Sarah Z Needs to Stop Lying About People (Glass of Water)

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Lily Orchard

Lily Orchard

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Пікірлер: 218
@Thesquishiestbean 5 жыл бұрын
"ReBeCcA SuGaR ShOuLdN'T bE cRiTiCiZeD BeCaUsE sHe'S a MiNorItY"
@CyberSurferXD 5 жыл бұрын
Ironically enough, much of her audience who argue in favor of that sentiment also don't seem to know what transgender means.... it's a funny old world ain't it?
@notcharmander9606 5 жыл бұрын
16:21 "I'll settle for you only because you're blank" is so disrespectful to someone's identity. That always means they don't care about someone as a person. They just see them as a trophy (an object to brag about) to tell themselves they're not racist/transphobic/homophobic that's really just the bare minimum of being a normal human being.
@darthslain 5 жыл бұрын
wait what? there are people here who watch you just because you are trans? that as insulting as it sounds?
@LilianOrchard 5 жыл бұрын
Yes. Yes it is.
@lilmisssunshine7173 5 жыл бұрын
I didn't even realize Lily was trans at first. Maybe it was because in the beginning, I only watched the in-a-minute videos, and after a month or so started slowly getting into the real meat of Lily's channel. Then I think she mentioned her identity in passing, I thought, "oh, ok," and the rest is history
@ranglefandangles 5 жыл бұрын
It boils down her content to being ‘made by a trans person’ as opposed to being made my someone who also happens to be trans, putting far too much emphasis on something that doesn’t affect her content in any way.
@darthslain 5 жыл бұрын
i was subbed to her before she came out too then unsubbed (sadly i fell for scorchers whiny bullshit at the time) later i refound her channel and resubbed because his shit was shit and i was a fool for believing it
@josephmartur3261 5 жыл бұрын
Sarah's video summarized: All she had to say "I think Coolsville sucks"
@danj9580 5 жыл бұрын
"It's coming from a naitive american trans-lesbian" gotta admit, didn't see that coming and your channel makes a bit more sense now.
@hickorydaisy4117 5 жыл бұрын
I think it’s a bit insulting that your well-thought-Out video is put in the same pool as CinemaSins, which is literally comedy, not criticism
@jeffreywarf 5 жыл бұрын
The sheldon and Ida points are complicated because there are those on the autistic spectrum who both love and hate the character and the same goes for Ida and the trans community. Perhaps gamerghazi is coming from a place of only having heard from those who hate them in those communities. That's still on them for not seeing the nuance, but, luckily, it doesn't seem malicious. Just, as you say with sugar, rooted in stupidity by way of ignorance. And only with criticism can people grow and change.
@pierrebegley2746 5 жыл бұрын
As someone with Aspergers, I myself kinda hated Sheldon. Or at least his early character. I just felt like he was such an arsehole and making the rest of us look like we’re nothing but arseholes. But seeing him in later episodes in the series he has been made more complex. So I kinda like him more.
@Mxdreavus 5 жыл бұрын
The su/su crit tags on Tumblr will be VERY interesting today
@SophisticatedFlow 5 жыл бұрын
I subscribed to Lily because when the whole Korra series was on, I hated it within first three episodes. I hated it but couldn’t explain why. When Lily so eloquently gave reasons as to why LoK is bad (not to mention Aaron and Elizabeth Ehasz were no longer on the writing team) I was like “yes! That’s why I hate it!” It’s awesome to have someone be able to form your words and thoughts when you yourself struggle to. So thanks Lily and keep up the work!
@anagonzalez8972 5 жыл бұрын
That's exactly why I'm a fan of her work. A lot of her videos talk about notions that I ALREADY had in my head but didn't know how to express myself.
@pineappleboidraws 5 жыл бұрын
OK I hope she sees this. She'll probably lose her shit lol.
