海上巨風(typhoon)應屬於海上風險(peril of the sea),但此颱風形成源於內陸沙漠的沙塵暴風,沙塵暴應不屬海上風險,故上述颱風是否可歸納為海上風險呢?謝。
@seaman001 Жыл бұрын
@concordocean4929 Жыл бұрын
@@seaman001 謝。不太懂英國海上保險法(MIA 1906),故只有抄書,海上保险論(吳榮清著) 170頁:Perils of the seas 7. The term "perils of the seas" refers only to fortuitous accidents or casualties of the seas. It does not include the ordinary action of the winds and waves. 172頁:暴風雨是「海上固有風險」......。 Dictionary of Marine Insurance by Robert Brown, P.556: ...... heavy weather are all deemed to be "perils of the seas"....... 同意您的觀點。
@concordocean4929 Жыл бұрын
The Xantho (1887), the House of Lords held: Perils of the seas covers accident or casualty of the seas. That is to cover losses by perils of the seas occasioned by extraordinary violence of the winds or waves.