Ship Chat: Intrepid Class

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@birdmonster4586 2 жыл бұрын
"I have a little Prejudice against it" That's fine, I have enough of a massive bias to make up for that. Hell, I wrote a 14 page 'Ship chat' of my own on the damn thing. Voyager never had Quantum torpedoes. I figure the Intrepid came in at a time just before Quantum's were ready and probably didn't get issued them until after the war. The Tri-cobalts were in my head canon the stop gap until Quantum could be issued Fleet wide. As for the ablative armour I agree, it missed the boat on getting some because of timing. In My head canon the 2nd Tranche of Intrepids, made post-war had a thin layer added along with other upgrades. My design history has some similarities and some differences to yours which is cool. On the Torpedo Launchers I said something Similar, They tried to downscale a Galaxy launcher and It didn't work. So they went for a standard Burst launcher setup which gives largely the same effect. I love the Variable geometry nacelles. My take on them is totally different to yours. They are all about efficiency, which is a driving factor in the ships design and giving Intrepid a lot of control over her Warp field. The new Class-9 Warp drive which was first seen on Intrepid was what 'solved' the damage to subspace thing, the nacelles weren't the solution there. Something to note, is that we never see a situation where the Variable Geometry system was a problem in 7 years of Voyager. Never caused a problem, Never said to be a Problem. The secondary Warp core. Yeah we never see that thing used. I reasoned that it was a spare, empty core that if needed could be used to replace the Main core, but would probably take a couple days to refit and refuel anyway. You say you shouldn't need it. But when you do you'll be glad to have it. Imagine a Tank breaks it's track. You'll be glad you carried a few spare links. That sort of thinking. I can think that there were plenty of ships in Starfleet's history that Suffered major Deflector damage or lost a core and had to sit around for weeks waiting for a tug. I always considered it to be a Light Cruiser. When I looked at the Post-2360's fleet, the fleet of new ships that were expected to be the first rate ships till the 25th century Intrepid fits right in as Light Crusier. Her Crew complement is a bit low if we take Voyager as standard but then again the Galaxy class has a shockingly low crew count as well so that discrepancy shouldn't be held against it. Again I head canon the Size to be about 250-300. With an Akira (the next ship up in size) having about 500 and the increased automation I think that size works. The 150 Voyager had was maybe a 'basic' complement, suitable for low-risk Short range duties And/or the Voyager was pushed out onto the Badlands missions quickly to pickup Tuvok. But if it was expected to undertake long range missions it should be getting more.
@toomanyaccounts 2 жыл бұрын
Voyager wasn't fully stocked hence why we never saw the Aero Shuttle. they got sent out on what was supposed to be a simple search for Tuvok but wound up in another part of the galaxy. They were basically out on a three hour cruise and got ship wrecked.
@MandoMTL 2 жыл бұрын
A second functional warp core dedicated to powering shields and phaser arrays would be amazing. For a Warship anyway.
@andrewbutton2039 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure i agree the core is what stops the subspace damage, but I'm always open to being convinced I'm wrong. I've always thought the first batch of intrepid spaceframes were 90% done with some manner of fixed nacelles, then the subspace damage in the TNG episode came up, so as a stopgap, without having to rework the entire secondary hull, they bodged together articulated nacelles to draw the subspace field in to the ship at higher warp factors, making its warp geometry more akin to a needle through the fabric of spacetime than the partially sharpened broomhandle of older designs, so the intrepids could be launched on schedule. If you were inclined to believe that the intrepids were delayed by a few weeks to have the fixed pylons removed and articulating pylons installed, it could, with some minor reaching, explain the lack of quantum torps, aeroshuttle, and some of the other stuff missing from voyager. Voyager was, I speculate, one of the first with enough systems installed to get commissioned on time. So to prove that this new ship class (with the cobbled together barely tested articulating nacelle design) isn't crap, the brass sent aunt cathy and voyager to get one of their spies that was missing. Easy mission, couple of days max, all the remaining systems can be installed and tested on tuesday under the guise of a deep clean if they are embarrassed by getting behind schedule. I think voyager could fire quantum torpedoes, but it wasnt issued any, perhaps a secure storage bay for them was low priority and wasn't finished, manpower was diverted from building the aeroshuttles to rebuilding the pylons with articulations, and so on. Considering space is a vacuum and you can build a ship basically any shape you want because the sort of drag an aircraft would experience doesnt really exist in normal space, that may have been assumed to be the case for subspace, until the TNG episode, though it has to have been at least suspected by warp experts that classical warp geometry was doing something untoward, but it was never deemed enough of a problem to seriously investigate.
@birdmonster4586 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewbutton2039 The way I see it, and this is a dumb simplification is. Imagine I have a Petrol powered car. I don't want it to emit harmful exhaust and pollute the environment anymore. So I change the Tires (Nacelles). It still pollutes the environment. Newer, better tires might make it run a little nicer, but it's still bad for the environment. Now Imagine I replaced the combustion engine with a Battery electric engine (Warp Core). Now the car doesn't emit harmful gasses.
@lynngreen7978 2 жыл бұрын
I thought the Tri-cobalt devices were something they picked up in trade. I recall a few times they were negotiating for some new projectile weapons.
@weldonwin 2 жыл бұрын
I think one could think of the Intrepid class, as the last ship of Star Fleet's golden age. After all, this was the last new ship class to go into development before Star Fleet got its wake up call at Wolf 359 and they started on the anti-Borg ships. The Intrepid represents the last days of Star Fleet's innocence
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
@enoughothis 2 жыл бұрын
The Intrepid was designed to be lean and sleek. The Galaxy was a flying apartment block, to quote Lore Reloaded, albeit one with enough guns to causally vaporize a continent.
@zephyr8072 8 ай бұрын
Eh, stubby little crap nacelles don’t say sleek to me. Impotent is more what comes to mind.
@enoughothis 8 ай бұрын
@@zephyr8072, totally agree. The Intrepid just looks goofy. A big problem with the TNG era ships most notably the Intrepid and the Galaxy is they have these stubby little nacelles and vast saucer sections like the ships skipped leg day or something.
@Taneth 2 жыл бұрын
I like that the TNG-era ships all had those phaser strips that did that charging up thing that makes them look more powerful. You see traces of them on the Ambassador class, but older ones seemed to just use cannons. Interestingly, post-Dominion they also seemed to move back to fixed-point cannons, and no-one but Starfleet used anything like those strips. They don't even really get talked about much. I just think they're neat.
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
The ship is definitely good for diplomatic missions. Sleek, fast and powerful. Like a thinned down galaxy.
@Qardo 2 жыл бұрын
Well, it is considerably smaller compared to the Galaxy-Class. Not only in size of ship but also I'm crew.