@Gokusmisstress18 5 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't it be fun to see her try to respond and act like she didn't flat out lie on Lily? Lol
@kodeenorman2161 5 жыл бұрын
Her reply would involve her lying saying "I never said that" or "I took what lilly said differently I didn't understand it"
@ShinyPrimarina 5 жыл бұрын
She'll probably cut out and lie about this video to lol
@lProN00bl 5 жыл бұрын
I'm sure she'll just show the part about jilling off and any time Lily swore She's already made a twitter post side stepping it and talking about dobby fucking
@magickgeminid2944 5 жыл бұрын
she looks like the type that uses crocodile tears and manipulation to try and win sympathy. Then go into your private messages to explain her position asking what she did "wrong." and expecting to kowtowed to.
@CaptJosmy 5 жыл бұрын
"Last september" it's... it's only been 5 months? I've watched it so many times I thought that video was way older... I'm guessing that person didn't watch it as much considering she wasn't able to quote a single sentence properly.
@BriarRH 5 жыл бұрын
"She's jewish! She can make antisemitic content!" That's not an excuse. That's not acceptable. That's not how being a good person works at all. We need to have standards for everyone. And I mean everyone.
@rclc93 5 жыл бұрын
The worst part of her video is when she said you claimed that Rebecca sugar is a fascist sympathizer after playing a clip of you saying that you don’t believe she’s a fascist sympathizer
@pkmnherofan22 3 жыл бұрын
I rewatch old lily vids now and again and seeing Levi here stings in retrospect
@joahjoah92 5 жыл бұрын
I used to have the posture of supporting minority voices simply for the sake of being a minority voice, until I talked with someone who not only was a minority but an Orthodox Marxist as well who made a convincing case that those caused only had a tendency for being progressive but weren't necessarily so. Basically her argument was that often people would neglect the actual societal disease that caused the problem they are fighting against while focusing on symptoms. The way she put it it seemed that those flags would eventually boil down to a matter of identity, or rather identities, that if one is not careful could be co-opted by a right wing rethoric that would simply exclude other identities, especially other minorities (trans exclusionary feminism being a prime example) while still being ineffective in surpassing their own oppression. I guess after that I am now suspecting the "liberal ideal" (when it doesn't offer an actual project that entails things as economics, foreign policy, etc... The stuff any state need to survive regardless of ideology)a little more, and the way this video shows how people on the liberal "left" are willing to turn a blind eye to flirtations with fascism only reinforces this position to me.
@MyNameIsHeyo 5 жыл бұрын
This is why I watch things several times before I’m ciritical about something
@nashwinston1395 5 жыл бұрын
I do think there is some misrepresentation here. The video in question isn't about you until the last 1/4, and the video is very much discussing general youtube criticism and you were cited as a case study. Your video however did prove your point. She did misrepresent you, she did not prove her point, and sarah z may have actually done the whole video just to take you down.
@zoolg6939 5 жыл бұрын
This is a common tactic to deflect scrutiny. You speak in general terms and then cite examples off-hand as you go on, as if the specific attack wasn't the entire point of your essay. I've seen it done many times in academic papers. Sometimes they won't even mention the other person by name, they just attack arguments (even when blatantly associated with a specific target) or they attack other, less known people who are associated with them.
@2Fiddle4U 5 жыл бұрын
When I saw Lily put out a video, I figured, 'Oh, what a good day already' Then I saw it was a response to Sarah Z's response, and thought, 'Oh, this is gonna be really good'
@mistermann4163 5 жыл бұрын
Funny how i found you though a youtuber trying to bash you but i find your well of knowledge about writing very resourceful.
@zenosyaegalvus 5 жыл бұрын
Damn Lily I expected you to rip her apart and I got my own wig ripped right off
@JulzChan 5 жыл бұрын
Like a lot of people I watched Lily's retrospective from beginning to end and it's so enlightening and entertaining that I even watch it while doing other stuff. Lily you are just that amazing. So when people were claiming that "Lily blames the Sugar and the crew for the hiatus," "Lily blamed Sugar for creating concrete," "she called Sugar a Nazi," or "Lily has no idea how the animation industry works" I knew people were talking out of their asses just like Sarah. When a friend of mine accused Lily having a vendetta against Sugar and repeating same dumb points, I lectured him again and again until it sunk in and he stopped. Lily your work got me to think about my own beliefs and priorities and you are amazing.
