SC dislocation: Mechanism of injury and treatment of a sternoclavicular dislocation

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Dr. David Geier

Dr. David Geier

6 жыл бұрын

A sternoclavicular dislocation is an uncommon but painful shoulder injury of the sternoclavicular joint that can occur in contact and collision sports. Watch this video to learn more about an SC joint injury and the treatment of a sternoclavicular dislocation.
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The content of this KZbin Channel, / drdavidgeier (“Channel”) is for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The Channel may offer health, fitness, nutritional and other such information, but such information is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. The content does not and is not intended to convey medical advice and does not constitute the practice of medicine. YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS INFORMATION AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR, NOR DOES IT REPLACE, PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. You should consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained on this Channel. You agree that Dr. Geier is not responsible for any actions or inaction on your part based on the information that is presented on the Channel. Dr. David Geier Enterprises, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of the content. USE OF THE CONTENT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
The athlete is injured with a direct blow, either to the chest or shoulder. Depending on the direction of the force, a blow to the shoulder can cause an anterior or posterior sternoclavicular dislocation.
An anterior dislocation of this joint involves the clavicle popping out in front of the sternum. A posterior dislocation involves the clavicle displacing behind the sternum.
While both types of dislocations are very serious, a posterior dislocation can be a surgical emergency, as the end of the clavicle becomes extremely close to the airway and large blood vessels of the heart and chest.
An anterior dislocation usually leaves only a cosmetic deformity. Little long-term functional deficit exists after the athlete has recovered.
A posterior dislocation, on the other hand, needs urgent reduction, either in the emergency room or the operating room. The clavicle needs to be reduced back into place with the sternum to prevent the clavicle from causing injury to the blood vessels and airway nearby.

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@DrDavidGeier 6 жыл бұрын
If you have questions about the injuries or treatments mentioned in this video, or about a sports or exercise injury, subscribe to my channel and click the bell to be notified of my Better Than Ever LIVE! streams, including an Ask Dr. Geier live show I do most Fridays at 12:00 PM ET.
@bekabergman5522 5 жыл бұрын
I sustained SC dislocation in the work place over two months ago. It is not healing, painful, uncomfortable and the swelling does not lessen. At times, it looks like I swallowed two ping pong balls... I sleep upright because laying on my back puts pressure on my throat and the smallest tasks are difficult: ie: cleaning my house, walking my dog, washing my hair, etc. "PT" caused more aggravation to the area and as of late, I am out of work on "TTD" with "0" lbs restriction of push, pull, lift. Two of the three Ortho Dr's are recommending surgery, but am told it is invasive and a risk. I realize that I may never be able to return to work, "Merchasider for a soda company", but I am also a Yoga Instructor and fear is that I may never be able to practice Yoga again. Can surgery offer a permanent fix and without surgery can this area be easily re injured? Thank you
@tomasrolon5121 5 жыл бұрын
mine has been hurting since it happened which was about a month in a half ago. i lost about 30 pounds on my bench max too, and it is difficult to do any other kind of lifts such as military press, front squat, clean, etc. any advice??
@jackieshannon6071 Жыл бұрын
I have had surgery 6weeks ago on my scj. I injured it couple of years ago but it hadn’t got better in fact it got worse. All specialist said I had to live with it till I went to see Professor Boker. He said he can do surgery to fix my anterior dislocation as the ligaments have become unstable. Once he got in the surgery he would either repair my ligaments & if not possible would use a tendon graft from my wrist. My ligaments were good & able to be repaired. I feel so relieved as I felt I had no hope & could not use my shoulder arm or neck anymore & when I did the next day I would start vomiting that would last for 3 days. I had really started to believe it was going to kill me by this point. I’m in a sling that is ready to come off. I go to see professor Boker this Monday for another post opp appointment
@frankwilliams3036 5 жыл бұрын
I got this injury some time ago doing yoga. The instructor had me put my hands behind my back and raise them in an unnatural position, then pop! I actually heard it pop out. I went to an orthopedic surgeon. He didn't give me a lot of information, he just said that a surgery might make it worse and sent me on my way. That was years ago. Every once in a while it would flare up but not pop out. Well, I recently had a rotator cuff partial tear of the opposite shoulder doing martial arts, so I have been compensating by using my steroclavicular dislocated arm. Last nigh I reached across my body to turn the lamp off and pop! I didn't hear it that time, but I felt it even in the surrounding muscles of the shoulder blade. Every time I raise my arm or put it in an odd way to take off my shirt or something, I feel it. It's not painful, it just feels odd right at the sternoclavicle joint. You video helped to educate me on the injury. Now I need to know what to do going forward. Thanks.
