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RWBY Volume 7 Chapter 9 Review! So Much For Weiss' Arc, More Like Nothing But Terrible Politics...

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Draco Lord Nick 67

Draco Lord Nick 67

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@greyworld6242 4 жыл бұрын
That rose garden moment felt out of nowhere. Honestly all the problems were wrapped up to damn quickly. The Faunus plot line is totally dead at this point.
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Grey World It was a very forced scene, but when it comes to RWBY nowadays ship baiting is one of the most important things to the writers besides political agenda. Each problem was rushed, Weiss' Arc should've been this entire volume, but rather RT focused on their politics rather than trying to focus on Weiss and her character development. Also now that Jacques is gone Faunus Discrimination doesn't even matter at all, it's nothing but an afterthought to RT and they won't bring it back up. So RT just basically threw out the entire plot of Faunus Discrimination out the window.
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 if it even exist in the first place
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@darthkai3621 If it even functions that is.
@NotaBizarreJoJo 4 жыл бұрын
Neo appeared in this episode? *You have my undivided attention.*
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Not a Bizarre JoJo That's exactly what I thought as well. Neo was one of the only good things about this chapter.
@NotaBizarreJoJo 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 Us Neo stans must stick together. 😂
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Not a Bizarre JoJo Very true, Neo is best girl.
@marqusmedina5983 4 жыл бұрын
Not a Bizarre JoJo facts
@ushiouchiha4771 4 жыл бұрын
This chapter legit had me not look at RWBY content for a while, now where do I start my problems with problems...... First off, Jauque Schnee has got to be the most foldable chair of a “villain” that I’ve ever seen. The moment the cards are stacked against him he turns into a cartoon villain going “I guess the jig is up, time to skidaddle.” He could have been a very complex grey business man who put the business first before anything. His relationship with the rest of the family could’ve been legit been fleshed our over the course 2-3 volumes with how much they had to work with on the characters. Like what was the relationship between willow and Jauque? How did they fall in love? When did their relationship die out? Who were the Faunus that had been assasinating family members in the Schnee manner? How did that affect the family, and in what ways? It BAFFLES me that they didn’t dig even and INCH into any of those questions before arresting Jauque. On a side note for the whole Schnee thing, it seems like Whitely May get some good development depending on what they do with him. The set up is there, now we just need a talk with Weiss and an actual flashback so we can see what happened between them. I also hope that maaaaybe they won’t forget Winter was there as well for a good bit of time. I completely agree on Robyn Hillary Clinton being arrested. She should’ve been in a jail cell the moment she stepped foot on Atlas. But, knowing this show she will be forgiven for treason and theft against the military with no punishment whatsoever 🤷‍♂️. Then we have they riots finally being shown on screen 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽. Big problem tho, they are wasting good furniture and expensive fire dust crystals on a fire in the middle of the city instead preserving resources like any intelligent human being would. Also, your point on the heater was very good. They really should have many different heaters that they buy and have in their own homes. We have those in Florida and we don’t even need them. They’d have a much greater reason for extras in case the system glitches out or shuts down. I absolutely hate that the hero’s got away with lying to Ironwood Scott free. He has literally been the most trust worthy character in the entire volume and they lied to him for no good reason. Then what happens when they decide to tell the truth? “And Oscar, no more surprises ok?” what is with Ironwood being ok with all of their nonsense? He doesn’t even have a big reaction to it or anything, and I hope they didn’t leave out the whole uniting humanity thing either. The entire lying plot line that everyone said would “pay off later” ended up going now where as expected, and I didn’t even want to be correct about it. Ima leave this paragraph for all the shipping in general. I hate any and all shipping that they do in the show at this point. Not just the fans, but the writers also took any fun or enjoyment I could have with romance from this series. Even more so with Ruby and Oscar where they waste screen time that should be on Weiss or the Schnee’s. Now the most important topic of all the paragraphs. ICE CREAM GIRL IS HERE BOIIIZ. I can say I agree 1000000% with her look making me want to do some fun stuff with her. She is half the reason I still watch this show and I’m hoping to both gods that she gets some proper respect done to her character. Sadly, I can’t say I have any hope for Cinder tho. She used be cool, but now I think she is in the same rabbit hole Adam was in. Anyway, I give this chapter a 3/10 almost all of the set up in volume was ruined this chapter. The 3 generously given because Neo is there. This was a great review of the chapter, I’ll tune in next week as per usual. 👋🏾
@hero9267 4 жыл бұрын
"The following video is not made for children" Coppa: *We'll Be The Judge Of That*
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Hero Lol! Pretty much.
