Should Progressive Siege Quests Return In Monster hunter Wilds?

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Nova Bushido

Nova Bushido

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@reallargefungus4555 15 күн бұрын
Firstly hope you feel better! Secondly, yes I love these sieges. Thirdly, I have no idea about how it would ever work in wilds unfortunately. These sieges kinda sorta hinge on having their own quest system and maps which makes sense. They can’t have them walking around naturally if they’re meant to be fought multiple times to be brought down. Unless it’s done in a particular way. They could have it play out so that it appears in a large area of one map you fight it there for a while till it’s driven off into another map entirely and you can find it there to continue fighting, so on and so forth until you win or lose. It would still be a bit weird with how multiplayer works now tho imo.
@NovaBushido 15 күн бұрын
Thanks Fungus, always good to see you. Hmm I guess you're right, in Wilds it'll be difficult for them to work in the game. Unless they have a unique quests system build around them, it'll be difficult for them to work.
@reallargefungus4555 15 күн бұрын
⁠@@NovaBushidoI think it’s possible but at this moment it feel it would maybe be too risky to try again. Though i did sorely miss them in rise so I’d probably enjoy it regardless. I am one of very very few who enjoys zorah magdaros and he’s widely regarded as like the worst thing ever for some reason:P
@JeannieLove 15 күн бұрын
They could make it spawn in the world and everyone in the lobby can fight it simultaneously and work toward the goal.
@eugeneng31 15 күн бұрын
Bring dalamadur back.Take a look at the logo.Its 6 snakes and the main 2 looks like dalamadur+its snake year+a lot of funs want him to return so everything talks by itshelf.Same goes for gogmazios too
@houseofthehuntinghorn1433 15 күн бұрын
Easy answer, yes. As long as they do with the safi and the kulve refresh that you get the weapons you use.
@mr101aaa 15 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed the Kulve hunt (especially the first portion with the cave system) but it definitely had some issues and quirks that i wasn't a fan of. I truly love the Safijiva hunt, though, and personally consider it the pinnacle of Monster Hunter World. These quests, and sieges in general, could absolutely use more refinement and bakance for solo players, and generally I think any hunt where you can instantly fail due to failing a DPS check (Kulve and Alatreon specifically) are completely unacceptable. But id love to see a massive monster that requires multiple hunts to progressively wear it down and defeat it. I didn't end up fighting the Solo-balanced Safijiva but I hope that it was a fun experience.
@jafartext8229 15 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t be sad if world was the only game to have these kinds of siege fights, but if they do return I hope they make a system that doesn’t rely so heavily on RNG, and the fights should emphasize preparation and attrition imo. I think it would be cool to have an insect monster colony be a siege fight.
@lilfuzzballa 15 күн бұрын
I want another FF crossover with Zero Bahamut Raid and Chocobo Seikret skin, so yes.
@Papanurgz777 15 күн бұрын
I think they will add them in the expansion, it doesnt look like there will be monster big enough in there monster design philosophy for base wilds, as for a personal want yes I think that they have some crazy ambitious opportunity with the 100 player lobbies and the larger more dynamic maps and I want to see a Dalamadur sized siege hunts would be awesome!
@Lord-of-something 15 күн бұрын
My main issue with both kulve and safi was how the weapons were rng based kulve was more frustrating tho. It felt like i was fighting the rng to get the weapon i want and then fighting it again to get the augments. I can see people who play offline/solo not really enjoying them cuz of the grind of getting one kill. But i still hope they do come back in some way cuz fighting safi was fun at the end of the day imo.
@boahnoa99 15 күн бұрын
GOD I hope not lmao. If I could give one piece of guidance to the MH hunter team it would be “when you add something to the game, think about if this makes the game more like an MMO. If it does, don’t fucking add it.” Seriously though, the push towards MMO like mechanics and multiplayer focus is the primary reason I don’t like Iceborne and I really hope they don’t continue that trend it Wilds. The 100 player lobbies really worry me lol. I will say I think there’s a good chance sieges will at least be better if they come to Wilds. The NPC Hunter system exists so I think it would be really weird for them to make quests you can’t do solo while having a mechanic specifically designed for solo players. Plus there’s the fact that Sunbreak (peak) literally has 0 MMO shit at all, but we can’t know if that’s a general change of direction for the franchise or just the B team. We will have to wait and see.
