Sorry, I’m not “white” enough

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@zoeunlimited 11 ай бұрын
If you haven't heard it yet today- you were born beautiful and you ARE beautiful; no one can take that shine away from you 💓 for those who also have super dry skin (like me on Accutane), treehut does have the most moisturizing (and delicious smelling) shower formulas. Feel free to check them☺ out
@ReeCrowsFray 11 ай бұрын
Another hard part of this is that no matter what size, color, style etc we are, we’re taught to really never be content with it. I’m hispanic and white and neither side is ever “good enough”. I’m too skinny, tiny, “child sized”, “bean poll” etc for some nothing we do is enough. Too white, too dark, too skinny, too large, too short, too tall, hair is too short and not thick enough or the wrong color etc. it’s always wrong, on every single spectrum on a woman’s looks. It’s sad. I just wish we can all learn to grateful for just being us and different and appreciate our wrinkles because they mean we’ve lived a life of animation, love our bodies because they hold our precious minds and give gifts on their own.
@authorthought4704 10 ай бұрын
As an indian i can conform that it is a standard here . Where as in our religion and history many of the most bueatiful of humans were actually dark skinned . But the colonism changed the thinking
@Hannah_Banana371 5 ай бұрын
Aww thx smch
@zoobiteebop 7 ай бұрын
That little girl at the beginning broke my heart :(
@My_little_kendall 2 ай бұрын
I have the same skin as her and when I was her age I felt the same way too, there is something wrong with beauty standards and social media no kid that age should think that way, all skins are beautiful her darker colored skin is so pretty and light skins and darker are pretty too
@Hachi-t7c 11 ай бұрын
That's funny, because in my country in central Europe, you are litarally bullied for porcelain light skin. All my life I've heard that I'm white as wall, or that I will blind everybody with my whiteness if I go to the beach without tanning first (and tanning is very very unhealthy for my ethnicity group). I guess we are never enough.
@mallvalim 11 ай бұрын
Oh, that's so relatable. When I share my experience of being jealous of kids with darker complection growing up in Eastern Europe, people don't believe me and call me a weirdo. I remember spending hours under the midday summer sun to get a bit of tan and not being called "the sour cream"
@strawberry_punch_art 11 ай бұрын
And then there is also an attack on sunspots and freckles, since they can be "healed" with this or that special serum.
@omalleyb7071 11 ай бұрын
I am from France and decades, centuries ago, pale white skin was so IN, because people who would tan would be the working class who wrok in the fiels, whereas the high class would remain pale by staying inside. So at that time pale skin = wealth,. However as middle class became a thing during the 20th century, beeing tan became IN since it meant that you could afford to go on vacation in the south of France. It is actually still the beauty standard, and bonus if you are tan outside of summer, as it shows that you can afford to go on vacation several times a year and not only during summer, therefor enhancing your apparent wealthiness. So now tan skin = wealth. BUT it will only be consider nice if you're a light skin person who is tan, if you have a natural tan or a medium skin tone it doesn't work. And it doesn't work if ou have medium skin tone and tan darker, since you would be too dark to be conventionally attractive. (And same as you, I have a very fair skin tone and people were always telling me to get tan, that I look unhealthy, it pissed me off so much ! Especially since I will burn on the sun... But tbh loving my skintone low it suits me great and my features and trying to accomodate other people's standards is too bothersome).
@tammystiletto 11 ай бұрын
I grew up in the US in California and I was bullied by kids and adults for being “sickly pale”. I’m very European! My eye lashes are blonde. I burned horribly and could never tan. My mom wouldn’t let me use self tanner and told me that I should love myself because I was made that way but I was taught to hate myself by everyone else. Now as an adult people talk behind my back about my blonde hair. If I show up without mascara people are floored by the the fact that I’m not a bleach blonde and that this is natural. Of course it is. And I still just burn.
@Hachi-t7c 11 ай бұрын
@@tammystiletto I totally understand you, I am a regular blonde myself, but I have very light blonde friend and she never goes out without eyebrowes and lashes done, because it seems like she is just not having them then.
@kavya12kohli 11 ай бұрын
A relative told my mother to make my sister put on fairness creams because she had a "darker" skin tone. It's extreme in Asia. Now the dark side of this mindset is finally being shown with concern. There used be be a cream "Fair and Lovely" in my country which showed ads where a darker skinned person was unhappy and after getting lighter skin, she was suddenly happy, got a great job and was marrying soon. Now, they have changed their name to "Glow and Lovely" as a rebrand due to the campaigns against them. I had a lighter skin as a kid and now relatives tell me that though my skin colour is still on the lighter side, as a kid, I was the prettiest and fairest, like a "foreigner". Now I've darkened too much for them. Here, White= pretty. Dark (any skin colour with even a tinge of melanin) = Ugly. Awful mindset.
@MUSAFIRBEFIQR 11 ай бұрын
Yup, when I saw their brand name changed to glow and lovely i laughed. And everybody is practically afraid of the sun and doesn't go out much. My neighbor who's 18 is getting married, made herself white by using so many harmful creams. It's so sad to think about.
@aastha3428 11 ай бұрын
I am from India too and feel extremely lucky that my parents and the people around me do not place so much importance in having lighter skin. If any of my relatives dare to comment on my skin colour, I swear my mom would shred them apart. All this despite my mom , dad and brother all having lighter skin than me.
@ArmyMoa4ever 4 ай бұрын
Yes there is such a huge stigma surrounding skin tone in India m sooo tired of it My cousin (who is just 4 months older than me) often gets scolded and taunted by relatives for her skin tone and they ALWAYS use ME as an example of how her skin colour should be and it affects both of us sooo much she often rants abt this to me. It's soo disgusting how my value as well as hers is measured by how light skinned we are
@myname793 11 ай бұрын
I believe in all of these kinds of videos people lack one really inportant outlook on the world. Literally every beauty standard is connected to "looking like you have a lot of money". Eight now for the West fair skin is like that, because you don't work outside, can afford the creams etc. For slavic countries it's the opposite, because most of us have naturally fair skin, and a tan suggests you go on vacations to other countries, you are able to go to the solary etc. Because it's not the look that is hot. It is the message that stands behind it. Once upon the time people believed plump people are the most beautiful, because they could afford more. Now the skinny-muscular is in, because to be that you need to be able to afford regurarely going to the gym and better qualitu food.
