Your First HF Rig - Buying New or Used Ham Radio Gear

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My experience and advice for new hams buying their first HF transceiver. #hamradio #amateurradio #HFtransceiver

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@JeffErdman 2 ай бұрын
Excellent advice Walt. When I was a new ham looking for my first HF rig, I went against the advice of an elmer recommending a more modern rig and bought a Kenwood TS-480S from a local SK estate that had been modified for CW contesting (I didn't do CW at the time). I liked that it had a built in power supply so I didn't need to spend the extra money on one. The seller removed all the filters. It worked and had an excellent receiver, but it sounded like a jet engine with all the extra fans so I had to wear headphones, took up half an acre of desk space, weighed a ton, and wasn't really useful for digital modes. It wasn't fun to use so it kept me of the air. Eventually it degraded and I bit the bullet and got an IC-7300, appropriate power supply, and have never looked back. Keep up the great work Walt. I really enjoy your channel. My father recently got his license and your channel is really what finally convinced him that a G90 and appropriate antenna is all he needed to get on the air on a budget! - 73 de K9FRO
@RJ-cf8jq 2 ай бұрын
Walt I love my G90 and bought it because of your recommendation. I was a returning ham that had sold sll my HF gear, was working strictly vhf/uhf. Decided I wanted to get back into HF. Your and others videos convinced me to give the G90 a try and I love it both for base and portable work. Thank you for introducing me to this great little radio.
It really is a great little radio for the price. 73 my friend
@brianfields4479 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. First rig : never off the internet, always a well ham dealer. First rig, not too cheap not too expensive, does high and low pwr, rx is First class, home, mobile or portable radio is theTS 480hx. every time. I've had some big rigs, nah, too expensive to repair, this rig has easy to find plug in modules. Even used it bicycle portable with a battery. All aspects of this radio, makes it the most obvious First radio. I would buy another one tomorrow. 73.
@mobiltec 2 ай бұрын
My first HF ham radio was given to me by another ham. FT707. 100 watt radio. Great little radio. But after a while it started to go off freq. Probably needs a recap. Then I picked up a 200 watt Kenwood TS 480-HS. Very nice for an older radio... But YOU turned me on to low power and the G90 and I've had more fun with that then anything else. Love telling these guys on 1500 watts with a 100 foot tower and a huge beam that I'm coming to them on 20 watts into a vertical. LOL... Way fun stuff.
@rbashta 2 ай бұрын
Great video - I agree with what you shared. I was desperate and cheap to get into HF so I bought an early uBitx for about $200. Basically, I didn't know what I was doing so I didn't get very far. I did sell it on eBay , made my money back, and bought the G90, the best decision Ive made. Not a lot of power, but the best ATU I've ever experienced , I eventually bought a power amp for it and then bought the ICOM 7300. Another terrific radio. It's all good
@boyddawncecil7559 2 ай бұрын
Great video Walt. I did buy my first radio from ebay. I didn't work but I sent it to Florida and had it rebuilt because it was a Kenwood TS 520 and looked very nice. 300 bucks later and it worked like new. I still use it sometimes just to keep the electrolytic capacitor working but peaking the drive and dipping the plate is a real pain when you want to play radio right now. A couple of non, or barely working used radios later and I finally got a good Yaesu FT-840 at a hamfest and that one is a good one, I have 2 of those now. I finally bought a Yaesu FT 710 new and I really like it. It's great as a main shack radio but its heavy and not really that good for portable use. After watching your videos I now am the proud owner of a Xiegu G90. I wish I had done it sooner. I love the little thing and someday I swear I am going to get a wet noodle for an antenna just to see it's true, it tuned everything else I've tried. I bet it will dry out pretty quickly though. That said, I think buying your first HF rig is like buying your first guitar, you'd better get a good one or you won't ever be happy with it and might just quit playing. Thanks again for another great video and keep 'em coming. Boyd WE5BC
@kennethherring2918 2 ай бұрын
Most of my experience of buying online has been through eHam which I'm happy to say is that I've never been burned. My first HF rig when I passed my Extra was the FT-89i which I still use to this day. My elmer bought it for me when I saved up half the price and then each week I'd give him some more money until I had it paid for.
@geirha75 2 ай бұрын
FT891 is was my first HF radio ( new ) and still running it. Bought used manual tuner, works like charm. I'm happy.
@AG4KN 2 ай бұрын
And happiness makes all the experience worth it.
@VE9ASN 2 ай бұрын
With the absolute insane asking prices for used rigs, I can't imagine not buying new.
I totally agree
@fidgeekouts5881 2 ай бұрын
So true. Used ic705 is around 1100. A new one is around 1200! Same for xeigu. Barely any difference between new and used
@David-km8in 2 ай бұрын
A shop in the UK sells used equipment. Some are so overpriced that they are the same price they were sold for new. They were selling a 20 year ICOM 718 for the same amount of money when they came on the market in 2005. I stopped buying used equipment years ago.
