SaltEMike Reacts to I deleted my Star Citizen account |

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SaltEMike Reacts

SaltEMike Reacts

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The Video - • I deleted my Star Citi...
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@pikaskew Күн бұрын
Good for him. Not everyone feels this way, but he did what was right for him.
@saltemikereacts Күн бұрын
Exactly how I feel. I think he did what he needed to do, and I wish him peace and happiness.
@SultanDesync Күн бұрын
@@pikaskew if he ever does come back, he'll probably be happier with the starter pack anyway. These "fleets" are an anchor around our necks and most of us can't either use them or let them go. Good for him!
@tibitzu365 Күн бұрын
@@SultanDesync I'm not paying any more than the 400$ I've spent.
@PursauntYapper Күн бұрын
Just hope he actually follows through, the part saying he still has a second account is a huge disappointment after going on a rant saying f you I CIG deleted my account
@cmdrgamma Күн бұрын
@@pikaskew I'm compelled to point out that legal precedent DOES allow fraud prosecution (and conviction) if proof exists that a company's public statements encouraging purchase of it's product are/were at odds with what they actually knew. Is this true of CIG/RSI/SC (why so many names? Usually it's a tool for parceling out responsibility to reduce/obscure liability)? We will hopefully find out.
@dilsonzanardi9820 Күн бұрын
sc community it's not a cult, but there is a cult within the community
@Mr.Universe Күн бұрын
@vorpalrobot Күн бұрын
Well it's a cult game like a cult movie. Smaller but dedicated audience. From the outside seems a bit weird. Like a movie that isn't mainstream but you put a bumper sticker on your car and every few months someone comes over and let's you know they're also a part of that group with like a movie quote or something.
@FulguroGeek Күн бұрын
@@vorpalrobot Nah its a cult like scientology or raeliens... CIG is showing what could be in video... witch is never what is delivered even year after the shiny presentation have been showed and they build a dream of an amazing space adventure game where con will live plenty of sci fi adventures with shiny ship trailers that show you higly alien worlds, they showed alien ruins.. they showed planet with crazy non erth like rock formation and crystal formation... the constellation trailler was showing a consteaalation arriving on a new planets with some golum like creature scared and curious in a cavern,,,, what we have is a combat game where you kill abndit.. take forever to laod cargo and maage inventory.. constantly redoing same boring choores like rebuying equipement because you die... And CIG show the dream of it could be but never is.... a bit like the raeliand that for the 30 past years are collecting money to build their temple to welcome their freind the aliens but even after getting billions of dollars , no temple is been constructed yet.... CIg is at almost a billion dollar... and let me tell you you wont live any sci fi adventure in the verse...Its gta in space... still no alen races.. from what we have seen also no aline like planets in pyro either still again earth like trees and vegetation.. nothing crazy... nothing sci fi looking... no alien ruins... no ancien alien artefact exept the banu cibe that some ppls got when they went in a bar citizen.... Sc is a cult because ppls dream about somethig that will never happend even if the game release and cig add to this dream every years with shiny presentation taht they are never able to deliver.... i say never because they often show something that look like very polished.. and when it comes in game it never is and even 1-2 years later its still not in a great states...
@Mellomoons Күн бұрын
@@vorpalrobotyeah I agree with that. Although he is right to the degree that some of the community is cult like.
@arcadealchemist Күн бұрын
not part of the communty i was EXILED because i didn't accept the cult. like many others who are ONLY allowed to PLAY the game not talk in the community channels. This is egotistical and discrimination but who cares their jobs a Temporary Star Citizen is forever.
@CuuchCRUSHER Күн бұрын
CIG's marketing is almost too good. They get people super hype to the point, they will never be able to meet people expectations.
@rolinthor Күн бұрын
Tbh my expectations for CIG have always been a fraction of what they promised in a relatively well functioning game. Which they’ve managed not to meet all these years.
@senn4237 Күн бұрын
I see people all the time blaming the marketing department, like it is some kind of independent entity making decisions on their own. Every ship and price point is approved by the management of CIG, probably Chris as well.
@Tentacl Күн бұрын
It's not too good, it's predatory, like most mobile games. And it leads to exactly this, burnout from people who actually care.
@TheEVEInspiration 23 сағат бұрын
They actually are terrible at marketing, I bet they are the laughing stock of professionals everywhere. Do not mistake the willingness of backers to support an ambiguous project with clever marketing. They just blunder their way forward atm.
@philgriffin8687 Күн бұрын
They are not developing a game. In the words of Pink Floyd. "I'l tell you the name of the game...boy. It's called riding the gravey train...."
@BigBobBlazer Күн бұрын
How about Aerosmith’s “Same old story, same old song and dance”?
Love that!
@First_Chapter Күн бұрын
CIG is developing a game - it's just that it's SQ42; but more fundamentally, CIG has been building corporate infrastructure and a game engine. The issue is that the infrastructure and engine can be exploited generally for multiple game projects over many years, and maybe we'll even see the game engine licensed out, versus SC being the focus. The way to benefit from CIG's efforts in building a corporation from nothing and a game engine is by being an investor, not a backer; but backers cannot be investors generally.
@Blkstang82 20 сағат бұрын
​@First_Chapter are they though? What proof of life of SQ42 do we have? Some pre-rendered scenes and video segments that they show off at citcon to fluff backers up? And licensing the engine? That's downright comical. No one is going to be buying the janked up mess that is star engine. It's a barely functional spaghetti of an engine that was obsolete over a decade ago.
@philgriffin8687 12 сағат бұрын
@@First_Chapter Yeah been really enjoying SQ42 since 2016/17/20 ermm....its feature complete (honest). You mean they started a company from scratch like every other indie developer except they have been given 3/4 of a billion dollars and have only managed produce a broken tech demo after 12 years of mismanagement lies and b*llsh*t.
@Leptospirosi Күн бұрын
I guess CIG answer would be "So long and thanks for all the fish!" Unaccountability is a core mechanic of this game.
@SamatWar Күн бұрын
SC is like being at a buffet and being told not to get up from your table for 12hrs and than being handed green beans 😅
@bes12000 Күн бұрын
@shamanahaboolist Күн бұрын
I mean they've developed many times more innovative gaming milestones in the last 10 years than any other developer but sure... "green beans". 🙄
@SamatWar 23 сағат бұрын
@shamanahaboolist I can agree to what your saying. Just at times this is how it feels
@shamanahaboolist 21 сағат бұрын
@@SamatWar Gotta be patient man. Greatness is hard to do and they're in uncharted waters. Gotta allow them to make mistakes, correct their failures and get the foundations solid. icache for instance was a total flop and they had to redesign their object permanence system from the ground up. But it's here and works amazing now. Same with server meshing. They only just got a working example of it just before the last Citizencon and it's the first example of it working in a game engine like this. There's so many creases to iron out and you can't just magic bugs and problems away. The size of the mountain they're climbing is unreal. Try to realise that the grind they're going through is something very few people in the world would even attempt.
