Social Security Disability Claims Based on Adult ADD or ADHD

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Social Security Disability videos

Social Security Disability videos

10 жыл бұрын

Why are Adult ADD or Adult ADHD Social Security disability cases so difficult to win? Adults with this mental health condition struggle every day with problems that can make it difficult or impossible to hold down a job - issues such as:
-time management
-attention and concentration
-remaining on task
-persistence at a job task
-adequate pace of work
-behaving in an emotionally stable manner
-proper attendance
Many Social Security judges seem to feel, however, that ADD or ADHD are disorders that most seriously impact school aged children. Adults should either "grow out of" their symptoms or find medication to control behavior that would negatively impact work.
As I discuss in this video, you are much more likely to win Social Security disability if you base your claim on some other mental health or physical condition, and present your attention deficit issues as a secondary disabling issue.
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Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Facebook: / ginsberglaw
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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@squidwerd1981 7 жыл бұрын
Judges that make the call need to understand the significance of ADHD and it's effects in adults.
@rickb06 4 жыл бұрын
They don't care, they are mostly old and bitter boomers who love to think less of their disabled peers. Boomers had the best life, opportunity and prosperity in HUMAN HISTORY, yet they like to play up their "hardships" that are all exaggerated and bullshit, they were the LAST generation that had the option of living the American Dream, now that dream, mostly because of them, is a NIGHTMARE! Yes I'm salty (pissed off), but rightly so, wages haven't gone up, inflation has gone nuclear and we can't buy houses in our twenties, we aren't lazy, we are f*cked. So if we start having a downward spiral with ADHD and go downhill, we get punished. Once the bad ones die, life will get easier, until then, buckle up, they won't leave this hell on earth until they've eaten, drunk and pilfered EVERY possible GOOD thing or chance at a good life that exists.
@megphillips7488 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. Tonight I'm having a hard time. I feel depression coming on but I'm fighting it. I'm upset because I can't keep a job longer than 3 months because I quit and life becomes shit each time. It's an endless cycle
@traymac214 Жыл бұрын
@@megphillips7488 and that's truly understandable like wtf. That's something they have got to understand and should and imo a hell of a reason to be qualified.
@jeffdowell1255 Жыл бұрын
@@megphillips7488 I’m the same way. I just can’t. I know what I need to do, but ADD and other life factors contribute to me ultimately leaving the job. I’m struggling right now as we speak. Judges don’t understand that when a person has ADD/ADHD, they have it for life. It’s literally how they are wired.
@erikschiller4838 10 ай бұрын
​@@jeffdowell1255I would say thankfully we're coming to an age where there is A LOT more understanding of ADHD as a disability than a behavioral issue. But still, there's a lot of people out there who are still VERY ignorant 2 ADHD and mental illness in general because they have it in their head that if you can't see it, don't believe it and if the person is standing, speaking, functioning, then they must be okay right?! It's an idiotic way of thinking especially when you consider that one out of four adults are disabled and 80% of those have disabilities that we can't see! I would LOVE to let these same judges and all the doubters spend a day in my head, just one day, both unmedicated and medicated... Then tell me how they feel, how easy it is to focus, to organize your thoughts, to not blurt things out, to not hyper fixate, hyper focus, overanalyze or constantly feel guilty for doing something wrong even though you did nothing wrong because you're used to people telling you about all the things you DO do wrong because of your ADHD... Some people don't understand but even when we are medicated, it is not a 100% curable! It still doesn't help with time management, organization, our memory or social skills... Medication only touches the surface of ADHD and it's so much more complex than people think or believe it to be so cut and dry.
@skoal22005 4 жыл бұрын
Its good advice for sure, adhd can be torture when its hard to hold down a job and you don't have insurance to be treated for the condition. I now realize ive dealt with the nonsense my whole life and nobody really gives a shit, they just look at you like you're worthless and or lazy, don't want to work, when you do work you're constantly reprimanded because you "don't listen" or "have a bad attitude" because for some reason we can't remember 30 things a manager rattles off in speed talking to do. It's a great life.