@mnjimmy21 3 жыл бұрын
I had this injury, traumatically when I was 17 years old (1987) tackling a fullback. My left collarbone pushed into my chest then 'exploded' out of my chest tearing off all of the connecting tissue and tendons. The bone rested somewhere up by my adams apple. The right collarbone also sustained damage partially dislocating. I was taken to the ER and given a hypo injection for pain and immobilized with a soft body type cast and sent home. With every breath I could feel the bones move unnaturally as they were disconnected, it was pretty scary. On follow up visits I was seen by a team of doctors and numerous doctors in training as this is pretty rare injury. The doctor told me it was the most traumatic injury of this type he had ever seen. (Probably why I was a guinea pig for all to see). It was determined I needed surgery to put everything back together. My chest was swollen like I had swallowed a football. After surgery I was put in a shoulder spike type cast to immobilize my left arm close to my body, it was quite uncomfortable. Rehabilitation was very painful trying to regain side to side mobility using rubber band therapy and very light weights. It took a long time but I regained most, 85% of range of motion, and was able to go back to normal activities including sports again (although looking back, probably would choose not to return to football). Recently I have begun feeling a funny pinch in the joint which I believe to be arthritis. 33 years post op, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Sports Medicine, Rochester, MN.
@kinzoku24 3 жыл бұрын
I had this type of injury back in 2018 it swelling sometimes when i carried heavy object. How much will be the cost for surgery, i am currently here in uae.
@michaelcolford6817 6 жыл бұрын
I have a anterior sternoclavicular dislocation that originated from over working the joint at a construction site. The work on the joint was from using a shovel and pry bar to remove several layers of flooring that had been nailed and screwed together. The stress and strain of this activity weakened the joint, so when I was drove my truck and trailer with the scrap materials to the dump, I lifted my right arm up onto the top of the truck seat, to look out the rear window of the truck, and the CV joint popped out. Very painful when it happened, but it did heal on its own. I visited my family doctor and she said there was really nothing that could be done to relocated the joint as it would most likely dislocate again. It has been almost two years since that injury and I have learned to live with the dislocated CV. There are times when I feel that my left shoulder is compensating for the lack of strength on the right side and I feel tension and strain. Generally I do stretching exercises to loosen things up. Sometimes my wife will massage my shoulders as well. Your explanation is very consistent with the what I have heard elsewhere on the CV joint dislocation. I would prefer to have a permanent correction, so I continue to seek methods and insights from sources like your KZbin channel, but the confirmation that there is no such cure resigns me to the fact that I need to live with it. Truth be known, I can now do all the work that I have done in the past, so the injury has not inhibited my movement and work strength. Thank you for your explanation of the CV joint.
@nizasefu6652 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, this video has really helped me understand the SC joint dislocation. I injured my SC joint through work out and I am currently trying to heal from it.
@TacTickle023 5 ай бұрын
My sc joint popped out a little. I’ve been training Jiu Jitsu for 7 years and this is the first.
@samhorne2550 5 жыл бұрын
Neat, we're trained by National Ski Patrol on how to reduce a posterior SC dislocation in an emergency if a patient's life is in danger due to it. Great video!
@DrDavidGeier 5 жыл бұрын
That’s really cool. Thanks Sam!
@NickFlorin11 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video Dr. Geier. My 17yr old son is a High school wrestler, and been in the sport since 6yrs old. Nov 1, 2018 he was thrown to them mat landing on his shoulder. Xray showed no breaks. He was told it was a sprained Sternoclavicular. He had same as 1st day pain for 2 weeks. Swelling has gone down now 4weeks later, and he has full movement, but still pain now towards the shoulder rather than towards chest plate. He is a Sr in HS this year so Wrestling is extremely important to him with Season just stated. We do NOT want to return to wrestling too soon with fear of re-injury. He had a Chiro adjust collarbone, and doing PT 2x week. Is this the type of sprain where return before 100% can lead to a full tear & cause a more long term / permanent injury ?
@funnycomments6081 5 жыл бұрын
Hey doc, would sleeping on the floor help??
@jonnydocs 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, I was practicing judo and the other guy felt on me and I had a posterior SC dislocation, I got surgery 4 months ago, but I feel that my joint it is really weaky, if a just touch it with my finger I can feel it that move easily. In my surgery it was used 2 anchors, was not used the “eight technique”, so I am concerned that joint is not strong enough, due to my ligments was not remade, except for the capsule.
