Speaking in Tongues Part 2: Have Tongues Ceased? | Continuationism vs. Cessationism

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Some teach that speaking in tongues is for the body of believers today. Some say tongues ceased when the disciples left this world. What does Scripture tell us or indicate? Have tongues ceased or are they still for today? What are they for anyway?
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Пікірлер: 55
@bobbates7421 Жыл бұрын
If, for no other reason, I do not believe that times are a legitimate consideration today. The reason is simple. I have been saved for about 55 years and in that time I’ve heard many many many speaker people speak in tongues. Not one time was an interpreter present. Not one time, was it done outside of a group setting such as a large church. If tongs were legitimate today, there would be an interpretation of tongues whenever they were spoken just like the Bible teaches. Admittedly, this is just my opinion, but it is based on 55 years of experience. I would think that 55 years at least one person would’ve spoken tongues, and at least one person would have interpreted what he said. Never happened!
@johnwurfel2862 Жыл бұрын
Regardless of the status of the gifts of the spirit, my limited experience has always been the same. Today, I've never seen where are "tongues" a known language of men, nor used to spread the gospel expediently to the unreached, not done orderly with interpretation to edify the body. They are usually used for "self" purposes, whether in private or in public, disorderly, not edifying, sometimes indicating spiritual superiority, not for gospel spreading to unreached tribes, and being a point of ridicule for the unbelievers toward the "Church."
@Shinehead3 Жыл бұрын
Agree that Yeshua Ha Maschiac is the Perfect aka Complete One You are Talking About. Thank you for the teachings and yes let us test everything 😊
@monicacp2532 Жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from Rio de Janeiro ❤
@hokhmah Жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from London🪔
@dannysmith9217 Жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom meu irmão. Louvado seja ou nome do SENHOR from South West Virginia, USA
@constantlyquestioning42018 Жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from Northwest Arkansas...
@karenp.2316 Жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from Ohio, USA
@j1mbobtech Жыл бұрын
Another thought is... "As The Spirit gave utterance", not that YOU decided to speak, or that YOU knew what was being said... And another interpret... And if WE are not to quench The Spirit, how would we not Prophecy as given utterance, even though WE don't know what is being said... or if someone else could interpret... Operating IN The Spirit, not deciding what The Spirit can or cannot do...
@appiryon2229 Жыл бұрын
Could "when perfect comes" relate to Zephaniah 3:9? At that time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call on the name of the LORD and serve him with one accord. This point in time appears to reference the advent of Yeshua & the 7th millennial reign of Messiah. During this time, no prophecy or tongues etc will be necessary. If so, might "when perfect comes" be a Jewish idiom that referenced the likes of Zep 3:9 & other related prophetic passages, esp. in Isaiah? So, could "when perfect comes" be a Jewish idiom that meanings not only a perfect language, but perfect teaching, of which Messiah will lead on his return? Yeshua alluded to this when he noted in John 15, "you are clean by the words I have spoken", wherein "words I have spoken" references his pure teaching. Furthermore, Moshe never saw God face to face as evidenced by the cleft in the rock & God's back event. Face to face is perhaps also an idiom meaning "intimate" or "in close quarters". And supporting this, Yeshua himself said, "no one has ever seen God except the one who came from Him", meaning Yeshua himself. I concur that tongues has a two-fold purpose (evangelism & edification), but seeing as the first mention is in the context of evangelism, perhaps the greater weighting should be placed on this as a primary purpose? The edification of a congregation is still important, but it does carry an heavy emphasis on evangelism, for "signs & wonders are for unbelievers" & tongues is surely a sign or wonder. In which case, the workings on tongues in a congregation follow Paul's instruction which requires multiple interpreters. If an unbeliever is amongst the congregation & hears his tongue/language, then he hears 2-3 people correctly interpret the original speaker(s), then this is a sign that God is at work & the unbeliever will be amazed & astonished that people not schooled in their language could speak so fluently. The outcome is his recognising Yeshua as Messiah & becoming his disciple. We therefore see the emphasis on evangelism & edification is focused on group or corporate applications, not about oneself. On that note, perhaps the instruction to speak to himself is a polite way to say that something is not quite right & the so-called speaker of tongues has stepped outside of the unction of the Spirit. I'm also of the mind that part of the reason for Paul's instruction in how to apply this gift in a congregation was to prevent nefarious individuals from turning something good & holy into a tool for evil manipulations & power mongering. Using a distributed use approach closed any loopholes.
@QZigZagg Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. That the reason why “tongues will cease” is because the world will be restored to ONE pure language according to Zephaniah. There would be no need for language interpretation if that is the case.