@erikschiller4838 10 ай бұрын
See, for me... When I DO work (I'm medicated fortunately, when I WASN'T I had that issue though!) I BUST MY ASS, But between my physical chronic disability, my mental health overall, my home life/kids, there's a lot of days where I would be late or just call out of work all together because I was so sick... I actually got laid off earlier this month and provided all the necessary documentation to prove my chronic illness... They still laid me off and to this very day they haven't provided me with any PROOF that I was LEGITIMATELY fired.
@crustycobs2669 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 67, and filed for disability years ago, and was told that it is not a disability. That helps explain why in my entire I could not work with anyone else, had broken relationships, etc, etc,and this is in the 'best' Country, the U.S.A. where I could never get any help at all.
@shellyhunt4910 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not a disability by itself I don’t know why
@garrettbush8308 Жыл бұрын
The Americans with Disabilities Org. Classifies it now as a legal disability now. People are opening up to us, its just a struggle to try to get them to understand what we have to deal with. I had to fight my way up every ladder in life just to graduate college in engineering and now I am a controls engineer, I see what the work force does to people lile us who have this condition and generally people who have adhd are either ignored, mistreated, or neglected and its all because they dont understand what it is like.
@sherrymeilana Жыл бұрын
Late diagnosis of adhd has completely ruined my life. Developed anxiety & depression because of it. It’s debilitating & I feel defeated most days. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone.
@herchelleonwood7463 Ай бұрын
has your doctor put you on adderrall ? i have ASD-AS and the sleep disorder common with it,, i was always to tired to function, which is depressing,, the adderall works better than any of the anti depressants ,,i function better on adderall so i'm less depressed.
@drogon2988 6 жыл бұрын
People with ADD are pretty much fucked. We're 50% less likely to be able to hold a job and on average we make 33% less than other employees do with similar job titles when taking promotions and pay raises into account. On top of that we pay to take medication to try to help with our disorder, further taking away money from our financial stability. You'd hope you could turn to someone like this man for help but not only will the system tell you to fuck off, but he knows that's the case so he'll tell you to fuck off before it even gets to that point. And you wonder why people with ADD suffer from depression.
@ValleyJoe Жыл бұрын
@gogarrickboyd Жыл бұрын
Where did you get those numbers?
@drogon2988 Жыл бұрын
@@gogarrickboyd Multiple sources, but no I haven't hung onto the links and sources for years for the day a random person on KZbin asked me, sorry lol. If you Google certain questions I'm sure you'll be able to find plenty of information though.
@gogarrickboyd Жыл бұрын
Sorry, missed that this was four YEARS ago!
@GEN1CYBERTRON 2 жыл бұрын
Someone with autism and adhd like myself certainly is limited and discriminated against unintentionally by management working in a healthcare setting. It sounds like judges are very ableist.
@erikschiller4838 10 ай бұрын
Yes... I have ADHD(combined type), OCD, Sensory processing disorder, MDD, generalized anxiety and Complex PTSD. I feel this 100%! My son is 9 and has ADHD (combined type), Autism & anxiety... Which makes me fear for his future and how people will treat him 😢
@marioantoniocrespoMexican92 2 жыл бұрын
No ADHD definitely stays in adults as well. It can effect your decision making in adults, many adults can be very impulsive, also Adhd doesn’t go away as you get older. Some have most symptoms as adult as well
@mysnellvilleblog 9 жыл бұрын
ADD is an outdated term. It is now all ADHD, but divided into subtypes. There is ADHD-I for primarily Inattentive ADHD, ADHD Combined Type, and so on. Medications DO help, but they're just part of the toolkit. The patient needs to work to educate himself/herself about ADHD & how they can work with it the best. The videos by Dr. Russell Barkley here on KZbin are exceptional, as are the ADDitude magazine Experts Podcasts. Also, there isn't an ADHD for children and one for adults. It is the same condition of the frontal cortex, it just PRESENTS differently. I'm telling ya, get properly treated and educate yourself about how to work WITH ADHD, and you'll find yourself with amazing creativity and abilities you never knew you had. You'll make Mr. Ginsberg and the SSDI judge incredibly envious. lol Your brain isn't disabled or defective, it just works differently. -Proudly ADHD
@ssdattorney 9 жыл бұрын
mysnellvilleblog Thank you for the clarification. My experience has been that Social Security judges don't really know the differences. I'll check out your resources and update my website and future videos. Thanks for your comment!