@aymoone811 4 жыл бұрын
Mine has Des located right now and it’s been two months and it still didn’t get fixed what should I do
@mychannelrace 6 жыл бұрын
I have anterior SC dislocation with pain sometimes.. Obvious bump on right joint, worried that, can i do push ups or pull ups or other exercises?? Plz reply
@RogerGracieAcademyHQ 6 жыл бұрын
I have an anterior dislocation, from Judo. After the initial discomfort and panic the pain subsided and I have had no problems with it other than some clicking and popping, also a little bump. ... I do however currently have Scapular winging of the right shoulder blade, could they be related injuries ?
@hoeneable 4 жыл бұрын
I have been suffering from an anterior SC dislocation due to practicing handstands. Pain has been so immense I almost wanted to die! Diagnosis took a while and since the pain was so bad I accelerated doc appointments as much as I could. Once diagnosed they told me the good news that it would heal by itself and the bad news that it would take some time. It is also a psychological thing - once diagnosed I could deal with the pain much better!And it was true: it's gotten better! Takes 6ish weeks to get back to normal routines (e.g. T-shirt over head, sleeping on the side, …), and another 6 weeks to get back in the gym. And you need to build the confidence in your body again! It is 7 months now and I am almost back to normal. I can still feel it every day and the bump is prominent.Certainly physical therapy helped a great deal! Haven't done a handstand yet - and might not do for a while - but I might actually be able to do it!
@Kervrn 3 жыл бұрын
How are you doing with your injury now? Is it still dislocated or did it go back to normal?
@hoeneable 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kervrn I guess it came back into position pretty quickly, but the inflammation takes time to go away. I can still feel a funny bump but in terms of functionality I am back to normal. Can do push-ups, monkey bars with no issues.
@R0ME900 Жыл бұрын
Just had this injury from snowboarding two days ago. Im 24. Popped it back into place myself in the busy waiting room of the ER. I would pop in and for the next couple days but it is a much smaller amount now. Almost not popping out at all anymore. My doc told me that I should start feeling better in a couple weeks. And he scheduled me an orthopedic appointment for a couple weeks out if im not feeling better. My question is how old were you when this injury occurred? And were you in good health? Im trying to speed up my recovery while still listening to my bodys limits.
@hoeneable Жыл бұрын
@Roman: Sorry to hear. Inflammation might then just kick in. I was 44 years old and in good health and strength. I am not so sure if you can accelerate the healing process. Go and Physio though that will be best and get you back to where you were the fastest. Wishing you best of recovery!
@amannarial8541 4 жыл бұрын
My sc joint is dislocate so what should I do
@YashSinghh Жыл бұрын
After a nice shoulder day at the gym, I came home and heard some popping when moving my shoulder in a circular direction, after an hour of self examination, found my collarbone popping in and out, with the pain following the next day, I am worried, please reply if dealing with the same or if found a solution 🙏💙
@mikegaming4924 4 жыл бұрын
I have played rugby where you tackle with the front your shoulder. My right clavicle is couple millimeters higher than left and definetely looks subluxated ... it is really annoying me. I wish it could be popped back into the right spot in the sternum.
@robbiejk9613 4 жыл бұрын
If you don't get an SC joint issue fixed, the compensation the body does will eventually turn into neck pain, trap pain, shoulder pain and muscles that tighten and spasm. Leaving it alone is a very bad thing to say!
@kimmkammloft 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly what im having now, collarbone area pain, neck pain and traps pain 😢 i've had had my sj dislocated for more than 1yr now and it's only now that it's bothering me giving me pain & tightness 😢
@aliyahadaanni 8 ай бұрын
Mine is dislocated and I was told to leave it to heal in dislocation rather than surgery. But I've suffered neck pain ,trap pain,ear ache, sinus pain,venue pain. I use heat pads on my muscles every night just to get some sleep. It's miserable
@ethanlyman795 5 жыл бұрын
I has sc joint reconstruction after suffering 4 years of dislocating numerous times and I tried several other non surgical options but it finally got to the point where I couldn’t raise my hand above my head. I then had surgery where they took a hamstring tendon and lashed my clavicle to my sternum. It’s been over a year and a half and it has changed my life for the better
@melodyebuskin5490 4 жыл бұрын
Ethan Lyman what kind of surgeon did you see and where?
@rajrathore782 3 жыл бұрын
Did it fixed?
@ethanlyman795 3 жыл бұрын
@@rajrathore782 it’s been all around better. It’s not what it used to be but so much better than it was
@rajrathore782 3 жыл бұрын
@@ethanlyman795 can i play volleyball after this surgery
@ethanlyman795 3 жыл бұрын
@@rajrathore782 if you did proper physical therapy after you should be able to. I have no problem raising my hand above my head
@srijinsasi3656 3 жыл бұрын
i had an accident in my motocycle. I got injured my sc joint is not paining but there is a very slight bumb than the other side.what will be the problem.