@pppf_S 4 ай бұрын
Omg yes 😮😮😮
@LegalPoison 11 ай бұрын
As a slavic I used to be called out by my own family that 'I'm sickly pale', 'look like a dead', 'pale as wall' and that I need to get tan, to get darker skin to look good, otherwise I look unhealthy. And I hate tanning, never could get tan. I get red and look like tomato when I catch the sun, I may be even allergic. I guess we'll never satisfy others. Always had to aim to something, some standards, regardless the skin color. I think the whole case of acceptance is not only about accept each other but ourselves as well.
@stephaniev7382 6 ай бұрын
@stefreis3728 11 ай бұрын
Despite agreeing with the majority of the video I want to clarify as a university student in nuclear physics and lasers that it's not on purpose that the lasers for hair removal works better on lighter skin. Its in the laws of nature that the darker colour absorb the light and the light colors deflect it more. The lasers for hair removal are basically concentrated light that penetrate the skin enough so the hair roots burn. Is your color is darker or you are tanned is risky for your skin to get burned in the process so less intense laser and more appointments with the doctor is the safest way to go.
@magadiendor 11 ай бұрын
Yeah I wanted to pinpoint that too. Hair removal laser target melanin, and doesn't differentiate between the one in the hair and the one in the skin cells. It's just unfortunate. The same way you can't remove by laser white hairs..
@magadiendor 11 ай бұрын
(because they don't contain melanine anymore)
@bumszakalaka938 11 ай бұрын
Meanwhile me, living in Poland, Europe, always hearing how pale I am, how I should go more out in the sun, get tanned etc... It's just so frustrating how no matter how you look it's never good enough for some people
@EvilWolfGhost 11 ай бұрын
I'm white and from a European country and I don't fit the Eurocentric beauty standard. I was bullied my whole life for being ugly. One thing I got complimented on was my skin tone which turns a dark bronze shade in summer. That skin color is because I have a lot of Italian blood in my family. Yet, because of that Italian blood I also have naturally curly hair. But that meant I was unhygienic, didn't shower, was dirty etc, because in the 2000s only straight hair was accepted. Oh, but guess what? Dark skin, dark eyes, dark hair can mean Italian descent but it can also mean...... Albanian or Romani, which is a HUGE "no" (in my country, not for me personally), so back to beginning we go. I'm in my mid 20s now and I'm starting to accept myself more, but whenever I think of my childhood, I think of being the ugly kid.
@AshleyGrahamcracker-oq3pf 3 ай бұрын
What country? They sound terrible
@purplelove3666 2 ай бұрын
Not all Italians have that olive skin though,maybe the south,I went to school in Italy and I only saw one tan girl in my class,
@Bamgeutcutiepie 11 ай бұрын
its funny bc .. i love kpop, and i see so many comments from fans, who comment so happily when they see pictures of their idols being "not whitewashed" weather that is with heavy makeup or with a little added filter. But the fans LOVE when you get to see their real melanin and it's so beautiful! it's an odd thing, this desire to be paler than you are.... and then, for people here in Scandinavia, i grew up being bullied for being too pale. cause i live on an island where we TAN and tan tan all day in the sun at the beach. we consider it healthy to have a good tan. even if it is actually VERY damaging for white Scandinavians to let the sun tan us. but i was always told i look sick and depressed bc i had my natural fair completion. over here we want to be darker. we don't look down on people with brown skin, we LOVE it. wish we had it. and then on the other side of the world - it's opposite. many places it's seen as a good thing to be as pale as you can. it's such an odd thing. why can't ALL skin tones just be gorgeous the way they are 😭
@cxramelty242 11 ай бұрын
the comments of the tanner skin are from international fans ngl 😭 korean fans dont say that, trust. but i agree i do hope all skin tones become the beauty standard! i cant believe skin tone is involved with beauty, and as a black darkskinned girl everyone sees the beauty in different skin tyoes and them saying its just “preference”!!
@xytaera 8 ай бұрын
i think you mean melanin and not melatonin
@Bamgeutcutiepie 8 ай бұрын
@@xytaera yeah. Thanks 😸
@My_little_kendall 2 ай бұрын
Oh damn I thought ppl in those country’s wouldn’t like me bc my experience with them isn’t really good but since your nice about having that type of skin makes me feel nice but all skins should be scepter not just dark and light
@EstudosMagia Ай бұрын
The fact is that you as a Scandinavia person will never encounter social exclusion because you are too pale. Colorism is not just about aesthetics and self acceptance
@angieahite2597 11 ай бұрын
I click onto this video and am immediately heart broken by that little girl 😭 0:25
@zoeunlimited 11 ай бұрын
it's truly heart wrenching 😭
@celeste96656 11 ай бұрын
Your videos have really opened my eyes to what’s going on in the world and the different prejudices that are present that I honestly didn’t realize💜
@ahmarindungu9010 11 ай бұрын
The black community ignores colorism like it doesn’t exists you can’t even say out loud what you go through without them being like we all black I understand y’all struggle #DarksinIsbeautiful
@CutiePatutie_SmookiePookieBear 11 ай бұрын
​​@notville_ bot
@serbbeed6091 11 ай бұрын
this is literally untrue, and the fact that zoe liked this is crazy.