@hannahlea7936 8 жыл бұрын
I would just like to say thank you. because I hate it when people come on here and just start spitting out facts that aren't even true about it. I have had ADHD since I was a child and still struggle with it today. until ADHD is seen as a physical disorder as well as mental disorder things will never change. also the reason that I say that it should be notice as a physical disability is because it is a chemical imbalance in the brain as well as other symptoms. so once again thank you for this comment.
@redruby111 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely nothing wrong with being disabled, as someone with quite severe ADHD I'm definitely disabled in many actives most can do without an issue that I can't even manage sometimes
@Hammerzippy Жыл бұрын
Add is a disability. Yes medication work but at times the medication may not be able to be continued due to high blood pressure or need to up the dose and that could cause issues. I hate judges. If someone says their disabled and have a professional DOCTOR agreeing. A judge doesn't need to make the call. Ridiculous
@patrickwalsh7717 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your honesty at least. Someday we'll all learn that disabilities that you can't see or put on a spreadsheet are real too!
@sorad5791 Жыл бұрын
The notion that kids have to juggle more than adults because of school subjects is wild. Adulthood is constant juggling, with all of life's various "subjects", ALL the responsibility, and all the consecuences of not being able to keep up.. as a kid, your parent or guardian handles a lot of the weight. Sheesh.
@ssdattorney Жыл бұрын
For whatever reason, my experience has been that SSD judges view ADHD as primarily a problem for pre-adolescents and teens. ADHD cases in adults just don't get approved.
@hippiegypsygirl 9 ай бұрын
Loss of executive function is a major disability and that is one of many parts of adhd… it doesn’t make sense that the frontal lobe of your brain losing executive function would go away for adults. Why would that change? I am just learning what adhd is this week and I was so wrong in assuming it was a non issue. I never took the time to understand what is was, until I realized I had it… It is very real and proven scientifically, not sure why it would be a disability if you are taking the right meds to help stop the dopamine leak. We should raise awareness for adhd in adult women… I am sad my life could have been different if it was properly medicated…
@parscreationsstapp8419 Жыл бұрын
That is what I figured. Thank you for being honest about it. Others with ADHD... I feel for you. I went through school, got a masters. Getting the masters was super difficult and I had to get incompletes and make them up to get my degree. It takes so much more time for me to retain anything than others. As the years went by in my profession, the number of tasks increased to the point where I could not keep up with all of them. I left that profession and now have 4 part time jobs. A whole lot less stress, a whole lot less money. Thank goodness my husband has a job that pays something. I am lucky if I can hold 3 things in my memory at once. The older I get the harder it is to retain information. It is embarrassing. There just isn't any way I could go back to a good paying job. Even though I am a hard worker, it sometimes takes me longer. I cannot keep up with multiple tasks without carefully written notes. It is amazing how many employers do not have any kind of system written down.
@alejandrapatterson9527 6 жыл бұрын
This sucks... I am felling depressed and I am 34 weeks pageant thanks for the help. My mom was tyring to get us SSI when we were younger but we couldn't trying again
@SavageBear_YT 11 ай бұрын
I got distracted by your desktop. Fun fact, if you google 4k Dual Monitor Desktop Backgrounds you get some really visually appealing options that span both screens. It's much nicer than a repeated image. I sure am glad I can pause videos. Now back to what you were saying...
@imperfect2perfect717 5 жыл бұрын
I’m a parent of a child with ADHD and she suffers from depression and anxiety and she was denied disability 3 times. She’s seen several different psychologists and psychiatrists since she was 2 and I thought she would’ve grown out of it and she hasn’t. The issues I have with her is she wonders off when I’m shopping, she steals, she talks to herself and cries, some days she’s happy then most days she’s sad. Her classmates bullies her because she has trouble in school with class work. I have a IEP eligibility meeting Tuesday and I hope she gets approved for the extra help. Also she’s been evaluated 3 different times by 3 different doctors and they all told me that her IQ levels are very low for someone of her age. So please let me know if she has a chance of getting approved for her disability or something because I have a court date in August. Thanks!