@yoso378 15 күн бұрын
Took the words right out of my mouth lol
@CyberBoy7703 15 күн бұрын
7:16 you could have survived if u did a clutch claw counter also DAYUM this is like the 4th video ive been in! and I was happy to give you the screenshot for prices in the US
@NovaBushido 15 күн бұрын
we'll have to keep track of how many you survived in
@alderwield9636 15 күн бұрын
Short answer : not really
@hitothelivingdrawing1035 15 күн бұрын
HELL NO! I don’t have a single thing positive to say about the sieges in world as a mechanic. I mostly play the game single player, but even when I play multiplayer these quests can be annoying. I’m more positive to safi cuz I like him as a monster, but even with him you have to grind him a bunch just to get the kill. Kulve and her dps checks on the other hand would have to be my least favorite hunt in the series. If the sieges did come back for me to like them they would have to make them less grindy, and have bigger times between phases in the case of kulve, and even then I’d still rather just fight monsters normally
@VadeInSpiritu 15 күн бұрын
@VadeInSpiritu 15 күн бұрын
I hated behemoth. You basically can’t fight him solo. Just doesn’t feel like monster hunter. Didn’t really like that safi and Kulve, who gated the best gear, required multiplayer. It makes it feel like you can’t enjoy the game at your own pace as much. I feel like safi and Kulve could have been modified a bit and would have been good monsters even solo, but needed some of the mmo mechanics taken out. Also ancient leshen pretty much required multiplayer but didn’t really gate any good gear so I just ignored him. Makes me feel kinda bad though that I didn’t complete 100% of World and Iceborne solo. Did kill fatalis and alatreon solo.
@drypotato6990 15 күн бұрын
behemoth is poorly designed, and idk what the devs smoked while thinking about his attacks.. it feels worse than mhw kushala (which is almost impossible), hits like a truck, has stupid hitboxes, you're way too dependent on the performance of your whole team. the only issue with kulve, is that you have to follow her to narnia, and this kind of stuff even sucked in the older mh games. safi and kulve are way too much focused on multiplayer.. lets say there is no person who could or wants to join your quest, and none of your friends is playing, well then have fun grinding over and over without killing them for a while and getting rng drops as a reward. i dont mind if they bring all of that back, but this would need to be a less annoying hunt without rng weapon drops, and rather give craftable stuff. there are multiple examples of challenging quests still being fun, without draining the soul.
@JCShadow6342 14 күн бұрын
Safi'Jiiva is my favorite monster in MH, so it is an easy yes for me. I wouldnt mind him being brought back as a normal mission tho. I just want Safi XD
@honeychonav4027 15 күн бұрын
Well let me add my voice to the mix, but I have to say I absolutely love the Kulve, and Safi'jiiva fights in MonHun. I love the idea of chipping away at a large monster with your friends until it's easier to hunt and then slain. Or in Kulve's case you let her live cuz all you wanted was her gold. XD But some of my best memories of MonHun was doing these quests with my friends. Coming up with strategies unique to each of us to bring the monsters down easier each time. Or focusing on parts the other hasn't. It's perfect content to do with friends, or with a community. And it has to be said. There is a unique fun for community based hunts that should be considered. I loved how we've got together and maybe learned about a few more people outside our group of friends thanks to noticing each other during these hunts. Hell there was this one time that we were doing great at the early hunt of Kulve, and not so great at the late hunt and I've scored the win by doing a wall leaping slash with a Greatsword. Everyone in the call got so hyped from that. And together with my friend who's a bowgun main, and I the bugstick main, and my other friend who's a Swax main. My friend has a Kulve Shredder Bowgun, I focus on triggering mounts at specific moments of the fight, while my Swax friend focuses on wall clanging her. We've got similar moments with Safi too especially since we know how to position Safi to open up his damn back to our DB main friend. Or if I'm playing IG the back is my responsibility and I help my Bowgun friend clip the wings. We coordinate on what leg isn't broken yet and ... well yeah. We just have a lot of fun figuring these monsters out and doing the content together. And we hope to see an iteration of this within Wilds. Since 16 player lobbies are back. I want the devs to take advantage of and create hunts designed around community play. Though I also do hope they can balance it around solo players too, though that's a bit of a difficult ask. Though in that sense. I suppose my sense for this kinda is a little weird because I mainly come from MMOs. FFXIV especially, and yes I've done some MMOs entirely solo like TERA or BDO, but in FFXIV you have portions designed for solo (Like Story) and portions designed for group play (Like Dungeons, Trials, and Raids) Now there has been one mad Elezen who's been attempting a solo run for the group content lol. But in that sense. I played the majority of the game where I could hunt monsters