Star Trek's BEST STARBASE! - Deep Space Nine Explained!

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@thenoisyninja Жыл бұрын
I was fortunate enough to go to the experience as a teen. I was jaded and wasn’t expecting very much. We were herded into lines in a sparse corridor and the staff didnt seem to give a damn. It was ugly and when we were prompted to step into those “this is a motion ride” lines, i was ready to mentally check out… Then the lights cut out, the pitch darkness filled with sparkling lights and a great ‘woosh’ of wind. Next thing I know, we’re on a teleporter pad on a starship, greeted by a peppy woman in a star fleet uniform. We were then herded onto the real motion ride but by then i was already so invested i was literally shaking. When we stepped off of the ride and onto the promenade, we were greeted by klingons and ferengi who bantered with us as we wandered the promenade. It was magical, it was joyous, and I’ll forever consider it a crime that The Experience was dismantled…
@carschmn Жыл бұрын
I laughed when they moved the station to be closer to the wormhole and settle the issue of who was in charge of it.
@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
Thats a Kira solution for you!
@cye58 Жыл бұрын
Believe me the "Federation" was like hell yeah on the down low ! And Section 31 was good, we don't have to do it. 👁️
@Terminator484 Жыл бұрын
Proximity is 90% of possession.
@shitbeausaysofficial Жыл бұрын
@@cye58 I wouldn't be surprised if a cloaked section 31 ship was standing by lol
@OreoWaffles 7 ай бұрын
@@Terminator484 china would disagree
@TasDAmour Жыл бұрын
I worked in the retail shops on The Promenade at Star Trek: The Experience. My favorite job of all time!!! I really miss that place!
@SuperFanBrad Жыл бұрын
A generation later, DS9 remains my favorite Star Trek Series. Best written series by far
@k1productions87 Жыл бұрын
"a generation later" indeed. When DS9 was first on the air, I was a hater. I spouted off all the usual nonsensical arbitrary talking points, like how a Star Trek show should be on a Starship, not a station; boldly going nowhere; Star Trek shouldn't be about war; etc, etc. It was not until years later, when I watched through the show again, that I realized just how wrong I was. Not only did DS9 subsequently become my favorite Star Trek series of all, for its true merits (the characters and the storytelling, and the evolving world rather than episodic stagnation), I also swore that I would never be that person ever again. So, after I defended Enterprise when no one else would, I now go on to continue to defend all the new shows, regardless of whether I enjoy everything about them or not. For even if I do not, others do, and they are no less "True Trek fans" than I am. And I feel much the stronger person for it. Better to protect and defend others' love than perpetuate my own dislike. After all, isn't that what IDIC is all about? \\//_ LLAP
@lysanderhuynh Жыл бұрын
It was based off of Babylon 5. The creator pitched a Star Trek version. Well, this is way better than JJ Abrams who liked Star Wars that created JJ verse. He hated Star Trek. Listen to the music... It sounds so Star Wars.
@k1productions87 Жыл бұрын
@@lysanderhuynh I love how the Mandela Effect is always in such full force when it comes to talking about Star Trek. Someone says they weren't a fan of Star Trek growing up, then that ends up turning into "Hated Original Series" which then turned into "Hated Star Trek" Guess who also wasn't a fan of Star Trek before getting the Director job. Nickolas Meyer and Harve Bennett. You know who else also wasn't a fan, and even was sure the series would fail? Patrick Stewart. And speaking of the music, listen to Wrath of Khan. It sounds exactly like Battle Beyond the Stars (because it WAS) which was an attempted copy of Star Wars. Seriously, listen to the BBtS OST, you hear all three of the first Star Trek movies in there. Meanwhile, Star Trek 2009 sounds nothing like Star Wars any more than Indiana Jones or James Bond did. There is no rule that says you have to enjoy Abrams' films, but don't make up nonsensical BS about it just to justify your own personal dislike. Simply saying "I didn't enjoy the films" would be respectable, but trying to turn it into some sort of absolute is just asinine. Especially when every complaint one makes about him could also be made about other more celebrated names, including the actors themselves.
