Shelob Origins - This Giant Shapeshifting Spider Is Sauron's Most Influential & Powerful Ally - LOTR

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Shelob Origins - The nightmarish Spider-like Demon from the LOTR universe!
Credits For The Amazing Artwork Used Inside The Video By Brilliant Artists!
Hazal Yayalar
#ringsofpower #lordoftherings #lotr

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@WestIndianAK 3 ай бұрын
Peter Jackson modelled Shelob after the New Zealand tunnel-web spider, which had scared the crap out of him when he was a kid.
@Joniron7 Жыл бұрын
Shelob on my knob like corn on the cob.
@bixhutch6274 Жыл бұрын
She does not actually shapeshift. That was just added in the video game. She's more like a pet to Sauran. She keeps people from entering on that side of Mordor and in tern he knowingly allows her to eat his Orcs if they get within her radius. She's still alive after the Lord of the Rings so who knows where she ends up.
@buwcheeks8669 Жыл бұрын
Tbf he says its the games version.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
I like the idea that the producers of the game had, that Shelob is a mirror to Galadriel, and seeing Rings of Power, i'm with team Shelob... One thing to take in account here, despite probably not intentional, is that Tolkien was christian, and funny enough, in the bible theres only a few citations of spider, and none depict them as evil cretures, in one is said that spiders are wise in the other, is said that spiders were the very first creatures to help Jesus when he was born, by covering the paths where Joseph and Mary had pass wich confused the roman soldiers... Even if you think spiders are evil, doesn't change the fact that they were created by God, and as all creatures created by Him, are meant to serve God in one way or another. And overal, spiders are mostly benefical creatures to humans, they hunt other insects, some of them that could be far more dangerous to humans than spiders, one of this insects is the actual human killer, mosquitoes. So in a sense, what the producers of the game did, was take a very grey area on the lore of LotR, and explore further, with some liberties of course, but not bad like in the Rings of Power.
@KingOfHarlots86 Жыл бұрын
So the spider is fuckable is what you're saying
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
You if ore that fact until about 1 month on, when her rhythm gets predictable and kinda boring. Then you use that knowledge if you have. A hard time trying to bust.
@-hackzzz-7282 Жыл бұрын
Nah In Tolkiens writings he said after her wound from Sam and sting she was basically no more and if she was somewhere perhaps clinging on to life that tale does not tell
@royalwithchz_5328 Жыл бұрын
She actually is modeled after the Sydney funnel web spider according to the behind the scenes
@sd5371 Жыл бұрын
Mordor or as it was called in the common tongue... Australia
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
Actually, she was modeled after Stoya Doll...
@hdrag9 Жыл бұрын
We really need some 1st and 2nd age epic movies that strictly follow the source material.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
To be honest, Shadow of War takes some liberties with Shelob, but it isn't bad as folks think, i like the idea of a spider lady evil sorceress it kinda complements Tolkien world, without taking much of it, it's like an spin off or a really good fanfiction, and it's way better than Guyladriel in Rings of Power.
@AdamMaley Жыл бұрын
movie industry is dead, tainted by wokeness and CGI crap. Goodluck ever getting another good LOTR anything.
@vyzion980 Жыл бұрын
@@efxnews4776 you’re 100% wrong, this game breaks the lore on so many levels regardless of how good of a game it is 🤣🤣
@JIMMILLS-vo4dw Ай бұрын
Maybe Amazon will develop some? 😂
@MrRourk Жыл бұрын
Shelob and Gollum trading orc recipes in the dark
@sandorsbox Жыл бұрын
Shelob was NOT a shapeshifter and she was NOT an ally of Sauron. She was completely independent and just happened to be content in the pass that was named for her presence.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
OK BUDDY he mentioned that this is from the games, wich by the way are really good. Think about like a fanfiction, but different from Rings of Power an actuall GOOD fanfiction.
