SHTF QRP - Will 5 Watts Work for HF Emergency Comms?

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3 ай бұрын

Testing 5 watts voice portable during a G1 Geomagnetic event to see if low power is a viable option in a SHTF situation. #hamradio #shtf #comms

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@bevo65 3 ай бұрын
Hurricane Ike is the whole reason I decided to get into ham radio. Cell towers were down for days or weeks. For many neighborhoods, electricity was out for weeks. Radio waves still propagated.
@slappomatthew 3 ай бұрын
what were you able to do with ham in a hurricane?
@bevo65 3 ай бұрын
@@slappomatthew I wasn’t a ham yet. It’s the reason I became one.
@kuyakano8976 3 ай бұрын
When SHTF and all (electrical) services are gone including all those nasty solar panels, wall warts and power line transformers, imagine how quiet the bands will be :) For sure 5 Watt will work.
@MrToymod 3 ай бұрын
It’s amazing during a power cut.
@devonsaquariums2703 3 ай бұрын
We had a short lived power outage here one time(20-30m), and yeah it's amazing. I haven't done any portable/POTA stuff but I imagine if you find a good spot in the woods it must be similar.
@paulsengupta971 3 ай бұрын
Solar will still be on though.
@kuyakano8976 3 ай бұрын
@@paulsengupta971 Haha, agreed. It has been on for quite a while actually ;-)
@KN4RAY 3 ай бұрын
Hurricane Andrew wiped us out when I lived just north of Homestead Fl. No power for 3 months + until they rebuilt the grid. I was in high school and will never forget that storm.
@vladtepes481 3 ай бұрын
Many years ago there was a massive power outage in my area. I used a QRP (5W) radio mostly on 80 meters (CW and Phone) to determine the extent of the power outage. I was able to determine the affected counties. An NVIS or low dipole is great for this job. My IC-705 would also allow RTTY operation without a computer using my K1EL keyer. This radio allows for VHF (FM and DSTAR) for local contacts. (Count on using simplex) CW and RTTY are easier to use at low power. 80 meters was super quiet with regard to QRN.
@miketaylor6700 3 ай бұрын
Meal Team 6 😂😂😂 You are correct about voice being mode of choice when things are whack. And this will be a tough year for hurricanes.. keep your whits about you Walt!!!
@MyHamRadioJourney 3 ай бұрын
I'm okay with the few contacts as long as we get another Walt video. Thanks for all you do. I even mentioned your name at our Ham Radio Club meeting last night. Keep the videos coming, and keep the antenna builds going. All the best from Pa, 73s.
Thank you for the kind words my friend! 73, Walt
@anthonyglaser929 3 ай бұрын
as a long time Floridian this is my exact use case.
@mobiltec 3 ай бұрын
Love it Walt. I've found that saying QRP get's you to the front of the jam up in many cases. And 5 watts always blows people away when they hear it. Love QRP...
@WECB640 3 ай бұрын
An excellent subject Walt. IMO, most of the coms will be analog voice or CW, and will also be NVIS to just outside of the affected area. Therefore, I think 40M / 20M will be the predominant bands and the station should deploy a NVIS (probably EFHW), with perhaps a secondary vertical for traffic far outside the area. VHF/UHF for ultra local coms. Power generation will be at a premium and solar is the only option once fuel supplies stop. A few panels of various sizes should be used depending upon conditions (safety & theft). Pencil & paper will be lifesavers. Clear concise speech void of panic is achieved through training and is as important as the radio system used. Lastly, put your contact info on every item that is deployed as it will be often shared among other operators at a shelter. Keep up the GREAT work pal. 73
@VU3HZW 3 ай бұрын
From last couple of days Stan - KE5EE, couple of Indian, Bangladesh, Malaysian and Australian station operate a world wide net 14.207 - 20 Meters Some of the station did even QRP with below 10 Watts
@RunScared 3 ай бұрын
Walt, thanks for the example of doing all you can with 5 watts. Appreciate your content and the way you deliver it. 73 eh!