@itsgusco 11 ай бұрын
​@@serbbeed6091What do you mean it's untrue my own mother who is light-skinned and still uses skin bleaching lotions is living proof who also praises my dark skinned sister and I when we become a couple of shades lighter 🤡✋
@itsgusco 11 ай бұрын
​@@serbbeed6091Are you even black? Genuine question
@TameraTarimisoa 11 ай бұрын
@@serbbeed6091take a look at all successful black men you know and search who their wifes are. You’ll notice a pattern.
@3onesout 11 ай бұрын
You know it’s a good day when Zoe post
@legallybrunetté2 8 ай бұрын
Thankyou so much zoe for making a video on this topic as it brings awareness,i genuinely love your channel so much💗 and i promise you that as a teenager and as a human i will always speak against racism!!
@finurra3905 11 ай бұрын
Mexican American here and I went through about 16 years of anorexia nervosa, bulimia and abusing laxatives because I felt that my weight was the only way to get a caucasian acceptable body since I'm a medium brown and olive skin tone. Only to grow up and now in my 30's with major bone and health issues caused while growing up including being told that I may have fertility issues as well..colorism is real, my parents have literally taught me to seek out white men in order to ensure their grandchildren receive less discrimination. I understand the cultural influences, the historical influences, etc.. on why my family recommends that white is right. It still sucks. I'm getting married soon to a "white Latino", light skin and blue eyes and all my mom can say is she hopes that our kids are his color and are born with colored eyes. Like..yeah this stuff runs deep. Very deep. My grandmother, dad's mom, despised my mom because of her Native blood and that's the reason we're all I can go on and on..Mexico had a caste system that valued the white European elites which still very much exists today. You'll notice most migrants are on the brown side..these issues are still very much in existence today. All of our novelas, etc..are still white dominant too. This really is a global issue and it really sucks for us brown folks. I've since grown to love my skin color and even hope to have a brown baby in the future..but it definitely sucks that I turned inward to attempt to make up for my lack of self acceptance.
@devih9134 11 ай бұрын
My mom was teased so much for being dark, she only dated white boys so her kids would be white. It’s so sad she thought she was so ugly and didn’t want me to look like her . One day I looked at her younger pictures and said something along the lines of “I look like you ♥️ “ to which she said “no way, you’re actually beautiful” 😢
@NickeyVamp 9 ай бұрын
My hubby is Mexican lighter skinned and I am white.. his family is darker and all of our kiddos are very light skin with light eyes and red hair.. his family always has to mention this.. how white they are at every family gathering. His cousins are darker with dark hair skin and eyes.. not sure if they like my kiddos or not but they just don’t drop it.. we raised them to love theirselves no matter what anyone says.. stay strong you are beautiful. ❤
@soysauce995 8 ай бұрын
@@NickeyVamp colorism is huge in Mexico so lighter skin Mexicans get treated way better than darker skin Mexicans.
@soysauce995 8 ай бұрын
@@NickeyVamp like for instance your "lighter" skin Mexican husband has a much easier life than a darker skin Mexican and probably doesn't deal with much racism like his cousins do...
@Jesus_lovesyouuu 6 ай бұрын
Jesus loves you!❤
@UncleMikeDrop 11 ай бұрын
It's hardly just a Wrstern thing. It is also frequently a product of classism.
@kdjoshi726 5 ай бұрын
1:50 Man, Istg almost everyone of us Indian women grew up hearing this sh*t. Got even told by my mum that my skin would lighten over the years. Well, it did, but not in the way you'd imagine. It became more healthier & got it's glow. Tho I still get told things like "you have a very punchable face" like what? Thats completely out of my hands
@marloeslovestea 11 ай бұрын
It's so strange, I am from the Netherlands and extremely pale but people often make fun of me. Or ask me if I'm sick 😅 Also, everyone should feel beautiful in their skin colour ❤ you are all amazing ❤
@bre4820 11 ай бұрын
Same! Or they'll jokingly call me a vampire etc.
@EstudosMagia Ай бұрын
Make fun but in the end of the day the Zwartpiet still doing blackface every year. 😬
@marloeslovestea Ай бұрын
@@EstudosMagia yuppppp. I'm against the zwarte piet tradition and they look at me like I am a race traitor
@mdm4my257 11 ай бұрын
In my country being tanned is the beauty standard. I was always someone who got tanned easily. But since I study medicine I decided for myself that I don't want to harm my body for a beauty standard. So I began wearing 50+ sunscreen everyday. And now when someone says "You look so pale" I'm just happy and say "Oh, thank you" They get confused.. But I don't care tbh. Health before beauty!
@Krishna-zc6sc 11 ай бұрын
I love love loveeeee this talk , I just wish every single human can watch this and stop feeling insecure about who they are and the others stop making people feel insecure of who they are 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
@dravyajain7102 Ай бұрын
Growing up in India , I have too faced most of all of these comments in my childhood , and it hurts . Especially when it comes from your family and even your mom , even thou she loves me I was always made known that I was not enough , or ugly cause I’m dark . I also felt that way until I discovered self love and the beauty of brown skin on the Internet . This concept of Body positivity has really helped me love myself and build my confidence. ❤❤
@Android18DBZ 11 ай бұрын
Even as a small child I remember always being confused as to why adults cared so much about whether someone was different from them - darker skin, lighter skin, different race, etc. I always thought differences is what makes us unique. I also was told I should tan my skin so that I would look better because apparently even having pale skin makes you unattractive to some. Think of the times when the tanning salons were all the craze, mostly for white women lol. I said f that from the beginning because most people who are desperately trying to change their appearance don’t seem happier anyway. People need to start accepting themselves as they are. The grass is always greener syndrome is very rampant in our society, and unfortunately, there is no way of catching up with being good enough because the standard can change at any time. Trends are meant to come and go to keep you buying more and more. Insecurity = More Profit for the companies.
@RushingPebble 2 ай бұрын
This is sick and depressing. I don’t want everyone to be white. I love black skin. And tan skin. And pale skin. And all skin colors and tones and different shades of vibrancy in different colors. I love it all so much. Why can’t everyone else? Guys, I love you. I never met you, but your skin color is gorgeous as is. Because no color is ugly.