@paulsengupta971 2 ай бұрын
@@David-km8in I've had great luck with second hand gear. Most recently was an FT-991 for £500. And I thought my previous FT-991 for my other QTH at £615 was a bargain! Before that I bought two IC-706s by accident. There was one on e-bay starting at £250 so I put in a holding bid. I then saw one for Buy It Now for £350 and I thought that was a good price so I bought it. And guess what? No one bid on the other one, so I bought it. So I had one for each QTH before I bought the 991s. Now I have a portable radio for each QTH as well. :-) I have two HP Server power supplies which cost under a tenner each and will do 63A, one in each QTH.
@northwoodsyankee3528 2 ай бұрын
You mean you don't wanna spend $700+ on a 25+ year old radio when you can get brand new for the same? C'mon man!!
@waynewelshans1249 2 ай бұрын
Just got into Ham Jan. of this year. watched a lot of youtube before buying a HF radio and antenna. settled on the FT-710 and DX Commander signature 9. yes it was not exactly cheap but it works well. waterfall makes it easy to find someone to talk to and the DX Commander is a great antenna that doesnt need a tuner even though the 710 has on built in. have talked all over the except to walt yet.LOL!!
@chipweather 2 ай бұрын
I got a 365 dollar Xiegu g90 brand new on eBay. It was some eBay sale coupon. Works great. Great information for first time radio buyers!
@MaciejBaur 2 ай бұрын
G90 is probably great rig. Efficient tuner, waterfall and price but... it is Chinese, screen is very small for all info shown on it and it looks like made with axe. If it fits you that great. I like my FT-897D and FT-891. One can be almost backup for another but by default bigger sit at home shack when small guy is for outdoors. Both were bought used from licensed Hams and works great. Reliable source is very important for used equipment.
@alvinnorris6523 2 ай бұрын
I love my g90 to play with but my first hf radio that I didn’t build was an Yaesu ft 101 in 1974
@SeattlePioneer 2 ай бұрын
Circa 1970, I bought an old television chassis at the Salvation Army for $.50 and salvaged the transformers, rectifier, sweep tubes and such to build my first Novice class CW transmitter. I had to buy some transmitting crystals and transmitting capacitors, but it didn't amount to much. Not much to look at, and there was a chirp I never really got rid of ----but it was an education.
@johnallen6440 2 ай бұрын
My 1st HF Rig was a 20 yr old FT-707 from a small dealer in the UK. Price was good, dealer seemed genuine (I had heard of them in the past, seen their ads in RadCom etc!) Got it home. It worked but had been re crystalled for CB (6.5 - 7MHz and 26 - 28 MHz). I spoke to the dealer who had it shipped to Yaesu UK for a full work over and returned to me 2 weeks later with 2 weeks added to the used warranty! I've had a lot of fun with it, I still have the radio but now is my spare rig!
@JRNipper 2 ай бұрын
My dad bought me a used Hallicrafters SR-150 in 1975 from Amateur Electronic Supply in Milwaukee when I started in ham radio. Still have it and works like new and in the near 50 years I've had it, needed service only twice (minor issue both times and serviced it myself). Have owned many hybrid and solid state xcvrs, but the old SR-150 is still my favorite, is built like a tank and fully serviceable. Even have the 12V mobile PS for it. No EMP is gonna knock out this radio.
@KeepEvery1Guessing 2 ай бұрын
Exactly right. The only time a new ham should buy used is if they can try before they buy, bringing along an Elmer with a dummy load, watt meter, attenuater and tiny SA, and all necessary cables. There's bound to be someone at your club with the tools. Also measuring input power is easy and could spot problems. Bring an antenna that you can put up at the seller's site and work people on at least several bands for the ultimate in confidence. Note that this means mor than an hour or two drive on a Saturday means that a use radio isn't eligible.
@LB7VJ 2 ай бұрын
Your videos with a cup of coffee is an awsome way to start the day.. 😎👍
Thank you for the kind words my friend!
@daveengstrom9250 2 ай бұрын
What a timely video for me. I have spent the last week pouring over radio ads trying to find something for an HF radio. Years ago I bought a used Heathkit HW 101 radio without a microphone. The guy said I could find those everywhere. Well, not that one. Apparently, that was an oddball because I could not find the proper microphone anywhere. The radio sat in a box in the garage for years before it went to the dump. Some of the stuff on E-bay is out of production and circuit boards are not to be found (which is why they are for sale, I assume). New stuff comes with a warranty and all the parts. New is the way to go, unless like you say you know the seller and the guy is just "moving up" or pairing down.
