Living History with Mary Woodward Pillsworth

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The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza presented an interview with Mary Woodward Pillsworth, a women’s news reporter for The Dallas Morning News in 1963 who witnessed the assassination from the north side of Elm Street. The following year she joined the Peace Corps. Moderator was Museum Associate Curator Stephen Fagin.
This presentation took place at the Museum on November 7, 2015 as part of the 2015 Living History Series. To see related films, photos, documents and oral histories from The Sixth Floor Museum's collection, visit our online collections database ( Or make a research appointment to explore the books, DVDs and other materials available in the Museum's Reading Room (

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@Deanajb1963 2 жыл бұрын
Hearing history first hand! I can’t get enough of these interviews
@akumar7366 3 жыл бұрын
Very important witness , memory is so strong .
@historicusjoe121 Жыл бұрын
She's the most reliable witness I've heard. Especially her testimony about the three shots.
@truthseeker474 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for these unique recollections series,of people who witnessed and participated,in some ways on that fateful day in Dallas. A big appreciation to all who share with the world,their stories and memories.
@fuyu5979 4 жыл бұрын
Mary Woodard Pillsworth thank you for your honest perspective n insight prior, during n the aftermath of that sad day in Dallas. I too was affected as a youngster n to this day when it occured. Peace n love.
@BRUTUALTRUTH 8 жыл бұрын
hello from the UK - these great interviews are much appreciated :)
@julieputney4317 Ай бұрын
Mary's story is fascinating! Cheers to her and the other women reporters
@cheryl2962 Жыл бұрын
I love His Blogs! I was only 3 in 1963. So Don't Remember. II do know my Mom woke Up My Dad To Tell Him. He was Working the midnight shift then
@ReginaDHicks 4 жыл бұрын
In the men who killed Kennedy she claimed the car stopped and even commented that she felt if the driver had sped up he might have been save she even claimed that the article she wrote was altered and not what she submitted to her editor I’m shocked she didn’t mention any of that during this interview
@stddisclaimer8020 Жыл бұрын
@ReginaDHicks The limo never stopped, only slowed down, from 11mph to about 5-6 mph. The Zapruder film supersedes what any select witness thinks they had seen.
@ReginaDHicks Жыл бұрын
@@stddisclaimer8020 lol an edited movie negates I witness testimony yeah OK 👌
@ReginaDHicks Жыл бұрын
@@stddisclaimer8020 lol
@stddisclaimer8020 Жыл бұрын
@@ReginaDHicks The Zapruder film was not "edited." The master or original film never left the physical possession of Abraham Zapruder until just after 9:00 a.m. in his office, on Saturday, November 23, 1963, when it was sold to Life magazine. Thus, no "alterations" could have been made during that time. After the film got sold, the idea of editing it would be a non-starter because any edited copies would be exposed as a fraud when compared with the original. But in the final analysis, the plain fact that each of the many copies of the Z-film matches all the others as well as the original proves beyond any doubt that no alterations were made. "Yeah, ok."
@stddisclaimer8020 Жыл бұрын
The sham documentary, "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" resulted in the threat of legal action against the Arts & Entertainment Company, owner of the History Channel which aired it. The History Channel ended up apologizing to its viewers, for broadcasting such libelous disinformation.
@TonyWud 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Ms. Pillsworth. I would hope you are working on a memoir. Your entire life sounds fascinating.
@leebest1a470 5 жыл бұрын
Great interview. Forever a part of history on film, and word.
@marinamoscow3755 3 жыл бұрын
is it posible to watch the whole oral history with Anne and other witneses of JFK assassination?
@jerrymarshall2095 4 жыл бұрын
She's a likable ole gal,I dont say that about journalist very often.
@andrewclack4881 3 жыл бұрын
Just one question. How did she KNOW he was hit in the back? What with the speed these bullets move and her own perception that the shot(s) came from the knoll area, even allowing for her hearing problem. How could she or anyone for that matter KNOW.
@peterfraser9070 11 ай бұрын
She thought she knew; his back was exposed and no doubt she could tell he wasn't hit in the head with that 2nd shot...that leaves the back.