@osirismarbles5177 Жыл бұрын
When explaining the Cessationist argument, you talked about "the perfect" as a complete canon without putting it in context of what Paul states before: we know "in part" and we prophecy "in part". This could be the explanation that you're saying doesn't exist. What does Paul refer to as "knowing in part" but the scriptures already revealed and written down? What does Paul refer to as "prophesying in part" but the revealed truth of God not yet written down (Paul prophesied "in part" along with Peter, James, Jude, John, etc.). These prophecies "in part" would eventually come together and make a whole (or complete/perfect). There's no way anyone could understand what "the perfect/complete" refers to without considering what "the partial/incomplete" refers to. It's clear that the partial/incomplete refers to knowledge and prophecy. The mistake is to separate these two concepts (partial and complete) as though they are different subject matter when they are talking about the exact same subject. Hope that's helpful to someone.
@orionismeissa Жыл бұрын
Shabbat shalom from Malaysia 😊
@constantlyquestioning42018 Жыл бұрын
Once Father helped me conquer the demon of alcohol, and I quit inTOXICating my temple with 'spirits', I stopped speaking in foul tongues...
@giovanni545 Жыл бұрын
@robertnieten7259 Жыл бұрын
In the Word there are only threee instances to where we read of believers recieving the Holy Spirit and what happened the moment that they recieved. In each instance the first thing that happened when they recieved the Holy Spirit is that they spoke in tongues.( Acts ch.2,10,and ch.19) The word " tongues" is actually singular and is one spiritual language to confirn that a believer has recieved the Holy Spirit. I was aware of the Spirits' presence near me and was filled with the Holy Spirit before i recieved. That is because the Holy Spirit is recieved as the result of the Holy Spirit baptism. If you are praying to recieve the Holy Soirit God isn't going to allow an evil spirit to interfere. Once you pray fervently to be filled with the Spirit and God answers your prayer and fills you, then you must open your mouth and yield your tongue( i just relaxed mine) until the Spirit has joined with your spirit. Then using your tongue God will confirm scripturally that you have recieved.
@constantlyquestioning42018 Жыл бұрын
@@robertnieten7259 Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that [by my voice] I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an [unknown] tongue. -1Corinthians14:19 If any man speak in an [unknown] tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most [by] three, and [that] by course; and let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God. -1Corinthians14:27,28
@TimothyChapman Жыл бұрын
It's far more likely that these gifts have ceased because Christians are up to their necks in idolatry and stubbornly refuse to repent.
@theeternalsbeliever1779 Жыл бұрын
It's not likely at all. God says these gifts would be in His Church, and He cannot lie. If someone is in a church where these gifts don't truly exist, the obvious reason is that they're not in His Church.
@obeyourfatheryah Жыл бұрын
I think you are both right in varying degrees. However, from another angle, the most high gives and withhold gifts like tongues as he sees fit. He knows all things of all people at all times. That said, believing his word is our responsibility in order to be led by the spirit of the one who gave it. The same one who gave his word is the same one who sustains our lives. He is the same one who allowed the miracles of the early church by faith. He does not break his word.
@obeyourfatheryah Жыл бұрын
To be clear, those who refuse to repent are not doing His will. I've only heard one firsthand account of one of the ladies in my church telling about how the lady she was standing with had briefly spoken Spanish to a man while in Guatemala. To me, that seems like a good way to appoach this gift in particular. She thought she had spoken English! Yahweh spoke through her at that time to fulfill his purposes for that man.
@osirismarbles5177 Жыл бұрын
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 So even though the entire point of 1 Corinthians 13 is love, you're saying that a church that is missing spiritual gifts of tongues, prophecy and healing (but has faith, hope and love) is not a true church? Sounds like you're focused more on the presentation of miraculous works than you are on miraculous love which is exactly why Paul wrote the letter - the Corinthians were focused on the wrong things which caused division among them. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love."
@jay-ti7kd 7 ай бұрын
​@@theeternalsbeliever1779That's such a big claim to make
@henrybowman9756 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this...I have been confused a bit by this but you have helped me understand much clearer now...Shalom !
@chuckdeuces911 Жыл бұрын
Bottom line though, especially in the context of 1 Corinthians 13 if no one can understand what you're saying that's between you and God. He basically prays that he'd rather you can prophecy or interpret or speak in an understandable language or you have no value to the church. It may offer you value to speak to God but if you're standing in front of the congregation babbling, you're not doing anything but wasting the time and energy of the church and all people. So even though it doesn't say it's stopped, we still don't see it anymore. Not anyone who is doing it for the better of he church.
