Aikido Master Learns Chinese Martial Arts "Iken" for the First Time!

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Aikido Shinburenseijuku - 合気道神武錬成塾

Aikido Shinburenseijuku - 合気道神武錬成塾

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@Shinburenseijyuku Жыл бұрын
西山先生とのコラボはこちら▼ 【白川竜次】美しい合気道の理合い!力では到達できない世界を体感してみた。 前回の動画はこちら▼ 奇跡!たった5秒椅子から立つだけで体幹がパワーアップする魔法のイス軸法
@ファンの一人-n1i Жыл бұрын
@uzuri0 Жыл бұрын
@国立-c9p Жыл бұрын
@ouiilest Жыл бұрын
とても良い動画! 今度、西山先生の立つ鍛練を4時間くらい延々流す動画なんか実際見てみたいですね、新しい環境動画のジャンルが確立されるかも?
@AndrewUKLondon Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your videos; they show Aikido and the spirit of Aikido at its best. Aikido is an astonishing art. If more people did it the world would truly be a better place. It’s flowing, connecting, fun and effective for what it’s intended for. And the principles of Aikido apply for so many situations, including social interaction, strategy and much more. After practising Aikido for some years I also took up Taiji Chuan and Qigong and love those too. These movement forms compliment each other so well for development.
@運転士護身 Жыл бұрын
@galleryTOKU Жыл бұрын
@SakuraiCatshop Жыл бұрын
@flykyrt81 Жыл бұрын
It is a martial art. You may like to search on the internet for 'Sawai Kenichi' (澤井 健一) and 'Taikiken' (大気拳) as it is known in Japan. It is a very Chinese Martial art. 👍
@fon8648 Жыл бұрын
正に要訣 イメージを教えていただけるだけでこうも感覚が変わるものなんですね
@asdf8asdf8asdf8asdf Жыл бұрын
@Shinburenseijyuku Жыл бұрын
Thank you🙇‍♂️
@nishis.k.4136 Жыл бұрын
立禅ははじめ意味不明だったけど、太気拳の松井先生と柳生心眼流の平先生の説明を聞いてからちょっと理解できるようになった。 スマホ首の矯正のためにやってる。
@VictorGarcia-dc7bu Жыл бұрын
Maestro muchísimas gracias por sus subtítulos en español, ahora su enseñanzas alcanzaran a mas personas felicidades!
@alexfan7454 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your videos and all the teachers in this video.
@健心武道研究会 Жыл бұрын
大変勉強させて頂きました。 ガラスの玉を抱くイメージを持つというのは、面白くて、とても効果のある練習法ですね!色々な武道に応用が効きそうですね! 西山先生の打撃や崩しはとても重そうです。身体内部を練る練習法は、武道にも健身効果にも役立ちそうですよね😊 今回も面白かったです。 ありがとうございます!😊
@deliciousconsul Жыл бұрын
@_BillyMandalay Жыл бұрын
Very comprehensive introduction.
@きらめき-h9f Жыл бұрын
震脚と言ったら宮平先生の八極拳をイメージしますが、崩しにも使うことができるというのは新たな視点でした!! 内部の力の使い方の説明の時に力が拮抗して腕が震えてるところがあったので、「内功を練る」や「力をやわらかく使う」というのは単に力まないということではなく、腕や肩の緊張によって脚や腰、背筋などの全身の力を遮らずに、力をうまく使うことなんだなと思い、難しさを感じました。
@あんぱん-x6z Жыл бұрын
@renatamcstay Жыл бұрын
Thank you two Sensei! Very knowledgeable and intuitive.