@ChristopherCapersJones 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with all of your points, Nick. Plus I'm not surprised by the fake-ass cliffhangers this entire Volume.
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Christopher Capers-Jones That's one of the issues that this volume suffers from is the cliffhangers that get resolved off screen. They should've handled them onscreen rather than off screen, it makes them become unimportant and useless.
@ChristopherCapersJones 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 I agree, also the murders that took place and Jacques being held responsible is eerily similar to how Trump set someone up to be murdered. That is creepy yet accurate.
@blueispaniard6513 4 жыл бұрын
My thoughts: - Everything before Weiss enters the room is irrelevant. Good points are thrown out the window and completely ignored. - Weiss was eavesdropping that conversation in order to walk in at the most dramatic moment. I will not be convinced otherwise. - They put up a video of a supposedly dead person after several claims of faking footage and nobody questions it. Not once. Ffs. - Weiss went straight to the meeting. No hesitation. No consideration. She just did it. She didn't think about him being your father, acting as if it weren't relevant. She didnt think about how exactly it would affect Willow and Wheatly She didn't think about him being the CEO of the most important dust company in the planet, as if it weren't important. I get that she despises him, but he brought some stability to her family and the f***ing world. - Wheatly is getting a redemtion arc but it's gonna be half added and he'll forgive Weiss and Winter for no reason and very quickly. - Jaques really gave up, didn't he. No fight, no argument. Reminds me of Littlefinger'a death in GoT season 7. He should have argued. Realistically speaking, he would have argued. But he didn't. Just once, I want a villain to be against the wall, outmatched and checkmared. But they remain calm and outsmart the main cast. Let the villains be competent. - Ruby you goddamn c***! Now is the best time to tell him? That was literally 8 episodes ago. And all the time you spent, you could have told him. But you didn't. - The 2 minute Rosegarden bs was 1 minute 50 seconds longer than it should have been. - Ironwood has ungodly amounts of patience. He had every justification to lose it finally but didn't. I have some mad respect for him. - Watts got rid of the heating... But not the power. Wouldn't it have made more sense to have him turn off the power to the city. - The Grimm are still a joke. - The only time those robots are useful is when they are evil. - As much as I like Neo, that scene was pointless and should have been cut.
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
I'm loving the list. The only I currently disagree with you are the Grimm. They're not jokes, they're nonexistent. Also, I like Neo but they could've saved her for next episode.
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
Ruby was expecting Ironwood to snap, allowing Cinder to go forward with her plan!
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@darthkai3621 She's been replaced by Seryu! We need Luffy!
@mercenarygundam1487 4 жыл бұрын
SCHNEE BAD MAN CAUSE MUH WOKE AGENDA! Jesus christ RT is like following Disney's footsteps in terms of bad writing and crazed shippers.
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Armored mecha Yep, RT isn't even trying to hide their woke agenda anymore, they would rather just use RWBY as a political platform than tell an excellent story with character development and entertainment.
@mercenarygundam1487 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 Hey Remember when RWBY was about awesome fights? Yeah me neither.
@mercenarygundam1487 4 жыл бұрын
@Julian R Huh, Too many chefs spoil the broth is in full effect here.
@mercenarygundam1487 4 жыл бұрын
@Julian R This implies they actually cared. Which is about as real as Loch Ness
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
@@mercenarygundam1487 can I get $3.50?
@s3studios597 4 жыл бұрын
These last 8 episodes were almost a complete waste of time. The only (potentially) lasting thing is Jacques' arrest, Whitely, and seeing winter maiden. All the BS with robyn, the election, shipping, and not trusting Ironwood could've been cut and nothing of value would've been lost. The shit with Ironwood is especially annoying with how it was "resolved". The Ace Ops could arguably be cut too. Only thing keeping them relevant IS whatshisface's potential heel turn, and that's just him (or whoever they turn). If they don't go through with, or just fuck it up, then that was another waste. Also, them being completely one dimensional side characters means any attempts at an emotional moment with them would be a waste.
