Should You Pull For Kafka/Blade Or Save For 1.3?

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@Lace Жыл бұрын
i know some of you are pretty furious over some of the things i said in this video. i've made a follow up video:
@qwertysora Жыл бұрын
Luocha being 8/10 is kinda sus... like i think the fact that he can heal your allies without using any skill points is enough to make him 9 alone and add the fact that he can remove buffs at e0 and remove enemy debuffs makes him 10
@mattiswan1 Жыл бұрын
with eidolons hes even more cracked, basically becomes hamony nihility and preservation in one character not to say he isnt already insane at e0 though
@akiasura Жыл бұрын
He has def made MoC MUCH easier for any team he is on. It seems like I always have 1 charge ready to go at all times and I just pop the ult or let him passive heal to auto start the healing ring. The heals never seem to end honesty
@ecchisage7459 Жыл бұрын
Agreeed. His healing is insane and he's free skill points. Who is the 10/10 healer if Luocha is only 8/10
@oLxvy Жыл бұрын
the reason is that he scales off atk. at first that might sound really nice because he can also do good damage, but because he doesn't scale off hp like other healers he's really squishy, he'll die way more quickly if you're not careful.
@cynthiastarcrossed Жыл бұрын
@@oLxvy That would be the case if he didn't auto skill for free on himself once every 2 turns and his passive plus talent makes it so that teams heal so much they all will have full health nearly all the time. Not to mention that its very easy to just get enough speed to make it so that those 2 turns can happen between each enemy attack.
@FlekaZzz Жыл бұрын
luocha 10/10 for sure. I went from only 3 staring the first 5 stages in MOC to 3 star all stages after pulling loucha! Hes a game changer!
@EACru2002 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, and imo Luocha is the best character in the game. As the best healer in the game (by a good margin), he will be “meta relevant” until TWO characters able to solo sustain power creep him since as the current best, even if one better healer comes out, he just moves to the second team. Meanwhile, I’m already running into multiple floors where I don’t bother bringing Silver Wolf because she’s not needed at this point, my roster has grown enough that she’s not necessary a lot of times. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still very, very good, top tier for sure. But some y’all build her up to such ridiculous heights that y’all overrating her at this point lol. Luocha will be seeing far more action in both the near and far future on my account.
@JustMeSylOnline Жыл бұрын
@Lace Жыл бұрын
to be honest, that's a really fair take, and i probably rated him a little too unfairly, especially because i definitely experienced something similar too, but I think the issue is that I started seeing people clearing without healers on one side, and it skewed my brain, making me undervalue him
@sanzuriver2959 Жыл бұрын
If your account lacked healing or lack two properly built healer, then Luocha will have that effect, but if you never had issues to begin with then adding Luocha changes very little. Luocha E0 is not a game changer, you just needed a properly built healer instead of relying on raw heal numbers on a kit. Luocha E6 however is a game changer, he becomes this support healer who provides a lot of team buffs in his kit. 8.5/10 is very accurate for E0, E6 is easily 10/10, but most people won't have that.
@ShinSnipes Жыл бұрын
​@@sanzuriver2959 you just contradicted your own statement by saying that having luocha will have that effect if you were having problems with moc before and then saying he's not a gamechanger
@yosoress Жыл бұрын
Luocha 11/10 he's just way too useful and generates so much SP plus makes every single one of your unit into a healer, CLARA = Healing punch Seele = Oh ye boi time to heal
@Ikarugashi Жыл бұрын
"Healing punch" Im sorry if im wrong but. Are you referencing "Wrong way to use healing magic"?
@yosoress Жыл бұрын
@@Ikarugashi there's no it's the right one, I can use magical punch and then kick someone , and tell them that's what makes it magical
@AzariusR Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the main cast to get their OP variants haha. March 7th's might be most likely able to discover her true Name and origin too.
@danielw.2456 Жыл бұрын
I hope March 7th's true form is a 5 star Ice Nihility class that specializes in the Dissasociation debuff that's currently only in the Simulated Universe in the Rememberance Blessing tree.
@Piccolololmao Жыл бұрын
@@danielw.2456 March7 alter is definitely a Quantum.
@danielw.2456 Жыл бұрын
@@Piccolololmao Oh my goodness, i totally forgot she'd most likely change elements like MC & Dan Heng did. Lol
@Piccolololmao Жыл бұрын
@@danielw.2456 ya and entanglement is similar to frozen in a lot of aspects
@PauloRPGGamer Жыл бұрын
March 7th 5star name is July 4th
@Finagou Жыл бұрын
But MoC changes every patch. So it's not very correct to rate future characters due to that factor.
@Lace Жыл бұрын
yes, but there is one thing that i would bet on, and its that quantum and imaginary will never be on the same side (probably until way later on). IF we take that assumption (which to be honest is kinda lofty and will probably bite me in the ass one day lmao plz don't screenshot this i have kids), then having Seele dominate the majority of one side and IL on the other, then the coverage is massive.