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
@@Qardo True and consider if you weren't a federation member. What would be less threatening to see. A galaxy class in orbit or a intrepid?
@BeKindToBirds Жыл бұрын
And it made a decent science ship too, especially as a survey ship.
@JeanLucCaptain 2 жыл бұрын
Federation: pulls up in Galaxy Class for "diplomacy". warp 1 civilization: WHY DO I HEAR THE IMPERIAL MARCH?!?!
@CrazyManwich 2 жыл бұрын
The Galaxy class is too majestic to look threatening.
@js3599 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrazyManwich I don't know... If I was in, say, Zefram Cochrane's Phoenix, and a galaxy class star ship warped in right in front of me... I think I would need an immediate change of wardrobe... Majestic or not.
@rmcdudmk212 2 жыл бұрын
USS Voyager ... The only reason it never went faster was all the plot armor weighing it down. 🤣
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
And don't forget Janeways anger if anybody threatened her coffee supply ☕👍😊
@jhallam2011 2 жыл бұрын
That’s funny
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
@@jhallam2011 Neelix: captain im afraid we're out of coffee and the borg have destroyed your favourite mug. Janeway: hell no (pauses and then sullen face like Nero). FIRE EVERYTHING 😂
@TheDetailsMatter 2 жыл бұрын
That and Janeway's scruples she didn't want to have to look at herself in the mirror after having fed a _Living Sentient Being_ into her warp reaction chamber. And again and again, every possible fuel source they happened upon turned out to be a _Living Sentient Being._ Outer atmosphere of a gas giant? _Living Sentient Being._ Interstellar dust cloud? _Living Sentient Being._ Lake of liquid Deuterium on a planet's surface? _Living Sentient Being._ Photosphere of a Red Giant Star? I bet the crew had a betting pool going on which potential fuel source would turn out to be the _next_ Living Sentient Being they'd have to sail right on by. The Kazon didn't mind killing LSB's if it meant they could be waiting for Voyager everywhere she went. Pretty sure the Vidians didn't have any pesky scruples about whatever stellar phenomena's organs they were going to harvest next.
@gordonvergara4840 2 жыл бұрын
The ship didn't have two warp cores. The 2nd one was a “spare” warp core. Just basically parts to create a new warp core in case the primary one was damaged or had to be ejected. Alternative Lore has the Intrepid as a Long Range science Vessel. So the spare warp core was to ensure it was able to repair its warp core when out on long range missions. In my head cannon I always thought of this ship as a ’Troubleshooter” made to be fast and get to a trouble spot or space anomoly and deal with it if possible or report back to starfleet or call in reinforcements if necessary. A more stripped down ship without the fluff of the galaxy class which uses technology to enhance its capabilities. Would love to see a ship chat on the Luna class.
@speciesto3065 2 жыл бұрын
Ya that was my thinking too, specifically with it stating it's a "spare". It looks basically fully assembled and ready to be moved into place with only minimal work too, which makes sense for a ship which would regularly be on missions far away from any Starbase, and perhaps even several months of travel beyond Federation territory. But it does take up a lot of space there.
@ChairmanMo 2 жыл бұрын
The Luna is like a more focused version of the Intrepid.
@adamlytle2615 2 жыл бұрын
What's interesting about that is, there's an episode of Voyager where they eject the core, and then have to go back and get it. No mention of their backup. So I think in this case we have to assume it's on the MSD because it was meant to be a standard feature of the craft, but the Voyager left spacedock without it for whatever reason.
@lynngreen7978 2 жыл бұрын
Looking at the displacement and mission profile, the designer set out to build a Constitution using modern technology.
@ycplum7062 2 жыл бұрын
My understanding was that the Intrepid class was intended to be a much more cost effective long range explorer than the Galaxy class. In this sense, I don't think the Intrepid was intended to free up the Galaxy class, but rather replace the Galaxy class for long range exploration. The long range exploration mission and new warp engines may be why it has aux warp cores.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Equally I've heard that the intrepid was a more short range vessel.
@nicholasmiller5643 2 жыл бұрын
Long range would work, since she's about a hundred meters or so bigger than the Constitution-class and those did just fine for deep space exploration. By losing the civilian complement, more automation reducing crew requirements and freeing up space for cargo and equipment, you've got an attractive choice for exploring
@ycplum7062 2 жыл бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 In Memory Alpha, they say it is for long range exploration. I believe that was backstory that made it plausible for Voyager to survived in the Delta Quadrant without support. It kind of make sense if you think about it.
@ycplum7062 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicholasmiller5643 An all of that reduces engergy requirements. I always wondered how they collected antimatter. Do they use the main deflector to scoop up clouds of free hydrogen, compress and collide them together and then sepearted the antimatter created?
@adamlytle2615 2 жыл бұрын
@@ycplum7062 In the TNG technical manual, they state that the Galaxy class has facilities on board for making anti-matter, but that it was a very energy and matter intensive process, yielding only one unit of anti-matter for every ten units of deuterium fed into the system. So it was meant as stopgap to get the ship to a refueling depot, rather than a means of being self reliant. Hard to say whether Voyager had one of these systems, but I think even if they did, they would still have to procure anti-matter to sustain the ship. That would have been a far more suitable plot device for their energy woes than what they actually did on the show.
@shanenolan8252 2 жыл бұрын
Cheers i really love the intrepid class. I imagine they must have msde a lot more after Voyages return. It seems like admirals used it as fladships
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it's a very hand flagship. Quick, and well furnished.
@weldonwin 2 жыл бұрын
Well, we know of at least one other that served as a diplomatic vessel, taking Doctor Bashir and Admiral Ross to Romulus
@pierce9128 2 жыл бұрын
For me the intrepid was designed as an anti romulin warbird ship. I think it fits the timeline better. How to defeat a warbird, fast agile powerful ship. This is what the intrepid is.
@shanenolan8252 2 жыл бұрын
@@pierce9128 perhaps, its definitely faster and more manuvrable than a galaxy with better shields and weapons , i imagine they were quicker to build less expensive yet more advanced. And probably made on the ground and finished in space .much easier to mass produce with a fraction of the manpower in crew complement . Although the galaxy dominion war refit or sovereign is probably different or more powerful than the war bird or intrepid.
@pierce9128 2 жыл бұрын
@@shanenolan8252 remember the episode where 7of9 travels back in time to when Janeway took command she was told by the admiral it was as powerful if not more than a galaxy class. Personal I would rather take on a warbird in an interpid class over the galaxy class.