@MieldExaminLive 5 жыл бұрын
Great work. I saw Sarah's video (mainly because the nostalgia critic in thumbnail), deemed it an inaccurate take on your video, and moved on. Glad to see you respond to it.
@sethkiparis7783 5 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call this a response. It has a wider subject, about laziness in research, acting progressive to score points as an "ally" and not questioning your own biases. Lily doesn't focus on one person. If a person is talked about, the person is used as an example of the problem or presentation. Hope I'm correct in this assesment.
@quiondasjj9293 5 жыл бұрын
When I saw that thumbnail I had to click SOO fast. Ily Lilly you are honestly one of ten most coherent critics this platform has
@anagonzalez8972 5 жыл бұрын
3:55 lmao And the people on her comment section thanking her for criticizing you make it extra ironic because they are the ones who take your criticism personally.
@cattiefogelsong6399 5 жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for Uzo Aduba! Bismuth was the jump the shark epiode. She is such a great voice activator how did she get saddled with this role!
@davodavinskie8543 5 жыл бұрын
@sweetpea2604 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly, your the smartest critic I know ❤️
@viktoryafonner6911 5 жыл бұрын
Ahhh, nothing like some good ol' tea to go with my lunch today!
@DKKiller581 5 жыл бұрын
I will be honest, I found you through MLP when I was first getting into the show because of my friend, but I am really glad I did, while I am not a fan of how aggressive you can be at times, I can understand why you do it, and I can enjoy your critical thinking and have learned a lot about story telling and such from you. Thank you for making videos
@nightigal 5 жыл бұрын
Oh the tea is scolding and it’s delicious
@lukejackson2354 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Lily for being the amazing Queen of not fucking around.
@gab.bee123 7 ай бұрын
i know this is old but i'm tiptoing through your videos since i just found your channel and you nailed white "woke" ""activists"" as a whole. it's all "listen to and uplift minority voices" until the minority voices are critiquing them
@auteel252 5 жыл бұрын
Shout out to Zen Huxable for defending you in the comments!
@BlackBeWhite2k7 5 жыл бұрын
She was endorsed by Pewdiepie...that tells you as much as you need to know about the quality of her videos.
@Carameja1010 5 жыл бұрын
I watched her video first, then this one, then paused and went to the video she spoke about and came back to this. At first I was like wtf Lily? And now I am like WTF Sarah!? It's kind of disgusting how she tried to place you away.. I understand there aren't a lot of people like me who actually go fact checking by watching the indeed two hour video. Honestly there should be cause this was an eye opener that people will just use clips for their advantages and paint someone more dark than they actually are. Thanks for letting me think and be more responsible with what I consume.
@CarlosRivera-wi7rn Жыл бұрын
Never watched Steven Universe but I knew it was bad when white people were tripping over themselves how awesome Steven Universe is because of "representation".
@depressed4893 5 жыл бұрын
I've watched this video so many times but Sarah Z's bullshit still surprises me each time. Like, if you're gonna make a callout video at least do the research and not just skim and eyeball it. Yikes...
@lotusthemermaid 5 жыл бұрын
I punctuated this video with an astounding yet somehow appropriate amount of "Oh SHIIIIT" and "Daaaaamn!"s. Quality burns throughout your logical criticism.