@dlabyer 2 ай бұрын
Great video Walt. QRP can be so frustrating as you say. I only do it for fun when things are great. If the bands are wide open my QRP level is over run by the pack of dxers so the power is often needed. I'm 79 licensed since 1962 and I really enjoy being a part of your thoughts and adventures through your vlog. Did you know that most all ft-710 cool functions are built into the ft-891,,, you just have to find them. The ft-710 makes it a little easier but Yaesu loves their menus, so do I because it gives me something to fiddle with. Just getting over prostate surgery here and am waiting to add a Polarmar Bullet, 500 watt 9 to 1 random wire when I can do some work again. For now I'm mostly listening while laying on my side in bed, ic-705, ft-891 and new ft-710. Love radios, wires and content like yours. K7DT Don.
@RicksHamShack 2 ай бұрын
Good points. When I got my General I forced myself to make contacts with the radio I already had, a modified Cobra CB left over from my CB days. After a few dozen successful 10 meter contacts I started browsing eBay for radios. I came to the same conclusion as you. A beginning ham really needs a solid reliable HF rig. For me, that was the FT891. After that, you can play with old rigs if you have the capability to tinker yourself. I feel the same way about project cars.
@kandkmotorsports 2 ай бұрын
Totally Agree!! Same experience as you....
@josephgomes8543 2 ай бұрын
I'm laughing as I watch: I looked at the G90 but decided on the 891 (new) and then shortly afterward I bought a G90 too. I have a (bad ?) habit of not getting rid of stuff so I imagine as I move to a "real" base station eventually, I will Not sell the 891 or G90. I'm sure I can find A spot to put it in the mobile and the G90 just goes Anywhere! I'm glad someone said DON'T buy used stuff on Ebay when I first started out. Great video, very good advice too. Joe KC1MTM
@Steve-GM0HUU 2 ай бұрын
👍All good advice, thanks Walt.
@northwoodsyankee3528 2 ай бұрын
Let's see..... Yeah you're right, it's a crap shoot and sometimes even when obtaining gear from other Hams. About 20 years ago I was given a used Kenwood TS-440. It still works great to this day. Maybe about 10 years ago I bought some stuff from an old Ham in the area who was moving out of his house and didn't have room where he was going. One thing I picked up was a Yaesu FT-840. I can't remember what I paid, $200 I think? It's still running great. Last summer I got a bunch of stuff from a /SK. Two crank up towers, a HF beam, a 2M co-phased beam array, a couple of rotors, some Rohn sections and other stuff. In a dilapidated camper in amongst piles of old CB's and other ham junk and other junk I found an Icom-728. I brought that home. I paid $500 for everything. The radio received great but had bad squealing on TX. I tore it all apart and gave it an alcohol bath, put it together again and it was still squealing. I set it aside for awhile and then a couple of months later started playing with it again and the squeal was gone. I've used it on the bands and have had great signal & audio reports. Several people commented about how nice it sounds. Not shabby for an old piece of junk from a junk pile. You just never know.
@RF_Burns 2 ай бұрын
Just picked up a FT-710 Field for £899 (UK). With Yaesu Spring Cashback Rebate it works out £814 brand new. That's one heck of a deal. 3 years warranty too!
@TheMockTv 2 ай бұрын
Hey Walt my first radio was a FT-891 im super happy with it he have power he have all KW bands okay no tuner but for a small budget, you can buy a Atu-100 as Tuner and you have for 700€ in US Dollar 748,12$ a nice small Radio with tuner and as Antenna im using the moste time a End Fed Half Wave on a DX-Wire 13,7 Meter Mast or telescopic whip antenne as GP for my qso's i wish you all the best and many QSO's 73 DO4NRW
@cWatts-zv3oo 2 ай бұрын
Zi-goo for the win! Yeah, misspelled, but what a terrific little box! Bought mine used with a gsoc 2 years ago for 300 bux total at a ham fest. It hasn't skipped a beat and cant remember when i last turned on my ts-570!
@dennisjoiner3717 2 ай бұрын
Hey there Walt. Great video, good points made. Thirty years ago when I started my dad bought me a used Kenwood TS-830 to start with. I still have one that I use from time to time. Oh, in my heard of radios I have two of the Ten Tec Scouts. One that I bought new because I couldn't talk my dad out of his, and when he became a s/k I have his. He won it as a door prize from Taylorville IL Hamfest. Both of mine work well.
@F4LDT-Alain 2 ай бұрын
Interesting experience you've had, Walt. Thanks for sharing. After months trying to make my mind on what gear I'd start with, the FT-891 or the G90, I went for the former (EDIT : corrected). Bought new (yeah, it's a good 20% more expensive here on this side of the Atlantic 😕). Then I realized that I really wanted the G90 to work portable which is what I do most of the time, and I've found an excellent second hand unit for 300€ from a classified in a French ham forum. Not to say I wasn't nervous, but it turned out to be a purchase I'm really glad I did.
@fortwoods 2 ай бұрын
Not a new ham but honestly I have about the same track record as you do with used equipment. The only good ones I've gotten is from Elmer types interested in helping. The Xiegu G90 is a great choice where a new ham can get on HF without a lot of money and get talking. They might want to upgrade and that's great. I love this video!