@Autshot20 5 жыл бұрын
Great interview. Great firsthand account. Unfortunately her feeling about Oswald being the shooter does not go along with what she heard. Three shots but two very close together, almost on top of each other does not work with the bolt action rifle that was connected to Oswald.
@TonyWud 4 жыл бұрын
You'll pardon me if I accept a first-person eye witness account over yours.
@donbartels153 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you.
@jackgriffin4893 3 жыл бұрын
We now know that Zapruder's film did capture the assassination, just not all of it. He missed Oswald’s first shot. And Oswald missed his first shot too. This means Oswald didn’t fire three shots in 6 seconds. He fired three shots in 11.2 seconds. With intervals of around 6.3 seconds and 4.9 seconds between the shots. First Shot: The first shot was deflected by a traffic light pole and glanced off. This explains how Oswald missed not only JFK, but the entire limousine. This location is also 70 feet before Zapruder restarted filming. And where many ear witnesses said they heard the first shot. (105 feet distance to JFK). Oswald then had to wait (briefly) for the Lincoln to clear the oak tree before firing the second shot. This accounts for the overwhelming testimony by witnesses as to the shot pattern: 💥One....(pause)....💥Two..💥Three Also, it matches the distribution of the three cartridges on the 6th Floor. Second Shot: The second shot went through President Kennedy and Governor Connally. It was on a straight line. It was a jacketed bullet. This was no magic bullet, only tragic.(190 feet distance to JFK) Third Shot: The third shot was fatal. (265 feet distance to JFK). Because the Lincoln was moving away from Oswald in a straight line, he was almost shooting at a stationary target. Like all marines, Oswald was trained and tested in shooting. In December 1956, he scored 212, which was slightly above the requirements for the designation of “sharpshooter.” In May 1959 he scored 191, which reduced his rating to “marksman.” Still more than capable.
@datikit01 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackgriffin4893 I started researching the assassination after that weekend in November 1963. You make an excellent presentation of the distance analysis from the 6th floor of the TSBD. I immediately focused on the wound and autopsy evidence: Connally's wound entry was one inch to the left and about 1 1/2 " from the start of his right armpit and exited about 1 to 1 1/2" inches below his right nipple. Connally was holding his hat in his right hand about chest high as the bullet entered his arm 2 inches below the wrist. Kennedy's throat wound: Bullet entered just to the right of the 3rd vertebrae and exited just either above or below the knot of his tie. I closely examined the trajectory's of the wound pattern and found them to be a fairly flat trajectory and more perpendicular to the victims bodies. Using overhead diagrams of Dealy plaza the shot trajectory's line up perfectly with a path leading to a second floor shooter in the DalTex building. I remember the first reports I received the day of the assassination were that the shots came from the DalTex building.
@aujay 3 жыл бұрын
@@TonyWud Just because the lady was there on the day doesn't mean she knew who the shooter was (she in fact said she thought the shots came from near the Knoll and never looked anywhere else or saw any sign of anyone shooting) nor does it change the fact she made the claim of hearing 3 shots and 2 of them were fired almost the at the same time. This means 2 shooters! There is no possible way to reload the Carcano rifle that Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly used on the day as to fire two shots within less than half a second of each other.
@lovineveryminuetofit1314 10 ай бұрын
Crowds of hundreds of people that he waved at. But Mary here seems to believe he only waved at her. Now she says she was the last person he waved at. It's good to have a dream
@seank.9764 Жыл бұрын
After viewing this interview I was immediately curious as to why Miss Woodward Pillsworth is so adamant in discrediting the documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy and admittedly regrets her involvement in it. She states that the producers were too selective in the excerpts they included and used much of what she said out of context. She and others have also used these occasions with the “sixth floor” people to bash Jim Garrison and paint him as a nutjob. Yet when I recently rewatched TMWKK (an extraordinary presentation) I was struck by how thorough and candid her recollections are actually presented. She seemed convinced at the time that the third shot came from in front of Kennedy. Now, apparently, she’s a diehard proponent of the Warren Commission! One question: who got to ya lady?
