The DEVIL getting many of these folks out here for CHEAP‼️
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@kenstevenson16722 ай бұрын
So true. The hating and negativity is at an all time high right now
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
\TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@DAVIDCHAND-my8uv2 ай бұрын
I'm in the U.K the Hate & Madness is off the charts!! Last Days!
@Sandra-jo1lj2 ай бұрын
Been this way, they are just sneaky about their shyt. I never would've thought because wow
@thejessicadiaries2 ай бұрын
3:50 I feel this so much! It's so exhausting trying to get people to understand why we need to stop craving entertainment, especially in these times we're living in.
@saysothegent2 ай бұрын
You articulated everything I’ve been wrestling with internally. I’m guarding my energy more than usual now.
@sharyaohshob2 ай бұрын
I keep my crown wrapped daily and burn incense and oils before the Most High. Prayer and fasting too 💪🏿🙏🏿 stay strong shalom
@saysothegent2 ай бұрын
@@sharyaohshob 💪🏿
@a.m.99932 ай бұрын
Girl, I am so glad you have noticed this too. I speak about it a lot online. I feel like so many of us BW are spiritually sensitive and can pick up very clearly on these things.
@odscouriers2 ай бұрын
I wouldn't give a damn if they thought I voted for Trump or not -- I'm so sick of the status quo and what determines what person is cool or what person is not cool what's in what's not in -- like, will the real leaders please stand up
@bkburnaz2 ай бұрын
I would say celebrities are in their flop era cuz fame has always been fickle
@curtisroberson45772 ай бұрын
You're right. I been noticed it. No one is free from ridicule or possible prosecution.
@theokwofieblay11282 ай бұрын
I love listening to your content you always post. You care much about our black community. Love from Oslo-Norway, l am black myself 😂
@ANTPHRESSH892 ай бұрын
Yes We Need To Build And Be Strategic I agree
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
- -TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@Smitty-k6z2 ай бұрын
Keep the camera you have, it looks %100 natural & good, you too!
@paulray4942 ай бұрын
thanks Miss Erica and everyone else out there doing something good.
@javarusmcdonald90312 ай бұрын
Please don't stop talking. Keep it going. Put up your content, music and any other wonderful ideas you bring to light. I personally feel that I reclaim much of my brain cells and collect my sanity when listening to content like yours. Over the years, I've realized the sway of the masses when the majority agree or disagree versus having REAL intellectual conversations without people inputting personal emotions. Keep it up sister 💯💯💯
@mr.FactsOverFiction2 ай бұрын
It's a reason why certain Societies are at an Imbalance!!! People have totally disregarded the divine natural order of The Most High GOD. Every one wants to do things the way that they want to without any Love, Law, Value or Order.
@Inglewood_Addition2 ай бұрын
Being stuck in LA traffic made me MISS THE LIVE 😡🤬!!! Nonetheless, I’m glad I’m still able to catch it right now. I love your messages and content. Even if I don’t always agree (though oftentimes I usually do)… I respect you for voicing your takes. You are absolutely right about people being entertained by the fu*kery. It’s one of the main reasons why I hardly ever go on the app formally known as Twitter. It’s EXTREMELY toxic and people post just to gain clout… even if it’s sending the wrong message. Anyhow, continue to protect your peace by any means. From music to your content on KZbin… I see you and appreciate you. 🖤
@simplyandre23122 ай бұрын
You are completely right Erica and i apologize for not following your content more because you do have a huge amount of knowledgeable words that i feel society needs to hear.....and as far as the A.I.....Smh i thought my mind was going dumb when i noticed it and its based off the clicked on videos that we view
@iand84182 ай бұрын
This is very true in regards to the negative propaganda/posts that are constantly being pushed to the forefront on these platforms . I hope some of our people will wake up to the light & catch on to the game that’s being played
@paulgarnes51722 ай бұрын
I love to hear you speak truth to the real topics we face love, I love your intellectual voice, my queen❤
@BenIsFiguringitOut2 ай бұрын
According to psychology, we have a negative bias, so that focus on negativity seems to be in our DNA unfortunately.
@-ucanthandledatruth01-122 ай бұрын
Yes we have been conditioned, programmed and primed to be in this condition and maintain it ourselves with how we live (perpetual action) (culture).
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
|//TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@bryantfeggins18612 ай бұрын
"I Wanna Go Live Where The Connections Is Strong Enough!" Great Adjustments.
@Smitty-k6z2 ай бұрын
Like the Grace, the classiness, & intelligence that you exude! True Soul Sis! Well said !!!!!!
@mr.winwin79812 ай бұрын
I find that I have to search for positive Black relationships and even then the algorithm doesn't pick it up! It keeps giving me balloon pop date videos. This is by design.