@sandorsbox Жыл бұрын
@@efxnews4776 fanfiction doesn't change established lore. Fanfiction works your own ideas into the story. Those games bastardized existing lore.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
@@sandorsbox I don't fkg care fkg care with your feelings fanboy! I like the games, and they are VERY respectful with all the lore, they just add a few things here and there. Why are you piss off with videogame by the way? Didi you even play the game to know if it is good or not? And AGAIN it is a videogame, it almost impossible make a 100% faithful to a book or movie, even more for a GOOD ONE. Instead of complaning about a videogame, why don't you just go piss on the Rings of Power? That thing trully is an abomination. Shadow of War is a good videogame, it takes some liberties with the lore but overall tell a nice story that at LEAST feel like LotR. Go bother Amazon with you crap, not me or other gamers, Besides wheres you indignation when this game was launched? It has being around for at least some 6 years, and only know you came crying about?
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
Also fanfic is stupid.
@cha5 Жыл бұрын
@@shaolin1derpalm I've found some good fan fiction, but generally yeah fan fiction more often than not just doesn't measure up for the most part, It's kind of like trying to connect The Watcher in the Water to Cthulhu.
@r3k2mutter79 Жыл бұрын
im pretty damn sure she aint shape shifting, her mother could shapeshift thou
@parkarlsson3539 Жыл бұрын
Yes shape-shifting is only from video game lore
@tunguskalumberjack9987 Жыл бұрын
Once again, this channel misleading people with books they don’t read, movies they don’t watch, and narrators presenting scripts that they didn’t write, hence the multitude of mispronunciations.
@buwcheeks8669 Жыл бұрын
@@tunguskalumberjack9987 But he does say in the video its the video games adaptation.
@TevyaSmolka Жыл бұрын
Shelob and Sauron relationship sounds very interesting.
@scubasteve743 Жыл бұрын
Just like Melkor and Shelobs mother
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
The games are really good despite the liberties they take with the lore.
@wildswift8040 Жыл бұрын
There's a giant spider named namia the venomous one in Skyrim that's a reference to shelob
@Force-Multiplier Жыл бұрын
i love the Shadow of War design she's so beautiful
@nurgle333 Жыл бұрын
Waifu bait
@trevordenver9877 2 ай бұрын
I think in the game itnsiniate that Sauron and Shelob were kind of like lovers which is funny to me vecause imagine banging shelob and she turns into a spider mid sex haha
@kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 Жыл бұрын
Ya know, Radigast actually says to Gandalf that the spiders of mirkwood are offspring of Ungoliant. "Creatures of Darkness , no doubt born from Ungoliants Vile ilk.." Also I own the Tolkien beastiery( both editions of it, one from the seventies 1 from the eighties and then a reprint that they made about 10 years ago) and in every single one, it is actually canon that the mirkwood spiders are lesser children of Ungoliant's, that spread further down The Misty Mountains, and into the once verdant and green Forest that later became MIRKWOOD....These Spiders had made their colony deep into to the Darkest part of the forest, and slowly choked the forest with their webs and their malicious hatred. THUSLY, The forest started to darken, AND Became Mirkwood the Black . THIS ALL TOOK PLACE WAY BEFORE sHELOB made her way to the pass where she became fat and large, and guarded it against those who would attempt to "Sneak into Mordor by going round to the backdoor". Even though she had been there for a time, it was AFTER the Events of the Hobbit that we see Shelob. The spiders that made their way to Mirkwood stayed a certain size because they were constantly being culled by elves. It is stated in the Bestiary that Shelob was the greatest of Ungoliants Children, and that all these Large Spiders came FROM UNGOLIANT. SHELOB IS NEVER MENTIONED AS HAVING HAD PROGENY.
@IDontBuyIt50 Жыл бұрын
therein lies youtube's original and never going to end problem, the argument between taking the time to be sure you know something before you make a vid, and the idea of more content more money. All that typing and logic will not help you. I know, believe me its a total waste of time. In the end, even when you are the only one making any sense, it will just be "then why bother commenting" or be accused of "hate watching". That term makes zero sense the way they use it either, its a comedic term. Hate watching is a positive thing, because you become able to enjoy something you would generally hate. Damned if you do.......