on my own. But I also understood that there were monsters that I couldn't tackle alone, and had no issues joining up matchup groups for these hunts. Either through SOS or Lobbies designed to hunt them. Which is pretty much how I played in ffxiv. Content I couldn't alone, I'd join a group. Content I could I'd hunt solo. So the game is kinda designed around that. I try to like approach hunts in the open world/story alone first. As a test of skill, and then afterwords I play with my friends. So I often am either in front of them clearing through hunts they haven't gotten through to yet. Or I'm behind them because they're focused on the main missions and I'm clearing out side content. And I understood pretty quickly that Kulve and Safi were raid content. Ment to be tackled in a group. Also I'm pretty sure the 100 player lobby thing was just for the Beta to stress test right? Also I absolutely loved seeing Behemoth in MonHun. It's actually surprising how they had taken that Apex Beast and translated it into MonHun. And of course it isn't a MonHun fight. It's a Final Fantasy translated into Monster Hunter. So there's alot of designs and isms that anachronous to MonHun including the fact it casts Magic, and it's fucking Meteor spell especially on death and the goddamn comets that you have to make sure doesn't break. XD It's also interesting how they had taken the unfair mechanics they translated from Behemoth. And made it more fair in the Safi'jiiva fight. That is of course you don't DPS Safi'jiiva too fast and create a enrage moment with no hidey rocks. That is to say, I do think the Witcher Fight was even more unfun. Mostly due to the original fight being designed where you babysit the Pukei when it fights with you, and Lechen's fucking use of binding attacks. Get that fucking shit out of here it's even worse than Frostfang's Ice because it locks on. Toxic fucking tree spirit. And I'm not as much of a fan of the Witcher series compared to Final Fantasy. So I'm a little more forgiving of Behemoth. And I seriously hope the rumor (and joke) of Bahamut being added to Wilds comes through lmao. Give me my dragon inside a dragon and TERAFLARE
@honeychonav4027 15 күн бұрын
Post Script. Take care of yourself Nova. It ain't fun being sick. A hunter needs to keep themselves healthy and hearty! And yeah I'm not a big fan of rng weapons either. That aspect I could really do without.
@dond2377 14 күн бұрын
I loved the sieges, never grinded Kulve, tho I did hear it sucked getting specific weapons. However, I feel like that was taken care of with Safi drops, using that weapon gave you the weapon type. While I get that some solo players dont like how long these fights might take, MH as a series has ALWAYS been about MP in its highest difficulties prior to Rise/Sunbreak, the monsters were all scaled for multiplayer in hub. So, if they can tune a siege to something like that, then sure, if not...well, im also in the camp that not everything should be easily accomplished, as the older games solo hunts were testaments of skill at the higher levels, so yes the siege fight solo should still be very difficult, but accomplishable with correct builds and skill.
@ZdkDzk 15 күн бұрын
The RNG is too extreme, but I like these hunts a lot. So much of the community (and sometimes game) is hyper focused on stack damage skills > hit the head > kill as fast as possible. It's wild to me that a capcom action game largely about self expression and personal skill has a community that values clear times over style. Seiges give us reasons to use different builds or playstyles, and alternative objectives for what constitute optimal play. What I don't like is when I'm in a lobby with people who treat it like a solo hunt against a normal monster. It's a different type of fun when you have a team of people actively working together to make openings and taking on roles for the fight. It's fanatastic when you run into the rare team that fully understands the fight and can one cycle it perfectly. It sucks when your team members just start beating the head and don't even bother enraging the monster, doubling the number of runs you need to actually beat the seige and forcing you to waste time covering for them. As someone whose mostly only played World, I assumed seiges were an attempt to bring back the guild quests from earlier games. The way people talk about everyone having to prepare and fill a role in the fight in the old games just sounds like a stricter version of seiges. tl;dr: they're a fun change of pace that push you to engage with the game beyond raw damage and clear times. And when you're with a good team it brings out some of the best aslects of the multiplayer system.
@pikldBeets 12 күн бұрын
I’ve never gotten to play a MH game day-one. Especially in World, I think I was about a year behind. I had to just swallow that fact that I wasnt going to be able to do these raid quests on Xbox. Really sucks they don’t have these for solo-only
@teagan5494 15 күн бұрын
I would love siege battles again. I miss the old Titan monsters. Would be cool to things like safi, kulve, gaismagorm, gogmazios. One I want above all others however. Gotta be either Lao-Shen Lung. Or Dalmadure
@JeannieLove 15 күн бұрын
I think we should have an actual "raid'" boss. Kulve and especially Safi felt inspired by the Ur-Dragon in Dragon's Dogma 1.