@jiahang4646 Жыл бұрын
This is chinese internal martial arts concept.. hard to explain unless touching hands with a master.good video sensei.. you should try Tai Chi next
@少年-x7e 4 ай бұрын
站椿。。。 かつて「この苦しみを乗り越えれば」で腰痛持ちになりました😅 解消する迄は、站椿功(もどき)に取り組んだのと同じ時間がかかりました(苦笑) 良い師匠は大切です。
@galleryTOKU Жыл бұрын
@ぽーすけ-j2m 11 ай бұрын
コーヒーと紅茶を混ぜて飲むのを北京コーヒーと言うらしいですが、 飲んでみるとまさに、ペキン。まさしく評価出来ない味ですね。 合気道の動きの中で動かないように投げられる練習をする「動の難しさの合気道」と 動かない動きの中から本当に動ける体を探す練習をする「静の難しさの意拳」との比較。 難しさは同じと言っていい世界なのか、そこは誰にも未知の世界でもあり難しいですね。 太極拳も用意不用力と言いますが、写真に遺る力感が意拳とはかなり違いますね。 合気道でも大東流と力感が違いますし、ある意味、違いも浮き彫りになるコラボって高級ですぅ。
@AAA-ku6xl Жыл бұрын
站椿功深いなー! 俺もやってみよう。
@user-pnosuuvo Жыл бұрын
静かなる巨人西山先生 本気で動いたらどんだけ速いんだろう
@johndough8115 Жыл бұрын
There is a certain level of strength that is developed... but instead of muscle strength.. its Super Tendon strength, and other tissue strengths like the Fascia. Your body becomes relaxed, and "SPRINGY", like a Bow. Able to absorb the OPs attacking forces.. temporarily storing them up like a compressed spring... and the violently and explosively releasing them back into the OP. One Thing not shows here.. which is critical to the best levels of development.. is the very Deep and frequent Breathing. This kind of high air volume breathing... causes your body to develop much greater levels of Oxygen content... and then eventually forms even greater Circulation channels within it. Its part of Iron Body development, and Qigong. When most people try to emulate Tai Chi... they far too often, are only using their Muscles to move... and thus, they are not getting much benefit from it. Of course, you need a certain amount of muscle strength... but to develop the internal strength... you need to learn to almost turn your muscles off. Basically, you want to feel like your entire body is "Heavy"... much like if you had just jumped into the water... and as you walked out... your wet clothing makes you feel much heavier. To do this, you need to relax to the point where you are BARELY holding up your own body mass... so that all most of the STRAIN / MASS... is being supported though your Tendons, and full body tissue mass. You shouldnt need to think about it... just Feel it. Then, keep breathing deeply as you can.. using your Full lungs.. including the Dantian (lower abdomen), not just shallow breaths from only the upper part of your lungs. The breaths will also help with concentration, as well as to reduce any physical pains that you may be feeling. The breaths will also help develop your core strength too... with certain tissues that cant be developed with exercises like Crunches. For most people... you only need to do 1 hour of the standing training method, or 1 hr of repeating the Tai Chi Form (nonstop). Do this every other day, for 1hr, as a minimal. It will probably take anywhere from 4 to 6 months, to develop yourself to a pretty good degree of internal strength, at that minimal level of practice. 2 to +4 hours, is for the most extreme of abilities.
@championboy4782 Жыл бұрын
Any tips for developing such qualities during Xingyi? I've heard of directional force feeling but I don't know how it manifests. Sometimes it's a force pulling back, sometimes it's heat spreading from the neck washing over the shoulders. Sometimes it's a force down straight. And most commonly, the arm and front leg feel like they float. How does one channel directional force?