@Blkstang82 20 сағат бұрын
​@@shamanahaboolistpatient? It's been 12+ years!!! LoL
@stevewest5397 Күн бұрын
I thought "Delete my SC Account" was a token you had to pledge on the store.
It is! $15 warbond with LTI or $25 with 6 months insurance.
@BourgeoisRaser Күн бұрын
Its ubwatchable with talking over him every 20 seconds. Chhill
@ducktape4502 Күн бұрын
Man dude said all of that just to say he would rebuy. What a fucking joke lmfao.
@HeyyItsNick 14 сағат бұрын
If they make the game good and fun yeah, if not then I am not looking back 🤷‍♂️
@DummyThinksThoughts Күн бұрын
I'm not happy , I don't think the game i backed with 5000 dollars is the game I'm getting . I'm not going to ever delete my account , if i ever just cannot stand the project anymore to the point i know i would never play it again , i would just move on by selling it or giving it away . I would never delete 5k . That is goofy and 1.5k delete is also crazy . But whatever .
@DummyThinksThoughts Күн бұрын
I also do not agree with his QT hot take . QT is fine . It's all the lack of gameplay elsewhere . I absolutely do not want QT turned into busy work because someone cries about travel . It isn't travel that is the problem. Its the cumbersome prep time to go do something and the lack of reason to do something when you get there .
@x102reddragon Күн бұрын
Yep. Dude just pissed away money a second time by tossing everything.
@fireye3 Күн бұрын
It's not about the money, spiderman (it's about the mets, love the mets get a home run baby let's go baby love the mets lets go mets)
@twelvewingproductions7508 Күн бұрын
He's just a hypocrite trolling for attention and views. He lost me the moment he said he was deleting a $1,500 account to "send a message" by reducing numbers but then said he has an alt account? How the hell does that work? That's not a stance made for moral or mental health reasons... it's moral posturing.
@georgek2574 Күн бұрын
YOU SPENT 5k? youll never be happy with the game... buyers remorse
@aguy446 Күн бұрын
This man obviously has a very unhealthy relationship with this game. Probably for the best that he leaves
@TexanTemplar Күн бұрын
CIG is like the toxic ex that promises they won't hurt you again. Lo and behold...
@Flatfootsy Күн бұрын
My thoughts exactly. The guy looks like this game has personally haunted him for a decade and breathes down his neck every waking moment- he should have probably stepped away a LONG time ago.
@Phoenixstorm36 Күн бұрын
​@@TexanTemplara toxic ex would drag you into court, make shit up and lie to sway the judge to fuck you over
@aguy446 9 сағат бұрын
@@Flatfootsy Honestly being an SC content creator seems like literal hell and probably contributed to his mental decline
@justinhausaman2867 Күн бұрын
lol, I deleted my account... but not all of them
@Mellomoons Күн бұрын
Yeah I’m calling cap on most of what he said.
@HeyyItsNick Күн бұрын
They are all deleted now.
@Mellomoons Күн бұрын
@hanzo52281 Күн бұрын
Wow, dude does the equivalent of burning/breaking his own stuff he already paid for in protest, launches into a 45 minute trauma dump about leaving only to hold on to an alt account? Lmfao....
@lordfraybin 19 сағат бұрын
That's how bad his dependency on the game became. Same reason people stay in bad relationships. They "hope" the other person will change and stop abusing them. But Mike is right here. Deleting his account - he "needed" to do that. And he's STILL coping.... and probably will for some time.
@UriahGnu Күн бұрын
Nick had me right up until he said "Star Atlas is making"... holy........... guy is lost in a wilderness of mirrors.
@HeyyItsNick Күн бұрын
They have made, and have tested, and are making more progress in less time then CIG relatively to when development started and features being released. Cyrpto is still shit, but what they are building they are building at a pace faster then CIG.
@UriahGnu Күн бұрын
@@HeyyItsNick hop on that next grift train Nick, enjoy!
@UpToSpeedOnJaguar 22 сағат бұрын
@@HeyyItsNick You falling out with Star Citizen should be the ultimate lesson in how waiting for finished products should be your norm and the norm for everyone else. Even a modicum of faith placed into another large crypto game financed by backers buying in-game items is still completely misplaced faith. The OP's metaphor fits here. You're lost in a wilderness of mirrors, and people telling you that are concerned you're simply going to run into the same problem way down the line you have just now. SaltEMike's statement on the best way to cut an unhealthy relationship applies here too, but you may be making the mistake of putting yourself back in one. It's not an insult, it's concern you're setting yourself up to feel the same way you do now. Nonetheless, I agree with a lot of what you said. Safe travels in your next space adventure.
@Captain-Comedy 21 сағат бұрын
For me, it was when he said he had an alt account lol
@LeftJoystick 20 сағат бұрын
@@HeyyItsNick hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaa
@poposterous236 Күн бұрын
I feel this guy. I think alot of people these days are sharing his sentiment. Dissatisfaction with this game is at an all-time high. People have been unhappy with the game before but now we're all downright hopeless. Its weird, I feel like an era of my life is ending. Almost as if I'm going through a divorce. I'm not nearly as pissed as some people but its clear I have to walk away. Watching and commenting on these videos is part of a grieving process... but soon enough I won't be doing that either. There was a time I was playing this game every day. There was a time when I would watch every BoredGamer video and hours of ppl streaming. I even streamed it myself for a bit. I didn't put too much money into it, but I certainly invested alot of time. This is kinda sad.
@vorpalrobot Күн бұрын
Depends on what brought you to the project. I'm loving the cargo and salvage stuff added recently and it's making the game more exciting than when I used to grind bounty hunting. Even if they can't make all these promises happen just a moderate amount of crafting, and updates to other features will keep me coming back despite Tony Z's original talk ramping up my obsession only to be followed by like 8 years of blue balls...
@aedryk Күн бұрын
lol bruh take a break and get some perspective. its a video game
@x102reddragon Күн бұрын
Maybe instead of walking away you need more of a long break. Make it something you check on once or twice a year and don’t worry about it till you see enough progress to warrant jumping back in
@mayoluck Күн бұрын
​@@aedryk how many yrs this time do we need to take a break, some of us its been 5+ yrs.
@davidlondon9242 Күн бұрын
@@mayoluck play it once a year if you have to. You choose when. I don't get what people are getting out of constantly complaining. Leave the game alone and pay attention to something you enjoy. Or offer constructive criticism. But incessant bitching and moaning isn't about the game, because it isn't going to make the developers work faster. It comes across as a cry for relevance and attention. This is a gigantic undertaking that is in alpha, and the foundation (Server meshing and the quanta system) is not even in yet. It going to take a long time before this game is done. I don't contribute beyond my level of comfort keeping that in mind. All I've spent on this game is the $75 for the Avenger Titan package because I know it is going to take a long time. I realize that other games that aren't nearly as ambitious as this one is in their scope have taken 7-8 years to release, and then are improved with patches and dlc for years subsequently. It is going to take years to achieve these goals. I knew that and set my expectations based on that. So, if you are a person that needs to take a break then do so. But histrionics are pointless unless your aim is to try to tear the whole project down. And if it is, then say that.