@peterfraser9070 11 ай бұрын
The Men Who Killed Kennedy was garbage. Knowledge, being informed and having common sense is who got to her; a better question is: who got you??
@NashonHanselman 8 ай бұрын
well the men who killed kennedy has been shown to be no different than oliver stone's film...full of errors, exaggerations, and out right lies....but by all means, keep watching that trash....
@aisforamerica2185 3 жыл бұрын
I would hope the museum does not push a narrative, but instead chooses to present unbiased historical recollection. Not anti-Warren, not anti-Conspiracy. Fair.
@Wills-Corner 4 жыл бұрын
She initially said the shots came from behind her, aka the grassy knoll. Her having a hearing problem is an excuse.
@murraycramp3947 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, she's part of the conspiracy which seems to involve a cast of thousands, many who look to be acting unconsciously.
@jackgriffin4893 3 жыл бұрын
Oswald’s three shots created echoes in Dealey Plaza that initially created some confusion as to their origin. However, we now know with 100% certainty that all three shots were fired from the 6th Floor of the TSBD, by one man LHO. There were no other shooters.
@Wills-Corner 3 жыл бұрын
​@@jackgriffin4893 lmao no. Its a fact that there were multiple assassins. Over 100 eyewitnesses said the shots came from the knoll. Some even saw smoke, and a figure, which the Dave Wiegman film and Mary Moorman photo show. Also Oswald wasn’t even on the 6th floor at the time. How do we know that? Because his coworkers such as Charles Givens told the FBI and even his supervisor Bill Shelley testified to the Warren Commission that Oswald was on the first floor shortly before noon. At 11:50am to be exact. If he was the assassin, he would be up on the sixth floor for at least half an hour. Just in case the motorcade came early. But it was running 5 minutes late and he wouldn't know that. Secretary Carolyn Arnold told the FBI and the Dallas Morning News that she saw Oswald in the 2nd floor lunchroom 5 minutes before the assassination at 12:25pm. But the FBI lied and said she saw him on the first floor at 12:15pm. Oswald himself told the Dallas Police and FBI during his interrogation that he had lunch on the first floor, then went to the second floor lunchroom for a Coca-Cola. And guess who also saw him in the lunchroom 2 minutes after the assassination? The manager of the Texas School Book Depository Roy Truly, Dallas Police Motorcycle Officer Marrion Baker, and Secretary Jeraldean Reid. They all testified that Oswald appeared calm. Now how the hell could he run down 4 flights of stairs after allegedly killing the most powerful man in the world, leave his murder weapon and bullet casings behind, not leave his fingerprints on the rifle despite the fact that he wasn’t wearing gloves, pass fellow employees Victoria Adams, and Sandra Styles, who both told the FBI and Warren Commission that they saw no one running down the stairs at the same time as them, then appear calm and relaxed after having just bought a Coca-Cola while standing in front of an armed cop? You clearly haven’t studied the assassination at all. If you had, you would know those things.