@HenkBartl 11 ай бұрын
The crazy thing is you can’t win. It’s like when u r human u automatically loose to society’s Beaty standard. As a ginger I don’t have the structural racist experience. But I experienced the dehumanization of not fitting into anything.
@makayla_ruth 11 ай бұрын
Fr I'm a ginger too can relate
@koowkeii 11 ай бұрын
As a 17 y/o who wears sunscreen everyday, you only just made me realise that i do it because "I'd her darker otherwise". I do still know all the actual benefits but id be lying if I said any of those were my basic motive. Ah and yes, the fear of the sun! I literally try not to touch sunlight even if I'm wearing sunscreen, which I'm most definitely doing for not getting tanned. I will have to admit, seeing a brighter skin tone on me just makes me look so much healthier that I just cant help it. I feel like when I get tanned I look so... Dull? So sick? I'm gonna make the conscious effort to fic that now at least, better late than never eh? I love you so much for this Zoe♡
@farziafardus9752 11 ай бұрын
My cousin and I are two days apart, she's two days older than me and has darker complexation and I am on the lighter side. The amount of comments she would get targeting her skin tone is so heart-breaking to me like she's a child leave her alone. Saddest part is it's our own family and relatives that would these things , they would tell her to use skin whitening products especially fair and lovely. Not gonna lie these thing also caught up to me as I used to make jokes about her skin tone as child because I taught to do so by the society in Asia. I realized how messed up it was once I got older and apologized to her.
@Kaybee-4211 Ай бұрын
This is all so true! One day I was in history and we were learning abt slavery. All of a sudden these two ppl sitting in front of me turned around and started snickering after the teacher said something really sad and I was so angry, but I didn't say anything because I was so shocked that in 2024 ppl are still racist 😢😢😢 So moral of the story, ppl will always try and say something to upset you abt yourself. Don't let it get to heart and love who you are ❤❤😊😊
@Wassi-ob9je 7 ай бұрын
I'm glad this issue is starting to be brought to light and addressed 7 ай бұрын
I never understood the bullying of having pale skin or but I guess I understand the dark skin one, cuz of historical reasons, even though it's doesn't make sense either. Quite stupid to bully someone for simply colour. I have been told that i am too dark as a black person from AFRICA. Even a vast majority are very melanated people. Now I no longer think light skin is the pinnacle of beauty. I see the beauty in my dark skin, it's glows. Now I am trying to return my skin to it's regular colour. Tips: (if you are interested) Moisturising the skin and increasing melanin production: -Use organic coconut oil on your skin Or Cocoa butter And aleo very works well too. - wear sun screen to protect the skin -Stay hydrated -if you have sever bleaching burn then please visit a dermatologist. -adopt a good skin care routine for your type of skin -be patient.
@karolinahmpst 11 ай бұрын
En México el color de piel está muuuy relacionado con el éxito laboral de las personas, también está muy relacionado a clases sociales, incluso el tono de la piel de las personas es usada para insultarlas si estás son más morenas/oscuras.
@auburnlavender4952 11 ай бұрын
I have dealt with being called ugly due to I am too pale in skin color because I am a redhead/ginger I can't participate in the tanning trend in America without risking increasing my chances of skin cancer and just getting sun burns over and over and not tanning but freckling after the burns heal. We should love our shades, it took me years to ignore people saying I look ill.
@Cartoonandanimelove1 11 ай бұрын
12:20 Not just western white women. Japanese upper class women also painted their faces white to symbolize their wealth since tanner skin meant more time spent laboring in the sun (e.i farming).
@yesplatinum7956 5 ай бұрын
That’s one of the reasons in Europe too
@yesplatinum7956 5 ай бұрын
Now tanning is a sign of wealth as that means you can go in vacation
@yesplatinum7956 5 ай бұрын
I also get why it shows purity because poor women often had to sell themselves so being pale shows you live a sheltered life
@leilanigonzaga9892 11 ай бұрын
thank u for taking about this, it feels like something that we all know exists but it’s so hard to touch in a way to understand
@nakitawambui 11 ай бұрын
i’ve been through it, as a one out of two of the only black girls in my year group with a bunch of whites friends, it was the most blinding years of my life. it wasn’t until i finished school and was isolated from them that i started loving my skin tone and my body because back in the day skinny and i was never skinny i always have hips and a bum. BUT now i love myself and my body and i thank God for it
@littlemeowmeow9947 11 ай бұрын
Mexico also has a huge colorism problem. The main characters growing up were light skin…they have this saying “mejorando la raza.” Improving the race…I’ve always thought that meant improving oneself through education or working hard. My shock when I learned it meant as getting closer to whiteness. For example marrying a light skin person so your kids would come out white…growing up in the US it was the Mexican community that said my skin was ugly…but as I got older I would get compliments on my tan skin from non Latin people. I then got naturally lighter because I moved to Chicago. And an aunt said I looked prettier with my lighter skin now…
@kendramarkworth6855 11 ай бұрын
Although I can't relate to the struggles that other ethnicities experience with their skintone (which are all gorgeous!), I'm on the opposite end with constantly being told, by relatives as well as random people in conversations, that I'm too pale, am I a vampire?, and to go out in the sun. #1 my skin does 2 colors: pale and lobster (which peels and goes back to pale) #2 I have dysautonomia with affects my sun and heat tolerance to where I will actually pass out if I go out in the heat and sun for too long Makeup companies lightest colors are STILL dark on me. Ivory? Porcelain? Try lighter Lol You are beautiful no matter what skin tone you were born with. Same for if you suffer from hyper pigmentation or vitiligo.