@stok5445 Күн бұрын
I really don't like being judgmental and I know this is going to come off as hypocritical because I'm about to be judgmental, but deleting the account accomplishes literally nothing at all besides losing any and all value it has to the account holder. RSI already has the money. They do not care if you delete the account.
@skitsnack1 Күн бұрын
It's like a toddler telling their parents they are running away because they didn't get a second juice box
@Synister88 Күн бұрын
Man, the amount of armchair developers in chat gets worse every time. Unreal is a great engine. I work with it every day. It's even a great open world engine. But "porting" SC is such a unrealistic thing. There is pretty much nothing they could use. And it wouldn't make things easier at all. Back when they startet, CryEngine was a viable option. And they have made it more or less their own by now anyway. The problem is, that for the last 12 years, they never managed to lock down, what kind of game to make. Every year old devs leave, new devs join, stuff gets reworked, redone, reinvented. That's why ships need to be updated again and again... Instead of iterating, they have to start from scratch, because changes in A and reworks of B messed up C to N and the rest is outdated by now anyway and... It's endless and probably frustrating for them too! CR messed up as a vision keeper. Too many cooks over the years. No engine change or anything will ever change that. If the background tech is as chaotic as what we see from the outside, I feel for every single CIG Dev for the amount of legacy and spaghetti code and "temporary solutions", that became permanent over time, they have to deal with every day. Support the Devs
@LargeGamer1 Күн бұрын
I honestly believe there's two reasons we are where we are today: 1. Almost all of CIG has been making SQ42 instead of SC, leaving SC with a skeleton crew, or something you would work on if you have free time in the company. 2. I genuinely believe that they couldn't get server meshing working and have gone through multiple iterations of it in the background, only to scrap them when they realized that whatever they put together wouldn't have worked. None of these things would be issues... if they were transparent with us. However, they can't just come out and say that their previous SM attempts failed, because that would sew even more doubt about the game's viability to the public. Why are they unable to lock down what game they're making? Because they have no idea when or if server meshing is going to be a thing. How do you design around assuming that a location might be filled with players or might just have one player? You can't.
@Synister88 Күн бұрын
@@LargeGamer1 True. Transparency is a big hit or miss with CIG too. What I mean by "what game to make" are fundamental things like is it "sim or arcade?", "Arma/Tarkov or Battlefield/CoD?", "how important is crafting?", "what CAN players craft?"... Fundamental desicions, of wich none are right or wrong, but need to be set in stone, so all the overlap of mechanichs and systems and the actual desing of gamplay loops, ships, stations, star systems and so on can be found and worked out. These things could have been decided on about a decade ago, completely (or atlwast mostly) independent of SM or any other new tech. They started making the cake, before deciding if they want chocolate or cheesecake, it feels like.
@SultanDesync Күн бұрын
I believe in my bones that CIG has just about saturated the Scifi market. Scifi always promises to go mainstream but almost never does. There just isn't the billions in sales left on the table for them and burning bridges with their dedicated fans is going to kill what could have been a cool niche game.
@monty58 Күн бұрын
Nah, I've got plenty of friends that play a ton of sci fi games, and would love SC, but haven't touched it besides hearing me talk about it. There's plenty of people that don't have the tolerance for bugs or tedium or the general nonsense that won't touch the game until that's fixed.
@yous2244 Күн бұрын
Well he has a salary, a 2 million dollar per year salary so that's definitely enough to live luxuriously and nothing wrong with as long as he's transparent and not actually stealing more funding
@hanzo52281 Күн бұрын
Some people take this shit way too fucking seriously...
@gioscott1177 Күн бұрын
His parents should have control over his bank account
@senn4237 Күн бұрын
@@gioscott1177 nah, it is his money to spend if he earned it. That could be a little or a lot of money for someone based on their income/savings. People spend lots of money on their hobbies and I think it is shitty to judge them. That being said, I do agree people take this too seriously.
@skitsnack1 Күн бұрын
IKR... "I deleted my SC account!!" "Oh no... anyway"
@stevewest5397 Күн бұрын
Here's part of the problem. They've developed the sort of 'squeeze the player for money' methodology that you find with most every game studio, but they've implemented it long before the game is fun enough to keep people playing despite being squeezed. "You really should have this better ship if you want to do this game loop. It only costs $40..." If the game was fun, we'd put up with it. But it isn't. I'm not spending another dime on SC until it's stable at a minimum. At that point I'll try playing again. Then once it's actually fun, I might spend some money. Until then, they won't even see a login from me.
@xen1313 16 сағат бұрын
@stevewest5397 Every time they add something new for you to do in the game, it will break stability. "They should test these things before adding them." That is exactly what they are doing, and the testing will be unstable every time. Everyone has to agree that they are in an Alpha state game just to play the game.
@DjangoLowe Күн бұрын
As a game engineer who sometimes works on backend tech (humble brag). You always do static before dynamic.... for everything every time. It's just how the work is done. Normal static meshing is a solved problem for single worlds where players are slow moving and the server handles position, state and weapon effects. Making the servers handle the physics it a much more suffocated to solve and making it dynamic shouldn't be that big of a deal once they get the kinks out of the static. It would be a bad idea to make it dynamic before figuring out how the servers react to a lot of players.
@romanwiller2180 Күн бұрын
21:26 if they never told us that sniper glint was added we would probably not discover it for years.
@KuruptU4Fun Күн бұрын
So Mike to your comment about bounties. There is the bounty hunters guild missions and there are local security hunting missions. The guild missions will take you all over Stanton, the security hunting missions keep you in the planetary system you're in.
@zmortis111 Күн бұрын
My take away is that some people shouldn't buy and hang their job on making content based on an unreleased game. A lot of people shouldn't have backed and should have waited until the "full release" to decide if they were interested in the product.
@BradAhrens Күн бұрын
He deleted his ALT account as well, according to his comment on the original upload.
@Vegabond007 Күн бұрын
I added a few items to my cart but every time I have decided that until the game is stable and has a clear path to release, I just can't give them anymore funds. The exo suit was yet another overpriced cash grab.
@ChaosPuppyAduna Күн бұрын
So I just watched Avenger_One gank single space Dad's dropping out of quantum with his org mates and a Mantis, completely wrecking them over and over for 7 hours with each space dad not able to fire even one shot in return against the 5+ ships ganging up on him --and Avenger_one and friends did not seem to tire of this activity. This isn't even a judgement, just an observation. So it occurs to me there was a point missed here. Not only is the game play thin, you can also only engage in it AS LONG AS the server population is so thin, that pirates continue to have poor coverage. If server meshing does increase the population, even to engage in that thin game play, you will need to travel with a serious PvP org escort that can match the force and numbers a pirate org is willing to bring to an ambush. Given this, it's hard to even discuss game play in SC without also discussing how much, if any of it, will be accessible to the average person, when there are more players than tumbleweeds.