@lewsee5562 Жыл бұрын
Keep in mind that MoC changes to sell the current banner characters. That's why 1.1 MoC is mostly Quantum and Imaginary weak. Expect the same to happen in 1.3.
@ravenwong651 Жыл бұрын
so you are telling me even when MoC do not benefit Seele, she still stands above those that has MoC buff?!
@Finagou Жыл бұрын
@@ravenwong651 yes
@icaughtalopunny Жыл бұрын
After getting to play as Imbibitor Lunae in the new story chapter, Dan’s new form deserves extra credit not only for style but also for how fun he is to play around with.
@Lace Жыл бұрын
for the record, Blade can DEFINITELY act as a main DPS, and it works very well.
@akiasura Жыл бұрын
If I wanted to use Blade as my main wind dps for MoC content, what team would you recommend
@dzhumsx Жыл бұрын
​​​@@akiasuraBlade/Bronya/Silver Wolf or Pela/Luocha i guess for f2p i think i would go Blade/Yukong/Pela/Natasha(and switch her for Lynx later)
@runaway1635 Жыл бұрын
​@@dzhumsxi thought blade and bronya don't worl well together?
@HRavenfolks Жыл бұрын
@@runaway1635 Where do you get the idea? Bronya literally the only Harmony units that works well with him, because other units mostly buff only ATK, which he scales terribly.
@david_lifeandgames Жыл бұрын
high risk though, especially in MOC when he keeps leeching his own HP. Yea we argue Luocha will keep healing but that happens only at max once a turn. It will take away Luocha's passive heal from your other team members. We know how tough MOC is especially passed room 7 onwards.
@BeastOrGod Жыл бұрын
Super Daniel Hengsen is a MUST PULL FOR IMAGINARY BROS.
@dpsmalls Жыл бұрын
My guess is that Fu Xuan will be able to solo sustain on par or better than Gepard, simply for the reason that Gepard is on the permanent banner and Fu Xuan is the first limited tank. Gotta get those FOMO bucks. Still leaning Kafka over Blade because the unique playstyle is interesting to me, but I think you're right that she'll probably be more interesting when a rerun comes around. Thanks for the video.
@linuxramblingproductions8554 Жыл бұрын
Yeah by that logic luocha wouldn’t solo sustain better then bailu lol
@andersonsamuel123 Жыл бұрын
Yeah is so weird how is he thinking that the first limited preverservation will be worse than a permanent character.
@olio411 Жыл бұрын
I really like that theory about the characters that can't be rated. However, I wouldn't assume they'd be Archon type level, I would just assume it means those 4* characters are most likely getting an upgraded 5* version like Dan Heng, not necessarily better than other 5*
@jalisasarty4353 Жыл бұрын
I love that it includes Sampo. The unsuspecting comic relief character
@mikaelakertia1616 Жыл бұрын
Tbh 1.2 is an easy skip for me, but i'd still pull Blade just because he's Yingxing in the past and i wanted to collect high cloud quintet characters. And then i'll go for DHIL, Jing Liu, and Baiheng. But i prioritize Dan Heng IL over all.
@scareflare7553 Жыл бұрын
Is dan heng IL, the god of destruction? Or just a character looking like dan heng, so ppl call him dan heng IL, I'm confused what's going on around dan heng IL
@khloele296 Жыл бұрын
@@scareflare7553 basically IL is dan hengs 'dragon form', and he has a completely different gameplay, path, and kit. he's a seperate character from the 4 star dan heng, and his banner will come first thing in the 1.3 update.
​@@scareflare7553 Dan Heng is a vidyadhara elder in his past life, and IL is his awakened form granted by Long the Permanence, the vidyadhara's dragon ancestors.
@sapphire2640 Жыл бұрын
for real 1.2 is the easiest skip in my whole gacha journey because 1.3 ekfjgehkvf
@Ie_Froggy Жыл бұрын
​@@sapphire2640the game handed me Blade whether i wanted or not
Жыл бұрын
Kafka team must have Black Swan in the team! She'll be the character that upgrades the DOT team to a higher level. Anyway, I still go with Kafka because of her unique playstyle.
@dntjudgedcoveritself Жыл бұрын
I used to watch your Alchemy Stars contents it's nice to see you around HSR community !
@Lace Жыл бұрын
ayo an OG, thank you for watching!
@diegoarend3281 Жыл бұрын
They'll probably make the 2 phases of MoC based on what 5star on that version. They will probably going to make Wind and Lighting overlaps in 1.2 for Blade and Kafka (1.1 is quantum and imaginary for SilverWolf and Luocha).
@funnyanime368 Жыл бұрын
Blade is only meant to be played by SIGMA ALPHAS who take risks
@deyyy- Жыл бұрын
All hail!
@rona0427 Жыл бұрын
If one of the few bad things you can say about Blade is that he’s “boring,” that’s awesome. Bringing up something so subjective as a con? Hell, he must be pretty good!