@HikingFeral Жыл бұрын
That's very cute but Voyager is the best Star Trek ever made and I should know as I've seen every episode of every star trek ever made and that makes me the only expert in the matter
@k1productions87 Жыл бұрын
@@HikingFeral 1) you are hardly the only one who's seen every episode, so you are definitely not the ONLY expert. 2) it is all entirely subjective, as every one of those different people who have seen every single episode have different likes and dislikes. 3) I am one of them, and while individual episodes of Voyager are good... the package as a whole suffers for its constant strict and nauseating insistence in hitting the magic reset button after every episode. Remember when Voyager was split in two, occupying the same space and sharing the same source of antimatter for a time? Which Voyager survived? The one that was torn to absolute shreds. Do we see that in the next episode? No, she looks like she just floated right out of Spacedock again. Nothing (except for few VERY rare occasions) ever has any consequence, as any lessons learned or any crisis suffered are completely forgotten the following week and therefore made entirely non-consequential. A show written to be tailor made for serialization... should NOT be strictly episodic. Hell TNG was more serialized than Voyager was. And lets not even get started on the constant never-ending nonsensical technobabble. Most TOS and TNG episodes had a Human solution, then DS9 episodes (especially in latter seasons) had more of a strategic solution. VOY episodes on the other hand... "If we (TECH) the (TECH), then (TECH) will (TECH)" and that's how we solve the problem? It wouldn't be such an issue if they didn't constantly rely on the (A and B story) structure. Very few times did we see that in TNG, as usually whatever the Human conflict was, it matched up with the situational conflict. But Voyager far too often had the situational conflict of the episode have any relation what-so-ever to the character conflict, the resolution of which contributing nothing to the climax of the episode. Note, I never said these were BAD episodes,... but that being said,... Voyager sure has had some absolute stinkers, but its had some brilliant episodes as well. You can say the same about every series, but Voyager seemed to vary in that so distinctly at times. So yeah, I enjoy Voyager as much as the next Trekkie... but I do not consider it the best. It tried too hard to be TNG-Lite, which begs the question "why didn't they simply keep TNG going, if they were just going to keep doing the same thing?" I could keep going, because as I type, my mind keeps telling me "and another thing..." but I think I'll stop it here. Its already TL:DR :P
@euchiron Жыл бұрын
Cardassians: Reptilian in appearance and temperament. Kardashians: Also yes
@paultrought267 Жыл бұрын
Look in the mirror Max.
@BubbleOfDoom22 Жыл бұрын
As a born and raised Vegas local, just know the sets for the Star Trek Experience (DS9 premenade, BORGified Voyager, TNG Enterprise and shuttles) are still in storage waiting for the day they can reopen the Experience somewhere else in town. You may still get to walk DS9 someday, having actors playfully curse you in klingon and drunk tourists ask where all the jedi and stormtrooper stuff is.
@k1productions87 Жыл бұрын
There was a full Star Trek themed casino/hotel/resort green lit and ready to be built, all the plans laid out, all the management structured,... and then at the eleventh hour, the funding was pulled and it went nowhere. One of the biggest "what ifs" of Trek fan history
@benjaminscott8198 Жыл бұрын
When I lived in Vegas, that's the one place I wanted to visit and never got around to it. I regret it to this day
@UnlimitedFlyers Жыл бұрын
Could be worse. Could be drunk tourists asking about Babylon 4...
@jsnap1 Жыл бұрын
Well looks like the Americans look after their sets better than the British. Sad noises over the TARDIS interiors
@jordanmetcalfe8302 Жыл бұрын
Had the luck of visiting the experience many years ago on a trip to Vegas. It was incredible, and for a kid who’s massively in to Star Trek it was completely mind blowing how lifelike and believable it was. Such a shame they closed it down, watching the “de-commissioning” ceremony was quite heartbreaking.
@jba2048 Жыл бұрын
I had a fantastic time eating at Quarks Bar at the Star Trek experience in Las Vegas. I had a delicious Kahless Caesar Salad and flirted with a very attractive Klingon woman at the bar. I am so very disappointed that it is gone forever, and I could never go back and see it again.
@David-kb3bd 6 ай бұрын
What happened to it?
@RobertP-zk8vh 5 ай бұрын
same i got to eat there in 1998
@RobertP-zk8vh 5 ай бұрын
@@David-kb3bd outdated and not on the strip they tore down that hotel
@grandkaiser1 Жыл бұрын
I love the DS9 design! It was so non-federation and visually intriguing!