@Whippets Күн бұрын
Pirating lacks real consequences, it's too easy, too profitable and there will always be people out there who think it's "funny". Avenger will say something like "git gud", but no amount of "gud" can combat a Mantis, etc. I don't understand why "cargo" and "components" aren't "marked" in some way, showing ownership, thereby forcing pirates to sell @ 25-50% the market rate to a fence.
@senn4237 Күн бұрын
As long as ships blow up so fast, and it takes so long to get back from the bed/hospital and claim your ship/gear up, casual players will quit in droves. And like it or not, casual players keep large scale multiplayer games alive.
@SentinelxPrime Күн бұрын
Fuck that, a game that requires an escort to do basic stuff isnt something i want to play.
@Kyle-sr6jm Күн бұрын
Open world, pvp, with full loot HAS to have an absolutely brutally permanent reputation system. Piracy and PK should make your life in a lawful system nearly impossible.
@Phoenixstorm36 Күн бұрын
​@@SentinelxPrimeHow often does that happen? Once you find such wall just avoid it for the time being, don't bang your head against that wall and let others farm you.
@Arms2 Күн бұрын
You can just completely forget about SC and move on with your life, and that doesn't require deleting your account. lol
@TrevHenny Күн бұрын
It does if you want to remove any temptation of coming back. Obviously, this was meant to be a gesture of infinite disappointment with the game regardless if it matters to CIG.
@shmayazuggot8558 Күн бұрын
It sends a message to CIG, accounts been removed lowers the player count.
@Arms2 Күн бұрын
@@TrevHenny Does this actually remove temptation to come back? Bro straight up admitted he still has an alt account. That's like a coke addict flushing his stash, but then keeping an 8 ball in his sock drawer lol
@Arms2 Күн бұрын
@@shmayazuggot8558 This didn't lower the player count, it lowered the account, count. As he said in his video, he still has an alt account. I'd be willing to bet that when 4.0 comes out, he's definitely going to log in on that alt account lol. Him deleting his account with all his ships only hurts him, because CIG still has his money, but he doesnt have his ships. A far more reasonable form of protest would be to never spend another cent on SC until he feels like its living up to what CIG promised. Which is what a lot of people are doing, myself included.
@NinjaFresh Күн бұрын
@@Arms2 agreed. If you're unhappy with the current state of the game just don't spend money on it. I mean I've never spent more than the $45 for my Mustang and I've gotten my moneys worth out of it even if the game never releases. I don't have any real doubts that they'll keep working on this till it is done. Does that mean five years from now? Who knows but I'll keep for a few months every time a new patch comes out. I don't make any games my personality so I've never felt the need to get so worked up over a game.
@Deez276 Күн бұрын
When I’m not playing SC, I’m playing one of two truck simulators or flight simulator. The only things missing from those games is the ability to get out of my seat, walk around my vehicle and manipulate my freight. When I’m in quantum, I’m drinking, eating or in F4. As I’m climbing out of atmo I’m looking out the window. I don’t care about combat because I like realistically surviving each game session. It would actually be nice to see other people in game and not expect them to randomly blow me out of the sky or run up my loading ramp just because.
@papadross Күн бұрын
I'm in the same boat. I spent the majority of my $1500 10ish years ago and will never spend another penny on SC due to their terrible running of the company for many, many years. The game feels like a boring, broken, tedious, rip-off, cash grab.
@Bad-wolfe Күн бұрын
I honestly don't understand why people are surprised about anything this company does anymore. You had Jared over recent months constantly insisting that 4.0 was coming in q3 and then when, as usual, it all went tits up like everyone knew it would Jared has the cheek to get all affronted on a stream and telling people 'we never promised anything' - well sorry Jared but you did - a number of times Its blatantly obvious now that history is repeating itself and yet again Chris Robert's mouth was writing cheques his company can't cash. They have no interest in even attempting to get a workable game out the door while they can still print money by conning people into buying things that havent got past a jpeg stage and won't for years whilst all the time trying to deflect their failures back onto their supporters to justify their incompetance Being a supporter of Star Citizen is like being in a stereotypical abusive relationship where the abusive party constantly wears you down whilst all the time telling you that you are the problem and it's all your fault.
@baronvonschnellenstein2811 Күн бұрын
On top of all that with Jared, remember after last years' citizencon, in an ISC or somesuch, Jared said that CIG were "calling their shot"? ... w.r.t. Server Meshing / Pyro release, if I'm not mistaken!
@deivoc4950 21 сағат бұрын
Never heard the word “PROMISE”, I’ve heard targeting, aiming, trying to. Stop the tantrum, you’re like the guy in the video.
@xen1313 15 сағат бұрын
@Bad-wolfe I could have sworn we are still in Q3... anyhow, I personally never expected it until the November big event, ship showcase.
@Bad-wolfe 12 сағат бұрын
@@deivoc4950 you're the only one who's getting defensive and upset here - almost everyone else just seems resigned to it and not surprised :)
@deivoc4950 10 сағат бұрын
@@Bad-wolfe defensive and upset? For what? 🤣, cause is a fact nobody promised you anything
@ShadowGirl- Күн бұрын
People think sniper glint isn't a good idea, because they don't realize just how destructive death will be once they implement their plans. Once perma-death experiences are in, we will wish for it back.
@BlackEagleUSA Күн бұрын
It seemed so simple back in the day
@TrickOrRetreat Күн бұрын
Yeah nothing worked so you just talked shit in chat. Now when you can actually play, it's more complicated than simple.
@vikingserpent4991 Күн бұрын
KZbinrs: "SC is boring and tedious, traveling takes forever!" Elite Dangerous: "TF?!!! Helloooooo?!" Starfield: "um MY traveling is not any of that and everyone hates me!" 😂
@tboneforreal Күн бұрын
The traveling time is not that much at issue. Many people want the experience of actually traveling somewhere. It's that there isn't any gameplay yet to do so you're having fun while you're traveling. Without gameplay while you're traveling, you're just waiting to get to your destination, which is boring and tedious.
@HeyyItsNick Күн бұрын
You can at least steer your ship in Elite
@vikingserpent4991 Күн бұрын
​@@HeyyItsNick Just did in Elite VR lol I steer fine in SC too. The latest patch has been pretty stable for me at least.
@yous2244 Күн бұрын
I don't like extremely long travel time or extremely short travel time, I like in the middle. SC is extremely long
@HeyyItsNick Күн бұрын
​@@vikingserpent4991you can steer in QT!? NO WAY when did SC add that feature!?
@xen1313 Күн бұрын
As a 2012 backer, I am here for the best multiplayer space sim ever concieved. That is what I signed up for, dropped 3.5k into the game and is what I expect at the finish line. We are not even half way there, but I would rather they take their time and do it right the first time, and not have system backbone issues after 1.0 similar to No Man's Sky as they brought it from a single player game into Multiplayer. Or be so vast and empty like Elite Dangerous, that once you get out of known space, every system feels the same, emply and devoid of anything to really do. Also, I don't want this to turn into BF:2042 where arcade physic hitboxes require 2 or more clips to kill something 10m infront of you, if they don't 1 shot you during reload. This is sparked by Nick's comments at 54:05 about delivering something for every backer. That is impossible, there will always be something game breaking when you are trying to appease 5mil backers with 1 instance of the game. All CIG can hope for is to keep that % of discontent below 5% of backer population.