@W4BTK 2 ай бұрын
Walt is right ... NEW HAMS: I haven´t had a chance to ever use a G90 but from my personal experience, I agree the FT-891 is a great radio. Doesn´t have internal tuner but it works with FM (which the G90 doesn´t unless you upgrade the controller) and it has 6 meters (50MHz band), besides the 100W power which will help in poor conditions. I also recommend the Alinco DX70TH. I had it and sold mine on eBay. Also, no internal tuner but has 6 meters and FM also native from factory. The G90 again is great option and 20W will do the job - I tested that myself using my FT-710 running only 20W. It was magical! Also if you don´t care for FM (for 10m repeaters or 6m) then, the G90 is great. Note it has that waterfall which neither FT891 or DX70 will give you. FT891 has a simple spectrum analyzer but is not real-time (it works with short updates), it will not allow you to transmit while on that screen. Finally, if money is not an issue, go for either the Yaesu FT-710 or FTDX-10 or even the ICOM IC-7300. All great rigs. Whatever radio you want, watch as many youtube videos you can about it. Make an informed decision! Stay away from "im not a ham but here is a radio..." - disassociation is a sign of someone selling a problem radio. Good luck and 73! W4BTK
@nine7295 2 ай бұрын
The later version firmware adds FM to the G90. Don't need the big display control add-on unit. But it doesn't have CTCSS to work repeater though.
@n0vty873 2 ай бұрын
thanks for sharing your wisdom.
@davesnothere688 2 ай бұрын
I bought a used FT-450AT for $400 at a local hamfest which was basically brand new in the box. Not a scratch and no wear on the knobs works like a champ. Bought it from another ham, so I had his call sign. I would not buy ham equipment off of eBay, but they do have this thing called buyer protection I'm not sure why you didn't claim it? If it doesn't work like the buyer stated, you get your money back period!
@AllFouRoux 2 ай бұрын
I ended up getting a FX-4CR direct from bg2fx. I loved that it was a very portable radio, did 20 watt SSB and 10 watt digital. I am really happy with it for my first radio. I love that it is small enough to take backpacking, but, as you mention many times on this channel, 20 watts is plenty of power to get out. I liked that it was smaller than the Xeigu radios, and more suited for digital modes, though I know that is not for everyone. Biggest Cons for the FX-4CR is there is about a 1.5 - 3 month wait list, and while I really respect Yu (BG2FX), if you have any issues he is super helpful but as an individual all he can really do is send you parts and tell you how to fix it. You aren't going to get full service like a bigger retailer. Haven't had any issues with my Fx-4CR, but as you mention in this video, it is a risk.
@AlreadyThere1965 2 ай бұрын
Don't rule out building a radio. When I first got on the air, I built my transmitter (HealthKit DX-20) and used my SWL receiver. Once you get your license the goal is to learn and no better way than to build. While I was working on my General license, I built a HealthKit SB-101, that was fun building and a great learning experience. I had the most fun of my time in ham radio with that. There are not as many kits around but there are still rigs like Elecraft K2. Also, there is homebrew, a great experience because you get to design and experiment. The Soldersmoke podcast guys have designed some amazing radios. When you build it yourself you know it will work because you know how it works and can fix any issues.
I built my first shortwave receiver from a kit in 1975 when I was 13. What a great experience. Somehow I just don’t see many new hams in 2024 building from scratch and that K2 kit ranges in price from $1264 to $1744. That’s probably too much of a cost risk for a brand new ham in my opinion.
@BLACKHEAT1028 2 ай бұрын
So far I have only brought new, but if I were to buy used I would look at the big stores like HRO or Gigaparts, etc, then maybe eHam, QRZ or some radio club. eBay you never know what your going to get it's always a roll of the dice. My first HF was FT-991A, then I got fFT-891 for my mobile setup love both of those rigs.
@OLDMANGAMING1970 2 ай бұрын
I just picked up a Kenwood TS 120s. For $100. It works perfectly. I know I got lucky. It's my first HF rig.
@martincampbell8655 Ай бұрын
Hi Walt. My first HF radio was a Kenwood TS-520S that I traded some 11m gear for. My first new HF radio was an Icom ic-706MKII with the DSP. Amazing radio. I have owned quite a few radio over the years. I have two G90s now and like them very much. I also recently got a Japanese 706, and a US 706MKII. I like them very well too. I installed the DSP in the 706MKII because I wanted the ANF. I am very careful and picky about buying on eBay. I look at the feedback rating and read the feedback. I would have to get a crazy low price on anything untested, or from someone with less than a 99.5% feedback rating.
Good advice, thanks
@Poetry_on_a_Cracker 2 ай бұрын
I never buy anything from EBay any more… just a world wide Craig’s list
@David-km8in 2 ай бұрын
I had a bad experience with eBay, Buying and selling so I never use them anymore.