@casbot71 2 жыл бұрын
The Intrepid Class 2.0 would be interesting; once it was switched from Galaxy class design language to the Sovereign class aesthetic. The nacelle pythons would be fixed, as the Sovereign and Intrepid class were testbeds for rival Warp core systems that were safe to use in the Hekaras corridor, that because of tetryon fields was damaged by warp drives - note that was not a issue for regular subspace, as if it did then with millions of years of Warp travel then there would be damage everywhere, it was _only_ in areas with high tetryon fields (and if you triggered that during exploration, then no one was coming to help). The Sovereign's core was judged the better, as it could be retrofitted to existing ships without the _minor refit_ of having to fit moving pylons. The Intrepid could be considered a intermediary between the Galaxy class and the Sovereign Class. A sort of Galaxy 1½. Give it all the improvements, plus the new Prometheus class tech (without the overly complicated multivector system) and the lessons learnt from the Defiant program, and that's a very formidable and versatile ship.
@axehammer3850 2 жыл бұрын
If I had to take an intentional trip to the delta or gamma quadrants, It would be in a Galaxy class.
@js3599 2 жыл бұрын
As far as living in style , I would go Galaxy as well... Until she needs overhauled. At least the Intrepid class could find a suitable planet and land to make repairs... OOPS... What am I saying? All Voyager ever needed to do was wait until next week and the ship would be magically all shiny and practically brand new again, with absolutely NO wear and tear issues whatsoever! Yes, the Enterprise (TOS or TNG) did the same thing too, but at least they had the excuse of going to space dock somewhere for repairs... But apparently, B'elanna Torres brought her faithful Maquis magic wand to restore the ship to pristine condition after each episode...
@axehammer3850 2 жыл бұрын
@@js3599 your right about the magic repairs.
@basacis 2 жыл бұрын
If I was in a tiny test ship and I saw a galaxy class I'd think it's a colony ship and my planet is screwed.
@davfree9732 8 ай бұрын
Warhammer 40K fans: Why are you all looking at us funny?
@vortega472 2 жыл бұрын
I think you should do a whole series of 'Concept Art' videos for all the popular ships. It would be an interesting collection of videos to produce - or one or two parts but they would be long.
@ussvoyager8650 2 жыл бұрын
The Intrepid class is my favourite Federation Starship EVER
@IIISentorIII 2 жыл бұрын
I always liked the Intrepid myself. But with your nickname no one can take anything you say serious my friend ;)
@ussvoyager8650 2 жыл бұрын
@@IIISentorIII I know
@ussvoyager8650 2 жыл бұрын
@@IIISentorIII there I've changed the pic is that better
@compmanio36 2 жыл бұрын
Saber is a frigate. This is a step up and I'd say fills the role of destroyer, if we're going by current naval classifications. More displacement, more crew capacity, more capability to take on diverse missions than a frigate. Able to stay on station longer and operate in theater longer than a frigate would. A flag officer is also not going to choose a frigate for a command vessel.
@paulbeaney4901 2 жыл бұрын
Id love a concept art video 👍👍👍
@TheDetailsMatter 2 жыл бұрын
I'd have to rewatch Voyager ep. 1, but my impression was that a good deal of the ship was seriously damaged by being dragged into the Delta Quadrant. The aeroshuttle may have been among the systems damaged beyond repair. I always wanted Voyager to rendezvous with a Galaxy and an Excelsior or three in its final episode, just to see the realization set in on the Kazon and other hostile Delta Quadrant races that have pursued it relentlessly across the galaxy, that this tough, nasty, troublesome little ship with it's 150 person crew is what their "Federation" considers a scoutship.
@barrybend7189 2 жыл бұрын
Star Trek Online Delta Quadrant chapter. That does happen. Though it's the Rhode island ( commanded by Harry Kim) and your ship. I want to see the Kazon fleet vs a Rhode island type Equinox and the Charon Terran Empire dreadnought.
@LoneWolf0568 2 жыл бұрын
I REALLY like the Intrepid for multiple reasons. 1: It can DEFINITELY punch above its weight. 2: It's very maneuverable for its size. 3: It's one of the fastest ships in Starfleet. (the undersized nacelles never bothered me because even today technology is getting smaller by the day but more powerful as well). 4: It can actually land on a planet if needed. That makes it one of the most versatile ships that Starfeet ever fielded. My favorite of all time will always be the Saber class though. Something about that design just calls to me.
@RunDGC 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly thought it was one of the nicest looking designs. It looked like a real progression on the design style of the Galaxy/Nebula, TNG era ships. Though I like the anti-Borg ships, they were a pretty stark departure from previous Federation ships.
@DrewLSsix Жыл бұрын
I assume the anti borg fleet never made up the majority of the fleet. It was made to spare the rest of the fleet from being pressed into a losing battle every single time. Even so, ships like the Akira I think can still serve more traditional roles in the fleet either when there's no looming threat or after aging out of its primary role. I can see Akiras in the era of the Picard show having been refit to more typical armaments and serving as a multi roll vessel like a modern Miranda.
@occultatumquaestio5226 2 жыл бұрын
I find the Intrepid class to indeed be a fascinating ship design, it is basically the Starfleet equivalent of the American Zumwalt class destroyer. A testbed for many new techs but because of that limited in number. I'm somewhat surprised you did not bring up the fact it's the first Starfleet starship we ever see land on live-action TV (well, repeated land and go back up into space again without crashing). It definitely filled its role as a long-range science exploration vessel and despite its flaws I find it to be a good hero ship. 14:10 ; I see what you did there with background scene. I wonder were you being sarcastic or did you genuinely forget about that scene? Your tone makes it highly ambiguous.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
No I didn't realise that actually happened in the show. But I forgot to mention the landing feature. Although that just seems like a great way to damage your ship accidentally
@phoboskittym8500 2 жыл бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 you need to watch more VOY
@johnbockelie3899 2 жыл бұрын
When Voyager returned from its journey, and proved its worth, Intrepid class ship production increased.
@Niusereset 2 жыл бұрын
Concering the aero-shuttle on Voyager... There was many speculations and discussions about why we never saw it in the show and why they need to build deltaflyer. Voyager was new ship launched for a mission in the badlands. So the theory is Voyager didn't have one. There was place for it, but it wasn't ready when Voyager was sent to catch some maquis. The same might go for the secondary warp-core, which we never saw in the show. Not even in the episode when Voyager lost its core. There was place for it, but it wasn't there. So in theory Voyager was finished in a way to be able to go for a maquis in the badlands, relatively short-time mission (no need for an aero-shuttle and or spare warp core) and get back for the finishing.
@jhallam2011 2 жыл бұрын
She’s a very fast and powerful ship for her size. I could see her as a serious workhorse!
@MrApplemat 2 жыл бұрын
Really wish we had seen the aeroshuttle in the series it could have come in handy a lot.