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@S3 Studios They really were, the entire Orange Man Bad plot contributes nothing to the characters at all. This volume was meant to be Weiss' character arc, but instead they threw Weiss under the bus to spew their political agenda that nobody at all cares about. Ruby's group also dogging Ironwood was nothing more than a mess and they had no right in doing so, Ironwood is the leader of a country, but nope, Team RWBY is here to screw everything up because they can't trust him despite the fact that Ironwood has given them pretty much everything from new weapons, to new outfits, to their own Hunter's license. This volume easily could've been so much more, but the writers just wanted to push their political agenda instead.
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 They are intentionally trying to tare everything down but the world is apparently too stubborn to die
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
@@darthkai3621 That's actually a pretty inspiring quote about defiance in the wake of bad odds. ...Now if only they weren't the aggressors. XD Jk jk...
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
@@benjaminmcneil574 I'm just full of inspiring quotes. Like "Even if Salem can't die, we'll just have to make her eternal life a living hell"
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
@@darthkai3621 Jokes on you, her eternal life already IS hell!
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
There are only 3 chapters left, hang on Nick your almost there! But to be honest, I like that Weiss stood up to Jacquass like that, personally her putting him under arrest was one of my favorite moments from her, it could've been done better. At least Chapter 10 doesn't have politics now that Jacquass is out of the picture for now. Also, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Luigi vs Full Power Silver Eye Cinder, who wins? Also, Mewtwo vs Cinder, who wins?
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Elizabeth McAden It's a moment that could've been significantly better, I think that Weiss could've had a better moment with her father that ultimately showed us her actual struggles and overcoming them, but they didn't do that at all. Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Luigi wins the fight, it's not even a comparison. Mewtwo would win due to his psychic powers, plus Mega Evolution would easily overpower Cinder.
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 I swear it's nothing but politics up until the next episode. If Jaqucass had stabbed Weiss with her weapon, what would've happened? Also, Super Saiyan Blue Mario vs Fusion Grimm Salem, who wins? Also, does Weiss have separation anxiety?
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
3 chapters left? Woohoo! If Jaqucass stabbed Weiss with her own Myrtenaster, he should at least try sound like that did everything he could to groom her into his heiress, but may also reveal his plans for the SDC's future by . He'll also try to cover it up In all fairness, the real Jacques is still a self-righteous douchebag but he is far from psychopathic. That's what Salem and Cinder are for. It explains his wife's longterm drunken state, Weiss's behavior, Winter's distance from the family, Whitley's sycophantic nature, and the corporation systematically placing Faunus as slaves. Stabbing Weiss should actually be difficult for him because she's still part of his dysfunctional family and murder by his own hands does not appear his forte, so he must do it out of desperation or tricked by Emerald's Illusions Semblence.
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@redstarshooter85 We've almost made it through volume 7! And we're supposed to get Ironwood vs Watts next week. We're finally gonna get to see Watts fight! Mainly because in my series, he gets into a fight with Jerry and loses due to Jerry using the arena and his size to his advantage.
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
@@elizabethmcaden3532 Let's not hope there's a fight. I'm still disappointed with the Battle of Haven and V6's finale. But yes, let's see how they handle Watts :) Also, Jerry wins thanks to Tom being his side, right?
@atlanteanangel9120 4 жыл бұрын
I thought that politics were going to be second in this volume's story and the Schnee family would be first. However, it is the other way around apparently. The real problem I have with the whole politics arc is that the two characters they had play the roles of the candidates obviously were the two candidates for the 2016 election. There were some great opportunities to really show the true history of members of the schnee family. We met Weiss' mother and we saw how Winter really hates her father. It would have been better if Willow, Winter and Weiss were more involved in bringing down Jacques.
@Angi3_6 4 жыл бұрын
Jaques has been alluded to since the White trailer (it was Jaques who set up the fight in the tralier). He went down to soon. Also, what will happen to the SDC? Isn't it a huge monopoly? It'd be nice to see Wiess consider how it'd affect her mom and brother. I wish she talked to Winter before bringing thier father down. The whole thing wasn't satisfying.