@jesssmith8274 3 жыл бұрын
I am a LPC and a lot of case management experience. A lot of people generally do not understand how SSI and SSDI work. Many folks assume just because you have a diagnosis or had an IEP in school that you automatically qualify for SSI. In order to get SSI you must prove that you child has a significant disability not just a diagnosis or needing extra help in school. You also have to meet the income guidelines. The majority of the children that have ADHD, depression, and anxiety do not qualify for SSI. Yes your daughter has problems but her problems do not sound that severe from a clinical perspective. Regarding depression and anxiety, has your child's mental health issues ever required hospitalization or partial-hospitalization? If not, then she will not qualify. Also regarding IQ low IQ, she will need to meet the clinical criteria for IDD. If she does not meet the clinical criteria for IDD, then she won't get SSI.
@Coryraisa 3 ай бұрын
ADHD is never "grown out of."
@dianef8933 4 жыл бұрын
I have been going religiously to therapy and psychiatry for many years.... I have been very vocal about my ptsd,adhd,depression/anxiety. I have stayed for the most part at one network to treat these past and on going issues. My question is if i have all the diagnoses on paper and the proof the meds,therapy and psychiatry with years of issues with finding,gettingand keeping a job do i have a strong case and should i start the application process for soical security disability
@kushantaiidan 8 жыл бұрын
Well this video filled me with so much hope. Not. I can not work anymore as ADHD is chronic and degenerative with no cure, and ineffective treatment, and my social security system in my country will force me to lose my house. So I guess the only way is to do something to myself, to show I am suicidal, or do something that creates a disability, whether it is staring into the sun until I am blind, or finding some kind of poison that will debilitate me. Seems the only way i can live without my government taking everything i've ever owned away from me. I give up.
@ssdattorney 8 жыл бұрын
Tree I hear you. Social Security is less and less receptive to accepting "invisible" conditions in disability cases. I also think that ADHD has been overdiagnosed such that real cases of ADHD get overlooked. I wonder if using a depression argument might be a better course of action.
@nocucksinkekistan7321 8 жыл бұрын
+Tree Start focusing more then
@kushantaiidan 8 жыл бұрын
I did, and didn't give up. Things got much worse, but then a bit better, but hey I'm still here! Tree - 1, World - 0. Suck eggs cruel world, I'm not defeated yet. Thank you both for your replies.
@crustycobs2669 5 жыл бұрын
My comment is above yours, and I agree totally. We have to live on the fringe and do our own thing to survive and try to be happy. The System is effed up. Peace.
@mikuenjoyerXD 2 жыл бұрын
I've been feeling this way too
@lovexx5633 6 жыл бұрын
Ugh so I'm fucked I was diagnosed w depression and adhd
@johnathandoerty1021 3 жыл бұрын
Any new Supreme Court decisions supporting ADHD as a“Disability” in adulthood? I would like to know considering the fact that this Video is from 6 years ago - I don’t have access to a Law Library, or I would check myself. I also live in the 10th Circuit.. Any help would be appreciated!
@barbaroszeyd1903 Жыл бұрын
Hi as a medical personnel I tell my clients to always checkup on their family. To know if they are okay. But I didn't have enough time for mine and I didn't notice that my child had ADHD. But I am greatful to Dr Iyhere on youtube for providing a lasting treatment for him. I appreciate you sir.
@markfrost2707 Жыл бұрын
A good lawyer can easily show the scientific research and peer-reviewed papers, etc that show ADHD can be very disabling.
@ssdattorney Жыл бұрын
My experience has not been good in ADHD cases. I wish I could say otherwise but I can't.
@palma1422 4 ай бұрын
I live with this everyday it’s harder as an Adult to deal with life with ADHD then it was when I was younger lawyers need to do more to get this across
@ssdattorney 4 ай бұрын
Lawyers can make this argument all day long. The policymakers within SSA have decided that ADHD is not inherently disabling and that policy is followed by judges.
@christopherivester1225 2 жыл бұрын
What would you say about Post traumatic stress disorder / ADHD / and previous problems with injuries cause by accident ?
@8656737s 8 ай бұрын
That's ridiculous my whole life's been in struggle.