@michaelames6317 Ай бұрын
New HAM here Love! Love your channel! I'm on strike two... same old story...turned it on and works fine, but, not a ham no returns etc... ...ic7200 being sent back back... to seller per Ebay return guarantee. Won a bid on a icom725 for a vintage work horse for a much lower cost... looked at seller this time...his only products are vintage hp radios. I'll get back to ya on success or strike #2... hahaha 😅 thank you for all your charismatic knowledge presenting antenna builds and contacts. I'm emulating you Tenn-Tenna EFHW and building a telescopic vertical with radials mounting on an old heavy duty Bogen tripod for outdoor adventures. Keep up the fun! 73s Mike KK7TPQ
Thank you!!! Good luck with that transceiver! 73, Walt
@klutch545 2 ай бұрын
Great video as always! I’m a tech and will take the test for my general next week. I really want to get into HF, and I think the G90 is the way I’ll go, along with a set of ham sticks. I currently have a Anytone UV-5888 triband uhf/vhf that I use with a Nagoya antenna on a camera tripod, and I think ham sticks will work well on this tripod. I’ve been eyeing the G90 for months, and what sold me on it was the waterfall and ATU. Anyways, great video and information, 73!
@johnnorth9355 2 ай бұрын
I bought my 450D from a S/H specialist store at the beginning of the pandemic lockdown shortly after passing my Foundation licence. Listed as brand new/never transmitted on from someone who had sadly succumbed it was immaculate and works perfectly. At £450 it was a bargain and is more transceiver than I need but I love it and it's a keeper. Too big for portable I still want a G90 though . 73 M7BLC
@MikeN2MAK 2 ай бұрын
Good advise and insight. I haven't gotten burned yet, but I'm sure it'll happen sometime.
@ronfirth5198 2 ай бұрын
I think we may have had some similar experiences. I'm running an IC7300 as my main station , with a cobweb antenna on a 40 foot tower, (super setup) bought an FT891 to use for POTA, (regret that one) and a Xiegu G90 , which is a fantastic POTA/SOTA rig. USDX+ and a Xiegu G1M just to play with when I'm in remote mining camps, which are set up in a GO bag. Hopefully will work you on the bands sometime. VA3IRF, Thunder Bay, Ontario
@shanejackson1973 2 ай бұрын
Walt, I am the beneficiary of that little radio! Love it, use it every day, and take it out everywhere I go! Absolutely outstanding, for the experienced amateur operator! Still thanking you profusely for that radio! 8:21
I’m so glad it went to a great ham like yourself that’s enjoying it. It was just collecting dust at my house. So glad to hear that you are using it. 73 my friend
@Slade677 Ай бұрын
Been a ham for 45 years. I agree with everything you said. New hams should stay away from used equipment and 20 watts will connect you with the world on HF. Focus on the antenna.
@fsbxxx1 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video! Made me think of my own track record with used transceivers... 😅 Lots of bad apples there. About tx power, I definitely agree that 20W vs 100W is not such a big difference in how the opposite end hears you. But when working with short / not balaced / compromised antennas you can sometimes feel the difference. Literally. I mean, to my experience, issues with RFI or RF in the shack (and on the chassis of your radio) can be a lot different when playing with say 20W to 100W. That 100W does not help if you can't use it. Just something to consider, as a lot of new or even experienced guys/girls on HF might not have big and resonant antennas.
@dandypoint 2 ай бұрын
Good info! QRP does take experience and I agree 20 to 100 watts is a good beginner power level. I will also add that 20 to 100 watts is also a good power level for even the ham who has been on 25 to 50 years as well! I loved that Ten Tec Scout. I had one for mostly the truck but it was not designed for 12 volts! The truck had to be running to keep the frequency stable. I wonder how it would work on LiFePO4 batteries? At home I used it a lot. Minimum controls but exactly what I needed. I sold mine due to needing a rig for the truck with the engine off. I had modules for every band. I also think beginners should start with simple resonant antennas, if so the FT-891 is a good choice. I also like manual L network tuners and they are not expensive to buy or better yet build! Never seen your G90 in person but it sure seems to do the job at a good price.
@JamesHindsW5ATJ 2 ай бұрын
Great video Walt. I have a FT991A now which is my first HF rig but I think I will be checking out the G90. Thanks
@markviers998 2 ай бұрын
Unless someone local is selling the rig and will demo that it works I also recommend buying new, it might take longer to save up for it but I've gotten bit too many times with used rigs that supposedly "works fine". I guess I misunderstood the "works fine" referred to using it as a door stop and not a transceiver. 🙂
@adam-g7crq 2 ай бұрын
Hi Walt, interesting video, if I was starting from scratch and looking for my first radio I'd probably start with a shack in a box something like a yaesu ft-991a or ICOM-7100 then gradually gain some experience and move into all the different options we have in the hobby.