@NoddyHeadBeats2 ай бұрын
Presenting problems to chaos will never reap solutions.
@stacymoore47852 ай бұрын
Its already been the people we love and respect....still i support what yoir saying love.
@thecomplimentking2 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work're going places..
@azoladder2 ай бұрын
people have become stimulus bound,
@thalictudios2 ай бұрын
@TraceyHurt-h4m2 ай бұрын
@jamaalcarter71672 ай бұрын
At the same time I understand where u at with just get with a selected few that will be on the same side of things I'm telling you there's a lot of immatureity but don't let that effect you positivity and maturity is key
@ryoung63962 ай бұрын
Please keep talking, your thoughts and voice is very much needed. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
@gregcallaway92352 ай бұрын
Court is not justice....
@ryc60432 ай бұрын
Hey Erica, I was just talking about this “hater culture” with a friend. Sometimes I wonder if we would have succumbed to the same thing if we had social media and an overwhelming majority of ppl staging everything they post. Back in the early days of Hip Hop, young Black ppl believed that those cars & jewels were actually owned by the rappers so it would have seemed like jealousy if someone said the contrary however now the elders know a lot of the tricks of the music and movie industry, so they tell the younger generation who in turn question EVERYTHING they see. And it’s very interesting bc I’ve never thought through this until now and it makes perfect sense. We told our children that everything is fake - movies, music, Jesus, manual labor jobs sector, nepotism in the workplace, proxy wars, politicians, etc. So I believe that bc we have pulled the curtain back on what seems like everything in the world, the youth don’t believe NOTHING. Which I’m not saying we shouldn’t have pulled the curtain back, I’m just making an observation. I believe that we did and are doing the right thing by exposing the wicked machinations of this world, but I think like you said, that Ai is picking up on, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the nature of the reactions that we are having and feeding it back to us like it gives us shopping suggestions. Adding to your point, I said the exact same thing to my cousin about my success. I don’t feel comfortable sharing it with my closest family bc they are not good financial decisions with their money, don’t want to take advice to course-correct their situation and expect me to give them money without offering to help me make any of it. I told my cousin “if I had a million dollars, y’all would never know” bc I would never let on that I do. We sound like twins on that issue. Lastly, please watch the documentary “The Great Hack” about the company Cambridge Analytica and the power they use to wield over the opinions of the world. This is documentary is one of the most compelling things I’ve watched in my life!!! I’m recommending it specifically bc of your comments about ppl being manipulated by rage. That is precisely what this company was doing and they had perfected it IN REAL LIFE and it’s documented for the world to see. Talk about pulling the curtain back. Woo!!! 🤯
@markaddison46422 ай бұрын
Gloria stineum made that division. Opportunistic gossiping and misinformation starts it up for chaos and opportunities in real time. Civility and humility should matter in real time. Both men and women!
@Journeyman892 ай бұрын
Love is waxing cold in this world just as the Lord said it would
@gkb7572 ай бұрын
Well spoken words and wisdom. 🙌🏿
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
.TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@youniquefairytarot25242 ай бұрын
Honey the Real gonna teach em periodt cuz we not for the BS! 🙅🏽
@JayloveTheFoodguy2 ай бұрын
Peace And Blessings 🙌 🙏
@TreyRedd32 ай бұрын
I agree a hunnit I love you sis keep going!🙌🏾❤️
@kasualkombat80372 ай бұрын
You're right, we already know how the do.
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
-TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@JayloveTheFoodguy2 ай бұрын
You are doing great I definitely missed your content and it's needed...
@lovez_prezence2 ай бұрын
highly intelligent + extremely pretty = my quintessential woman prototype
@daivdbrown102 ай бұрын
Have you all noticed it’s only us who tear each other down. That is by design. We are doing the work of the system. Always trying to catch each other in a bad situation.
@markaddison46422 ай бұрын
It's in the exposure era. Those who play in the middle of the streets of shameless behavior will be put on blast in real time. Selfishness is confused with selflessness and delusional people believe in drama in real time. Unapologetically FBA Love and Reparations.
@lyndellwilliams58902 ай бұрын
Yes, I understand how agririthms can silo us into believing something is more when it's less or vice versa, but I would say as far as the entertainment industry, we are really in a flop era. As far as movies, people have blamed covid and streaming to be the cause of the flopping of cinema when it's really bad writing and agendas being pushed that people aren't buying into. As far as music, it really should be flopping as well, but because people have become more passive listeners from not buying actual albums, it has become an entertainment industry that's not so entertaining, more than it is a music industry. I don't know if it was you or youtube who took your video down (Why isn't anything good anymore?) you really were telling the truth along with many more people in the youth who are seeing the same thing. You are correct in saying that yes, negativity is what sells, but even going beyond the fake driven negativity of what's out there lies the harsh truth of actual negative things that are being shoved down our throats. Erica, I have some recommendations for you to check out if you're interested???