@GregPrice-ep2dk Жыл бұрын
The second warp core is not active, but rather a complete set of major components to be used as replacements in the event the primary core is severely damaged. The crew can swap parts and keep going in, allowing them to repair the first component at their leasure. This is supposed to be a feature on many new "deep space" vessels designed to operate well away from Starbase support.
@casbot71 2 жыл бұрын
The secondary warp core (along with the Aero shuttle) was to installed on Tuesday …
@barrybend7189 2 жыл бұрын
No Voyager at least had it's secondary warp core. The earoshuttle was not installed however.
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
The yoyager definitely had the best repair crews in the history of starfleet 😂 Did anyone get a final crew death count by the end of the show?
@Qardo 2 жыл бұрын
I think the death count on the show with crew was rather low. I think overall ten people died throughout the whole voyage. Isn't including the times that ship was blown up and due to time travel and paradox nonsense. Or that one time the ship was split in two and one ship destroyed itself to keep clone from being discovered or destroyed.
@casbot71 2 жыл бұрын
@@Qardo Ten dead? They lost more shuttles than that.
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
@@Qardo Someone needs to find out 😊. Always looked like at least a quarter.
@alanmike6883 2 жыл бұрын
@@casbot71 The federation has a alliance with the time Lords 😊😂👍
@Qardo 2 жыл бұрын
@@alanmike6883 Alright. Looking it up. Technically, 137 members of thr crew died...out of 150....though because of time travel BS and other paradoxes. Plus due go advancements in hologram technology on board. The sheer fact that roughly 137 officers and crewmen died on that ship throughout its 7 years. With rough math. That is like 90% of the crew wonders they resorted to so much time travel.
@adamlytle2615 2 жыл бұрын
Re: Deep space exploration vs diplomacy, etc. In terms of displacing the Galaxy class... I think the flip side of the "Galaxy class is intimidating" hypothesis could be equally true. There would likely be alien societies that place a high value on displays of strength or "wealth", and in that case the Galaxy class would be the preferred ship to send. In those scenarios, the Intrepid could take on a science mission that otherwise would have occupied the Galaxy class. Essentially, the two ships complement one another, depending on the particular demands Starfleet might have in a particular region.
@Peaceforall20111 2 жыл бұрын
AMAZING ANALYSIS, I am gonna be binge watching your videos
@armandoestebanquito2282 2 жыл бұрын
Although my favorite ship is the Enterprice (constitution class), the intrepid is my favorite design. So elegant, a gentle ship... I love your channel, the only satisfaction I get from Star Trek today comes from here ...
@antwan1357 2 жыл бұрын
when I see the size comparisons I see it as a replacement for the excelsior class , where as the galaxy class feels like it is meant to replace the dreadnaught version of the constitution class from fasa even it has a three nacelle version of the galaxy class making it an even closer comparision.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
i have... strong feelings about dreadnought im more of a proxima man.
@davidedens6353 2 жыл бұрын
Actually the Only Intrepid we actually see in the Dominion war is Admiral Ross'es Flagship the Bellerophon So I think you can add squadron and sector command ship to that list
@45580677 2 жыл бұрын
I look back at Voyager and something I found looking around and wonder what would say or plan a long range return to the Alpha with 3 Ships a Intrepid, Nova and a Nebula the USS Hera might have been taken by the Caretaker as Voyager a scout and Equinox a oversize Runabout to detach on side missions while Hera a powerful support plus early warning platform along with support craft and facilites say Runabouts and a squadron or 2 of fighters plus large numbers of Workbees along with command and coordinate plus plow through foes Along with replacements was on a milk run between bases moving personnel and materials so a likely reserve to force multiply get Voyager crew up to 200 and Equinox up to 100 with 4 Runabouts plus a Aeroshuttle as the Delta Flyer a Gunship slash Dropship later plus once 1 done improving make most toughest and powerful ships so on like to see how the Lost Fleet handles Add in even if Warp 10 to unstable have a spare Hologram run tests and even if can't travel serve as a message plus the crystals improve support craft speeds and ranges providing greater operational range and coverage love to see them Plow through the Kazon
@TheWoblinGoblin 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting take. I think in Voyager they had called it in the equinox two parter a long range explorer, which always seemed strange to me in a fleet with galaxys. Yes the Intrepids feel like some kind of mid range explorer vessel complement the exploration missions of the Galaxy. At first I wanted to disagree on the diplomatic mission, but then I remembered the Bellerophon in DS9 which was totally used for such a mission.
@matthewbardos4424 2 жыл бұрын
Great episode!
@casbot71 2 жыл бұрын
The Interceptor class? Okay we need to see a video on that, along with a video on the other concept art for Voyager.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's a dominion war class so you might be seeing it in action before long.
@Groktargash 20 күн бұрын
"Faster than light, no left or right." I don't think it was meant specifically for the intrepid class. About the auxiliary deflector(Ideally don't get your main deflector knocked out) and secondary warp core(No it wasn't used. Just like the captain's yacht and the Aeroshuttle), Starfleet has always been strong on contingency backups, often even having secondary backups. You never know what's going to happen. Space is dangerous and these systems can be the difference between life and death. And sometimes in critical situations that have consequences on a whole lot more than the ship and its crew.
@eddierudolph8702 2 жыл бұрын
You mean sending a battleship on a diplomatic mission, is not a good idea? It might keep so punk/ martial culture from trying something. Yes, I'm considering the galaxy class as a battleship.
@OllamhDrab 2 жыл бұрын
I still think it's a mistake to think of the Galaxy class as "A battleship they stuck a town full of civilians on," ... it's more like a flying research university and town that they *then* made darn sure to defend really well *because* of that fact.
@kdrapertrucker 2 жыл бұрын
More of a battle cruiser. heavy punch, glass jaw.
@kdrapertrucker 2 жыл бұрын
At least till the Borg/Dominion war refits that improved their survivability.
@barrybend7189 2 жыл бұрын
The Intrepid class aka what the 24th century version of the constitution. Her STO successor designs actually prove a good lineage of using the newer warp core design but with the advent of Quantum Slipstream drive use the moving warp pylons help in management of the Slipstream field without overextending it's warp coil systems. Also I like the idea of the Intrepid's moveable pylons as a help in warp speed menuvering as the engines for impulse are set at an angle for better torque in turning. 10:56 warp speed menuvering is dependent on sublight engine power. Voyager's engines are on the pylons which make her exceptionally agile. Her warp coils are more susceptible to burnout if pushed but her tighter warp field would allow faster speeds than ships like the Galaxy or even the Sovereign. 14:26 Voyager did use her secondary warp core a few times as the primary one has been ejected for drive failure. Funny thing Janeway even lampshades the need of one before going on the Maqui hunt mission in the badlands. A somewhat odd thing to add saved Voyager on multiple occasions.
