you're 21, but can't make your own bed
"how to deal with ugliness"
why you don't love Kpop anymore
"you look ugly, I can fix that"
you’re 12, not 21
3 ай бұрын
Never Kissed a Boy.
3 ай бұрын
The obsession with *collarbones*
the ‘anti beauty trend’ trend
if you can't lose fat: watch this
congrats, your RACE is trending
the narcissism boomer era is now
@joonjiguk 2 минут бұрын
I had implants for 3.5 years. Wanted them for a decade because of social standards. After around 6mo I started developing an array of side effects like bloating, digestive issues, inflammation in my chest and face etc. Not to mention they changed my entire body and didn’t fit my slim frame at all, which after coming off the high of finally getting what I thought I wanted, made me super self conscious and uncomfortable with myself. Taking them out was the best decision ever. Haven’t looked back since
@skiemi9562 16 минут бұрын
I feel like either side of the spectrum faces disadvantages, small chested women feel self conscious because they are not seen as "feminine" than theor peers, and big chest people feel over sexualised and for many in pain because of the extra weight. There is now a "who has it worse" fight between the extremes which sucks cause both have their disadvantages and advanages. We definitely should not shame each ither for something that ultimately does not define us as people. I have a big chest but feel do insecure to wear a low cut shits, there are women with short chests who feel insecure to wear the same thing for a different reason. Lets not shame each other or compete in the trauma Olympics for who has it worse, it all stems from the same ideal un the end, flat girls aren't sexy enough, big chested girls are too sexual and are all "whores" at this point who give a fuck
@tanyuhkleck8368 25 минут бұрын
As russians say, big b**bs fill man's hand, small ones - man's heart Not saying smaller are better, they are just what they are)
@01jausten 29 минут бұрын
Seeing adult men constantly sneaking looks at my 14yo daughter’s naturally large boobs, as they walked past, was repulsive. I also have naturally big boobs and remember the looks and comments I got, when I was younger. It made me feel ashamed of my body. I hope my (now 20yo) daughter doesn’t feel that way.
@Trynsa 36 минут бұрын
So, I’m someone who has never been considered “flat.” In fact, I heard an extreme amount of envy from the people around me, and it always broke my heart. (I promise this is not a humble brag.) I was always torn, to see people who hated how they looked, when I saw them as truly beautiful. And yet, I had my own issues that fell into a similar category. We have, for essentially ever, lived in a world where the female body and image are commodified, packaged, sold, with ever-changing standards. And yet, what hurt most was to see these incredible people, who were (in my eyes) gorgeous, wish for things that could so easily harm them, to live up to some standard. It’s not always externally caused, I know, but the majority of times it is. What they often view as “worthwhile risks” can be life-altering or ruining. And then there’s the other side of this same coin: Women with large chests are deterred from getting a reduction, both by the people around them in daily life, and the US healthcare system. I have something called gigantomastia, and when researching how much it would cost to get a reduction, I found that it is more expensive, despite having an easier surgical procedure and, more often than not, a smoother recovery. As the years go by, insurance companies will often cover implants or augmentation to “even out size/appearance” and yet the process of being approved for a reduction becomes harder and harder. Many plastic surgeons will not even give a consult for the reduction process until you have provided all of the evidence that most insurance companies will likely demand to approve the procedure. This list includes, but is not limited to: 6 months or more of physical therapy to improve the back pain symptoms, a variety of pain medications for 3 months or longer, psychotherapy, documented proof of attempting “more supportive garments,” documented attempts at weight loss, documented chiropractic care, documented history of *significant* arthritic changes in the neck and thoracic spine *with* signs of cervical pain or various parasthesias, *AND* recurrent and documented rashes, *AND* photo-documented permanent or semi-permanent shoulder strap grooving, *AND* a measured minimum amount of tissue that will need to be removed (known in advance somehow based on body surface area). If you are lucky, and have attempted other, experimental minor surgical procedures to mitigate the pain, you *might* be able to skip those requirements. However, they will still note that a reduction surgery is not “medically necessary” except in *some* cases where you meet those requirements. The expectation and borderline *demand* for women to have large chests has made it