@meganchesley6516 5 жыл бұрын
It is extremely painful. I had to cut off my shirt because trying to take it off was just too painful. I went to ER but being uninsured I cant afford the orthopedic consult. I guess that is ok- not much can be done anyhow! I just wish I had a normal timeline- as far as how long to immobilize and is the immobilization for my comfort or is it important for healing? Do I do activity as tolerated? Is there anything that I should look out for and go to the surgeon? I am not interested in spending tons to hear, yep ct says it is dislocated, here is a sling, use ice and NSAIDs and advance activity as tolerated. I just want to know is activity damaging and anything that I should watch for.
@jaimeotterson1642 6 жыл бұрын
I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and have an unstable injury to my SC and AC joints that despite a ton of physical therapy has gotten worse and worse_ my collar bones pushed back towards my throat bilaterally. Im a musician and I cant sing anymore im always trying to dig my bone out of there but they wont stay. When I swallow solid food it gets hung up at "the arortic knob" so i have to drink a ton to get food down or i choke and use my hands often to manipulate my throat open. I also cant bear any weight in my arms or it pulls my chest apart. Im pretty desperate to find someone who can help me get back to functioning and doing what i Love. Thank you for all your videos and information online. We had actually corresponded by email about 8 months ago_ im still truggin along and praying for a miracle.
@721jduke 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Colorado. After dealing with chronic pain for over a decade, all of my twenties (19-31) with my posterior sc joint dislocation I went the surgery route. Dr. Provencher at the Steadmen clinic in vail Colorado did my operation. He seems to be the guy to talk to on this matter, or at least the clinic hes at. He got it put back in the general area its supposed to be in and secured it with a cadaver ligament. He said he also reconstructed the tendons but idk if it took well cause I'm still in pain alot and with my line of work they never have a chance to heal. I will continue to exhaust all options available. Im currently looking into stem cell therapy to heal/tighten the tendons and bring back the worn out cartilage. Before, stem cell therapy wasn't a option because the bone wasn't even close to the right location. I would start by getting the bone back it place. How long ago was your accident, where do you live? Sorry for the pain your in. I know it all to well and not many ppl understand what we deal with on the regular. My friends, family and co workers think I'm weak or something because they can't relate, never heard of the injury and don't know anyone else that can confirm its seriousness. Everyone knows someone that's had a knee or hip worked on. Very few ppl even know where a sc joint is. I wish you luck and hope the best for you. Let me know if you have questions.
@aliyahadaanni 8 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear this. It sounds miserable 😢
@MR-yo8hq 3 ай бұрын
I have terrible shoulder pain and also in the trap area. It's been like this for 13 months now. I had a posterior cervical multilevel surgery. Came out of surgery room and have it. I am having OT continues ly but no improvement Can not move arm more than 50%. My pcp says I have to live with pain ! 😢
@notofthisworld5998 7 ай бұрын
Once I had enough vitality to wield the white sword, I got a little overzealous doing backhanded strikes against octoroks. It popped out and has been giving me problems ever since. Now I have the magical sword but I am still afraid to fight Gannon
@howiseeit5326 3 жыл бұрын
I think mine started cause of a bully jumping on me nearly 6-7 years ago. Knowing my luck I'll need surgery.
@LashZhvania-Movies-MMA-Science 3 жыл бұрын
I have Sc dislocation after i fought against francis Nganou in the wood. Already 1.5 years passed but nothing helps my bump
@jesuschristisking5430 3 жыл бұрын
Ok I have the first dislocation and I literally don’t know how I did it, and it is painful and I have had it for almost a year
@luisfernandes8830 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video Dr. David Geier. I've suffered a left atraumatic SC anterior dislocation while barbell overhead pressing as a novice lifter, most likely due to ligament hyperlaxity as you mentioned. Never had pain, just heard clicks and noticed the bump afterwards. It never really went away, but I think it has been getting progressively better over these 2 years. I never did OHP with a bar again, until a few days ago. It went great, but in some reps I felt a slight strain on the contralateral one. My question is if there's something I can do to improve SC stability and tracking during the movement? Is there a reason (maybe a scapular muscle unbalance?) beyond joint hyperlaxity for this to happen? Would tapping the joint help and not interfere with the movement? Thanks in advance.
@sallygazzaz2796 6 жыл бұрын
Luís Fernandes does ur medial clavicle pop out whn u protract ur shoulder? How do u deal with it?
@billoddiea 10 ай бұрын
@provocation18 5 жыл бұрын
I am walking with anterieor dislocation of the sc joint for 6 years and still am in extreme pain everyday. my whole shoulder is out of place now, i have scapular wining also and when i try to fix that my sc joint is working against that.
