when I was getting yelled at for not getting things right away.
@hadlierose 2 жыл бұрын
@@ammolitetheanimator7764 oh my gosh, I am SO sorry that you went through that. I totally understand that there are a lot of bad experiences and I would never try to invalidate that. I just hate that everyone assumes that homeschooling is always bad despite the fact that it is good for a lot of people too.
@ammolitetheanimator7764 2 жыл бұрын
@@hadlierose Well it's balanced out, I know there are those with wonderful experiences, and there are those with bad experiences. I am glad there are those with parents who care for their kid's education instead of giving up and keeping them isolated. I just had a bad experience with it
@candacestamper6769 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao. "I'll give you a whole $10/ hour for child care." That's adorable.
@rosesinamber 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled, but after elementary my parents offered us the choice of going to public school each year. They also enrolled us in many extracurriculars, in community activities, and a homeschool coop. I think what RSlash was talking about was unschooling, or straight up neglect- not true homeschooling. (BTW we learned from other homeschool moms in the coop, most of them had college degrees in what they taught.)
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
Thats the right way but who controls homeschooled children ? Is there actually some official test if they are properly teached ?
@toysruskid5074 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrn234 That varies by state. Some of them require testing and accreditation of curriculum. Some require submitting test scores and attendance sheets and grades.. Others require a single form filled out online or in person. A notice of intent to homeschool. And there are people actively sabotaging it by making "approved accredited curriculums" that lack factual basis and have horrible misrepresentations of reality and history even to the point of trying to justify s1avery. A.C.E., A Beka and Bob Jones were accredited by a religious group in Florida that was run by Besty DeVos' dad. Teaches Creationism. Vilifies Darwin and other science. It also says Democrats are evil and out to destroy religion.
@CrystalBull4209 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrn234 in the US, it is state dependent. Texas has like, no rules on what you can do schooling wise, its whatever the parents want. NC, you have to take an End of Grade test every year to prove there's actual education and you have to register a "school" name. Again, it varies state to state.
@toysruskid5074 2 жыл бұрын
There was video pulled from KZbin a few years back on how great it is to homeschool and had interviews with a large religious homeschool group at a get together. At some point during it they stopped at a woman with girls from about 7 to preteen. And asked them how their education was going. "Great ". So they asked them some history - didn't know - asked some super basic math - didn't know - mom said their focus was on reading and the Bible right then. So asked them for their favorite part of the Bible.... didn't know.
@WishGender 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrn234 my homeschooling was done under the supervision of a Christian private school
@Alcalde946 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled up until college. Me and my sibling had great parents, and a stay at home mom to look after us. We had lots of meet ups with other homeschooler kids, museum visits, art and music classes, choices about what to lean based on our own interests. We also had many chances to meet with families that did homeschooling very differently than our own, including ones who had very niche religious beliefs, which I also valued as it helped me become more understanding of people who have different beliefs than myself. I came out of it believing I was well rounded and prepared for the world. I was not. Homeschooling can absolutely be handled well with a LOT of effort and sacrifices, but there are so many real world experiences that have to be experienced. if and when I have kids, I will not be homeschooling them, thank you very much.
@McBehrer 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard people say that it's pretty effective to homeschool up through elementary school, but then cycle them into public schools to get that essential social interaction, and learn the stuff that may be too complex to teach effectively from home. I wouldn't know personally, as I was public schooled from the start, but I've heard that's a good compromise
@khallo151 2 жыл бұрын
This is a pretty balanced observation I think. I’d say that I felt about the same when I came out of public high school. I thought I was ready and well-rounded and all set. College was amazing and eye-opening and also… hard. I’d say that no one feels prepared after exiting school and comes face to face with life (in usually a painful and/or costly way). I’d also postulate that those who do feel ready come from a place of money, comfort and pretty extensive support systems.
@joshduthie3401 2 жыл бұрын
@@McBehrer Actually most subjects can be taught by motivated parents, so long as you have the right curriculum. Things like chemistry though, are really best done in a formal classroom. As for social interaction someone in NZ actually did some research (and we're talking formal university-level study, masters I think) on the socialization of homeschool kids and discovered that parents were aware of the problem and as such were going above and beyond to the point where their kids were actually far better socialized than kids in school.
@snobbleoak6185 2 жыл бұрын
@@McBehrer sometimes the interaction and socialization isn't the best thing in public school. Parents can have more control over what happens when they are the ones socializing their kids. Schools while oftentimes say that they will deal with a bully or kids who pick on others but more often than not they don't do anything. I was in public school for most of my school years but the bullying was never dealt with so I left and became homeschooled halfway through 8th grade. Not having to deal with those kids anymore made me less depressed and my grades rose. But also because of those kids, I have issues with people. I don't make friends very well. A lot of kids have gone through the same thing as well. there are pros and cons to both Public school and homeschool.
@McBehrer 2 жыл бұрын
@@snobbleoak6185 I agree, but also, sometimes the parents don't have their children's best interests in mind, or are completely incompetent (like in the video), so it isn't always correct to default to their decisions, just because they are the parents
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 2 жыл бұрын
First story: "Dad, mom, why grandma hasn't come to see us anymore?" "Grandma is sick from her head and went to the hospital, she'll be there until she's fine and because is contagious we can't visit her." OP and her husband need a restraining order and fast.
@BrittKGM 2 жыл бұрын
There’s definitely something up with that grandmother.
@Esiaa 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I'm afraid that grandma may even kidnap her grandchildren, given the chance.
@practicepositiveprogress5396 2 жыл бұрын
I homeschooled for my high school years and it was honestly the best thing my mom could have ever done for me. I hear your concerns, and it's a complicated issue and shitty homeschooling is a huge problem, but also not all homeschooling is at home. Homeschooling did open me up to a lot more ideas and types of people. I lived in a fairly upper middle class area but homeschooling introduced me to people way above and way below my family's income and that was really eye opening for me. Good homeschooling parents, which understandably you don't read about because that isn't really your subject matter, are totally out there. They see their kids floundering in the public education system and work to do right by their kids. I know SO MANY PEOPLE who are successful BECAUSE of homeschooling, and I understand it has so many issues and is open to allow abuse like this clip, but it is the PARENTS who are the problem.
@npc479 2 жыл бұрын
i think teachers should homeschool their kids or parents who have a lot of experience i nthe teaching field
@Louis_2568 2 жыл бұрын
@@npc479 buy if they’re teacher do they have time to homeschool?
@hadlierose 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I was homeschooled and I thrived.
@lizziefirkey6385 2 жыл бұрын
I think the problem is more that homeschooling needs more oversight. So many parents use the lack of oversight to just use their children as labor (childcare or home business). If children were checked in more often (maybe 2-3 times a "semester"), then they could say if there were issues. Or, if they felt unable to, the fact they're so far behind where they should be would be a good indicator.
@practicepositiveprogress5396 2 жыл бұрын
@@lizziefirkey6385 while I agree in theory, I don't think a check in several times a year is a reasonable solution. As it stands, many places that do check in, check in only with the parent. The parent can basically say whatever they want. Depending on the location/local school system and other things, some proof may be required. My mom basically wrote up a "report card" for me each year to give to the school. She could have made it all up, there was no check in with me. But also, ok so what if they tested me? Well I would have failed calculus and trigonometry. I homeschooled for my highschool years, and part of why my mom agreed to let me homeschool was because we agreed the public school system is a mess. Whatever check ins and guides they are following, I DONT WANT THEM. A lot of people homeschool because public schools don't work for them. This is one of the problems with "testing the kid" to make sure they are learning an appropriate amount or whatever. Some kids are pulled out of school because they may be way behind in reading but way good at math, and public schools don't let such a wide split of skill level exist. They just demand "this kid must get better at reading, even if we have to jam it down their throat with a steel rod". And man does that fucking suck. There are so many good examples of homeschooling, they just don't get posted about on Reddit in the same places so we only hear about the bad ones. TLDR: in theory, your idea makes sense, but in practice it makes homeschooling so much harder for all the good parents actually trying to do right by their kids and educate their kids effectively in a way that public schools fail to do for so many, but fail some a little extra hard.
@mama2pokemon 2 жыл бұрын
Home school became necessary for us when the school administration so severely bullied our special needs kids that we had no other choice but to remove them. Public school gave them PTSD. I called the district to ask what the curriculum was, got books from the library, and did a much better job of teaching them than any teacher they ever had.
@Persholm1 2 жыл бұрын
Wait, your school removed the bullies or your special needs kids?
@SidereusOfTheFallen 2 жыл бұрын
@@Persholm1 The school abused and bullies the disabled and special needs kids, sadly a thing that happens a lot.
@khallo151 2 жыл бұрын
This is an example of homeschooling done right - you realized that your knowledge base wasn’t enough to provide a full education for your kid and you took measures to fill those gaps. If there was a requirement or license or certification needed before homeschooling, I’d be all for it, 100%.
@SidereusOfTheFallen 2 жыл бұрын
@@khallo151 Took the words out of my mouth.
@superturtlevr1617 2 жыл бұрын
My son's school did the same thing to him and he was only in preschool and kindergarten. When I tried to talk to the principal he told me to "shut up and if I didn't my children will lose their bus riding privileges". I could not believe they were treating my son that way and only him. We've lived in the same area for almost 30 years so my two sisters and I went to that school. My nephew went to that school. My two daughters went to that school but the new administration either didn't like me or didn't like my son. So fxck them. He's homeschooling now.
@silverflight01 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5: To me, if someone attempted (not going to say it), and the parent's response is not to get the someone help and instead make the issue worse, ditching the hurtful parent is the automatic solution once old enough.
@Whitenova 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree 👍
@silverblaze46 2 жыл бұрын
I agree as well. I think from what I gather is that the mother probably wants to institute that if somebody does something like that in the family then they need to be shunned since they have the old school thinking of you’re doing something selfish you need to be punished or else if you do it again there’s going to be even harsher consequences. I know it really doesn’t make sense but in some household they want the kids to basically be robots and if you even do something they disagree with, then hellfire is for you and also anyone that encourages you literally says how you’re doing a good job or don’t listen to them or any other type of encouragement because some parents believe that they are God if you will. Still I hope that at least the OP in the last story does not have to ever deal with them again I know if they don’t have contact with them the parents don’t know where they live just to say you need to come back and do such and such things because we don’t want you when it’s your responsibility.