so that a simpler, easier procedure of reduction is THAT difficult to even receive a consult for. I offered to send them photos and measurements to “see for themselves if they thought it was necessary,” and they said that I needed to gather all of that documentation myself, and send it to them. I could not sign releases for them to retrieve them, as I was not a patient yet, and could not *become* a patient until I sent this documentation over. *OR* you can find a plastic surgeon to do it without insurance, and pay 15k out of pocket. Good luck sifting through them, and finding one that seems adequately trustworthy. We are all forced into a position where we either attempt to squeeze, stretch, and break ourselves to fit into the standard, or we end up miserable and feeling as though we somehow failed, and it’s a freaking travesty. We normalize often harmful implant procedures, while discouraging things that could literally improve daily quality of life. I want to add that, sometimes people want to get a procedure done for their own reasons and comfort that have little or nothing to do with external forces. I don’t look down on them for wanting that change. I just hate living in a world where we generally value this (persistently changing) aesthetic over actual health and well-being. If you made it here to the end, thank you… that was a whole lot of pent-up anger and frustration on behalf of myself and most other AFAB women who have suffered because of a broken system that often feels like it runs on our suffering. If that includes you, know that you’re not alone. It’s often a small comfort, but it often feels like all we have sometimes.
@taedaya 38 минут бұрын
while i understand the opposing perspective, it is very frustrating seeing TONS of comments saying ‘i don’t get it’ from people with large chests. breasts are literally the pinnacle of feminine beauty. when you grow up with media showing you only medium/large breasts as attractive or beautiful, it starts to take a toll on you when you’re small chested. i have nearly no projection of my chest, and feel awful and unfeminine. it also really sucks if you don’t have wide hips or aren’t curvy. being compared to a boy sucks. and no, not all clothes fit us. i tried wearing a tubeless top in the smallest size from pacsun and it still didn’t fit me. it made me realize my boobs are smaller than what they are. granted i believe i suffer from body dysmorphia, as i literally cannot go a day without being insecure over my size and body shape. body positivity and loving yourself the way it is seems like a chore and a joke. i feel absolutely ugly in my own body. i would take (more) back pain if it meant i could have bigger breasts.
@Natalie0400 43 минут бұрын
I just explanted 3 weeks ago…
@sunithanair8 51 минут бұрын
“ compromising women’s health for male sexual pleasure” such an unreasonable statement to ponder on
@debashreekonwar4321 59 минут бұрын
I read all the books she showed in the video and watched exactly the same youtube videos. But I guess, nothing prepares you for falling in love until you fall in it. And it was great while it lasted. We parted ways recently and it wasn't easy, atleast for me. I am twenty and he was my first love.
@seta_limelight2656 Сағат бұрын
I'm 18 and I still don't do make up on a daily basis I've only like put on make up for 10 times in my whole life and that was for special occasions and some parties . why do 10 year olds even need make up their skin is flawless and they are so cute just the way they are I'm just not understanding any of these
@sofitocyn100 Сағат бұрын
The sad reality is that men will still occasionally have sex with women they find average or even agree just because 1) nobody better is available ; 2) they know they are always available for them (because flattered) so it is easy catch ; 3) they want to train for the beautiful girls (to be good in bed and hence to be "referred" as good in bed by them (male ego stroke). You would not believe the horrible reels i read or conversations i overhear, where guys say stuff like "if she is a 6/10 or below, leave her once you have emptied your bal*s because ugly girls get attached easily". Hence my advice to you if you happen to be average looking or even not pretty at all... dont be flattered when a handsome guy wants to have sex with you. Chances are, he finds that you are a low effort catch. Dont give them the psychological pleasure (of being head over heels about them) and physical pleasure, because they will only ever respect and tolerate a pretty girl. I am conventionally attractive (i am told to be a 8 or 9/10) but, although never ugly, ive had times when i was younger (around 19 or 20) where i was considered a 5/10. Oh i always had a plethora of guys who were interested in sex even back then...but god did they laugh behind my back and mistreat me. The supply of sex was never an issue but so was the supply of respect for me. Because i was average looking. Hence ugly, to them.
