Sort of this is more of something I generate to learn from but I feel that people would like this form of learning so I upload it and frame it as a podcast.
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
I generally follow topics like this, so I'm asking because I'm listening to the last podcast - I think people have started listening to the podcast about the invisible around us
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
Everything leads to the fact that we have lost the spiritual in ourselves and that it should be restored
@cassianhistorypodcast14 күн бұрын
What would you propose for the majority of mankind
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
People should have an open mind to the new - the old that we as humanity have lost or have been deliberately hidden from us @@cassianhistorypodcast
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
Just imagine if there were 200 fallen, they had their own military leaders, and that's a lot of names in different books
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
The Pantheon is colorful
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
To ask yourself if you need to see them to know if they are here...
@cassianhistorypodcast14 күн бұрын
Are you saying that belief in something doesn't always need to be seen to be felt or understood?
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
Everything leads to that, in my opinion! @@cassianhistorypodcast
@masshushwithoutcontrol14 күн бұрын
I want to say that they are there whether they believe me or not
@cassianhistorypodcast14 күн бұрын
That’s an interesting an quite a beautiful thought.