@MKRex Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
9 have the 70s bestiary. I had a noncanon feeling towards it. I believe goldberry is described as an elf in it? Either way I definitely felt an implication that's per Tolkein's view of diminishing of grandeur through each age and generation, that ungoliant was mightiest, then bred shelob etc, and then shelob or whoever need the spiders of mirkwood. It's kind of how it goes. Also the wording could still imply that the mirk spiders were descendants of ungoliant via others.
@te9591 Жыл бұрын
Is Pennywise the offspring of Ungoliant?
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
@@te9591 is Greta, the space saint alien spider offspring of Ungoliant? She has remarkable resemblance with Pennywise, despite the completely opposite attitude...
@mr.s2005 Жыл бұрын
for a creature obsessed with food, she choose a lousy spot to set up camp. I mean, before orcs, who would have been constantly traveling through that pass
@andrewpaige1194 Жыл бұрын
Actually, it’s 100% factual, and canNOT b argued that not only was golumn NOT the hero, but Frodo WAS! In one of Tolkien’s letters, he(yes, the big man himself-J.R.R.Tolkien) actually states that Frodo got as far as it was possible for him to get(it wasn’t physically possible for him to have thrown the ring in, himself, and in one of apparently only 3 times*, I believe, in the entirety of middle earth, Eru Illuvitar himself(literally God)personally intervened in middle earth, and forced golumn to fall into the lava. That is the stone cold canon truth. Frodo did more than could ever be expected of him to do, and as much as it was possible for him to, and golumn was literally thrown into the lava by god himself(possibly partly because of the ring’s oath-oaths have unimaginable power). *the only other 2 times Eru himself ever DIRECTLY intervened in middle earth, was to retrieve Gandalf’s spirit when he and the balrog killed eachother, and to send him back to middle earth as the beefed up Gandalf the white, and also destroying Numenor&removing the undying lands from the plain of middle earth(I guess that’s 2 things, but it’s 2 parts of the same intervention).
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
Yeah. People gotta read those letters/do the research. Characters in middle earth aren't really nuanced. They aren't meant to be. Corruption from greed, and paying the price is like the central theme lol. When movies and creators add subtext and nuance tot he characters, they're actually ruining the work.
@nodiggity9472 Жыл бұрын
By "the only other 2 times Eru himself ever DIRECTLY intervened in middle earth, was to retrieve Gandalf’s spirit when he and the balrog killed each other, and to send him back to middle earth" you must mean "Rolled out by Tolkien in correspondence when someone pointed out the plot holes to him." Saying Frodo did more than can ever be expected, and that that it wasn't physically possible for him to have thrown the ring in himself negates the whole point of Frodo's journey. "More than can ever be expected" means that Elrond and Gandalf were knowingly sending him to his death, and the inevitable failure of the quest. Eru, in this case is just plot insurance policy by the author, as an afterthought.
@MistahBryan Жыл бұрын
@18:00, I'm willing to bet numerous Orcs fled Mordor via her tunnels. She probably fed on a few of them.
@HerrrLuna Жыл бұрын
While Ungoliant is a spirit of darkness, I think Shelob's father must have been one of(or a decendant of) Melkor's experiments from the days in Utumno. Melkor made many twisted, monster versions of animals, like wargs and werewolfs from wolves, fellbats and vampires from bats etc. I'm sure he must have made some giant spiders as well, for what else could be the father(s) of Ungoliant's children? Or mabye both Ungoliant and later Shelob could have mated with regular spiders?
@DTavona Жыл бұрын
Melkor could have done the deed himself. He likes monsters; what's to say one of his kinks isn't monster girls?