@thetruebucketlist Жыл бұрын
What really shocked me was when he said all you will be looking at is his enhanced NA, did he forget he about his epic ult and follow up animation. I would say he is one of the least boring characters considering he actually uses his hole kit, compared to someone like Seele witch is just e=kill, e=kill, a sea of butterfly's repeat. I am definitely bias because I love blade but I found his perception of blade very narrow minded.
@jojoenathan Жыл бұрын
Subbed instantly. the Only cc who doesnt just spout and treat average hsr player like an idiots and just spouts: Oh kafka enable dot team, blade is ss dps. Fuxuan is a shielded and il is first imaginary dps. Really refreshing to see actual cc who cares about meta and really have a concrete pull values.
@Fco2k7 Жыл бұрын
I was considering going for Fu Xuan, since I already have Gepard, to make a mono-quantum team, you know. Already having Seele and SW, it could be a great mono-team. However, I am still building a second team. I have e1 Yukon and I want Welt to be my main DPS. Watching this video, I came to the conclusion that this second team doesn't have the same destructive force, compared to the Seele and SW team. I love Fu Xuan's design, I want to pull for her, but one of the things that Genshin Impact has taught me in these almost 2 years of playing it, is that it's better to pull for characters that mean an improvement for your account. Perhaps Imbibitor Lunae will be a good addition to my account. Nice video btw!
@ggmanera Жыл бұрын
you made the comment I’d make. I’m in the same situation: f2p and already have Seele and Wolf, so mono quantum team is really appealing. But you know what? I personally didn’t knew about that abundance quantum character when I “made the decision” of going Fu Xuan, so now I’m considering going for IL instead or her because I missed Luocha and still don’t have Welt. 100% IL will have more account value, but they unfortunately made Fu Xuan's animations with much care 😆 hoyo do know how to release characters.
@Fco2k7 Жыл бұрын
@@ggmanera Just today Yanqing came out pulling on the standard banner lol. Now I have a main DPS for my second team that will be Ice, with Gepard/Pela/Yukon. I will be able to swap SW between my Quantum team and Ice, which leaves the first team without a support character. I will have to abort mission "pull for IL", to pull for Fu Xuan lmao. Anyway, IL will be a OP DPS that I would love to have, but first I'll have to build 2 good teams, so I can get more Stellar Jades and pull for more characters.
@REINHART009 Жыл бұрын
I think that kafka is a DoT support, so, if we get a DoT dps, 10/10
@mr.cantplayaninstrument8402 Жыл бұрын
More like she'll always be in the discussion when ever a new DoT character arrives Because their damage will become her damage which is a pretty cool thing to think about And if their DoT damage is cracked, fair to say she'll be too Idk just a thought
@finiraelkhami8251 Жыл бұрын
I think I'm gonna save for IL to have that sweet sweet mono imaginary team
@hale_no Жыл бұрын
Omg, I already have welt and luocha, and we’re also be getting free yukong in the next patch 😳
@Yummymarshy Жыл бұрын
Serval is pretty solid with kafka for extending the shock dots
@satyamkumar8805 Жыл бұрын
Yeah My team along with Kafka would be Kafka , sampo , serval (currently e3) and asta(E5). Maybe I can exchange serval or asta with Luca
@Yummymarshy Жыл бұрын
@@satyamkumar8805 serval would be more stacking damage (pretty much infinite) if using a full energy regen build. Luka would function as a sub dps in that team and stacking his own damage (he detonates his own bleed which is percentage hp). Asta would be good since getting above 134 speed gives you two turns per round and asta increases attack which makes all dots do more(insane if you have an e4 sampo) My one concern is that you don’t really have a healer but you do have good weakness break so you could win hard content through solid burst.
@DanielDaAbadSukarno Жыл бұрын
Blade is 10/10 for me as Solo Enjoyer SU!
@DuploBone Жыл бұрын
I was hyped for mono-quantum with Silver Wolf, but the more I played the more I saw dual element teams with Silver Wolf are just as effective if not more effective (and far less restricting). An example being the enemy already has a weakness to Imaginary, but no weakness to Quantum, you can slot in Luocha / Yukong and then Silver Wolf and Seele. It's a pretty popular strategy from the Chinese meta right now and very effective at covering Break weaknesses with 2 different elements and Silver Wolf, working with pretty much anything since Silver Wolf's weakness implant prioritizes her allies. 👍
@MiraPacku Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate that you have a second tier list for your personal preferences really shows that hoyo games can be played in lots of ways
@aureus3234 Жыл бұрын
Wait... So we are getting a *better version* of March and Sampo soon?
@irisblink Жыл бұрын
this is like herrscher forms in honkai lol
@Tim_SS Жыл бұрын
I like how you breakdown things and explain to me like im 5. Subscribed🤟
@MrYamiBakura Жыл бұрын
I also compared Fu Xuan to Gepard because of her class until I read up on the leaks which of course I won't be discussing here; there probably will be some changes along the way.
@xhandhele Жыл бұрын
haha Lace your prediction was correct! You were wrong about Fu Xuan! Everyone should pull for her!