@jackgriffin4893 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wills-Corner Anything you have read or watched by these four charlatans about the JFK Assassination you can dismiss as pretty much false: THOMAS G. BUCHANAN, JOSIAH THOMPSON, MARK LANE, JIM GARRISON, OLIVER STONE’S “JFK” and the BBC Production titled “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” showN over and over on The History Channel ad nauseam. They promoted conspiracy theories not to find the truth but to fatten their wallets. Actually, the origin of all the thousands of delusional conspiracy theories about the JFK Assassination was Thomas G. Buchanan and his book: “Who Killed Kennedy?” (1964) He wasn’t interested in the truth, but making a buck. Just like so many other hucksters, cons, and charlatans that would follow in his footsteps. If the truth is boring, make up a lie. No one has been more dishonest in promoting conspiracy theories than lawyer Mark Lane. And his lectures and books (especially Rush to Judgment and Plausible Denial) have been extremely influential distortions. The fact is, you can’t trust Mark Lane to tell you the truth. Just ask Hugh Aynesworth of The Dallas Morning News. Lane asked to borrow his eyewitness notes, then basically stole them and altered them to fit his false claims of conspiracy. He and many authors and cons have taken witnesses’ statements out of context, distorted them beyond recognition, and in some cases cherry-picked passages that seemed to back their conspiracy theories while ignoring testimony that didn’t. And as for the TSBD co-worker who claimed to see Oswald in the lunchroom drinking a coke? Her name is Carolyn Arnold, a 20-year-old secretary in 1963 at the School Book Depository, told an astonishing story for the first time in 1978 - that she had seen Lee Harvey Oswald in the second-floor lunchroom as late as 12:25, only five minutes before the assassination - making it virtual impossible for him to have gotten upstairs, prepared the sniper’s nest, and assassinate the president. But the problem is, not only did a number of co-workers - more than six of them - not see Oswald in any of the lunchrooms at the Book Depository, but in her original two statements to the FBI, she never saw him there, either. Science has proven Oswald was the only shooter. And the testimony of James Leavelle (Dallas Homicide Detective) and Hugh Aynesworth (Reporter for The Dallas Morning Star) confirm both Oswald and Ruby acted alone. It’s ironic, since conspiracy buffs are always claiming that the evidence against Oswald is all faked or forged. But in fact it is the conspiracy evidence in the JFK Assassination case that is laced with faked documents, unreliable witnesses, and misrepresented facts.
@Wills-Corner 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackgriffin4893 no. The evidence against Oswald has so many contradictions, inconsistencies, defies common sense, and is far too circumstantial, and convenient that it doesn’t hold up. Also At least Lane actually read and analyzed not only the Warren Report but the 26 volumes of hearings and exhibits. A lot of which contradict the Warren Report’s own claims. Such as the affidavits of assassination witnesses. To believe Oswald’s guilt is to completely suspend your disbelief and blindly believe what the establishment tells you without question. Fact of the matter is Oswald was innocent and you are in the minority.
@geoffreyjohnstone5465 5 жыл бұрын
I think these interviews would be much better if the guests werent lead by the interviewer. Why not get James Di Eugenio to ask the questions?
@jonchaney 4 жыл бұрын
Also she should trim the beaver.get rid of all that hair down there.
@geoffreyjohnstone5465 4 жыл бұрын
@J M I dont want someone "guiding" the guest. I want them off guard and not sure whats coming next
@geoffreyjohnstone5465 4 жыл бұрын
@J M Neenaw neenaw, spelling police.
@donbartels153 3 жыл бұрын
No doubt about this interviewer having a set agenda. That being to support the Warren Commission. Why? I will never know.
@geoffreyjohnstone5465 3 жыл бұрын
@@donbartels153 Of course it will support the Warren Commission. 95% of everything in the media of any kind (apart from independent books and talks) are that way. The media in the USA is corrupt. I never believe it and try to ignore it where possible. It is far better to be uninformed than misinformed
@aujay 3 жыл бұрын
Once again three shots, the first one and then the 2nd and 3rd almost at the same time. This goes toward proving that there were 2 shooters (as Oswald could not make two shots within a half a second of each other) at least on the day!
@aisforamerica2185 3 жыл бұрын
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
@stddisclaimer8020 Жыл бұрын
@aujay Wrong again. The Zapruder Film is visible evidence of about 5.0 seconds between the 2nd and 3rd shots. Re:“select” ear-witness accounts to the contrary, it’s an established fact there was echoing off the triple underpass.
@peterfraser9070 11 ай бұрын
the Z Film shows about 5 seconds between the 2nd and 3rd; several witnesses there have mentioned the echoing between the TSBD and the underpass. Sorry, but it's not as simple as you think.
@peterfraser9070 11 ай бұрын
the Z Film shows about 5 seconds between the 2nd and 3rd; several witnesses there have mentioned the echoing between the TSBD and the underpass. Sorry, but it's not as simple as you think.
@googleuser6201 5 жыл бұрын
NOT POSSIBLE.... This woman heard 3 shots.... The first one she felt missed.. The other two were shot almost at the same time. So when was he hit in the back? and his arms went up to his throat? also which shot hit Tague? The one that hit Kennedy in the back certainly was not it and it could not have been the two that hit him in the head. Seems to me there must have been a fourth shot.