@CorruptedReality359 5 жыл бұрын
I thought the Steven Universe video was awesome. It's nice to have someone take something popular get taken down a notch. Popular doesn't mean good a lot of the time. I tried Steven Universe but I drifted off and just couldn't keep up with it and I realized it isn't the best thing on TV
@thejordangrace 5 жыл бұрын
I used to really enjoy Sarah Z's videos but when her bad media criticism came out I just couldn't ignore how horribly she portrayed your video. I saw everyone else pointing it out in the comments and kept hoping and waiting for some kind of acknowledgment or apology. Instead, I saw her whining on twitter that everyone calling her out was saying "Lily didn't say 4 she said 2+2!" That was when I dropped her ass and have no regrets. She's so... feminism 101 and I'm not at all shocked but disappointed to see people like Lindsay Ellis praising her for daring to speak against the mean media critics who don't use a nice tone of voice :(
@TopHat2375 2 жыл бұрын
Lesson of the day kids. Don’t lie. And don’t try to criticize something that you don’t understand
@michaelsbutsandputts.3011 2 жыл бұрын
I like Sarah Z but I really enjoyed this video and found it informative. You pointed out something about her that I couldn't put finger on. She doesn't research or dive into things that deeply in general. Like I say while I find her videos enjoyable, they basically amount to a long rant. Not a serious Dive Into The Media Or Topic At Hand.
@Itsant33 5 жыл бұрын
Pure catharsis
@queenjewel1407 5 жыл бұрын
I subscribed to this channel after watching the episode bismuth, and I enjoyed your take on the show even if I didn't completely agree to it. It's the main reason why I like your content. By the time the pink diamond reveal came along as well as the finale with white Diamond, I had the same view as you. It's honestly surprising how defensive people get over a fictional show. I find flaws in my favorite movies and shows and I don't mind people making videos criticizing them.
@becuzMDsaidineededpersonality 3 жыл бұрын
Although I didn't agree with your original analysis of Steven Universe, this is honestly disgusting that someone would take you out of context like this.
@TheMAM 5 жыл бұрын
I was kinda disappointed seeing Lindsey (Nostalgia Chick) agreeing with Sarah on her video. And here I thought she'd be less susceptible to bs.
@LilianOrchard 5 жыл бұрын
Hbomb did the same thing. White Liberals gotta White Liberal. Lindsay Ellis uses the Q-Slur a lot, so when she steps outside raw films studies and lukewarm takes about Capitalism she isn't exactly in an area where she's considered experienced. Sarah Z is the worst and the dumbest, but the other two are more than susceptible to performative wokeness.
@finnsword8286 5 жыл бұрын
Lindsey Ellis also did an entire video on how all the hate on the twilight franchise was people hating women liking things, and not that people had actual problems with twilight ala the racism, pedo and abuse apologism so unsurprisingly she agrees with Sarah Z
@emmettchan5545 5 жыл бұрын
Guessing neither of them watched Lily's video and just agreed with the general point without applying proper scepticism.
@blackrosesthorn9451 5 жыл бұрын
23:13 But woke is my kink 10/10 tea spillage going on here though. Few things bother me more than a person who can't comprehend that they may not know everything and not be the single most enlightened mind on the planet.
@rens05playz39 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, it's really shitty that all these people can't be bothered to do even a slight bit of research about you
@IronHeadOfficialYT 5 жыл бұрын
People just wanna feel like they are right 100% of the time and will do "light googling" without looking at the facts. In other words: Lily is credible, that other chicks argument is invalid The tea was hot and now she got scolded
@distinguishedallureproduct879 5 жыл бұрын
So you are basically the Maleficent of the KZbin!!! Subbed
@thomashenry4798 5 жыл бұрын
Psh. I followed you because of that SU video. It kinda made me go back and think about Steven Universe in a different light. I was already uncomfortable with the Stevonnie fusion episodes, because whenever I looked at Stevonnie, I thought of Steven and Connie. Two kids, that the show was creeping on. But I pushed the thought away, and didn't acknowledge it or think about whether it was a signal that maybe the show wasn't as good as I thought it was. It took your video to make me acknowledge that yes, those segments, and Lapis and Jaspers relationship, and the whole thing with Homeworld, made me uncomfortable with the show. Whenever I watch the show now, I cannot ignore those thoughts anymore. Those things (among others too numerous to list in a youtube comment) make me unable to continue to watch the show other than to gain some kind of closure. Even the closure that I did get was substandard. It made me feel awkward and uncomfortable with the entire thing, that everything was just wrapped up with a 'hug it out' session. We need to be willing as an audience, to question our own biases and thoughts and decisions. Otherwise we risk allowing problematic content and media to perpetuate problematic things in society. Not to mention we risk associating minority creators with minority content. We need to be willing to put our foot down, to demand and expect more, and not give a creator, no matter who they are, a free pass to put out whatever they feel like. If we dont expect better from people, we wont get better.