@klefleee Жыл бұрын
Luocha is 146 out of 10, plays with everyone!
@its_just_N Жыл бұрын
I just lost my 50-50 of Luocha to Himeko (as you do), so I'm hoping that either Fu Xuan will be able to solo sustain or one of these characters is OP enough to change MoC meta. Gonna be sad not pulling for multiple patches otherwise.
@linuxramblingproductions8554 Жыл бұрын
Dang that sucks bro i got her from the beginner banner i wish i rerolled for bronya on day one
@tartaglia. 11 ай бұрын
@@linuxramblingproductions8554I got bronya. Don’t use her much tho. Any tips on how to?
@linuxramblingproductions8554 11 ай бұрын
@@tartaglia. build as much crit damage as possible thats really one of the only stats you need you can also try speedtuning her although im not too familiar with that
@elxrxs863 Жыл бұрын
Seele 9/10 Jingyuan 10/10 Silverwolf 8/10 Loucha 9.5/10 Like if you agree
@justanotakugirl5821 Жыл бұрын
I'm in a really awkward place with this all still I wanted Kafka from the beginning but now she's the one I'm least interested in. Every time I get to trial Blade, I find it it really fun because of its simplicity, even though I originally had zero interest in him, idk why. But I already have Seele and Silver Wolf so I could go for Fu Xuan for mono quantum (and her animations are chefs kiss). But IL seems so good, I find the character very interesting, and it would be good to have a dps Imaginary character. I'm so torn at the moment. I have enough jade + pity to get two 5 stars, but I'm on a 50/50, gahhhh
@youtubemobilegaming Жыл бұрын
Its nice watching this as a f2p knowing I only got silverwolf and seele the 2 top rated characters and really enjoy playing them. I do plan on going for fu xuan for mono quantum and am thinking if I should put qingque with them and move seele over to my bronya team. Here is hoping lynx is on the fu xuan banner just as sampo is on the kafka one.
@thetruth3068 Жыл бұрын
In Genshin Impact community, we call this type of video "feeling crafting" not "theory crafting" It's just rambling and speculating
@nightsxgames Жыл бұрын
I mean, I whale a bit so will probably e0 Blade and Kafka... but Fu Xuan (and Lynx) will join Seele and Silverwolf at E6.
@khoinguyen4975 Жыл бұрын
Nah Blade sounds like the most fun character out of all 4 for me, the bruiser type is just much more interesting than Kafka or Dan who's just another DPS
@mimi2114-l6i Жыл бұрын
If you like him then pull ;)
@nooblord2416 Жыл бұрын
i'm a sword enjoyer , so ill pick blade and his singature , and of course mommy jing liu afterward to complete my masochist hp draining team
@jerene2496 Жыл бұрын
Tbh Dan Heng has carried my wind weakness so far… I started playing because of him. So I think this have really helped make my decision. I'm going for dragon daddy ❤
@banjokazuya2913 Жыл бұрын
You can't really make assumptions on Kafka without touching the leaks because she will only get stronger every time a DoT Nihility character will release which will cover her elemental weaknesses. Especially as a f2p.
@kapiprzybysz1295 Жыл бұрын
Luocha is 10/10. In team with clara you're immortal, and i already have clara team (clara/loucha/tingyun/yukong) so i will pull for fu xian and lynx for my selee/sw mono team and i can bruteforce content lol.
@thamismedina6394 Жыл бұрын
i think, that in a f2p point of view, luocha is the one that brings the most after selee, u know, being able to solo sustein a entire team is crazy, i would rate him 9, selee 9,5, jing 8,5 and silver wolf would vari from 8 to 9,5, 8 if u only have her, and no other good dps, 9,5 if u have a well equip selee, thats my point of view being f2p player
@JustMeSylOnline Жыл бұрын
Mono quantum team is going to break every enemy a$z 😅 no one can stop this. and i'm here for it👋😎
@FunTimeGhz Жыл бұрын
Kafka is a must. She will open the other route to building characters in this game. Route 1: crits Route 2: DoT The game will continue to release characters for both routes, and thus the easiest approach is to divide your characters to two teams, team crits & team DoT. This way, you get to experience two different styles + finding good relics would be much easier as well; If the relics are crits, they go to team crits. If they are effect hit rate/ breaks effect they go to team DoT. This is the right way to play this game, especially if you are f2p.
@randomjavaman Жыл бұрын
Waiting for *5 version of March 7th :D
@CasualPoser Жыл бұрын
Sure, I'll watch this vid. Not like I haven't decided to pull for Kafka and Jingliu.