@brianfreehold1877 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Google User, Max Holland's theory says the first shot may have hit and ricocheted off of the traffic signal directly below the sixth floor window, which subsequently hit the curb and Mr Tague. And, Oswald's supposed shot at General Walker hit the window sash, saving Walker's life. Maybe Oswald's first shot was always his worst. Not knowing the answers myself, I do believe LHO shot kennedy. Thank you
@googleuser6201 4 жыл бұрын
@TermsofService Hey Moron That was just one small example... Maybe you can explain to me how Oswald was paraffin tested and had no traced on his cheek... You do realize that is completely impossible ? How do you explain this. Also 2 other witnesses who were in the stairwell in the 90 second period when Oswald would have had to come down the stairs to the second floor both said he didn't . Can you explain that? Lets just make this simple... NO YOU CAN"T
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
Well, dummy, bullet came out of his throat.
@peterfraser9070 11 ай бұрын
Don't forget, the Z Film shows about 5 seconds between the 2nd and 3rd shot. Several witnesses there have mentioned the echoing between the TSBD and the underpass. I thought every serious person must know by now that the 1st missed (Tague), Kennedy and Connally were hit by the 2nd bullet and the 3rd was the only bullet to hit Kennedy in the head.
@henochparks 6 жыл бұрын
She heard what people reported. The shots were bam ...pause bam bam This is proof there were two shooters since a bolt action weapon could not shoot twice together
@rickstroman5688 3 жыл бұрын
That's absolutely correct
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
Wrong. The film shows the timing of the 2nd and 3rd shots. They were not too close together to have been from Oswald's rifle. Far from it.
@henochparks 2 жыл бұрын
@@KenDanieli the film is silent pal. The witnesses and audio tape confirm the last two shots were on top of each other. Best study up
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
@@henochparks Wrong. 1 shot, then pause (tree sign in the way for Oswald, may have hit tree or sign), then 2nd shot followed by 3rd shot.
@tokenjoy Жыл бұрын
@@KenDanieli Absolutely correct.
@donbartels153 3 жыл бұрын
Always fascinating to hear and see a live witness from that tragic day. She is the 3rd person that I know of who said the 2nd and 3rd shots came in rapid fire, thus disproving that Oswald acted alone. She was correct the first time and should not have changed her story about the shots coming from behind her.
@rickstroman5688 3 жыл бұрын
Yep..rapid fire
@jackgriffin4893 3 жыл бұрын
She is correct on the shot pattern. Here’s the reason why: First Shot: The first shot was deflected by a traffic light pole and glanced off. This explains how Oswald missed not only JFK, but the entire limousine. This location is also 70 feet before Zapruder restarted filming. And where many ear witnesses said they heard the first shot. (105 feet distance to JFK). Oswald then had to pause (briefly) for the Lincoln to clear the oak tree before firing the second shot. This accounts for the overwhelming testimony by witnesses as to the shot pattern: 💥One....(pause)....💥Two...💥Three. Also, it matches the distribution of the three cartridges on the 6th Floor. Second Shot: The second shot went through President Kennedy and Governor Connally. It was on a straight line. It was a jacketed bullet. This was no magic bullet, only tragic.(190 feet distance to JFK) Third Shot: The third shot was fatal. (265 feet distance to JFK). Because the Lincoln was moving away from Oswald in a straight line, he was almost shooting at a stationary target. As for the direction from which the three shots came from her confusion is understandable due to the echoes the shots caused in Dealey Plaza. All three shots came from the 6th Floor window of the TSBD. There were only three shots fired, by one man, using one rifle, over 11.2 seconds.
@JohnDavis-sb6ex 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackgriffin4893 So, people say 2nd and 3rd shot were close together, like Bang, Bang, one right after the other. You're saying spacing was correct for Oswald to cycle the bolt and get the two shots as Bang...cycle bolt...Bang?