@howiseeit5326 3 жыл бұрын
Same here
@sumanmandi338 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr David. I was so much worried about my anterior clavicle dislocation. Now i can relax. 😂
@DrDavidGeier 5 жыл бұрын
I’m glad the video was helpful!
@bhoopendrasharma7045 2 жыл бұрын
Any update
@BIGBABYHAIR 8 ай бұрын
​@@DrDavidGeierI think I have this because I've noticed this a few weeks ago on my right side and lately I wake up having to pop my right shoulder. This morning I woke up popped it again and had some pain
@sallygazzaz2796 6 жыл бұрын
I have beeb suffering from painless left medial clavicle clicking as well which can be lived with BUT i also feel extreme pain and the medial clavicle actually pops out of place with any shoulder protraction movement only .. I workout and have pushed my body too much tht i had joiny pain all over my body .. Worked with a physiotherapist for 2 months and fixed everything else but now left with this .. I want to be able to protract my shoulder without issues .. Any advice?
@ChrisCoyotee Жыл бұрын
Any updates? Dealing with this now
@Mangajedi 4 жыл бұрын
I had surgery on this joint. Very informative video.
@rajrathore782 3 жыл бұрын
Did it fixed
@Mangajedi 3 жыл бұрын
@@rajrathore782 yes. But now I'm possibly having complications. I originally had the surgery in this video in 2007
@JanayDunn7 Жыл бұрын
@@Mangajedi what kind of complications?
@Mangajedi Жыл бұрын
@@JanayDunn7 For me the clavicle is popping out again. I'm 33. Had the surgery when I was a junior in HS. It gets bad once I raise myy arm past shoulder height. So getting boxes on the top shelf or rack at work is incredibly painful right now.
@JanayDunn7 Жыл бұрын
@@Mangajedi 😫 ugh I’m sorry. Bare with me please I would like to have a conversation with you and a few have questions if you don’t mind. I’m 29 and have a very prominent anterior dislocation. It happened just recently. My shoulders range is very limited. I start physical therapy soon. So hopefully that helps. Anyway, What kind of surgery did you get? The popular figure 8 bone allograft or something else? I’m considering if I should get surgery OR if I should just live with this flaw. Also what are you considering to relieve your pain… especially being that you’re so young and you have complications?
@saharabrown1188 3 жыл бұрын
Hi- I've got an anterior collarbone dislocation. It's fairly prominent and every doctor I've seen either hasn't seen it before or says I can't attempt to get a closed reduction. What can I do? It aches and it's very noticeable whenever I let my shoulder relax and drop
@youtubefalcon9550 3 жыл бұрын
Do not lift any high weights with onehand or any thing thats puts risk
@senyahtnadroj 2 жыл бұрын
I suffered a traumatic anterior dislocation about a year ago and though it's much better, I'm trying to get it well enough that I can more shoulder and chest exercises again. I currently have no pain but if I attempt push ups, bench press at any angle, or dips I will be in severe pain for around 2 weeks. My doctor, PT, and most KZbin content suggest working on mobility while avoiding inflammatory articulation but I've not found anything on strengthening the SC ligaments. Could you advise?
@DrDavidGeier 2 жыл бұрын
If you are able, join me here on Friday’s Ask Dr. Geier Live! show at Noon ET, on May 27. I would be happy to discuss this injury. Also, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on my website - - in which I discuss every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people.
@sydsydtheswimmerkid7170 5 жыл бұрын
I broke my collarbone and then I had a posterior S.C. joint dislocation I had to have surgery and it has been two weeks from surgery. My S.C. was anterior until I got in a fight at school and got punched right in the collarbone when I was in a sling!!!. My doc was shocked because my xrays were very different and I had just been her office a week before so two days later I had emergency surgery.
@JanayDunn7 Жыл бұрын
How are you now after the surgery???
@abemartinez9623 6 жыл бұрын
so i was doing dips went all the way down during the flexion part of the movement i heard a loud cracking and popping in the anterior SC joiint. i stopped immediately as it actually hurt! i went straight home iced it and rested. i see no bruising or swelling. the pain is at about a 6 out of 10. Im worried not sure what else i should do. I would go to the doctor however im uninsured at the moment any advice you could provide?
@prodzenz 6 жыл бұрын
Abe Martinez Same thing with me what did the doctor say ?
@ArkFreestyle 6 жыл бұрын
Same with me please update
@sergiocunha4275 6 жыл бұрын
sir, i am 15 years old and i have an interior sternoclavical dislocation it does not hurt but i have a bump in my right collerbone , should i worry about my right clavical not getting wider ,thanks
@potatonone8093 6 жыл бұрын
Sergio Cunha were the same
@kratze12 4 ай бұрын
i am 14 years old and i have sterno clavical dislocation too are you okay now?