@aadadevoide Жыл бұрын
👀 respect for summing up all 4 on the thumbnail 👍👍
@Hello-nr7vy Жыл бұрын
see im not sure why they would release fu xuan being worse than gepard. Like how Luocha is better than bailu in most situations, so idk
@linuxramblingproductions8554 Жыл бұрын
I agree that doesn’t really make sense to me limited characters are almost always better then permanent characters
@HRavenfolks Жыл бұрын
From what I can see, Blade is definitely a more appealing unit for me because of how flexible he is (granted that you need to pair him up with a healer). Blade HP scaling allows him to be a pseudo tank that can deal damage on top of being a Destruction unit that has increased aggro value. I'm not a big fan of Preservation on this game because of how wasteful it feels like for fast clearing content. There are many instances where the auto-battle that I'm doing with FMC in Seele team ends up in Seele not having any SP for her skill because for some reason FMC keeps taunting the enemy every turns they get. So having the ability to remove shielder like that entirely from your team in replacement of a sub-dps unit that has the ability to deal huge damage is better especially for fast clearing MoC and overall auto-battle efficiency.
@abneravila4607 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you. And disagree with his point of blade being “boring” because all you see is his enhanced basics. I think he’s quite fun. With his high aggro he regenerates energy quickly and not to mentions his follow up attack, he’s quite fun.
@irisblink Жыл бұрын
i run femc and march 7th in almost every team because i like seeing femc take 0 damage with march's shield
@rikylj_ Жыл бұрын
I'll skip 1.2 banners to save up for IL Dan Heng and specially Jingliu
@Lace Жыл бұрын
yes, yes, jingliu, the only character that actually matters uohhhhhh
@kuronekonyan Жыл бұрын
@Dale553 Жыл бұрын
@@kuronekonyan outbuddied again
@darknessrises948 Жыл бұрын
@@kuronekonyan You need help 🥲🥲🥲
@xenoemblem7 Жыл бұрын
@@Dale553 I've seen the out buddies thing, what the heck does that suppose to mean?
@wado5151 Жыл бұрын
the mono quantum team doesnt have to be mono quantum tho example Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, bronya (enemy must be weak to wind) Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, tingyun (enemy must be weak to electric) Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, pela ( enemy must be weak to ice) Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, yukong (enemy must be weak to imaginary) Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, asta (enemy must be weak to fire) kinda the worst one tho/ speed buff can better depending on stats. Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, clara (enemy must be weak to physical) their isnt a phys buff or debuff so instead this team has a tank for now fu xuan should give agro to clara (might be incorrect tho) Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, lynx (personally this team is too defensive id wait for quantum buff or debuffer who isnt silverwolf) // edit also although these requirments are hard to meet for f2p its the best team as no matter what u have a team for one side of memory of chaos which greatly changes how much type coverage u actually need it also works in all content that seele works in although it might be tough for content with super high dps as their ud prob need a ur main dps to be destuction class ( content thats made for one shoting hunt characters) we already know hunts pretty op so id keep it in mind) (that also includes like kafkas boss mechanics where she can steel ur main dps and probably ruin ur team very quickly) this could also be dual dps team Seele, silverwolf, fu xuan, 2nd dps that isnt qingque as shes too skill point hungry (possible quantum destruction character)
@wado5151 Жыл бұрын
i also have everything for all these teams except fu xuan, or lynx since they can both tecnically be the 3rd slot
@AidanMahardika-r4t Жыл бұрын
I have himeko and seele sould i pull for blade or kafka? As my 2nd sub-dps, i target Gepard as my support but lucky isn't on my side i guess 😅
@ranorunadaira1452 Жыл бұрын
Just a head up, the characters animation quality in 1.3 is really good.
@killer4516 Жыл бұрын
Blade's design is so cool and I think he'll be super good with Jingliu once she releases. Im planning on doing a Jingliu/Bronya/Blade/Luocha comp.
@JoeyRoan Жыл бұрын
Won't the team die very quickly?
@killer4516 Жыл бұрын
@JoeyRoan No? Luocha, on his own, basically prevents anything from dying. Blade will constantly be proccing Luocha's heal field, so almost all the self-damage from Jingliu and Blade will be nullified. Not to mention, both being destruction means they aren't squishy like hunt characters.
@JoeyRoan Жыл бұрын
@@killer4516 Interesting. I intend to form a team composed of Kafka, Sampo, Luka and Luocha
@killer4516 Жыл бұрын
@@JoeyRoan That'll definitely be a strong DoT team. Good luck in your Kafka pulls!
@JoeyRoan Жыл бұрын
@@killer4516 Thanks! Good luck to you too in your blade pulls
@shinobly Жыл бұрын
I have jung yuan but I'm still going for Kafka considering I just really like the character, It does suck I have less verticality tho
@RedRose13777 Жыл бұрын
I think most F2P and low spenders play for fun so they will probably go for Kafka. Whales obviously will go for meta so they will pull for the strongest hero(es).
@fearlxss Жыл бұрын
they're releasing a lot of destruction, blade, IL, jingliu, the 4* quantum girl we saw during story quests; am i missing someone?
@TimoNaaro Жыл бұрын
I really liked your analysis. How much more damage does kafkas 5 star weapon bring compared to fermata superimposition 5. In a team sampo kafka luca and healer/preservation if team comp matters.