@TrickOrRetreat Күн бұрын
I agree, and people forget that Chris said, star citizen is not a game before server meshing is part of the verse. So we are testing a playable tech demo in development. Yet people speak of star citizen as if it's a released game. I take 3 month brakes when low on space juice. And I'm psyched about what is in the pipeline. Game will be insane.
@jmick8 Күн бұрын
​@@TrickOrRetreatBasically what I do as well.
@senn4237 Күн бұрын
@@TrickOrRetreat But that is not how it is advertised by CIG. It is advertised as a game in development by the developer, and we should hold it to that standard.
@Venhili Күн бұрын
​@@senn4237It is advertised as a game in development. It's advertised as being an alpha that's entirely subject to change.
@antrojoutsenlahti9141 Күн бұрын
@@senn4237 BUT making demo IS part of game development 100%. Maybe today 2024 its not everyday stuff,but back in days we had plenty of demos. Now we are just part of showcase too. Everybody ofc can have their own opinions and thats ok too :) . This was mine.
@brickstonesonn9276 Күн бұрын
This is one of those times that makes me glad i promised myself i wont play this game until it's released. I pledged 60 bucks years ago. If Star Citizen comes out, cool I slightly helped create a cool game and i get to play said game. If it doesn't come out, I lost 60 bucks down the drain years ago which sucks a little but it's no big deal. For now I'll just sit here and continue watching the development of the game. The videos(from CIG & community) are free and don't take much time out of my day, after all. I believe this is the healthiest way of approaching Star Citizen, and i encourage everyone to do the same.
@JamestheKilljoy Күн бұрын
When i get sick of SC I just play or do something else. I guess you could also throw a fit like a baby and make a video for attention. Seems like a waste of time and unnecessary stressful, though
@frogger2011ify Күн бұрын
Sad take
@JamestheKilljoy Күн бұрын
@@frogger2011ify no u
@NinjaFresh Күн бұрын
​@@frogger2011ify I mean James makes the most sense. If you're working on your car and something isn't going your way do you set the whole thing on fire? What about when you build a new PC? I mean maybe you do because you're a ten year old or have the maturity of one. I didn't throw a cry baby parade when D4 sucked or continues to suck to this day. I just stopped playing and hopefully they fix the game. Not like I could refund the game. So what would deleting my Blizzard account do? Not a thing. Star Citizen is an alpha if it is stressing you out just wait till the next patch. I've played Star Citizen for years but I'm not playing it every day like the guy crying in the video does. I also don't play it for content. So if it bugs me I move on to another game for a bit. I have over 600 games just on Steam. My back log is unending I'm not going to play one game for months on end. It makes no sense and I don't have autism.
@frogger2011ify 15 сағат бұрын
@@NinjaFresh we vote with our money essentially. You have every right to be upset about misappropriation of funds and continual lies. Ya he could have sold his account but that would have left Somone else holding the bag. Maybe be he didn't feel that was the moral option. And I have junked cars after working on them because you get into it and realize it's hooped I'm not stuck on the sunk cost loop. As for PCs usually when something "dies" it's your boot drive or board....and I'm an enthusiast overclocker
@invader218 Күн бұрын
Honestly they got used to the old flight model and are acting like children when their precious light fighter meta got killed. Good for him deleting the game, but the drama is childish. I understand they all wanted to be ace pilots that can kill everything with their tiny fighter to feel powerful, but the game needed to change for balancing.
@TheBod76 Күн бұрын
That will surely teach them! LOL
@robertthornton5106 Күн бұрын
I find it bizarre watching people hype themselves up and then throw a fit when their expectations are not met- the problem here is people letting themselves get carried away. Invest what you are comfortable with for what it is now, financially or emotionally.
@TrickOrRetreat Күн бұрын
Agree 👍 sounds like this guy invested way to much in the verse
@ZevesG Күн бұрын
star citizen is a cheap learning experience for cults and their lies and exploitation.
@SentinelxPrime Күн бұрын
Really? Seems to me the problem is the direction of the game development and tedium. 10 minute warps. Needing to eat and drink. The trams. Forced pvp. Waiting around to respawn your ship. Manually loading cargo. Having to do a bunch of bs just to get to the fun part. Lack of gameplay and bugs after 12 years. I feel like we were promised a space exploration/combat/trading sim and what we got is more like rust in space.
@nerdglider Күн бұрын
Ppl are too emotional 😂
@tibitzu365 Күн бұрын
@arcadealchemist Күн бұрын
not enough grass where they live i guess. shame i can't start a GRASS selling buiessness just sell a small 2 by 1 foot shallow box of dirt with a wire that plugs in to the wall socket and you can grow grass in it. touch grass all day
@WarlockSRB Күн бұрын
...he is not the only one that is frustrated TBH
@arcadealchemist Күн бұрын
people need to touch grass
@StellaAlamarr Күн бұрын
Being upset with the game is fine, throwing away your investment is just ridiculous. I've seen people quit and "blow up" their gear in many a game. They always come back. Then want everyone around them to help carry them to get their gear back. The idea of complaining about the game being boring but also wanting there to be no determining factor other than purely skill and gear choice is so non sensical to me. It fundamentally is a shit idea for an mmo. The biggest appeal for mmos is the continuous goal to strive for something better/more. If they don't "gamify" star citizen what is there to strive for? If the only relevant choice is ships, weapons and armor... what is there to look forward to if you already have your favorite selection of gear on you? If you already have what you want why would you do additional missions to earn rep or money? That's literally what is in the game NOW. Spawn Orison, go to cousin crow's buy and equip. Why steal someone else's stuff? You already have what you want. Why do missions? You already have what you need. I love Battlefield but once I unlock the guns I like and get tired of playing with those guns the game quickly gets boring. Having stat modifiers, gear sets, weapon perks, randomized stats on dropped loot, etc. all create a desire to search for/craft more items. Brainstorming and creating new builds, sharing builds. GW2 is a perfect example of how creating "builds" can bring so much personality out of each individual player. Do I want skill to be a factor? Definitely, but I sure as hell don't want that to be literally the ONLY thing.
@IncognitoSabellian Күн бұрын
Sadly at times not sure the Star Citizen community even know or want a mmo. Just seen so many signs that a good deal don't. Also not sure CIG was really clear that they were building a mmo universe sim. (As in it is simulated that you as a person live in said universe and what that may entail. )
@NinjaFresh Күн бұрын
@@IncognitoSabellian I've been enjoying the direction that Star Citizen has been going so I don't get all the negativity. A lot of the complaining seems to come from people who either play the game too much or have never played an alpha/ early access game. I don't know I play for a few months off and on when I play Star Citizen. I've never made a game my whole personality so I don't know how it feels to suffer through a game.