@beth_hunger 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video! It was so eye-opening! As a white woman I had no idea how much of an issue this was in todays society and in virtually all cultures. I am now starting to see examples of it everywhere. Shocking but unfortunately unsurprising due to white colonialism :(
@thetorontogirl 11 ай бұрын
As a white woman who grew up amoungst Jamaicans, Nigerians, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, Pakistani, and Eastern Europeans... I've seen beauty come in many different shapes, sizes, and colours. Everyone was beautiful to me, unique and different. As a Torontonian, we're known for our multiculturalism. When I moved around as a kid, I always felt uncomfortable and alone and because I was the "chubby kid" I felt even less of a person and yet I found that the kids who were discriminated against due to their skin colour and size were the one's who would gravitate towards me because I didn't see anything but a friend in them. I judged based on personality, not looks. I want my daughter, who's almost four years old, to know that judging people on their looks isn't really a reliable way of judging character. Giving everyone a chance is key. You're not born racist and have an inner hate for other races. It's sad to see that people are still trying to achieve white skin as if it's the ultimate prize. Self acceptance and moving to a place where a different type of beauty is accepted is the first way to combat internalized racism. Killing yourself for beauty standards just isn't it... and yet so many people especially my age still do everything they can to achieve things that shouldn't be achieved.
@chulalachannel 4 ай бұрын
u look amazing with that lip gloss, period
@chizzy-y7s 8 күн бұрын
I love your unbiased take❤
@Ratsfrom42 11 ай бұрын
It is heartbreaking. That is the word and the feeling. I'm so sad that this is such a prevalent thing. :(
@BrownieMiyamoto 11 ай бұрын
I believe we will all learn to love ourselves if we stop following society norms.
@ifyouwereabean 2 ай бұрын
I’m the only Black grandchild in my family. My grandmother suggested my mother put me on bleaching creams when I was 9 years old.
@TinaJung0218 9 ай бұрын
One more thing to note: lighter fair skin used to be associated with being noble(not having to work in fields under the sun), and the darker skin used to be associated with being lower class(people that worked under the sun all day). I guess this could be another reason why, although times changed, it still remained a thing for many, unfortunately.
@prezhenz6969 3 күн бұрын
Except that in modern society we know that everyone doesn’t start white and turn black lol
@vivianetesliuk 11 ай бұрын
I from Brazil and the colorism here is SO real. I'm a latina with light skin (but definitely a latina skin) and receive complements about my color only if thats not have other with a caucasian skin in the room and if get taned I recive condolenses. In the TV shows (so popular in here) is rar see actors whit a brown, mediu skin color, is like only white people live here
@Ikigai777-e9l 5 ай бұрын
For me personally, I was always given nasty comments for having "too white" of skin. People would say things like "You should really tan" or "You're so pasty white." So as a young child, I wouldn't wear sun-protecting gear or sunscreen because I didn't want to be ugly. It's awful that anyone would have to go through any sort of colorism... Remember that we are all beautiful
@CherieLovesParis 11 ай бұрын
The scariest thing anout this is how you can NEVER be good enough because while being pale is trending at one part of the globe, move a couple 100-1000km and you’ll be shamed for the same paleness (and vice versa with darker skin colors) not to mention it changes like fashion body type trends it’s just ridicculous🤯 it’s all because humanity always wants what we don’t have… just looking at in my Europe’s history as a European myself - back in the days when people had to work on the fields being pale meant you’re rich and can stay indoors all day, on the contraty now being tan means you have the privilege of going on holidays and don’t have to rot in the office all year…
@samweland2318 2 ай бұрын
This breaks my heart to hear about, i'm naturally much darker than a good chunk of my family and I always found that beautiful, my skin tone is one if the few parts I truly love about my body, and to see people rejecting their skin is heartbreaking, I think that all skin tones are beautiful and deserves more recognition in beauty and media
@little_p3ngu1n 7 ай бұрын
we always want what we cant have.
@kpopaddict3771 10 ай бұрын
I recently moved from Central Europe (where I lived throughout my whole life) to Asia, China in particular. I am studying at an international inclusive school, therefore I do not meet with colorise often, however, my first encounter with a sales assistant from a cosmetics store kept from shopping in stone stores again. I was just searching for a toner, maybe a good moisturiser to help with my oily skin when very nice sales keeper came to me with the pure intention to help me, saying that that is not the product that I need and that she will show me what is necessary for my skin type, or as I found out later, skin color, since she brought me to a section with skin bleaching products only, forcing them into my shopping cart, insisting that they will change my life for better. I ran out of the store, panicked TT
@justineweiland724 11 ай бұрын
this is so sad ... I'm French and I'm on the very pale side, and in my country I have received comments like "you look like a ghost, go in the sun", so I think tanning is still hot for white people LOL... I cannot think about any of my black or browned skinned friends being bullied for their skin color, so that's positive! I think it's a shame to feel this way about something that characterizes you to your core and every color is beautiful !!!
@ИвСан 4 ай бұрын
Shit, this is so true.. i grew up in a community with many ethnic groups (i guess thats the right way to say, im not an eng. speaker), the point is, historically we have many different people with a different skintones, but like, not vastly different. Its a shades. And through all my childhood this unspeaked colorism was silently present in the room. Now as a grown up this is just so sad to me. And it wasn't like straight out xenofobia, but it always was about _shades_. This is so ridiculous now.