@myeyesarespiders 5 жыл бұрын
Never understood why people think Lily is some controversial and polarising critic ... This is literally just cartoon analysis that we're talking about :/
@sethkiparis7783 5 жыл бұрын
Funny how some comments say you sound angry. Maybe it's just me getting used to you, but it's more authoritative and attention grabbing than angry. I attended speech classes and from my (little) experience, such attitude is excellent for presentation.
@milkymoo3999 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot the best part where she claims you think Sugar is a fascist sympathizer after playing a clip saying you don't. Honestly, as someone who wasn't impressed with the video itself, that was all I needed to see to sign off.
@redacted7078 5 жыл бұрын
I watch lily because she points shit out that no one else does.
@shadzytarts 5 жыл бұрын
I was introduced to you because I saw your Steven Universe video, I was already kinda disturbed by the Bismuth ep, the Pink daimond reveal, that episode where Amethyst shapeshifted into Rose, Roses scabbard, that episode about Connie in Rose's room, and the Concrete controversy I heard about. So I listened to it carefully with these disturbing themes coming to mind, because I did enjoy the show while not thinking about it too hard, and I agree with you. And I'm incredibly disappointed by SU. I kept watching in hopes it would get better, but it's disgusting, and I honestly wonder how on earth everyone who still likes SU is still here for it, when the last episode seemed a lot like it threw new cool stuff into it to lessen the stink of the worst redemptions of the worst people I've ever seen. Also I adore your work Lily, you're an intelegent woman who's blunt and does her research. And I also happen to love the cute gay wives. I do think your work is well above a base line quality standard, because you encourage thinking and although that aspect of your work goes unappreciated by people who disagree or don't want to think, I find it admirable af
@thruhazeleyez 5 жыл бұрын
I subscribed to Sarah Z for a while after seeing her videos on Riverdale, Peathers and OITNB. She had literally zero issue going into why those shows were bad and was able to deliver a decent product. But holy FUCK did she bomb that media criticism video. I’m genuinely glad I watched your video before I saw her response so I knew she was lying right away. The way that she defends SU to the teeth but is more relaxed with other shows gives me a feeling that she’s a big fan of SU/Sugar and is super pissed that anyone tried to devalue the show, specifically in a way as thorough 2 hour video. Lmao what a mess
@cgrenadier 4 жыл бұрын
Beautifully refuted! Respect Lily!
@HOOTwheelz 5 жыл бұрын
I am so thankful to see this video in my sub box. When I saw Sarah Z making the claims she had made in her Bad Media Criticisms video, I IMMEDIATELY unsubbed. Performative progressiveness is EXACTLY what she's doing here, and I feel like a fucking moron for falling into that.
@mags2226 2 жыл бұрын
Back when this video came out, I didnt know much about Sarah z and her content. But now that I've seen her "journalism" style especially in regards to her recent video about the mcelroy's, which was two hours of thinly veiled bad faith whining that nobody cares about her own DND podcast. Like....yeah, Sarah. You're not that funny or interesting. Also- not to nitpick, but drinking tea on camera is not a charming bit.
@heropath34.vaselisc.35 Жыл бұрын
But how about the "Sacrificial Trash?
@smdcuolive6700 5 жыл бұрын
I've been soooo looking forward to this....
@Donyoku 5 жыл бұрын
That's kinda funny, because Tropes vs Ida and Tropes vs Sheldon were some of the only videos you made where I actually overwhelmingly agreed with you.
@gamerguys83 5 жыл бұрын
Lesson to be learned here: If you want to criticize Lily Orchard(hell, ANY content creator), do your fucking research.
