The Issues With Consistency In RWBY

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Draco Lord Nick 67

Draco Lord Nick 67

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Consistency is always important when it comes to writing, art, and anything in general, and RWBY has had some issues with consistency. I want to take a look at a few inconsistencies and discuss a bit of them as well as look at what could improve the series with it's consistency issue. Let me know what you all think down below! Thank you all for watching, I hope you all enjoy, and I hope you all have yourselves a wonderful day!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this video.
All are used under Fair Use.
RWBY is Owned by Rooster Teeth.

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@jadeskye3673 6 жыл бұрын
"History is important, gentlemen! If you can't learn from it... you're destined to repeat it." - A great man.
@ignaciorodriguez3105 6 жыл бұрын
Cinder kills pre V4 Ozpin with half of Fall Maiden powers, someone who Is supposed to be on Salem's level of power/influence should he have to go to that extent. Later on she gets bested and "killed" by Raven who's been stablished to shit bricks at the mere thought of Salem. That's some DBZ level of powerscaling that bothers me and I'm surprised nobody brings this up, I think.
@dracolordnick6779 6 жыл бұрын
I'd also say plot armor had a take on this too, Vernal changed the end of the fight between Cinder and Raven. So I'd say that's another part to this too. But you have a point the power scaling does feel like DBZ though. Good catch there.
@animedude8712 6 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure Cinder had the full maiden power when she battled Ozpin. That and do we really know what Oz can do?
@ignaciorodriguez3105 6 жыл бұрын
animedude8712 And we don't really know what Salem Is capable of besides of what we've been told and that one jumpscare. So If anything, most opinions and statements (myself included) on them are based on what we've seen so far. They can be as well the ones pulling the strings of their allies and not be as adept in combat as one might think, yet we saw V1-3 Ozpin and now Oscar doing just fine for the most part. So we can't really say what Ozpin and Salem are capable of. Now while Salem can be a force of nature to not be messed with, she might not have the level and type of combat experience as Qrow, Ozpin or Winter to name a few have should she engage someone In direct combat. Something like Kaguya In Naruto Shippuden, while strong as or beyond than Six Paths Madara she wasn't as much of a fighter as Naruto and Sasuke and the reason they had a better time against her than Madara. And apologies If I went off there, I was theorizing of what can be If Volume 6 does better than V 4-5.
@angelindex6936 6 жыл бұрын
Part of Ozpins strength was distributed by Maidens, Birds form, Vaults? and maybe something another. This was mentioned in 5 volume. Reincarnate, he also can loss strenght, because he weaker in fight agains Hazel.
@soarel325 6 жыл бұрын
This would be a major problem if it were actually true, but the thing is that they were complete equals during the whole fight and the only reason she “lost“ is because of a complete asspull from a character who should have been dead and was somehow miraculously not harmed by the falling stalactites.
@cynicalducky1041 6 жыл бұрын
Apparently people in remnant think that summoning dead creatures of destruction and time manipulation *cough*weiss*cough* is NOT AS MAGICAL as someone who can shapeshift into a bird
@soarel325 6 жыл бұрын
IKR, it's so stupid!
@librathebeautifulwarmonk1283 6 жыл бұрын
I remember someone trying to defend the whole magic thing by saying manipulating time and fate is way less magical than becoming a bird
@soarel325 6 жыл бұрын
>manipulating time and fate is way less magical than becoming a bird WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY SMOKING?
@cynicalducky1041 6 жыл бұрын
Libra The beautiful War Monk wut,where is the post or link? I wanna see the stupidity of that situation
@michaelc7418 6 жыл бұрын
Thing is, you say you knew Weiss wasn't gonna die because she is one of the main 4 characters. But Team JNPR is very important and plays a big role as well. We never got to see Pyrrha say or do anything with her family, how she was raised, how her relationship with Jaune would develop in the future, how she would become stronger, or anything like that. We just know she was a prodigy fighter, had a kind heart, basically just started a more serious relationship with Jaune before she was suddenly killed, and was put on a pedestal for being a great fighter. There was still much to be done with Pyrrha's character and it would have made much more sense for Ruby to save her at the last moment.