@SeamasterSig 2 ай бұрын
Don't forget local and regional comms! Following a natural disaster, of course you need to be able to reach friends and family outside the affected area, but coordinating with local friends and family, aid groups, etc., and staying on top of local news is equally important. I live in coastal Florida where Hurricane Ian made landfall on the mainland at around 150 mph after already wreaking havoc on Sanibel and Ft. Myers Beach. It took nine hours for the eye of the storm to pass by with the winds gradually weakening over that period. When it was over, I was amazed at how many local repeaters survived that beating. Not all, but most. Naturally, the power was out and the internet was down for weeks (only 2 weeks for us, but others waited longer). And cellular coverage was very hit-or-miss for well over a month, which was particularly frustrating due to all the die-hard non-radio people in my circle. HF is important not just for long-range, but ground wave and NVIS, too. However, don't forget VHF/UHF, GMRS/FRS, Winlink, JS8Call, and other digital modes and even CW, which all have a role to play. Whatever it takes. In addition, the county-based ARES teams (with whom I am involved) and the National Weather Service as well as other entities across Florida have been busy this past year building a robust NXDN network. I remember walking around my property with a cell phone at 4 a.m. the day after the storm after working on battery and generator power searching for a decent signal so I could send an email with a very large attachment to a client in Germany via the cellular network. And I finally succeeded. Whatever it takes! On the plus side, it's amazing how many stars you can see when the power is out for miles around 🙂
@LB0FI 3 ай бұрын
Excellent video Walt! I am not sure that I completely agree with you on the voice part though. Something like Winlink with the ability to send and receive regular email messages to non hams is very useful, especially the asynchronous nature of something like email.
@nickl3872 Ай бұрын
Sweet.. love this video thank you Walt!
@redjohn20001 3 ай бұрын
I was watching a TV program here in the UK. A guy went walking in the Welsh mountains and didn't return at the end of the day. He had his mobile but turns out he damaged his leg and couldn't walk in a mobile coverage shadow area. All ended well, he was found by rescue helicopter. Now if he had only had a Xiegu and telescopic aerial!
@paulsengupta971 3 ай бұрын
I've taken a VHF/UHF handheld radio out with me where I am in Wales, out on a walk where there's no phone coverage. Anyway, I tried some calls, tried getting into one of the local repeaters...and nothing. There was absolutely no one within radio range. I never bothered taking the radio again. Maybe I should try HF!
@bill-2018 2 ай бұрын
@@paulsengupta971 I used to have an a.m. Pye Bantam on 70.26 MHz, ½ Watt out and telescopic ¼λ on it to talk back to a couple of stations in the Stockport area. Being on the right side of the hill made a big difference. G4GHB.
@mikedodds7547 3 ай бұрын
Hey Walt, Good video as usual :) I would like to see more in this general topic area, particularly using quick to erect and take down antennas. Thanks to this channel I have a collection of telescoping whips from 9 feet to 18+ feet, and a collection of mounts to fit them. I'm sure I'm not the only ham who has been influenced by your videos in this regard :) As far as SHTF antennas go, a quick erect and take down NVIS would be a really cool video. Keep it up!
@VE9ASN 3 ай бұрын
If you really want a great mind's eye view of the difference from 100/10/1/100mw listen to the beacons from NCDXF/IARU international beacon project. Thanks again for the great vids, 73
@adam-g7crq 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree, I listen to the international beacon project regularly, great resource for real time propagation directions.👍
@bill-2018 2 ай бұрын
I listen to them too on mainly 10m, attic dipoles here, good signals from some European beacons but not so good for the N.Y. one and not always heard. QSO's of 1,000+ miles on 17m and 10m using 5 Watts c.w and s.s.b. and one Watt c.w. G4GHB.
@joeblow8593 3 ай бұрын
They used to make a manpack radio with 20 watts, it was the Vertex VX-1210 and cost upward $1600 plus accessories.
@m7trsradio 3 ай бұрын
Great video Walt. This is generally what I have to deal with every time I am on the radio. Happy with 817 I got east coast USA at the weekend just gone. 👍🏽
@MTimWeaver 3 ай бұрын
Nice video!! I've had the same desire for that type of radio for a long time. The challenge with radios like the Guohetec PMR-171 and similar is the push-button "VFO". Just for giggles, I ran a friend's PRC-320 "Clansman" manpack radio for Field Day (circa 2007) using both the whip and the wire antennas that came with it. Long story short, I made only a handful of contacts, most all in my own state (for reference, we were in the mountains, up around 7,000' ASL). But aside from trying to run that radio during would could be arguable the busiest radio day of the year in the U.S., the biggest challenge was trying to move around the bands. Even with the frequency adjustment being dials for each part of a frequency (thus making it easier (not easy) to change frequency), it was still a colossal pain in the neck. I cannot imagine trying to do that with a keypad based radio. These radios seem to be meant to be used in a "channelized" fashion. The SGC-2020 has a dial VFO and is rugged. But along with some issues (like the coax connector apparently NOT being bolted to the radio chassis, but just directly to the board), it requires an external battery. The closest radio I found that met what you're looking for AND was reasonably easy to operate was the Vertex VX-1210. Internal battery, tuner that could match a car bumper, and 20 watts, it seemed almost what you're looking for. The challenge with it was the extra batteries were very expensive, it had a standard 120v plug/transformer charger, and had a special unit that you connected to the computer to program it. While it was more set for "channelized" use since it was a field radio/commercial radio, one could access a quasi-VFO once you were on a frequency near where you wanted to be (e.g. Turn the knob to get to "channel" 14.250, push the VFO button, then you could move frequency from there in steps of 5). Nearly 20 years after my first steps into finding a Ham-friendly, VFO-based, internal-battery, 20w HF rig with a great tuner, I've yet to find one. I really stopped looking after around 2012 when I sold my VX-1210.