@mimi_x5640 Жыл бұрын
Being a Dan Heng fan since the 1st day, I knew I'd save up for IL since I first discovered him, so 1.2 will probably be a skip for now, because one of my goals is to have every stellaron hunter
@_Bleh_83 Жыл бұрын
Saw IL leaks He might be a powerful dps knowing his kit but there is one problem that would be solved with future character
@rennieveras004 Жыл бұрын
"mono quantum teams requires 3 5 star characters" me that have sw and 6 star qq: 😎
@linuxramblingproductions8554 Жыл бұрын
Damn nice i tried to get qq eidolons on luochas banner but just got a bunch of pelas instead I got E2 silverwolf and E0 qq lol
@breadchick2022 Жыл бұрын
My personal wishlist: 1. IL 2. Fu Xuan 3. Jingliu f2p help 😢
@karinano1stan Жыл бұрын
same but blade instead of fu xuan
@CrystalShannon713 Жыл бұрын
I'm not bothered about Fu Xuan (since I have and really like Gepard) but I'd really like IL, Luka and Jingliu but I'll only have enough to guarantee one and then hit 50/50 once. Surely I don't lose the next 2 50/50s right 😂
@jordimaulanafikri8114 Жыл бұрын
Same except there's only Fu Xuan and jinglu/topaz whichever I got I'm happy with it
@opbro751 Жыл бұрын
cry bith cry haha
@TheRealTact Жыл бұрын
Cope and seethe
@morasiregar1052 Жыл бұрын
6:25 there's actually talk about a character named Hanabi. It's a quantum harmony that buffs your character for each sp they used. So for someone sp hungry like Selee, that'd be crack. However, for the survivability aspect, I don't think Fu Xuan can tank by herself. That's why I'm thinking of putting a Gepard in the team so it'd be something like Gepard/Hanabi/SW/Selee.
@Lucky_Fluffy Жыл бұрын
Doesn't matter if Fu Xuan can or can't Solo sustain, Pulling for her Regardless.
@Sethstrat Жыл бұрын
FuXua and Blade with Lynx is gonna be a dastardly team
@cocoma6871 Жыл бұрын
Would you have any updated opinion on IL given his trial in the story? I feel like he’s gonna very skill point hungry just like Seele if not even more than her. Even though I have Welt i still feel like I need another solid dps as I only pulled for Jinyuan.
@AmritZoad Жыл бұрын
Loucha 8.5/10 ? Another channel I found, not to follow.
@jjjjjjj.03445 Жыл бұрын
true!! hahaha he is just a simp
@rizzdzz Жыл бұрын
I’m in the worst position of being so horrendously down bad for jing yuan AND Kafka but not having either of them and needing both of them and I’m so conflicted on whether or not I should just pull kafka or wait for a JY re run 😩
@Hermano547 Жыл бұрын
When jy rerun?
@rizzdzz Жыл бұрын
@@Hermano547 cuz he’s better kit wise than kafka and also I’m so down bad for him but idk how long it’ll be until he gets a re run 😭 I pulled for blade tho cuz I didn’t have a good wind unit so I’m just gonna wait for JYs re run that hopefully happens at some point
@10КатеринаПерекрьостова Жыл бұрын
pulled for jy and now regret it tbh especially skipping selee for him
@Agn_777 Жыл бұрын
rating silverwolf 10/10 and loucha 8/10 saved me 11 minutes from watching this video, thanks
@annanas9122 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, well... I have two accounts and was lucky enough to gave already pulled half the Monoquantum on one of them, so I'll go for that. At least for Lynx for sure. As for the other - Imbibitor Lunae for sure, already have E1 Yukong _AND_ E1 Luocha to support him, just need to save for the man himself. It kinda so happens that between the 4 characters he's my favourite not even from meta standpoint, but also from design and "husbando" point of view. And it just so happens that I also am not saving for Jingliu either (just like with Blade - don't like the character one bit so far), so all in on IL.
@sappy.3xe Жыл бұрын
I told myself if I don’t get Luocha in the time left of his banner then I’m going for Kafka. Girls supporting girls.
@Me27399 Жыл бұрын
I got jing yuan, luocha and welt shd i pull for il? For the 2nd team? The fiest is the jing yuan team. Lacking in quantum, ice coverage tho
@hansagui Жыл бұрын
What I'm planning to do is to get Fu Xuan. I already have Seele, SW and gonna go for monoquantum. For the second team, I will put Gepard Welt and Luocha and it's gonna be an overkill team 😂 just need my Yanqing to come home for double ice double imaginary. It's so hard to choose between Imbi and Fu Xuan as I'm only f2p but both could work better in my acc, either for mono-quantum or mono-imaginary.
@sheeeesh42069 Жыл бұрын
at first i was going to save for kafka but now im not sure.. being able to put dan heng and dan heng on the same team together sounds sick so im really debating trying for him instead.. maybe ill just wait for the 1.3 stream?