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
It's been a while since I seen a Dust crystal. In fact, they all look red, like how Monty originally wanted Dust to exclusively be red colored to match Weiss's white and red color scheme.
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Ian Crider Yeah, it's been a long while since we've seen a Dust crystal. I really did find that to be cool to see a Dust crystal again, and good trivia on knowing the color Monty original was going with for Dust. Dust was also based off of Materia from Final Fantasy 7.
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 So FF7 DID have an influence on the series. Very nice!
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
It soon became a problem when that same Dust Crystal would have different effects, which would be confusing. He was at least thought about his initial plan in that regard and changed it to be more sensible.
@kienluanngo9337 4 жыл бұрын
you forgot to mention another retcon that is Goliath grimm
@neofulcrum5013 4 жыл бұрын
You’d think Whitley would smile or have been relieved to see his father arrested if he is abused like everyone else claims but he just runs away like he’s disappointed.
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Cyber Flame It's very strange, but this is exactly why I say that RWBY needs to show us things and not just tell us. Leaving things up to interpretation only makes people come up with head canon since we have no idea exactly what happened aside from the characters saying a character is bad. It's like Adam, we have no idea of what his past was like, so we don't know what his upbringing was like at all.
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 And we all know headcanons lead to more fighting because 'That's just your headcanon!' People are mean.😫
@Angi3_6 4 жыл бұрын
That doesn't change the fact that Jaques is his father. I know of a few cases of child abuse where the child would still cry and cling for there parents even if their circumstances are better (leaving the toxic home for example). There are so many ways an abuse victim responds to thier situation.
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@benjaminmcneil574 I swear RWBY fans are as crazy if not more than Jojo fans. Dear God. 😫
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
@@elizabethmcaden3532 Most Jojo fan's I've interacted with are always delivering memes, but otherwise amicable. They're actually one of the nicer fandoms I've met with. RWBY, on the other hand...
@HobieBrown777 5 ай бұрын
The two new writers really melded the graphics and chapter into a mediocre image that Weiss was, especially would’ve been interesting to see Jacques Schnee to be a asset to Salem
@NelsonWin 4 жыл бұрын
Weiss the best girl again.. forever and always.. 💙💙❄❄❄ Thanks to Mama Schnee.. May she be safe in the future episodes.. Meanwhile outside the Schnee manor.. "The greatest trick Neo ever pulled was convincing the remnant that she didn't exist."..
@NelsonWin 4 жыл бұрын
@Christoper Putt you saw what happened in vol 5 right? What I mean is "if they kill off mama Schnee."
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
@Christoper Putt no, she'll become psychotic, not caring if Weiss bleeds out. Like a certain gun crazed psychopath with a dog
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@darthkai3621 You really gotta stop using Seryu. Why not use Akainu. His sense of justice is as fucked up as hers.
@moonlightgunvolt8132 4 жыл бұрын
Heres my take on this eps dialogue how I actually fixed it... " what the hell was that ! First now altas now my father now this! What's going on Shinku your not being truthful with us " Weiss said with a suspicious look on her face " Yeah I'm starting to question if your like-" Yang said before he stopped her mid sentence standing out of the ship "Because your children who follow orders only to get into more holes you cant dig " He said turning around " I warned you to stop getting in this but nope I tried I really did but you all are not ready look what's happening? The world I fought for is this !" He said pointing to the rioting fire in the background " I-" Yang said " No I'm done with babysitting nonsense fix your mess this isnt my problem anymore I'm going after Salem and find more allies what you all been doing ?" He said annoyed " Walking and fucking around DO YOU NOT SEE WHATS GOING ON HERE ARE YOU ALL THAT STUPID !" " Hey you need to calm down " Blake said while he twitched his eyes " Oh the coward tells me to calm down ? What you been doing nothingthat's it I been training day after day pushing my body to my limits to protect more people ! Not get new clothes and new weapons that doesnt make you you strong ..." " Guys stop leave him alone hes gone through alot like us so let's work together ok ?" Ruby said approaching him " You relax or I will get angry understand? You made a promise to my mom keep it.."she said That's just in development
@supercrazyfawful8779 4 жыл бұрын
I hear people keep saying woke, i keep wondering what does woke even mean????
