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Countryside Acres

Countryside Acres

8 ай бұрын

We have made a huge family decision to sell everything and relocate to an area that will be safer for our family as Christians in the long term.
This has not been an easy decision but one we felt we needed to make for our children and theirs.
We took this summer off and traveled the USA and have now flown across the ocean to Tbilisi Georgia.
We rented an apartment/hotel in Marjanishvili Square for 8 days but have just found a house outside the city where we can spend the next weeks/ months as we wait for our paperwork to start our NEW adventure in Russia.
Join us as we share our journey with you on this channel and also via Facebook.
May God bless each one of you as you, too, seek to do His will.
Thank you for all your love and support,we appreciate every bit of it!
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@tammysarrazin-ux9tv 8 ай бұрын
Anneesa sounds like she has had enough and i dont blame her the mama bear needs her children warm hugsssss
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Yup absolutely, it's plenty warm in here this am though.... concrete house I think just takes a long time to warm up
@christineiscrocheting 8 ай бұрын
Definitely looked like a Home Depot type store. And the adventures continue 😀
@tammysarrazin-ux9tv 8 ай бұрын
that second store seems like a walmart lol so crazy that people come and go and take what they want lol hugsssss
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Ya a bit of a frustration, supposes to be done taking things now, we shall see
@rhodachavarria1430 8 ай бұрын
Would love to see it in the spring.
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Yes same here
@wilfhigginson465 8 ай бұрын
Can’t have a pocket knife in your pocket, but for your vehicle travel anything goes😂👍🏼 you folks are excellent.
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Ya, that's crazy right? Plus, I noticed in the mall you can buy military style guns.... even on their version of kijiji, you can buy guns that are completely illegal in Canada
@freedomisnotnegotiable 8 ай бұрын
The whole pocket knife thing opened my eyes again how protected we are in the US… yes there’s are things in this country that are crazy but the media pictures it that it is everywhere but that is actually wrong. You walk through a big Home Depot (menard) hardware store and they promote a Bible verse calendar with the sample picture on the box that says „he made the one who knew no sin to become sin for us…“ that tells me that Iam still in the right country… you won’t find anything like that in Georgia, Russia or any other country in the world… and last but not least there is the precious 2nd ammendment
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
I'm.not sure if you find bible verses on calendars here or not but I would think so. People are very religious here and mostly all Christian. I know they are not pro lgbt alphabet here and they won't take your children away If you refuse to let them transgender.... can't say the same for canada and the usa.
@freedomisnotnegotiable 8 ай бұрын
@@countrysideacreshomestead2008 i have been to a lot of orthodox countries, i cannot call these Christian's, yes they may believe in Christian morality (so does muslims) or values but that does not mean they are Christians. In fact i have experienced the persecution of Christians who believe in Jesus and Salvation by Jesus only and not works by through eastern Orthodox church. Last but not least the Veneration of Virign Mary is not biblical at all additional to that the veneration of other saints. What you are saying about the US depends also very much on the state you are living in. For me there is a very distinct difference to believe and follow some moral values, trying to satisfy your mind and hope to gain salvation compared to fully rest in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you really get into the Orthodox faith it is idol worship and has nothing to do with the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The hierarchy of priests and bishops is not biblical, every true believer saved by the blood of Jesus is called a priest, that bishops are successors of apostles comes from the Catholic church and is not biblical either and is just a position create to have a power structure in the church. Sooner or later you will find out how destructive a church religion that is deeply imbedded in the government and countries culture is. Something that makes the US still unique that the majority of churches is non-denominational, which doesnt mean they are all biblical. Be prepared wherever you move and you get in trouble or a disagreement of biblical teaching with a local bishop or priest that your live will quickly change and the friendliness of your neighbors towards you... As the catholic church so does the orthodox is coming together with the Islam, since these religions are built on morality and Christian/Abrahamic values and not on the pure salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ alone. The evangelic denomination in contrast has turned to absolute immorality and the open practice of adultery in every sense...