@xen1313 15 сағат бұрын
@NinjaFresh I don't get the suffering. Games are supposed to be entertainment. If you're not entertained, go find something that does entertain. I backed this game on the vision of what it could become. I have had amazing nights with friends, just Roc mining on a moon. 3 in rocs, 2 more flying CAP and scouting more nodes for the Rocs to mine, and 1 more hauling what we mined to Markets. Have had a similar experience with all game modes. I don't need a game telling me how to play in a sandbox. This is where I disagree with @saltymike, I believe the gameplay is already in the game. There are fun things to do, a sense of reward on accomplishing something, even if that reward is not coded into the game. It's a game that is just not polished. And still needs a few more years before the polish can be applied fully.
@directorhaddon Күн бұрын
At some point, the game has to move from "all things to everyone" to an actual game. A lot of people won't survive that transition, because the game won't match their imagined version of it.
@eTreyu27 Күн бұрын
Gift your ships bro... Don't just dump it.
@IndrasilDesignStudio 13 сағат бұрын
CIG is like an abusive partner who keeps telling you they'll change, but every time they fail to keep their promise, they gaslight you by saying, that you misunderstood them.
@rupert456 Күн бұрын
Man, trying to liquidate your account is such a mission
@mayoluck Күн бұрын
Tell me bout it, bc if you part it out you can be left with some stuff that wont sell by the time your done fucking with it.
@s1lentw1nter Күн бұрын
He said he didn’t sell his account as that wouldn’t send a message to CIG, let me tell you, CIG couldn’t give too shits that this guy deleted his account, to them it’s free money, he just gave them $1500 for nothing in return. Plus they know he will buy in again if Star Citizen or SQ42 release in a good / playable state he said so in his leaving video.
@skitsnack1 Күн бұрын
People need to get their shit together but instead they make a videogame the most important thing in their life. "I deleted my account" is being such a dramaqueen, just spend your free time on something else for a while.
@robertchandler2063 Күн бұрын
WTF does delete your account even mean? Yes I watched this when he watched in twitch. I don’t think CIG has a button to hit delete and why would they? So he called support and told them to get rid of it and the my said yes? Really I find that hard to believe
@TrickOrRetreat Күн бұрын
A little unclear on this myself. I guess deleting would require a complicated password you can't remember in your head. So you burn the paper with your code and uninstall 🤔
@maddogtank8425 22 сағат бұрын
Probably what he means is he went to the gray market,
@aronhayse9895 Күн бұрын
all i see is Chris pocketing the money you see how luxurious his family is living?
@rolinthor Күн бұрын
He even got a job and a board seat for his wife. Nice racket.
@ironwar8501 Күн бұрын
their financials show otherwise, Chris Roberts was already a pretty well paid guy before making star citizen so your statement is just wrong. That being said, being CEO of a company does come with a pretty big pay, but that is completely different
@Sheppardsg1 Күн бұрын
then you do better than him xd
@revengexmoon2087 Күн бұрын
"Raging?" Reacting to the sorry state of the game is more accurate. We disappointed backers are legion right now.
@Cowcow211 Күн бұрын
> are legion right now. Here's the cult, guys.
@VFW-Mayer Күн бұрын
Our Hopes may have been too much for Chris Roberts talent. We drank the kool-aid together.
@the_ericklima 17 сағат бұрын
$1,500 dollars spent on a billion dollar company. CIG is saying "Thanks for the pocket change!". This dude needs therapy.
@Venhili Күн бұрын
Let me get this straight. CIG makes promises for years that they're going to make everything totally physicalized. The community doesn't buy it. CIG implemented the physical cargo and first person inventory. The community has a melt down. Smh. This was always going to come into the game, I don't understand why people are freaking out about it, we finally got one of our promised game loops. If the community reacted this way to cargo, how will they react to hygiene??? How will they react to crafting??? People seem to fail to understand that this is not a space sim, it's a first person immersive sim, the space flight is just a bonus
@NateFromIT Күн бұрын
Things I knew since day one of backing Star Citizen 1: It might never come out. 2: The end. What a child. I have over 2K into my SC account.
@needy3535 Күн бұрын
Not the brightest bulb are ya
@needy3535 Күн бұрын
@@Sennif383 self harm?? You’ve lost the plot bro.
@iblackstormi Күн бұрын
Sounds more like this man has an emotional addiction. And deleting his account is his way of going "cold turkey"... Like bro it ain't that serious, I've spent $120 total in pledges, everything else I've bought with auec and I've had fun doing it, anytime I'm disappointed about the performance I don't get mad because I didn't invest a lump some of my hard earned money into it
@HeyyItsNick 14 сағат бұрын
Why is everyone talking about pledges like it's an investmemt? The moment you buy pledges and go past the refund period your money has already been burned and CIG has already spent it. So many people are talking about SC like you bought stocks in a business, you didnt, the only thing to expect in return for what you spent was a good fun game, which after 12 years still hasn't been delivered. The money was already burnt so I burned my accounts fpr the message, like it or not it was my choice and many backers are addicted to this game in unhealthy ways, I am just someome who recognized it and quit it.
@kanascastle4097 Күн бұрын
TLDR: "This game is terrible! I deleted my account. I'm DONE!! ....but I still have an ALT account, just in case." SC won this round = P
@HeyyItsNick Күн бұрын
All Accounts are deleted now.
@kanascastle4097 Күн бұрын
@@HeyyItsNick It's fine. Plenty of other forms of entertainment out there. Please do the things that may you happy. Life is short so make the best of it.
@Phoenixstorm36 Күн бұрын
​​@@HeyyItsNickwith Nicks words 'If is not in my hands it doesn't exist.' I have no proof the alt got deleted so it still exists!
@xen1313 15 сағат бұрын
@@HeyyItsNick SC does not care that you deleted your account. They have every dollar you gave them. This form of protest companies love, since they get your money, and you destroying their product just provides them hype. Your drama post will end up causing someone to buy the product to see if you're right. Most likely to point at you and say you're wrong.
@First_Chapter Күн бұрын
The sobering thought watching this was that as a backer of 'only' seven years, I'm considered a newcomer.
@arcadealchemist Күн бұрын
imagine being that narcissistic you thing anyone "CARES" you threw a tantrum because GAME PUBLISHER HURT YOU. this is PEAK streamer/content creator
@Cratevoodoo Күн бұрын
07:45 - 08:05 Thank You, Mike. Smack that shit down as soon as it starts.
@bartasbxx Күн бұрын
Lol what a silly mentality to have to just take a full hit. You can get some money back you still take the hit but willfully take full brunt of it as some sort of self punishment is masochistic at the least and full on mental health issues at the worst.
@nobullshita8993 Күн бұрын
Not spending one cent this iae
@liamseven1604 Күн бұрын
i want updates when that passes if you were able to resist.
@MWTGoldenGun Күн бұрын
I haven't spent a dime on this game since they excluded me from the Pyro play test for not buying their stupid citcon pack
@liamseven1604 Күн бұрын
@@MWTGoldenGun I mean i bought that and didn't have access from what I'm aware.