@luvely1062 2 жыл бұрын
I almost put my sister 2 times, I could not imaging treating her like that
@alyssavanderklift9296 2 жыл бұрын
@@silverblaze46 sadly my stepmother was kinda like that and rather than get help from professionals when i was seriously depressed and actively considering ways of ending myself, she also tried to scold me for it (was wise enough to not make me apologize to her and my dad, didn't have siblings back then, since she knew how freaking rebellious i tended to be) if she had tried to make me apologize i'd have probably just taken a kitchen knife at that point and jabbed it into my chest with the words 'your bs ain't worth this'. she had driven me to the point that i had gotten so unhinged mentally that i was pondering at the time (head's up, i was really messed up in my head back then) whether it would be more worth it to end her first before ending myself. it makes you wonder what goes through some parents' head with how they approach raising children, my past in and of itself makes me never want to have children out of fear of unintentionally doing to them what had been done to me. my biological mother mentally abused me, my father never had any backbone and thus didn't have the guts to stand up to my stepmother once she went batsh*t crazy on me like that.
@arduousPopsicle 2 жыл бұрын
You can just say SH for self harm
@kieran89uk 2 жыл бұрын
Funny thing is that me and my sisters learned more when I was "homeschooled" than we did at school. Like, if we were home sick from school, my mom taught all of at our own levels and made it fun. In school holidays, we had educational days out to places like museums and art galleries and aquariums. So yes. Homeschooling can be good if the parents aren't religious nutjobs.
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
And overall caring and know what they do. But thats live you have to bite through things you dont like. Some people learn it the "easy" way other when the harsh reality hits them.
@khallo151 2 жыл бұрын
I think this doesn’t count as homeschooling because she was filling in gaps around what your teacher was already teaching. Homeschooling encompasses the basics and then the enrichment/fun things on top of that.
@DD-d6d3 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschooling is great, if you don't want your kids to be smarter than you are.
@genseven4616 2 жыл бұрын
when I was in grade school I would get in trouble for various things (Cries for help that were never answered) and the school started putting me into inschool suspension. They'd put me in a storage closet with a little desk and chair and give me all my days work to do. I'd have it done in a matter of minutes and would be moving around looking through the many books stored in the closet with me. I remember a teacher walking in (not my teacher) and catching me in the floor reading and yelling at me telling me I'm being punished and should be doing my school work. She didn't believe me when I told her I was finished already so she took my work to her classroom where she graded it. She brought it back and didn't say a word about it but told me I had to write sentences from a book she grabbed and left......I didn't lol
@BonnieHalfElven 2 жыл бұрын
I think of your experience as "supplemental schooling," and that is a very good thing.
@SKROGY 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe that mom in the "suicide story." She made someone apologize for an action so serious. That mom seems like the type of person to still try to force someone to apologize, even after that person is already dead
@orgoik 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschooled all my life. I received a top notch education and graduated within the top 10% of my university. We were part of a wonderful community of people who homeschooled their kids. That said, it's not for everybody.
@Ayaforshort 2 жыл бұрын
School isn't just about education and book knowledge. It's about socializing and learning about how people are different. You learn about how other families differ from your own and that is more important. You can learn information anytime if you have the aptitude and IQ
@hadlierose 2 жыл бұрын
@TheMadagascarqueen 2 жыл бұрын
Tried to click read more but I clicked the thumbs down by mistake (mobile touch). Sorry 😅
@jimboa20 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ayaforshort Homeschooling doesn't mean you're sheltered and not exposed to other families dude. My sister's kids are homeschooled, and they are CONSTANTLY socializing with other kids, doing sports, learning and spending time with other kids, etc. It seems like the common view of homeschooling is when parents basically put their kids under house arrest, never let them out, tightly control everything they see, do, learn, etc and it couldn't be further from the truth. Just because you don't go to a public school doesn't mean you're sheltered or brainwashed. Like, at all.
@Artemis_-yy1nt Жыл бұрын
But because you can't ensure that it goes as great as it did with you, home schooling should be illegal in the US too, shouldn't it?
@BobBlumenfeld 2 жыл бұрын
That first segment, where MIL considers her grandchildren to be "hers," is a direct echo of several stories on here about mothers (including one who didn't believe the judge) who consider all their grown children's property to be theirs, as if the children were still under age. That's restraining-order sick.
@Starfloofle 2 жыл бұрын
I have no idea how people can be so fucking delusional as to think children are ever something you can "own" in the first place anyway, that's a cultural norm that needs weeded out of society. I thought we stopped that 'you can own people' thing when we abolished slavery. :/
@barbarapearson5896 2 жыл бұрын
Bob Blumenfeld, are you referring to the crazy aunt story? That chick was all kinds of crazy!
@BobBlumenfeld 2 жыл бұрын
@@barbarapearson5896 I was referring to the one where the mother (I think) insisted she could ground her adult, interdependently living daughter by literally taking her car and car keys, but I've seen two or three others where Mommy dearest claims that all her child's (can't remember any Daddy dearests or more than one child) belongings are hers.
@barbarapearson5896 2 жыл бұрын
@@BobBlumenfeld yeah that's the crazy aunt story I'm thinking of. She had another story where she went to a restaurant with her family...it was entertaining. And now that I remember she had a third story too!
@Kimmyfuzzygogglepage 2 жыл бұрын
Dont know if its the same “concept” Where the mother’s son is getting married and makes the wedding day “her day” also and tries to wear white to the wedding And or seems “to involved” with her son and gets offended that the son wants to “spend time” with his new wife
@ZombieSazza 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll never understand why random ass adults have power trips over others needing the toilet, like, why? What’s actually wrong with you?! Just let the person pee, FFS
@animeotaku307 2 жыл бұрын
It’s better than the alternative.
@Celediev 2 жыл бұрын
Just reverse UNO them by peeing right there on the floor. And on a more serious note: it is probably the only form of physical punishment they are still able to do without having the cops called on them, so they hold onto that stupid power fantasy of theirs. Also to be honest ... that authoritarian and regressive behaviour towards children and young adults is one of the largest contributors to them leaving church and never returning, even those who do not become atheists will have less and less interest in church that way.
@RiveroftheWither 2 жыл бұрын
In first grade I ended up wetting myself in front of the class precisely because of that bs. We had a bathroom in the class, but she refused to let me use it.
@ZombieSazza 2 жыл бұрын
@@Celediev piss on the floor to assert dominance, maintain eye contact and (if possible) T-Pose whilst doing it. The ultimate assertion of dominance. I do also hate how it’s a way of abusing kids without cops being called, it’s super messed up
@dickysatria7268 2 жыл бұрын
@@ZombieSazza why on the floor ?? Should just shower the pee on them while maintaining eye contact huehuehue
@autisticwitch7581 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking as someone with a learning disability, that broken system is exact reason why homeschooling is absolutely necessary. I would have suffocated in the public school system. My sister is currently suffocating in it. My sister and I went to an alternative school that had you go there two times a week and be home school the rest of the week and that also offered 100% online education. That's what worked for my sister, but now she has to go to public school because our mom died. Now she can barely keep up with the amount of work that she's assigned.
@BeeWhistler 2 жыл бұрын
Much like my family's experience. Public school is deeply flawed.
@soniaserval8655 2 жыл бұрын
I suffocated. As someone who is traumatized from the school system I'm sad rSlash thinks it's bad
@delayanimation423 2 жыл бұрын
That's so sad! I'm so sorry for the both of you.
@jayburgett8671 2 жыл бұрын
Same man
@camrynforman6612 2 жыл бұрын
my school low key tried to kick me out but in a way it wouldn’t get them in trouble my mom wanted me to she thought i would be happier i hated the school but the few friends even not friends (looking back) i looked forward to because it made me push my self then stuff happened and now my health is a lot worse than what it was so i don’t do much didn’t do much then but the few memories i love. but i was really down in the semester i was in online school
@annabaker6762 2 жыл бұрын
as someone who was homeschooled all my life, never stepped foot inside a public/private school (and is now in college and doing well): you shouldn't be against homeschooling as a whole. be against people who do it wrong. there is a big difference between people who just want to shelter their kids and control them, and people who want to be assured that their kid IS getting a good education when the school system is so crap.
@idahooo3253 2 жыл бұрын
yes. the difference is that the people who do it right usually have a degree. now assuming your parents are average people: one of them has a degree in a science. as a person chances are you won t like all subjects. do you can be great at : chemistry biology and math but you don t like and you are not great at : english and history. you will never do a as good job as a person who has a degree in history for exemple.
@samuelp1227 Жыл бұрын
​@@idahooo3253All school teachers have a degree half of them are terrible. I'd rather have a person with a high school education using a good homeschool curriculum than a public school teacher with a degree.
@booboobaire3602 2 жыл бұрын
A neighbor's child was home-schooled for her high school years. Child was able to make the decision about education. Plus, there was always something to do with the other home-schoolers in the area: social activity, science projects, learning new skills like crocheting or painting. Everything was thought of to give the children that interaction with others! Before I knew that, I did not think home-schooling was the way to go either!
@katiepugh8575 2 жыл бұрын
"only if you're okay with me bleeding on the chair!" I don't know whether to laugh or cry XD
@nightrayneraven1323 2 жыл бұрын
Why not both
@shaneyzamora2525 2 жыл бұрын
My family would just find somewhere else to pray if I was treated like that.
@funkytoasts4768 2 жыл бұрын
At least he knew what a period was
@jacquelynsmith2351 2 жыл бұрын
I said something similar when a manager told me I could not change into my gym shorts at work. She then said "uh, go ahead, and if anyone gives you shit, send them my way."
@Nyax50Lopez 2 жыл бұрын
It'll be funnier if it was white painted chairs XDD
@annalenaimre6368 2 жыл бұрын
Bad homeschooling is bad. Personally, I was homeschooled. Graduated in the US and my own country, I speak three languages, have tons of friends (since homeschooling is not just sitting at home), I play the flute in an orchestra, I am great at Art, love literature, have a high knowledge of history and so on. Our country has such a shitty school-system and I was heavily depressed in school... And bored.
@magdalenehagey4079 2 жыл бұрын
Here here! The whole idea that the public school system is the superior model is deeply flawed. And what parents want their kids to stay at home with them 100% of the time anyway, lol? Only weirdos, and they'd be doing messed up things to their kids regardless of whether or not they were being homeschooled.
@thunderflare59 2 жыл бұрын
Most homeschooling is done by parents with great teaching skills. This produces good results. The bad ones are outliers.
@paraax 2 жыл бұрын
Bad homeschooling is bad, but bad public schooling is bad too. My kids had individual needs which the public schools were simply not meeting. There were standards we needed to meet when we homeschooled, and decent parents do not isolate their children. Regardless of your opinions, talking away the safety valve that is home schooling is a very bad idea. It keeps people trapped in a public school in some cases which simply doesn't care about their wellbeing.