@skillsmachine9164 9 ай бұрын
​@DTavona well she almost killed him and his balrogs saved him and she fled. So I doubt melkor went looking for her again and mated with her 😂
@That80sGuy1972 Жыл бұрын
A lot of Dungeons & Dragons (OG D&D and AD&D) was inspired by Tolkien's Middle-Earth. This demon spider most likely inspired Lolth of that multiverse.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
To be honest, Shelob reminds me of Morrigan in Dragon Age: Origens, an in that game she is a shapeshifter mage that one of her favorite forms is a giant spider, maybe that is where the idea came from. Also, folks here are complaning that according with the lore Shelob is only a giant demonic spider, that she can't shapeshift. Thing is that she has an interaction with Gollum and they have an agreament? So how Gollum comunicate with Shelob? How she agree with his deal? Tapping her legs on the ground once for yes and twice for no? Pretty funny for such a demonic creature... I think theres place for something like shapeshifting of Shelob. The idea that she can't came straight from the minds of people that claim she can't, but where in the books specified that SHE CAN'T, she is progeny of Ungoliant, and Ungoliant was a shapeshifter, perhaps it's something hard for Shelob do, but that doesn't mean it is impossible.
@dastvan8002 Жыл бұрын
That’s funny seeing as I usually find myself describing Shadow Of War’s Shelob as “Chaotic Good Lolth”
@That80sGuy1972 Жыл бұрын
@@efxnews4776 People draw conclusions based upon ignorance. "only a giant demonic spider". Operative word: Demonic. Demonic beings, if they are not possessing a being but using their own bodies, unless specified differently, can shapeshift... their only limits are intelligence, imagination, and power. If the demon or demonic monster cannot shapeshift, that just means it lacks the mind to do so. Also, Shelob is a descendant of a demonic shapeshifter. Put those two together and you have to do mental gymnastics to assume that it's not implied/inferred when not said... and the inability to shapeshift must be stated in canon to oppose that 100% safe assumption. Demons/demonic monsters are often in their "base natural form" not out of being limited to it but they are in that form the way we wear our favorite clothing and usual carried things... preference at the moment.
@whynot1548 Ай бұрын
From a thematic perspective, they probably should've made Thuringwethel who comes along and messes with Talion and Celebrimbor. Because we aren't told what happened to her; unless ofcourse there's some manuscript that the Tolkien family hasn't released yet---that does explain what happened to her.
@catspaw3092 Жыл бұрын
It's said that Pennywise is linked to Shelob since one of his forms is that of a giant spider.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
Theres actually an underlying trend that seems to be mostly subcouncious related with spiders and womans, most people don't realize this, but is for all intents and purpose sexual. If you look in nature, what is the closest animal that resemble male genitalia? Snakes, right? And female genitalia? SPIDERS. I believe that the trope of lady spider is based on this, also, since you mentioned Pennywise, i will recomend something for you. In the Netflix theres a series called Love, Death and Robots (it's an anthology), in the first season, theres an ep called, Beyond the Aquila Rift, watch this epsode. Also, in the old movie Krull, it also feature a spider lady sorceress, but she isn't evil.
@KingOfHarlots86 Жыл бұрын
No tf it's not 😂😂. Those two universes aren't even remotely related. Nice try attempting to start a comment war,I hope it works for you😂🚶🏿‍♂️
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
It's said by Jim, Duane and Chelsea.
@johnprime1147 Жыл бұрын
Love the video. I actually have The Lord Of The Rings book. It's a big book with The Fellowship of The Ring, Two Towers, and The Return Of The King in it. I'm only on Chapter 2 and I can see the differences between the books and the movies. Pray that I finish the book by the time I'm 18
@user-ge8yn4ql4i Жыл бұрын
Shouldn't be too hard unless you've got less than a month to go. :3
@johnprime1147 Жыл бұрын
@@user-ge8yn4ql4i Thx. It shouldn't be hard But I guess me taking forever on actually finishing it doesn't help
@flashcloud666 Жыл бұрын
The non movie cutscenes are from the video game Middle-earth: Shadow of War. In case anyone was wondering.