@Snapiex 6 жыл бұрын
I have anterior clavicle dislocation...and it makes crack sound when i move my hand up and down, clickling there something i can do about it? I went to chiropractor 2 times and its the same... should i accept it and live with it and can i workout normally and do shoulders workouts?
@dbzssj2386 6 жыл бұрын
me too i have the same problem i'll go to doctor next week and i'll tell you
@tommingo6812 5 жыл бұрын
Same with me,..happened while i was practicing my jab boxing.. ...would love to hear about how to make it better.
@blacksheep4604 4 жыл бұрын
Okay, I hope you read this, I have been having popping noise all over my body, my spine, knees,hands,chest,shoulders,neck and buttlocks. Even though these joints pops there are little or no pain. But my butt bone is more easy to dislocate, and there is where I feel alot of pain during movement. My chest however has no pain but I know it is not normal for my chest and collar bone to pop with every little movement. I am from Jamaica where there is little or no health care. And I am concern about this
@ahkeelcarter1791 3 жыл бұрын
The popping are air bubbles. You need to rest and heal. Or you need steroid shots to get the ligaments to reattach
@blacksheep4604 3 жыл бұрын
@@ahkeelcarter1791 thanks for the reply. I will look in to it.
@angelaallen2190 3 жыл бұрын
@@ahkeelcarter1791 Do the steroid shots hurt? Also will it help take away the prominence?
@jamouldavid9481 5 жыл бұрын
Mines keep popping in an out of place an it’s very painful do I need surgery?
@721jduke 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Colorado. After dealing with chronic pain for over a decade, all of my twenties (19-31) with my posterior sc joint dislocation I went the surgery route. Dr. Provencher at the Steadmen clinic in vail Colorado did my operation. He seems to be the guy to talk to on this matter, or at least the clinic hes at. He got it put back in the general area its supposed to be in and secured it with a cadaver ligament. He said he also reconstructed the tendons but idk if it took well cause I'm still in pain alot and with my line of work they never have a chance to heal. I will continue to exhaust all options available. Im currently looking into stem cell therapy to heal/tighten the tendons and bring back the worn out cartilage. Before, stem cell therapy wasn't a option because the bone wasn't even close to the right location. I would start by getting the bone back it place. How long ago was your accident, where do you live? Sorry for the pain your in. I know it all to well and not many ppl understand what we deal with on the regular. My friends, family and co workers think I'm weak or something because they can't relate, never heard of the injury and don't know anyone else that can confirm its seriousness. Everyone knows someone that's had a knee or hip worked on. Very few ppl even know where a sc joint is. I wish you luck and hope the best for you. Let me know if you have questions.
@trevdog1174 5 жыл бұрын
I have an anterior dislocation and I have had it for years it hursts terribly and is affecting the muscle structure in my pec I have no clue wat to do
@721jduke 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Colorado. After dealing with chronic pain for over a decade, all of my twenties (19-31) with my posterior sc joint dislocation I went the surgery route. Dr. Provencher at the Steadmen clinic in vail Colorado did my operation. He seems to be the guy to talk to on this matter, or at least the clinic hes at. He got it put back in the general area its supposed to be in and secured it with a cadaver ligament. He said he also reconstructed the tendons but idk if it took well cause I'm still in pain alot and with my line of work they never have a chance to heal. I will continue to exhaust all options available. Im currently looking into stem cell therapy to heal/tighten the tendons and bring back the worn out cartilage. Before, stem cell therapy wasn't a option because the bone wasn't even close to the right location. I would start by getting the bone back it place. How long ago was your accident, where do you live? Sorry for the pain your in. I know it all to well and not many ppl understand what we deal with on the regular. My friends, family and co workers think I'm weak or something because they can't relate, never heard of the injury and don't know anyone else that can confirm its seriousness. Everyone knows someone that's had a knee or hip worked on. Very few ppl even know where a sc joint is. I wish you luck and hope the best for you. Let me know if you have questions.
@howiseeit5326 3 жыл бұрын
Same here. I feel like working out is pointless now because its caused me more bad than good.
@melodyebuskin5490 3 жыл бұрын
@@721jduke thanks for posting your info. Same issue here. I’m looking into getting surgery for a 20 yr old left clavical dislocation. Did you get prolotherapy / stem cell done after your surgery to tighten the ligaments and how effective was it?
@721jduke 3 жыл бұрын
@@melodyebuskin5490 yes, I got PRP's injections about 2 year after my surgery and 2 weeks after the injections I got prolotherapy to help direct the prp's better. I truly feel the prp's made all the difference in helping me heal to where I wanted to be. I only wish I learned about coupling the surgery with the PRP's sooner. My tendons feel much more stronger and tighter keeping my bone in place a lot better.