@hamradioqrp-k0klb 2 ай бұрын
i agree Walt.. great points to share.
@KC2BKM 2 ай бұрын
I bought mine new 2013. IC-7200 wish I had kept it. Would have made a great QRO POTA rig. Probably can be had for a decent price these days on the used market. Only reason I sold it was to upgrade to a 7300. -KC2BKM
@garyh8315 2 ай бұрын
I have also ben bitten by buying used. Will never do it again unless I am able to go and check it out and use it before purchasing. Great advice Walt, spot on.
@fidgeekouts5881 2 ай бұрын
I've had good luck on eBay and qrz, but I've pulled out of other transactions when there's the slightest sign that something may be off. Saved by the gut
@ke8mattj 2 ай бұрын
The only place I bought used was ftom HRO. It was my IC7100. I don't trust Ebay. I agree with all that you said about the G90.
@paulsengupta971 2 ай бұрын
Second hand FT-757GXii, two second hand IC-706s, two second hand FT-991s, one brand new Xiegu X1M. Those are my HF rigs. All work, though the 757 is a little off frequency now.
@paulsengupta971 2 ай бұрын
My first radio, when I was licensed back in 1987 was an FDK-750e with Expander 430. It got me 2m and 70cm multimode. It was well used at the time. I still have it and it still works. When the dropped the Morse requirement for HF, that's when I got the 757GXii, free from a friend who was giving up the hobby - though I got him so enthused that he actually bought himself a new FT-450D!
@jamess1787 2 ай бұрын
Send it to TRX labs! I'm sure he'd love to repair it 😁
@KeystoneInvestigations 2 ай бұрын
I agree 100% new. For the new inexperienced ham, new is for you! Since the RF output is adjustable on your radio, there is no need to operate QRO.
@boisinnawoods 2 ай бұрын
I've probably said this in the comments here before but I got my xiegu g90 used from the HRCC discord swap meet and I regret nothing. It's my first hf rig and I'm having a blast with it!
@pasjeihobby 2 ай бұрын
I'm all about saving some money by buying used gear but most of the time people are asking like for new 🤣😁 73
@bobkopf227 2 ай бұрын
Good morning Walt, thank you for sharing your opinion. I bought my first radio new and it was a G90, I still have it and I’m very satisfied with it and glad I bought it as a first radio.
Awesome, 73 my friend
@ChrisKD9YSW 2 ай бұрын
I need more time with my G90 and being a new tech that is a great radio!
@thomashardy9994 2 ай бұрын
I ran into a couple of on air hams using G90s yesterday (4/23/24). First was a POTA activator in NY state- I was using that uSdr black brick that supposedly puts out 10 watts. Second was a gent in Florida who joined a QSO I was having with an op in Texas … the topic of QRP radios came up and we a nice little on air round table. I pointed him toward your channel. I bought several new radios last year around the times of the big sales like hamvention in May and of course Black Friday. “Saved” lots of money.
@MyHamRadioJourney 2 ай бұрын
It is hard to beat the G90 in terms of price and function. The built-in antenna tuner works really well. For a future video idea, could you make a video on when to use all the different ununs and balans. I keep buying different ones based on your videos, and I am still getting confused about which one to use in different situations. Thanks for all you do, Walt. 73s.
I actually have a couple videos on that very topic!: Baluns & Ununs - Understanding Their Role in Antenna Building Antenna Wire Length - Demystifying Feedpoint Impedance These two should explain everything. 73 my friend
@rftech1608 2 ай бұрын
Great video and advice! Get the G90 it's so much fun for portable work!
@ScatManAust 2 ай бұрын
Walt, I love my G90 and may never sell it ever. So, for low power and not QRP portable do it all radio, I have to agree with your advice. I would go a little further, with higher power radios, definitely by new or near new in terms of technology. My brother gave me some great advice and that was "DONT BUY BOAT ANCHORS" no matter the price. I had bought all sorts of old junk over the years playing around with them until just before I got my call. Had nothing but DOA's and or unreliable radios and off tune radios and including repaired and re tuned radios fail costing me more money in the end. So, when I got my call, I went out and bought a near as brand new 7300 from a ham face to face because there were no 7300's or DX10's available. I had many old junkers that could have worked for me, but I took my brothers advise seriously and went the new way. So much so I purchased another new 7300 when they became available. Nearly everyone wants value for money and a turnkey solution nowadays and this why I say go new/ near new but above all modern. You can buy all the junkers you want, but most new amateurs want the bells and whistles even if they don't know about them. Most will want to play with most modes, but digital modes will in all probability be high on the want list for new amateurs. Something not available on boat anchors. Buy once and cry a little but you probably won't be disappointed. My experience anyway, just saying.
@classicpicker1588 2 ай бұрын
The only used radio I’ve bought is an IC-718 at a hamfest with a check out table. Worked out great
@Don008Ramon 2 ай бұрын
Could not agree more !
