A GOOD Sonic 06 video played by Kev-san? Sign me in! Is it me or are the Japanese voices too low compared to the dub? Thankfully Sonic at 3:01 is as good as always =P Looking forward the next videos~
@nikodem123asdf7 жыл бұрын
"That was Right"
@windwaker0rules7 жыл бұрын
tha wa gwate
@Flegan7777 жыл бұрын
You're basically showing us that underneath the awkward development and coding, there's a halfway decent game to be played, correct Kev? I'm not super keen on Japanese voices for Sonic, except maybe for Sonic since his VA and I are fellow English teachers (though he taught it as a second language back when he used to teach).
@Kevassa7 жыл бұрын
Honestly only want to show the Melpontro patch and japanese voices (and some cool tricks without abusing glitches too much). The game is what it is lol Though it's pretty fun sometimes You know Mr. Engrish? lol That must feel pretty cool~
@Flegan7777 жыл бұрын
Haha, I don't know Junichi Kanemaru personally but he and I are both teachers (well, he isn't one anymore, but he used to teach English to Japanese students at one point).