@jordandocherty3928 Жыл бұрын
is it just me that saw this on the app and thought it was going to sat mother 😅
@I-hate-youtube797 5 ай бұрын
9:28 as a spider owner it’s funny Shelob had such a hunger when most spiders and tarantulas only eat every other day and some only once a month. I’ve heard of people who have had tarantulas go a whole year without eating and were just fine they just have slow metabolisms and don’t need much food
@robgoodsight6216 Жыл бұрын
She moved from Australia...definitely!
@Timenaught Жыл бұрын
Normal people: Shelob Me, a dingus: Sheldon
@TheMetastasia Жыл бұрын
They named her "Kankra" in germany.
@gandalf4751 8 ай бұрын
The lord of the rings 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
The move contradicts the text in the hobbit. Gollum finds goblin meat "tastey".
@ThePhysicalReaction Жыл бұрын
"Her vomit was pure blackness" "well thats gotta be like, half our vomits after a night of eating orc flesh"
@SombraCheeks Жыл бұрын
Just like Melisandre from Game of Thrones, I like it more when the ladies keep the attractive magic going lol
@bazookajoe6133 Жыл бұрын
Ungoliant, not Angoliant
@voidwalker7774 Жыл бұрын
Kumuko? What have you become :(
@hunterburrell5430 Жыл бұрын
Thats really a song?
@crayveonmiller3909 Жыл бұрын
These fkn ads are murdering me man WTF!!!!!!!!!!!
@adrianchannelle8651 Жыл бұрын
The Mordor games are actually good, though they do play loose with the lore.
@johnnycage112 Жыл бұрын
Why make a video about my ex-wife?
@adamblanco9486 8 ай бұрын
The title alone says you only played the games and saw the movies. No reading needed xD
@bry8636 Жыл бұрын
Ungoliant was not ‘corrupted by Morgoth’ Tolkien describes her as something primordial. Potentially existing before the creation of Arda, deriving her origin from ‘the void’. Wholly separate from the fire of Eru and certainly separate from Morgoth. She is meant to be something of a conundrum. Something unexplainable that doesn’t fit neatly within the natural order. Like Bombadil, Ungoliant is a deliberate enigma. So if you’re going to do an origin story, best get the origin right. That’s rather the point isn’t it?
@drakkaar6676 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to explainig why she can shapeshift in video game... She's hot, so fair enough.
@Revy_DeaDiNsiDe Жыл бұрын
Skip to 4:20 for relevant information.
@OdiVonDobi22 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but how the Holy Gamgee did Ungoliant and Morgoth sneak up and suck the Tolkien Chi out of the trees. Were the Valor just too distracted with immortality to notice a giant ball of inky hate sneaking up on them? What the f*** is an eagle good for, or the god of long ranged tactical sight ? How do you lay there and not do anything while evil incarnate just runs amok biting the 2 VERY important trees? Doesn't somebody fret over them? I don't understand how any of this bullsh*t happens, The Valor are weak except that they just banish you after you impregnate the song of creation with fuckery, and wage war on Middlearth for eons, kill lotsa elves (+100 million) and then get jailed for 2 millenia and THEN they say, "RIGHT! okay ya lil' bugger off into the eternal void wit' ya..." Why does everyone just take a couple centuries, to an epoch to be like, "Ohhhhh THAT dammable Melkor and Ungoliant what are those two shysters up ta now?!?!"
@ndujamz Жыл бұрын
Remember even in the book it was stated that Manwe was so pure he couldn't comprehend evil.
@mcdoodle47 Жыл бұрын
Don’t think the spider you see in the movies is the Shelob but only her offspring..
@sandorsbox Жыл бұрын
Why do you say that?
@cavalr1002 7 ай бұрын
Yeah mate this is confusing you have to explain it a little bit more. If you're referred to the spiders in the hobbit movies yes they are implied to be offspring off Shelob.
@dudermcdudeface3674 8 ай бұрын
I seriously doubt it. Sauron would have remembered events involving Ungoliant and Morgoth, and would have resented the hell out of her. A tyrant of that level would take the threat of her spawn seriously.