@Yankeesfan4ever100 6 жыл бұрын
Personally, since you mentioned her having a kind heart, I would've settled for her just leaving with Jaune. Hell, I like to think that, had she stayed, she could've felt traumatized by hurting Jaune, killing Penny, and losing the powers to Cinder (kinda shooting the whole "Invincible girl" title in the foot.) She could've stayed behind in Mistral while Jaune and the gang traveled across the continent; have her come back to Ruby's house and she and Yang can relate in terms of trauma. They can form their own 4-person team with 2 other people. Blake and Weiss can create their own 4-man teams and all the girls can reunite at the end of V5 or during V6 (I personally just feel like their reunion was too soon). Basically, there was A LOT more they could've done with her, and then we see in V4 that everyone's moved on (seriously, screw the time skip) and the world doesn't acknowledge that this celebrity fighter ever existed. Shit, Ren and Nora don't even say her goddamn name! Also, and this is just me, but I hate how she died. It wasn't sudden, she just DECIDED to go fight Cinder when no one asked her to. Hell, Ozpin's last order was to go get help from the other adults. Didn't she want friends and Jaune throughout V1 and V2? She's never been shown to be arrogant or prideful, plus she ran away from the scorpion grimm, so how would "running away" be out of character for her? It's kind of insulting that the show thinks its discussing the theme of "Choice" yet doesn't explore the theme of "Consequence". With her dead, and assuming Ruby didn't have the silver eyes, her friends now have to fight without their star player, meaning they're all in much greater danger than ever as opposed to her fighting alongside them in the V2 intro (teams Rwby, Jnpr, and the soldiers running towards the grimm and the antagonists). Also, according to Shane's letter, Jaune was going to be directly responsible for her death...meaning there would be a moral grey area that still doesn't exist. Good guys never do wrong, and bad guys, save for Ilia (because she's LGBT and Rooster Teeth is super liberal), never do right.
@michaelc7418 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, there really was no reason at all for Pyrrha to go fight Cinder, the school was already overran with grim and all. Her disobeying Ozpin is something I think is against her character, I just don't know why they chose to make her do it, they could have shown other things instead.
@Yankeesfan4ever100 6 жыл бұрын
@@michaelc7418 Well, activating Ruby's eyes is my guess. They just NEEDED a reason for it to happen. Even then, Ruby and Jaune barely change as characters, no one else acknowledges it, and Cinder doesn't change or even begin a character arc. It was one giant plot contrivance and it's so sad that millions of fans, Draco included, who saw that and consider it "the best scene in the show". I'm not even touching the plot holes: why not make Glynda the next maiden? If Pyrrha's a first-year, what about upperclassmen? What about any Beacon alumni? If Ozpin created these powers, how come he can't take them back into his own body? Why am I expecting a logcial explanation from this show?
@mishussy 5 жыл бұрын
JNPR are important but they aren't main characters. So they can die
@ChristopherCapersJones 6 жыл бұрын
I was just bothered and confused by seeing Weiss specifically stand and watch as Qrow and Raven just only clashed swords and stood around talking before moving faster off screen. I strongly agree that the consistency is a huge problem as well. I'm currently curious as to what the next topic of discussion will be and I greatly enjoy these videos. Great job once again.
@ChristopherCapersJones 6 жыл бұрын
So I'm not the only one who noticed Weiss then during the Qrow vs. Raven fight. Who else has stood around doing jack shit again?
@dracolordnick6779 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much, I appreciate the support! There have been several issues with the series and it's consistency with not just the plot, but also the characters and the animation. I want this series to improve and I know it can, but it takes time and effort. I think another issue is RWBY lacks passion, and that's a huge problem, Monty was obviously passionate about his fans as well as the series and his work on it. It just seems that RWBY is being treated as an IP more than it is as a series for the fans as Monty intended.