@Steviej1324 Сағат бұрын
Zoe, your are absolutely perfect!!! Don't ever change a thing 🥰
@perrypearbear Сағат бұрын
girl, you're already so pretty tho 🩵💙
@pau9 Сағат бұрын
When I was young I thought my boobs were normal, but all my friends had smaller ones, so everyone made fun of my boobs. It doesn't matter how you look, people will make fun of you anyways, so the only opinion that matters about your body is your own.
@SaraPatata Сағат бұрын
When I was a teenager I thought that someday I would have breast surgery and go up a size or two. As the years went by and I had friends with large breasts and I saw the problems that this entailed: back pain, discomfort, fear of wearing cleavage because of the looks, etc. In the end I did the hardest and cheapest thing: accept my body. No matter what size you are, you are fine as you are. PS: it's okay if you had the surgery and I hope you accept yourself and are happy.
@DanaJaneWriter Сағат бұрын
I always loved my small boobs and all my boyfriends love them, and I never wanted to make them bigger
@illusion513 Сағат бұрын
I had a medically necessary jaw operation, and the recovery from that was HORRIBLE, the constant pain, stitches etc. It made it very very clear that I would never willingly have surgery, unless absolutely necessary. Like I understand not liking your body, but surgery recovery is sooo tough.
@diofromyozgat Сағат бұрын
oooh a video about flat chests and girls with bigger boobs are here to validate our problems and make it "we have it worse" again like it is some kind of competition. i hate that
@taedaya Сағат бұрын
right, same here
@BethInABox15 Сағат бұрын
For every 1 insecurity you have, there are at least 5 beautiful things. Take a moment to be proud of your body and everything it does for you! 🥰
@shahshreeta Сағат бұрын
Vitamin c
@rosyface_ Сағат бұрын
I have big boobs and I’d love to have absolutely nothing because your clothes don’t fit right and people stare. We can’t win either way.
@dramaqueen3102 Сағат бұрын
Been an army since 2015 as well, nd a blink since 2018-19 not sure, but lemme tell u… we're on same ship! Tho i do look at some other grp's content nd music as well all that has been limited cause i understood just how much of a backlash that could have on my own life… As it is, you grow into what u seep nd look for!
@walking_on_sunshine1611 Сағат бұрын
Thank you so much from a 36 year old flat chesticled woman. I too suffered when I was 16, how I wish I could have a talk with my younger self
@ItsSkyLOL 2 сағат бұрын
So happy scrolling men from Insta cannot see this to stain the comment section 😚
@aishasheikh8416 2 сағат бұрын
I also had a round face almost all my teenage years, but only last year i realized that i was mouth breather and a side sleeper also, soo for all the girlies who struggle with round face give a try to facial massages i do some deeper ones in the morning and i try to sleep on my back like straight mostly Hope this helps ❤
@gachalolomg4909 2 сағат бұрын
I am 12, and I don't do this
@idkflawless 2 сағат бұрын
I cant even think about all the girls that are hurt because of this.
@XxSorrelPawxX 2 сағат бұрын
You don't want bigger boobs your back starts to hurt and carrying that weight makes it harder to do things
@smurfsarebllue 2 сағат бұрын
im sorry but I feel like ur content is a lil hypocritical, like you have a bunch of get skinny quick content and then denounce that culture in commentary videos? plz pick a side lol
@doraisdonewithyall165 3 сағат бұрын
I may have a D sized cup, but even then I was told by someone to have a breast reduction because my chest was "ugly" and undesirable... after years I was told by the same person my chest size was perfect but they were too saggy so I needed to have a breast lift ... btw I was 16 years old and the person was my mom
@rainyrain_24 3 сағат бұрын
Let's be real this is crazy how normalized it became to do a chest implant. And im proud of myself that as a flat girl, i feel comfortable in society. Though ngl sometimes i had thoughts of how small they are. But then i think: it's so comfortable when they are small that i dont think of them at all. Once i met a guy that looked at chest like i have big ones and i realized that size doesn't matter 🙂 At the end of the day, with the real person you will be loved no matter how you look!