@shermanbrown25392 ай бұрын
Love Your Music 🎉 We R Going Thru A Birth Of A Nation Anti Black Era, And What's Worse Is That We're Responsible For This Break Down, Giving Others To Join In To Our Dimise !!!
@paulray4942 ай бұрын
we are going thru a change but couldn’t disagree more . we are going thru a Birthday Of A Nation but on a POSITIVE Foundational Black American tip. we are getting off the plantation and charting our destiny based on the TRUTH. push past the BS and the fake and look for the real: we gettin’ it done. stay strong.
@buckpreacher22832 ай бұрын
Listen what’s happening in America is spiritual it’s not just us it’s this whole Country. See people forget all the lives stamped out here they just executed another innocent man in St. Louis three weeks ago first name Myles one of millions. I don’t know what folks think but every society that violates human life like this Country has done has to pay for their wrong America is no different because you live here this Country has stolen millions of lives and it will pay and that’s what we are witnessing the downfall and karma of America understand
@onceagain61842 ай бұрын
@@paulray494 🤣🤣🤣 FBA= Fools Believe Anything
@bryantfeggins18612 ай бұрын
I love your content. Your mind is Contagious. FYI... You can't say the right thing to the wrong person and vice versa. You are my FAVORITE person on the internet. Serve Well,
@BossFight1012 ай бұрын
The positive people are pushed out of everything, work, women and the world. The people of truth and positivity are here. They aren’t being choose so we are just waiting on God. I believe you all are getting what you deserve
@noahcrockett96412 ай бұрын
I agree, and along with that a.i. is dumb. I really believe that with all social accounts hacking attempts and successes, there are bot run accounts only to be negative or blame influences.
@okera4242 ай бұрын
Its not hard to understand, its just a symptom of self hatred....To truly understand our problem, we need to start at the beginning , at our Racial Personality. ....
@bealiv1692 ай бұрын
Entertained for a short period of time.
@15AIAH2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your presence and thank you for the message!
@buckpreacher22832 ай бұрын
America is not in a flop era it’s experiencing its karma people or did you think this Country would just continue doing evil and wrong?GOD will balance the books you can’t do what this Country has done not repent and think you won’t get your karma facts. I believe what we going thru is spiritual and I can almost feel the collapse coming I hope I’m wrong but I know to well the evil taking place here.
@NTZClaw2 ай бұрын
Sound like Diddy going down the well paved road of Bill Cosby, Hugh Hefner, Dave Chappelle and Eminem.
@depthgod76722 ай бұрын
There are those whocare about the truth. It's just to much blind leading the blind in society right now and any and everybody has a platform it's out of balance. But ur voice and any individuals out here like yourself woman or man is very much needed. It's gonna get a whole lot crazier before it gets better but you are very much valued. Keep pushing peace and positivity leaders like u are critical in these times
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
|TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@carmensandiego2232 ай бұрын
Off subject: you are gorgeous 😍
@dionmclaughlin36692 ай бұрын
We can hear you and we appreciate your time and your beautiful face. You're cool.
@Queenlizzie18Ай бұрын
Unfortunately the hearts of many are growing cold. 😞
@jamaalcarter71672 ай бұрын
Been a long time I'm glad you ok and still that same person when I left we love u
@luckythomas-hi2tu2 ай бұрын
@ShawnRa9992 ай бұрын
Peace sister and love ❤
@michaelmitchell50982 ай бұрын
Practically disappeared from YT. Glad to see you whenever you show up.
@WuesRown2 ай бұрын
O it’s not keep going cause I feel the same way sometimes and I’m so glad there are others !
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
-,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@MaStarMaSonCha1nBr3ak3r2 ай бұрын
I agree, We as a whole is so disconnected from Thee Most High, Creator of A Balanced Universe, Thee Heavenly Mother & Father. Folks are so distracted they lack Discernment, which disrupts our Development. #1n71ghtm3nd
@mayenessien93702 ай бұрын
Interesting video. We truly are in the very very last days of this world as we know it. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes perfectly the type of people we would see beforw the system ends. Its actually good news because all of this shows how close Jehovahs day is and that his Kingdom will soon brimg countless blessings to mankind. Osalms 37:10,11,29. Revelation 21:3,4❤❤❤❤
@thealchemist66662 ай бұрын
The most refreshing female on the Internet that lve seen
@xtraprebel62742 ай бұрын
Hey how are you doing Erica glad you are back doing streams again.