@redpenblueink3845 Жыл бұрын
Well how do you know this? How would you know that it is only limited to speaking human languages like German etc and that the utterances could also sound like utters to us!
@obeyourfatheryah Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the clear and unbiased teachings, as always. Could you do one on demons?
@eugenegarcia9415 7 ай бұрын
God said He was to talk to the house of Israel ( ten tribes) in a new tongues. When he commissioned the apostles to go and preached the gospel of the kingdom of God to the lost sheep of of the house of Israel ..Matthew 10:5-8 . In Isaiah 28:11. Genesis 17,Genesis 35,Genesis 48and 49 clearly tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob were to become fathers of many nations Not Just One nation BUT MANY Nations. The sons of Joseph ,Manasseh was to become a great nation while Ephraim a group or company of nations ( commonwealth of nations) . In Genesis 49 tells us where each son of Jacob was to settle as an independent nation apart from each other in the midst of the world. A Jew no doubt is an Israelite but most Israelites are not Jews. Many gentile nations today are actually Israelites nations, descendants of the lost sheep of the house of Israel ( ten tribes) . The reason the ten tribes of the house of Israel today don’t know they are Israelites is because God said he was to cease the memory of them among men for their idolatry and sins. Even though Judah ( Jews ) sinned worse than it sister house of Israel, God didn’t punish them with this curse. The northern ten tribes kingdom of Israel lost their identity as Israelites and their language; Hebrew and religion. One of the reasons Jews ( the house of Judah; Judah, Benjamin and Levi) have suffered so much is because of its greater sins and refusal to spread the word of God. Judah inherited the scepter blessing ( spiritual blessing) while Manasseh, Ephraim and their father Joseph inherited the birthright blessing ( material, and national power). But what many are so blind to read in Genesis 48 is that it was Manasseh and Ephraim only who inherited the right to the name Israel and not Judah ( father of all the Jews). And it’s in Efrain ( Israel) today you will find the descendants of king David being kings over Israel not over Judah. David was a jew and all his descendants of course are Jews but the promise to David was that they were to be kings over Israel. Efrain was to become a company of many nations. Who has fulfilled that prophecy today; no other that Great Britain and it’s commonwealth nations. Look up Great Britain national seal , its identity to what the Bible describes to be of the tribe of Ephraim. Who is that great nation, Manasseh, was to become , no other than USA. One of our national seals is name the seal of Manasseh found in the dollar bill but not also our main seal is a representation of Joseph dreams of his 11 brothers and mother and father which equals 13 and how God protected Israel in the desert, with clouds during the burning sun and with the moon light at night. The tribe of Manasseh were great archers and the the oficial tree of ancient Israel is olive tree. We are called the melting pot of the world. Is it a coincidence that the Bible tells that Israel ( Manasseh and Ephraim) were to become like a boiling pot soup. God told Abraham that his descendants were going possess the gates of their enemies ( ports , canals), govern gentiles nations. Israel you will be a blessing to the whole world: automobile , trains , light, computer, . I can go on and on but it is time for us to wake up and understand our true identity because we are not far from what The prophets called, Jacob’s troubles; the great tribulation. Today God is telling us you are my people, I am your husband, But we USA, Great Britain and it’s commonwealth nations,Ireland, Denmark, Scotland, France, Sweden,Switzerland, ect are saying no we are not your people and you are not our husband So because God has not stopped loving us is that through correction ( great tribulation) we will finally open our eyes and say yes you are my husband, we are your people.
@Abhisheklee Ай бұрын
If the tongues are same then why is the need of an interpreter when there were people from all nations heard paul and other disciplines of Jesus speaking in their own languages?
@osirismarbles5177 Жыл бұрын
You don't really give a basis for the argument that Paul would not "have had any concept of a New Testament canon." You just state that. The question is then, why couldn't Paul have some concept of a complete canon of scripture happening? After all, he was taken up to the third heaven (most likely referring to himself) and over the course of his walk received several revelations from God. Could not one of those revelations have been that prophecy of scripture would end with the apostles? After all, if prophecy of scripture continues after the apostles that would allow anyone to make the argument that later writings were legitimate prophecies from God - which could cause a ton of confusion! (Yes, I acknowledge some have tried, but it's easy to refute later writings as authentic scripture if one accepts that idea that prophecy of scripture ended with the apostles. The period of writing ending with them acts as a security mechanism.)
@whathappenedwas7083 Жыл бұрын
Shabbat shalom from Alaska
@jamiejswagga Жыл бұрын
Thanks, where is part 3?
@peterjackson164 Жыл бұрын
Have to ask if you belive the whole bible is true as you state on the start of every video? why do your ministery refute his account of creation?