@MoCa1979Jr 5 жыл бұрын
RWBY's continuity is just a big mess. I just find it odd that Oz didn't pick Ruby to be the new Fall maiden, because a silver-eyed warrior would be more powerful. Unless the two powers are incompatible or something.
@mishussy 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed Plus we'd still have Pyrrah ;-;
@moonlightgunvolt8132 6 жыл бұрын
My problem is that the show is all over the damn place like puzzle pieces scattered everywhere Cinder vs Ozpin was kinda a asspull seeing that Oz is a Million old being with hundreds of experience yet lost to A young full powered fall maiden that's some bullshit right there same with Raven vs cinder Vernal should of stayed dead and Made Raven think of a way to distract Cinder not relie on someone else to do the job but as always M and K won't listen to us They need to fix the show but honestly it's too late for that now the fanbase is getting more toxic due to M and K influences and Bullshit speeches that lead nothing to disappointment over and over AGAIN
@kc. 6 жыл бұрын
Good video. I agree that the RWBY glosses over Yang and Ruby's internal struggles too quickly and doesn't show the potential development that should have resulted from overcoming those challenges.
@JorgeOrtizSauc2 6 жыл бұрын
Would've been better if Cinder threw the spear at Ren. He had already been given the backstory, which itself is already a red flag for him to potentially die.
@mishussy 5 жыл бұрын
It depends on how close he is to Jaune
@Yankeesfan4ever100 6 жыл бұрын
Still fucking hate how they killed Pyrrha.
@JayRedGear 2 жыл бұрын
It annoyed the hell out of me that Yang never brought up Super Mom Summer when confronting Raven. Like, she was an important part of Yang's life just as much as Ruby (and with Yang being 2 years older than Ruby, she should absolutely be attached to Summer since she was there for her before she died whereas Raven went out for a smoke and never came back).
@neor2354 6 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU for saying that the writters have to look back at the show! By the by, should I call you Draco or Nick or how do you want to be called?
@solirialumanisa1646 6 жыл бұрын
Very good video and excellent points and facts. I don't know who the guy is that is head of the animation but I'm hoping the fights can be back to the wonderful flow that was consistent in Vol 1 and 2. 3 had good flow but some things didn't feel as if they flowed very well. One thing I think I recall from Vol 3 I think it was, when Qrow was speaking to Yang about the fight with Mercury. He referred to Ruby as "that girl" instead of "your sister". I could be remembering wrong but I found that odd and wonder why they didn't go have Yang question her uncle as to why he'd refer to her sister like that. If it was intended then were they implying Qrow could have been the one who hooked up with Summer Rose? If so it wouldn't make Yang and Ruby blood related sisters. They'd still be family but not blood sisters in the traditional sense of the family term. They'd be cousins? That was one moment I thought was weird unless I misheard. I also did not know that about Ozpin so I learned something new, which I think was technically retconned like many other things from episodes and from The World Of Reminant. I do really hope Miles and Karie can learn to review and be consistent. Do I think they will? No but I'm hoping they open up their ears and eyes to listen to people who might be saying to them "um this doesn't make sense". Not sure anyone actually says that to them though. I'm also hopeful that they can get the powers of the heroes and villains leveled out as well to be balanced along with some characters not being brought down to being stupid just to make the plot work. Example being Nekos listing Ruby and Weiss power and her own yet I don't recall Ruby or Weiss telling her their power but her maybe seeing it. She would have seen the fight, or should have I think, of Emerald and Mercury so should have figured "okay, that Emerald chick can make illusions. I should be watching my back in case she tries to rig the final match" or thought something was up to try and bring it up to an official to clear Yang's name in regards to Mercury being "injured" but she didn't do squat and seemed to get shaken by what she was seeing instead of her mind...granted preoccupied...thinking that something must be up.