@IzzyC-eb4hy 2 ай бұрын
This is one of the constant reasons why I’m really happy for the family I have. I’m mixed (mother black, father white) and I live in a Nordic country, so basically my closest family is white (including most of my friends). I have lots of friends (white) who have racist (or something close) grandparents and all that, and in recent years I have noticed the bigger than I expected kinda racist parts of my country, that I luckily have not experienced/ been bothered by. And yes I am mixed, so I’m not really that dark (considering that it’s quite hard to maintain a tan up here in the north), but you can still clearly look in my face and see that I have black in me. So with all that some might think that I would have received lots of negative views on my skin, but even with that environment , none of my family (from both sides) has ever said anything about the color of my skin, saying I need to be lighter (or darker for that matter)(this includes my friends). And actually instead of me wanting lighter skin in my childhood I have always kind of admired people with darker skin, always thinking they were beautiful (not that I had anything against myself and my complexion). It might have been because of my half sister (same mother, 11 years older), who had way darker skin than me (her father was darker than our mom). I have always thought she was really pretty and she has been my role model since I was little in multiple different ways. Though her experience with her complexion was probably different than mine, so I can’t speak on her part, I have always liked my skin, darker skin, lighter skin, and everything in between. So here I can confidently say that I’ve been raised well, and am really proud of my family. (I know there won’t be many reading this (probably none), but if you did I apologize for the rambling and I hope my English wasn’t too suffering to read) (Also I wish you all well, and for you to one day (if not already) be comfortable in who you are /skin, and to not let other people drag you down. Be safe everyone)
@M3L4N9E-uo7dg Ай бұрын
im trying so hard to make my friends change their minds and stop keeping that stupid shit on their heads that they are ''ugly'' because they aren't. I always compliment them about how pretty they're, but they will just share a look and say ''girl, not even you belive that.'' no matter what they will just don't think otherwise, it's frustrating and not only that but also sooo sad.. i wish that they could one day look at the mirror and say to themselves ''i'm pretty'' because one day i did and it felt good so i want them to do the same. Im going to share this video with them, tysm zoe for talking abt this (even if i'm late)
@maramhamda9513 3 ай бұрын
I am Algerian ( North Africa) and here clourism is on a whole new level like it’s not even just abt dark skin tones it’s abt all skin tones, if ur white they would bully u for being too white and too bland if ur anything darker than white then ur too dark, if ur black then ur dirty (although I would like to say that this issue came because most black ppl we see r homeless cuz they came as refugees from countries from the south where their living conditions weren’t the best so since their kids were raised on the streets, and our ppl just love to teach homeless kids bad manners, our kids end up growing up to hate and look down towards black ppl, so it’s a much bigger issue than normal colorism) but the biggest problem is, nobody even sees it as an issue, like we be saying the most resist shit but then brush it off as a joke and if someone calls them out on it then they’re being too sensitive and too influenced by the west aka the ppl who aren’t Muslim therefore are always wrong in whatever they believe and if u agree with what they believe u r not worthy of being called Muslim
@purplelove3666 2 ай бұрын
But Islam is against bullying and racism ,so what kind of Muslims do you have in your country? Are y'all just praying 5 times a day as a routine or are you really learning the religion?
@maramhamda9513 2 ай бұрын
@@purplelove3666 it's not that islam isn't fair or anything don't get me wrong it's just that most ppl don't do it right they only follow the rules they like
@prezhenz6969 3 күн бұрын
@@purplelove3666wtf Christian’s claim to love strangers but that doesn’t end bullying
@transaryan 11 ай бұрын
its more than about communicating purity. Upper class European women wanted to show that they didn’t work in the fields. Lighter skin was an indication of being upper class. It was an evonomic distinction.
@prezhenz6969 3 күн бұрын
Was* being the keyword
@vanessacrazmatic 10 ай бұрын
Growing up I would always compare myself to light skinned, blue eye ,blonde models. Wishing I was like them and that I wasn't beautiful enough being part-Filipino with jet black hair, brown eyes, dark medium skin tone. Being part asian I felt left out, I didn't know back then where I belong, it was either I wasn't "asian enough or white enough." Has anyone else felt this way too?
@TrueImmortality 11 ай бұрын
It's very apparent in Korean entertainment. You see a kpop idol in real life or on American tv, then you see them on ads or music videos from Korea and their skin is a full 3 shades lighter. It's sad. I also really love skincare and wanted to try Dior's Diorsnow line. The makeup counter lady kept saying it was for "dark spots"...I eventually realized it was not about unusual's about lightening skin and I didn't "need it" because I'm white. Ngl, I was quite disappointed in Dior.
@NoToTheGO 5 ай бұрын
Girl literally thanks..... I'm tanned white but I wanted to be white white, I was looking for whitening cream this week😭😭 I just came across this video. NO MORE WHITENING CREAM!!!
@MrVinceMunro 21 күн бұрын
To be honest, I think the bleached skin looks so unhealthy, you can really see it's not natural and has a grey hue to it. Same with white people tanning to an akwardly orange shade. The most attractive skin tone is one that is healthy. Any skintone looks good combined with the right colours that compliment it (clothing, hair makeup) in my opinion. And every shade has it's own positive and negative aspects, the grass is always greener on the other side.
@KingMelonOfficial 11 ай бұрын
Somehow im here in the first minute
@TheLibroLover 11 ай бұрын
I loved this video! ❤
@Moimp4 11 ай бұрын
The beauty industry will make the most profits by convincing a whole nation that to be beautiful, is to be different from what’s “normal”. So if you’re born into a country that has low UV exposure, they tell you that being pale is “unsightly” so they can sell you tanning products, and if you’re born into a country with high exposure to UV, they tell you you’re “undesirable” so they can sell you whitening products. They’re literally making us feel bad for simply adapting to our climate, and conveniently having a product to sell which will “fix” the problem they created. (Also this wreaks of racism repackaged)
@hinkelstein69 29 күн бұрын
the beauty industry reacts to market demand, it does not create it.
@AutumnTheAxalotl 3 ай бұрын
What does it matter what colour you are? There are so many beautiful people in the world what does there skin colour have to do with anything besides maybe colour matching in outfits?
@Diaries_of_clover 6 ай бұрын
I think that we all should respect everyone regardless of any appearance, don't look down on others. I have an acquaintance who go as far to actually take pills to look "whiter". I will not judge for that, but that person laughs at a person with darker complexion (a close friend of theirs's) feels so problematic. Yes, they might have gotten whiter, but that doesn't mean that they can look down on people who are just "darker" than them a few shades. That person also used to not have a fair complexion before, yet now looking down on others just because they turn whiter? That person disgust me so much.