@clairegueissaz9783 3 сағат бұрын
I got my boobs done with silicon implants 6 months ago after YEARS of going back and forth (I'm turning 30 this year) and I must say that a lot of the info you shared about side effects are outdated. First, you don't need to have them changed every 10-15 years. You have to go have them checked but if there's no concern they're good to go pretty much for your entire life. Second, when the implants go under the muscle, there is no issue with breast feeding because the implant goes under the gland. Also, the new generation of silicon implants are really durable and have very low chances of rupturing and even if they do the silicon won't spread in your body and therefore not be a threat for your health (my doctor even cut one in front of me to show how it works). That said, I completely agree that there is a lot of pressure put onto women to have the perfect body and the decision getting surgery implants should absolutely be well researched and considered carefully. Personally, I am so happy I went through with it and it has really boosted my confidence even though I first learned to love my body as it was before going through with the procedure.
@teissi 3 сағат бұрын
As a trans guy, I just can't grasp why are people obsessed with two pouches of fat on women's bodies. Why are people censoring female nipples. I just refuse to understand. When you get a top surgery you're suddenly allowed not to hide your nipples. It's literally the same body, the same nipple, it's just the tissue under it that's gone. Ridiculous.
@tvishabansal4396 3 сағат бұрын
This is actually ironic.. cause I am a big chested girl and I hate it… wish I could exchange it with somebody who wanted it 🙃
@DrunkenPadawan 3 сағат бұрын
"Hey. Welcome to my video. Kids don't read anymore and tht is really bad. But before we got into that here's a word from our sponsor: Audible. Why read a book when you can listen to it?"
@NickHou82 3 сағат бұрын
She must cost a lot
@Frank-nh7ix 3 сағат бұрын
shes 21 why are people so mean
@barbiebunnybakery1896 3 сағат бұрын
Victoriann and empire fashion both had fairly low cut evening wear. While the 1800s emphasised a rounded, separated and high breast Victorian evening dresses had more cleavage and at the turn of the century (1900s Edwardian fashion) a somewhat lower „mono-bust“/ pigeon bust was on style. From at least the Victorian period onwards breast improving cushions were not uncommon aka „what god has forgotten, we stuff with cotton“ . Breast, hip and bum pads were all the rage 🙃😉
@ayla6123 3 сағат бұрын
Your breast most likely will grow after having kids and breast feeding. You don't need an implant.
@user-cd9qn4nj1w 3 сағат бұрын
какие ватные диски чистые)) прямо видно, что светлана заботится о клиентах и их коже
@ratelhoneybadger 4 сағат бұрын
A Kardashian product that isn't a scam?
@steggy9651 4 сағат бұрын
“He uses mouth wash.” *Shakes cologne*
@GoodOlKappaTea 4 сағат бұрын
Idk what to say here, more people should watch this
@gramm3444 4 сағат бұрын
Flat is justice
@user-kv3um7ef4b 4 сағат бұрын
If they don’t like you at your 🍅 phase then they don’t deserve you at your 💎 best!
@xristinarose2409 4 сағат бұрын
Because the treatment you get is day and night different when you are pretty vs ugly. Sorry to tell, but the world treats you really different. It is what it is
@NagoharaFireworks 4 сағат бұрын
Usually, the richest of the rich won't be spending their money like this. Money is loud, wealth is quiet. These kids are just loud 💀
@victoriabrooke7970 4 сағат бұрын
Just use Boomba inserts and when you get home take it off. I figured that this is my solution to getting bigger bobs without surgery. I can put them on when I go out ands take them off when I want.
@marymargarettepiedad6625 4 сағат бұрын
the way her dress matches her masks, shocked me
@enjw0 4 сағат бұрын
I grew up with very large breasts from a super young age (first in my school to develop, went from flat to D cup in 5th grade). At 18 I had my breasts removed for medical reasons. It's been just under a decade and I still feel like a part of the way I see myself has been taken, but breast implants scare the shit out of me so I guess I'm living with it now.