@MustAfaalik Жыл бұрын
@johndough. Thank you!! Will keep this in mind.🙏
@johndough8115 Жыл бұрын
​@@championboy4782 When most fighters strike, they often can not get even close to their FULL body mass into their impact potentials. Furthermore... when they impact, they are often impacting at a sub-optimal Vector. For example.. hitting the OPs chest at 20 degrees (from Centerline), rather than dead-on Zero degrees. This is what I meant by Directional Forces. A very simple example of this, it to get a long 2x4... and raise both ends.. using some bricks, cinderblocks.. or something similar. The widest side of the 2x4, should be facing up. Stand in the middle of it... Now, quickly, thrust all of you mass downwards. Shooting your arms downwards, dropping your hips.. and bending your knees until they are over your toes... all at once, in a Quick Burst (like a sneeze, or a muscle spasm contraction). At the tail end of your movement.. quickly tighten all of your body, to create a surge of Tension, and unification. You should be able to Feel your unified mass energy, coupled with gravity.. vectored downwards... causing the 2x4 to Flex... and possibly to even Vibrate, to a certain degree. Its easiest to direct your mass energy downwards like this, because you are going with Gravity, and a very Distinct Vector. You also get instant, and very clear, feedback from it.. due to the wood flexing. Remove the wood, and try again.. on a solid non-flexing surface. This will get you to connect to the floor (Grounding). Do this a bunch, to start to understand what this feels like, on its own. And then, you can try projecting your arms forwards. At first, shoot both palms forwards... but, at the same time.. dropping your mass downwards too. Since the floor isnt going to bounce... the energy that goes down... is merely going to eliminate any Flex in your body.. and then unify that Surge into your Arms palmstrikes. This is the harnessing of Ground Power, with your forwards vectored strikes. Then, you take a single Step forwards, with double palms. You need precise timing, and distances.. so that you are able to get your mass moving forwards.. and then timed to your palmstrikes, and then timed to the Tension Surge. Since its not easy to tell if your arms traveled perfectly straight... you can, for example.. hang a tennis or soccer? ball between 2 bungee cords. With a standard single punch... watch which direct the ball flies away from your punch. If it heads off at an angle.. then you will realize that your Vectored mass energy.. was OFF from where you intended it to Go. A simpler version, would be to fill a large coffee can with sand or rocks. Place it on a long table. Then perform a 6 inch or less punch to the can... seeing how far you can make the can slide. This helps both develop short range power.. but also, will show you your vectored energy... as the can might travel to the left or right, as it slides. (you could lay down marker lines on both sides of the can... to make it easier to see if the can remained centered.. or if it crossed a line) Of course, the best way to develop and feel impact forces (after trying some of the above), and develop conditioning + the highest levels or power output... is to get a Canvas Wall mounted sandbag.. and pack it tightly with coarse grain beach sand. Mount it to a Solid wall (something that will not Flex). Or it you dont have such a wall... temporarily, you could tie/hang a thick phonebook, to a large tree. Its not quite as good as the sandbag.. but it still should have enough flex to protect the knuckle shapes.
@championboy4782 Жыл бұрын
@@johndough8115 I will attempt what you have stated. It sounds very scientific and similar to what I've heard.
@johndough8115 Жыл бұрын
​@@championboy4782 The common Misconception, is that the Chinese arts contain some sort of "Invisible Magic"... The truth is.. all of it is Physical, and Scientific. Its just not very Intuitive... AND, it can take many months of efforts, to start to see worthwhile progression. As such, most lack the Belief, and the Dedicated Daily +1hr a day worth of Work... to develop these kinds of things. Some of the Ancient Chinese might describe certain things with Metaphysical / Mystical terminology... but thats because of a combination of Short-Form descriptions, mistranslations, and even that they didnt always 100% know all of the details about how some of these things worked. The Chinese were also known for holding back key Secrets.. unless you were under them for a long time, and were proven to be a good, moral, person. Someone whom would never use the technology, to harm others with... (including the teacher, himself). You also needed to have developed the arts foundations, before learning the more advanced methods... otherwise, nothing was going to work properly. Maybe a Decade ago... I cranked my neck badly. So painful, that I was in tears the entire day.. and couldnt turn my neck more than like 25 degrees. It was the weekend.. so I couldnt get a Chiropractor.. so my only option was to try a session at an Acupuncture clinic... If you have ever listened to Chinese speak about Acupuncture... you will hear a lot of Mystical things about Energy, Meridians..etc. But the thing is... the entire act is Physical (Needles), and has Physical causes and effects... They placed about 100 needles all over me, as I relaxed in a comfy recliner. About 30 minutes in... and I started to feel pressure building up in my abdomen. Sorta like someone heavy, stepping on my Abs. I asked the lady about this, and she said that its normal, and not to worry about it. The pressure kept growing stronger and stronger, over the course of about 10 more minutes... and then "POP". I sort of heard and felt a "Popping", within me. It was then, that I was fully able to move my neck in any direction... and about 85% of the pains, were instantly Gone. I was completely blown away... as honestly, at that time... I was very skeptical about it. My Theory about how it works, is that the Needles create Hydraulic Micro-Pressure build ups, within the bloodflow / circulation. Furthermore, I believe it creates a sort of distress signal to the brain (where the needles create an electric disturbance within the bodies nervous system)... which then creates a rapid physical response (emergency repair). Even Chiropractors mention, that the body is very sensitive to things like temperature changes... which is why they tell you to apply heat, or cold... to the troubled area. This alerts the body, to rapidly try to fix the area, in which it detects the temp differences. So, basically put... there is no Invisible Magic Chi... that can be used in some sort of no-touch knockout (unless someone is allowing themselves to be Hypnotized). Everything in these arts... develops within your physical mind (brain connections), and physical body. Its just that some of these feats... seem so unrealistic.. that they often appear to be like "Magic".