@LAZY-RUBY 5 жыл бұрын
I guess people can just be as disingenuous on the internet as they want and _hope_ people won't try to cut through the BS.
@periidote9778 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to preface this with I am a lesbian. All of you criticisms of SU are 100% valid and I do feel slightly exploited as an underrepresented minority (gay, especially a lesbian). I feel like I can't speak out against SU as it is my only representation for a healthy lesbian couple. I feel trapped into praising SU so that the media execs or whatever don't blame any criticisms/failings of the show on the LGBT representation.
@themechanic9974 Ай бұрын
With the rise in harassment lately I'm so happy this is back
@cupidhoney9783 5 жыл бұрын
Subbed because of how validating your videos are (i usually struggle with putting things into words) and your storytelling (on tumblr)
@lightningheart594 5 жыл бұрын
Yo lily missed you you are always making lovable content
@thatonegirlinfandoms4452 5 жыл бұрын
I have been watching you for a long time now You may not believe me because I am typing on another account that I recently created I have huge respect for you And I love how your channel grown I have been watching for 5 years now Keep up the good work
@colbaltmind5696 5 жыл бұрын
Sarah needs to stop moving her hands constantly when she’s talking. It’s distracting me from noticing her lies.
@colbaltmind5696 5 жыл бұрын
Ryu Taylor the Ferret You might be right. Distraction can be best way to make people forget your lies.
@georgebrown1807 5 жыл бұрын
That's completely unfair! Not everybody who constantly moves their hands when they talk is a liar! I constantly move my hands when I talk and I resent being associated with Sarah Z!
@yomibara09724 5 жыл бұрын
See I remember when her Sarah's video came out I couldn't get through it. Why? Cause I see bull$hit whe I see it 🤣
@Charolette21 5 жыл бұрын
Shreeve Magia I even struggled to watch the entire thing
@foxonfirestudies3255 4 жыл бұрын
I saw Lily's video on steven universe before seeing Sarah z's video, so I know for a fact that lies were told in her video. I admit before I saw your video, I was thinking "Oh, boy, another person hating something popular, but when I watched it in entirety, realized that Lily's concerns are extremely valid. I was personally highly disturbed when I found out Concrete existed, due to me being a half Caribbean black male. I am definitely subscribing, you are amazing at writing rebuttals/ pointing out pros and cons
@jenniferolinger3925 5 жыл бұрын
*sigh*....we need more people like you.
@Aetamix Жыл бұрын
Honestly I really liked Sara Z’s content, but seeing this now kinda makes me rethink how reliable her criticisms are. A real shame to see her do stuff like this just because someone didn’t agree with her.
@astrometries1944 5 жыл бұрын
Seems like you've been dealing with this issue for a bit in regards to people taking your shit out of context. Love you Lily, also, thanks for going out of your way to find the timestamps and cite everything, even though the fact you have to clarify all of this is fucking ridiculous.
@killerOfMoons 5 жыл бұрын
Wait your Native? Sweet that is just awesome, I never see Native youtubers that make such great content.
@juantheconman7976 2 жыл бұрын
I may be really stupid, but until this video, I hadn't known lily was trans, or have I misunderstood what she said. Sorry to be off topic with this comment.
@akinmytua4680 5 жыл бұрын
I subscribed a while ago. After the whole Josh thing (I had been watching him, saw you on a video and liked you better and dropped him.) I stayed because of how you say babu. It's just too cute
@fortis3686 5 жыл бұрын
12:25 I never knew you’re native. Very interesting
@garnettfox 5 жыл бұрын
I've been watching you for a while Lily, ironically it was Josh who got me into watching you as I was into watching his reviews of MLP episodes (I don't care to watch the actual episodes but I find reviews of them intresting *Shrug* I'm weird like that) and I came across his old colab with you, and his two videos decrying you. I of course got curious, watched a few of your videos and found my new fave content creator. I'd fallen out of SU by the time your Garbge video came out. I loved the universe because it was intresting (me and a friend came up with a pair of fan charicters who where Gem's who defected to Rose's cause and while observing humans found that male pronouns felt better and more fitting then female ever did for them and basically made a pair of trans man husbands) But something about the actual story had been bugging me for a while, the hiatuses weren't helping either causing me to lose intrest in something I once loved. Then came your video which laid out every problem with Steven Universe and had me staring in the screen in shock wondering 'How the hell did I ever like this to begin with?!' Before slapping myself because there was no way for me in the begining to know just where SU would go and that I was basically watching the 'Let's forgive the Sad Nazi!' show. Since then I have only seen a few small clips of the show but have refused to watch the actual thing. And I'm definatly NOT going to see the movie when it comes out as I just can't support SU in any fashion anymore.