@jebidyah Күн бұрын
This whole arcady argument is stupid, We loved arcades growing up, arcades were amazing and fun, like how is arcady a bad word? Not to mention, most grown ass men and women who can actually afford to play a game like SC (assuming you buy more than a starter pack, which i think most do) dont have time to sit around an hour or more just to get started. Having a game that is fun and engaging and respects your time by not taking an hour or more just to get anything going is a good thing. We are not 15 years old anymore with 12 disposable hours a day to dedicate to a video game. I dont understand, fun is fun, who cares how you define it. These labels are just stupid. The fact of the matter is, most true sims / hardcore sims are not fun, especially not for the majority of people. Only people who are true simulation fans care about this, and I guarantee this is a very niche population. Like the people who spend 20k to build some trucker or race car setup in their basements. You are the minority, so stop trying to be game development woke, the majority of people don't want that.
@yous2244 Күн бұрын
Not really this is an MMO that you play for decades so everyone definitely has the time. Playing one hour a day amounts to 365 hours a year more then 3000 in a decade
@UAF_ViVi Күн бұрын
I understand his pain. Its been 12 years, yet here we are with no real game, just endless drama.
@Ragecon87 Күн бұрын
To be fair ashes has been able to have more people in one area and play smooth and push out fixes to the problems they had during the tests, before they even talked about server meshing
@deivoc4950 21 сағат бұрын
@@Ragecon87 ashes is nowhere near to the SC scale.
@Ragecon87 18 сағат бұрын
@@deivoc4950 tech is still tech and theirs was working great for their ideas even before they started meshing work, they will also have far more players connected to one server that cig could ever dream of 🤷‍♂️
@jeremy7383 Күн бұрын
Beyond flying. Sitting on the train is NOT fun.
@RumpleNJ Күн бұрын
This is just a stupid move during a temper tantrum. Might as well have burned the cash live on twitch.
@NinjaFresh Күн бұрын
I remember when people were burning their armies for Warhammer because GW killed off the Old World. People destroying $1000 worth of models not to mention all the time they invested into putting them together and painting them. Why? You can keep playing with the old rule set. Funny enough GW is bringing back the Old World with some updated rules and people who had destroyed their old armies are now buying new armies to play with the new rule set. Just doesn't make any sense to me.
@munkeyboi13 Күн бұрын
Since CIG marketing basically took over the role of game director, it all started going down hill.. Game play feels like an after thought now and new sales are always prioritized
@nathanwells4809 Күн бұрын
Kinda a crybaby thing to do. "I paid all this money and now to really SHOW THEM im gonna make a guy in customer support delete MY account" Doesn't do anything and just removes any way for you to talk in the community spaces where you could at least attempt to make change through spectrum or something. This is just sand punching to me. Let alone removes any future possibility of experiencing SC regardless of what that ends up being.
@KombatKrab Күн бұрын
It's likely this guy has many accounts, Perhaps he is just burning one for lols?
@TheseusMinor Күн бұрын
If they were an employee, they'd be fired and left unhirable.
@TumBear Күн бұрын
Thankyou Mike for calling out the bullshit in chat. Bloody awesome to see someone take a stand on that crap.
@Kiyomoto657 Күн бұрын
It’s sad to see someone walk away from something they were so passionate about. I hope he finds something that he enjoys.
@jamessparks6133 Күн бұрын
Cult A cult is a group requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society, which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader who tightly controls its members. Wikipedia (Not Websters definition but appears to be the general consensus according to some )
@1aatlas Күн бұрын
That could describe almost every fanbase of any game/movie/tv show.
@vik12D 15 сағат бұрын
Waiting in QT, waiting for a tram, waiting for your ship to come up from the ground, waiting to finish loading cargo, waiting to finish unloading cargo. He's not wrong. If it was part of a bigger theme, an economy, base building, player built items, etc. NPC crew or at least AI...Star Citizen is a ton of monotony. If they don't start building on what they've put in, this will be dead pretty soon. I personally know three people that have sold their account. They supported from 2017 till 2023/24. The last left with the combo of Master Modes and the Cargo "update." I defend SC when I'm deeply involved. Then I play other, real games, and realize how bad things really are for SC. Even if they drop something that has some loading screens (which SC already has, i.e. elevators), big ships that people have wanted for years even with a server cap of 100, etc. There needs to be some FUN in this endless tech demo.
@soyentak5076 Күн бұрын
I stop being emotionally invested after 2018. Just gonna let the current take me where it goes.
@TrickOrRetreat Күн бұрын
Agree 👍 I take 3 months breaks when game gets to bugged or boring. There is more to life than star citizen.
@NasserQabazard 21 сағат бұрын
I don't think people understand how difficult it is to make a game like this. They may want to say it will be a big leap forward, and everything is going to suddenly be sunshine and rainbows, but that is just delusional. They are being overly optimistic, as humans tend to be. This game is going to be Hell on Earth every step of the way, especially since they didn't focus on building the entire ecosystem (S42 and SC) on server meshing first. Yes, even the single player game needed to be built with server meshing in it's code base, otherwise you can't bring those assets into a server meshing environment. Server meshing should've been the first thing the company focused on and tackled as soon as they realized they would need that to make the game work. Because it wasn't built with that in mind, we have more years of pain both building out the rest of the game and going back over everything to fix it so it works with the server meshing system. If you think this game will hit 1.0 within the next 5 years, you are mistaken. If you think it will be fun within the next 10 years, you are mistaken. If you want to play a fun and working game, come back in 2035. If you don't have those expectations you need to reality check yourself. It doesn't matter what the company says. I'm not exaggerating, either. Mark my words, this can not work the way it is intended for another decade until the technologies it is built on have matured enough.
@TheseusMinor 19 сағат бұрын
It's been TWELVE YEARS. Let that sink in.
@DarkSid3OfTheLoon Күн бұрын
I agree with a lot. I was fully expecting this year to skyrocket the project and its been slow as any other time. I do like some of the patches. I've been having a pretty smooth experience the last couple weeks with some friends and its been great. But I dont blame anybody for running out of patience and walking away. If some serious positive progress isn't made soon I'll take another break myself. I've stepped away for months, even over a year, a couple times and I have no problem doing it again if I'm not enjoying my time in the verse. I hope he finds a game he loves.
@xen1313 15 сағат бұрын
@DarkSid3OfTheLoon "'s been slow as any other time." Can I get the number for the guy who provides what you're smoking? The last 3 years have been lightspeed faster than a decade ago. In three years, we've gone from 3.12 to 3.24.1. Imagine only having a single station to start from and empty waypoints to fly towards to do nothing at. That was 5 years ago. Before that, 3 years from walking around in a hanger and driving a golf cart. This game is now releasing multiple patches in the same year, take the wins where you can find them, mate.
@Valium_x Күн бұрын
If this was any other company the CEO would be responsible and held account. Period.
@NinjaFresh Күн бұрын
For what? Making record amounts of money? lol you're so silly.
