Here's the reconstruction. The blocks were a bit hard to make out, so let me know if there are mistakes. 36 STM, 4.72 secs, ~7.63 Avg TPS. D' U' F' r D // FB (5/5) R M U2 M' r U R' U2 M' R' U' r // SB (12/17) U' R U2' R' U2 R' F R F' // CMLL (9/26) U M' U' M' U M U2 M U M2' //LSE (10/36) Great first block, second block was messy but executed well, and better than average L10P. Good TPS and lookahead definitely saved this solve.
@kristoforstewart9952 жыл бұрын
That's impressive. I've been cubing for 8 months and my best ever was 17. A few weeks ago, I had a sub-30 average, which is slow, but I keep finding new methods to work on and ways to get more efficient. I looked at CFOP for a few days and realized a few things. I was so much more efficient with Roux, with my move counts always being under 50. Knowing OLL and PLL will help on the few rare occasions where the bottom and middle layers end up completed. It has happened to me a few times. Knowing corner/edge pairing situations from CFOP can sometimes help in the second block. I'm currently working on CMLL for mismatched blocks which I purposely build mismatched blocks to get faster at the cases, such as antisune right bar. Happy cubing.
@flicker67412 жыл бұрын
Bro didn't even get surprised
@cubestur81572 жыл бұрын
very nicely done Monsieur Mansour glad to see you back in the trenches 😲👍😎