@dannyjardine8828 2 ай бұрын
I've been taken a couple of times already. As you know, Walt, I'm new to the Ham side of things. You're opinion matters. I watch you work the G90 and have already put it at the top of my list. Definitely including the fan and bracket due to the heating issue. Just wanted to let you know that your videos make a difference. I've been looking at the Yeasu, and Icom. I like the looks and functionality of both for a base station. However, the G90 is what I'm saving up to get for a portable. Thanks for all you do! 73's
@GordonHudson 2 ай бұрын
I used to have a 747 in my car, back in the 80s!
@yophotoman 2 ай бұрын
First licensed after retirement. Didn't have the budget to afford a bad guess. So I bought a G90 new from Radioddity., a bundle with all the accessories. I have not regretted that even once in the three years I've owned it. Planning to get the XPA-125B ... one of these days.
@richiec7602 2 ай бұрын
Hey, Walt. I have been watching YT videos with people using the G90. I really want one as my first all band, all mode radio once I get my general license. I saw my first one in person and I was amazed at how small it is. Thanks and 73
@carypeaden4147 2 ай бұрын
Here is a huge problem for new Hams buying used radios: When they encounter a problem, is the problem something they are doing, or is the problem something with the used radio. New Hams really do have a lot to learn (besides troubleshooting a potentially bad radio) that could cause them problems. Unless a new ham is buying from someone they know who is going to help the new ham out (ideally a mentor) then buying used is taking a significant risk that could make them get frustrated and give up on the hobby. The probability that a new radio is 100% functional is significantly higher than the probability that a used radio is 100% functional. Support from the manufacture is also likely to be much higher with a new radio.
@jamesemery1 2 ай бұрын
having done tons of research the best bang for your dollar or pound is the xiegu g90 for a beginner like me
@agoraphobicadam1171 2 ай бұрын
Great advice and giving folks a heads up what to to expect in certain situations. KO4HPC 73
@alanklasek7195 2 ай бұрын
I jumped in with both feet and got a ftdx10 for my first hf right last month. As already said, why buy old tech just to sell it and spend more a little later? A nice perk from work kicked in $500 towards it making it very affordable and the same price or cheaper than a used rig.
@K3JRZOnTheAir 2 ай бұрын
Not always when buying used… BUT, BUYER BEWARE!!!! Personally I can afford to buy new and prefer to do so. I have never been cheap when it comes to buying radios, stereo equipment, computers, etc… 73!
@moozoowizard 2 ай бұрын
I got G90 off Amazon for my first rig with the idea that later I'll get a ic7300 or FT710 for a base station and the G90 becomes a portable. Ie get both but the G90 makes the better multi purpose starter transceiver
@David-km8in 2 ай бұрын
When new hams used to ask me what radio to buy. I would say buy a 10 watt radio unless you think your going to upgrade your licence. Now foundation licences can use maximum 25 watts I say buy 100 watts radio unless you want qrp portable. Also buy new. David M0DUU
@robertmeyer4744 2 ай бұрын
that was great. buying used is ok but be careful. if new into ham go to like HRO or Gigaparts ETC. they stand buy what they sell. 1 outher point to be where of. even if new radio . know the source country band plain. not all country's have the same as US band plain. check that also some radios can be switch country's. even HT's but do research before you buy. I know several hams that did that. got the working radio but does not transmit in the US band plain. luckily moving jumpers inside radio got it to US . not all radios do that. something else to think about when buying a radio even new. know the band plain source country . 73's
@notepid 2 ай бұрын
How many different blankets for backdrop do you have? :D
@timbookedtwo2375 2 ай бұрын
Buy new. A good new HF TRX costs around 700 bucks (eg Yaesu FT--891). VHF/UHF mobile units also under 300 bucks. I just bought a Yaesu FTM 6000 for around 250 bucks. TYT HT's are also good and not expensive (on the very low side of 100 bucks). Build your own wire antennas. Watch Walt's videos on howto!!! You don't have to spend much money on effective antennas that work. Concerning equipment sold at ham fests, caveat emptor!
@Eternalvigilance1776. 2 ай бұрын
Can I buy one of those for receiving without a ham license.
@LB9HI 2 ай бұрын
Some radio in a common sense shape and from this century should give you some good experiences..either QRP or 100W..
@Poetry_on_a_Cracker 2 ай бұрын
KI5PFV The first new HAM radio i bought was an ICOM IC-2300h 2 meter… when I get my Extra license I’ll jump in the deep end of the HF pool
Jump in!!!
@valetech8751 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, I just bought a brand new G90S directly from Aliexpress and it doesn't turn on. It's a huge pain. Very few people want to repair it locally as they say Xiegu does not provide all the repair manuals. So thinking about sending it back, another huge pain. Really bad luck here.
Wow I would definitely send that back. Sorry to hear that.
