Say Goodbye To Your Backline

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11 ай бұрын

Beyond All Reason (BAR) is a free to play Real Time Strategy Game. You'll find plenty of gameplay, guides, commentary and tier lists coming up for BAR on this channel.
Check out BAR for FREE here ➤
Main Channel ➤ @AussieDrongo

Пікірлер: 45
@philippschmidt78 11 ай бұрын
25:51 adding 5 scouts to your bombing run will let you do more effective runs. Currently you're doing it blindly. Your ally had fighters, therefore he could spot & hit the afus right away, it makes a huge difference I already wrote this comment a few videos ago, but you only added a single scout back then. 5 scouts for 10 bombers works great. Figs and bombers have different vision range for air and land, you barely see anything on land. Also the scouts take a few of the AA battery hits and delay. Love the content!
@chaz706 11 ай бұрын
"how do you play vehicles?" Ranged units will do most of the work, Tanks in front to protect your ranges units, and AA to make sure you don't get destroyed by bombers/gunships. ARM t1 consists of blitzes in the beginning followed by a mix of shell shockers, stouts, and whistlers (whistlers provide light aa) with Januses to snipe commanders or other large targets. Januses also bonus as a tier 1.5 riot tank. Have you ever seen a Janus missile hit a large group of pawns/grunts? It's hilarious. ARM T2: you were doing it right but you were just missing mobile flak... which is probably why your t2 army died. Bulls in front to protect Starlights. Starlights and Mausers to do damage from range. Mobile flak to protect your stuff from AA. Not familiar enough with ARM t2 vehicles but i'm pretty sure a radar/jamming unit exists in the t2 arm roster. Something you MUST take advantage of with ARM T2 vehicles: the Consul. It can build hounds and gunslingers in the field.
@speck213 11 ай бұрын
Consuls can also build con turrets for repair and (if you have a static frontline) reclaim at the front
@frydac 11 ай бұрын
Consuls are like the arm's twitcher, can build lots of goodies and is fast. Yes radar and jammer veh exist and are very useful, though I think enemy was already spamming for vision, which diminishes the jammer of course. Mausers outrange artillery bots, but are less mobile, so need to take into account. With a early set of mausers (pretty cheap) and a cloackable vehicle for vision, you can do so much damage and it's pretty hard to counter (early).
@lokian1174 11 ай бұрын
I see so few people use whistlers. Just adding a few of them to my groups has massively improved my success rate because everything other than their dps is great and covers the weakness of every other unit with them. They fit a key role thats so often overlooked by players in many games, a high vision long range unit. Yeah its dps is bad, but EVERY other unit is dps and it fills in a lot of holes in front line fighting. Seen so many fights where both players were of perfectly fine skill yet one gets outplayed because of a weakness this one unit covers by just existing.
@atlasboson5099 11 ай бұрын
Hi Drongo! Big fan here. I've watched nearly every video on the channel and always recommend you to my BAR friends. You're awesome, keep up the good work! Something to consider: Recently, there was a post on reddit that made the case that the BAR community is trending towards toxicity. I've seen this behavior myself, I've seen it in your videos (from others), and it's clearly becoming a problem in the community if it's popping up (consistently) in the very public forum of Reddit, which is often one of the first places people encounter BAR at all. This toxicity is often targeted at new players, or anyone who makes a mistake while experimenting to see what works. This can have a pretty big impact at an individual level, as a new player might become too uncomfortable to play because of negative comments from more experienced teammates. We all want BAR to grow and develop as a game, and that means getting and keeping new players. As you are one of the most popular BAR steamers, you're often the face of the community. It would make a huge impact if you could call out the toxicity and say it's not okay when a player is getting badgered by teammates. The nice thing about your recording is that you don't have to actually directly interact with the troll/toxic player, you can just say something verbally to set an example to your viewers that that kind of behavior isn't acceptable. The logic is that if the face of the community disproves - so too does the community. New players would see that the community disapproves, and it might even lead to the community itself actually disapproving over time. I feel like even small call-outs like "go easy, he's learning" or "oh my teammate's BM'ing" or something similar would really help. The collective consciousness of the BAR community is still very much forming, and as we're still in the early phases of the game's development, even a small impact at this stage will likely be amplified as the community grows and the community attitude solidifies. Thanks for reading and for your consideration, Atlas
@danlegend8486 11 ай бұрын
Love when you're backline and no one wants to be air so they claim the identical spot to the others is the "air" spot. The community has no diversity of thought right now even in basic things.
@Kyrill-Franco- 8 ай бұрын
I noticed that sort of behaivior as well. People being toxic for the simplest reasons even when a game is cleary advertised for newbies. I am turned off by that as well and want to play less. It might have already affected the game in some ways, as I noticed fewer lobbies open in the game. Sad, actually.
@ninocraft1 Ай бұрын
im new and rarly encouter toxicity, maybe im just damaged from league of legends lobbies
@jackgreen1537 11 ай бұрын
keep up the bar content. You're the best bar youtuber i have found so far!!!
