@ Harry I. Liked your intro & wine bottle hack. Would miso powder in a sachet, or miso paste _(both from the supermarket)_ work with oatmeal? I would never have thought of that configuration. I'm guessing you dehydrated the pork miso soup that you brought to camp.
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment, shadowgovernment3000-san. The thing I mixed in the oatmeal is a flavored ground pork. It slightly dehydrated. Saute minced pork and add some miso. I don't know you like it but I sometimes want to have a salty taste for the breakfast. When I wanted to have some sweet taste I add some maple syrup to the plain oatmeal. Isn't it hard to dehydrate Miso soup in the home kitchen? If you know how to dehydrate some liquid food like a clam chowder or some stew please teach me how.
@beornenmannr32186 жыл бұрын
Swedish steel, its very good choice Harry-San! I'm proud to say it's from where I live. You make great use of this tool.
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Beormen-san. I'm sorry for my late reply. I really love this ax. Especially, the profile of the blade edge is ideal shape so it bites very well to woods. And it's lightweight. I totally rely on this ax.
@beornenmannr32186 жыл бұрын
It made me glad to hear!Harry I. Be well, friend in afar.
@normlor81096 жыл бұрын
I love this video as it gives me encouragement to camp solo myself
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, norm lor-san. I'm honored by your words.
Harry I. さん、長文返信恐縮です。動画からハリーさんの穏やかな性格が伝わってきていつも癒されてますが、今回の一之瀬は 流石に怒りと言うか残念なお気持ちお察しします。キャンプ場オーナーの方の努力や苦労も、もう少し分かって欲しいですね。あれだけのフィールドを管理するのにどれだけ大変かも。ご本人は楽しんでおられるようですが、やっぱり骨が折れるでしょうに。 そしてミカン畑の事ですが私の亡くなった祖父の畑なんです。私の地元の伊豆の山中でジャングルと化していた畑の一角を好きに遊ばせてもらってます。草刈りのあと竹を運び込みちょっとしたバンブーシェルターなんかを作ったりして楽しんでます。今夜は昨夜仕込んだラザニアをビールで頂いておりますよ〜。初ラザニア最高でっす。動画も撮りたかったのですが体力的になかなか出来ませんでした"笑)
Harry I. ビーパルまだ続いてますよ。靴の中にボトル入れて叩いてました。知らない人が見るとなにやっとるだ!になりますよね😀 FRIENDLY SWEDENだと思い込んでました❗
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
@Frigorific125 жыл бұрын
This is a good result. I like it.
@harrysbushcrat4 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Sam-san.
@diderichlangmannen6 жыл бұрын
What a nice surprise! A new video of Harry-san exploring and enjoying the nature! And this time it is more than one hour like a real movie! This is the perfect finish of a rainy Sunday and I will enjoy it with a good irish Whisky! Good to know that you are fine, Harry-san.
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Diderich-san. Is it the rainy season in your area? We will soon go in it here in Japan, too. It's more than happy if you enjoy this video. It already passed spring and I couldn't make it visit South France so it may be good to be there in fall, right? I'm still willing to visiting you. Cheers!
@diderichlangmannen6 жыл бұрын
Harry I. You can come whenever you want, Harry-san! There is no need to hurry but as I said the best time is to come in spring or in autumn because it‘s not that hot anymore and there are also less tourists and moskitos. I forgot to mention that your wife is also very wellcome to join you! And if you want you can also bring your daughters here to have some holidays - we do have enough space in our house and I would be happy to meet your family! We don‘t have the rainy season in the moment - normally it is very warm and sunny in spring but this year is strange with the weather! It is cloudy, very windy and we have a lot of rain. We also had snowfall in the mountains in late April! For me as a guy from the north of Germany that‘s ok - I like fresh weather but we have a lot of weather problems in the moment all over Europe! You are so right with your statement about the dirt and trash people leave behind in nature! It‘s a disgusting and awful behaviour and it shows no respect and a bad personality. The problem is that we have this more and more all over the planet! Here in France some people bring their trash and also old furniture or other materials and throw them into nature! In Italy it is ever worse and yesterday a friend of mine posted on Facebook some pictures from Spain that show a horrible situation of trash that left behind from people. It‘s a nightmare! It makes me sad to see that even in Japan people now start to behave like this! I don‘t know what is going on but I have the feeling that humans degenerate more and more. Something has to happen to stop this negative process ... otherwise we will destroy this planet and the only place we can live! I enjoyed to watch your video and I hope to see a lot more of this in the future. All the best.
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
That's the little problem which we should concern. It perhaps related to the global warming. This is the negative heritage we will leave to the future. It is not only caused on industries I think. The basic idea is same with people's ignorance of trash in the forest. If nobody left anything behind in nature perfectly the global warming will be stopped, perhaps. It's so exciting to visit you. We will deal plans and information by our personal mail account.
Harry I. ありがとうございます😊当方、身体も手も規格外なので、既製品ではなかなか丁度良いのがありません(笑)自作するしかないですかね〜
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
そうですねぇ、規格品が小さくて使い辛いようであれば自作することになりますね。でも楽しいですよ。 動物の角(私のこれの前が鹿の角でした)や骨を使ったり、ファットウッドを使ったりと、オリジナルの1本を作られてみてはいかがでしょうか(^^)v フェロロッドの国内で手に入る最大の物はΦ12.7mm x 150mmだと思います。海外にならもっと大きいのがあるかもしれません。
Thank you for your comment. I don't get the Thai language so I translated your message on KZbin translation system. If I misunderstand please forgive me. There are very few places where accept direct fire now a day in Japan. Also, it's very strict to control a fire at the camping. If you come to Japan I recommend you to have somebody guide you. I hope you will enjoy outdoor activities in Japan.
maybe owners of such beautiful campsites should take down the names of the people who camp there and exactly where they camp, to that after the guests leave the owner can check if they left a lot of trash or not. If they leave a lot of trash, ban them for life. That way those of us that clean up after ourselves can continue to enjoy such beautiful campsites.
@harrysbushcrat6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment, Rick-san. That's a good idea and I totally agree with you. I think the manager of this site does perhaps but he and his wife both caught a cold at this time so they couldn't do so. Still, I don't know they will ban them or not because that's the way Japanese used to not to point person until loosing the edge.