@jackgriffin4893 3 жыл бұрын
@@JohnDavis-sb6ex bang..............................bang.............bang
@JohnDavis-sb6ex 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackgriffin4893 So, you're suggesting equal spacing? Many heard unequal spacing. Disprove them!
@janetphillips2875 11 ай бұрын
Have they brought the garbage man in yet?
@stevemaher7481 3 жыл бұрын
Hole in the windshield, the Harper fragment, the James Teague wound. Back and to the left.
@Wills-Corner 3 жыл бұрын
Its spelled Tague.
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
@stddisclaimer8020 Жыл бұрын
@stevemaher7481 There was no windshield "hole," it was a crack a result being hit by a bullet fragment from inside. The Harper fragment was determined to be parietal bone, corroborating that shots came from behind the limo.
@peterfraser9070 11 ай бұрын
crack on the inside, it was TEMPORAL-parietal skull bone blasted out by an explosion, so stuff flies in more than one direction; Tague was most likely 1st shot, which missed; muscle refex - the Z Film alone tells us the head shot was from behind; forward head movement and skull pieces shooting up and forward so visibly on impact it makes your comment a bit of a joke.
@brandtbecker1810 5 жыл бұрын
Best to be like Sgt. Schultz: Know nothing, See nothing, Hear nothing.
@Joepacalypse1107 Жыл бұрын
The people in the car have stated that the first shot hit the president. Nellie Connally saw the presidents hands come up after the first shot. The second shot hit her husband, and the third shot hit the president. Nellie Connally and Gov. Connally have stated this over and over.
@Caeruleo Жыл бұрын
"The people in the car have stated that the first shot hit the president. Nellie Connally saw the presidents hands come up after the first shot." She said she recalled it that way, yes. How do you know she wasn't simply mistaken in her recollection without realizing she was mistaken? In the Zapruder film it seems to me that she doesn't even look at JFK for the first time until after her husband has quite obviously already been hit. "The second shot hit her husband, and the third shot hit the president. Nellie Connally and Gov. Connally have stated this over and over." John Connally said that he never at any time saw JFK during the shooting sequence, so he would have had no possible way of knowing from his own personal observations whether or not JFK was hit by the first shot. He merely trusted his wife's recollection. And did you miss the part where, while both of them disputed the single bullet, they were still both adamant that all three shots came from behind them and no other direction? And if JFK was hit by the first shot and Connally was hit only by the second shot, why does the Zapruder film show them both jerking violently beginning in exactly the same frame, 226, as if they've both just been hit by the same bullet after all, and why is this only two frames (1/9th of a second) after the front of Connally's jacket suddenly bulges outward several inches as if that's when the bullet exited his chest?
@Joepacalypse1107 Жыл бұрын
@@Caeruleo John Connally stated that while he did not see the President he saw the biological matter fly everywhere when his head was in Nellie's lap already....that happened after he was shot.
@Joepacalypse1107 Жыл бұрын
Look at the is not the same rifle he was photographed with OR that the company sold. That much is undeniable.