@UltraKaioken Жыл бұрын
im also thinking abt this. but im defo going for DHIL and but idk whether to get kafka
@santo2sexy Жыл бұрын
Something you got wrong with kafka is that she doesnt just dentonate DoTs, she effectively doubles the DoT dmg, because when she procs her ability it doesnt make the DoT go away, those effects stay on the enemy and trigger twice. This fact severely changes how people would determine her value on a team. And while her meta will definitely be DoT teams, her effectiveness as a single unit doesnt suffer from that fact. Personally place her abovr Jing Yuan in that she wont be difficult to build and heavily dependant like he is.
@IONATRIX Жыл бұрын
for blade I was wondering if he would be good for future teams where the main dps would take health , or maybe a mono wind team with bronya silver wolf and maybe a future wind healer (im assuming) .
@IONATRIX Жыл бұрын
@Lace_Giveaways lace this is fake right?
@keane4464 Жыл бұрын
pulling for IL no doubt, im building the mono-imaginary team, and sometimes using silver wolf to replace yukong if the enemies aren't imaginary weakness
@muhammaddzakyramadhan9125 Жыл бұрын
i dont understand, u said blade is boring because thats all he does, but what abt seele? clara? personally i view him to be more fun than seele just cos of the follow up attacks, but saying that a unit is boring is a braindead thing in a turn based game, cos by far the only non boring char is jingyuan, others just do the same stuff
@blacksurfer588 Жыл бұрын
I mean its all personal opinions. I think Seele is way more fun than Jing because of her technique. And Blade will be very fun for me trying to solo or duo stuff with Luocha.
@dudeimnotgay2971 Жыл бұрын
I believe he called him boring because you’re probably going to be seeing his basic attack animation for the majority of the time. Albeit he does still have the occasional ult and counter-attacks so he’s not really missing anything but a skill animation. I could see why skill-auto-auto-auto repeat could get a little repetitive but at the same time, a turn based gacha game probably isn’t the genre for you if repetition puts you off 😂
@muhammaddzakyramadhan9125 Жыл бұрын
@@blacksurfer588 yea i noticed that since putting luocha on 8'5 is weird enough
@rona0427 Жыл бұрын
@@dudeimnotgay2971 I mean if you’re reducing it to “Blade is just NA, Skill, Ult spam” then you’ve literally just described every character in the game
@muhammaddzakyramadhan9125 Жыл бұрын
@@rona0427 thats what i think, these guys talking abt boring when every concept of chat is na, skill, ult
@alvin.sozidatel Жыл бұрын
I feel like Imaginary Den is gonna be a bait to drain out players stellar jades before Jing Liu banner so more players actually top up to pull for her
@annanas9122 Жыл бұрын
Idk, I for one am 90% sure I'll be skipping Jingliu. Don't really like anything about her so far, meanwhile am extremely hyped for IL.
@killer4516 Жыл бұрын
I agree. I'm sure both will be very strong (although I personally think Jingliu will probably end up being more meta-defining), and both have very great designs. They are definitely trying to bleed people. Fortunately, I don't care for IL, so Jingliu is getting everything. Lol.
@linhlenguyen1749 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if they will put 2 Destruction unit back to back, but better double save for them just in case 😂
@jaguh9069 Жыл бұрын
About QQ, a lot of people are saying she is budget Seele and they perform the same role but they can co-exist in a team. QQ can be use as a sub dps, with attack boots coz she will generate tiles for every ally turn. That way, she will be sp positive.
@janeaucabuguas4021 Жыл бұрын
IL will definitely be a meta changing unit (based on leaks).
@Yuki_Ika7 Жыл бұрын
i will pull for Kafka, i just started about 6 days ago, i am near the end of act 2 of Belobog, i have been saving stellar jade and the premium tickets for Kafka banner pulls, by my calculations with what i have now combined with what i should be able to get i will have enough for at least 1 50/50, the only thing i have spent money on is the 90 jade per day thing and when next patch starts i will also get the battlepass thing. May everyone Win thier 50/50 and get whatever characters they want from their pulls, Good Luck everyone, if possible Wish me luck too (i might need it), and Favorite Characters/Waifus/Husbandos over Meta any day!
@-grumpygold1155 Жыл бұрын
this game doesnt explicitly said who are the archon variants so its unclear, i used to thought we actually are getting apostles of each of the respective gods, which i guess IL is? or is it not?
@Alexandragon1 Жыл бұрын
Thx for the video!
@steffie3148 Жыл бұрын
Im sorry, but I dont think Dang Heng IL will be equivalent of an Archon. In Genshin, Archons are considered super valuable because of their overpowered supportive capability (ex. venti - cc, Zhongli -shield) and flexibility not because of their DPS
@marclenraymagdaraog691 Жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: all characters can be main DPS even if it's Natasha or Gepard.. just put in Crit rate % atk atk% and elemntl dmg.. and yes they will deal low damage vs hunt/dest/erudi but they do dmg.