@moetocafe 5 күн бұрын
@@freedomisnotnegotiable everything about the Eastern Orthodox Church, and many things, but not all about the Catholic church are Biblical not only as theology, but also as historical pracsis (practice). I understand your position, but from where do you deliver all those bold conclusions about which church is what, when your "churches" aren't even ones of Apostolical heritage? Our Church - the Eastern Orthodox Church - is the one Christ made for us on Earth, to connect Earth and Heaven for our Salvation. What you say we don't believe in the Jesus's blood is completely false, as exactly the opposite is true - everything in the Orthodox Church is organized around and is consequential of the Eucharist (The Divine Liturgy, the main church service at which the Holy Spirit turns the bread and wine into Jesus's flesh and blood, so the people can taste it for their deliverance of sin and death, and for our Salvation). Our Lord says "If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector." (Mathew 18:17 - took it from the International Bible, as couldn't find the Orthodox Bible in English, but sounds on par with ours in this). How many churches the Lord founded on Earth? 10, 1000, 10 000? You tell me? When you read the Holy Book it is obvious the Church of Christ is One and One only, and it connects Heaven and Earth. So, how we (humans) ended up with so many denominations, then? It is historical. At different times some nations / people, became corrupted and started to drift away from the Church, eventually forming a different church, that is not part of the Christ's Church. This is how the Catholic church lost connection with the Christ's Church at the time of the great schism. Then the future protestants drifted away from the Catholic church and made their own, even further distanced away from Christ's Church. Anyways, unlike you I won't make any bold statements about who is saved and who is not, as it is only for Christ to make that Final Judgement, Holy Be Thy Name.
@amycurrie6766 8 ай бұрын
Curious to hear your upcoming plans
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Hopefully reveal that in couple weeks
@landthatilove6556 8 ай бұрын
Strange situation indeed! The language barrier certainly has some issues, or that lady is just crazy 🤪. It's fascinating that the stores you've been to have the same brands that we have here in North America. I'm anxious to see your train trip! I hope it's coming up soon! Be safe! God bless you and yours on your adventure through Georgia. I find it truly fascinating! 🙏🥰🤗😁
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! I was a but surprised at all the similar brands here too but then again American corporations run the world so it shouldn't be too shocking. Train ride should be coming in a couple days I believe.
@TheTinkerersWife 8 ай бұрын
I'm with Aneesa. I hope you find a more peaceful and well ordered home, one without things walking off with no one asking like that. It is a beautiful spot but not sure that buys a vote to stay. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. God give you wisdon
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Me too, we are thinking of moving back to the city actually, more to do there while we wait for paperwork. Hopefully we will be able to move soon.
@thomasnilsson8562 5 ай бұрын
Is those stores really in Georgia?? Wow! That first one looks pretty much like a DIY-store here in sweden called Bauhaus. German I think..? Same colors and structure in the store. And gosh.. must be so weird having someone just going in to your home taking whatever they feel like. You're in a very vulnerable situation with the language and culture differences. I don't know if I would wanna put myself through that, and with 8 kids(!!) if I didn't absolutely have to. But by the time I'm writing this you'll be long gone from this place I guess. Wish you all the luck, even though you do seem to take it very well. Take care!
@alex31p 8 ай бұрын
MORE adventure.
@kalinowskipower-cfmotoatvu3243 8 ай бұрын
I hope they don't accuse you of stealing stuff from the apartment!
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Thought crossed our minds but I think it will be fine. I think the lady has a bit of dementia so I think it's harmless. We had quite the laugh about the whole situation.
@debbiekrueger5576 8 ай бұрын
Your video came up like a live chat at first then changed lol..I have no idea how KZbin works as I would never do it. Sounds like what’s theirs is yours until they need it? Hopefully they don’t actually take your stuff. Mountains are different looking, almost cartoonish. Hope you go see them & get good videos, I love mountains!
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
That's strange. I wonder why it did that? I think she's part if the family and therefore has claim on some stuff, she's not supposed to take more stuff thst we are aware of and so far its only been stuff that's not ours
@markgardner9107 8 ай бұрын
Are their power tools a different voltage? That may make a difference in the price.
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
The dewalt stuff was 20v same as back home, charger just has a different plug on it, same tools.
@scottsuttan2123 5 ай бұрын
most stuff in Europe is 240 thus different plugs ....only in North America it's 110 US/Canadians are but children can't handle high volts ...true fact
@aleksanderkuncwicz7277 4 ай бұрын
I had flooring done it went terrible wroung it's chiping away,like the flooring panels in this video.
@kimibrowne4440 7 күн бұрын
Weird about that old lady!
@tammysarrazin-ux9tv 8 ай бұрын
she is a character for sure but stealing is nuts lol hugssssss
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Well...I suppose she isn't really stealing if it Is infact hers ... just seems like she is
@zeieva 8 ай бұрын
There are quite many from USA that are buying and reconstructing houses in italian alps, check "rising voyagers" italy for example. We have also american that bought house in our village. Not living here yet, but want to move next year. Then there are 1 eur houses around the Italy - you buy house for 1 eur + the notary and reconstruct it. Just thought maybe it can be an option, but I do not know about visas. That channel I mentioned before is family with 2 children and they are doing something to have permit to stay in Italy to live here.
