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Droodles Blitz

Droodles Blitz

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This is the worst decision WG has ever made!

Пікірлер: 723
@DroodlesBlitz 4 ай бұрын
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and is free to express it however they want, I personally do not agree with the decision to add this matchmaker into the game as will most skilled players. The fix should have been based off of more equal tank lineups and not on player skill.
@saadmohammedshaji7776 4 ай бұрын
I think player skill is also something that should be implemented (slightly), Equal tank lineups do not matter if your teammates perform bad in them anyway, but that is a good fix for randoms.
@jonahreynolds431 4 ай бұрын
Hi droodles 👋
@StentorCoeruleus 4 ай бұрын
Your making the wrong complaint
@StentorCoeruleus 4 ай бұрын
Say two 60% get matched only one can win, meaning that your win rate is going to fall back to 50%
@yukiboisv 4 ай бұрын
Anyway apac (my current server) lacks high winrate player which mean that we apes low 40-50 percent winrate will fight each other and people that plays trash tanks with low winrate but have insane level of skill that is why 60-70percent winrate is rare so people just fight and whoever got more battle per person on the teams wins because more battle=more experience=better player
@mozaizai4785 4 ай бұрын
If I'm right, this update is basically an advantage for 40% percenters where each battle is easier for them. While 50 or 60% percenters will suffer and have to constantly try harder to win.
@charlesparr1611 4 ай бұрын
I'm a 47% who has been slowly improving over a year (I have minor disability in my hands, which is actually why I started playing this game:as therapy). For the first 100 games on the new matchmaker I won 45 games. So if it's killing unicums, it does not appear to be benefitting us filthy casual shitters, at least by my experience. I happen to agree with Droodles on this one, and think the teams should be balanced by the quality of the tanks (statistical performance of the tank, without modification for who is driving it), and by tank type. after all, if the quality of the platyers assigned to each team is random, then I wil as often face a team with three unicums, as I am a PART of a team with three unicums. It evens out. Also, if I never face teams that are superior or inferior to mine, do not feel I will progress. I will see fewer examples of great gameplay, I will see fewer examples of stupid screwups, and both are how people learn. From my experience, the new MM is not appreciably different from the old one. It seems to have made little change in how I experience the game, and no real difference to my stats. Thing is if it DOES work, then the results would not be a positive change in my opinion. Personally I believe the single biggest thing WG could do to improve the quality of play is increase the number of players, say to ten per team, and limit the number of top tier tanks in. each battle to three. I spend most of my time in tier 6 and 7, and frankly what ruins my games is OP tanks a tier higher than me that I cannot pen, cannot outmaneuver, and cannot bounce shells from. The other thing they could do is create maps where there are multiple possible strategies, as opposed to corridor battles where everyone has to do the same thing and everything depends on getting hull down fbefore anyone else so you can farm with immunity, unworried by flankers. WG can't really do anything about limiting the number f top tiers in a battle unless they change to a system where all tanks in a battle are part of one tier, because the higher tiers will be waiting much longer to get into battles of there are only three slots for tier8 and 7 slots for tier 7, but they could make the game more complex, which would allow skill to remain important, and they could expand the teams, which improves the chances that the teams will be equal in terms of tank capabilities, and improves the chances of skill/shitter ratio being closer. The biggest problem is nt matchmaking od p2p or any of the other common complaints, instead the biggest issue with WOTB is that it is designed as a team game, but it is impossible to actually play as a team. Team play requires the ability for individuals on the team to communicate, and cooperate, it requires coordination of tactics (ie a commander) and literally none of this is possible in random pubs. There are a few players who try to work together, there are players who platoon, and thus have a feeling for what their toon mates will do in given situations, but lets be honest the only way t have a true team system would be for every battle to be clan battles with voice coms and discipline. That would be an AMAZING game, but realistically it's probably economically impossible as most people are just not gonna want to take the game seriously. ironically, I would love that, but my skills are such shit that other serious players are not interested in me as a teammate (damn my crippled hands). I content myself with watching my win percentage very very slowly rise, from 35% to its current 47.03 over the last year. I try and ignore the fact that I have 22000 plus battles, however...
@Porozi 4 ай бұрын
​@@charlesparr1611noone reading allat ngga
@LanceRai 4 ай бұрын
I am now 50.03% just last update I was 48.91% (note I had 10000 games)
@pappy7170 4 ай бұрын
LMAO!!! Im a 55%er and I have not lost a game since this MM has started. Seems like you might have a skill isssue
@Scorpbot 4 ай бұрын
​@@charlesparr1611 Jesus Christ
@Darth_Buttercup 4 ай бұрын
Platoon with a 30%-er and the other 5 should be good.