@johnnorth9355 3 ай бұрын
Shelter, water, food safety and then comms is the heirachy (shelter may not need to be first depending upon the location). Comms needs to be local at first to get organised so 40 is probably best with further distance only needed as things settle. If it's the big one cream to protect the backside from all the kissing goodbye may be needed :-). 73. M7BLC.
@stefanpaul9443 3 ай бұрын
I was out hiking today and took some QRP equipment with me…. X5105, EFHW and tablet for digital modes. While 10m was packed with dx stations on ft8 I barely heard anything on ssb 😢. Managed to to some ssb qso on 15 and 20 but was disappointed by missing stations on 10. Did some ft8 then as well just to log some POTA stations calling. But in general I am really happy with QRP using the Xiegu or Ft818! 73 from Germany - Stefan
@Don008Ramon 3 ай бұрын
Meal team 6 😂😂😂 I’d like to see you do same experiment when conditions are good, would be cool to see what that 5 watts can really do
@neubert500 3 ай бұрын
We will agree to disagree on pure voice vs digital. Both have very valid taskings and our needs may differ. I do enjoy your channel and the work you put into it.
@brianfields4479 3 ай бұрын
Nice one walt, this is exactly why i have a low nvis dipole set up all the time, although i probably wouldn't say qrp over the air, in case Cal was listening hi hi. I mananged 10w ssb the other month to the falklands, so always give it a try. 73 .
@dr5674 3 ай бұрын
Interesting video! Thank you Walt, 73
@dorvinion 3 ай бұрын
Where I live disasters are going to be very localized (tornado) so pretty easy to get out of the affected area. A few weeks ago we were vacationing in a remote part of Utah - no cell phones, very few people around and seeing signs saying 'no services next 130 miles' In the very unlikely event we needed to get some help I was more than certain that 5 watts would be sufficient to find somebody to answer and relay. That said, when we do go out into the great wilderness areas I probably should create an 'emergency card' with dead simple instructions on how to assemble the antenna and get the radio on the air for 20 and 40 and how to find people already talking to interrupt with and what to say. Having the radio and being the only one who can operate it is no good if I'm not physically able to operate it.
@GearZenChannel 3 ай бұрын
My 10W into an EFHW has no issues at all on 10-40M, SSB or otherwise. Also, I run a 10M beacon that routinely gets 2100 miles or more at 2W with the EFHW only maybe 8 feet off the ground. A resonant and efficient antenna is king.
@dangermandave67 3 ай бұрын
I used to think events like Winter Field Day were supposed to give operators a chance to shake out their system and see how well it might work in SHTF situations. But unfortunately traffic is dominated by folks sitting on their asses at home with their 100 watt rig (lots probably higher...) and massive tower-mounted antenna. I've used my QRP radios a lot for SOTA and it has convinced me that I can get a signal received by other hams in most conditions. Just not contests...
@WHNorthcote 3 ай бұрын
You should try this again but in open ground with NVIS type of antenna. Same radio and same power and see how it fares locally with a SHTF type of condition. Also maybe that new Quangsheng radio and doing the mid to get it to VHF SSB and see how well that goes in a range test with a few buddies, Could be a fun test all round.
@adam-g7crq 3 ай бұрын
Hi Walt, I'd save some pennies and build a frame for the G90, it's a proven radio, great bit of kit.
@carlosroig5315 3 ай бұрын
Watch the Tech Prepper latest video on a G90 manpack build.
@LeeMcc_KI5YPR 3 ай бұрын
​@carlosroig5315 I saw Gaston's video. I love his work, but the manpack cost almost as much as the radio.
@adam-g7crq 3 ай бұрын
on the, qrp cw channel the fella on that channel has made a cheap frame that'll accept a multitude of different QRP radios antenna fittings and batteries and would fit in most backpacks.
@agoraphobicadam1171 3 ай бұрын
Where Im located we get a lot of tornadoes and ham radio has been super helpful during those events.