@ヨシダヒナ Жыл бұрын
@kodokudeusotsuki Жыл бұрын
For those who want to look up more, Iken is "Yi Quan" in mandarin and Tantoukou is "Zhan Zhuang".
@happylobsterpatatas Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@gatocles99 Жыл бұрын
It is Taikiken. Or Dachengchuan. Kenichi Sawai brought it to Japan from China. That new guy in the video is trying to change the name and make up his own stuff.
@AndyYWLee Жыл бұрын
​@@gatocles99If you look it up, Yiquan/iken 意拳 was founded by Wang Xian Zhai and was the original name of this martial art, hes not trying to change anything.
@gatocles99 Жыл бұрын
@@AndyYWLee If you look it up. Wang Xiangzhai caled his art DachengChuan (Great Achievement Fist) and his Japanese student who brought the art to Japan, called it Taikiken, the Japanese cognate of Dachengchuan. The fake "grandmaster" in the video is making up things that neither Wang nor Sawai taught. There are a lot of fakes in the martial arts world teaching fake stuff, and bringing shame to the martial arts. Which is why dojo yaburi needs to become a thing again. The only people who call it "Iken" are the Kyokushin organization, who were/are trying to create a monopoly. (The big martial arts organizations are all about politics and monopolies.) But they do not understand the essence, so they teach outer forms that they made up. Dachengchuan/Taikiken has no outward forms. It is 100% internal. If you want to learn the real thing, get a copy of Kenichi Sawai's book "Taikiken" and read the writings of Wang Xiangzhai that are available for free online. It will take searching, work and study. And practice by yourself, the art was designed by Wang for self study. Most people are too lazy to do that. Taikiken dot org is run by a student of Kenichi Sawai... and has everything on the art, for free. So your achievement depends only on whether you choose to be independent and hardworking, or lazy. I know that art very well. I know how to identify the frauds. Study it, and you will too.
@AndrewUKLondon Жыл бұрын
I’ve found Zhan Zhaung (“stand like a post” or more commonly “stand like a tree”) a wonderful practice. It certainly helps stop the mind wandering all over the place as the body brings it back. And it helps increase body awareness and the impact of micro adjustments. I was surprised how much it helped my aikido (and other things). There’s a good set of introductory videos, about 11 mins each, if you search for “stand