@ErikTheVikingMechanic 2 ай бұрын
eBay in the UK is great, buyer protection, very good customer service and refund policy.
@bryantwalley 2 ай бұрын
The worst thing anyone can do for thier first HF is buy used old tech. This is one time where the real answer is not "it depends". The answer for the first HF should get you on the air without any BS. The FT-710 new is the best dollar value out there. That and a decent antenna will get a new Tech started and grow all the way through AE. If you want to deviate later thats fine, but first HF needs to be new current tech. FT-710 or if you have the budget FTdx10. If you dont have the funds for the FT-710, keep saving until you do.
@Superacerc 2 ай бұрын
I'd agree with this. I'd throw 7300 in there as a possibility too. It's old but there's not really anything it can't do thats current tech. Possibly a 991 if looking for shack in the box. The only way I would recommend getting something older is if on an extreme budget and you're getting a deal from an Elmer or friend that can show you the ropes. G90 still isn't a bad place to start on a budget. It does a lot of things. Especially if you're looking for a bit less weight and like the idea of POTA or similar. When I'm doing POTA I have plenty of success on 20w-30w trying to conserve my battery.
@bryantwalley 2 ай бұрын
@@Superacerc The 7300 is a great radio but it is too old for a first HF. There would be nothing worse than buying a new HF and have the company EOL the product a year or two down the road. It is getting close to that time now. There is just nothing more reassuring to someone starting out than using current modern equipment that is going to be around a while. The niche equipment can always be added later. Especially the QRP equipment. The FT-710 can do POTA all day if that is the direction the person wants to go.
@MrTommy001 2 ай бұрын
I agree with the new tech stuff. A friend loaned me an older Kenwood 570D to get me started. My second contact was Australia - and that sealed it. I wanted my own radio and I wanted it now. After watching a ton of KZbin vids and reading reviews (and also since I had a 20+ year old Yaesu 2 meter 2600 M that I loved), I chose the FT-710. Also, it was set up for the ability to attach a monitor, which I did. I LOVE this rig. I'm new to HF so I'm still learning about stuff this radio can do, but in the meantime, I'm making contacts everywhere. If I can't sleep at night, I get up and out to the shack.
@forgetyourlife 2 ай бұрын
@@bryantwalley7300 is perfectly fine and better in a few ways than the 710. Emergency Mode being a huge advantage.
@travisbakeriii3053 2 ай бұрын
New definitely. My opinion and experience was to keep it reasonable. Walt, and a Coastal Waves and Wires, along with my Elmer, Noel N9CJT, helped sell me on the G90, which is over half the price of the IC7100, and with antenna help, I have never looked back. My longest QSO so far has been Buenos Aires Argentina. 5300 miles with this rig.
@Porco_Utah 2 ай бұрын
because of Japanese Yen to US dollar exchange rate being US$1 = 160 JPY as May of 2024. Japanese radio will be economical such as FT-710 field. I used to be a radio repair person, I would not suggest older used radio, because many of old parts are impossible to get. newer design, parts, electritic capacitor are much more reliable in 2024 compare to 2010 and before. it is like getting older car , if you have parts, like to work on repairing them , older radio is one for you. ,but just want to enjoy driving newer car may be better choice. AG6JU
@christophersmith1155 2 ай бұрын
you are right. OLD JUNK . Buy new.
@tonyweavers4292 2 ай бұрын
eBay is just a dumping ground for rubbish. I'm done with eBay.
@truckinguy92 2 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t recommend the G90 myself. It’s already bad enough getting new portable radio. Your only choices are IC-7100 or FT-891 if you want 100 watts. In my opinion neither one is a good choice. The 7100 has the goofy head setup & the 891 while better, lacks memory capacity to remember a lot of settings, like the DNR. Every time you switch bands it turns it off. I figured out a work around but still inconvenient. Getting back to the G90, I never recommend cheap Chinese radios. I took a chance once and it failed within a week of owning it. Besides after listening to yours in your many videos I think it sounds atrocious when there’s no strong signals coming in. Also, from what I believe the choices are so few because of the CCR market. Kenwood being a perfect example doesn’t even have a portable/mobile radio any longer. Can you blame them? They just can’t compete with the CCR prices. Just my 2 cents.
😂😂 Dude, you’re throwing shade on everything you mention in this comment, then passed my videos a little shade too. There’s a lot of grumble in this comment. Go play radio or something, enjoy the day. 73 my friend
@truckinguy92 2 ай бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES like I said “just offering my 2 cents. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your videos. If there was, I wouldn’t watch. Just saying the G90 doesn’t have me sold being that it doesn’t sound all that great. I’m sure it could be made to sound better with some adjustments.
@daviddurflinger3104 2 ай бұрын
Never buy used electronics, anywhere the reason it's being sold is because it's broken. 😊
@truckinguy92 2 ай бұрын
That’s not always the case.
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