@Slayer398 4 жыл бұрын
The literal definition is "alert to injustice in society, especially racism", however in actual use it is people who are seeing "social injustice and racism" *everywhere* and in *everything* in society and people, rather than in an individuals actions and instead use it to use it to prove their own moral self-superiority.
@supercrazyfawful8779 4 жыл бұрын
Oh. Welp, that word is just big ball of negativity.
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
@@supercrazyfawful8779 Hence why people hate those who go that path.
@brandonframe1743 4 жыл бұрын
The people rioting against robots is a trashy version of the scene from"I, Robot"
@lordsinister707 4 жыл бұрын
I dont know why they even bring up the discrimination subplot. I mean they killed Adam( in the most abysmal way possible) who was the antagonist of the whole subplot. I mean it was he the antagonist that would move that plot along. With him gone, they are simply beating a dead horse. I mean hell weren't the writers the ones who said they had to drop it because it was too hard to write. Next I'm still reeling over the fact that throughout the series the SDC never played a major role in effecting any of the places we have been. I mean shouldnt the embargo have made life harder on people? They did it a tad in Mantle but frankly we should have heard about much earlier than volume 7. Not to mention we still dont know how becoming a huntress would have benefitted Weiss in running the company
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
For once, I feel bad for Jacques. CRWBY rushed everything again, but this is just anticlimatic. They should stop doing that because it makes me pity a character who abused Team RWBY's best developed girl, Weiss. If they want to to do it right, they could at least tie Jacques with Ironwood for a more climatic opportunity for both the villains and Weiss's character growth. What was the point for setting him up as a major antagonist for Team RWBY on a personal level if they do not make Weiss deal with it herself? Oh yeah that's right, they can't because of the "budget."
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
Ian Crider That is just super weird. I have this odd mix of sympathy and joy for when he got arrested. In my series, Tom and Silver beat him up with a double dutch.
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
@@elizabethmcaden3532 I mostly speak for Weiss's sake and that I cared about how they would wrap it up. There was buildup for her to succeed her her father, wbhich was the whole reason why she became a huntress. Well, this revelation disappointed me. I really don't want to pity him, but this lazy writing reminds me of Adam except it got political. Also, that is exactly what Tom and Jerry would do. Go for it. Make it as cartoonish as possible.
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@redstarshooter85 Jacquass also has the list of his crimes read to him on a list. Also, here's something: Mario Bros: Here we come Cinder! *Mario and Luigi jump to their Blue forms as the ground and ice around them starts to shake.* Mario: MAMAAAAAAA! MIAAAAAAA! *Luigi starts tensing up.* Silver: What Luigi doing? Luigi: I made a promise to him. And I intend to keep it! *Flashback* Ren: It's just... I promised Nora when we we're kids that I'd keep her safe from danger. And *looks down at an unconscious Nora* I don't know if I could ever forgive myself if something happened to her. Luigi: Listen Lie, I'm gonna do everything in my power to help you keep her safe until Jerry gets the Aura Transfer Machine up and running. That's a promise. *Flashforward* Luigi: I promised Ren I'd help him keep Nora safe while Jerry gets the machine up and running and save her. *Muscles grow* I'll beat you in my own way Cinder! Bet! On! That! *Luigi gets enveloped in a dark blue aura as everyone stands in awe.* Vine: What is this power? It's unlike an aura I've ever felt! Jerry: That's not aura, it's called a transformation. And it appears that Luigi is breaking his own limits. Shadow: As long as they hold off Cinder until Sonic gets here then I'm good. *Luigi emerges from the aura with a dark blue hair and mustache color.* Luigi: This ends now Cinder! Mario! You take Salem, I got this fire bitch! Mario: You got Weegee!
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
@@elizabethmcaden3532 XD Now that's super wacky. It sounds really fun, you should really name this crossover project :D
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@redstarshooter85 It's called GMOD Randomness. A slice of life/action adventure/comical satire series.