@harvey1965 Жыл бұрын
One of the BEST videos of the BEST Trek series ever made - excellent, comprehensive video. I cried in the last episode as the camera drew back and away from Jake & Kira looking out the Promenade Windows as DS9 disappeared in the distance, crying and screaming at the TV (I was young and alone!) "Don't go .... please don't go" AND to this day I feel the same way. One of the best Star Treks and one of the most influential TV series to be made in the 20th century - it led the way in multi arc storytelling we have today. Underrated and under-appreciated Deep Space Nine remains the BEST Trek ever made to this day! PS. With the first 6 episodes of Matalas's Picard Season 3 having been released as screeners to a select audience - I'm hoping & praying this video might be preparation for a younger audience for bit more (thanks 'Lower Deck') for a bit of modern day DS9 loving!
@shauncraigparkinson8165 Жыл бұрын
DS9 = Best Trek EVER!
@harvey1965 Жыл бұрын
(Though from a different scifi, written by Ronald D. Moore - this sums it up what you wrote) "SO SAY WE ALL!!!"
@shauncraigparkinson8165 Жыл бұрын
@@harvey1965 BSG, another masterpiece.
@simonshopland2404 Жыл бұрын
Yes definitely need a break down of earths space dock that would be epic 😁
@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to see one of Starbase Yorktown from the Kelvin Universe as well.
@jasonbodine6033 Жыл бұрын
I live in Las Vegas and not only was there opening night, and thereafter as well, but helped in its construction. My friends and I had Klingon wine (which was a rich merlot), a Warp Core Breach (with very cool dry ice creating the effect) long before the drink was debuted on “His Way”. It was amazing!
@albertnobbs5049 Жыл бұрын
Deep Space Nine cannot be over-celebrated.
@k1productions87 Жыл бұрын
Nor can its characters. Thank goodness we got another more recent vocal performance from most of them before some had passed away (namely Nog and Odo) who are now further immortalized in Star Trek Online. Not the greatest MMO in the world (gotta be fair), but SO worth it if you are a Star Trek fan, and even moreso if you are a DS9 fan. Hell, its free to play, all you need to spend is the time :3
@albertnobbs5049 Жыл бұрын
@@k1productions87 Yeah I indulge in it specifically for that reason. I was born in the same month as the launch of TNG prime trek is part of my soul.
@k1productions87 Жыл бұрын
​@@albertnobbs5049 I don't recall the months in that regard, but I know my father was an original Trekkie, and my first exposure to it was when he brought home Voyage Home on VHS, which also had that (incomplete) TNG teaser trailer at the beginning. I firmly believe if 6 year old Me saw Wrath of Khan first, it would have scared me away from it. But Voyage Home captured my soul and never let go. And to this day, I maintain that it is the best introduction one could have, as it not only perfectly displays all the major characters (rather than pushing some to background roles), but shows all the important things Star Trek has to offer. The lighthearted adventure, the period-relevant social commentary, the hopeful future, and the peril of encountering strange alien life... all without requiring a "bad guy" to fight. For my money, it is the perfect "Star Trek" film, even if one wouldn't consider it the best "movie"
@christopherkraft1327 Жыл бұрын
I love "Keeping Up With The Cardassians!!!" 🖖
@seanryan3020 Жыл бұрын
There was a lot of family drama between Garak and Enabran Tain!
@misterlau5246 Жыл бұрын
Adam. I clicked the subscribe button again, and I do not understand why do you want me to not be subscribed. Intriguing. -Dahta
@Pendragon667 Жыл бұрын
A strong and firm YES from my side regarding the behind the scenes of DS9 👍🏻
@fluffly3606 Жыл бұрын
People always think space stations and satellites having limited propulsion is weird yet it's not only common but necessary in real life due to the fact that "stable" orbits are nothing of the sort over long periods
@keit99 8 ай бұрын
I thought it was well known that at least the Iss has to readjust its orbit every once in a while. And if sattelites aren't adjusting theirs anymore, they fall down on earth again (and burn in the athmosphere)
@philtkaswahl2124 Жыл бұрын
A symbol of Cardassian oppression made by Bajoran slave labor repurposed into something on which to build a more positive legacy is, all things considered, not a bad origin for a Federation starbase.