@RonaldoKR7. 4 ай бұрын
Wow thats rly how this game should be played
@mubeenplayz5246 4 ай бұрын
But how many 30 percenters can you find because their winrate will slowly go up
@We__Lit 4 ай бұрын
@@mubeenplayz5246I’ve got a screenshot of 22% 1500 battles
@Darth_Buttercup 4 ай бұрын
The flaw in my sneaky plan... @@mubeenplayz5246
@gv100_blitz 4 ай бұрын
biggest brain
@sanzharkurmanguzhin1328 4 ай бұрын
I am a 65%+ player from EU after playing 30 battles on the first day. I have not touched the game, rating games were supposed to be for players who just want to play against opponents with similar skill level. Why are random battles now the same? So now we all should turn in to a 40-50% players? Because that's is what will slowly happen if this continues. So according to people who like this, good players need to be punished for they effort and skill?
@ImPatrickStarl 4 ай бұрын
ratings games sucked eggs, waste of time
@KristinIliev 4 ай бұрын
"rating games were supposed to be for players who just want to play against opponents with similar skill level" And here is yours and Droodle's problem! You don't want to play against similar skill players. You want to farm less skilled ones. And that is why you are crying
@insanecheapo195 4 ай бұрын
​@@KristinIliev how is not wanting games to be 0 and 7 wanting to stomp on easy opponents?
@ej5650 4 ай бұрын
@@KristinIliev When did he say he doesn't want to play against similar skill players? When did he say they want to farm less skilled ones? Games are harder now because us higher winrate players have to CARRY NEWBIES under 50% winrate while battling the enemy team with better winrate players.
@KristinIliev 4 ай бұрын
@@insanecheapo195 If you are against equally skilled opponents the games won't be 7-0, right?
@NTD___20 4 ай бұрын
Before the new MM I could AVE 70% a day but now..... 53%. I decided to stop playing Blitz until they release the new MM. THIS IS THE WORST UPDATE EVER in my opinion - A 5 years player.
@sanzharkurmanguzhin1328 4 ай бұрын
Lol same here
@ehannasir8464 4 ай бұрын
id say just play fun game modes if you enjoy them as they haven't received a change
@horecia 4 ай бұрын
@belakaman8212 4 ай бұрын
Same here
@alphaweeb5195 4 ай бұрын
Same I'm quitting until the mm changes gets reversed - 8 years player.
@Hemuli 4 ай бұрын
the new mm is a b*tch for the high 60%ers i can imagine. but personally as a 57% player on EU with relatively low average damage, 1700ish due to destroyed stats 8 years ago, it's felt not that different from the old mm, only thing im really noticing is the lack of *any* 60%+ players from my matches, usually it throws me 3 to 4 50-55% players on both teams and few high 40%ers and thats about it. from 100ish games still averaging around 2.7k average damage and 65% wr on tier X which is basically the same as what i averaged prior to the change on my 30 day stats. guess i got lucky with my all time stats being mid garbage for this to happen, but the matches do feel a bit better with the new MM got to admit edit: overall though, L of a change from wargamings department to sabotage the top tier players with this. though its not too much of a burden if you're low to mid player (which prob 95% are), so unlikely they'll revert the change :(
@solitude6110 4 ай бұрын
Bro I have similar winrate like you and just little bit higher avg dmg. I was going around 60% winrate few days before the update and above 2k avg dmg. And after that I had like around 30% winrate in more than 20 battles, the first day sbmm started. The battles feel different. I have checked the stats of all players from few battles. And the result? I’m playing with with players mostly around 53-60+% 😄 Both teams will get like one or maximum two 40% (sometimes none).
@goldenalbatross9462 4 ай бұрын
My stats are similar too yet teams have seemingly gotten better for me The matches haven’t been as one sided as before (0-7 or 7-0) and been doing much better damage too even though I haven’t changed my play style much. I do get 60%+ players (up to 4 in a game) in mm and I sometimes see better coordination between some players (non platooned) leading to clutches tho rng likes to screw with those (my shell bounced off an engine deck while aiming at center of mass at point blank from my Kpfpz 70)
@ZeeNotHere 3 ай бұрын
My wr is 67% before the mm update and now my wr is 48% IM in asia server,but ik asia is full of monkey but now Its even worse
@cassidyphan8027 3 ай бұрын
my win rate hasn't changed much since the update so i don't know. I'm a 52%er
@blakestidham3852 4 ай бұрын
How does a billion dollar company take their MM that already sucked and make it a dumpster fire drowned in a septic pool
@gondorfrodney9818 4 ай бұрын
Money I guess...
@g.o.t601 3 ай бұрын
Because they are thick as fk
@huuphuocngo8074 4 ай бұрын
Welp, that explained why I kept seeing more camping Super Heavies than I would expect
@Brreeze 4 ай бұрын
It’s bad and I have 55% career, I cannot fathom how bad for 60, 65, and even 70 and up, might aswell play ratings at that point
@toddtaylor6506 4 ай бұрын
Why, ratings is filled with 15-2500 battle 40% players ....