@Mirawaru 15 күн бұрын
@stormerjc9493 15 күн бұрын
I'd say having seige monsters like Gogmazios are Jhen Morgan or even super hard monsters like alatreon or fatalis encourage Mutiplayer hunting and bring the community together bit the seige system doesn't necessarily need to come back with them cuz I think that system has the issue of putting to much of the meta to be surrounded around the same like 2 monsters rather then evolving the whole roster, I would like relic weapons from 4u to come back tho
@LimeyTherapist 15 күн бұрын
these siege quests made me quit world when I ran out of bosses I could do for fun still (so basically till alatreon and fatalis). I want none of it back unless they actually made differences to the fights or massively scale down HP for solo to make it feasible to be done solo. As much as I love the "4 CB vs ____" videos, multiplayer does not interest me unless its someone I already enjoy playing games with. genuinely some of the worst designed fights in world that highlights its issues trying to be a different series entirely. If it were a collab in another game series with these monsters or a spin off series then what the hell go for it but world was meant to be a revitalisation for the series and absolutely fell flat in that regard by not properly respecting the legacy of the series in so many ways. the pinnacle of this design philosophy is the siege quests and wilds will be twice the game world was for a lack of them
@xGravityONEx 15 күн бұрын
Tbh I really liked safis weapon system. It would be awesome to connect this not with a single monster but rather an area like the guiding lands.
@buttersidedown5905 15 күн бұрын
I’m fine with sieges as long as they can be scaled to hunt solo and it doesn’t result in all of the best weapons coming from one monster. It needs to be like rise where there was a ton a variety in the meta and off meta weapons
@Zomboinie 14 күн бұрын
I getcha with the solo hunting viewpoint, but Safi and Kulve are the most "multi-lite" they can be. Can't you just join a full lobby and then post 1 hunter only quests for those two if you want to solo them without really "soloing" them? Honestly I expected more of an issue with the weapon gacha systems they had. I wasn't much for those, it'd have been nicer if they dropped a special orb to modify a weapon class of your choosing instead of needing to get double lucky - once for your weapon type, again for the right stats.
@NovaBushido 14 күн бұрын
Some people don't want to play online at all, it will limit them regardless. Let's see how they handle it in Wilds, it'll be interesting to see where it goes.
@comaloma 15 күн бұрын
Hell yeah
@robertovidiuspinu3314 15 күн бұрын
I didn´t enjoy the Worldborne sieges one bit as a solo player. But if they had a normal quest balanced on solo players then I wouldn´t mind seeing them again. Another addition I want to see is saved progress. The fact that your progress doesn´t save if you leave the server is a nightmare to deal with. Either do an 8h hunt to kill the monster or skip their fight.
@heyimurchin6575 14 күн бұрын
My problem with siege is that they become somewhat inaccessible for many. The rotating schedule, required MP for better rewards and overall hunt design. I actually tried Safi solo. It's stressful. The monster's attack patern is really tailored for MP, you need to break multiple parts for rewards, time limit. Same with HR KT. I prefer a hard hunt that requires more skill vs. needing 16 people (12 of which you don't even interact with) working towards a single goal.
@cliffallica 15 күн бұрын
I personally don't find enjoyment from anything that distracts from the core gameplay loop of MH games. I like the ladder climb and I never really vibed with siege or arena type quests.
@yoso378 15 күн бұрын
Same here. I feel like it's part of why i wasn't really crazy for World and am not particularly interested in Wilds. It's just not what i play these games for.
@CB-lg1pk 14 күн бұрын
I loved the MR Kulve and Safi High rank Kulve was pain
@Black-Templar69 14 күн бұрын
As a longtime MH fan that started with Freedom Unite and not World like everyone else. Siege monsters would be fine if they weren't a time thing, I don't want to wait 3 or more months to hunt a fkn monster like Kulv, that was literally the worst piece of content they did for World and is dead content, nobody wants shit where its FOMO, even if it comes back, theres still a stupid wait period, nah fuck that. We don't need a wait period in MH, ever. Just give us all the monsters back and let us hunt to our hearts content.
@rileymoore7025 15 күн бұрын
I think siege hunts should return, but should only have normal armor and weapons; the trade-off would be a high quantity of evergreen items like armor spheres, trade-in items, vouchers, etc., with quantity/rarity increasing based on performance.
@bluefiredemon448 15 күн бұрын
Im not sure tbh. Just make them soloble i guess and give good rewards?