@Caeruleo Жыл бұрын
@@Joepacalypse1107 "Look at the is not the same rifle he was photographed with OR that the company sold. That much is undeniable." I don't agree. The HSCA produced extensive and detailed studies of those photographs way back in the 1970s and determined that the photos are indeed of the same rifle. And of course it's not the same rifle that he ordered, because Crescent Firearms, the warehouse which supplied Klein's, had run out of that exact type of Carcano and thus substituted a slightly different Carcano to be shipped to Oswald. But all photographs of the rifle taken after he received it, both in the backyard photographs and in photos taken of it on the 6th floor and later were determined to all by photos of the same rifle by the HSCA's panel of experts. And I notice you ignored what I said about JFK and Connally jerking violently beginning at exactly the same instant in exactly the same frame of the Zapruder film, frame 226. Also, if Nellie was correct about JFK raising his arms/hands after she heard the first shot but before she heard the second shot, why does this claim conflict so dramatically with what her husband said in comparison to the photographic evidence? He said that when he heard the first shot he turned to his right but did not turn far enough to see JFK. He said that he then intended to turn around the other way to try to see JFK over his left shoulder instead. He said that he only got far enough in the turn to where his head was facing slightly left of center and that at that very instant he felt himself to be hit in the back. In the Zapruder film we see him turn his head about halfway to the right at frames 160-170. This is several seconds before he and JFK disappear briefly behind the sign. When he emerges from behind the sign, Connally's head is still turned about halfway to the right. Suddenly in frames 224-228 his head snaps forward, and as I've already said, he and JFK both jerk violently beginning in frame 226. But for Nellie to have been correct about JFK being hit by the first shot, he would have had to have been hit several seconds before he disappears behind the sign. Where's the evidence for that? All the way to when he disappears behind the sign JFK does not appear to be doing anything even remotely similar to reacting to being struck by a bullet, and when he first begins to emerge from behind the sign, his left hand is seen to be moving downward. It is not until frame 226, when he's already almost completely back in view from behind the sign, that his arms and hands begin to move upward rapidly, culminating with his elbows splayed out and his fists up to his mouth (not his throat, as some mistakenly believe).
@jerrymarbury9365 6 жыл бұрын
Back then newspapers werent allowed to be politically biased,times have sure its a prerequisite.ha ha
@HIROLLER9 4 жыл бұрын
Ms. Pillsworth is full of contradictions, she would make a lousy witness. What she really heard on the day has subsequently changed & she keeps trying hard to convince herself the spurious information she has heard on the news & the Warren Commission's discredited conclusions is true. Even Justice Warren admitted he had doubts about the conclusion of his own commission.
@donbartels153 3 жыл бұрын
Boy you know it. She waffled a great deal during this interview. I agree with you totally.
@franklinbolander1916 3 жыл бұрын
@LePubPattaya 3 жыл бұрын
Her TV interview was not with the BBC it was with ITV. If she gets that detail wrong I wonder as to her other recollections.
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
Mark Lane is highly disreputable.
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
Jim Garrison was a complete nut.
@rickstroman5688 3 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely right about the first shot..zapruder never stop filming..ever...and why are you forgetting the shot that completely missed and landed by the train Tressel that fragments of concrete struck a man...there was at least 4 shots....WAKE UP AMERICA
@VivaciousVirgO 3 жыл бұрын
So right you are! The minute she said that Oswald was the killer I clicked off the video! It's wild because you wouldn't expect someone of her age to dilly dally regarding the truth! She saw the direction in which his head flew back, and her conclusion of the shot from the fence. Simple case of 2+2 equaling 4! Clearly, using your brain is a chore for many ppl of today AND yesterday lol!
@formermpc10 2 жыл бұрын
Zapruder started filming after the first shot, which missed JFK.
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
Zapruder did stop filming. and restart. as everyone but you knows. Jesus. So stupid.
@KenDanieli 2 жыл бұрын
@@formermpc10 Zapruder filmed early, before the car turned the corner he realized that there were lead motorcycles and cars still coming before the limo so he then stopped to save film, then the first shot, then he started filming as the car was coming from behind the sign and captured the 2nd and 3rd shots on film.
@stddisclaimer8020 Жыл бұрын
@@VivaciousVirgO The minute you implied Oswald was not the killer while not naming who was the killer along w/supporting evidence, I clicked off your crack-brained comment.
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Рет қаралды 49 МЛН
哈哈大家为了进去也是想尽办法!#火影忍者 #佐助 #家庭
Living History with W.E. "Rusty" Robbins
Рет қаралды 27 М.
JFK Assassination Eyewitness - Julian Read
City of Allen - ACTV
Рет қаралды 404 М.
Living History with Karen Westbrook Scranton
Рет қаралды 125 М.
Living History with Hugh Aynesworth
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The Accommodation: A Cause-Minded Conversation
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Living History with Eugene Boone
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Living History with Bob Welch
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Living History with Nancy Myers (Tammi True)
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Living History with Pierce Allman
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The Assassination of J. F. K
The Incredible Journey
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Как мы играем в игры 😂
Рет қаралды 3,4 МЛН