@s3studios597 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, the whole "lying to Ironwood" thing isn't even that bad on its own. The problem is that absolutely nothing came out of it. Seriously, aside from pointless drama that goes nowhere, what purpose, good or bad, does lying even accomplish? There aren't any consequences, and there damn sure ain't any benefits. It's even dumber when you remember that the secret is about Salem being immortal and James' plan is just to tell everyone about her existence. Those don't correlate at all. As it actually happens, knowing about Salem's non-ningenness should have no effect on anything, so what tension even is there? What would've been better would've been if ol' Iron sides actually had a plan for fighting Salem. That way, them keeping that secret would mean they're actually doing potential harm and there'd be actual stakes. As it is, it was completely pointless and makes Ruby and co look like assholes and dumbasses for absolutely no reason. Also, Yang's confrontation with Raven still pisses me off a bit. Her main goal through the series was to find Raven and when she does, it's not even acknowledged. She just sasses and uses her as a way to get to Ruby. She doesn't even ask why she left. The crying at the vault was stupid too. Raven offered Yangst a chance to start over, and she blew it off immediately. I get the feeling they were going for a Fresh Prince scenario, but while that scene works on multiple levels even outside the context of the rest of the episode or the actual real life relatability of it, the Yangst and Raven scene just fails and is even dumber in context. Sorry for posting this here a week late, but your comment section is pretty much the only place for me to talk about this stuff.
@skullninja3439 4 жыл бұрын
Were you expecting Jacques to pull an Darth Sidious on them?
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Draco Lord, I'm gonna pull an Elizabeth when I ask you this: Archer (Fate/Stay Night) VS Mega Man X, who would win? I want to know because I asked her who would win, but she was more familiar with the Mega Man franchise than the Fate franchise. Edit: Forgot to state which Archer I spoke of. There's an Sterling Archer from the 2009 series and an Archer in both DC and Marvel Comics.
@moonlightgunvolt8132 4 жыл бұрын
X wins Archer wont even damage his base armor ..
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
@@moonlightgunvolt8132 Oh I'm sorry. Let me edit that for clarity's sake.
@moonlightgunvolt8132 4 жыл бұрын
@@redstarshooter85 still wont be able to get past Xs defenses or base armor lmao
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
@@moonlightgunvolt8132 What makes you think so? I know Archer isn't the strongest Servant, but X is not THAT durable himself unfortunately.
@moonlightgunvolt8132 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe but against EXE ...oh boy archer is fucked Exe speed alone is enough
@colt1903 4 жыл бұрын
The Rosegarden scene was cute, but it's the kinda cute that can still make you cringe.
@brandonframe1743 4 жыл бұрын
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
Intro: Oh man, it's already started...
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
Remember, Team RWBY is her family now😑 Also I am predicting the future. Weiss is gonna be like her father except she's extremely racist against humans, Blake will turn into a worse person than Adam since she didn't have a problem with Weiss being violent and acts like she's always the victim, Yang will be Blake's love slave, and Ruby will turn into Seryu
@theguyof360 4 жыл бұрын
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Darth Kai Lol! The characters are very one dimensional if you think about it. At this point the protagonist are just hollow shells of who they once were.
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 I think I'm gonna try to fix that. But keep things realistic. But not the politics, that's all gone.
@darthkai3621 4 жыл бұрын
@@dracolordnick6779 indeed. I remember that they all had dreams and goals. Those said goals were so easy that it was pointless to go to Becan in the first place. Also I'm still waiting for team RWBY to somehow screw up the world, but it seems that the world bends the knee to them.
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
@@darthkai3621 What were those dreams and goals again?
@theguyof360 4 жыл бұрын
Any problem you got with Jacques getting thrown out of the story is nothing in comparison to the political shit that's finally gone lololol
@brandonframe1743 4 жыл бұрын
The pay off is Neo :3
@colt1903 4 жыл бұрын
As rampant as the the Jacques to Trump allegories have been lately, I must rakse a single objection. At least Donald knows how to wear a proper tie. Meanwhile, ya got the albino shitlord over here who has to wear a fucking clip-on tie! Seriously, it's the same tie he's had since volume 4, and I can't find a single shot that proves it ain't a damn clip-on. I know RT doesn't like Trump, but at least disrespect him with a fully accurate allegory. I mean, come on... not even Hitler deserves that level of disrespect.
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
Is Discord fixed yet?