@Demir_-qr1it 4 ай бұрын
Its litteraly the Same MM as before but worse… Good job WG
@Gienzer 4 ай бұрын
@LearnJapaneseinHindiwithHarsh 4 ай бұрын
Bro it is worse. I have played 2 dates after mm , Day 1: 30 games, 23 losses 7 wins Day 2: 40 games 31 loses 7 wins I did atleast least double my health damage each game but my team was descended from heaven. ​@@FlowersForYourGrave
@danbadie4130 4 ай бұрын
@@FlowersForYourGrave it is. In droods' old vids about the Mm, you would see the stats of teams and they would even out. He would have the 40% when the other team was average 50% and they all average out. Now's it's just more defined, more implemented.
@Demir_-qr1it 4 ай бұрын
@@FlowersForYourGrave it is indeed same and even worse Before the game atleast was counting the amount of battles you had with the winrate But now its even more bullshit cause now it only reads the Winrate And thats Bullshit indeed
@Demir_-qr1it 4 ай бұрын
İt says “But it also counts your avarage damage and your avarage xp per battle” and thats a complete bullshit lie
@justusfire2873 4 ай бұрын
Until the MM is „fixed“ again, I‘ll remain in the fun modes. Also almost no point in buying premiums.
@gv100_blitz 4 ай бұрын
hit wg in the wallet and theyll revert this fast af
@Kazy_RU 3 ай бұрын
​@@gv100_blitzI doubt it, they still have WOT and WOW, they can just close this game and turn all funds into other 2, it will affect then but not extremely.
@belakaman8212 4 ай бұрын
Since the update I lose 9 of 10 games, finishing in the top of the team! I think this is the time to delete...
@khoihn 4 ай бұрын
honestly, having a 50.15% winrate as of right now is considered a win in my book
@LearnJapaneseinHindiwithHarsh 4 ай бұрын
Wotb players are braindead Day 1: 30 games, 23 losses 7 wins Day 2: 40 games 31 loses 7 wins I did atleast least double my health damage each game but my team was descended from heaven
@Colorado1876 4 ай бұрын
In one week my VR went to 58.25 to 56.95 😐
@helptowin 4 ай бұрын
​@@LearnJapaneseinHindiwithHarshsolution is ratings. I consider above 4.8k enoyablr
@FrostyNuggetTheCool 4 ай бұрын
@@LearnJapaneseinHindiwithHarshThat’s honestly just a you problem I do end up on win streaks of like 5 if I’m in the mood.
@LearnJapaneseinHindiwithHarsh 4 ай бұрын
@@FrostyNuggetTheCool every time I go to any match I praise eeryone in my team and also the enemy team because I know their mental condition. I never sad bad words to anyone.
@nicolasreveley4965 4 ай бұрын
This past week I had the worst experience with blitz ever. Impossible to win!
@c.c.a.s5005 4 ай бұрын
I have a WR of 49.25% and yet all that I had so far are 3 heavies camping each game. Where is my knight in shining armor that is supposed to farm the other team?
@Huckleberry68 4 ай бұрын
You were a paid actor for droodles to lose these matches
@aspectdev1854 4 ай бұрын
Ratings too. I am 6000 rated and being paired with 2400. This is no joke.
@user-yf7xk8mk9q 4 ай бұрын
rated ~6400 here its because theres not enough players in the queue most of the time to make match so you'll get players from lower leagues to cut down mm time.
@WinterroSP 4 ай бұрын
This even applies to 50,23 wr players. Had 3 afks (in a battle A platoon of camping maus And kamikaze grille And a Sheridan that tried facehugging a 183, yeah.
@bradlybyrge9165 4 ай бұрын
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
Kamikaze Grille 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I mean honestly, I don’t blame him since I myself end up resorting to the only solution left, which is pushing my Grille up to enemies to encourage my heavies to push and not be scaredy kitty cat 🐈 *meow*
@europessavior8876 4 ай бұрын
im sitting at 72% and im starting to get 30% teammates consistantly its impossible to win for me bruh
@jellobunn 4 ай бұрын
I've been tryharding every game because if I don't, our team just gets destroyed quickly
@awanetienne1855 4 ай бұрын
@jellobunn exactly , you even lose credit too despite your team do barely any damage. I have reach my limit of try harding so I quit in sept 2023. Most skilled player will do the same until their none left.
@HyperDust_I_miss_papyrus 4 ай бұрын
I agree, I had a 70% win rate before the update now it's 62%
@sweincorreia 4 ай бұрын
I can't even win a single battle since the new MM, i had a win rate of 7/10 battles & now its 3-5/10 battles
@adishoogendorp4194 4 ай бұрын
I am fairly certain this is/was a thing even before this update... 100% it has been shadow tested on live servers.
@bikeknight54 4 ай бұрын
I’ve noticed more 7-0 or 0-7 battles now.
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
That, I noticed a lot.
@-one-object_4579 4 ай бұрын
If they make the tank line ups on both teams as even as possible, & the players with skill levels up or down by a Maximum of 5% the Match maker would be much Better.