still be fit”(by Master Lam, a super star in the standing still world!). The 10 videos cover the 5 main standing forms (there are others). Some of the warm up and cool down exercises in these videos are from moving qigong forms (8 brocades for example). A suggested approach is to do 90% moving forms and 10% standing forms when starting qigong, moving towards 90% standing and 10% moving over time. Long periods of standing in the early stages can be counterproductive as body doesn’t have time to adjust optimally
@toranpotetsuzane5861 Жыл бұрын
@takeshinishio5336 Жыл бұрын
自分も10年以上意拳をしていますが、飽きないと言っていましたが自分も全然飽きないです。 習っている先生次第だと思います。 余談ですが他にも推手や打拳や歩法と実績的な練習で断手などあります。
@vedranrakinic Жыл бұрын
Very interesting, great video🙏thank You for video 🙏🙇
@hy6441 Жыл бұрын
站樁のやり方知りたかったので最高の企画です^ ^
@柘植朗大 Жыл бұрын
僕の知り合いの先生たちは站桩否定派がかなり多い。 固くなって刃物の対処ができなくなる、爆発勁が無くなる等(そしてみんな超強い) でも王向斉老師の逸話を紐解くと強さの秘訣が站桩で超人的なエピソードが多く語られてる。 站桩は武術界のスフィンクスだな。
@YAHIROdaBuddhist Жыл бұрын
多くの門派の達人が王郷齊先生の元に学び発展を得ました。 王郷齊先生の站桩では、軸は一つでなく具体でもなく六面力を持ちます。 軸を一つにする站桩では貴方の知る先生方の言う通りでしょう。
@吉川覺賢 Жыл бұрын
この動画で観られる站椿では、貴方の知る先生方のおっしゃる通りでしょうね。 王薌齋先生の站椿は熟練者のそれであり、 「一用力便是错,一具体便是错(力を用いれば過ち、具体なれば過ち)」を要訣とするものです。 もし興味がおありなら、手始めにこちらの記事をお勧めします。
@国立-c9p Жыл бұрын
タントウをやるから体が固くなるのことはありえませんよ。なぜなら、その後で体を練るからです。 むしろやわらかくなりますよ。 でも、正しい練習体系を知らないとそうなってしまうかもね。
@柘植朗大 Жыл бұрын
そういえばうちの先生が北京で意拳を習った時に站桩をしていたら動けと言われたと言ってました。試力をしている時とかじゃなく、站桩で動けということだったみたいです。 固くなる站桩はやり方を間違えて広まっている可能性がありますね。
@納豆まぜ五郎 Жыл бұрын
@桜田雅之 Жыл бұрын
凄い 技の概念が変わってくる
@haruokitagunino24 Жыл бұрын
@ElOveroviejo Жыл бұрын
Muy interesante, gracias por compartirlo.
@brismth9425 Жыл бұрын
Merci, vous êtes géniaux !
@dameookami Жыл бұрын
西山先生も石井先生と同じで「何十年も光の当たらない所」で功を練り続けてた変態なんだよね… そして白川先生と芦田くんどっちも首やられてて草。
@橋本希美-t4m Жыл бұрын
立ってるだけでキツそう。 でもこれが楽な姿勢で何時間もやらないといけないのか。武術は深い。
@蕎麥君-z1z Жыл бұрын
@chengyuanchou9921 Жыл бұрын
❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉 from Taiwan
@美奈子-n5l Жыл бұрын
白川先生、西山先生おはようございます。 白川先生は基がいいから軸が入るとパワーアップ具合が普通じゃなさそうに確かにそんな感じですよね。 西山先生は中国武術もやられてるんですね。 中国武術には意拳と言うのがあるんですね日本だと立禅と言うんですねφ(..) 確かにポーズとり4時間ではなく1時間でも私なら嫌になりますね30分位が限界ですかね?(・・;)(;^_^A(笑) 白川先生が体験なさってた事を自分も動画を見ながら参考にチャレンジしてみたいと思います。白川先生でも2時間は嫌になりますよね(笑)でも白川先生だったら30分位なら軽く出来ちゃいそうな感じがしますね🤔😆 こう言う動画面白いですね★ 私もガラスのボールを割らないように。落とさないようにイメージしてポーズをとってどの位の時間耐えられるのかチャレンジして見たくなりました❗最低限10分?は我慢して立っていたいですね(*≧∀≦) 今回のコラボ動画も面白かったです有り難うございました(^-^)/
@柳田強 Жыл бұрын
@えーのー-c5j Жыл бұрын
@風水-x2r Жыл бұрын
なんとなく合気道とは相性良さそう、 問題は剣使うときの体の使い方と合うかどうか?
