Рет қаралды 44,116
Per pergatitjen e kesaj recete kemi perdorur:
1 shpatull keci
1 kg patate
- kripe
- vaj ulliri
- rigon
Shpatullen e kecit e kemi prere ne copa te medha.E marinojme me kripe dhe vaj ulliri ne te dyja anet. E vendosim ne furre ne temperature 220 grade per 20 minuta.Pasi ka marr ngjyre floriri i shtojme nje gote uje dhe e leme per40 minuta te tjera.
Pasi kane kaluar 40 minuta eshte koha te shtojme patatet dhe e leme per 30 minutat e fundit ne furre.
Koha e plote e gatimit te mishit te kecit me patate eshte 90 minuta.Rezultati eshte i shkelqyer:super mish me patate.Mishi eshte i bute dhe patatet tona krokante ne siperfaqe.
Tava me e shijshme ndonjehere.
Ju befte mire!
For the preparation of this recipe we used:
1 shoulder'goat
1 kg of potatoes
- salt
olive oil
We cut the goat's shoulder into big pieces. Marinate it with salt and olive oil on both sides. Place it in the oven at 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Once it has taken on a golden colour, add a glass of water and leave it for another 40 minutes.
After 40 minutes it is time to add the potatoes and leave it for the last 30 minutes in the oven.
The full cooking time of goat meat with potatoes is 90 minutes. The result is excellent: super meat with potatoes. The meat is tender and our potatoes are crispy on the surface.
The most delicious tasty dish ever.
Enjoy your meal!