@internetidiot4206 4 ай бұрын
I remember the time I was 47% player. over 5000 games. within the span of the next 1500~ish games, I brought it above 50%. and I felt accomplished. I felt like I was finally becoming a great player. and I knew the matchmaker wasn't balanced int my favor that much. But that made it much more satisfying to finally see myself win more games than I lost. The point is, I worked for my winrate, and it was satisfying. Now, it just doesn't feel the same. WG should reverse the changes as soon as possible.
@Ch1oroacetophenone 4 ай бұрын
It's time to start the "play to win" series for real now!
@letsgo4153 4 ай бұрын
I couldn’t agree more, my win rate went down from 58% to like 49%
@ionescualexandru3733 4 ай бұрын
Yea, unfortunately I dont think they will revert the mm. The majority of the playerbase dont give a flying fk about this change, some dont even bother to acknowledge whats happening
@NotTheSame230 4 ай бұрын
As a 65 wr player with 2300 avg dmg I must i feel the changes a lot, from only 50 wr and 40 wr teams and sometimes a very rare 60 wr player in the enemy team ir my 3 or 4 60 wr players PER TEAM so its basically ratings but without the rewards ...yeah
@bossman-bq5zx 4 ай бұрын
I’m an 8 year player. This update is consistent with how WG likes to persistently change things to screw players and keep them on their toes. When I left for 6 months and came back, all the tanks had been rebalanced requiring me to relearn much. They don’t care about an Obj140 being a decently armored medium like it was in the past. They want it to be a fast light tank. But 18 months from now, it might be slower, well-armored, and have 9 degrees of gun depression (in other words become the STB1 whenever they nerf that tank).
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
On that note, Obj 140 used to be much much better when it had the armor and 310 alpha… at least last year or whenever that was.
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
Now he is poking for *meow* 300… meow 300.. but enemy will be *woof* 1908 HP bye whenever you poke. You will *meow* kitty kitty back to garage.
@arieliermolaiev 4 ай бұрын
My win rate is 57% and I am currently doing 38%
@ehannasir8464 4 ай бұрын
can you cover the amx m4 45 nerf (the gun depression is 1˚ on sides now)
@curtismann6851 4 ай бұрын
He is right on on the fact or people say, just try harder and get better, that just means the better he gets the worst teams they will give him even with the better he gets is when WRy won’t go up I’m guessing they have too many new people leaving the game because their win rates suckso this will elevate the rate of people below 54% without them getting better?
@nubwith4kdpm 4 ай бұрын
i average 65% at my best 30 day and i am glad i quit before i had to experience this
@randomasian8715 4 ай бұрын
I think wg thought that getting the avarage meant equal wr per player
@highexplosiveblitz 4 ай бұрын
i wonder if wg will revert back to the old mm if this one doesn't go well.
@K1llsw1tchplayz 4 ай бұрын
Hi Droodles, I completely agree with you on this new MM, me as a 56 percenter have been given teammates with 40-50 percent winrates, while the enemy has been given players with 50-55 percenters, only sometimes have I ever seen 40 percenters in the enemy. Honestly this makes the game less enjoyable and REALLY hope WG FIXES THIS!
@bloodpredator9495 4 ай бұрын
14:15, dont worry, we are experiencing this too, even before this system, this problem of players dying in 2 minutes still exists. and even after years of gaming experience for developers, they are still not able to make new players more efficient; WITHOUT BREAKING THE WINRATE OF THE OLDERS!!!!
@tanksouth 4 ай бұрын
Mr Droodles, I understand you don’t like the changes. If WG were to listen. What do you suggest they do? Thank you
@RonaldoKR7. 4 ай бұрын
He literally said it,make more fair lineups of tanks and have 40%-47%ers,afks,and trolls play in a worse matchmaker until they get better
@solitude6110 4 ай бұрын
@@RonaldoKR7. Not 40%? Like why? Those are the players he and all the good players missing right now.
@evoldarw5587 4 ай бұрын
​@@solitude6110You didn't understand the issue. See video again. We have all those players in our team at the same time. They die in 2 mins. We loss 8/10 games. Where's the fun of playing a game that you will never win no matter how hard you try?
@slim1901 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been following you for a while now and have tried to copy my play style after yours. And it was working for me, while still not as knowledgeable as you my win rate was climbing! I am a 46% player. Then the new mm came out. And I’ve watched my wins go down drastically. I’ve had the camping E100, the afk players it seems like almost every game. I’ve also had a few games with a player who has 20,000 games with a 30% something win rate. I’m not great but I was getting better. Now who knows? I prefer the original mm. Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned droodles, it’s definitely helped my game and I watch several times each day.
@swannyswan4990 4 ай бұрын
I stopped playing randoms years ago. I was constantly finishing in the top 2 with at least 2000 damage and my team always lost. I now only play ratings, which isnt great. So if you look at my stats now Im a platinum rated player with a 46% win rate. How does this make sense?