@CabalBoone 8 жыл бұрын
My hearing is tomorrow. I have thorough medical records and haven't missed a single doctor/counselor visit in two years. I had my psychiatrist fill out the SSI functional capacity paperwork. I had psych testing done by a neuro psychologist and she did a thorough write-up. I had an APRN fill out a second functional capacity document last month. I have two excellent testimonials. My medical records feel pretty solid. I was terminated from 2 jobs in the past 2 years. I lost one job after 1 week, and the other job on the 3rd day. I've lost every single job I have ever held my entire life directly as a result of mental illness. And I am going to lose at my hearing tomorrow because ADHD isn't real.
@ssdattorney 8 жыл бұрын
+Boone Cabal No one is saying that ADHD is not real. The point I was making in my video is that it is difficult to win an adult ADHD case because judges rarely see thoroughly documented and medically supported files. Hopefully you will be the exception to the rule.
@richardbent1621 5 жыл бұрын
@@ssdattorney I have a reconsideration and also these are my symptoms and my conditions that are my file in my records right now I'm currently using a software called dragging this type to you because I can't spell I've been diagnosed with PTSD anxiety panic and depression and also ADHD I would like a lawyer to look at what the ADHD assessment with this help me with my case because they had me sent in an adult functioning test form and my mom helped me out with a social worker here in Oregon but I would like you to see or if any lawyer can take a look at the assessment that was made in 2018 could this possibly help my case for the ADHD
@markfrost2707 Жыл бұрын
@@richardbent1621 you got money? Then sure they would look for ya
@barbarateresarhiannonsreal1756 2 жыл бұрын
WOW! Are there jobs out there doing 1 or 2 things over & over??? WHERE CAN I APPLY? I was a dispatcher at a shipping container yard. I received an email with pictures of body parts laying on a dock in Vietnam Nam. An arm here, a leg there &...a torso! Refrigerated containers accidently received the incorrect coolant & they would explode. To make a long story short, there were at least 80 things that I had to work on as well as making sure these "ticking time-bombs" weren't entering our yard in Seattle & blowing us to smithereens. If I had only 2 things to do at a job, I wonder if I'd get those 2 thing straight? I have ME/CFS & after being sick with Covid-19 & Longhaul Covid...I walk into my kitchen some days looking for the coffee maker (it's always in the same place) OR, (when driving a few weeks ago) I realized a new traffic light has been installed, wondered why the light is red, I drove through a busy intersection & almost got hit by a pickup truck. Driving WAS my strongest skill. Once I learn something...I forget & have to learn it again. It's Groundhog Day over & over for me now. I'm paying Allsup (Disability Advocates) for me to figure out SSDI & how to win my case. You read that correctly. I'm paying THEM & I'm doing all of the work. See how that works? WELL, if you figure it out let me know! ADD & ADHD MIXED ME/CFS BRAIN FOG DEPRESSION PTSD LONGHAUL COVID PRE-DIABETES TYPE 2 SINUS DISEASE MIGRAINES ARTHRITIS POSSIBLE MS & on, & on......... I was looking forward to retirement in a few years, now I'm looking at sleeping in my car next month when my rent money runs out.
@markfrost2707 Жыл бұрын
you forgot "Hypochondria" ............just kidding
@bodyguard1646 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t need to be a attorney at all
@lonercitycrew 8 жыл бұрын
I have depression bipolar add adhd and I can't hold a job more then two weeks what do I do?
@ssdattorney 8 жыл бұрын
+Mathew Keeter - I would keep a list of all the jobs that you have lost - that would be helpful evidence. If you want to pursue disability benefits you will need support from a treating psychologist or psychiatrist.
@LORDMICKEY 7 жыл бұрын
@LORDMICKEY 7 жыл бұрын
He is also on rispedol
@lonercitycrew 7 жыл бұрын
@imperfect2perfect717 5 жыл бұрын
Its Manikiahn my daughter was on that same medicine but I didn’t like it for her. She has very bad compulsive disorder and she doesn’t know how to control it. So I would recommend applying for it.