@markosavic3436 2 жыл бұрын
I got this poping from doing dips,my collarbone pops in when i lift my arm up and goes back when i put it down,i had this for 3 years and it doesnt hurt at all and i can lift my arm uo normaly but it trigers me and i want it to be normal again any sugestions?
@ChrisCoyotee Жыл бұрын
I hurt mine 10 years ago in rugby but it self healed only for my to re aggravate it doing dips recently except mine is pretty painful 😢
@crev1018 3 жыл бұрын
can it dislocate downwards instead of in or out?
@youtubefalcon9550 3 жыл бұрын
@samarthvernekar1261 4 жыл бұрын
Its been 5 months i had anterior sc dislocation.....had about 80 pain killer , cupping , acupuncture.....still have pain doin few activities... plz suggest me somethng...
@rajrathore782 3 жыл бұрын
How are you now? Did it fixed
@ibrahimolayinka1714 6 жыл бұрын
Pls I would like to ask if someone has been experiencing pain due to bone dislocation around the shoulder for the past 10 years, can it still be cured?
@MysticMadelaine05 6 жыл бұрын
Ibrahim Olayinka me too
@RogerGracieAcademyHQ 6 жыл бұрын
Try looking into hanging for shoulder pain ;)
@721jduke 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Colorado. After dealing with chronic pain for over a decade, all of my twenties (19-31) with my posterior sc joint dislocation I went the surgery route. Dr. Provencher at the Steadmen clinic in vail Colorado did my operation. He seems to be the guy to talk to on this matter, or at least the clinic hes at. He got it put back in the general area its supposed to be in and secured it with a cadaver ligament. He said he also reconstructed the tendons but idk if it took well cause I'm still in pain alot and with my line of work they never have a chance to heal. I will continue to exhaust all options available. Im currently looking into stem cell therapy to heal/tighten the tendons and bring back the worn out cartilage. Before, stem cell therapy wasn't a option because the bone wasn't even close to the right location. I would start by getting the bone back it place. How long ago was your accident, where do you live? Sorry for the pain your in. I know it all to well and not many ppl understand what we deal with on the regular. My friends, family and co workers think I'm weak or something because they can't relate, never heard of the injury and don't know anyone else that can confirm its seriousness. Everyone knows someone that's had a knee or hip worked on. Very few ppl even know where a sc joint is.
@melodyebuskin5490 4 жыл бұрын
721jduke thanks for sharing your story.
@rajrathore782 3 жыл бұрын
@SxlarSiren 10 ай бұрын
hey doc! after it been for years now and the bone didn't go back to it normal position does that require a surgery? and is there any other sulotions because the surgery is too risky?
@SxlarSiren 10 ай бұрын
not only that i realized that the bone is not growing as it should(the left bone is thinner and weaker than the right one)
@DrDavidGeier 10 ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but Dr. Geier can’t legally answer medical questions and offer specific medical advice online. Join Dr. Geier on his monthly Ask Dr. Geier Live! Show, September 29, when he'll be live on KZbin at 12 PM ET - and bring your questions! Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@funnycomments6081 5 жыл бұрын
Doc someone put me on a chokehold 4 years ago and he kept pulling back my neck and we both heard something popped. Now my right shoulders look uneven: my right shoulder looks smaller than the other and it's been like this for four - years and counting
@_YoshikageKira 2 жыл бұрын
How are you now?
@funnycomments6081 2 жыл бұрын
@@_YoshikageKira still messed up
@_YoshikageKira 2 жыл бұрын
@@funnycomments6081 damn, some coward chockholded me 3years ago too and my shoulders became lent forward afterwards, i was so hunched i was walking looking at the ground at the beginning but i became better now, still there's some popping and difficulty swallowing though, if you want gimme ur ig or smt.
@funnycomments6081 2 жыл бұрын
@@_YoshikageKira sht difficulty swallowing that's fkt up bra
@user-oz1ic7ep4n Жыл бұрын
I had a fracture to my SCJ after I fell and landed haphazardly (partially on my breastbone and partially on my face), so it wasn't sports related... rather more of a trauma based injury. After I fell, i developed some really spectacular bruises (reds, blues, and purple shades and every variable in between). To say my chest turned chest turned black and blue is a gross understatement! They did x-rays and said that I had a sternoclavicular fracture. There was no cast or bandaids for this... simply time, rest, and ibuprofen... lots of pain, though, not a good time! Made me appreciate, though, all those football players (and others) that get beat up for a living... God bless them!