@gd.ritter Жыл бұрын
My head canon about the second warp core and deflector is also that the much larger Galaxy had huge industrial capable replicators onboard to do many major repairs itself without needing spare parts physically on hand. The intrepid, severely reduced in size, had to compensate to be self-sufficient in extra-long-range exploration. A couple key redundancies lets them exclude a lot of the industrial colony level tech that isn't needed in a more focused mission profile.
@alexanderleach3365 2 жыл бұрын
you should do a ship-chat on the Aerowing.
@JaredLS10 2 жыл бұрын
agreed. It sucks the show runners scrapped it, the test footage of it used the Runabout set pieces from DS9. At the very least they could have stated on screen the aeroshuttle was never installed and that a hull blank was put in its place because if they had ever said it was never finished that wouldn't have worked considering they built two delta flyers and potentially other types of shuttles.
@02ujtb00626 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think you give enough credit to its tactical capability. From what I understand from all the behind the scenes stuff and on screen, by all accounts the Intrepid class was indeed meant to be a smaller, more easily constructed galaxy class. So I agree with you there. Where I think we might differ is that while yes, its armament is relatively standard, it is one of the first vessels of its size to be equipped with type 10 phaser emitters. Previous similar vessels were usually equipped with type 9, with type 10 emitters reserved for large ships like the galaxy (and type 10+, later used on the Sovereign class as type 12's, reserved for starbases). Given this, combined with the ships state of the art and highly advanced sensor and scientific suites/components, really make the type ten phasers way more effective especially coming from a ship that can super out maneuver its larger cousin. They were also supposed to, in conjunction with its high capacity warp core (type 9 tricyclical) able to produce a phaser burst that would seem to be similar to first generation galaxy classes. Then you have the burst fire torpedo launchers, which fire the newly approved type 6 photon torpedo's (apparently superior to the type 4's used before, so like a heavy photon torpedo) and you have a ship that daylights as a deep space scientific cruiser (light to medium depending) but moonlights as a super effective long range recon tactical vessel capable of very high sustained warp speeds with impressive shielding. Under the guise of "scientific research" of course. Mind you, warp 9.975 is about 5000 times the speed of light depending on your source, as opposed to the Enterprise-D for instance, which at warp 9.6 for 12 (max) hours is only just under 2000 times the speed of light.
@phoboskittym8500 2 жыл бұрын
Voyager is a sweet ticks all the boxes.... i love her sister Bellerophon too.... they pylons are cool too... they had Tri cobolt weapons because they were going into the badlands, i bet that mission was a little more complex than just finding Tuvok...
@nunya3163 2 жыл бұрын
I rather like this ship. I was never a fan f the goose neck on the earlier ships, and the way that they integrated the saucer and secondary hull just made more sense to me. It just seems really solid, fast, and packing a punch above it's class. It's great to see how much of this design made it's way into the Sovereign.
@kawafahra 2 жыл бұрын
Thinking about ship sizes and effectivity : with only two torpedoes from the defiant, sisko deemed a whole planet uninhabitable for decades. Amargosa Sun imploded by a single torpedo. They don´t need the Borg to wipe out civilisations, some standart shuttles are sufficient !
@bsmnt23 2 жыл бұрын
I maintain that they should have used all the pre-existing footage that they'd created for the aeroshuttle for the Delta Flyer. There's a spot for it in the hull and everything. Much better than trying to convince everyone that it just sits in a shuttle bay with a door it cant even go through.
@philiptai2675 2 жыл бұрын
@malthus986 Жыл бұрын
"... that's how powerful the Galaxy-class is." *Jem'Hadar fighter goes brrrrrrrrrrr
@zephyr8072 8 ай бұрын
3 fighters had free shield-bypassing weapons and it still needed one of them to ram it to actually destroy it.
@malthus986 8 ай бұрын
@@zephyr8072 This is true, but look at it from an economical perspective. The dominion churns out those fighters like the federation does oberths. A galaxy class cruiser is a giant investment and don't forget about its crew, while all the jemhadar are just expendable as long as their death serves the founders.
@zephyr8072 8 ай бұрын
@@malthus986 Sure, but it's notable we never see that happen again after the issue with polaron weapons is fixed, and in any battle scene with a Galaxy class present they dominate.
@brand8590 11 ай бұрын
I was around for all the Star Treks and read a bit about them at the time. Btw I loved your analysis of the Interceptor class. I wasn't sure about the Defiant class. Only it's out of place appearance. The Interceptor class was exactly what I wanted to see from a new Star Fleet "attack" / reconnaissance / escort / courier class vessel. Love that ship. It's so Star Fleet, missing from the Defiant. But anyway, The USS Voyager was created and designed to be a looong range exploration vessel. It contained the latest greatest Star Fleet technology including the famous biological transfer nodes or "Gel Packs." For Voyager they needed the best scientific Captain they could find = Janeway. Whose scientific acumen made Picard look like an amateur. It didn't skint on armament as deep space was dangerous and an element of reconnaissance in force was needed. It also contained a new quick warp core that extended Di lithium use etc. She was, when launched the fastest ship in Star Fleet. Admiral: "Shes smart and quick just like her captain. The Voyager class was to go way out and explore uncharted space, find things of interest including new worlds. Do a preliminary study and then inform Star Fleet who would send a Galaxy class for more complete, throughout investigation with its greater scientific compliment and facilities. Which is why most Galaxy class Captains were diplomatic in nature. I would suppose that the Nova class was the short distance/ within federation boundaries exploratory vessel. The three would perform the bulk of all Star Fleet exploration from that time. No one had Quantum torpedoes before Voyager brought them back from the Delta Quadrant. They were brought back in time by the future Capt. Janeway along with some ship improvements but mainly Quantum Torpedoes and fancy new Ablative armor. The Quantum's were specifically designed to kill Borg ships. The older Capt. Janeway said so. Why she brought em. Before Voyager could go on it's first mission, it was detoured to what was expected to be a short investigation of a missing ship lost. We all know what happened then. Thanks for the show! PS. I am aware that in DS9 Sisko once stated the use of Quantum torpedoes towards the end of the Dominion war but that was deemed a script mistake as he didn't have them. Voyager wasn't back yet, and it really would have screwed up the timelines. Voyager was gone for seven years. The Dominion war was over.
@Kreachie Жыл бұрын
13:50 Yeah the Intrepid Usually carries 2 Warp Cores, however both aren’t active at the same time, in fact the second one further forward is a Spare for the main core, in case it’s ever destroyed, however Voyager was Tuesday-ed with its second core as while it was displayed on the MSD, it was never installed, and this was a pretty major plotpoint in one of the episodes where the Voyager crew had to retrieve the Warp Core because they lacked a Spare after ejecting it and/or that WAS the Spare and for some unknown reason, the Original Warp Core was Destroyed offscreen and was never mentioned.