@jasminemoore5692 5 жыл бұрын
Was wondering ive had ssi disability my mother got it for me since i was 5 years old and all the way up till i was 18 and something happened where they no longer gave it to me and and went file back said no but ive had no help with this ssi thing in 3 years and in the 3 years ive had a job for only 2 months my wife takes care of me like my mother cuz something is really wrong
@jesssmith8274 3 жыл бұрын
Tell you wife to help you to complete an application for SSI.
@koaasst 8 ай бұрын
i just turned 50 and i figured im just beholden to suffer and struggle and thats that. who the heck would believe me, i mean i can walk, talk, read and write. squirrel
@pariahmouse7794 4 ай бұрын
Depression/anxiety is often co-occurring as a result of untreated ADhD... It's a lot like having EVERY mental illness at once, and it's harder than many other mental "illnesses" Are judges even educated or qualified on these conditions to rule fairly? I say NO. WOW, all hope for me just died...
@ArchanDelon12 11 ай бұрын
I think the larger problem is that ADHD only prevents you from working some jobs, but not all of them. Doesn't matter if the job isn't close to you, doesn't matter if it pays minimum wage, doesn't matter if you're homeless while working. If you can work even a single job then they will deny you. People with ADHD have lower than normal levels of Norepinephrine, Dopamine, or both depending on the type. Physical labor jobs tend to suit people with ADHD because physical activity produces Norepinephrine and Dopamine which helps combat the ADHD. They might climb the walls working a desk job but function "normal" in a physical labor job. You would have to pair other types of disabling conditions to go along with it. Can't work manual labor because of a back injury, can't type because of carpal tunnel, can't be a Walmart greeter because of crippling anxiety, can't work a desk job because I have letters from my last 5 employers saying my impulsive and hyperactive behavior caused me to engage in gross misconduct. Most importantly you need medical documentation for every condition and letters from employers if you can get them. Even then it's a roll of the dice. I've seen people who shouldn't be working go to work because they can't get disability, and I've seen people who are full of shit liars that are on disability because they scammed the system.
@ssdattorney 11 ай бұрын
I think that there is a bigger trend at play here. Any kind of "invisible illness" will be an uphill battle when pursuing disability benefits. There is no way to take an MRI or CT of ADHD or to measure its severity. SSA is inherently suspicious of any condition that cannot be scanned or objectively measured.
@cantwait5836 2 жыл бұрын
How about a IEP learning disabilities
@kylajohnston8429 Жыл бұрын
I have ADHD combined with generalized anxiety disorder with moderate hearing loss 55% in both ears with iga nephropathy stage two kidney disease with blood and protien slipping and stage two hypertension and chronic sinusitis and mild stenosis and degenerative disk disease with osephyte formation and irritable bowel syndrome. Only 23 years old by the way
@ssdattorney Жыл бұрын
At 23 you have an uphill battle in any case. In my experience you almost need to be non-functional to win at 23.
@markfrost2707 Жыл бұрын
lol...I said to myself, after just reading a few sentences.."this HAS to be a girl.."
@user-ir1gb4rf1w 2 ай бұрын
What about in iep with learning dissability in school ?​@@ssdattorney
@ajiscool615 Жыл бұрын
I am 53 & have been diagnosed by specialists with ADHD, Bipolar 1 & Peripheral Neuropathy. My phone court date is next month. I am very nervous. Any Suggestions?
@ssdattorney Жыл бұрын
My experience has been that medical issues that can be imaged give you a better chance. So if you have EMG evidence describing the neuropathy that would likely be my starting point. ADHD rarely moves the meter and bipolar will if you have indicia of severity like suicide attempts or in patient hospitalizations.
@w.johnson1458 Жыл бұрын
Until we change how people see ADHD we won't be able to appropriately help those who have it. ADHD is a disability. The issue is that Judges need to be educated, their in actuate beliefs shouldn't be the reason a disabled person is denied benefits. ADHD left untreated is what may actually cause someone to suffer from Major depressive and anxiety disorders. Adhd makes you more likely to develops CPTSD. Even obesity can be linked to ADHD. Every aspect of your health can be negatively impacted by ADHD. Forgetting appts or to follow up on referrals, to take medication. ADHD makes it harder to create a consistent work out routine or redirect your actions towards future goals. People with untreated ADHD are more likely to get in car accidents, become addicted to drugs, get arrested and go bankrupt. But if we are more open to understanding what it really is, a neuro developmental disorder, not a behavioral issues we could easily and successful help these people learn to work around their symptoms. But if we don't catch it early it creates long term persistent unproductive habits that become hard to alter over time.