@alzeNL 3 ай бұрын
Hey Walt, your videos are always an inspiration to me - a real inspiration to us who go out and operate QRP and even in poor conditions we can get out. Many thanks for all your work in making these interesting, well made and great videos. 73 2E0FWE.
@JaseEtheridge 3 ай бұрын
The Xiegu G90 is such a nice radio, although same it doesn’t have a built in battery. Although I’m sure a strap on could be made.
@MikeN2MAK 3 ай бұрын
Xiegu, if you're watching, for the next version of the G90, please add an internal battery and an internal sound card. If you can add the 6 meter band, even better, but not a deal-breaker. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, LOL.
Exactly 😂
@G7KMT 3 ай бұрын
We do 5watts for cadet training in the UK on the 60m band blue ham or we use pmr freq for training
@RESlusher 3 ай бұрын
Meal Team Six! 🤣 Thanks for doing whatcher doin', sir!
@TerminalElement 3 ай бұрын
I've been having outstanding results at 0.5-5w with a TruSDX through a MFJ-1899T after watching your video on that antenna. But, I'm using JS8 and Winlink, not voice.
@Andre-PY4DR 3 ай бұрын
I know of the story of a truck driver... He was in trouble somewhere in Brazil near the border with Colombia, middle of nowhere... no phone signal, nothing... He asked for help using his CB radio, 5 watts took him to Uruguay... The Ham on the other end used 40m to talk to someone in São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, idk... they called the police which then called the police of the other state and sent him help... 5 watts! Across the whole South America.
@Superacerc 3 ай бұрын
Not sure about the connector on the 5100 version but the x6100 speaker connector i noticed is stereo. I have a few of the mfj clear tone cheap speakers around from different mobile setups ive done but they are mono. I bought the 3.5mm stereo to mono adapters and it sounds great that way. Much better than trying to halfway plug in the mono plug to the stereo port and only getting half the audio signal.
@WTx1971 Ай бұрын
I got a power cord for my G90 that plugs into the cigarette lighter. Makes it easy to qrp from the car.
@billryland6199 3 ай бұрын
Digital modes will get through at 5 to 10 watts when SSB needs a lot more.
In an emergency there needs to be someone that is a responder. I understand you may enjoy that part of the hobby but ham radio digital modes are not going to save you. Have fun with digital modes, it’s a great part of the hobby. In an emergency, key the mic.
@jimmcfall7769 3 ай бұрын
Another great video Walt! I am already set up for SHTF as well. With portable antenna and a Yaesu FT-857D that I can dial down the power for QRP. I will do mostly listening anyways unless I have pertinent information or I need a definitive answer about something. PS: Did you feel anything from the earthquake that happened in Jersey? It was felt in Philadelphia. 73 Jim K9KXW
Hi Jim, didn’t feel anything down here
@robertmeyer4744 3 ай бұрын
That was great . that my favorite DX antenna. I use ground plane setup with 4 or more radials spread out. works super. we had a weak earthquake . stronger towards NYC . things like this can take comms down as well. look at what happened to Japan and Nuclear power plaint. all started with a Earthquake . Taiwan just had a strong one. Comms down is very likely ! Ham radio has came threw all threw out history ! and 5 watts does work well. may be a challenge with high noise floor. nice sounding EXT speaker. love that antenna wire. I have the same 20 AWG in 5 colors comes in a box . great hook up wire for low amps. under 1. that wire stays flexible in the cold. not like Walmart speaker wire that gets still and cracks in sun if left out months at a time .still a great test antenna wire . love the bright color ! that makes a great SOTA and POTA antenna for the go kit. SOTA makes some great DX as well. I have a few in the log. just hunting for now. that SOTA . POTA I go to the park and set up have some fun. got a SOTA DX . with a IC 705 at 5 watts 20 meters. love that IC 705 ,I have used one. all mode HF/VHF/UHF . lots of SOTA and POTA use it. same with the G90 ! . when SHTF you may not have grid power . QRP battery runs much longer. 73/s
@northwoodsyankee3528 3 ай бұрын
Good stuff.
@K3JRZOnTheAir 3 ай бұрын
There is plenty of evidence on YT that QRP & SSB is all you need to make contacts. If the SHTF, do you really need DX contacts????? (Unless it was a global issue…)
@Retired_Five-0_W4WAG 3 ай бұрын
LMAO I want to enlist in “Salty Walt’s Coast Guard”. But only if I can get into the “Meal Team 6” Unit! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hahaha you’re in
@jstoltenburg 3 ай бұрын
If the SHTF - I doubt I'll be "playing radio."
