end removed arcwarder 10 health. ARCWARDER ITS MADE TO BE AN TANK OATH
@boxlio7029 Жыл бұрын
Curativo pra mage build para evitar que seja necessario muitos nerfs para attunments, silentheart é quebrado contra o player basico, contra um player bom se torna uma oath "ruim", apesar disso ainda é chata pra um k7, mas as mudanças pros stacks foi maravilhoso nerf, so falta nerfarem deto e botarem pra procar em 5-6 tapa com medium, ai sim vai ser felicidade.
@ohblack2552 Жыл бұрын
se você não pode contra eles,junte se a eles.Essa frase nunca fez tanto sentido como agora. At zap leader,eu teria que fazer algo que nem mesmo eu quero,mas estou sendo obrigado
Silienheart isn't free, in many cases u would just want to go 40 str pre shrine It's really hard to flourish, crit or upprecut good players and u lose stacks way faster than you gain them 100 free points is bullshit, u can say the same about hero blades or pretty much anything 74 is talent limit (hard capped) Dmg buff is mostly insignificant cus most of the time u won't have enough stacks) Ankle cutter gives u hunge endlag and u can literally dodge it by jumping Shard bow can movestack with half of the moves in this game (crits, flourishes, certain attuments) Mani Katti deals proper dmg if it guardbreaks somebody (most of the time experienced players never or very rarely get hit even by a few mani katti hits) Mani Katti teleporting through voidmother is really random, u can do the same with wayward Dread stacks became hard to get and u can easily lose them so u won't be having too much of the resistance 5 posture 10 hp is really good for an oath but it's understandable for m1 based oath where u have no way to heal other than healthpacking Vents on silientheart don't make u invisible most of the time, they do only sometimes The new talents doesn't deal so much dmg, the clip u showed was that of a glitch where deto procced and dealt majority of the dmg, the hit itself dealt me like 3%
@dvw Жыл бұрын
74 is not the limit, ig u forgor bout the vigils mantra quest 💀
@mini_blazin Жыл бұрын
bro in normal builds there are 62-64 talents at max and sh can get up to 76 and you have "suffocation" in all crits, uppercuts and in flourishes (gale talent) plus 5 posture and 10 hp extra, its so braindead
@retrospective7021 Жыл бұрын
@@mini_blazin the thing u called suffocation lasts 3 seconds and doesn't disable from jumping or take u more dmg, also as I told u 74 is the limit no matter how many quests u do, also u won't be uppercutting, criting or flourishing too much against good players
@retrospective7021 Жыл бұрын
@@dvw it is the limit dumbass, I didn't forget it, u can't reedem it for talents at the shrine
@retrospective7021 Жыл бұрын
I did well over 4 silientheart builds all with 3 quests n vigils, after getting 12 roll 2s u can't reroll the 13th mantra for talents at the shrine. Also it would be cool if u actually got some info before talking shit, silientheart got killed by this nerf, the oath was already mid before, it had no combos, no healing, no mobility