@osirismarbles5177 Жыл бұрын
Miraculous gifts ending with the apostles must be discussed in context of the "laying on of hands." If miraculous gifts were primarily passed from the apostles to the general church (indicated between Acts 2 - Acts 6) then it would be totally possible for apostles to have died but gifts carry on into the 2nd century. From Acts 2 - 6, there are absolutely no miracles recorded except by the apostles. Miracles by the general body begin after the apostles first lay hands on "the seven" including Stephen and Phillip. Acts 2:43 says the signs and wonders were specifically performed by the apostles (not by general members). Acts 4:33 says the apostles (not general fellowship) were giving testimony to the resurrection "with great power." Acts 5:12 says signs and wonders were done among the people specifically through the apostles hands. Even though the general fellowship could be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:31, 6:3-5) NO "signs and wonders" were performed by the general fellowship until the apostles specifically began laying hands on believers (Acts 6:6). The first miracles by a general member are recorded in Acts 6:8 (by Stephen who had apostles lay hands on him in verses 5-6) and then in Acts 8:6-7 (by Phillip after apostles laid hand on him, who was also present in Acts 6). Notice in Acts 8:14-19 that although Phillip was present in Samaria, converted people to the Lord and baptized them it was only the apostles who "laid hands" on the new believers. Surely this was not for their salvation because it does not require the apostles laying of hands for people to be saved (thank God or we would all be doomed). If it wasn't for salvation, the apostles must have laid hands on the believers in Acts 8:14-17 for the same reason they laid hands on believers in Acts 6:6-7 - for the passing on of miraculous gifts.
@kylediaz3302 Жыл бұрын
I said the same thing. Thank goodness someone else sees the flaw in this thinking. Only the apostles had the gift to impart gifts, and it was that gift that Simon wanted that Peter and John had. Paul also wanted to impart gifts to a body of believers Rom 1:11, which means they didn’t have gifts independent of the apostles. Once the apostles died, gifts would have continue for 1 generation. Assume John laid hands on someone before he died, says 100 years from that point, supernatural gifts would cease and love would remain. It is by this, Paul said these things would “vanish away” because Paul himself knew that the imparting of gifts to others only occurred through their hands.
@osirismarbles5177 Жыл бұрын
@@kylediaz3302 Even though I believe these things, I still think God can (obviously) and might "restart" miraculous works at his appointed time. And miracles done as answers to prayers are also fair game. Thanks for adding some insight from the letters :)
@OneHighwayWalker Жыл бұрын
@@osirismarbles5177 The two end times prophets are going to do some miraculous things.
@osirismarbles5177 Жыл бұрын
@@OneHighwayWalker I agree. This is why the first coming of the messiah should have been obvious, because it was marked by miracles being performed again. We'll know the prophets by their specific works/miracles. I think the end time church may also be endowed with miraculous works of the Spirit (not 100% sure) that may mark the second coming. We'll see.
@OneHighwayWalker Жыл бұрын
@@osirismarbles5177 There will also be the false prophets of the anti-Messiah, so miracles in themselves are not a proof. I recently finished reading Acts, and was impressed by the thought that in my life of over 40 years walking in faith, I have never (I think that is not an exaggeration) seen anyone laying on hands and imparting power. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen anyone perform a Biblical miracle. Not to say that there haven't been things that I would consider miraculous because they are definitely from YHWH. This begs the question, why? We may see more happening now that people are returning to obedience, or as it has been said, "If they don't believe Moses and the prophets, they won't believe even if someone is raised from the dead" indicating that no miracle will be of benefit. I have heard of reports from people I trust of stories from missionary work in other countries where a miracle is necessary to overcome the superstitions of the locals and also of confirmed healings, but nothing like the stories of Paul or Peter. All of that to say, you make an interesting observation.
@scottstephenson9597 Жыл бұрын
Zechariah, Talked about a new covenant, so alot of Jewish people knew one was coming, which Paul's audience was both Jewish and Gentile. despite what people thought Paul taught torah also, which if they look in Acts at the time they arrested him. the intent was to show he hadn't walked away from Torah, as the church claims.
@scottstephenson9597 Жыл бұрын
Paul was a scholar in Torah, at the time He would have known about Benjamin last testimony to his kids which refer to him.