@srenpedersen7496 15 күн бұрын
i kinda hope not. the only reason i never liked about world sieges were having to fight them over multiples times and having to focus breaking stuff to progressive the bar while kinda being forced to do multiplayer. but i did like both the monster and fights of those raids
@DuncanMaisonneuve-kk3vf 15 күн бұрын
One word: no.
@kevo300 15 күн бұрын
I never was able to do safijiva because I play offline. Still regret it to this day because I hunted everything other than that.
@Sir_PinkPirate 15 күн бұрын
Safi and Kulve have been rebalanced to be doable solo now, not as fun as doing it with a group, but very doable now.
@kevo300 15 күн бұрын
I hunted Kulve alot but I heard Safi takes hours solo to drain energy so I just didnt bother​@@Sir_PinkPirate
@alfafa6757 15 күн бұрын
I hope they don't bring it back i don't wanna have to jump in a lobby to do a raid when i'm playin monster hunter, if i want to play this type of content i can go and play a actual mmo.
@dumithegreat3892 15 күн бұрын
ez, then don’t interact with it. you have self control, even if the gear slaps, if you hate the quest format, you should just ignore it. a lot of us actually have fond memories of the siege hunts in Worldborne, and i’d hate to see the concept get introduced to mainline once, and then get completely abandoned, especially with the new lobby sizes
@alfafa6757 14 күн бұрын
@@dumithegreat3892 yea let me just lock myself out of this entire gear upgrades in a game that is focused on optimizing gear just cos the devs want to force me to play with 16 randoms online in a game i paid for.
@dumithegreat3892 14 күн бұрын
@ Monster Hunter was designed to be a multiplayer game, and you complain that the devs wanted to gear the sieges around multiplayer lobbies... you can't be real dude. plus, they re-balanced the siege hunts, to be solo-able now, especially Kulve.
@alfafa6757 14 күн бұрын
@@dumithegreat3892 Yea the game already has a multiplayer it does not need a big boring mmolike raid to force people to interact with randons online, MH is not a franchise that is designed solely around the multiplayer aspect, thats why in older titles you had the offline village quests and could play the hub quests solo, it never gatekeepet you from enjoyin the game as a solo player, world was the one that removed village quests and made it into a entire online thing, world was the one that insists on tryin to shove the multiplayer aspect into everyone throats to the point that you have a achievment for firing a sos flare.
@dumithegreat3892 14 күн бұрын
@@alfafa6757 ok bro hahaha
@javi8905 15 күн бұрын
i think these quests are fine for what they are. I think having quests that cant be done solo or are extremely difficult alone is not new for mh. They were usually events n stuff. having things that force players to engage in multiplayer aspect which is one of the absolute cores of the game isnt necessarily a bad thing. I can see ppls complaints about it ive been a mostly solo player for a super long time. Mh isnt the only game that has these barriers to aquiring equipment etc. MMOs and other games do it all the time. Theres just stuff u cant get if u dont do it with other ppl or meet certain requirements. I think MHs flexible nature makes ppl forget these potentially disappointing things are part of videogames in general and mh isnt unique for doing them Also rng weapons isnt bad either. Rng weapons from 4U was amazing and fun u could get some really unique weapon combinations and u could end up having weps others dont have which is cool. im not sure i liked the way it was in icebourne. things should be reworked for sure but i dont think they are inherently bad or should be axed altogether
@hakuryu5874 14 күн бұрын
Im not an old gen player but I hate the siege monsters. It pretty much requires you to play in lobbies when I just want to play the game with friends. When a key progression point is locked behind large group content, it sucks the fun out of it and chases away players that don't want that.
@kwamemiller 15 күн бұрын
I trust the MH team to innovate on siege quests, wilds will be FIRE
@madbrosheo1514 15 күн бұрын
I guess I’d be fine with them returning as long as they’re actually fun. Siege monsters, at least in World were all pretty boring if you ask me.
@serenity3157 14 күн бұрын
Siege at HR then on MR can be like KT hunt, No need for 1-3 hunt.
@samuelspry6955 11 күн бұрын
(Saw a vid about wilds) Cool! (Saw the title and Safi'jiva) Hahaha! NO. We don't.
@NAUploads 12 күн бұрын
The siege quests for kulve and Safi were terrible in world/Iceborne. Terribly repetitive and too complicated for your average player to handle, so they'd ruin it for others.
@philipbrown6079 15 күн бұрын
@sageslim1914 15 күн бұрын
Nah don't want that in this game
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