@fallen4ngel207 4 ай бұрын
Ratings don't make any difference, there are 48% players in diamond, simply because they can spam battles and camp
@xXJayeDuBXx 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I know there was a change in the matchmaker, I just didn't quite understand how it was changed. One night I'm having fun with some decent games for an average player to suddenly having no fun and losing almost every match.
@Umbreona 4 ай бұрын
I have to say... Welcome to the teams I get stuck with around 60% of the time with the old MM. The old one decided that my all time WW meant that I should carry the stupids on many occasions. I just looooove dealing top damage, killing 3 or 4 tanks, and living to the end of a match just to lose. You can't win with these types of teams. The other horrible thing about this system is that it will even WW out eventually which means 30-40% players will be with the high tiers always and everything will become blended and skill will mean nothing. So a skill based MM, when based on WW, will defeat itself over time. Good job WG.
@dragonskinstudio 4 ай бұрын
It's truly a step backwards 😂😂
@swaminathanbalakrishnan1399 4 ай бұрын
How exactly did the old matchmaker differ though?
@josipramic929 4 ай бұрын
Cleary u didnt play old matchmaking
@swaminathanbalakrishnan1399 4 ай бұрын
@@josipramic929 I've been around for years, so please shut up. Maybe since I'm a 40-50% tier player it doesn't affect me - I just need to know.
@WillxgGaming 4 ай бұрын
Do anyone know when big boss mode coming back?
@ediltonspencer6974 4 ай бұрын
Should be next week. I have been waiting too. Got a ton of boosters to grind the IS7, IS4, BZ, Vz55 and maybe YOh.
@roberthejl8788 4 ай бұрын
For some reason big boss only lasts a week while realistic goes for like 3 .
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
@@ediltonspencer6974Make sure that the last tank you grind is the Vz, it’s so very tricky to play, but if you know how to play it then it is fun.
@WillxgGaming 4 ай бұрын
thank you@@ediltonspencer6974
@Weeeeeeee....pancakes 4 ай бұрын
I wish I could get a "bad player" shout out from Doodles. 😂😂😂
@nguyencaohuy8447 4 ай бұрын
the bz-75 match is so good it makes me feel like a 100% win
@slothboi7131 4 ай бұрын
You have to look at matches differently now. That bz match was good 👍 just didn't end with a win, but imo as long as you do your part that should be a win in your book.
@samuelthomas8192 4 ай бұрын
This is the thing sh*ters can’t understand about SBMM. Being a bad player should be punished by harder games, thus encouraging you to improve to get easier games. Being a good player should be rewarded by easier games, further encouraging you to improve because WINNING, is fun. The thing is, you aren’t being given easier/harder games. YOU yourself are changing as a player therefore changing the outcome of the battle. Feeling like you had 0% to win a battle no matter how well played, or the opposite, feeling like you had a 100% chance to win regardless of how bad you played, happens more with SBMM. Feeling useless is NOT FUN regardless of where you sit on the skill spectrum. This will happen to ALL players. If you think SBMM is going to benefit you, you’re wrong.
@Noonecares21010 4 ай бұрын
Good thing I always play with 50 percenters while being 50%
@chicken_kiev9929 4 ай бұрын
I’m 56% but my friend I platoon with is 47% so I’m good 😅
@glibgrin 4 ай бұрын
It’d be very interesting to hear the averaging of the other FOUR skills being used for MM beyond WR …
@McYavelli 4 ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more with Droodles. I am nowhere close to 75% / 30day, roughly 60+ before the new mm. What I noticed is that when I play well my own teams melt. But that’s not so much because I do great but because the enemy is busy farming all the exposed tanks on my team, so they leave me be and then I end facing a xv1… unless I die before because I rushed into a hopeless position trying to save some team mate.
@algoris11 4 ай бұрын
Interesting, is matchmaking using overall WR or tank-specific WR? Or is it tank specific if 100+ games played or general otherwise?
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
Very good question from you.
@gladdersdon 4 ай бұрын
I feel like nothing has changed. I’ve always had to be sweaty and try hard to win a battle. Generally, I can’t remember ever winning without at least a #2 ranking and a carry. I’m a 65%, I’ve got no problem with this. It’s business as usual. Everything I saw in this video happens EVERY SINGLE GAME. Don’t get lost in the math and what you think might be wrong with MM. Stop complaining and adapt. Get sweaty.
@sherlockone1283 4 ай бұрын
Played 20 battles today and I constantly check the stats of my teammates and my opponents after battles. I noticed that I get 3 to 4 40% players on my teams on 11 out 20 battles. And 10 out of 11 of those battles are loss. I won 10 battles with most of my teammates are high 50% or at 60% players. I won 50% of the battles I played today. Is it just a coincidence or it is the new MM trying to level everybody's WR? I have a career WR of 54% with 1.6K avg dmg. I am not the best player out there but I am trying to improve. However, with the new MM, would it be impossible to improve WR?