@dracolordnick6779 4 жыл бұрын
@Ian Crider The discord is good, if you're having an issues joining let me know and I'll get you in as soon as possible.
@skullninja3439 4 жыл бұрын
Robyn is a Victim of Salem’s Evil Schemes Duh.
@supercrazyfawful8779 4 жыл бұрын
Rwby volumes worst to best (MY OPINION) 7. Vol. 5 (too much talking, only about 2-3 fights were good the rest were shit, exposition up the ass to the point where you get a headache, some funny moments, some interesting moments like the team getting back together, the relationship between yang and raven, all qrow's scenes were entertaining except for the fight scenes, and the volume overall could've been 10 billion times better if it wasnt rushed, but then again all the volumes in this show could've been better but hey I'm happy with what we got on all the other volumes..... except for this one.) 6. Vol 1 (I just pissed off a bunch of people, but hey opinions they dont matter to anyone else except themselves cause its an opinion not a fact. Anyway, roman is the best villain in the series, the school was cool, fight scenes were fantastic, the comedy was funny, but my issue with the show is that i just like the other volumes more, the animation is better, the story hooks me in more which this volumes story is the volume where its more like an actual series where all the volumes after feel more and more like a movie than a show and i like that about the other volumes.) 5. Vol 6 ( a step up from volume 5, way better. The fights were great, the cabin in the woods part was my favorite part in the ENTIRE SERIES, i loved the levithan , indomitable is my jam, they finally killed that piece of shit adam, nice to squeeze a shipping for some of the fans. NEO CAME BACK BITCHES!!!, Maria is a joy to watch, Qrow was great as usual, wish the ending with the levaithan was longer with it destorying a bit of the city like a godzilla movie, not a big fan of salem and ozpin's origin, but hey all take it, that dwarf atlas girl cordova i think that was her name was iratated the living hell out of me, met one of jaune's sisters cute, squeezed in a emotional pyrrha moment sweet, Mercury was wimp in this volume, and FLYING MONKEYS!) 4. Vol 3 (why is it placed at 4, CAUSE THEY KILLED 2 OF MY 3 FAVORITE CHARACTERS!!!! Whyd they kill roman and pyrrha huh, i dont care that they killed penny i didnt like her anyway, but why did they kill the best villain and the best hero in the show! They should've killed jaune instead! Anyway, loved the fight scenes, emtional scenes, the lore, the entirety of the fall beacon was EPIC, and they introduced winter and my number one favorite character in the series Qrow!) 3. Vol. 7 (yeah, i know, i know , the volumes not done yet, but as of chapter 10 i love it, the citizens that are just background fodder are great and have some good personalities, Jacque spent all these years tap dancing on hornet nests and finally got stung! I LOVE WILLOW!!! please... QrowxWillow.... i need it in my life, fight scenes are great, love how it feels like spy movie with watts and tyrain. Learn more about tyrain and watts, tyrain is still creepy, watts is a clever S.O.B., Ace Ops are cool, weiss holds her own against winter in training loved that, Ironwood is the best part about this volume, robyn was ok could've been alot better, pissed that cline was fired, the grimm are cool even though theres that plot hole, LOVE the new designs the only thing i dont like is jaunes haircut, but theres nothing i really dont like about this volume so far, except like most people im not a fan of Qrow's new voice, but hey what can ya do, and whats the thing between qrow and clover? makes me want to puke.) 2. Vol. 4 (loved the hoping back and forth of the girls, got to know more about tai, raven, and qrow. Loved the horseman grimm or what ever its called, the story of ren and nora was emotional, Jaune training with Pyrrha's recording was a stab through the heart, Qrow yet again was the best part of this volume, weiss' story felt claustrophobic in my opinion, wish we saw Willow, Ironwood to me was a sign of safety, the introduction of the main villains were great, Cinder was mess which she deserved. Qrow vs Tyrain is one of my favorite fights in the show, Yang's ptsd was interesting and her getting back on her feet was up lifting, only wish we saw more of it, Blake's story was heartwarming to meet her family and have some fun moments with Sun, the chineese dragon Grimm was awsome, man i suck at remembering these creatures names. The ending is filled with hope, but a hint of bittersweetness. 1. Vol. 2 (this was hard, sometimes vol 4 is my fsvorite, but currently its vol 2, the food fight, the school, all the new characters were great. NEO WAS INTRODUCED, the mech fight was awsome, the dance was hilarious, the dog was adorable, professor ooblec was a joy to watch, Blake stress made sense, Pyrrha was great, and Roman was the best part of this volume.) My guess of why i love this show to bits still is the fact that i dont think of this as masterpiece or something thats supposed to be perfect, i think of it as one of the dumb entertaining movie blockbusters or marvel movie. My expectations are just to be entertained, i dont watch this for the Story, but the entertainment.