@coreyperez8817 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the Intrepid because most Federation ships of smaller size are specialized designs, and only the larger ships like Galaxies are really general purpose vessels. But the Intrepid is a resonably sized general purpose ship.
@McDisneySoft 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, we'd like concept art vids!
@casbot71 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if the Doctor and Seven hadn't screwed up that weapon's deal, and it had been outfitted with that *isokinetic cannon.* But then they missed out on a lot of passing technology - probably because modifying a ship made out of _weeklyonium_ is very difficult.
@andrewmalinowski6673 2 жыл бұрын
"Weeklyonium" sounds better than Lore Reloaded's descriptive "crashonium," but then again there were times the ship seemed destined to become the scrap heap that NX-01 became after only a year in the Delphic Expanse. Imagine how it would have looked if it became a "testbed" from all the Delta Quadrant races' traded systems or technology, especially the benemite crystals and slipstream drive
@dariusgreysun Жыл бұрын
I keep one on my intrepid on Star Trek Online for funsies.
@chrisortega7521 2 жыл бұрын
Yes please, do the Aeroshuttle!!!
@intetx 2 жыл бұрын
I thought the variable geometry warp drive was because it's location has impact on performance. Higher necells are supposedly better for in warp acceleration but worse for longer jumps. So you can angle them down over the time of the flight.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
other way round. high angles allow for higher speeds for longer but have less acceleration than down-swept nacelles, which is why klingons use downswept engines.
@cross3052 3 ай бұрын
I hated this ship when I first saw it. "Why is it shaped like a shovel?" Then I kept watching. The moving nacelles. The ability to land. The ship developed a personality. A personality I like. It grew on me. Now it's one of my favorites, up there with D7, Defiant and Constitution refit. Still looks like a shovel. A nice shovel.
@beyondu77 Жыл бұрын
I really like the Intrepid class. I think the design is really cool and wish Starfleet would have followed this design and put it into other ships. Even if those were ships based more on scientific exploration.
@JeffTheBunnySlayer 2 жыл бұрын
I caught that little David Fletcher reference, very sneaky
@paulbeaney4901 2 жыл бұрын
Yet again starfleet reminds me of the Royal Navy. The galaxy class resemble the dreadnought battleships of ww1. Before these ships the Royal Navy posted battleships all over the world. Once the dreadnoughts were built, they were considered far to powerful and expensive to keep out on station. They were instead used to protect the British Isles.
@Reepicheep-1 2 жыл бұрын
Upgrade it to triple-torp launchers, double shield output, add a cloak, and you have a dedicated, devastating destroyer/espionage craft. A starship-quality Defiant. And that's a normal Intrepid, not the tech monster that Voyager became.
@mdavid2822 Жыл бұрын
Two notes: The reason the nacelles are undersized is because they wanted the hero ship to reflect the female hero captain. It was decided that large nacelles would be too masculine, and so the nacelles are smaller and tucked into her profile. This feminine design approach also gave them the distinctive "hourglass" profile. The spare warp core was certainly a writer's device. At some point in development they probably thought about doing a climactic story where they would destroy the warp core and be faced with the possibility of never getting home.
@ThePuppywolf 2 жыл бұрын
Another thing I thought odd was the placement of the Impulse engines. You've got all your propulsion options on two vulnerable rods that are on moving parts. If your warp engines take a direct hit, you've also lost half your sub light engines as well.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. More powerful but more vulnerable.
@vicariousvongacy4398 2 жыл бұрын
i think a reason it's considered an anti borg ship is because it's theorised it started as one and was later reasighned as a science vessel. admiral ross had an intrepid class ship for his flag ship, weird how a high ranking admiral would choose a single role science vessel to be his flagship for a war that claimed so many ships. plus it's durability and how in voyager the class had held it's own against borg cubes and other hostile entities. the class itself could have possibly had anti-borg oprations in mind if it has shown it's teeth in combat numerous times and ferried around an admiral at the forefront of a war that took a massive tole on federation shipyards.
@PoeticTwist Жыл бұрын
The Intrepid class is listed a long range science vessel, light cruiser class. The Galaxy is a long range exploration heavy cruiser class. If you play Star Trek Online, the Intrepid is a science vessel class. Also, the Intrepid was relatively faster, at higher warp due to a more streamlined design over the Galaxy class, sustain it longer. But there still limitations to how fast and how long they could be at warp.
@MiiFone1 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with most of your analysis but would rate the intrepid as a light cruiser. She was equipped with many groundbreaking technology but she had a new design of a warp core. This core was smaller and more powerful and I think the reason why it was so fast. IMHO comparing it perhaps to the Arleigh Burke warship we call a destroyer but in reality has the capabilities and firepower of a light cruiser.
@miles2378 2 жыл бұрын
Their was no second warp core their was a compartment that could store components for a replacement but since Voyager was on its first mission was meant to last a few weeks most likely never had them on board.
@AncalagonTheDread Жыл бұрын
It was stated by the producers that they were thinking about giving the crew the ability to "make" quantum torpedoes to compensate for the limited amount of photon torpedoes.
@mustlovedragons8047 2 жыл бұрын
That points about the Gallaxy Class was a good one. I wish it were elaborated on. Even in universe. "You came awefuly heavily armed for 'in peace.'" Plus with how often the Enterprise-D went into danger, even battle with all those civilians on board, some one sould have accussed them of usin human shields.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
@mustlovedragons8047 2 жыл бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 PS Thanks for the heart!
@Reepicheep-1 2 жыл бұрын
Andorians: 'As long as the shields are humans, or maybe Vulcans or Tellarites, I don't see a problem.'
@mustlovedragons8047 2 жыл бұрын
@@Reepicheep-1 Got to love that Andorian sence of humor.
@zephyr8072 8 ай бұрын
The point about being heavily armed is ridiculous given all the horrific dangers encountered in deep space. It’s also nonsensical. Any ship in orbit can pull down rocks and devastate a planet. Space superiority is a thing whether you’re in a Galaxy or a puddly little NX.
@martinhanke1670 2 жыл бұрын
Liked Voyager, loved the ship.
@farshnuke 8 ай бұрын
I like Voyager. The Spare Warp Core thing is especially daft because it's a literal plot point an episode before the finale that the Warp Core is being stolen. If they were going to fire that chekov then they had the perfect moment. Also you criticise the spare warp core but Voyager did more baffling things than have a spare part.
@madrabbit9007 2 жыл бұрын
When Voyager first hit the airwaves I was not impressed with it but in time I grew to actually love it. Disco on the other hand shall never have my love I fear.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
We'll see. The ship has grown on me. But I still prefer the prototype.