@josuedeletto4821 4 ай бұрын
How do you think the matchmaking algorithm should be? to me it should be more or less random, more or less same tier and same tank types on each team
@Short_Storm 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, this is exactly my point as well, and I have commented on orignal video on youtube regarding this. this match making is absolute mess. Who is responsible for these decisions? They are getting fat checks for stupid decisions like these. I first time got a real punch in the stomach by WG to quit their game for ever. I don't understand why..
@billysouth4698 4 ай бұрын
100% agree, one player cannot carry the skill deficit; don't forget RNG and the mercy generator which leaves a tank at 1hp which is becoming more common place.
@OverlandTT 4 ай бұрын
Being a good player is about adaptability, as the regular battles are now more aligned to Rating MM then It's potentially a good thing. Also I think if it is basing the MM on stats, it should be the last 30 days over the last or 200 battles... Droodles, previously - YOU really try before and now and we love your videos/tutorials.
@lorenzotordera4545 4 ай бұрын
Yea it is pretty rough but if you have a competent platoon mate with same tank type I’ve been able to do a lot better in the mm but we are both 57-58% running meds and it helps a lot
@BriarHex_18351 4 ай бұрын
i never realized this but why i never seen u play tier8's, jusct curious, it's like every youtuber hates that tier?
@evoldarw5587 4 ай бұрын
I completely agree on this cause i'm suffering from it too. You explained it really well on this video. Good job. Some people do not understand it is impossible to carry 3 or 4 people if they die in the first 2 minutes of battle having done less than 1k dmg.
@williamandrus4704 4 ай бұрын
Droodles! The fact is i have a lower WR, and the MM gives me games like you have. I routinely do 2200-3500 dmg per game and CANNOT raise my WR higher. I am stuck, this is also why the MM is broken. They should be using everyone's 30 day WR to balance games, which will give people a more balanced game experience. I have literally spammed WG support with this idea. What do you think?
@user-jz3qb5zv4e 4 ай бұрын
I can't say that I am a great player I have 55% WR and what I think is that the MM was horrible I was getting such a bad team I always was first on the after battle damage scale and each time I asked myself a question... HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WIN IF I DO 3000 DAMAGE+ AND SOME OF MY TEAMATES DO 0-3 SHOTS???!!!! I am not saying it hasn't changed because as you say droodles i do get teams with 39% now which i didn't get so often before but what I thing is that MM was bad and now it is even worse(
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
You need a really warm deep hug to calm down… From Mausy Maus XD
@mafiaman5862 4 ай бұрын
As a 50% I understand your point. But i don't think a random MM is the solution، because there always will be a situation where the whole team is a 50% and 40% and the other team 4 of them is 60% and that's not fair. And thats happened alot in previous MM
@solitude6110 4 ай бұрын
That rarely happens. The game is mainly made of 40% and under 55% players .
@BapekidTCG 3 ай бұрын
I’m a 9 year player for this game. It went downhill when they started adding wayyy too many op tier 7 tanks then tier 8 got screwed. All I do now is just collect and play a few games here and there but the battles I get it’s tremendously wild… MM literally gives you afk people on purpose and the games turn into a 7V6 or 7V5 in a heartbeat. I’ve said it many times and will repeat it’s literally forcing you to carry and it’s at the point where you can’t even decide to change the outcome of the game anymore it’s so ass.
@Jera2271 4 ай бұрын
When I noticed that this was happening, I decided to stop playing blitz (especially in my newly bought M48 Patton with 67% wr 2.9k avg dmg in 30+ battles as a 54%er Career-wise) so that I could at least save my stats somehow, I really do hope this gets fixed or at least reverted to the previous mm. Also didn't know u played RoR2 lmao now I wanna ask ur opinion on Benthic Bloom because it's such a funny item to encounter
@robertomontes4372 3 ай бұрын
Bro i had a run where i had like 15 straight games with 3/2 k to 3 k damage and most of my teammates couldnt break 1 k damage. Ive been losing most game 5 to 2 or 7 to 0. The new mm is horrible and this is coming from someone that has played since the game came out. Over 9 years
@Loza_1703 4 ай бұрын
If i was balancing the teams, i would basically put a player with a 40% WR with other players that has around minimum 38% and 42% players. And for the 60% players, they will get the same, so 58% and 62%. In some case, if there’s a little percentage of people who meets the 70% players, they will get thrown into the highest wr team against another player that has around 70% wr.
@ionescualexandru3733 4 ай бұрын
lmao that disabled e4 in the new bay was chilling
@grm0x4q12 4 ай бұрын
Ahahahahaha checking weather on bay
@zulutgseta8276 4 ай бұрын
That is why, I always dub if select the rating match. Then i already quick ☠ so freaking mad 😡
@BuilderBob2.0 4 ай бұрын
Droodles, I called this update 2 years ago; War gaming wants every player at 50% ish.. we have seen this happen on World of Tanks as well a few years ago. It was only a matter of time before the world of tanks blitz was poisoned. Wish the Chinese tank game came out a few years ago, but world of tanks shut the down in court because the game was to close to the world of tanks game.