@toysruskid5074 2 жыл бұрын
Most bad public schooling has to do with parents that treat it as daycare and completely disrespect it and then expect it to magically raise their kids for them. But homeschool is not MOSTLY good. There's definitely a wide range with so many different reasonings and methods and levels of effort. It is a lot of work and many of the parents who jump into it are not prepared for that. A Beka, Bob Jones and A.C.E. need to be pulled from the market, burned, and banned from use as curriculum. Horrible books are dismissive of any accurate history, try to justify the kk,k and brush off the civil war and holocaust, and vilify science.....
@thunderflare59 2 жыл бұрын
@@toysruskid5074 so the public schools punishing girls that fight back against sexual assault is the fault of the parents? Sure, Jan.
@IsabelLee617 2 жыл бұрын
I understand what you are saying about homeschooling, but as someone who has physical disabilities, homeschooling was the best option for me. My mom was a special Ed teacher for like 10 years and there are a ton of homeschool groups that we were a part of which gave me plenty of social opportunities! I am now a straight A student in college and I know I would not have gotten here without being homeschooled! I am not trying to discredit the awful experiences some people have with homeschooling, I just thought I would share a positive one 😊
@theamazingace6134 2 жыл бұрын
That's awesome. I think there are definitely good instances, like you mom and I'm glad you were able to have a good relationship and experience!
@augustaseptemberova5664 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I really -thing- think there's "two sides of the coin" in both cases, public and home schooling I mean. Just like there's people who suffered at public school (bullying, abusive teachers etc.) there's people who thrive at public school. And just like there's people who are stuck in homeschooling on account of their parents trying to _prevent_ them from getting a complete education (think: anti-vaxxers, religious cultists etc.), there's people who thrive in homeschool. When it comes to education, there isn't a "one size fits all" option - that's at least how I see it.
@ghostnebula8805 2 жыл бұрын
Your mom was an actual teacher, of course it worked for you.
@hooulu215 2 жыл бұрын
It's the same for me. I was homeshooled for 11 years. I'm a military kid traditional school was never an easy option for me growing up. I feel I'm far better off being homeschooled than going to traditional. I was pretty socially inexpirenced, but 3 years of college have helped fix that
@aina3387 2 жыл бұрын
@@augustaseptemberova5664 Exactly this!
@reddsbootyale 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled K-12 and was involved in a few homeschool groups growing up. My experience with homeschooling has been that most of the time, people use it as a cover for abuse, particularly religious abuse and they don't want to be subject to valid criticism of their parenting by their peers. I found out as a teenager that my mother had altered my vocabulary to fit her preferences instead of what is correct. I also found out after I went to college and my husband was tutoring me on math that I never actually learned algebra. My mom would require us to study the bible daily, and that was the only subject that actually mattered. We were kept off the internet and were never allowed space from her or each other. I agree that sometimes there are circumstances where it's beneficial, but it should be more difficult to get into and not left as unregulated as it is.
@LightningNerd 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled for many years. In that time, I was given a wide variety of curriculum that allowed me to explore various world viewpoints. My mother did a wonderful job regulating and choosing what to do, and it got to a point where I got so good at a routine that I basically just hit the books and aced my tests without my mother even needing to be there other than to grade things. Not to mention I definitely still had social interactions; there were friends in the neighborhood, social functions, and even homeschooler meet-ups where homeschooled kids could meet with other homeschooled kids and parents could meet with parents and swap learning strategies (though, being the introvert I am, I tended to enjoy working by myself. Doesn't mean I was never given the option though). I think the main problem with homeschooling is that it's so stigmatized, especially by media. People hear "homeschooled" and just assume you and your parents are closed-minded, deplorable shut-ins that hate and fear the world (and a LOT of inbred jokes).
@morgandouglas6014 2 жыл бұрын
MIL: “The kids are MINE!” I would have told her “YOU didn’t give birth to them, so they’re not yours!”
@nightrayneraven1323 2 жыл бұрын
And mil would be like: but I birthed their father so technically I birthed them
@CroobieLetter 2 жыл бұрын
Don't argue with stupid
@morgandouglas6014 2 жыл бұрын
@@nightrayneraven1323 I then would’ve been like: “How did it feel when they came out of your womb if you birthed them?” Then I would watch with glee trying not to laugh as she scrambled to justify her argument that she birthed her own grandchildren.
@fanfictiondreamer7836 2 жыл бұрын
It wouldn't surprise me of the MIL turned around and said "But I gave birth to my son, so I have rights to him therefore, I have rights to your children as well!!" The entitlement of some people is just mindbogging and sickening, that I'm at a loss for words at what to say.
@LadyArithia 2 жыл бұрын
This is what I'm most afraid of tbch. I'm about to start my 9th month of my first pregnancy, and I still don't know how exactly to cut my narcissistic mother out of our lives before our daughter is born. I'm afraid that she will go batshit crazy on me and try to pull something if I tell her she can't be around her first granddaughter... My mother has horrible hygiene, smokes MORE than a chimney, and just moved back in with my grandparents (who are also sick of her shit) because she lost her home and refuses to just swallow her pride and apply for jobs at gas stations, grocery stores, or fast food when it literally would save her life in this coming winter... She's convinced she's going to stay a few nights with us at our place (which even our landlady doesn't want her to do) when my baby is born, and I don't know how to shut her down...
@kaygau8817 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes homeschooling is the safest option though.... I have abusive “family” worse than that story and now that I’m safe and in hiding, the last thing I want to do is risk my children being found. (I will not let them do to my children what they have done to me.) We homeschooled for a few years, then hired a tutor to fill in the gaps. Luckily, a small, private academy opened up with smaller and more focused class sizes and after getting accepted and explaining our situation, there’s absolutely no chance of those family members getting in or close to the kids in that school. Homeschooling wasn’t ideal for us, but we did it to keep our children as safe as possible. (Never mind the whole pandemic thing...) Now that they’re happily adjusted to real school though, we can work on saving enough money to move far away so that their safety from my “family” is never a concern again.
@StormEyes1991 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you've been through that but well done for keeping your kids safe.
@kimmorris3620 2 жыл бұрын
But this is an extreme case.
@Sky._.broadband 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimmorris3620 if you actually research what homeschooling is nowadays with protocols and standardized testing and the many social aspects, youll see that Rslash was just misinformed, which is okay!! Not everyone can know everything
@-OneMoreGhost- 2 жыл бұрын
This is like “I saw it first, so it’s mine” gone to a whole other level
@Eeeeeeebbbbbeeeee 2 жыл бұрын
I love when dabney is a great dad and gives insight. My parents homeschooled me and I had a great mom. But my dad gave us all diagnosed PTSD and I still haven’t graduated high school and I turn 20 in less than half of a year
@Eeeeeeebbbbbeeeee 10 ай бұрын
Small update I’m 21 and just got my GED it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Didn’t even have to study. I still hate homeschooling tho.
@SinisterScoundrel6562 2 жыл бұрын
Got homeschooled from sophomore year through the rest of high school. It was like being stuck in prison. By the time I moved out, I ostracized both my parents for like 2 years. That's when they realized they fucked up. We all now get along better. They're more of friends to me than the disciplinarians they used to be.
@SpikyEaredPichu96 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who was homeschooled her whole life and does feel like she ended up pretty lacking in some social aspects, I do understand somewhat where you're coming from, though I think my brother and I (who are both neurodiverse) wouldn't have been much better off going to a real school. My mom did her research and did her best to make sure we had some social outings, though with my dad working weird hours and us only having one car, we could only do so much. Fortunately we had an upswing when my sisters started to hit that social age and they're thriving now. (Hard not to be jealous sometimes lol) I will add though, depending on your state, you are legally required to take tests to make sure you are learning enough; I had to take ones at 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th level that covered a few subjects.
@melodyharpole8272 2 жыл бұрын
Feel happy that you avoided the massive bullying problem in public schools. You can make easily for any lack of social interactions You cannot make up from the scars that public schools put on children.
@leeledyke 2 жыл бұрын
@@melodyharpole8272 Both have issues. Scars from public school, imbalances (and sometimes abuse) from homeschool. One person's issues do not make another's meaningless, though I'm uncertain whether that was your intention in commenting this.
@Ayaforshort 2 жыл бұрын
@@melodyharpole8272 sorry for the essay.. you don't have to read it all.. But for anyone interested: School isn't all bullying every day all the time. You make friends. You join clubs. There are sports. You get more access to diversity of thought. It is just much easier to become a more well rounded person when you go to school. Especially if you live in a diverse neighborhood. I was very blessed. I went to school with kids in the air force. My hometown demographics matched the US. ethic diversity distribution percentages. I was exposed to conservatives and liberals. Rock and hip hop. Druggies and Mormons. I made friends with teachers, tried journalism, entrepreneurship, Spanish, French, arts, Yearbook, student government. I had a bully who called me fat, a bully who noticed that I scared easy and used to follow me around, popular girls who were really sweet and popular girls who hated me. Cute guys who were good friends, really cute guys who were absolute jerks. I learned so much about myself and about people and what interests me all in a safer environment. And my mom is emotionally abusive. I even got in a car accident on the way to school and begged the doctor to let me go. I looooved school.
@SilkaLiveDoll 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with hearing about people who've been homeschooled is that we only hear the stories where it was awful. We don't hear fun, wonderful stories about people coming up as well-adjusted adults who had only good things happen while they were being kept home and taught what they need to know, so our perspective on the subject gets a little skewed. Add in that the pandemic muddied THOSE waters somethin' fierce, and, well...
@joimumu 2 жыл бұрын
That almost all reddit story because the story’s that nothing bad happens are super boring
@dontcare6863 2 жыл бұрын
but wouldnt making mistakes help you grow as a human? honestly for me it seems like a nightmare to be forced to stay at home ALL DAY (I'm really extroverted) but also what about a social life? like making frend groups you see almost every day? and having best friends you cant talk to and just leaving the house in general and having your own indoenedence
@CM-uq8ro 2 жыл бұрын
@@dontcare6863 most homeschooled kids get out more than public schooled kids because it only takes 1-5 hrs a day depending on age and the kid. They aren't stuck in an institution all day.
@dontcare6863 2 жыл бұрын
@@CM-uq8ro alright, and go out with who? their mom? dog?
@CM-uq8ro 2 жыл бұрын
@@dontcare6863 uh...homeschooled kids play sports, take art and music classes, go play at the park, it's super common for homeschooled kids to start taking some classes at the local Community College as young as 12, many states mandate that homeschooled kids can participate in school extra curriculars, and there are thousands of homeschool co-ops which are groups of homeschoolers that get together for park days, field trips, and classes. Homeschool parents are also much more likely to be "free-range" type parents and be perfectly comfortable letting their children do things on their own. They have tons of friends unless their parents are the monster type and their goal is to isolate them which btw happens to public school kids too as I can attest.
