Thank you for this timely video. It was an answered prayer. I couldn't reconcile between grace, repentance and "work out your salvation". God is humorous, he has to give me an answer in Mandarin, my 2nd language. Waiting eagerly for the 2nd part and the ammunition! God bless you in your ministry.
當我們看聖經, 充滿了神的作為. 這個信仰最寶貴的是, "神為" 超過 "人為", 在 神凡事都能! 這是我重生後真正的領悟, 因為我深深的感受到 聖靈的大能, 神可以重生我們, 當然在之後, 會以祂的大能去讓這個人被持守直到被贖的日子. 許多人受洗, 也去教會, 但不一定有真的從神而生, 因為那是神主動的作為. 我也是受洗後很久才經歷從神而生. 那是一個劇烈的改變, 非常震撼. 聖靈一夕之間讓我很多習慣改變, 而沒有任何掙扎, 同時, 我完全知道自己是神的兒女, 有聖靈的同住, 對自己在基督裡的身分沒有疑惑, 而有深深的平安. 不會今天是神的兒女, 明天不是, 而這中間人的改變, 遠離罪惡, 過聖潔的生活,也是聖靈的能力. 我們從得救稱義, 到成聖, 到得榮, 都是神主動在我們身上的奇妙工作. 在這個信仰中, 最特別的是 "神為" 永遠大於 "人為", 這也是基督信最特別的地方. 請對神有信心, once "truly" saved, which is being regenerated, being born from above by the spirit of God, then it's always saved, to be sealed till the day of redemption.
Hi, Do you have the English version? Great information. By the way, do you have any reference to the hyper grace you are talking about. I know one church in Singapore that teach grace. But the pastor did not mention that the Christian can anyhow sin because of grace. "If you follow grace, you will obey the law" quote from pastor. But you are right, he did not talk much about sin. Can you comment on the quote.
@dkfinalgeneration4 жыл бұрын
do you have the video timecode or website for that quote? If we are talking about the same teaching, hyper grace will tell you of course you can confess, but they will then tell you knowing that you could not confess all sins, and you are forgiven all of your sins, even the future ones, you're no longer living under law but under grace, don't convict yourself, instead, look at the cross of the Lord and remind yourself that you are no longer a sinner, but righteous. You see how they deviate, telling you in your face that of course you can confess, but there is really no need to confess of your sins anymore. You need to discern what is right and almost right, hyper grace is off degree just by a little, without confess, there would be no repent.
@yvonnefahn55274 жыл бұрын
If you focus on darkness, you can't see the Light. If you focus on sin, you can't see the Grace. Light and grace manifested in Jesus. But, in Him, there's no darkness and sin. When Jesus is exalted, grace manifested, sin becomes powerless.