@g.o.t601 4 ай бұрын
Welcome to my world, I was getting this well before the new mm was introduced, sucks doesn't it.
@Truth_seeker-bl5mi 3 ай бұрын
I raised this issue way back in 2017 something.... That's when there was a major change in mm.... Everyone told me I had skill issues.... When clearly I was dealt a bad hand.....I play mostly in asia server..... My wr in euro is 54 percent and asia is 46 wr in asia is capped....
@g.o.t601 3 ай бұрын
@Truth_seeker-bl5mi funny you should say that, I've noticed my wr will not get past 51.43%, no matter how many games I win. Yet I can lose 1 or 2 and it has a negative effect on wr. So what your saying wg can cap a players wr, why and for what purpose.
@EXTREMERC416 4 ай бұрын
Before the update i used to get games where the enemy team Every player just did a shot
@MichaelHTaylor08 4 ай бұрын
Basically, they created another rating battle mode, i mean, if i want to go fight all skilled players, i just grind to a 5k rating, and I'll find them.
@yoshineitor 4 ай бұрын
I can see the issue for guys like you Droodles (extreme outliers that the MM can't balance), I am not a 70%er but a 60%er and I having the exact same teams, 40% shtters still existed before. Matches where you got full 40%ers also happened before. Yes your winrate might lower but your TVP game still showcases a damage way above what the average player does. And yes your stats might get skewed towards the center (50%) but your perfomance will be above average. WG should add Marks of Excellence as those gage expectatiom values and not trivial numbers like winrates or damage which in a vaccumm don't mean anything until you compare it to the rest of the playerbase.
@klausprat7016 3 ай бұрын
I recently returned to blitz, and felt something was wrong. So many terrible decisions
@liyichenaustin 4 ай бұрын
WG totally lost it lol, all they need to do to fix mm is to have equal types of tanks
@peregrinepickle 4 ай бұрын
The real problem is the use of win rate as a proxy for skill or ranking. Let's do a thought experiment. Suppose the players on each team are evenly matched, player by player, by winrate. So the other team has a player with exactly Droodles' win rate, as does the next player, and so on. Since the two teams are exactly the same, there is no argument that the match up is "unfair." Yet, where every team is evenly matched, the most likely result will be a 50 percent win rate, regardless of actual skill. It's essentially flipping coins. But since all win rates will revert to the mean, players lose the satisfaction of a high win rate as proof of their skill. That is essentially what Droodles is complaining about. Average damage is a much better measure of skill. If teams were matched by average damage, a player's most important stat -- avg damage -- won't be affected by whether his team wins or loses. In fact, if you are paired with crappy teammates, you have more opportunity to farm damage. However, if the object becomes to get as much damage as possible as opposed to winning games, the game loses its character as a team based game. The real object of the game is to have fun -- and is it not possible to have fun with evenly matched teams where your chances of winning are about 50 percent? A question arises from all this. If evenly matched teams implies a universal win rate of 50 percent, doesn't a high win rate such as 70 percent imply that teams are not evenly matched? Is it fair that teams are not evenly matched? Droodles was able to achieve his high win rate because the odds were that whatever team he was on was a better team and more likely to win. Obviously, this is perfectly ok for Droodles, but what about the rest of us? Is it fair that the players on the other team are almost sure to lose because the other team was lucky enough to get Droodles on their team? I'm not sure what the solution is, but I am sure that the test is not merely what is good for Droodles' win rate.
@mikaeln 4 ай бұрын
Nice to read a sensible post from someone who actually understands math and probabilities.
@chevyro9816 4 ай бұрын
Loving this new matchmaker! I will be drinking unicum tears for days muahahah
@joeykiser2548 4 ай бұрын
This is essentially the same SBMM that people have complained about in COD for years
@heathhand2424 4 ай бұрын
Droodles total agree with you on the equal tank lineup, it’s the way it was a long time ago. Sad to see the top players are being penalized for their skills. I know your frustrations, I had a good win rate a very long time ago when the lineup was based on the tanks not anything else. After they changed the MM I was never able to keep up with the changes and my win rate isn’t so good anymore. I don’t think WG will ever fix it, all it’s about is generating money for WG.