@track1m730 Жыл бұрын
Hiee bro I have same problem can we talk
@SirDonkeyShot 3 ай бұрын
Can I still bench press with this injury? I know I have it and I’m a powerlifter. When I bench heavy it pops…. It freaks me out
@DrDavidGeier 3 ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but Dr. Geier can’t legally answer medical questions and offer specific medical advice online. Join Dr. Geier on his monthly Ask Dr. Geier Live! Show, April 26, when he'll be live on KZbin at 12 PM ET - and bring your questions! Until then, check out the hundreds of videos here and thousands of articles on his website - - in which he discusses every musculoskeletal injury suffered by athletes and active people. - Dr. David Geier team
@thereelaccountant9246 5 жыл бұрын
I injured mine 3 years ago. It wasn't that bad so I didn't go to the doctor. I self healed. My bad SC joint does stick out a tad more than the other side. Over the years I have experienced some soreness when exercising and some bad popping and grinding. It has gotten worse. Doctors are having a hard time figuring out what is wrong with it and nobody seems familiar with the joint. I think from a recent ultrasound that the end of the clavicle is very rough and jagged, like maybe the inflammation caused some bone spurs to develop? I am trying a new doctor and getting a 2nd MRI in the near future.
@gillycooper8305 3 жыл бұрын
How did it go?
@thereelaccountant9246 3 жыл бұрын
@@gillycooper8305 basically they said it's not bad enough to do such a risky surgery. I got a steroid shot which helped temporarily. I was going to get PRP shots but haven't had the money to do so since insurance doesn't cover it. Basically self medicating is what I do to try and keep the inflammation down
@gillycooper8305 3 жыл бұрын
@@thereelaccountant9246 Damn that sucks. Can you still go intensively with exercise, or does it impede too much? What medication do you use?
@thereelaccountant9246 3 жыл бұрын
@@gillycooper8305 only natural anti inflammation supplements.
@thereelaccountant9246 3 жыл бұрын
No advil or anything
@cindyvien7193 3 жыл бұрын
A couple days ago, I just noticed that my right collarbone protrudes out more than my left collarbone, and it seems thicker in the front of it. This really scared me. I have also been experiencing shoulder and neck pain for over a year as well, and I think I have a rotator cuff injury since my right shoulder and neck hurts more at night and when I wake up. It is less painful during the day, though there is some pain when I raise my right arm. I also feel like my shoulder blade is tender too and I try to rub it sometimes to soothe it.
@Tinupsaju 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Doc, I ( 32 years old) am experiencing anterior SC dislocation on the right hand for the last 10 years. Usually, the shoulder bone pops out, when I raise the right hand. I haven't undergone any treatment until now, but when I hold any object on my right hand, eg. my mobile phone, I am feeling frigidness in between the right scapula medial border and the vertebral column. Once I unload my hand, the frigidness alleviates. Please suggest a treatment for this. Thank you for this video.
@SuperAutty 6 жыл бұрын
I had a car crash 2 years ago, with impact directly into my side of the car, my left. I have had a SC dislocation anterior to the left clavicle and had no issues. However, a year in, (last summer) my right SC joint (chest) came out whilst i was lowering myself down with my arms. I am very active and have recovered mostly from the accident. However, the right SC dislocation has caused the middle of the colar bone to protrude outwards and the more exercise i do the further it protrudes. I do have pain in the Sternoclavicular joint as well as across the collar bne and into the shoulder. I have had many doctors at a loss to what has happened, asking me if i have broken it. A spinal surgeon also gave me the same response. A chiropractor has given me the closest diagnosis, and reckons I have either broken it or torn the ligaments that hold the collar bone in place. Could you tell me what may be causing the collar bone to protrude in such a drastic way? I would love to get some idea so that I can do somerehabilitation exercise and continue with my training once again. Thank you for anyone that may be of help!
@stevenmccormick4816 5 жыл бұрын
i have the exact sme problem with car crash and bone one day i was working it popped i couldnt move for 3 weeks did you get it sorted and if so how i dont want to leave it it causes me problems in everday life
@potatonone8093 6 жыл бұрын
I'm 14 and this is happening to me and it's really worrying me
@sergiocunha4275 6 жыл бұрын
me too iam 15 and iam worried
@potatonone8093 6 жыл бұрын
Sergio Cunha yeah i hope that well be okay
@sergiocunha4275 6 жыл бұрын
am okay but my collelarbone is popping
@potatonone8093 6 жыл бұрын
Same with mine
@CDXTiTaN 5 жыл бұрын
I’m 16 and every time I retract my shoulder blades my right calorbone ball thing pops out and it’s very uncomfortable
@michaelmorrison4201 4 жыл бұрын
Why is your chest so red and sun burnt looking?
@blacknrd05 4 жыл бұрын
I'm here because of John Ross.
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