@benjaminmassie2978 4 жыл бұрын
I had a learning disability when I was in 6 grade I was hit in the head with base ball, asi got older I lied on my job aploications saying I went to 10 grade when I did not
@shellyhunt4910 2 жыл бұрын
U had? I still have my learning disability
@rebeccarhymes4005 Жыл бұрын
I have filled for disability, I have PTSD, Autism, ADHD, severe anxiety and started experiencing seizure(still working on a cause to make a diagnosis) does having multiple problems increase my chances of getting SSDI
@ssdattorney Жыл бұрын
I think the real issue has to do with the severity of one or more of these conditions and do you have strong medical support from a long time treating doctor to say that you do not have the capacity to work due to one or more of these diagnoses.
@markfrost2707 Жыл бұрын
no...not at all. Really, are you asking this? If you had to guess...what do you think?
@blakeflowers1197 Жыл бұрын
I’m 23 years old I have ADHD And epilepsy but I take medication however fortunately my seizures are frequent enough to cause severe harm. I can’t seem to hold a job though. Shit maybe I should become a judge.😂
@blakeflowers1197 Жыл бұрын
Meant aren’t frequent enough to pass as a disability, I’m sure they’d see the adhd as an excuse. But damn is it frustrating
@anthonyhines656 4 жыл бұрын
What about learning disability
@Priva_C 10 ай бұрын
Does this still apply in 2023???
@Thirdeye188 20 күн бұрын
Hey I have adhd and I want to leave ssi how can i
@anaramon8033 8 ай бұрын
What about if you have ADHD and speech delay
@ssdattorney 7 ай бұрын
You don't win SSD based on a diagnosis. Does the medical record confirm that these issues prevent you from performing any type of job. I have never had much luck with adult ADHD based claims.
@TaylorBlack420 Жыл бұрын
1 or 2 things? Smh what job is that?
@michaelportwood2450 Жыл бұрын
It's actually worse for adults
@ssdattorney Жыл бұрын
I don't doubt that at all. Unfortunately in the SSD world they think the opposite.
@latinzane 10 ай бұрын
You should re-edit your video. A lot has happened in 9 years as far as adult adhd as a disability. Or take it down. It's not helpful and takes away from your credibility. Just my opinion as an adult with adhd and unable to work.
@masonmiranda4146 Жыл бұрын
You need a better judge
@mr.goktug3504 Жыл бұрын
Hi guys I am Maverick, my adhd symptoms, move hands randomly from left to right, look at any kind of light source with the left side of my vision, always itchy, struggling to sleep and keeping a conversation with the help of Dr Iyhere I have been sleeping and I can look at the light source directly now.
@shantelcalvert6788 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video I appreciate your angle. And thank you for explaining that Debilitate me. Although in my opinion you couldn't be further from the truth. I hold hardly believe that adult. ADD NAD HD. Can interfere in somebody's life and work personal relationships, the law. I'd like to change your thinking give me thirty minutes. Just one phone call. I'm gonna change your mind, and i'm gonna make you a powerful weapon. All I ask is for thirty minutes and I challenge you just listen and engage for thirty minutes and open your mind. I will convince you that you're able to advocate for others and fight for them. After I break it down to you. I'd like to never I can contact you sir. Sincerely shantele calvert
@Discordia5 11 ай бұрын
ADHD is considerably worse in adulthood. It's not something maturity can help control. This video and judges are terribly abelist.
@ssdattorney 11 ай бұрын
No, this video paints a realistic picture of the reality of SSD. ADHD and other invisible illnesses cannot be imaged with an MRI or CT and SSA decision makers are reluctant to approve cases where a condition cannot be imaged with objective testing.
@Discordia5 10 ай бұрын
@@ssdattorney The video did do that, I agree. It's more the assumptions on the part of judges that you're preparing us for that made me skirm. That's not your fault, I would prefer to be ready to be annoyed. (I agree that disability for adhd alone would be a very hard sell to anyone.)
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