Falling at this level requires strength and skill, of course! But trust, friendship, and creativity is the *foundation* upon which the skills are safely developed. These men are modeling how men can cooperate and compete and collaborate, and grow together - based on trust, and building skills …..what a great channel.!!
@生越力 Жыл бұрын
拳王選手の受身が抜群に上手い。 さすがですよねえ。
@三角頭-y7w Жыл бұрын
@shion_0610 Жыл бұрын
@annadickson3097 Жыл бұрын
I like the passion with which Shirakawa Shihan works. And the dynamics and precision of his punches are matched only by his smile. This is truly a "smiling sensei". Great video. Thanks to him, I see how important is to perform Ukemi...And these powerful punches from Kenoh-san. Thank you.
Great throws on a very strong and heavy person. He is a also a great ukemi. Also great you got to feel his very heavy and hard hand slap. I'm sure that hand print lasted a few days. I enjoy your videos. Please keep them coming.
I really enjoy the content here always puts a smile on my face. I like the relaxed atmosphere of this dojo. things are respectable and casual. I won't tolerate being hit because I don't do something correctly or have the instructor screaming at me then hit me. that being said I am considering this art, and there is 1 aikido dojo near my house. I'll have to go check it out and see if they will allow me to observe them so I can gage what I'm dealing with. I have a feeling that a poor instructor could easily hurt a student and I don't want a dislocated shoulder or a broken wrist.
@Adelhaid100 Жыл бұрын
Ouebitte, Im glad to see videos and thanks to Shioda for steel feel (it's hard!) THANK YOU, Ryuji-sensei! 💥 Oss
He is in amazing shape! Aikido is a full body workout!
This Sensei is in incredible shape: flexibility, spatial awareness, strength, speed, musubi? partner awareness, and above all, the great joy that comes out of his spirit of Aikido … very happy and grateful Japan keeps bringing these miracles to share!
@samuelreynaldotorresjimene751 Жыл бұрын
Excelentes técnicas sin colaboración puede ver dolor 😢