@blueispaniard6513 6 жыл бұрын
To be fair, I don't think Emerald'a semblance is the easiest to tell from watching and no one had any reason to think she was planning to rig the tournament.
@solirialumanisa1646 6 жыл бұрын
Inigo Hmm...valid point but officials probably could have been a little suspicious something was up when 2 students claimed they saw something that no one else did one of those times Emerald was in the fight with one of said students, being Coco. But I think I could also see others chalking that up to being random coincidence when Yang says she saw Mercury attack her after the fight ended and Coco claiming she saw her partner in the forest part when he never was. Makes me wonder what she put on any possible records given to the officials about what her semblance was. I assume there's a spot for that on any student papers.
@blueispaniard6513 6 жыл бұрын
I certainly hope there is. I´m guessing she just lied on it and put literally anything else.
@solirialumanisa1646 6 жыл бұрын
Inigo You'd think with all the tech Atlas has that someone would had figured out a way to double check on someone's listed power that could do literally just about anything. Like a blood test or a scan of some kind, or even a stress test/battle simulation to observe. Although that would slow down the admission process for schooling and tournaments which is something else that was poorly planned. Guess no one ever thought allowing children to fight other students with real weapons and fairly unregulated powers that can be pretty much anything wouldn't result in something bad happening to draw Grimm. Although doing so would had possibly kept Jaune out of Becon unless Ozpin was all "you're in anyways because I say so".
@blueispaniard6513 6 жыл бұрын
Atlas probably can check that, but, then again, why would they? They didn´t have a reason to think something like this would happen. Besides, the Vytal festival is something that has been going on for years before the show showed it (or, at least that´s what it seemed like to me) and nothing like that happened. It does sound like an accident waiting to happen, but it simply never did. I am curious however, of how they managed to make students who have had their auras taken down not get killed in the crossfire. Weiss, after tackling Flint into a geyser just stood there, in the middle of a geyser-prone area.
@chris9206 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly this just sounds like nitpicks to me. Consistency has been an issue from the start as Monty did keep on adding in and redoing things, which makes it into a red herring at this point. However this is a common medium problem especially in tv shows like anime.
@neor2354 6 жыл бұрын
I have to ask sometimes myself... do the writters even know what they're doing? EDIT: I love the jokes in RWBY, even in hard times you have to loosen up, you know?
@alexpeters7598 5 жыл бұрын
Man yang mother she need to be mix like big time as a character to me raven need to be redeem herself😇
@raptarknaighor3860 6 жыл бұрын
Regarding Yang and Raven: While their first encounter on Volume 5 was not perfect by any means, I'm not sure it's as bad as you're presenting it. It's true that Yang had wanted for years to search for her mother and get some answers, but (as she states within the episode) that's not why she went to her, she just wanted Raven's help to find Ruby. And while after some conversation and the flow of emotions Yang did end up asking why Raven left them, I think the writers were right in having her mom give Yang no answer: Raven already heard her daughter saying she wasn't gonna stay, she just wanted to use her to get to Ruby... my interpretation is that after considering that, Raven felt no obligation in answering to Yang anymore. And regarding Raven's inconsistency with her philosophy (and I have no idea if there has been any official word about this) a good ammount of fans I've talked with have pointed out that it isn't an inconsistency within Raven's character, but rather with herself. By this I mean, Raven's a hipocrite, she doesn't stand by what she claims, and twistes the truth to suit her, more or less. Aside from that, great video, I agree on many points :3 (tho it's not as interesting as pointing the ones I don't /s)
@MagillanicaLouM 6 жыл бұрын