@Knightwingatem2 ай бұрын
Claim the land 🪶🦃
@Knightwingatem2 ай бұрын
It's rare that I subscribe to sista page 🪶
@samsonyu53532 ай бұрын
You’re the dopest beautiful divine Black Queen on Mother Earth😍😍😍🌹🌹🌹🖤🖤🖤
@deepsoul74182 ай бұрын
So Erica, what do you think of Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party now that she's been exposed more and more?
@Sketching4Sanity2 ай бұрын
@infamouseli922 ай бұрын
19:03 facts I agree with
@ANTPHRESSH892 ай бұрын
I Clicked this video so fast lol
@bealiv1692 ай бұрын
Well I guess I got my answer. For days now I've been wanting to ask are you going to stream your wedding?
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@cryonsjr2 ай бұрын
Check out Stephen Darby
@khoicpt2 ай бұрын
Dam you are lost
@darnellhurst2303Күн бұрын
Erica ur so rite
@CharlesHawkins-kt1lo2 ай бұрын
You're beautifully smart
@gwaapgutta85532 ай бұрын
Whyd you delete your other videos?
@cleveland216..2 ай бұрын
This Gender War is trash I actually got off Facebook and IG and TikTok because of it,I deleted my apps 1 week ago the negativity is ridiculous
@Yafeelme5102 ай бұрын
Yea I deleted my IG, too negative
@mosthighson2 ай бұрын
@lbgoodvibes2 ай бұрын
@p.o.p552 ай бұрын
@bryantfeggins18612 ай бұрын
WOW.. Rage Baited. Is R&B... Rage Baited? the fight of who complains or cheats more?
@PainfulTruths5042 ай бұрын
@wl62792 ай бұрын
@BrainsanBrawn2 ай бұрын
@vknongxa64742 ай бұрын
@p.o.p552 ай бұрын
@JohnLanford-h9i2 ай бұрын
@wesley-keithmullings4422 ай бұрын
Your perspective on AI is off. I had a background in high level technologies years ago. It builds upon the structure of self reporting, surveys, and collected statistics (AdSense), which also has margins for error. Based on these earlier technologies, the conclusion shows up in the form of an algorithm where suggestions are offered based upon search terms. AI is a separate neural engine that demonstrates the ability of a machine to interact with a user using text or speech CONTEXT, to return a response within the SAME CONTEXT! Two VERY different things. To suggest that AI is fueling YT or FB algorithms is disrespectful to the capabilities and uses for AI. I would suggest that the fault is PEOPLE'S OWN CURIOSITIES AND EXPECTATIONS TO BE ENTERTAINED instead of technology. Computers are stupid. They only do what the user tells it to do. If not for people being more entertained by negativity than positivity, algorithms would offer different content to its users as a business model.
@CS_19892 ай бұрын
@stacymoore47852 ай бұрын
You speaking gospel mommi. Its starting to feel like people arent real around you. ( you seen it, you heard it) but your so confused like what am i 👀....
@kennethward11692 ай бұрын
Dearly beloved Jesus is the answer for the World today! I would love to meet you!
@WaylonCv132 ай бұрын
Real Talk 💯 Sweet Mama....
@cwnoway2 ай бұрын
,TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!! Who we are is important! Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel." Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not. [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ] For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. We all need to know the following truths… With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy. We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites. HERE’S THE TRUTH: We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period! Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.” Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people. Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.” There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense. We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created. Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites. [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more." BACKGROUND: We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..." WHERE IS OUR HOMELAND: We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River. Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that. Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34. Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 30:10, Jeremiah 32:37 ] HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL? In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us. [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot. In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves. WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans. THAT IS HOW WE ENDED UP IN AFRICA and WERE SHIPPED as SLAVES from the WEST COAST OF AFRICA. As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites. AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land." That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie. They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day. In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt. This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans. They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not. They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago. For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships." [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ] And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery]. [ Exodus 20:2 ] I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery]. I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.” I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.” LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s lies and evil labels upon us Israelites. Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make. Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue? Choose wisely. Yah is watching. KNOW THIS... The Israelites are waking up!!! ...and yes, "it matters." Shalom, and HalleluYAH
@mr.winwin79812 ай бұрын
Wifey returns!🎉❤
@mr.winwin79812 ай бұрын
We need you!❤
@luckythomas-hi2tu2 ай бұрын
@ChefGMoney5782 ай бұрын
From 2020-2024 📉📉📉📉📉📉💥 shit makes no sense. I been listening to the OG music from all genres. Been keeping my life simple. Been spiritually connecting with the must high. I warn people about these multiple wars 4 years ago! I never sign up with this foolishness gender war, old vs young war, fake vs real war etc etc