@takakoba1690 Жыл бұрын
@jinyamakawa9667 Жыл бұрын
@krzysztofkarcz5996 Жыл бұрын
coć nowego😀😀😀😀
@ぽーすけ-j2m 11 ай бұрын
動かないように投げられる合気道とは 先回りせず、かと言って、追いかけたりもしないで、 投げられる稽古の中にこそ、影の合気道の道もある気もします。 投げられる練習こそが動かない合気道、簡単には「掴めない動」「動かない動」 なんじゃないかと。
@吉雅-d8g Жыл бұрын
@lockylocky3762 Жыл бұрын
@14seconds_at_Rostov Жыл бұрын
これぞ達人同士の邂逅だよね。 西山先生のマンガなんかで見る技を練るとはこういうことなのか、とか、合理性の塊の合気道にもある練り?に柔軟に対応できる白川先生の凄さとか、地味なのに地味だからこそ、その凄さに感動します。 西山先生も白川先生も、どれだけの鍛錬と工夫を積み重ねてきたのかを考えると絶句します。 嫌というほど言われていますが、ヤッチくんチャンネルが起因で本当の達人の方たちが知られるようになったことは、本当にうれしいです。
@matupui Жыл бұрын
@刀地から-d8x Жыл бұрын
@matupui Жыл бұрын
@@刀地から-d8x 孔雀王、のぞみとかバトルもの好きでしたわ。
@ジョニー-s2b Жыл бұрын
@水銀-p1b Жыл бұрын
@風水-x2r Жыл бұрын
示現流と薬丸自顕流は親子流派なのに刀の持ち方と振り方違うんですよね。 形意拳は脇締めるけど意拳は脇空けてますね。 そこに何かあるのだろうか?
@lalahappy3301 Жыл бұрын
Thank u very much 🌿
@rabiersylvain Жыл бұрын
🤩I need fixing also. 🙂🙏
@Nozinbonsai Жыл бұрын
Now where have I heard this before...hmmm.oh yeah aikido (insert decade here) 's style.
@KyokushinkanVinayakShetty Жыл бұрын
You should contact royama hatsuo kaicho of kyokushinkan.. our dojo is in saitama.. kaicho is a master of ikken and knows how to apply it very well in daily life and full contact karate alike.
@鈴木貴史-v2n Жыл бұрын
@吉川覺賢 Жыл бұрын
西山氏は軸を作ることには特化されていますね。 しかし、それは意拳の「立つ」には遠く及ばないものでまったくの別物です。 例えば、 1:52 站椿のやり方はそんなに難しくないと述べておられるが、 意拳の站椿はその姿勢に要求される事柄が実に多く、かつその精度は精妙を窮めます。 初学者向けにしたとしても精々が「よくある中国武術の健身站椿功」と同レベルで、 これを王薌齋先生の意拳、その站椿功とは、呼べるものではありません。 1:25 「ただじっと立つだけ」も無理解甚だしく、それでは『不動の動』に到ることは不可能です。 6:07 試力にしても、肘は死んでおり勁は通らず拙力と化し、方崩れ圓破れ、六面力も練れていません。 8:03 これを観ても氏の力みが勁を阻害し誤った推手となっていて顎と首は不用意に崩れています。 これでは蓄力は起こらず、拙力に頼らざるを得ません。 9:12 「筋力は一切使わずに」と言う氏は直後に膂力で返し、その際、丹田と腕は繋がっていません。 全体的に、 『体系と骨格に恵まれたために、整体とするところを破体のまま拙力に慣れてしまった人』の 典型的不良動作が随所に見受けられ、『意拳を教える』というのならば、 看過できないほどの姿勢や動作の誤用が散見していると思えます。 10:50 このシーンの氏の発力に至っては頭部の重みは拳に乗っておらず初学者的にも見えます。 このような破体での発力は、実際には自身の体を害するでしょう。推奨すべきとは思えません。 西山氏は研究心のある治療家であり、優れた体幹トレーナーかと存じますが、 氏の言われる通り、本当に指導者が大切です。視聴者の皆さんは比較と熟慮を必要としてください。 意拳ではありませんが、シラットのこちらの動画の方が姿勢、動作共に整体に近いと言えるでしょう。 最後に、「意拳は基本的に後ろ体重」とのことだが、 本場北京の姚先生の推手 でも分かるように 基本的に後ろ体重、などということもありません。ご留意ください。 白川先生および合気道神武錬成塾の皆様方には、 否定的ともとれる発言で動画へのコメント欄を使用したことに 悪意や他意がないことを含め、失礼を謝罪させて頂きます。
@nicholasthompson6152 Жыл бұрын
Training kinesthetic awareness is very important.