@madrabbit9007 2 жыл бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 I don’t like either. That lower hull just strikes me as a Buck Rogers throwback. Thank God Phase 2 never happened.
@merafirewing6591 4 ай бұрын
​@@madrabbit9007 phase 2 should be a short series.
@terrencechilds8984 2 жыл бұрын
The nabel class star ship is still the best ship to me
@christophersivley5289 Жыл бұрын
Voyager picked up Quantum Torpedoes & Ablative Armor from Admiral Janeway & Temporal torpedos on their journey trying to get back to the Alpha Quadrant! Voyager was designed to be a Scout FF which is why they sent her out looking for the maquis! If any ship was sent out across the Galaxy a SC-FF would be what you would send not a CA or a BB!
@andrewmalinowski6673 2 жыл бұрын
While it's not a bad ship design I was expecting to follow Lore Reloaded's gripe that they couldn't decide whether the Intrepid-class (and Voyager itself, by extension) was a warship or a science vessel. There were times when it seemed like they defined it differently depending on the needs of the episode, but if being stranded anywhere (especially the Delta Quadrant) I'd think a more dedicated "combat" vessel like the Prometheus would give better security...even if I have a soft spot for the little seen MVA cruiser
@Nostripe361 2 жыл бұрын
I think an interesting video on concept art could be one about designs you hope they reuse for new vessel designs
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Some of it already has been
@qdllc Жыл бұрын
I always felt that the Intrepid class had pivoting nacelles because they need to be in the up position for warp, but when down the ship is more aerodynamic as it is designed to be capable of planetfall. I wonder if anyone did a wind tunnel test of the ship’s shape.
@spark300c Жыл бұрын
galaxies class was more ship of the line than could be field in deep space because it too far form home to defend it. the intrepid was smaller so was more deep space explorer ship. It also made to go faster than galaxy which is need to for deep space exploration.
@thomasjenkins5727 Жыл бұрын
Galaxy class wasn't overwhelming on accident. The Federation wanted you to want to join the Federation. The Galaxy Class was a showcase of what the Federation is; exploration, research, engineering, family, luxury, and armed to the teeth. I don't think the Intrepid was meant to fulfil diplomatic roles as a core function, but as a secondary function, since it would have a good chance of encountering other civilizations on its long-range scientific projects.
@trevtall1094 Жыл бұрын
The galaxy class is a great example of Federation naive arrogance. For such a massive and flashy ship all it took was an attack ship to not play by the rules by ramming the neck.
@afoolandhismoneychannel Жыл бұрын
I quite like the Intrepid Class, movable nacelles aside. The lack of a neck makes it a more realistic design, in my opinion... the neck always being a too-obvious weak point for attackers to focus on. Especially on the explod-o-matic refit Constitution Class. 😉
@Sensiblefool 2 жыл бұрын
I always took Intrepid class and defiant as test bed class ships the defiant is meant to be hate in a small package concept and Intrepid is supposed to be the test bed of new gizmos more of a proof of concept than actual production run. You load up on new features and test them. Voyager’s mission was to see how the bio gel packs would work in one of the roughest parts of known space. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was less than 12 Intrepid class ships. Ross’s flag is on the Bella. So I think they are too costly for what you get but what you get is very nice. Good ship but the production class would be more economical.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I would class it as an Elite class. Very good but rare.
@TheCyberloki 2 жыл бұрын
Well to me the Intrepid wants to be a Comandship. But we know how Starfleet is "They don't build Warships" so they emphasize the Science aspects. Think about it. If the intrepid class is one thing then it is always ready. - It is the fastest ship in the fleet (until the Prometheus) and so can quickly hurry to any crisis location where assistance is needed. - Then the secondary deflector... We often see the Enterprise remudulating and changing its deflector dish to do all kind of strange stuff. I always wondered, if the Deflector is repurposed like this, can it still perform its main function? And by that is the ship still able to travel at warp safely? Well all that you can do with the secondary deflector and so still be able to fly at high warp in mere seconds rather than having to build back your main deflector first. - Its sleek silhouette makes a smaller target and also it makes the ship more difficult toa track via sensors - it has a small crew, jet is outfitted with most capabilities a larger ship would come with - Its sensors make it not only perfect for navigating difficult space areas but also to keep track of the own fleet as well as the enemy and then coordinate the fleet - Its size is indeed not quiet as intimidating as a larger ship like the Galaxy or Sovereign. This leads to a higher probability that the enemy will ignore the smaller commandship and focus the larger ships first. - Secondary warpcore. Same as with the deflector. If something were to happen and the ship needs to eject its core. Combat or accident doesn't matter. In opposite to most other ships that have to crawl back home or wait for assistance the intrepid just needs a few hours (maybe even faster since its plug and play) and it is ready to assist and most importantly take on its command center role again. - The Conferenceroom is directly adjacent to the bridge. This enables even faster transition between meeting and discussing strategies and carry them out on the bridge. you can leave the door open and basically shout your commands over to the bridge if you want. That we had on no other ship as far as i am aware. - The seats of the commanding officers on the Bridge: Well there isn't a single central captains chair. Instead it has two similar chairs that seem to indicate a similar hierarchy of importance. Maybe to allow the Captain (who knows the ship) and the Admiral (who has the fleet ind mind) both having an equally good view and commanding position. - The Quarters and overall luxury on board is able to support both highly delicate diplomatic missions as well as very important officers like Admirals, diplomats or Ambassadors on board with reasonable comfort. - The Holodecks can be used for special mission training - The in comparison large security complex allows for the stationing and training of a special strike team - the ability to land is perfect to use the geological features and weather anomalies of a planet to hide the ship from enemies while at the same time having the huge sensor array on the nose pointing to the sky enabling the ship to actively and passively scanning the surrounding area. That could also be a reason for the location of the sensor array on the nose rather than on the underside of the soucersection. Enough for now. But there are even more points that seem to underline that the main purpose is a small ship with highly trained personal that can quickly assist while at the same time looking like a small uninteresting science ship from the outside.
@DarinRWagner 2 жыл бұрын
I've always looked at the Intrepid class as a small class of ships that served primarily as test-beds for new ideas and technology, like the variable-geometry warp nacelles, bio-neural circuitry and spare warp cores etc. Given that so few ships after Voyager used these features, I think it's safe to say they were considered practical failures. The nacelles were unnecessary, bio neural circuitry had vulnerabilities that regular circuitry didn't have etc.
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's more that those new features shouldn't have been piled onto one ship.