@noe11eism 4 ай бұрын
On the darker side of colorism….bringing colorism to light 😅😅😂😂 I don’t even think we realize it’s in our language as well.
@KinOrKie 3 ай бұрын
I actually have the opposite problem of colourism. On my Island(St. Maarten) you can find any and every race, but you know what you find most of? Black people. So I, a black person, am made fun of because I look too white to be black. I get teased as being ‘lighter than paper’ even tho I’m very much darker than that. It’s hard to say that one problem is caused only for this certain group when the opposite can also exist in the world. But that’s not to say that colourism doesn’t happen here. Even with all the dark skin people here, if you’re too dark, you blend into the shadows. If you’re too light, you blend in with the white walls. It is hard to exist with problems like colourism. And problems like these are things that never go away, no matter how much you want them too. -Kin
@n.a.m.1621 11 ай бұрын
I don't even know why but at a very young age, like 4 or 5, I started to hate my tanned skin. Mind you, my family or friends never said anything, or at least anything that stuck with me because even then I remember not even knowing why I felt this way. What I do remember though is my growing dislike for the beach and being in the sun. I would hate going to the beach because I knew it would result in me getting tanned again, meaning getting darker. It was so bad that I remember crying about my skin, being one of the main reasons I started to use more covering clothing. My mother even said she remembers me saying that I hated having a darker skin tone compared to them since almost every family member that was close had a lighter skin tone than me. It was the reason that throughout elementary and middle school, during recess or anything related to going out, I would wear a sweater despite me sweating or feeling so hot. To either prevent me from getting more tanned or to simply cover up that I had a darker skin tone. I am Mexican-American and my school was full of people who were also on the hispanic/latinx side so a darker skin tone was not necessarily looked down upon. Yet, I still felt ashamed. This was just a big rant and something that I wish I could say is behind me but unfortunately, I still feel the need to purposely cover my asking to prevent it from getting tanned more or just be in the shade more. It's worse in the summer when the degrees get higher, especially with global warming, and the sun is out more. I don't hate my skin anymore though. Side note, I never hated others with darker skin or looked down on them, this problem that I had was just a personal directed thing.
@jessi1615 2 ай бұрын
And there is me coming from Europa, who is told by my family I should go into the Sun because I'm to pale🤦‍♀️
@AleXacookieey 11 ай бұрын
m syrian and i go 2 a school were most kids are brown,tan or black and they always said oh ur so white u got no cultural bust wats so sad is that most of them cant speak their language and they jst be like or ur so white we cant see u in the light. or sumtimes like oh ur so fckin pale do u even find ur fondation shade (im 14)
@hinkelstein69 29 күн бұрын
Hi Zoe, you seem to claim that white skin preference is a result of colonialism, but it existed inChina "as far back as the Han dynasty (206-220 BC)", so clearly nothing to to with colonialism in asia.
@GeneEverlei 4 күн бұрын
Yes, Fair/ Pale skin was seen as a status symbol since it meant you were inside more, didn't work in the fields and was probably of royal/ high status. Tanned/ Darker skin was seen as "poor skin" because it meant you were a farmer, fisherman or worked in the markets, etc...
@elinat2414 11 ай бұрын
It shouldn't be a duty of each person to meet the beauty standard just to feel and be treated like a human being. I would have no problems with strict beauty standards if it didn't impact on how people are treated as they move through the world.
@My_little_kendall 2 ай бұрын
I get so much colorism from my family:(
@gintasasd 4 ай бұрын
i remember vedio on yt where models in india who are in skin bleaching ads come from ukrain or russia like bruh thats so messed up
@dllannd 11 ай бұрын
Its sad cuz this is so normalized that people call u pejorative things but the if u get say something they will say "oh, is a joke; take it easy" or "its not that deep". Personally experience since i am tan but in the paler spectrum (of tan skin) but darker than the majority of my family
@UncleMikeDrop 11 ай бұрын
I have been self-conscious about my pastimes for basically, as long as I can remember.
@OliviaHudson-k4r 2 ай бұрын
I'm Mexican and am on the darker side of skin tones, but I grew up mainly with white people or people who have fair skin. I have a friend who is also Mexican but she is much lighter than I am, we are very similar in personality and looks aside from skin tone, but all the more popular girls decide to hang out with her and completely overlook me. There are times when I want darker skin, but there are also a lot of times when I just wish I was born white. I love my different cultures but at those times I would throw it all away just to be looked at other than a fetish for Latinas or my more sexual features.
@BILLY-nb2nl 11 ай бұрын
I see people around me who wear sunscreen and long clothes to hide from the sun, and it breaks my heart. Because we are all beautiful!
@daydreameraj9777 11 ай бұрын
Wearing sunscreen is a good thing though. It’s to prevent sun damage and skin cancer. Skin bleaching is bad. 😭
@BILLY-nb2nl 11 ай бұрын
@@daydreameraj9777 yeah just don’t use sunscreen to try to avoid tan
@daydreameraj9777 11 ай бұрын
@@BILLY-nb2nl I understand your point that it’s about in your motivation in using sunscreen. I don’t mean to argue about that. However people should really avoid tanning from sun or tanning beds because a tan in and of itself is evidence of skin damage. And it’s not just skin damage that occurs; DNA damage takes place during tanning. Whatever hue you are, protect your skin from UV rays. ❤️
@BILLY-nb2nl 11 ай бұрын
@@daydreameraj9777 yeah 👍
@mina6940 11 ай бұрын
i haven't seen a colorism in person, but constantly noticing it on social media. i want to mention, that i am a lighter asian, so i didn't feel that kinda pressure and was never bullied, like the other people with darker skin. also, i was born in Russia, where is no such thing as the colirism (even now). BUT, including those facts I've mentioned earlier, i still buy lighter foundation and literally painting my neck (wich is just a little darker compared to my face) with it to match my face's shade. so for one reason im the privileged one, but why this shit still has an influence on me? can't imagine how horrible this "type" of bullying is. please, stay strong, you're beautiful the way you are.