@zeieva 8 ай бұрын
We are in Italy and homeschooling or kids - it is not easy, as every year they need to do exam, but it is possible. Exams are on the main topics in the subjects. So or kids are learning values that we think are values.
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
We can look into it. The children and I are dutch citizens so we could move to Italy and work no problem. The issue for us is land, we would like to farm and own a lot of land.
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Homeschooling is very important to us too and there is definitely more to it than sitting in a desk. We believe in teaching life skills and life values, something that is best taught hands on and not in school
@zeieva 8 ай бұрын
@@countrysideacreshomestead2008 We are trying it too. At the moment we just have added information about local villages, local plants and animals. We try to go hiking, when it is possible, visiting local villages. Not everything is yet possible, because husband still whole week spends down working, but we are trying to change this.
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Awesome! Where are you from?
@gorancucko1437 5 ай бұрын
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 5 ай бұрын
Thank you very much!
@marcelfeenstra1624 8 ай бұрын
That is something weird about the old lady. 🤔 I’d be putting a stop to that i think.
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
Pretty tough to stop her when you don't speak her language lol, I think k it will be ok now
@marcelfeenstra1624 8 ай бұрын
@@countrysideacreshomestead2008 well, there’s the universal “whoah whoah..” I’ve even heard of that working on a moose once🤔 mighta worked. 😉
@lalikevkhishvili652 8 ай бұрын
What's the name of that village where you live ?
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
We don't give that out
@waynemclaughlin96 4 ай бұрын
It makes you wonder if they are taking advantage of Arend and Anneesa because of them being foreigners ?
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 4 ай бұрын
No that wasn't the case. This is in Georgia before we came to Russia.
@zorad3976 5 ай бұрын
Do you pay taxes on every product, like 13 procent in Ontario ?
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 5 ай бұрын
Taxes are cheap here. What you see on the tag is what you pay
@lyndabelknap8367 8 ай бұрын
I think you should move to something better and I would be worried about my kids there. Who knows what those people are really like?
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
I think the people are fine, it's just the lady is perhaps a bit off her rocker, she is really nice to the kids though and yesterday the kids helped her pick pumpkins. If you look at it from her side....she's 83 and this house has been in the family probably all her life, she's been coming and going here for years, these villagers seem to have a close relationship and use each other's stuff
@lyndabelknap8367 8 ай бұрын
@@countrysideacreshomestead2008 how come you and your daughters wear head coverings but your mother does not? Were you raised differently than what you are raising your own children?
@countrysideacreshomestead2008 8 ай бұрын
@lyndabelknap8367 That's a great question. We believe 1 Corinthians 11 is still to be followed today, and it clearly says a woman's head is to be covered. Anneesa chose to do this on her own as it is a decision between her and God. Anneesa and I did not grow up this way at all, but through studying the word of God, became convicted on many of the principles we now live with. Many people will say that 1 Corinthians 11 was only for back then... it's the same chapter that's used for communion (which is still practiced) same chapter that says a man's head should be uncovered ( men still remove their hats during prayer, anthem or in church) only the woman apear to have been removed from this command. If you search through the last 50-80 years, you will see that all Christian churches practiced covering for woman up until the woman's liberation movement....there was no question on the topic, in most churches, until then. Plus if you further study into it you can dig up what the early church fathers ( the guys that walked and talked with the apostles and were taught by them) had to say on the topic and they were not divided on it. Women were to be covered during worship and prayer. Since the Bible clearly says that we need to pray without ceasing, that would mean a woman should always be covered. Hope that explains it a little bit, we thought about doing a video on it sometime, too.
@lyndabelknap8367 8 ай бұрын
@@countrysideacreshomestead2008 Interesting yes please do a video on it. Yes when I was a child I remember wearing hats and white gloves during the service. When I made my first holy communium we wore long veils and white dresses and the boys wore dress pants and white shirts. It was really a big deal to kneel before the altar and receive the sacrament of Christ and be blessed. I loved the whole service and still do.
@zz7zt0p56 6 ай бұрын
🚨🤡🇨🇦HE IS STEALING EVERYTHING!!!!😂😂😂🥳🇬🇪Georgia💞🤡🇨🇦 Great Family 💖Watching the 9 Kids Beautiful Children so well Behave, like Sounds of Musics 😂😂
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