Just got a ODTF-4000 Thanks for running us through the features.... Nice real for the price point! I got mine for $20. with rewards & coupons.... Silver (Coho) season just closed, but Steelhead season I get to run it through the paces!
@DaveysWorldFishing Жыл бұрын
$20? Wow! You can’t beat that deal. Good luck up there.
@Gen_Lee2473 ай бұрын
Just for the ODT both 500 and 1000. What one would you recommend for a 5’6” light (4-8lb) rod? I’m planning on using the future combination on fast to slow moving creeks and rivers for medium sized trout.
@DaveysWorldFishing3 ай бұрын
Either one would work for that application. For small creeks the 500 should be fine as it has limited capacity, but you won't need too much in that application.
@Gen_Lee2473 ай бұрын
@@DaveysWorldFishing what’s the pounds/yards for the 1000?
@DaveysWorldFishing3 ай бұрын
@@Gen_Lee247 280/2 - 140/4 in mono
@Gen_Lee2473 ай бұрын
@@DaveysWorldFishing alrighty the decision has been made. The 1000 it is! 😂
@markcesena46702 жыл бұрын
You know I want get one of these tactical green reels, in a 4000 size,but I have seen other reviews and read reviews and not all these reels are the same color of green as yours,which is the exact color that I want,don’t want to have to return any reels.
@DaveysWorldFishing2 жыл бұрын
So Okuma went through a little color change over the course of the last year. The original was the olive drab color which is what I am showing. Then the request was made that it had to be more of the Toyota Tundra green, which is the second edition. Those are the TG-4000 etc. those are the mixed colors. For this year they scrapped those all together and went back to the Olive Drab. These will be called ODT-4000a. Keep an eye out for the ODT model number. They haven’t hit the market yet, but will soon. They were introduced at Icast. okumafishingusa.com/products/ceymar-odt-limited-edition
@jbreezy93. Жыл бұрын
@@DaveysWorldFishing Okay thank you for the incredibly informative response. I was having such a hard time finding this information online elsewhere If I were interested in getting the olive drab edition but with the olive foam handle as well - this seems like the edition shown in the video, and not the a-series? Looking to find it online in 500 or 1000 but they may be getting phased out. Your post made a lightbulb go off as to why I couldn't find consistent shopping results
@DaveysWorldFishing Жыл бұрын
@@jbreezy93. I don’t think Okuma ever actually released the green foam. The reel I happened to have was a prototype loaner reel that we went to film with prior to release. In looking at the okuma site, I only see the black foam.
@ferncab Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure weather to get the 500 or the 1000. I’m mostly a bass fisherman
@DaveysWorldFishing Жыл бұрын
Both might be a bit small for bass. Something in the 2500 or 3000 is probably what you’d need.
@Tony670322 жыл бұрын
Hi, Davey do Okuma makes a 5000- 6000 size reel with the bait feeder feature?
@DaveysWorldFishing2 жыл бұрын
Hi Tony- They do. The Ceymar Baitfeer comes also in a CBF-55 and CBF-65 size, which are equivalent to 5000 and 6000 size reels. The Avenger series, which is very similar to the Ceymar, actually have baitfeeders up to the 8000 size.
@Tony670322 жыл бұрын
@@DaveysWorldFishing thank you as always
@Tree-vis Жыл бұрын
Must be pretty limited lmaoo I just picked one up yesterday for 50% off
@DaveysWorldFishing Жыл бұрын
Yep. They changed them to the Olive Drab instead of the Tactical Green. Oh well.
@swingmanant Жыл бұрын
This one is the ODT color way. Better imo but can’t go wrong with 50% off.