@ArcticFFox 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say homeschooling is good for situations where the kid's health is in danger. Be it physical or mental. I can tell you that many kids would rather prefer learning algebra with their parents or a private teacher instead of in an environment with other teenagers some of who can absolutely bully and belittle to no end. And from my personal experience, some teachers/school staff can also very easily make life hell for a kid. So yes, public schooling should be the first choice. But we shouldn't diss on homeschooling as a whole just because some really uneducated parents use it to indoctrinate their kids. To some it can be the escape from a toxic environment during very vulnerable years of their life.
@ArcticFFox 2 жыл бұрын
I also have to add that, at least where I live, Kids have to do the same exams as their peers in school, to get their education while homeschooled. The parent can teach whatever they want but the kids still needs the knowledge that they would get from a school to even be able to pass and progress onto higher education opportunities.
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArcticFFox Where are you from ? But overall thats the right way. BUT Kids also have to learn its not going always after their will what means they have to learn stuff they dont want to at this specific time. have to think about that free learner movement where Kids just learn when they want to and what they want to and ive seen in documentaries about that with kids that talk with 10 like a 5 year old and basically have super underdeveloped writing and reading skills.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 жыл бұрын
Just like everything in life, it can be done properly and be wonderful, or done horribly and be terrible.
@leileyaravencroft 2 жыл бұрын
12:55 - (trigger warning) This… this hit really close to home. I started attempting su***** when I was 12. I was massively depressed from my home situation and had made more than one attempt. When I was about 15, I made arbitrary marks on my wrists and my mom found them. She humiliated me in front of my friend, called me all kinds of names, said I was trying to get attention (no idiot, I was trying to end my life!), etc. My mom them made me apologize for the attempts. How she could have missed that and other OBVIOUS red flags that there was something wrong and I needed therapy (despite her husband being against it) I will never know. Actually, I take that back, I do know why. My mom always viewed her children as both a burden and a way to use us for free labor (also she told me more than once she had me so that she could have someone who worshipped and loved her unconditionally). Man, sometimes I’m amazed I only have a few mental problems and haven’t become a criminal.
@Arc3752 2 жыл бұрын
That babysitting story hit me hard! That woman was just as desperate as entitled. There are so many scam sites that promise access to childcare workers and then ghost you and just keep charging your account!
@isabelclass1015 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is homeschooled, we get enough social interaction (particularly in high school) we do have to pass benchmark tests. In my state it’s really just the SAT. Besides that, it’s allowed me to work and manage my time better. For me, it’s essentially a a more realistic structure for the real world and it’s better for me to learn that now than later. Plus, the public school near me (thanks VA) is not great. It’s really dangerous. Edit on the SAT bit: You have to pass some form of standardized test applicable to your grade level (PSAT, ACT, SAT, CLT, etc.) and provide proof to the state/ submit grades and curriculum.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 2 жыл бұрын
Depends on the school district and state regulations. Some places don't require benchmarks or anything. Glad yours was a good one
@harrogeorge7878 2 жыл бұрын
@@SoManyRandomRamblings agreed, I know Australia is good with this part and keeps a close eye on home-schooling, I personally prefer it over normal school since I've done both and every school I've gone to has had every negative stereotype I could imagine except for rape based ones. The education system is broken for home schooling in some places and conventional schooling in other places, or worst case scenario both.
@patrickmarsh2538 2 жыл бұрын
I met home school kids who only know their siblings as their best friend because they aren't around other people...
@BeeWhistler 2 жыл бұрын
@@patrickmarsh2538 I think the point is that it doesn't do to generalize. I wholeheartedly endorse keeping it regulated. But on the flip side, if they'd fix the public schools, a lot of kids wouldn't be homeschooled at all and the crackpots really would make up the majority of homeschool families.
@patrickmarsh2538 2 жыл бұрын
@@BeeWhistler you can't fix a system run by people out of control
@jehold2010ify 2 жыл бұрын
There are different reasons for homeschooling than the ones that you mentioned. Often military families homeschool so their kids can have a cohesive education. Another reason some families homeschool is with gifted children. Asynchronous development makes it difficult to educate them with peers. In these cases it's not about isolating a the child from the outside world. There is definitely a need for homeschooling but stricter regulations would be good for all.
@joshduthie3401 2 жыл бұрын
We were homeschooled in NZ, and were exposed to a lot of what was going on in the states (we're talking early 90s). There were a *lot* of legal fights over what level of oversight the state could have. I'm not 100% certain, but I think what happened is a legal association was started, funded by all the families across the country, and with their pooled resources (and thanks to the government, these people ended up very motivated) they were able to stop a lot of those abusive regulatory attempts. I've heard a few stories about how any old thing gets called homeschooling, and I doubt that's actually the case. It may also be that the various states decided to remove all oversight to create these situations and make the movement look bad. Certainly here in NZ, parents have claimed they're "homeschooling" to cover the fact their kid is just running around not going to school. Suffice to say, if the regulators had been reasonable, oversight might have been there to make sure kids got a good education. But that wasn't what happened.
@clarissaconner5018 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschooled kid chiming in: I agree. My parents homeschooled me through 4th grade, then off to public school in 5th. They had good intentions, and I remember having great times and actually learning some things homeschooling that the school system failed me (taxes, tipping, etc.) HOWEVER, my entire family was like this and everyone knew we were freaks. We acted differently, we didn’t know the same stuff as the kids around us, and worst of all we were on a delayed vaccination schedule, so everyone who knew anything about vaccines avoided us like the plague. I’m not saying my parents were bad people! They just didn’t do their research and it really hurt their kids. They’re much better now and fully supported vaccines and public schooling, just with maybe an extra at home class or two.
@dungeonmasterblaster5600 2 жыл бұрын
I feel this. I was homeschooled and it was awful. Terribly lonely and mostly just served as a platform to shovel religious dogma down my young, impressionable mind.
@nithia0999 2 жыл бұрын
Same here. They're great parents! Most of the time... But from the age of about ten until shortly after turning eighteen, I never talked with anyone in my age group. All little kids and old adults. Suffice to say, I'm rather socially reclusive and seriously struggle with understanding "normal friend" behavior. Oh, and all of my education outside of math was terrible and full of backwards religious dogma. Like, really? I'm learning about how to fill gender roles in relationships in 2019?
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
@@dungeonmasterblaster5600 I say Homeschooling ? Ok BUT you have to take Tests at your local School and you need to take part in activities with other Kids or Teens your age. Iam from Germany and here homeschooling is not allowed you actually have to send your kid to school by law. Only thing the Parents can decide is if they send their kids to a Kindergarden and you can really see how Kids that never got properly socialized in Kindergarden are in School.
@dungeonmasterblaster5600 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrn234 nope. Never had to go to a local school for testing. We were mailed standardized tests and we mailed them back to wherever they came from. I don't know how I feel about homeschooling being federally banned, but I definitely resented the hell out of being forced into isolation.
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
@@dungeonmasterblaster5600 Here in Germany its not allowed at all and when you miss too many school days without something like a doctors note (not a problem to get since our health system is super awesome compared to what the US calls a health system) or your parents vouch (but when the parents vouch for you its only working to a certain point after that the people start to ask things) for you they can get fined some hefty amounts of money.
@sienashawver6511 2 жыл бұрын
As a homeschool kid I honestly love it. It’s not the parent who teaches you. It’s simple videos that you watch everyday with quizzes provided by a teacher from your school district. I also have a job so it makes it a lot easier to get my own experience in adult situations. I find that I’m simply to mature for people my age and I easily get annoyed by teens because they are often disrespectful and don’t understand things at the level that I do. I’ve had experience in public schools and I’ve never fit in. You also don’t have to sit through teachers crying about what’s going on in the government.
@milieg3309 2 жыл бұрын
The siblings may seem mean but their reactions are more of a coping mechanism than anything else. The shrugging is the worst, it makes me think they've already made similar attempts of their own
@uhohspaghettios3801 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschooling and unschooling are actually pretty effective when done correctly. You just need to make sure to get your kid into extracurricular activities so they have opportunities to make friends
@phobos258 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen both sides of the homeschooling spectrum. The sport I was in as a kid lent itself to homeschooling due to the scheduling and commitments you had to make. There were some kids that should not have been taught by their parents and there were some kids that had a better education than what we were getting in our public schools. Then my best friend married a homeschool woman, who had become best friends with everybody in the group because of her charm, character, and intelligence. It's completely up to how the parents treat homeschooling, person in this story definitely was being abused by their mother, that has nothing to do with the homeschooling side of it.
@uhohspaghettios3801 2 жыл бұрын
@@phobos258 well said
@92bagder 2 жыл бұрын
My grandfather did unschooling on me inadvertently. As a kid in the 90s naturally I was interesting in dinosaurs and natural history. He would frequently take me to museums, hikes looking for fossils, teaching me about habits, ect...
@songbird-wj4yj 2 жыл бұрын
@@phobos258 It really does depend on the parents doing the homeschooling. My husband was homeschooled by his mom until about 7th grade. His parents made sure to put him in programs where he could socialize with other homeschool kids and public school kids. I think he turned out pretty great!
@PaveMentman 2 жыл бұрын
--- It kind of makes me wonder if there could be some sort of a hybrid-system if not only to give children more general security? Like, say that the parents themselves could/would/should also be at the school with their children even during the classes to enhance the study-processes. I for one was one of those children/students who simply wanted to mainly concentrate on the studies itself at school rather than into the "social-political-hierarchy" and other related things. And considering the ridiculous low teachers/students-ratio, I personally really can't blame the teachers themselves for being unable to provide more safer/secluded studying-environment; dem real-life walking and talking "Bitch in Sheep's Clothing"-tropes were the absolute worst around... ---
@PsySpyGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I've actually looked into the homeschooling regulations and honestly it depends on the state you live in. Some are very lenient and don't care but to some states are rather strict in the regulations to compare to what a public school education would be. There are extreme stories about people pushing their beliefs on their kids to the point of cultism but I don't believe that's as common as people would have you think. Though groups like WBC do exist for a reason.
@PsySpyGaming 2 жыл бұрын
To clarify, I think the most important aspect of public schooling is the social aspect and there's really no way to keep the parents from pushing their ideals on a kid as they spend more time with a child than their teachers. A lot of parents have the 'I'm always right' mentality over their children, even if they're not.