@aranha6285 7 ай бұрын
Not true. He would like Morgoth be interested in the Abilities as Seer cuz both Ungoliant and Shelob could see the Future and Sauron would be VERY Found of having a Seer in his Team
@dudermcdudeface3674 7 ай бұрын
@@aranha6285 I don't recall reading that they could see the future. Where is that from?
@buwcheeks8669 Жыл бұрын
Guys, we know Shelob isnt a shapeshifter just a giant spider, but the narrator does state its the Shadow of War's adaptation not actual lore.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
To be honest, where in the lore say that she can't do that? I been thinking about and i think IT is possible... She did communicate with Gollum, so who said that she didn't shapeshift to look like a woman? Or she just tap her legs like one for yes and two for no? Pretty hillarious for a demonic spider talk with Gollum like this.
@buwcheeks8669 Жыл бұрын
@@efxnews4776 Tbh I was curious about the Gollum interaction aswell.
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
Gollum had the 1 ring for years. He is able to understand the lanuage of the spirits. And shelob is a product of the first age, but an offspring of a spirit from before middle earth was created. Ungoliant didn't need to breed with other spiders. She could have smashed dother fallen spirits. Shelob might just be a second gen maiar hybrid. Either way she was a powerful relic of the 1st age and not a n animal. She could have spoken, or used telepathy, or spoken a language that only a eingbearer or other spirit can perceive.
@vyzion980 Жыл бұрын
You should read his title 1 more time
@aWHMOII7O8OT7 3 ай бұрын
I cuneiter shadow of war canon
@LiliumCruorem Жыл бұрын
I was annoyed and aroused when they made Shelob a hottie in the games. Damn.
@snakeymcbakey2570 Жыл бұрын
Bal-rog not bal-rouge 😅
@erwinesto3408 Жыл бұрын
I personally like the female Shelob in the game, I find her alluring and beautiful.
@wildswift8040 Жыл бұрын
just to find yourself in her web
@nlwavey2954 Жыл бұрын
is that she hulk?????
@jonhansen7166 Жыл бұрын
The video was very informative, I would have enjoyed it more if not stopped every 3 minutes for 2 adds. Adds are regulated in frequency by the make of the vid and due to that I won't be subscribing to the channel. Some of you will say then just pay for add free KZbin. I refuse to do that. I could have tolerated 1 or 2 add breaks but not every 3 minutes.
@e.a3992 Жыл бұрын
That annoyed me so much aswell. We understand the channel needs to make money but come on
@KipIngram Жыл бұрын
This presentation comes off strongly as just a bunch of independent little bits slapped together - there's no "coherent narrative." It's like we're constantly starting over.
@roninviking2373 Жыл бұрын
Why does her human form look like a white she hulk? Lol
@drippyjayy6765 Жыл бұрын
@michaelarrington8529 Жыл бұрын
I wished she played more of a part in the movie. I would of loved to see her change from spider to human and back. Can you imagine how she would of look in the war fighting.
@sandorsbox Жыл бұрын
Well, she didn't do that in the movie because she couldn't do that in Tolkien's books and Jackson and Co. cared a bit more about Tolkien's lore than the Shadows of... games.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
@@sandorsbox since you are pissing everyone because of the games here it goes? Where in the books say that Shelob can't shapeshift? It is there anywhere in the books that say she can't? SHE IS A DEMON SPIDER! Just because it isn't in the books doesn't mean it is impossible. Who said that Shelob can't shapeshift to a human form? Tolkien said that? Did you even knew that at first Tolkien would make Shelob a CAT of Sauron? I bet you didn't know that... Soooo... Shelob was initially a cat... in the games she definetely is. lol.