@yukiyama1000 Жыл бұрын
震脚は八極拳が有名だけど陳式太極拳にもあるし各流派にあるんじゃないかな。 站桩功も流派で中身が違う。西山先生は意拳だけじゃなく太極拳の站桩功も ご存知なはず。これで練られた体ができると重さと粘りがでてきます。
@ナオナオ-g5t Жыл бұрын
@terciary Жыл бұрын
Shirakawa sensei you should try Bagua Zhang. The art is based on the same principles as aikido
@jestfullgremblim8002 Жыл бұрын
I mean, most internal martial arts, if not all of them, share many principles with Aikido and even techniques!
@terciary Жыл бұрын
@@jestfullgremblim8002 dont think so. Xing Yi is strictly linear, not circular. Taiji lacks circular steps and orenai te, to name a few ))
@jestfullgremblim8002 Жыл бұрын
@@terciary like i said, they share many principles, not all of them! And Xing Yi isn't strictly linear, that's misinformation. Some of it's animal forms/techniques are about getting *around* an attack or what to do after you already got around an attack While Taichi 100% does have circular steps as well!! In fact, most of it's throws (which are usually not used in push hands so maybe you don't know about them) require you to move in a circular way, just like in Judo! You cannot do a Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi in Judo without moving in a circular way, and such a move is part of Taichi's throws, same with what the Judoka call De Ashi Harai, you need to move around! Inform yourself, the internal martial arts are very similar because they were developed under very similar beliefs, mindsets and contexts!
@terciary Жыл бұрын
There are a backbone principles for each art and the are sidekick principles, imported from other arts. Like in some modern styles of Bagua U can see linear!!! forms. In early days clean Bagua and Xsing Yi were learned together exactly because they were based on so different, non interconnected principles and together gave student a beautiful synergy. And it is (clean original) Bagua that is the most akin to Aikido of all Chinese martial art (Some interesting similarities to Aikido also could be seen in a very advanced Shuai Jiao).
@Ayano-Takuya Жыл бұрын
@森の民レクサ Жыл бұрын
このポーズは、酒瓶を抱いて身を守る酒仙 権鍾離だな
@beansnrice321 Жыл бұрын
I often like to say that anyone who has had to walk through water already knows how to move with power. The pressure of water resists your movement and forces you to summon and concentrate your strength to move very deliberately. So when I attempt to move with power, I always just imagine that I'm walking through water and move accordingly.
@嘘は事実に勝てない Жыл бұрын
@yaohuanxu5828 Жыл бұрын
意拳不是合气道。 上世纪30年代,日人柔道六段泽井健一曾跟从王芗斋先生学习,他很努力但没拿到精髓,战后在日本创太气拳。意拳以站桩为主,很多人以为就是加强腿力,其实技击所需的主要东西皆从此而出。所以称为意拳,源自王先生的一句画龙点睛的话“意即力也”
@ヨッシー-x1m6q Жыл бұрын
@floki3359 Жыл бұрын
Soy guionista cinematográfico y hare un documental real, convocando a estos "maestros" a desafíos reales contra espadas, cuchillos y pistolas, en donde formaran un convenio aceptando las condiciones. Si fallan mueren, si no fallan en sus técnicas serán famosos.
@asdf8asdf8asdf8asdf Жыл бұрын
エリス・アムドゥルの「Hidden in Plain Sight」をご覧ください。 ガラス玉のテクニックは、私が受けた短い気功のトレーニングを非常に思い出させます。 白川先生、これからもよろしくお願いします! Please see Ellis Amdur's "Hidden in Plain Sight" The glass ball technique reminds me very much of some brief Qigong training I had. Ongoing thanks to Shirakawa sensei!