@khallo151 2 жыл бұрын
I’d say that country wide the most common reason for homeschooling is religious indoctrination. And most of those do tend to be fringe, ultra-conservative and exhibit a lot of cult characteristics. Case in point - isn’t there a museum in Texas or something about creationism that has a dinosaur with a cave man? Watching the special about the Duggar’s before their show started is enough to show you how widespread it is.
@simplywonderful449 2 жыл бұрын
Then there are states like Arkansas, who really don't seem to care if the resident kids there get any education or not!
@TKUA11 2 жыл бұрын
Let me ask you this then, did you have a constitutional right to be forced into public education ? Because that’s what RSlash is telling us
@khallo151 2 жыл бұрын
@@TKUA11 sorry, I’m female - the constitution wasn’t written for me. (And if it lists all the things you’re not allowed to do… then it’d be way worse because I guarantee they didn’t foresee cell phones…)
@patricasmith4799 2 жыл бұрын
I'm happy in homeschooling and I go to social things sometimes but l see where rslash is coming from though
@armychickenable 2 жыл бұрын
I think home schooling to often gets confused with social isolation. You can be home schooled and still have an active broad social life, just like you can go to public school and still be abused and isolated by your parents.
@catharinemcdonald8666 2 жыл бұрын
When homeschooling is done right then it a wonderful thing but it can crossover to social isolation very fast.
@yaboihappy_2075 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah like I get the point, but my wife was homeschooled for about 13 years, but she was part of a homeschool group. So literally a multiweekly social interaction.
@Fallenfromgrace1990 2 жыл бұрын
I was put into homeschooling during my early years of high school. I got chronically sick and this illness would cause me to pass out going from a sitting to standing position. After passing out several times during school, my school and parents thought it would be best to put me into a homeschool program. I still got to go to school functions; dances and games, I just was homeschooled.
@youtillagamer7807 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschooling is such ass and ruined my entire life. I have no education past 3rd grade. Homeschooling either needs to be illegal or more monitored
@RavenxAlexander1 2 жыл бұрын
The old lady calling the cops for a supposedly kidnapping of her grandkids cause her son and daughter in law refused to let her see the kids had me laughing. The parents in the story have every right to not allow her to see the kids
@harrogeorge7878 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, I was about to rant about home-schooling but then decided that I would instead simply mention that Australian home-schooling is much more concrete than the gaseous American home-schooling. And also, the idea of doing school for the purpose of socialising is a terrible idea when neurodivergencies are involved. And also also, the school environment from my experience both in and out of school is can be really toxic, nearly worse than that depressing home schooler parent. At this point it's not just home schooling that is broken, literally every schooling system I have encountered is broken, including home schooling and "normal" schooling.
@nashidragneel4980 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah home school in America can be kind of shitty😅
@darkangel_1978 2 жыл бұрын
I plan to home school my kids, because they're cutting way too much out of the curriculum. I have a friend who home schools her kids, and they are very well rounded. It's all in who does it, and how it's done. My daughter interacts with kids at speech and OT therapy, and when she went to daycare pre-pandemic. Even when she goes to the playground, she interacts. It's all in how you do it.
@Takokujin07 2 жыл бұрын
That’s just the problem- so many parents just don’t know how to do it correctly. Thankfully it seems like you get it!
@HouseofNick 2 жыл бұрын
My grandson was abused and bullied at school and got Cs and Ds grades for years before his parents pulled him out to homeschool. The past 4 years he gets As, is advanced 1 grade, has a 10 grade reading level (he's 12) happy and healthy.
@walkingc0rps399 2 жыл бұрын
my aunt homeschools her two kids and i have to say, she is the best teacher i have ever seen. she does so much stuff that help her kids get a head start. on the daily, they are outside doing physical experiments “they live by the beach” and her kids are so bright and so filled with happiness and i can’t wait to see what they become in the future
@ozzypawsborneprinceofbarkness 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's getting easier and easier to outdo the public education system. There are tons of amazing resources as well as gone school pods you can join. Imagine not having to go through the idiotic social nightmare of public school.
@KazeShikamaru 2 жыл бұрын
@@ozzypawsborneprinceofbarkness Nah. I think it is ass and thr people saying this don't know the full experience.
@yeahboy2k386 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 38 now but when I was a kid and the internet and communications over it were much more limiting, the home school kids that magically appeared in high-school from no where were the weirdest kids in school.
@ChameleonGirl888 2 жыл бұрын
My son has dyslexia. He was enrolled in the local elementary school for k and 1st. By the end of 1st grade he couldn’t even identify all his alphabet or numbers, let alone read. We fought for them to get him an IEP for two years but the county, supposedly, just kept coming back with: we need more proof of his learning disability. They also refused to let us hold him back a grade. Finally, at the beginning of 2nd, they got him a crappy IEP that only allowed group help and stated nothing for how HE specifically needed to be helped based on his specific learning disability. In other words, he’d get general help just like the other kids who had different issues than him. Including some just being ADD or ADHD. Over the summer between 1st and 2nd grade we enrolled him in a new sylvan learning center that had just opened up. He, originally, went just once a week for 2 hours and the improvement was massive. We chose homeschooling for 2nd grade, realizing the local school was just not an option for him, and by the end of the year, between the help of sylvan and our homeschooling routine, he was reading! He is in 3rd grade now and is still a struggling reader, but he CAN read. Unfortunately, that school zapped his confidence, so he doesn’t like to read unless we make him but he’s improving massively compared to where he was at in that school. So here’s a different take on things. I’m not here to say homeschooling is amazing, I wouldn’t even be doing it if the local school hadn’t completely failed my son, I’m here to say some schools in this country are terrible! Making homeschooling the only option. Also, as a note, this elementary school I’m talking about is considered an A rated school. A rated because they give all their attention to the kids who are thriving and just push thru the rest.
@NormalCardBoardBoxes 2 жыл бұрын
To those who literally send RSlash emails about homeschooling since they got upset….really? It’s just an opinion….no need to send angry emails about his opinions of Homeschool….
@maieen2665 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. While I don’t agree with his opinion, I wouldn’t blast him for feeling how he feels. Plus, I highly doubt sending angry emails will persuade people to change their opinions. Sometimes you need to agree to disagree.
@ondank 2 жыл бұрын
not to mention, whilst I am sure there are some niche cases where homeschooling is a legitimate choice, there are alot of situations where it is used and really shouldn't be. As with all grey issues, if you defend it whilst failing to engage with legitimate criticism, you come across like an insane fanatic.
@hellefur6631 2 жыл бұрын
Maby he needs some positive e-mails, that encurage him to his opinion? I also are on the fence about homescooling. I'm shure, some parents are doing a great job, but a lot should not be allowed to do it.
@BersealiaDreamheart 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, everyone can have their own opinions on homeschooling, even RSlash. RSlash doesn’t support it and others do. And everyone has their right to their opinions. Me, personally in this matter? I don’t really care as long as the parents are giving their children all the education and social skills their kids are gonna need in their lives. So I’m neutral. Edit: Oh, and as long as parents don’t abuse the system. (That’s one thing RSlash pointed out that I can’t stand.)
@davesaylor7829 2 жыл бұрын
Why send an email when we have a perfectly good comment section to argue in ;)
@ZeyisNox 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly your thoughts on homeschooling are a perfectly valid argument, and there definitely are a lot of flaws. It’s the option I would prefer personally for any children I may have, but there’s a whole load of reasons behind it and I’m going in with the expectation of needing to do a lot to make sure they have social experiences and learn things beyond my own understanding, and there’s a lot of online resources to help with that out there. There certainly should be more checks for kids who are homeschooled to make sure they’re actually getting a good education and not being isolated from the world. To be perfectly honest though, my issues with the public school system in the US are the biggest reason why I’d rather homeschool. If I found a decent school that actually focused on learning over grades I’d be all for it. But that can be hard to find unfortunately. Tldr fair point homeschooling can be bad, but public schooling in the US can also be pretty bad so kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place there
@Starfloofle 2 жыл бұрын
You can't abolish homeschooling as a valid path rather than it being "the exception to the norm" so long as the school systems are so unbelievably fucked up and bloody useless. That's just how it is. Rslash's opinion isn't *wrong* per-se but it stipulates its existence on the schooling system itself not being horrible, which it very, very much is right now. That doesn't mean there's any reason to attack him or that idea of his of course, it means that people should be collaborating to change things and fix the problems that make people believe that x or y is "just bad and we'd be better off without it" in the first place, yknow? But no... the world's too full of people who go "it is how it is" and just leave it be, the state of our modern world is the product of generations upon generations of "the lesser of two evils." :/
@simonspacek3670 2 жыл бұрын
We home-school our 6 years old daughter and I can tell you, it is a huge job. We also take her outside, we travel a lot (well, not as much as we would like to because pandemic, but still, we do as much as we can), we "play with numbers" (in school they call it math, but we are not on the level to call it that. She can do addition, substaction, some multiplication and a bit of division, but we are not on the level to really think enough to call it math. Give us six months), she is finally interested in letters and words so she is slowly learning them. Still I think that there should be more regulation for home-schooling. It is atrocious how less is required. If she will learn to read sentences like "Little wolf is playing with his lunch again", she will pass not the first grade she has to, but the third grade. That is just... not enough (or my wife and I are the best teaching duo in the world, which I doubt). Also many parents want HS just because they would have to wear mask when bringing kids to school or other stupid reasons.
@hel117 2 жыл бұрын
I kind of think the solution to that is to fight for school system reforms to get our schools up to scratch?
@Starfloofle 2 жыл бұрын
@@hel117 Absolutely. No more of this for-profit education bullshit and no more of that "we can't do anything because he's tenured" crap either, holy shit the amount of times I've heard tales of that status being abused...
@akl2k7 2 жыл бұрын
@@hel117 Yeah, this. What they should do is look at how other countries with more successful education systems do it and try to implement that as best they can. Of course, some of those people in charge refuse to do that, for whatever reasons (same with a lot of other problems in government, such as healthcare).
@lunethecracked2214 2 жыл бұрын
I get where you're coming from about the homeschooling, but in some cases homeschooling is best for the safety of the child and others. I had a friend at the time who had to be homeschool because she was severely bullied and it messed her up. She was super depressed and blamed herself for why she was getting bullied and her getting homeschooled was the only option to keep her safe. I am also homeschooled, because the neglect and the pressure of being something more than the weird quiet kid really messed with my head. No matter how hard I tried i could never be anyone and I had to beg my mom to take me out of school because I was having thoughts of killing my classmates. Yes schools are very important in more ways than education, but for me and my friend at the time's case, it can also be super damaging. Sorry for the long rant, I just wanted to put my point in as a kid who had to be homeschooled
@tsubakiofmelancholy6297 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled. I chose to be homeschooled because every school I went to, be it private or public. I was bullied. And not just name called, but physically hurt leaving me with injuries. They used my locker as their personal trash can, they would steal my homework, notebooks, pencils and pencil sharpeners, they sexually harassed me, and made me feel like I was worthless and would be better off dead. So yes, there are times homeschooling is actually better for the child than going to an actual school.