@sandorsbox Жыл бұрын
Shelob was a monstrous thing in spider shape who spun webs and, poisoned her victims and drank their blood. It's pretty specific what her shape is. The book also doesn't say that Aragoen can't shapeshift or fly or shoot bolts of lightning from his eyes or fireballs from his arse, either. Just because it isn't explicitly stated that something didn't happen, doesn't give modern creators license to add something into work that isn't their own.
@OOTurok Жыл бұрын
@@efxnews4776 Your argument is stupid, because it also does not say in the books, that Hobbits can't shapeshift. The books never mention that humans can't shapeshift. Tolkien never wrote that dwarves can't shapeshift. Silence of the lore is NOT evidence, that Shelob can shapeshift. Tolkien was very detailed on Shelob's origins, attributes & her abilities... so if she could shapeshift, Tolkien would have mentioned it. The fact that he did not is more evident, that shapeshifting is NOT one of Shelob's abilities.
@efxnews4776 Жыл бұрын
@@OOTurok humans and hobbits weren't progeny of shapeshifters...
@joelsmith7078 Жыл бұрын
Good lord the voice is so robotic. Was this made by a computer pretending to be a human?
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
Made by someone form south central Asia and translated to other languages with the same software probably.
@4Just1Girl 7 ай бұрын
Actually you infer that Ungoliant (traveled with Morgoth (Malick) and Morgoth carried foods to feed Ungoliant to satisfy her hunger for until they both came to the location of the pair of unique Light bearing trees.THIS can NOT be true, as Ungoliant was tainted and forced to live her own life with NEVER EVER being able to satisfy Her own condition of ALWAYS being in search of food Since her want and need to CONSTANTLY be eating as no matter what (or who!) she ate, she could NEVER be fully satisfied or satiated; And this is her strongest weakness To bear the curse of Never being satisfied after having a meal. I have formulated my own theory on Several characters.locations and symbolisms thatTolkien interspersed witlkien hin his Hobbit/LOTR World Histories in his Middle-Earth Universes.One of my theories in the manner is that for the Fact that Tolkien was Very strongly influenced by his Roman Catholic Religious education, For the very strong AND visually described in every single Detail by detail, to SPECIFICALLY draw attention to describing Ungoliant as ETERNALLY HUNGRY, would definitely be symbolic of one of the 7 deadly sins. In parallel then Ungoliant can be viewed as depicting the deadly Sin of....Gluttony. This is true, whether it be for money, Power, food, or whatever is the want and Desire, no matter how much things you have currently, there is always the want and desire of Wanting more and more." and not getting what you want when you want and How you want it, You're always searching for more.
@nottsork Жыл бұрын
in LotR , Sam was called SAM , not samwise , he was wise but htat was never his name
@lip124 Жыл бұрын
Still waiting for her to appear in rings of power.
@uncleaungzayyafromburma985 Жыл бұрын
fuck rings of power
@lip124 Жыл бұрын
@@uncleaungzayyafromburma985 damn who hurt you🤣🤣.
@uncleaungzayyafromburma985 Жыл бұрын
@@lip124 Your mom she bit my dick accidently
@vyzion980 Жыл бұрын
She doesn’t shapeshift
@aranha6285 7 ай бұрын
She does
@simonfarnes914 Жыл бұрын
Please learn how to say the word ‘unknown’
@perfectallycromulent Жыл бұрын
so Shelob goes from a gross giant spider to a sexy spider-woman, and people are ok with that, but you make an elf Black, and people screaming "how dare you make changes to Tolkien's grand vision!" i guess it's a good thing Shelob is a white sexy spider-woman.
@aranha6285 7 ай бұрын
Shelob could shapeshift in the books aswell. Shelob ain’t just a Spider. She’s a Maiar
@user-hr1rw7zy4i Жыл бұрын
Is this a robot narrating this video - it's terrible and definitely an AI
@shaolin1derpalm Жыл бұрын
Well this game sounds stupid....
@bruceluther5738 Жыл бұрын
This is the worst put together back story you repeated the same fact 7 times I'm and I'm circling back to the information we heard about there is no fluidity or continuity rewrite your stuff
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