@yaohuanxu5828 Жыл бұрын
@akigamyl Жыл бұрын
ちゃんと体軸を身に着けた方だからこその何時間単位の立禅って話ですね、意味のないことを意味も分からずしてはただの無駄って話で。 スワイショウとかの話でも正しく指針を持ってやることを勧めてたりするから西山先生は本当に良い先生だなあと。
@mozukumozuku3330 Жыл бұрын
@リアル-p3t Жыл бұрын
@NguyenTuan-br6ww Жыл бұрын
Đó là năng lượng khí từ trường âm dương đi chuyển
@キツネさん-Fox Жыл бұрын
@ジョニー-s2b Жыл бұрын
@おーさん-u3e Жыл бұрын
@riben_agong Жыл бұрын
意拳ってホントわかんない。中国の北派の中でも生まれてしまった日本式、みたいな異彩を放ってる。 合気道が日本式極意の抽出みたいな感じだから人体的に共通点多いのかな? 単純に二天一流とつながるとこあるのかな?
@TygerKhanLee Жыл бұрын
大成拳又名意拳,Dacheng Quan, Yi Quan, Yi Kung-Fu, Da Cheng Kung-Fu, 鼻祖是Tyger 的師公王薌齊,日本的太氣拳(Taiki Ken)也是源自大成拳。Tyger 是大成拳第三代傳人,師傅王選杰是大成拳鼻祖王薌齋的關門弟子。😃😀🥛🥛
@yaohuanxu5828 Жыл бұрын
@samuelreynaldotorresjimene751 Жыл бұрын
Las técnicas son incontables....los shao Lin tienen bibliotecas de técnicas
@高橋あつし-x7r Жыл бұрын
@hideromanpan Жыл бұрын
同じ姿勢を2時間にしろ4時間にしろ保つ事に何の意味があるんだろう。 自分の得意分野の楽器だと、例えば8ビートを1日中楽しくて弾き続けたなんて私だけじゃないと思うんだけど、 それに近いものがあるんですかね?体に刻み込む、みたいな。
@生兵法野郎 Жыл бұрын
色々効果はありますが 変形膝関節症が治ったり 気を天空に放って落ちて来た エネルギーを身体にかぶる 練習があったり たんとうや立禅も様々な やり方がありエクササイズと いう感じではないです ただ楽しくはありません!
@Doskharaas Жыл бұрын
@shi-ra-i-shi Жыл бұрын
同じ姿勢を長時間保つのは当然難しいわけで、そうなると体は自然と楽をしたがります。 その結果、いかに筋肉を酷使せずに立てるかの模索に入り、無意識に骨と重心が理想的な位置に近づいていきます。 数分の維持なら筋肉に頼ってやり過ごすことができてしまうので、構造的に良い姿勢を自力で身に着けるためには必要なカリキュラムと言えるのではないでしょうか。
@hall3104 Жыл бұрын
軸が崩れてると10分は耐えられても長時間は耐えられない。 その崩れた軸を立ち続けながら自分の中で少しずつ修正していく練習ではないですかね。痛みに耐え続けるのではなく、出来るだけ楽をする努力を休憩なしで反復練習するみたい感じで。 2時間とか4時間は「そのくらい立ち続けられるようになれました」っていう目標かと。
@T.H.W.O.T.H Жыл бұрын
@_BillyMandalay Жыл бұрын
By "IKEN", does he mean "Yi Chuan" ?
@Doskharaas Жыл бұрын
Same Chinese Characters(Kanji in Japanese, Hanja in Korean, Huawen in Mandarin Chinese), different pronounce. Yi Chuan = I Ken
@風水-x2r Жыл бұрын
これが意拳か! 難しそう。
@chengyuanchou9921 Жыл бұрын
❤❤❤ 🎉🎉🎉 😊😊😊
@BeyondSpace8 Жыл бұрын
¡Con subtítulos en español! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@forkman2000 4 ай бұрын
@NguyenTuan-br6ww Жыл бұрын
Pháp luân công Lý Hồng chí
@افلاماكشنالعربجي-ج2ف Жыл бұрын
I want a request from you. I am 9 years old. I want kung fu training at home. Training, but please reply. Translate in Arabic. ❤❤❤❤ I hope to answer it
@aoitan-ch Жыл бұрын
@荒和幸奇四十一 Жыл бұрын
@風水-x2r Жыл бұрын
性格を選びそう。二時間は無理。 四時間は社会的に無理。
@リアル-p3t Жыл бұрын
@サムソンユンケル Жыл бұрын
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