@shriekinggoblin3021 2 жыл бұрын
My mother homeschooled my brother and I for two years when we were still in elementary school and did an incredible job. Once we were back in the public system she'd teach us stuff that was above our grade level for a few years until I reached high school. Because of that we had an incredibly easy time in school as far as knowing the materials went. Mom wanted us to focus on learning other things once we made it to high school rather than put all our effort into core subjects. However she was incredibly adamant that we attended public school because of how important it is. We were fortunate to have her to raise us to have an educational advantage in school, but the social aspects are critical as well. Not to mention that a lot of teachers solidified what we already knew or taught us different ways to do things that are easier. I'd say we're both pretty average now, but we've had a good education.
@callanightshade8079 2 жыл бұрын
So my friends (3 siblings) were homeschooled through elementary to middle school, but still had friends and socialized but got an impressive education from it. Once they got to highschool they were enrolled in public school and there they thrived academically and while they were a little behind socially they caught on fast. They're all thriving now and living their best lives
@OkanaWolf 2 жыл бұрын
I can understand the downsides of homeschooling. However, as part of a family who homeschools. My siblings and I think it’s amazing, and it’s been a huge improvement on their health as well. (Severe asthma, horrible allergies, even a rare allergy). And since we have started homeschooling, their health improved drastically. Plus they enjoy, and as someone who does all online college, (has adhd), I’ve never done so well with school. Not since I was the “gifted” kid in elementary school (thank you adhd and people for teaching young kids they’re gifted when they just struggle with a disorder).
@emilyemily9831 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who was also a gifted kid and has ADHD in the exact opposite way, I just want to put out that I don’t think this would work for everyone. Both my younger brother and I have ADHD, and we are horrible at handling online/at home classes. If I had been home schooled, I’d probably have failed out of middle school because I physically cannot pay attention unless I’m in an environment where everyone around me is also studying. I really struggled through my final semester of college because my classes were all online and I couldn’t motivate myself to do anything until the last minute.
@Dragonborn1178 2 жыл бұрын
First of all let me explain how I feel in my opinion a normal child who is healthy and has no severe issues should not be homeschooled I know that there are people that do homeschool those type of people and I feel like a lot of times in those situations it’s mostly the parents that want to have some kind of control over them and my second point is that usually if you have to homeschool a child you need to get proof from the state that you are actually homeschooling and doing it properly I’m sure that there are ways around it to abuse the system but yeah and my third point is it’s not black-and-white somethings work for other kids and other things work better but I will say one last thing if a child is homeschooled it will severely impact their social behavior in a work society effort and hinder their social skills dramatically because all they have to hang around his brothers and sisters and the occasional friends they don’t know about bullying in the workplace or people that they have to defend themselves against because whether people want to admit it or not bullying happens in the real world as well
@TylerMcComb18 2 жыл бұрын
Just make sure they don’t grow up all unsocial and awkward
@gwynethg6 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who grew up homeschooled and am now working through college, I without any doubt in my mind will homeschool my children. My parents had me and my brothers enrolled in numerous clubs and after school events that I never felt left out or unsocialized. I was able to grow and work at my own pace, experience nature and travel whenever we wanted. I understand some kids don’t need to be homeschooled but overall I’d choose teaching my own children over some strangers doing it
@SillyEwe 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up heavily isolated from people outside of my family until I was around 14. I have to learn some things that I should've as a kid during recent times, which puts me in an unfair disadvantage. Not to mention that I had a dysfunctional family (bullying by siblings, harsh punishments for small things, and divorce to name a few), so there was no way out. I even had thoughts of running away because I felt that I didn't belong. I did go to school only to deal with bullying there and not being able to partake in school activities. Edit: In my case, where I got my education didn't matter. Just like in the story, it's the isolation with no way out that can ruin someone.
@triciacarey2288 2 жыл бұрын
There’s a reason homeschooling and abuse often go hand in hand. Until homeschooling is regulated and strictly monitored then homeschooling shouldn’t be allowed. It leaves kids under educated and often in abusive situations.
@ToastyBrain 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled for a majority of my life. The only social interactions we had were state testing days. I fell behind and was stunted. As a result I'm an adult with lacking social skills and other things. I have no drive to do anything. It's a miracle I landed a job tbh.
@dapperdan3668 2 жыл бұрын
Double edged sword. Can be done right and can be done very wrong. Like a hammer, it can be used to build a house or it can be used to harm another. Really depends on whose hand it is in. It comes down to trusting people doing it correctly.
@NiamhCreates 2 жыл бұрын
*shrugs* I homeschooled my oldest in the first couple years of his schooling. He was in lots of extra curricular activities and there was a massive homeschool community (non-religious) where we lived (he went to a "Homeschool Academy", which was a combination of public school and homeschool). Due to the partial-public-school nature of his schooling, he was regularly around other students his age, made tons of friends, was in many activites, and was tested regularly by the state as the Homeschool Academy was a publicly funded resource. Homeschooling isn't always just the walls of your home. The problem (or one of the problems), however, is that most areas aren't lucky enough to have the resources we had. Our advantage at the time was location. When we moved to an area that had better public schools, we lost the homeschool community, so my son and younger children went to public school instead. My son ended up skipping a grade and transitioned well into full public school (he was in 3rd grade when he went to full public). He's now a straight-A student in high school.
@seabass819 2 жыл бұрын
At the end of the first story during rslashs joke, the sad part is, this isn't uncommon with kids in cps custody. Sometimes kids are sent to live with grandparents because mom and dad aren't fit parents (for whatever reason I'm not here to judge) and that parents will kidnap their child.
@connorh6718 2 жыл бұрын
I think that's why rslash had the phone operator ask who had custody of the child. Cause you're right, many grandparents do have custody of their grandkids.
@the_lavy_bean4 2 жыл бұрын
As a homeschooler, it's a 50/50. Personally for me, being homeschooled is better as I get REALLY anxious in social situations. But I've also met/heard of other homeschooled kids that were...w e i r d. Like my old neighbors, WHO SEES A LATE NIGHT AS LATE AT 8!? Makes no sense to me. I go to all kinds of social events and my parents let me study whatever I want. Currently studying for the ACT (a test that you take in the US) and I plan to graduate High School early. Home schooling is NOT for all kids, especially if they have bad homes and school is a safe place for them, and being around their friends probably helps a TON! My small words of advice are home schooling isn't for everyone and no kid should be pressured to being homeschooled. Thank you for coming to me TedTalk.
@Draygarth 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just imagining you seeing the large man walking to his seat, and "I Need a Hero" starts playing.🤣
@MissFinefeather 2 жыл бұрын
Considering school transformed me from an optimistic energetic child to a self-loathing nervous wreck, just hearing you put public school on a pedestal as the perfect and only place to create a well rounded adult makes my skin crawl. Feel like there are plenty of other ways to build up social skills than to send ‘em to school. School only makes well rounded adults when everything works in the kid’s favor.
@greysondiepstra4738 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! The same thing happened to me, and it seems like Rslash is forgetting that so many kids are pushed to self-harm and sûicide because of public school
@C-64 2 жыл бұрын
As soon as I got to college I was amazed at how easier things got, there was no longer the pressure of having to interact with assholes or any sort of interactions that stress you out , everyone is just doing their own thing. I’m definitely home schooling my future kids if things don’t change, or at least enrolling them in college Lv courses early on.
@retta_noona8958 2 жыл бұрын
This is it exactly. I was in public school until second grade, but my kindergarten TA used to force us to let her check “down there” even when me made it clear we didn’t want her near us, my first grade teacher used to make me sit out of lunch and wouldn’t give me breakfast because I was “fat” even though I was really underweight, and finally my second grade teacher almost let me bleed out after another classmate cut my face so I just stood over the sink in the classroom trying to stop the bleeding with my hand while staring to lose consciousness and then made me stay after school to do all my homework because he thought if I went home I’d “try to get out of doing schoolwork again” so I missed out on going to visit my brother and I had to wait like a year to see him again. And that’s just teachers I hated public school and even though I’m no longer in public school I was still voted “the ugliest girl in school” now granted I’ve cheated my way through homeschooling mental health wise I think it was a little better for me
@Shalyn-ln9tu 2 жыл бұрын
Not true at all. I became well rounded because of public school seeing kids from other countries as well as big differences in culture/homelife
@mbasque4049 2 жыл бұрын
@@retta_noona8958 lol this is KZbin not a therapy session ffs
@gerrard1144 2 жыл бұрын
MIL: I NEED TO TAKE THE KIDS!!!! OP: no, the roads aren't safe! MIL: *ANGERY*
@chrissmith6097 2 жыл бұрын
Yet the roads are safe enough for the father to go to work and to invite a friend to come over…
@180Deadman 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrissmith6097 hi, friend from story here. Husband walks to work (about a quarter mile away) and I'm a single adult with good winter tires on my car, if something happens to me it's a lot less important than the kids getting hurt
@daydream3446 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Rslash. I completely get where you're coming from when it comes to homeschooling. I was homeschooled early on during the beginning of highschool after a bad experience during middle school. Not only that I have a terrible anxiety problem that makes it hard for me to be around people, so my mom found it best to start homeschooling. What you should know is that homeschooling isn't always parent teaches kid there's programs that help you out! Some even send you your own computer to use. In person highschool wasn't for me and stressed me out so much. It's fine if you don't personally want to homeschool your child, though do understand there's always a good and bad to each situation
@XxMissLadyBlissxX 2 жыл бұрын
My neighbors growing up were homeschooled and the eldest who was 17 at the time (I was 9), saw a pregnant dog and went “so do the babies come out of it’s butt?” Instantly realized homeschooling can be awful that day
@RekiTheRyvian 2 жыл бұрын
One of the things I heard about the self-importance some people have is "everyone is the main character of their own story, but some people think they are the main character of the universe".
@TroySchoonover 2 жыл бұрын
I’d say the the many, many horror stories of bullying at school you’ve read on Reddit (not to mention the 20’-21’ virtual school year many students suffered through) would be enough to convince parents home schooling was a reasonable option.
@Sparkbomber 2 жыл бұрын
As a victim of bullying, I still disagree with you. Homeschooling leaves horrendous gaps in knowledge, sociability and understanding of the world. NVM extreme religious/racist/etc. views.