@pepegaranger9884 11 ай бұрын
Check out brightworks gaming. He has some great content too
@ericbehm5890 3 ай бұрын
"Im just going solar" as wind picks up finally.
@savage1158 11 ай бұрын
Hey drongo thanks for making the videos I wasn't awear that you were in my game, I was the air player with the stillettos whilst getting into the game that I loved from when I played it as a child IV been finding that some high elo players can be abit toxic this is not the reason I didn't respond before the game started I was actually just grabbing a drink but returning to some toxic remarks from another player even if they are good was enough to make me stubborn enough to not send air support when he sent his bombers I would have supported yours more but once the air wall was cleared I didn't want to lose them all to enemy air defence especially if they were just to be the meat shield for someone being toxic. Hope to play again with you some time and I'll work on balancing my eco better but also think that transitioning from core to arm when I go for T2 could be a good option for a defencive air solution to break throughs IV found as the air player if you can do your job defending the team well enough you can practice your eco, usually i get 2 afus then build static air defence just Infront of my air wall before flicking my entire air force with bombers grouped to hit 3 enemy bases simultaneously.
@elliotschka 11 ай бұрын
Pro tip: to insert units into your construction queue without it repeating and on first place after the vehicle that's being build right now press ALT and click the icon
@TheBrDeath 11 ай бұрын
watching a frontliner, stop scaling his ground unit output, to build some air and eco is so so strange. if your opponent had pushed they would have overwhelemed your pitiful static D, and nonexistent units while you stalled your entire eco building an AFUS and strat bombers. but you got lucky that your runbys had done enough damage early that the opponent was so focused on plugging leaks and too burnt out mentally to capitalise on the situation you provided him. as a frontliner your focuses when you start building comfortable income. turret creep, fortify with AA, dig in (if you think pushing isnt working) or tech and build up stronger ground force to push harder and eco behind it with regular fusions. more ground production plants, more t2 start thinking about t3 never take the foot off the pedal keep building that pressure, 3 t1 factories producing spam. keep capitalising on your gains. eco minmaxing of reclaiming factories isnt the play when you just need to keep adding more capabilities and production because youre wasting that build powers time, to gain a tiny amount of metal in the grand scheme. right at the start to begin a build? fine, midgame its an APM sink that youd be better off spending on unit control or on base building. it may be efficient metal use but its inefficient use of your attention you made a great initial thrust, denied him map control. but all the eco spent on pushing is wasted if you ever just stop. if its a war of attrition and you have the map control you will win, but if you only have map control because he passively ECO'd you could just kill him with units until his eco starts to compound but if you let his eco run away he will win. just keep lines of spam pushing on the front door and never let him rest, that means he has to play your attritional unit game, and youre already ahead.
@Jewels___ 11 ай бұрын
Let me ask you a question. When you inflict serious damage to and opponent's eco, shouldn't you just step up the attrition? I see Drongo ecoing after killing the opponent's eco, and that just doesn't make sense to me. I understand he might want to get to big ecos, but why would you need them if regular eco can overrun a crippled enemy?
@asagoldsmith3328 11 ай бұрын
​@@Jewels___you're absolutely right you just keep pushing in after you cripple your lane opponent and then try to kill the entire enemy backline Never give up the momentum
@ainumahtar 11 ай бұрын
The main thing keeping me from doing vehicle starts is not having lazarus
@igormilutinovic6753 11 ай бұрын
Keep 'em videos comin' Drongo 👍
@fiddler112 11 ай бұрын
Drongo on the front lets go
@KAClown 11 ай бұрын
Around 10 minutes into a game, you should have two different kinds of T1 labs. Staying in single unit lab type beyond 20 minutes is almost always a mistake because it makes countering you easier, and it severely limits your capabilities (like lack of access to balls of lazarus or mobile anti-nukes). Within vehicles, I'll echo what @Chaz706 said; you move towards diversification of unit production; you have main bodies of vehicles that do a specific thing well and you have an escort for them to cover their weaknesses and where they are absent abilities. The example of using Bulls out front of Starlights both escorted by mobile flak is a good example. Early to mid game (10 to 20 minutes), you want to be able to stream things like blitzs, januses, and other tanks without breaking your eco. Getting to the point where you can support multiple labs is desirable. VERY early game, the meta used to be using blitzs to rush commanders and take them down. I'm often perplexed by people that will have a critical mass of T1 tanks or bots sufficient to take down a commander then they'll shy away out of I guess reflexive fear of their whole ball of units getting d-gunned/nuked by the commander blast. Trading 10-15 blitzs for a commander is often a good trade. Given how you do build orders and like your base to be organized, at the start you should be thinking of where you're going to build at least three labs throughout the game; your early game setup should be about putting in the scaffolding and infrastructure to support streaming units from those three labs. Come up with a design similar to what you do for rapidly scaling your energy converters and AFUs with the backbone of construction turrets; it will obviously be perpendicular to your main power backbone. The main advantage of vehicles is that in open areas they have maneuverability advantages over bots (blitzs vs pawns) though higher tier bots often have better in place swivel (Starlight vs Snipers for example). Part of why you lose vehicles so fast is that you push them into the meat grinders and have little attention available to micro them. Also, I'll say again. Don't be afraid to accidentally or intentionally upgrade your neighbor's mexes. Overflowing metal or energy to teammates often is how teams win, and people don't even realize it because they're so focused on their individual performance. What is most important for team play is that 1) your team gets the most mexes 2) those mexes are secured and upgraded ASAP 3) the resources are efficiently used and not wasted by some or all of the team; if a team can not secure mexes or there are no mexes on the map then the team needs to get the most energy production with enough collective energy conversion to sponge up any excess energy into team metal production, and this can scale way higher and way faster than relying on mex captures and securing.