@johnpawlicki1184 3 ай бұрын
Hi Walt. I am wondering about the "leaked" 6200 Xiegu. Take the 6100, add 20 Watts and a better speaker and it might be perfect once the firmware settles down. 🙂
@toast803 3 ай бұрын
6200 maxes out at 8w. However, using the Xiegu family and getting their amp is an option when renewable power is available (e.g., LiFePO and solar/shore power).
@nerdlywehunt 3 ай бұрын
also work qrp with my ic705 and it works amazingly well for me. I love just using the internal battery and it has a great duration than my bladder LOL. Where do you get your band propagation info from? great videos! 73
Thanks! Check out Solar Ham dot com.
@dovetomarc 3 ай бұрын
What do you recommend as the best 1 or 2 tools to assess propagation? Great vid as usual. 73
Thanks! These are my two go-to sites:
@georgebradshaw474 3 ай бұрын
What about FX4CR with HamStick? AC3EA
@iamnobody9542 3 ай бұрын
Yaesu yoosta make a paramilitary radio, Bonnie, KQ6XA used one for both HFPack and her SA cave explorations. Self contained, 25 W. Not cheap, dunno if they are still made, but someone must still make such radios. For what you have invested in all your QRP radios, one could also be had. Just be careful to observe band edges. Jerry wa2omu
@pasjeihobby 3 ай бұрын
Oh Yeah it will
@paulsengupta971 3 ай бұрын
Why don't you look into fitting the G90 and battery into a box? You can have a couple of different wire antennas rolled up for various bands and conditions in the same box. People usually fit these boxes with solar chargers as well as normal chargers for the batteries. I have a box which will take a battery and my IC-706 and an EFHW antenna in it so I can just put it in the car and go. I could probably also fit my Xiegu X1M in it. I have planned a smaller box for the X1M and smaller battery. I've managed to call all over Europe with the X1M on 5W.
@billywhittaker8695 3 ай бұрын
would an endfed halfwave work ok for 6 meters?
@clydeosterhout1221 3 ай бұрын
What do you think about the Xiegu 206? It seems like it would fill the role you are addressing.
@clydeosterhout1221 3 ай бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES oops! Typo. 106. Lots of strong feelings both ways on it. People seem to love it or hate it. Price is enticing though.
@clydeosterhout1221 yes that’s a radio I wouldn’t mind trying. I have seen some bad reviews on it but I think it’s worth a look. 73, Walt
@bobr6555 3 ай бұрын
Love your videos, but we are now in the satellite era. For SHTF surely you'd break out your Starlink system? If you're travelling really, really remote then for your own safety you need to have Starlink and a PLB (personal locator beacon). Ham radio just won't cut it. It also depends on what country you are in - as far as I can work out, in the US you have a strange system of very regionalised and small independent emergency and policing authorities, all doing their own thing.
@pbhound 3 ай бұрын
What is the mast that you are using?
DX Commander 10 meter Expedition
@vk4foo 3 ай бұрын
Pray more😵‍💫 F👀
@paulsengupta971 3 ай бұрын
Look at all the natural disasters that has stopped over the years. ;-)
@christophersmith1155 3 ай бұрын
CB has channel 9 , FRS and MURS has channel 3. what is the HAM emergency frequency?
@wa6smn 3 ай бұрын
146.52 simplex is most common for local emergency use. See ARES and RACES for organized activity.
@K3JRZOnTheAir 3 ай бұрын
Meal Team 6.. LOL! 🤣
@pnowikow 3 ай бұрын
Meal team six ROFL. You kill me Walt. Kf0oqa
@bill-2018 2 ай бұрын
5 Watts will work. I have nothing over 5 Watts c.w. and s.s.b. Pick the frequency for the coverage and low power and I'd expect little QRM if most things are shut down I see no reason why not QRP. 5 Watts or less allows a longer operating time on batteries and solar panel which is what I use. Examples from my contacts; 280 miles on 60m on c.w. using low inverted vee, over 1,000 miles c.w. and s.s.b. on 17m and 10m using attic dipoles, even one Watt c.w. For local stuff use 2m, 160 or 80m. G4GHB.
@pedromealha6914 2 ай бұрын
Well, it worked in WW2.
@MirlitronOne 3 ай бұрын
Aww man, you're still using nasty sticky insulating tape to attach your unun to the pole... 😉 Phil M1GWZ
@seanfoley7097 6 күн бұрын
Meal team 6😅😅😅😅
@GordonHudson 3 ай бұрын
I live in one of Russia's nuclear targets so I will just be vapourised.
lol so do I
@EricMarshallva 3 ай бұрын
thanks man, 73 de km4kaq
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