@osirismarbles5177 Жыл бұрын
The "face to face" argument is a good one which should be considered in light of other passages which you do (like Revelation). However, "knowing in part" and "prophesying in part" does not necessarily mean that the "complete" means "full knowledge of God" as you suggest. It ("the complete") could be limited in scope to the complete knowledge of God's revelation of himself to man through the bible. Knowing everything that God decides we need to know about...God's relationship to Israel (for example) as recorded through the text does not mean we fully know everything about that dynamic. It just means we're able to know what God needs us to know about him and Israel for this time. When you successfully complete Algebra and get 100% in the entire course we could assume that you also know well enough all previous mathematical concepts (fractions, proportions, etc.) that you would have learned "in part." However, it does NOT mean that you know all of math. You just know what you need to know fully for that time (before going onto geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.). Knowing the bible well (or even fully) certainly does not mean we know all of God, or that we will EVER know all of God (even after the Messiah's return - who can "finish" knowing the infinite God more?). Yet, seeing God face to face is, agreed, a different and fuller level of understanding/intimacy.
@giovanni545 Жыл бұрын
shabbath shalom brethen, may YAHUAH bless you and keep us all under HIS right hand
@AnneTaylor-kk8ze Жыл бұрын
Very good explanation of speaking in tongues,thank you for the effort taken in this oration
@scottstephenson9597 Жыл бұрын
Yeshua is the Perfect, I suggest it's His second coming.
@flippinmissouri7345 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this teaching. Very nicely done.
@btp9576 Жыл бұрын
This is all a lie, parallel doctrine.
@steevs7912 Жыл бұрын
I've always been annoyed hearing people babble especially the places where everyone does it or after everything is said. I just dont think we will need tongues much anymore because we are like the tower of babel.
@thetruthmallu1705 Жыл бұрын
It's not about what u think..its about what bible says...if speaking in holy tounges is possible during those times..why not now?
@steevs7912 Жыл бұрын
@@thetruthmallu1705 that is very true. Im not claiming I'm right by any means. I just feel we are getting too close to the tower of babel times where we all speak one language. 50 years ago you'd have to learn German. Now most of the ppl my age speak English pretty fluently. I'm sure when yahuah sets a time it shall be. I just find it increasingly harder to be a super useful gift. I would love to witness something like that. And not some babbling fool who intoxicated on silliness
@thetruthmallu1705 Жыл бұрын
@@steevs7912 👍
@Canada4Israel Жыл бұрын
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels 1 Corinthians 13 There are other languages other than Earthly that one can be speaking in tongues. It is communication between God and your spirit. 1 Corinthians 14 For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to MEN but to GOD; for NO ONE understands, but in his SPIRIT he speaks MYSTERIES. If I pray in a tongue, my SPIRIT prays, but my MIND is unfruitful. What is the outcome then? I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the mind also; I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also. 1 Corinthians 14
@kylediaz3302 Жыл бұрын
1. The gift to give gifts was only given to the apostles… Rom 1:11 Paul wanted to visit an already established body of believers in order to give them gifts…which means they did not have nor could they receive without Paul…the laying of his hands… Simon didn’t just want any gift, Simon wanted the gift that John and Peter had which was the ability to impart gifts to others, that Philip did not have (in which Philip sent for them to come, why? acts 8). Philip preached the gospel and baptized people, but Philip did not have the ability to impart the gifts to the others. So yes, the ability to give gifts to others was a specific gift given to the apostles that established them (whom Jesus was speaking to Mark 16:15-20) as the “leaders/reliable/authority” of the truth. Regardless of all other arguments, you’re misrepresenting the specific gift that the apostles alone had that no other person had which was the ability to impart gifts to others. Since only the apostles had the ability to lay hands on others and impart supernatural gifts, once they died, then no one else would be able to receive gifts and therefore gifts would cease to exist within a generation but love would remain. 2. The gift of tongues was specifically used for unbelieving Jews and no one else (Isaiah 28, Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 14:20-22); it was a prophecy spoken to them and for them, it was not nor can it be (today) for unbelieving gentiles. Rules and executions to the rule. The rule is, the apostles alone gave gifts (via HS), the exception to the rule is when Peter was shown that gentiles were to be grafted in (Acts 10:45-48), no coincidence that the gift that occurred to demonstrate to Peter that gentiles would be accepted was tongues in which Peter, a Jew, knew was in Isaiah 28. Cornelius a gentile spoke in “tongues” to Peter who thought the gospel was only for Jews. Let us stick with scripture.
@africatwinpixel8ed714 Жыл бұрын
Nope this is incorrect, you have alighned on this subject to the modern day churches and i simply disagree. Corinthians can be alighned to Acts in a better way. Please reconsider this teaching. There is absolutely no reason for people to speak languages that they do not understand themselves, not even when speaking to others or to God.
@JeffSmith-it4tm Жыл бұрын
nope its correct.
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