@BeeWhistler 2 жыл бұрын
My own bullying at school is enough to convince me. Sometimes I wish I'd homeschool all of my kids instead of just the youngest.
@Sky._.broadband 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sparkbomber thats not true, the only time that happens is when homeschooling is done by parents who don't care or are extremists of some sort whether its religion or other. In most cpuntries there are protocols and standard testing for homeschooled kids making sure they are at the same level as public school kids, its not black and white
@Sky._.broadband 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sparkbomber plus they get plenty of social interaction, if done properly, homeschool kids meet up with other homeschool kids and they take classes together and do activities and are encouraged to join clubs and societys
@mugety5130 2 жыл бұрын
As a homeschooled jw kid I was extremely isolated and lonely. There were other factors but I was extremely depressed and suicidal when I was eventually forced by law to attend college. I just didn't have the social skills or emotional strength to cope with getting thrown into the deep end all alone
@maieen2665 2 жыл бұрын
After reading some of the comments, I think we can all agree that homeschooling/online learning and public/private schooling all have their benefits and drawbacks. It all comes down to personal preference. As someone who didn’t have the best experience at public schools, I’d much rather take classes online if given the choice.
@thomasneal7161 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschooling can be a wonderful experience when done properly. In SC the teaching must have a bachelor's degree. Some parents who homeschool do it in groups with other families who homeschool. As in all things, balance is key. Children need to socialize with other children, be it at church, on sports teams, or other group activities such as dance or gymnastics. The way OP was homeschooled and raised was horrible. Any parent that isolates and abuses his/her children sets them up for failure and lasting trauma, and has no business raising children. I am glad that this young woman is living independently and has found a partner with whom she happy.
@SleepyMoth2007 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t 100% disagree with the homeschooling opinion. When schools shut down, I finished 7th grade with my teachers from in person school because it shut down in the middle of 7th grade. Honestly, I got to be super social with my friends and teachers that year and I loved it. Every day we’d have a check in google meet in the morning, and there would be one thing that we got to do or show the class in that meet. E.g. a few times we got to show our pets. My first one was my cat at my grandmothers house (she’s mine but lives there) and the other time I showed my 4 dogs and a cat at my ex step mothers house. Honestly that year I loved it. My dad and ex step mother kept us homeschooling for my 8th grade and my sisters 7th, and this was from a whole different learning centre. It was a complete flip flop of what I had before. Our teachers never checked in with us and the only way to reach them was to email them and not get a response until the next day. And, this may sound silly, but it affected me as a pretty sociable person. I barely talked to any of my old classmates whom all went back to in person learning. This year, my ex step mother and dad moved us schools and school districts (so now my old school email, which I talked to my friends on, didn’t work anymore) were doing in person learning now for my 9th grade. And, this also probably sounds silly for a 14yo, but I sometimes have separation issues when I don’t see my new friends. Idk why, but I became extremely needy and clingy to them. It doesn’t bother them because they’re similar, but I always have this tiny feeling that being stuck in my house 24/7 and not able to be sociable with many people is a tiny cause of it. So, kind of what I’m saying is that I agree with homeschooling to an extent. As long as your kid is able to be sociable and you’re able to give them a proper education, then I’d say it’s a-okay. But I feel like kids growing up usually need that social activity with people around them, especially around their age.
@EliottAdkins 2 жыл бұрын
Just to share a counterview to Rslash's opinion on homeschooling. As a former teacher, I also believe that, if possible, a traditional school environment is a good experience for children growing up. As a parent of a child with some special needs, I also understand that in some cases, a regular school environment can be less beneficial for the student if they become overwhelmed constantly due to the constant stimuli, feel bullied because a school is over capacity to where students can't get the level of help they need, and in general suffer negative long-term effects based on the capabilities of the student, teachers, and school as a whole. I think that there are probably many kids who are homeschooled that shouldn't be, for one or another reason, but I don't think a typical classroom environment is a one-size-fits-all solution either. If my wife and I could homeschool, we would, both because our daughter doesn't get the help she needs at school due to the staffing situations, and because we know her breakdowns, when they happen, also disrupt and detract from other students, leading to them having a harder time at school as well. Just a counterpoint for thought.
@tabithalynn2637 2 жыл бұрын
I got bullied and had horrible anxiety, homeschooling was the best option for me. I think you can disagree with homeschooling, but to say it shouldn't be allowed is a bit extreme
@MissTapsit 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with this statement. My eldest son, at the time was attending public school, but struggled so much due to his special needs. I tried so many options with him at public schools, and due to under-staffing or just plain neglectful staff, my son didn’t have the best time. I tried sending him to a special academy where they claimed that they specialized with kids with special needs to help them learn social skills, etc. it seemed to work, for awhile, but he said he was getting really uncomfortable with the people there and in the end the tuition kept getting higher and higher and I just couldn’t afford it anymore. Even with working two jobs. I ended up quitting and focused my attention on my son. I set him up at home with an online school program, so it could help him focus on his studies, and I took him out for social activities and nature walks, to get him out and about. Because of this, he flourished, and today has now completed his CNA certification. I’m so proud of him.
@EliottAdkins 2 жыл бұрын
@@MissTapsit its exciting and encouraging that he (and you) were able to navigate that situation to such a positive outcome. Congrats to him on his cert.
@snowythealicorn5784 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled like half my school career by my mom, who was homeschooled herself, so she knew what she was doing. Also I went through the k-12 program they had for homeschooled children
@proborderlandsgamer 2 жыл бұрын
First take you had that I heavily disagree with I think home schooling is an incredible idea from every front. I currently have a history, and political science degree for education. So as somebody who is going to be working in the public education system, on the whole that is more messed up than home schooling. I was bullied through all of high school, told to kill myself daily, and had people give me foods that they knew I was allergic to because they thought it was funny. (I have reactions just being near it, and the school does nothing) . We have girls getting raped in schools, and schools covering it up. This is currently going on in Virginia, and is only now getting attention because they were caught. In my own school there was teachers sexually interacting with students at a middle school level. If wanting to get children away from sexual harassment with schools not doing anything about it does not adovate for home schooling then I don't know what does. This also ignores how politically non neutral schools are to the point to where I have classes teaching me that whites opress everybody by default, and blacks are being opressed systematically even today. So we are teaching white people that they suck no matter how nice they are, and teaching blacks that they will be shoved down no matter what they? Why are we trying to teach the worse in people instead of bringing everybody together?
@BooBear02 2 жыл бұрын
In my city all the homeschooled kids have to get together I believe once a week 1) To make friends who are experiencing a similar situation to them 2) To make sure the parents are teaching them their curriculum 3) to update the parents on what they should be taught, study, tested on, and will be tested on for the next week. I don't for sure know if it's week based or like, every 2 weeks, or maybe even monthly based, but I do know they all meet up and parents have to teach them based on the public school system. Though I see nothing wrong with homeschooling your kid education wise since the school constantly check in with the parents for that, I do think they should just go to school. They're both basically teaching the same thing and you should be able to choose your own type of friends. It teaches you what you want in somebody and what you dislike in people. It also teaches you that you can leave people if they aren't good for you and that there is always someone else out there.
@pixelatedgames8068 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled, I just graduated and am going to college for Radiography. My mom decided it was the best decision at the time because I was bullied mercilessly by students AND teachers, heck even the guidance counselor was mean to me. I got super depressed and would cry every day, so my mom decided she was tired of seeing her child so sad and started to homeschool. It was really the best decision, I got to do school in my pajamas, got to watch TV during lunch, and got to see my mom every moment of every day, which most kids never got. She was an awesome teacher and I would have never gotten this far without her, plus kids get introduced to a lot of bad things in school, drugs are super bad right now for instance, and I never even got close to that. Homeschooling is a really great concept and it definitely worked out for me, but obviously some people can’t do it, either because of work or because of other things.
@loturzelrestaurant 2 жыл бұрын
Entitled People are covered by Creaky Blinder, Hbomberguy and Some More News all the time; same for Telltale-Fireside and Holy-Koolaid BUT I WARN of the Latter 2 cause it can 'get dark'.
@chaosreaver3597 2 жыл бұрын
The flight A-Holes paraphrased. "We're going to have a very pleasant 14 hour flight" Godzillia theme tune starts "Wait, what's that..."
@teleporter777 2 жыл бұрын
White people reading this: UMMM.. this is racist, fat shaming, not beautifying blah blah blah lmao
@raptorcharly8055 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree that homeschooling ~can~ be nasty, but in my experience there is supervision and regulation - I don't know how these parents get away with it. I was homeschooled up to 1st grade and after 9th grade, and I'm currently entering university with an associate's straight from graduating high school because I was able to do so much dual enrollment that I got a diploma and a degree simultaneously. My approach wouldn't have worked for everyone, I was effectively in online school for four years and also in remote college for two years - but there are people who that approach would help, like myself. Personally, I think the answer lies in regulation. My transcript and progress had to be evaluated periodically, I took classes through an accredited school and spoke to teachers so they could be sure I was taking the classes and learning, and those things helped make sure that I was on track. I believe that with those kinds of rules and oversight, virtual schooling/homeschooling could be a really valuable resource for kids who don't do too well in public school.
@Kati_P 2 жыл бұрын
Lol School life was just as miserable as home life. I learned more about how to be a well-rounded, decent human being from all of my books than I ever did from school or my family. I don't have a good solution for this problem, but when your school district is a toxic "Good Ol' Boys" club that cares more about procuring funding to line their own pockets than actually educating children, well suffice it to say that it took decades for me to undo all of the mental and emotional damage my school years did to me. For some, going to school outside the home was a much-needed break from the toxicity of their home-life. For others it was a cesspool of bullying and indifference that made you believe that the rest of life was just going to be one continuous shitshow after another, surrounded by aholes and Narcissists who would only care about who gets your lands and possessions upon your death, rather than caring about your actual demise. The saddest part is that the latter isn't really that far off from reality, in my experience. 🤷‍♀️
@BeeWhistler 2 жыл бұрын
I am both glad and sorry that someone else gets it. I don't want people stuck in a bad homeschool situation, of course, where they're isolated by controlling parents, but I'm sick of hearing how all homeschool parents do it for that reason and how public school is such a good environment. Public school is a hellscape where students are marched in a line and forced to ask permission to pee while being expected to be more responsible than an adult. And when they're bullied, they're told to stand up for themselves and then punished when they do.
@avocadobe 9 ай бұрын
There are so many kids being abused in public school and absolutely failing their grades, that all the outrage over homeschooling and talks of "it should be illegal" make me roll my eyes.