@VAMiyoyu Жыл бұрын
Zaddy Dang Feng will be mine
@bimoprakoso2820 Жыл бұрын
I have a question I want to 3* MoC Diff 2 but right now I only have 1 DPS of Lightning that is JY. I have maxed Clara too so I could probably put her in the 2nd phase since most enemies on Gepard are weak to physical. But other enemies besides gepard are weak to Lightning. It depress me as both phase are Lightning dependants. Should I pull for Kafka for these Scenarios? I dont think my Serval would be enough to solve the challenges in 28 turns 😓
@bimoprakoso2820 Жыл бұрын
Btw my team has: Gepard lv.80 Bronya lv.79 Silver Wolf lv.70 Welt lv.70 Jing Yuan lv.80 Clara lv.80 Trailblazer lv.80 Natasha lv.70 Qingque lv.70 (i dont remember if I built her much but she has like 1.5k ATK or something) Pela lv.70 (not useful for MoC diff 2) Serval lv.64 (not built much) Tingyun lv.60 (not built, just random relic) Yukong lv.70 Dan heng lv.60 (not built much) Sushang lv.60 (not built much) Others are below 40 or at worst still lv.1.
@drdarqq Жыл бұрын
Leaks ahead Jingliue kit is all about sacrificing your whole teams hp to do more damage so i think a team that would amazing for her is blade loucha silver wolf and her if her health sacrifice counts as one blades stacks it would be strong but you need a good healer that can sustain aka luocha
@Minnee545 Жыл бұрын
Not to offend any one but I see it as: Blade is strong but risky and I don’t want to remove Gepard from my team. Kafka, Enemy breathe = Cancer, enemy not breathe = cancer. Will go well with my team. Fu Xuan, Oh My Lord her animation are amazing but Gepard is syill my top. Don't have any quantum built- Inhibitor Lunae, where's my skill points at? Basically my team will be skill point negative. This is just me having fun. 10 extra points for Kafka because 3hen I saw her, she *shocked* me with how amazing she looked 👏
@livertine504 Жыл бұрын
Wth Loucha is way more a 10 out of 10 instead of Silver Wolf. Silver Wolf is so niche to use. I do not even use her anymore already.
@ArseneaLupin Жыл бұрын
For me this is pretty solid from a Meta POV, that's though I never understand in Kafka's team the value of Pela instead of Luka, sure the though part about it, is actually building Luka and Kafka at the same time, but honestly it's do able. Luka's debuff may be lower than Pela, but it stays for 3 turns pretty sure with enough ER he'll ult every 3 or 4 turn. Though sure when you ran into the mara struck enemies Pela is way more useful than Luka, but other than that I actually prefer Luka over Pela (I have a level 60 Pela on standby in case I'm proven wrong).
@QingQue_1bakai Жыл бұрын
kafka look amazing, but if I want to use her in combat I have to build "sampo" I don't like "sampo" design and personality.... I'm really confused and hesitant, should I get kafka or keep saving
@TBZ-ID Жыл бұрын
I will pull for Fu Xuan just because of her VA Itou Miku
@marcoreus2564 Жыл бұрын
loucha is definitely a 10/10. busted healing with no skill point consumption
@diegopuente8309 Жыл бұрын
I got BLADE WUUWW and I am also pulling for Dang heng 2.0 wywyyw
@Ronteque Жыл бұрын
Thank man! I was pulling for Blade but lost the 50/50 pity to E1 Bronya. I am outta jades now.. Gonna save it for Dan IL instead. I just can't see myself pulling anymore on Blade banner as the 4-stars are meh.. I already got E5 Sushang from pulling and I don't want any Nat or Arlan.
@AnaPaula-kt1oi Жыл бұрын
Fu xuan has the potention to replace a healer besides being an awesome tank and a CRIT buffer, 6.5 is not enough for her.
@Inktrailler Жыл бұрын
Actually, fu xuan still need a healer in the team
@Hermano547 Жыл бұрын
She doesnt generate a shield so she need a healer
@irisblink Жыл бұрын
split on kafka and dragon boy. i currently have like 85 pulls saved up and my plan is to either get both of them or guarentee dragon boy if i cant get kafka. but the issue is that i want both of them. :( my dps currently is qinque (luocha is my only 5 star limited character) and doesnt seem to do enough damage. (trailblaze level 50, might be why) im hoping dragon boy has good alternative 4 star lightcones, if not then i'll probably just settle for kafka
@PauloRPGGamer Жыл бұрын
As a F2P and Seele and JY haver, I’m skipping Blade, Kafka and Fu Xuan and will save and pull for IL ang Jing Liu.
@snansdunce1327 Жыл бұрын
one thing you forgot to mention is that during kafka banner luka will drop who is able to both deal DOT and also defense lower, which will be able to cover Pela's role AND add extra DOT, which i feel like will probably make kafka's team way more solid
@pumpkinut5314 Жыл бұрын
also a small leak. Luka's A2 allows him to immediately remove a buff from the enemy.
@Lace Жыл бұрын
absolutely, but it's exactly why i mention "you can't always run Kafka's best team". i think at a certain level of investment, you can just brute force everything, and that means bringing Kafka, Sampo, Luka literally everywhere, but until then, we'll probably still have to abide by the weaknesses.
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