@camaradegasfunk7587 5 жыл бұрын
The concrete controversy was on my fucking birthday
@pkmnherofan22 5 жыл бұрын
I hadn’t seen the thumbnail to Sarah’s video but her intro is directly throwing shade at you so obviously that even the most unobservant slug would be able to tell this was about you. Needless to say, I stopped watching her videos after that
@fletcherguttman4174 5 жыл бұрын
Every time I watch your videos, I feel so much more informed. Also thank you for including the whole anti Semitism section coming from a Bisexual Jew. ❤️
@WickedFluffy 5 жыл бұрын
Here's The motherfucking Tea
@jeannesgm7564 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen the comments against your video. First off the only comments that have heart to it is "Well Steven Universe means this to me etc" the rest are all "Why is Lily so mad?" and "well I just don't agree with this claim" Y'all, I love Steven Universe too but we can't deny how bad the show was. I'm sure it made you feel good but don't be blind to how dogshit the show was at times
@Lunapixel_ 5 жыл бұрын
Oh yes... Aaaaalll the tea Lily! (In all seriousness, I enjoy your videos because of your absolute transparency about your opinions. When I stumbled across your channel, it was right in the middle of the Toonkritic shitstorm. You gave me a good perspective on it and you have helped me with my own critical thinking skills over the last year. Ergo; you are helping me learn how to use criticism on my own writing, thus helping in quality control on a book I'm chipping away at. ..... It has gay princesses btw)
@asterling4 5 жыл бұрын
I stuck with Steven Universe for so long, and by the time "Reunited" dropped I had already been disappointed time and time again. I stopped watching after Reunited, and at first I just thought, "Alright, it's just not your thing anymore, you're moving on, but it was good while it lasted," and then I saw your video. I clicked on it fully intending to get furious at just one more person blindly hating on a show they hadn't given a chance, and what I got instead was thought-out, worthwhile storytelling advice and a completely different perspective on that show. I'd been too sentimental to realize that I honestly just didn't like it, and you put into words every bit of terrible writing that had led to me drifting away from the show. I watch and re-watch your videos all the time for writing advice, and also because it's so refreshing to see somebody who isn't afraid to get angry and yell unpopular truths-- all the while never letting anger take over and distract from a solid argument with factual basis. You're something else, Lily.
@user-dh1un9lk9f 5 жыл бұрын
This tea is HOT oh boy I’m excited >:D
@nerojones2280 5 жыл бұрын
I just started watching but your point about people being to eager to tie there identity to a show is so true. I think there are really people out there who think if bismith was racist, then everything in the show must be wrong.
@OnlyShadowkin 5 жыл бұрын
Dear Lily! I have to say, I have recently picked up your glass of water videos, since I found the one where you quit WoW because of them raking the Dark Lady over the coals. I am not a fan of most of the stuff you have on here, but I have come across a few videos which have made me sit back and take stock of myself. Thank you. I have been enjoying the insight and the Videos alike, even the ones about My little pony which I do not watch and Steven universe, which I have not watched. it has all been fairly enjoyable, and eye opening. as a Writer, as a Straight white Woman I needed some of the wake up calls. Really, Thank you.
@The_gaming_archaeologist 5 жыл бұрын
I have to admit I was willing to hate your content when speaking about Steven Universe, however, listening and digesting what you said has helped me look at my own workings and how to better my craft.