@Arylwren1 2 жыл бұрын
Story1, OP and her husbands need a paper trail because there are some places where grandparents can sue for the right to access to grandkids. These laws were brought in to protect grandparents and kids from being used by horrible parents (give use money or you cant see the grandkids), but too many grandparents with less than good intentions in order to try to control the lives of their adult children.
@bando7567 2 жыл бұрын
I've gotta say, if homeschooling was a thing when I was at school, I would've BEGGED my parents for it. I wouldn't have gotten it, because both of my parents worked. All school ever did in my life was slow down my education and reinforce my sense of worthlessness.
@jonathanjaramillo3942 2 жыл бұрын
There were a few home schooled kids in my high school that took a couple of their classes in public school instead of home schooling. They were really social, there are a bunch of home school community type events, and they may not have all been geniuses but on average they were all educated enough to make us public school kids look like we were screwed out of a proper education by not getting what they got, since we were all over the place with remediate standard, honors and AP. and all the home schooled kids were only there for AP classes
@ronnisatterwhite8272 2 жыл бұрын
The last story: I don't think OPs mom deserves to see her child anymore, cause she's clearing shutting her out, and I don't know, but ops siblings aren't to helpful either.
@souldarkshadow9728 2 жыл бұрын
What's crazy about the first story is if that grandmother didn't react the way she did and waited for a bit she could have taken advantage of being on that "take kids out of school" list. Like let's say for an example, she went to their school two or five days later and she was able to convince the front desk that her son and daughter in law ask over the phone if she can take the kids for whatever excuse she comes up with and when they look on the list and sees she's on there, they will just let her take the kids no questions ask cause she's on the list. But because of the way she acted, she lost that chance Edit: I'm not agreeing with the grandmother and her actions I am just saying how crazy of a chance that event could have happened if she had waited for a chance instead of going crazy like she did
@BelleDreamer7 2 жыл бұрын
RSlash hot take “This woman used homeschooling to abuse her kids therefore all homeschooling is bad.” I am a public school teacher, in my state homeschooled children still have to take certain state exams (something about proving quality of education) anyway, from my experience there are four major variations of homeschooled kids. 1) Amazing - these are families that KNOW what they need to do and want to provide a BETTER quality of education for their kids. Today this is even easier because of the online support programs that families can purchase to help teach their children. These are not digital access to teachers but books, box projects, etc. Honestly, if I won the lottery I would stay at home and homeschool my kids through elementary school at least. 2) Well meaning but not prepared. These are families that WANT to be amazing but are just not GOOD at doing it. These kids are usually at level for elementary school but fall behind starting in middle school. 3) Lazy. These are people who THINK they can do better and put in the bare minimum. I image OPs mother was this type. These are people who do not do what needs to be not because they cannot but because they do not want to. 4) Abusers. These are just the scum of the earth people who want to hurt their children without anyone to witness. They make the whole process look wicked when the majority of homeschooling parents want to BETTER their children’s lives. These are scumbags and should not be considered really educating their kids.
@aarongoodrich6903 2 жыл бұрын
rSlash doesn't know what he's talking about with homeschooling. the public education system fails many kids, so an argument that the public system is inherently better than homeschooling is just off base. He probably isn't aware that many homeschoolers are part of networks and groups of other homeschoolers where they get lots of interaction with other kids. I have several friends who were home schooled as kids and they are just as well adjusted and educated as anyone else I know.
@joshduthie3401 2 жыл бұрын
Agree. I think what we're seeing is a lot of horror stories coming out, and people think this is the rule, when it's actually the exception. In fact, most homeschool kids beat the pants of public school when it comes to academics.
@PatrickMahomes15Chiefs 2 жыл бұрын
I think he just means that in cases when there is neglect, not normal homeschooling
@davesaylor7829 2 жыл бұрын
Based on my experiences with and the current state of public education, I would prefer to homeschool if/when I have children. Just because some people are bad at doing something doesn't mean others shouldn't. And, the more common the practice, the better it will be supported.
@a_single_pale_artist392 2 жыл бұрын
10:45 I almost had a heart attack hearing the bells...oh my Lord I've played too much Majora's mask
@akatsukilockheart2597 2 жыл бұрын
The end is fast approaching, the moon shall destroy the world :3
@NinjaBoy641 2 жыл бұрын
6 hours until the world ends lol
@Vexxestt 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, in a few states it is actually illegal to refuse letting grandparents see their grandchildren. My grandmother used this to sexually abuse my sister until we finally saved up enough to move to Florida
@PhantomFerret 2 жыл бұрын
The story about the girl who tried to drown herself; I feel her pain. I have self body issues myself; I find myself fat, when all I need is some exercise. I have depression, and try to handle it by becoming a KZbinr, which is what is helping me, a bit. But the thought of apologizing for trying to take my own life is beyond sick. I was told before my first round of suicidal depression that someone in my family ended her own life. When my first round of depression hit, I was sleeping in the room the family member either died in or was dying in after taking her life; I was visiting some long-distance family. After I "recovered" from the first round, I felt guilty for surviving suicidal depression. I still bear the guilt of surviving something that is incredibly hard to live through, after multiple depressive episodes over the years. Later, I did research on survivor's guilt for my unpublished book I'm trying to publish. I learned survivor's guilt is a symptom of PTSD! So, by that context, I have PTSD, but my research shows that PTSD is more complex than just some guilt over surviving something that is traumatic. And I deem, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, who sees suicidal depression as traumatic. I mean, you try surviving without hope, or barely seeing a reason to live. That's traumatic! I'm not saying this to pity-earn subs to my channel, Phantom Ferret. But to say, if I were to apologize for trying to end my own life after living with no hope for the future or a happy life, I won't do it. This Karen must never suffered suicidal depression, as it's so painful to live through. No, no, no. I'm not living; I'm surviving, not living. I'm trying to find meaning in my life though trying to get my debut novel published, and being a KZbinr who plays a lot of Friday Night Funkin'.
@octo_mommy7276 2 жыл бұрын
Homeschool student here, you have a point but there is a huge caveat. During part of the time I home schooled I was homeless and needed a way to learn without my parents wasting our very small amounts of money on gas. When I was in public school I butted heads frequently with common core learning and despite being extroverted being able to read learning material arithmetic based and have creative freedom was liberating. Homeschool or partial homeschool (where you come in once or twice a week) is very different but not bad. I don't want to hate on you for your opinion by any means but not everyone can afford going to school and still need an education.
@Me-wk3ix 2 жыл бұрын
I kind of agree about homeshcooling. I think it can be done well, but more often than not ends up being bad situation.
@radhiadeedou8286 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe you only hear about the bad situations that confirm your bias
@thalianox2492 2 жыл бұрын
I've met one guy that was homeschooled, he was so weird and awkward. He would stare at things with the weirdest look on his face and straight up shared his problems at home in the first week of working with him.
@RiveroftheWither 2 жыл бұрын
@Radhia Deedou That doesn't dismiss the fact that the bad still exists. Or in your mind do the kids that end up neglected, abused or completely screwed in their adult life just don't matter because some people actually did it right? Even if most parents properly homeschool their kids, like a 1/10 ratio, that 1 kid out of the other 9 still f-ing matters and deserves better regulations and protections so they can grow into a functional adult.
@seannewton1798 2 жыл бұрын
@@RiveroftheWither The same thing can happen to them in school.
@judycolella5554 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, homeschooling has come a long way since it first became a "thing." I ended up homeschooling my kids because of certain issues with the Middle School they attended. Anyway, the school gave me a very detailed curriculum for every subject, and put me in touch with other parents doing the same. We got text books that I believe were better than what they were getting in public school (the A Becka books) that included a Teacher's Copy. My kids had daily social interaction with others who were part of the group, got their school work done early enough to watch their favorite afternoon tv shows, and then be able to go out and play with the neighborhood kids when regular school got out. The result was after matriculating back into the system for high school, they were much better students, and one graduated with a bunch of honors. The horror stories about homeschooling are real, but usually it involves lazy, abusive, or just plain stupid parents who honestly shouldn't be allowed to educate their kids at home. The one main thing I wish could be done is parents who want to go this route be given an intensive exam to see if they can actually do the job to their kids' best advantage.
@TKUA11 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah he’s got a terrible take. You’re saying the state has more rights to your kids than you do. Plus with someone who’s got Covid derangement syndrome , you would think he would be happy with homeschooling .
@hellcat9422 2 жыл бұрын
Dayum I wish our schools were that good. Around here they actively try to sabotage homeschool kids so that they fail the exams and get dragged back into the public system
@BeeWhistler 2 жыл бұрын
@@hellcat9422 Yeah, we've got a support system in our district so that we use public school curriculum at home and have a teacher we report to. They have some on site classes and social events. It's quite an improvement on this daily forced march through a rigid series of lessons with no escape and your very bodily functions left to the discretion of the teacher.
@toysruskid5074 2 жыл бұрын
A Beka is a warped and horrible curriculum with full cult logic and indoctrination with more praise for Republicans and hatred of democrats than real information on the civil war.
@judycolella5554 2 жыл бұрын
@@toysruskid5074 Uh, cult Algebra? Also, I saw literally nothing like that in the books I used, so maybe they've changed. All I know is that their algebra explanations were the best I'd ever found. Also, the period of history we studied had nothing to do with today's political parties or practices. We were looking at European history. So, yeah. I had no such experience with their text books back in the '80s.
@redfailhawk 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to say regarding the homeschooling thing: the same goes for small private schools. I was socially stunted because I only knew about thirty people my age until I was 12. Going to public school caused me to develop severe anxiety because I didn't know anyone and the stress of so many new social cues at once was too much. I now have multiple anxiety medications and a medical alert service dog (who also aids for my deafness) that I require to even get through life. And I attribute a lot of it to being in a private school during such a crucial social period.
@KoriMasho 2 жыл бұрын
I was homeschooled for a chunk of my education. When we were little, we were not living in an area that was safe to go to the public school. There were shootings and other things that happened there. We were sent to a private school for a little while, but we couldn't really afford it, so we ended up homeschooled again. But we were always in groups with our shul and had loads of social interactions. When we moved and were able to go to the school there, it was great, but I definitely learned more about real life from my mother than I ever did from a teacher at school. I learned stuff that they DON'T teach in school. Things like how to balance a budget, change a tire, change my own oil, do laundry, cook, sew, take care of animals, garden, do my taxes, laws that were very relevant, etc etc. Things people currently complain that they didn't learn in school, I learned. And I ended up graduating from home school because I only needed one credit to graduate, and that was in English. So... we used a college-level English book and went for it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there is so much more to being a functional human being than what is taught in the American education system. I learned how to think critically, which is a skill that most people don't learn until they're going for a Bachelor's in something that isn't a Liberal Arts degree.
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