@rubymack4914 4 жыл бұрын
You know what Draco...? Weiss's arc was well crafted out and written...And Politics had NOTHING To do with it...This was her one chance to prove to more than just her family and friends, that her father is a bad person,And she took it,she didn't hesitate,Therefore, Overcoming any hidden fear of retaliation by her father or her father trying to twist things to his advantage to try to get out of it,And her making the arrest was the right decision,Because it GAVE. HER. CLOSURE! So if you don't like it,Fine,Complain about it,act like Weiss shouldn't get closure,Act like a 5 year old about it...It's YOUR Loss,
@elizabethmcaden3532 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheReapersRemnants Didn't expect you to be here Scythe!
@redstarshooter85 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheReapersRemnants Savage
@ScrappyPom 4 жыл бұрын
I am sorry but I heard this same Bs before. The first being Adam being abused to Blake and stuff. There are other show that does better arc than this.
@GamerHalo982 4 жыл бұрын
From my perspective Weiss didn't even do anything to really deserve her closure. She got flexed on by Jacques during episode 4, she had a "major" moment during episode 5 when Winter told Weiss how much they've grown but it's not specifically stated how she's grown, then in episode 8 she goes to Jacques' study without a plan and luckily runs into her mom so Willow could give her what's essentially a macguffin. Weiss doesn't have a proper arc; she simply does things then it somehow works out in the end. The payoffs in the volume feel cheap and unearned. Most things in the volume feel cheap and unearned I think. It's like the show is relying on the fandom's headcanon to add to the payoff instead of properly writing it into the show. For example, why were there moments in episode 1, 3, and 4 that heavily implied Weiss and Blake were going to have a subplot relating to faunus discrimination to show her growth as a character. Weiss literally throws a racist into the trash, Blake AND Marrow talk to her about her "Schnee Guilt" as I'll call it and Blake even held her hand in solidarity against Jacques. Was that supposed to be enough to demonstrate her change as a character? I mean she was dreading about going back to Atlas throughout Volume 6 and got captured and almost died during volume 5. If anything she was either a victim or a bystander for the last 2 volumes with very little development. Are we as the audience supposed to take her major development from literally 3 volumes ago and extrapolate it over 3 years of content and be satisfied with that??? Now show me this "well crafted and written" character you speak of. Tell me how my favorite character along with every other character wasn't rushed or mishandled for the sake of a bad narrative or a cheap allegory.
@ScrappyPom 4 жыл бұрын
Fucking A.
@marqusmedina5983 4 жыл бұрын
I think the politics were the best part. They got dragged out and exploited *Just like in real life* 😏
@supercrazyfawful8779 4 жыл бұрын
Why is that everything volume 6 and 7 does right in my opinion people bash, i loved episode, the only volume i agree with everyone else is vol 5 being terrible.
@benjaminmcneil574 4 жыл бұрын
All of the bad those volumes do are more noticeable to people than the good.
@supercrazyfawful8779 4 жыл бұрын
Well i prefer to focus on the positives of things, it helps me enjoy more things, but shows like rwby come along and i hear people say the things they hated, but for some reason i liked. Im enjoying weiss this volume, it doesnt feel like filler to me, im enjoying the living hell out of this show right now, the production behind the scenes though i can agree with.
@ScrappyPom 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the positive is what makes RWBY even more irredeemable because the writer and their team have a huge ego and political agenda
@supercrazyfawful8779 4 жыл бұрын
I guess i must be lucky that all of that is going over my head, but then again i dont watch the show for the story, i watch it to be entertained, like a summer movie blockbuster.
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