@Astralfox528 2 жыл бұрын
12:26 I didn’t know this that’s so cool! I love your content and knowing your lgbt like me just made me happy lol
@Gekyouryuu 5 жыл бұрын
I watched your original video essay on why SU was bad when it came out, and it REALLY changed my perspective on the show. I still intend to watch it for as long as it's at least somewhat watchable, because at this point I've seen so much of the story that a combination of OCD and the sunk cost fallacy might just drive me a little bonkers if I don't, but even before seeing your video I had felt like something was off about it and couldn't put my finger on it. after seeing your video, not only did I finally know what felt off in the first place, I had my eyes opened to how wrong a LOT of other stuff in the show was, and I felt a bit uncomfortable about having liked the show as much as I had up to that point. also, on the topic of needing a quality line for people beyond just "they're a minority and should be listened to.", I didn't know you were a trans lesbian when I started watching your videos, but I'd be lying if I said that finding that out didn't make me like your stuff a bit more, because I'm also a trans lesbian and seeing that others like me do exist really helps me feel less awkward about it. there HAVE been other trans people I started watching videos from because I found out they were trans, admittedly, but that fact wasn't enough to keep me watching them when it turned out that their videos weren't exactly what one would call good.
@Yntsire 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Lily, This was certainly a very depressing, but sadly not surprising move that you needed to respond to. I think this was done extremely well on your part (likely because telling the truth is far easier/fun than making shit up) so major props to you! I can't remember exactly when, but I've been a decently regular viewer of yours for the last few months. Definitely have no interest in mlp whatsoever, but I've found the vast majority of your content entertaining and quite thought provoking. You remind me a lot of a good friend of mine from college. They were one of the few people who actually took the time to help educate/enrich me on various aspects of life and personal identity I needed a knowledgeable guide on. They did it all without a constant deluge of poorly masked passive aggression. (Though when the inevitable arrival of friendly shit-talking came, I had to learn to swim myself!) As someone who I'd like to think was raised to be as far from malicious and as close to accepting as they could've been, I'm the first to admit I have a responsibility to continually educate myself and further my understanding/respect for the individual lives of others. Your work has certainly been a great help in that, in addition to providing a welcome round of laughs! Keep up the great work and if you can, find a way to treat yourself. You've earned it!
@shimmypost852 5 жыл бұрын
I got kinda confused at the end there, but then with the urban dictionary, I understood. before this I had no idea what woke ment.
@mikeallevesque18 4 жыл бұрын
This is very late, but really, thank you. I found your video through Sarah Z's video, and I found myself agreeing with you all the way. And how you put it, that you shouldn't praise something just because it exists, but rather on how it's executed, is right on point. It's important to call out where representation is badly executed because it can be harmful. If we didn't do it, we would have to say that Split is amaaaazing because it shows a main character with DID, whereas the reality is that it antagonizes systems (people with DID) and perpetuates the "DID is dangerous" mentality and, as someone who has DID, it's horrible representation.
@aprilbarnhill2239 5 жыл бұрын
I haven't gotten the chance to watch this yet but I'm so glad you made this. I usually like Sarah's videos but boiiiii I knew she fucked up when she made that video about you
@cadr003 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah her criticism about your video was mad strawmanning your argument
@teacoston 5 жыл бұрын
The messages in this video (around 6:55 - 6:59, 11:50 - 12:31, 13:50 - 14:39, 15:30 - 18:01, 18:37 - 22:00, and 22:15 - 23:20), what sara z represents as a whole to her respective identity/group/thinking (or lack of) , is scalding and the real truth behind this bullshit. It's performative not sustainable. You can't just lie about someone/something because you are too attached and immature to handle criticism, lack critical comprehension and thinking, and don't want to step outside you're own ignorance/biases about it. Edit: Just watch the whole damn video, it's the truth. This is exactly what I and every poc has been saying, thinking, and/or feeling for shows, games, and people like this. This is why people back out of and feel frustrated with "friends/allies" and fandoms on the internet. I would love to put this video every-fucking-where.
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