After rewatching v1-4 back to back a couple days ago i think v4 handled the focus changes between characters fine enough. I didn't feel jarred by any of the cuts to a different plot point and the talking wasnt as intrusive as v5 imo. Probably because aside from Qrow's campfire story and the "villain" meetings it was still a character focused thing for the most part. But the villains in RWBY were never ones to get in depth looks into their personalities and meetups usually involved setting plans since the beginning. Also the fight scenes in v4 were still pretty good for the most part. Not on Monty level but re watching the few battles v4 did have, they werent as slow as 5 and not as much unnecessary dialogue. And of course the characters still felt like they were fighting on a superhuman level like previous volumes and their skills still felt intact (though i think you give v3 too much credit in that department, some of the action in that volume felt off compared to v1 and 2 also). I will admit the new shift i guess tone of the antagonists feels a bit off. There's just something that feels weird about going from "we need to stop this underground criminal thief organization and terrorist group from fucking with our city" to "go search for the magical magilous across the world to fight scary lady" while still having it all be 1 singular plotline. Its not like one piece where the tone of one arc can feel different from another without it feeling weird because each arc features a new conflict with new antagonists that have nothing to do with each other aside from how the aftermath affects their society as a whole when its relevant. But with RWBY we start off with Torchwick and Cinder but only to find out they were working for Salem whose goals seem so disconnected from what was happening in volumes prior imo.
@MagillanicaLouM 6 жыл бұрын
As for the Yang and PTSD thing ppl keep bringing up, Tai mentions that weeks have passed between Yang not wanting the arm at first to when we finally see her with it. I know this is just an issue of "show us her getting the courage to put the arm on, don't just timeskip and tell us" but i still think that the ppl who have issue with her "suddenly" not having PTSD may have overlooked this statement. And its not like the PTSD is completely gone. Its not really shown too well but it's there still lol
@angelindex6936 6 жыл бұрын
If rewatching Cinders plans, this is total mess, she relied on luck and changed on the move. Chibi line: Honestly? Sometimes I think it's too easy. - Cinder. Like her main goal is power, why i need cooperate when i'm the stongest one, i'm the boss. I'm no longer need working in the shade, because i don't like it. It's kinda development for her character. I love Cinder, i think she clever. But power make all everything easier. Volume 1-5 it's one character. Realistic.
@soarel325 6 жыл бұрын
her main goal is liberating remnant not “power”
@angelindex6936 6 жыл бұрын
Soarel yes! With power she can do so much things! But now...she dead...
@soarel325 6 жыл бұрын
nah, don’t worry, she’s alive
@nato59ramen88 6 жыл бұрын
5 days late
@animedude8712 6 жыл бұрын
Is it wrong that I hate the wording Rule Of Cool? Sounds like something a cool kid in an 80's film would say. For me yeah, I know there are a lot of problems with RWBY. Show's sometimes have a bad season. They'll hopefully fix it. Now the god thing, who's to say is was the brothers who cursed Oz? He say's nothing about which god it was. He say's gods. Could be any number of things. Still that's just me.
@soarel325 6 жыл бұрын
his use of “gods“ plural implies both of them, because according to him those are the only two that actually exist. It’s just a weird inconsistency.
@animedude8712 6 жыл бұрын
Still your thinking bigger about the whole leaving thing. To me it's just that they created the world and just left. But I don't think it's left as it go to a new planet or another world. I say their just watching how the world plays out. But Oz did something and screwed up so bad that they placed a curse on him. Before you bring up the episode, it kinda feels like Qrow is saying some gods are real, but he only wants to talk about 2. So I think either the brothers are watching still, but wont get involved because that's what they agree on or there are other gods watching the world the 2 borthers made. So I don't think it's wearied. There might be more or they're maybe be just a few.
@dracolordnick6779 6 жыл бұрын
I don't mind the idea of the name Rule of Cool really, but that's just me. RWBY has it's issues you are correct, I point these issues out because I want the series to improve as well as everyone else. I hope that Miles and Kerry can learn from their mistakes they've made and improve. I just hope the next volume can improve.
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