@stephanmilius3598 Күн бұрын
"HeyyItsNick" clearly has a strong emotional reaction, leading to objectively questionable actions (destroying and ranting). Theory: Star Citizens latest more arcade direction is directly linked to the requirement of making more money and the community getting unpatient. Arcade stuff is simply easy to do and will please more people. Ironically that leads to more frustration of the original backers.
@lordfraybin 19 сағат бұрын
Top Hat to you Mike for addressing mental health and peoples pointless ego driven attacks on others. You are 100% on point. Respect.
@mrbobsevil 16 сағат бұрын
You cannot be emotionally attached to this game at this point
@ariochezyphyr8879 Күн бұрын
I play this game for what it is and not for what I imagine it should be or will be and have fun doing so. If this is not something you can do, I feel you need to quit your whining, go play another game you enjoy and wait until this game is released if and when it ever is.
@theborgster8497 Күн бұрын
That comment about how he looks, perfectly sums up a very big chunk of the SC player base, and gamers in general honestly
@NinjaFresh Күн бұрын
What do you mean? Goofy needs to be called out.
@shamandgg 20 сағат бұрын
He is obviously an addict, has a toxic relationship with a stupid game. Godspeed.
@youngclopen 20 сағат бұрын
This dude is like objectively correct on most stuff and I was backing him but he totally deflates his whole video burning a 1500$ account and keeping an alt. Silly.
@Cysmoke Күн бұрын
Next week; “I’m back and I love it”.
@randallwhite5947 Күн бұрын
Maybe not a cult in the classic sense of the term but Definitely a Cult of Personality around Chris Roberts.
@TurokTimeTraveler 23 сағат бұрын
Only and idiot would click yes they agree to delete 50,000$ worth of ships sales and let the company keep it. He'll probably look back and say damn they did tell me it was an irreversible action. His loss. Shoulda kept the account and just stepped away and taken a breath.
@_..-._.-_-_ Күн бұрын
I'm sure he's just pulling a GrumpyEye and clout-quitting so he can come back in a week for more views.
@schlagzahne6741 Күн бұрын
Freaking grumpy. He makes a big show of giving up and all the sudden hes back with all this feedback. I get that he has opinions on what should happen but unless he has been hands on with 3.23 ( breaking the "I quit" statement) then his feedback would be based off videos or his own vision. I don't like it when people do this "quit" and show up later to still be extra spicy. The statement really should be " I'm taking a hiatus" but that's not as dramatic I guess
@allthatishere Күн бұрын
@@schlagzahne6741 The game is a drug, and some people are addicted to being squeezed.
@criticalchai Күн бұрын
he probably didnt delete the account. it makes for a good title but he is just raging at CIG. that's fine. it is a long s production cycle and they got a few years before it get someplace. best thing is just to step away play something else and if they get the game to a place you enjoy then come back. i definitely spend not even a fraction I used to.
@HeyyItsNick Күн бұрын
I really appreciate how you reacted to this, and yes I agree the Alt account was a cop out and I only remember I had it in that moment, it wss raw and unedited. I have took the action of deleting my Alt account to stay true to my word.
@Ogata123 Күн бұрын
You’re free. If you’re looking for fun games, ive been enjoying Timberborn, Space Haven, and more recently, hitting the gym more consistently
@Andrew120001 6 сағат бұрын
Sad that CIG has let you and others down like this. I think that deleting your SC accounts is for the best in this situation. Like Mike said, sometimes you just need to delete the game/app that is making you feel worse. Wishing you the best.
@Ogata123 Күн бұрын
For some, its a cult. For some, its an mlm. For some, its sunk cost. For others like myself, its a yoke you can’t quite slough off until you’ve unlocked it a bit.
@critic_empower_joke_rlaxtslife Күн бұрын
True server meshing at 1st is likely to be a total shit show for months, perhaps a couple years just to get 30ish fps probably with location caveats but even then, I personally still that miserable result as a success just for the complexity of the global work is insane
@Swatmat Күн бұрын
Deleting your account is the most moronic thing you can do
@IIITangentIII Күн бұрын
Well to be fair it's not the most moronic thing you could do. Taking all of your money and throwing it in a garbage can in your backyard and setting it on fire would be more moronic... Oh wait a minute that's pretty much the same thing. Never mind.
@Swatmat Күн бұрын
@@IIITangentIII terrible troll. You want to take a break from the game fine, by deleting your account you are not hurting CIG, they have the money. it's like protestors who set themselves on fire.... it achieves nothing. now, if he does want to come back, he has to spend more.
@Fragnatix Күн бұрын
Its a protest. If that amount of money is lost, they want to make sure nobody will profit from this account and even participate financally to the game.
@IIITangentIII Күн бұрын
@@Fragnatix how would just not logging in again be any different? They already got the money. It's immaturity. People can do what they want but that doesn't mean it was smart. Also if he didn't quietly no one would be commenting. When you put yourself out there then you're going to get comments. That is the way the world works.
@fwdcnorac8574 Күн бұрын
At least with the other guy, it was just a few cases of Bud Light...
@beavschannel5217 Күн бұрын
Lol, Ashes is doing things! Narc and one of his community worked out that given the yet to be released content, and given Intrepid's release schedule, that if there is no delays and everything works, It'll be out by 2030.
@Accuracy158 Күн бұрын
At the launch of 3.23 Yogi was pretending master modes was going to be better for 4.0 after they more substantial time to work on it. Now he's acting like it's pretty great and there not going to get to any of the changes they want to work on until after 4.0.
@EdwardG-el9fd Күн бұрын
If star citizen succeeded, it will send a strong message to the industry. All AAA and indie studios will try to replicate CIG's funding model. Imagine Black myth Wukong selling a character for 1k USD in Alpha, or Elden Ring selling a Weapon for 2k to support the dev. I don't think it's a future we want for gaming.
@MrXinshadow Күн бұрын
Honestly the biggest thing that should scare the shit out of CIG is Epic. Based on how well UE5 has matured over time, IF Epic can get server meshing integrated as a component into UE5 or hell even UE6, that's it for CIG. Epic has proven they can deliver on their engines, so it's likely only a matter of time. Time's ticking, Chris!
@needy3535 Күн бұрын
It was over as soon as he chose cry engine lol
@rolinthor Күн бұрын
SC is already dead, effectively. Their engine is old and busted and a competent team is going to come along and eat their lunch.
@needy3535 Күн бұрын
@@rolinthor 45 people on my friends list and most I ever see now is the same 2 people, often away lol
@frogger2011ify Күн бұрын
Everyone already has back end server meshing. No one with a brain would even attempt what they want to do let alone on this kind of game for alot of very obvious reasons. Desync and the issue of time dilation being one of them. Eve gets around this (servers are not as granular so it's not as bad as it's gonna be for cig) by having loading screens in between systems which allows them to bring your tick rate inline with the server so you don't have desync....this won't work In a first person game let alone one with no loading screens.
@frogger2011ify Күн бұрын
​@@needy3535Crytek warned him to
@tlove21 Күн бұрын
I don't expect everyone to really follow this project to the end. It takes a strong person to deal with CIG's marketing BS.
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