@Lety-in8ne 5 ай бұрын
It’s crazy how the world is different, I grew up Brazilian and from my perspective I was always picked on by my family because I have paler skin, my mom always told me to tan every time I have the opportunity and that I need to get darker, Brazilian beauty standards include being “morena”. My family always told me I would look to much better if I was more “morena”. It’s just crazy how beauty standards around the world are so different
@aldynjadeguabna2561 11 ай бұрын
Hello Zoeunlimited!!
@monty8031 11 ай бұрын
I love the video, good job. One little note, maybe it's because I'm not American, but can you tone down the dramatic "this is SO terrible" voice a bit, it's making you sound like you're doing a parody / you're being sarcastic.
@slavvalb3933 11 ай бұрын
For me , light skin, dark skin does not matter . If you are beautiful, you are beautiful ❤️. Inside also counts so much . FYI, somehow people in Eastern Europe , ( i.e Russia or Ukraine ) find dark skinned actors from and actresses from India as being very attractive . They are, indeed very beautiful 😍
@Clarafadeaartista 3 ай бұрын
HELP youtube just recommended this video to me while I apply my whitening cream
@rachelpatterson2327 11 ай бұрын
Sydney McLaughlin track star was getting bullied for colorism a few years back bc she was getting too much media attention for her pretty looks and speed
@alexvoneiche 11 ай бұрын
I am not black, but my knees are way darker than the rest of my body. When people see them, they always ask me if I had an accident or something like that. Really rude people will even tell me in my face that I need to get surgery to remove it. I was not born with it and I don't even know how it started. But it had to be at a really young age, because I can't remamber my knees without it. So if I (white) gets reactions like that imagine what people of color have to go thru.
@RachelJayne92 11 ай бұрын
This bugs me. Saying ‘everyone is beautiful’ is just *not true.* Otherwise we would all be considered supermodels! There is nothing wrong with being average, or ugly. It’s *normal to be average.* There *are* ugly people, and there *are* beautiful people. How a person decides to present themselves is up to *that person.* You can enhance your attractiveness if you want to, you can do nothing to maintain your appearance if you want to, or you can even neglect your appearance.
@Rabbit-ho6tb 27 күн бұрын
Okay, but what does that have to do with skin tone? Taking care of your skin by eating well and protecting from the sun is carrying about your health and beauty, okay. But, skin tone doesn't have anything to do with simetry or helthier skin
@biljam972 11 ай бұрын
But I was heavily bullied in school for my paper white skin! Also, no one could ever say that Yaya Da Costa is not one of the most beautiful woman in the world. It's not the skin color, it's about grace, the way you carry yourself, self-confidence, intelligence... they are all lying to you!
@leelitta41 11 ай бұрын
Yep, as some say in Europe, and I can say its true cause to me my brothers and pale white friends, it happens every year that everyfucking one tells us to have some sun, asks if we know how pale we are blablablabla. So yeah not only dark to light.... Plus lots of people use self tanning shit and im like why the fuck cant you accept your skin and the ones around you? I love darker skin than mine, but that doesnt mean i want to have that for me lololol... Like my casper skin is perfect the way it is i dont want no skin cnser , not worth the risk😂
@christinaadaeva5526 4 ай бұрын
omg, it's so different everywhere. I am extremely pale and I always got comments about how ugly my legs and hands are because you can see all the veins and that I should go sunbathing more often to become beautiful
@anniecabot5819 11 ай бұрын
the title got changed it used to be called something about reverting back to white is pretty?
@anniecabot5819 11 ай бұрын
the titled changed again... before it just said you were ugly here's why
@arifutamekika 11 ай бұрын
even tho im from north-west europe, have lighter skin than all of my family and standing next to my mom i look like a walking dead, in my head im still not enough pale. Also its funny because all of my family are whiteshaming me almost every day. There is no way out of this, either way im being shamed by my family or shamed by my mind and not feeling right because i would have to spend all day exposed to sun Youre never enough
@krystinawu1667 11 ай бұрын
I think it's awful that anyone would invalidate your experience of being called a racial slur because you aren't what they would consider dark? You're definitely not pale. Your tan skin is healthy looking, beautiful and would be considered on the darker side to very pale peoples. People picking and choosing who they think is light or dark enough to experience their brand of racism is crazy to me and I'm sorry you went through that. Thanks for the uplifting and knowledgeable conent!
@user-cf7rd7id8t 7 ай бұрын
as a dark skinned girlie who's faced a LOTTTTTT of colorism, idec anymore like if anyone wanna pass comments on my pretty skin colour, my God Jesus will take care of em (like He did all those times❤🫶🏾🙁)
@desology111 7 ай бұрын
as a puerto rican, i am reminded in my family how i am the darkest, even though my family ranges in different colors.
@user-cf7rd7id8t 7 ай бұрын
but ur soooooo pretty :(
@SalmaAnabtawi-o5s 11 ай бұрын
hello zoee! youve helped me so much so far, but can you plase make a video explaining how to gain lean muscle and lose fat for a faster metbolism, without bulking or gaining crazy weight? i cant find anything to properly explain it without diets and stuff and im so confused! :) Thank you!
11 ай бұрын
I love my medium tan skin. People get confused if I'm here in the US legally and if I speak English. My black bf says people only like Ice Spice because of her body.
@reformingbeauty 4 ай бұрын
I'm biracial (black and white) and use self tan lotion bc I'm pasty white IMO 😂
@hinkelstein69 29 күн бұрын
hi, it is not the job of the beauty-industry to re-educate people, they react to people's demand, and that is their job.
@politicalactivism975 14 күн бұрын
711 the video finally started
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