@joblafors 11 ай бұрын
Try doing the first incursion with 3 blitzes. They do so much dmg. I usually do 2x con, 3x blitz,1-2x con, 3x blitz and then get 1-3 arty to start putting frontline pressure early.
@nikolajankovic7082 6 ай бұрын
At 24:24 how did he random queue his cons to make them all at once?
@SmokeDrake 11 ай бұрын
It looks, and feels, like Armada are the best faction because they have so much control.
@Listigerwolf84 6 ай бұрын
I'm so looking forward to playing this game. I have one question about the bfg's. Can you force fire them close range to make the fire farther like in TA? I also love seeing Mad modders units in this. The once Troll coming out to rein havoc on the field as a T3.
@Listigerwolf84 6 ай бұрын
I only found out they did that while trying to kill bots that were to close to my base... then got, a evil grin.😅
@Damavik 10 ай бұрын
"This guy with his stilettoes, are actually so clutch" - Said nobody... Ever XD Things taken out of context for 500 please.
@nickf950 11 ай бұрын
I've been seeing a lot of early T1 vehicle spam. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
@Milkdragon.109 11 ай бұрын
Drongo you should show a high TS lobby game where either you play or watch. Those games are dramatically more different from the games you currently post. Just to show your views what high level games look like
@chronographer 11 ай бұрын
Just like when playing bots you want to switch into vechicles for arty, when playing vehicles you want to switch into bots for lazarus.
@rafaelpereiradias2567 11 ай бұрын
When i play vehicles i just make t1 until getting pushed over and you should always watch to make counters for what they throw at you.
@LOTSL 11 ай бұрын
i think right to reclaim is a great name
@Swiftrootsdadudu 11 ай бұрын
Oh gosh im in this game as your eco player.. oofers. Hopefully i played ok, i just spammed snipers and ticks xD
@AidanNaut0 11 ай бұрын
6:40 nvm my man literally has an empty queue. Thats the true source of the metal leak. Never forget your ABCs! Always. Be. Constructing!
@fishyfishx 11 ай бұрын
I keep watching your videos, but can't get myself to actually play the game lol
@Dozer456123 11 ай бұрын
Play some single player scenarios! They're a great way to learn
@fishyfishx 11 ай бұрын
​@@Dozer456123 You're right, scenarios are nice. I've done that though, also won 1v3 Barbarian AI and played few 8v8 games. It's just that I can't get myself to start the game and play. Watching BAR is really enjoyable though, especially with Drongo comms.
@ironyconfident 11 ай бұрын
They was a great game
@speedrunnercaliorda2787 11 ай бұрын
*destroys everything using vehicles* so anyway, how do you use vehicles?
@agentbarron3945 11 ай бұрын
If youre starting vechs, you still start bots, get your cons, a few pawns, a couple laz, and then reclaim bot lab and immediately build vech lab, bot cons are cheaper and quicker to come out than vech cons. I typically start getting my first vechs out within the first 3 min still, but save a few hundred metal on cons and can get laz up too. Though, a super early rover rush like you did can be super effective, I just... dont because im pretty bad. Also, you did well, but your opponent was.. worse than me.. you should never be able to lose that chokepoint, theres only 3 entry points, and one of those is from their base, all they did was hold with pawns for about 5 seconds and then swapped to t2 with like 15 metal eco though yeah, that wind that game was insanely bad, ive never seen such bad wind for so long, it rarely ever got above a 9
@JM-sv5ix 11 ай бұрын
Can't play vehicles coz I loose my mind with the builders REEEEEEEEEE! it's stuck again!
@phutureproof 11 ай бұрын
Is this the game where you cried about the new player and spammed his base with nonsense and he did better than you in the end? Nah? You should post that one too
@0bs0leetZ 11 ай бұрын
post replay nerd
@HonshuHigamori 11 ай бұрын
Woah, would you happen to be that player? Maybe you should post it or shut up because nobody cares about your e-drama
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