@GiGA-BOB 4 ай бұрын
I'm creating an alt account, grinding to tier 10 on one vehicle line, and playing the worst possible on that account. Then I will platoon with that account and have that account afk (hosted on another device) and then I am guranteed great battles
@Enlightened_SpursFan 4 ай бұрын
Please consider reading my essay: If WG really wants SBMM to work, they need to integrate this system. the idea of this MM is to narrow the bell curve of win rates right? you could do this just as effectively by pairing low-win-rate players with other low-win-rate players WITHOUT adding in high WR players to make the average close to 50% The current system makes the average win rate be as close as possible by integrating 5 bad players with two good players on one side, and then a bunch of decent players on the other. So team 1: 5 players in the 40-48% range and two 55-60+ % WR players. Team 2: pretty much everyone in the 50-55% range. You could just as effectively make more balanced games by only matching similar win rates together instead of sending the best players to the fucking gulag. in any game, one team has to win, so pairing a bunch of 40%ers together will (in theory) increase their average win rate to closer to 50% The reason those players became 40%ers is because, in the old random MM, they would frequently be matched against players above their skill level, where they could not perform as well. If my idea (which I'm sure many others also have thought of) were implemented, they would pretty much have an even chance of winning because everyone is around their skill level, thus increasing their win rate. If you were to put their new projected win rate into a graph, you would have a line that approaches but never quite reaches 50% (an asymptote for math people). this is due to their previous stats making it pretty much impossible to improve above 50% unless they improve themselves as a player. However, the more they improve, the more their competition improves as they get placed into matches with more skilled players. The way this system applies to the BEST players is pretty much the opposite. everyone's win rates would still go down because they are still facing an equal opponent. equal opposition means an equal chance of winning any given game, ultimately putting EVERYONE closer to 50%. The old MM allowed players to rise above their opponents since the opposition was completely random, so even though you might face a superior team every once and a while, it was more often than not that you could lead your team to victory simply due to your skill level being way above the margin of the enemy teams' skill. A better fix would be to match all tank types and tiers (something I have mentioned before) so, ON PAPER, it's balanced. take out skill-based parts, and the best players can still dominate at the same level.
@gregorbiely5597 4 ай бұрын
the last 8 matches i played were loses mainly cuz of team not caring and going all in glued together its very bad
@balazsszatmari3146 4 ай бұрын
Same problem I realized😢
@jdmheart4727 4 ай бұрын
I am a 52% Player with 31K battles. I played WoTB for 9 years. In the tanks I play nowadays I get betreen 55 and 64% WR. I'd have thought that the MM would have at least made things better for average players like me. By nerfing better players with 40%er should make it easier fo win, I don't feel like teams have ever been worse. I got a game tier 8 where 4 teammates did 0 Damage. Wow.
@jadgpanzerkid 4 ай бұрын
That’s why I was getting very bad teamate recently
@heathhand2424 4 ай бұрын
WOW!!!! I just played a few matches teams just milt away in less than three minutes if I’m lucky. I hardly get into a position and one or two tanks are already gone and I run fast meds for the most part. It’s been a sweeping loss or a sweeping win mostly losses for me, like you said doesn't matter how much damage one does. This is the worse I’ve seen since the game started. Every match now has players that seem to be brain dead they just charge right into enemy fire and get nuked. I just don’t see how this can continue for long before there are no players left that want to play. Sucks because I started playing the day the game was released. I have to take back what I said a few vid’s back on this subject. You are 100% right Droodle’s my apologies.
@ElBozooo 3 ай бұрын
i haven't played the game for a wile but why is my Cheiftan mk6 a collector's tank now?
@227ks 3 ай бұрын
bc WG cant nerf premium tanks but they can nerf collector tanks, that's why
@anthonymcbride855 4 ай бұрын
How about just having whatever tier you play in is the only enemy that you play against?
@cedricrobitaille2627 4 ай бұрын
your right i was a 46.25% trying to improve to get better but now since the update i have always been put in teams with 1-2 skilled players and lost every single game since 10.7.0 I GAVE UP
@verscityloaded6408 4 ай бұрын
Im not a skilled player i usually play in tier 6-8 have about 50% winrate in last 30 days and i checked my daily winrate for the just a day before and have kept checking it since the update managed to get about 60% after the update im getting less than 46% and in most cases it seems like if u start the engagement first the more likely u are to win
@CESuchland 4 ай бұрын
I think playing ratings battles probably is the best option for now.
@jesuniki4640 4 ай бұрын
Before, MM always favored the skilled player, I've seen it in thousands of videos, always bad or medium players. Now it's better balanced, there's a big difference. Now I feel much better in the game. Players with big numbers fighting each other, it's logical.
@apapapos1 4 ай бұрын
Would really love to see a droodles and fatness stream discussing the new MM...
@buzzbrown1952 4 ай бұрын
This is a classic example of a redistribution society, similar to American Democrats. Tax the people who earn more and redistribute to those who earn less. Eventually, everyone will be the same (50%'ers) The problem is the people making more will stop trying and quit (move their business to another country) because the game (economics) are skewed against them.
@Rahul_Rajput05452 3 ай бұрын
I went 55% to 51% i dont know what to do 😂
@JackyTan-zb3wz 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been “de ranking” on purpose, dropped my WR from 68% down to 55%, planning to drop below 50% so I can actually enjoy the game
@joeessen1059 4 ай бұрын
That’s dumb
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