@chrisbritt4266 Жыл бұрын
I'd rather did like the intrepid but the only thing I didn't really like was that the missiles looked a little small. I didn't like that folding mess I thought it was silly but I like seeing that concept art with the ones where they kind of been down a bit on pilons I'm like a traditional ship. I think that would look a little bit better. Maybe extend the rear of the vessel out a little bit. And add some slightly larger in the cells that are made the same way as that concept. Art, we make it look far better and be more elegant. And useful
@matthewbeesley9325 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to know more about the new orleans class and see more of it
@Flarecobra 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm... ship chats about secondary and auxiliary crafts... I'd be down to listen.
@tingley428 2 жыл бұрын
One of IMO the great let-downs of ST is either at the ending of STV or during Janeway cameo in Nemisis we didn't see an intrepid refit. I think Sovereign style nacels without the variable geometry would make sense (and of course larger to fit the ship size), maybe on gently kicked up pilons and with the newer black hull accents would've made the refit look sick! On that note... I never understood all the hate for nemisis, IMO it's by far the best of the TNG movies! The battle with the Simitar was epic I know some think the variable geometry thing is a defining feature of the class but IMO (like this video said about the spare core) when space is at a premium why waste it on novelty hinges that would fill a couple of football fields?? Also, years after series ended I found out about the bigger under-hull shuttle thingy and since seeing renders of it I'm like WHY TF didn't they use that in the show??
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting idea. I'd love to see that kitbash.
@matthewlamont3112 4 ай бұрын
The design at 2:13 is interesting, could work as an alliance combined design Science oriented Destroyer
@ChairmanMo 2 жыл бұрын
It seems like when Starfleet belatedly realized that there were too many tasks and not enough Galaxy class starships to go around, so they created the Intrepid. But the thing is what is the Intrepid supposed to be? This was never made clear. Is it supposed to be a frigate, long range science vessel that can defend itself or what. It seems like the Intrepid class starship had to find a role. If I was Starfleet I would have made the Intrepid more of a pocket Galaxy class ship. Something that has the speed and range of the Galaxy but with say only 70% of its capabilities in things like science, exploration and etc. As for firepower, by the time of the ship's launch the threat of the Borg and Dominion was quite clear so yeah make sure the thing is armed well enough that it can easily take on ships of similar weight and class but be fast enough to run away from the big guys (like the German Pocket Battleships).
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
I think that is what the intrepid is to some extent. A mini galaxy. But it focuses in on the diplomatic and scientific aspects
@ChairmanMo 2 жыл бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 In some beta canon books about the starship role playing games; the Intrepid class gets split off into sub classes. One is a full diplomatic cruiser with upgraded weapons and one becomes a more powerful warship with special CIC systems to act as a fleet flag ship.
@necroticavalon5176 2 жыл бұрын
I love the Intrepid class. Using bioneural circuitry was a mistake though (it's too vulnerable to biological infections). Also I think it's a bit understaffed. 150-so crewmembers for a ship of that size is seriously leaving a whole lot of unused space aboard. And making it more vulnerable to boarding actions (we see the Kazon easily take over the ship once they get aboard). Plus, the small crew means that any losses on missions are felt much more. I kind of laughed in one episode of Voyager, when they have to evacuate a Klingon crew of 204, that there was some question where would they sleep. Seriously? You could have 3 times that many, and the Intrepid class would still have space left. I'd put about 350 people on the Intrepid, personally. At a minimum. Maybe even 450-500. Especially for it's usage during the Dominion War, it would need a good number of marine troops, to provide anti-boarding security. One of the things Star Trek never gets right, is how big the ships are, compared to how few people are actually on board. The TOS got it right, by putting 400 people on the original Enterprise. Ever since then, the ships have become progressively more understaffed.
@And_Zo 2 жыл бұрын
I love the Intrepid but I do prefer the nacelles in the up position.
@paulbeaney4901 2 жыл бұрын
I like to think there would be dominion war refits and fresh builds, with a lance phaser instead of a secondary deflector.
@panickedpenguin1731 2 жыл бұрын
We bring greetings from the Romulan Star empire !!
@devinkomerous1886 2 жыл бұрын
Vgm98 is absolutely right the nacelles should be on a ship 80 to 90 meters shorter in length most hero ship's have flaw's in the design or something in a script will cause issues with Canon but the arrow head design shows the way starships we're evolving
@mb2000 2 жыл бұрын
Could they really have integrated non subspace damaging tech into the Intrepid-class though? In “Force of Nature”, the episode where they discover that warp is damaging to subspace, Geordi says he’s in competition with the chief engineer of the Intrepid for engine efficiency or something. Now I doubt he would do that with an Intrepid that was an old Excelsior-class with his 7 year old Enterprise engine. So this must be the Intrepid-class prototype Intrepid, so this class already designed, built and in use before they found out subspace was being damaged! And why did Voyager have exactly two tricobalt devices when it left DS9? Was it planning on blowing up the Badlands or something? It’s mentioned in a later episode but there’s no answer as to why they had them. And aren’t such weapons banned anyway!? Voyager’s one shuttlebay was often called shuttlebay two! But I don’t think space is a concern on these ships when Voyager can hold various Type-6, Type-8 and Type 9 shuttles, plus the Delta Flyer, Baxial and random alien shuttles all at the same time!
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
Which season was force of nature? Because ultimately they drop that plot point. Imagine what the dominion war did to subspace.
@mb2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@venomgeekmedia9886 Season 7, which being set in 2370 and Voyager’s launch being the year after, the Intrepid-class must have been well into production by then!
@jelaniharris2795 2 жыл бұрын
Voyager was designed to deal with the Marque and to deal with the badlands it had maneuvers. Or no 😏
@pkscarr 2 жыл бұрын
Where's the picture at 2:29 from? I really like the top one, looks very... Lower Decks-ish, if you know what I mean. The chunkier nacelles just make for a more balanced overall look
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
It's the intrepid prototype. Reference model is from Temp890@deviantart
@ManicPandaz 2 жыл бұрын
As a larf, I’ve often thought that the bio neural circuitry is a later iteration of the cetaceans tubes used for navigation. Hopefully they aren’t dolphin brains in those packs... and it’s just technology traded from the Bynars.
@toomanyaccounts 2 жыл бұрын
it was built by another species that wasn't a fed member but a trading partner
@venomgeekmedia9886 2 жыл бұрын
so a non proprietary technology, that doesn't sound like a good idea...
@Sei783 Жыл бұрын
I always found it odd that they had children/families on board. I get it that couples form and families happen, but it really feels strange when Picard says "Initiate self-destruct" when you remember this fact. It also makes episodes like the Naked Now, Genesis, and the Game a lot more awkward to watch.
@biostemm Жыл бұрын
I like the more integrated/fluid shape, but the weird little ledge/deck behind the rear shuttle bay never sat well with me...
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