@ElmshornBoy Жыл бұрын
I loved the HD reworked scenes and special effects. I love DS9. DS9 should be now more visited after 30 years of economical growth. Then should be show there more star ships visiting the station.
@americanrifleiamcool197 Жыл бұрын
Where can I find the hd reworked series?
@deanfaw Жыл бұрын
Ìts hard to believe it's 30th anniversary of ds9 back then no one believe it would work now its a big today
@markbade565 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for a supremely informative and humorous look at ds9 commander! 🖖
@stevenewman1393 Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that, but yes I was one of those lucky enough to see the promanod at Startrek the experience and all the other wonderful sites and go on the shuttle ride from the Enterprise D.
@JordonVirtue Жыл бұрын
Two calls to action within 30 seconds? You mad bastard. I'm in.
@Reepicheep-1 Жыл бұрын
Best series. Big changes from Ep 1: "Shields up!" "What shields?" You Leave Alamiraine ALONE! It's not our fault you can't see.
@misterlau5246 Жыл бұрын
Nice voice ltcmd Adam! Sir!
@redfishtex738 Жыл бұрын
30 years?! Freaking time!? Where did you go? It seems like yesterday I was watching the show or waiting for the next episode to air and they never came soon enough. I to this day still love the more diverse cast of characters and that it wasn't a ship but a space station as in stationary. So all that meant more conflict between the more diverse groups of peoples and why not? It's the Frontier of the Federation. Might as well have covered wagon shuttle crafts of peoples headed out. But the whole storyline was grand and complex and awesome. I could go on but now I'm going to go grab my box set and watch a few episodes. Until we can build holo-decks..
@seaconfused Жыл бұрын
Yes, more behind the scenes, thank you very much!
@jimmysmith2249 Жыл бұрын
Yous use of orky terms to describe ds9 defence systems is quite perfect. Thank you.
@kellyishikawa Жыл бұрын
I also got to see the Vegas attractions. The experience being on the enterprise was way cool as it was the bar. The highlight for me was also the walkway that put all the time traveling in perspective.
@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
Much of that got turned into an exhibition that toured the US. I was fortunate enough to get to see it years ago wgen it came to San Jose California .an unforgettable experience complete with a mock up of the Gusrdian of Forever abd other attractions.
@desertsoldier41 Жыл бұрын
My ROTC class got see Stage 17 back in 1996 at Paramount. None of the panels were on but they turned the lights on except the backdrops. Got to see the directory sign and at the end of the Promenade was a big door leading to the outside of the building. Lots of construction folks doing something.
@LadyAstarionAncunin Жыл бұрын
My favorite Star Trek and favorite TV show of all time, DS9! I need a Blu-ray set, yesterday!
@rickfeng4466 3 ай бұрын
I LOVE that piano piece you used at the beginning; it gives me good goosebumps every time.
@kellyishikawa Жыл бұрын
Yes, it would be awesome to see the whole video about behind the scenes. This video is awesome.
@Voltaic_Fire Жыл бұрын
DS9's final level of defensive weaponry should be standard on every Federation star base, they should probably include those huge impulse engines that DS9 has too.
@CelticCubby Жыл бұрын
I got to go to Las Vegas the Experience shortly before it ended. It was amazing.
@hippo1701 Жыл бұрын
Yes, please, behind the scenes of DS9.
@skorpio156 Ай бұрын
I absolutely loved Deep Space Nine. And that's after growing up on the original Star Trek, as well as the few series that followed. The Cardassians are my favorite species. Militaristic like the Klingons, yet sensible like the Federation. A great combination
@davethomson2920 Жыл бұрын
I love your dialogue, please don't change your delivery, What about covering the development of the phaser pistol from beginning , Version Enterprises, then future designs
@vctr7524 9 ай бұрын
I miss DS9 so much 😭😭 R.I.P Nog and Odo ❤ I miss the 90's Star Trek
@andyzib Жыл бұрын
Enjoyed a “Warp Core Breach” with two friends at the Las Vegas Star Trek experience. It was not a strong drink (QUARK!!!) but our host assured us he was “a very friendly independent Borg.” I can’t imagine having that level of costuming being part of being a host at a restaurant. The theming was impressive to the point of accurately portraying “this is normal in 24th century.
@xheralt Жыл бұрын
Sadly, my Warp Core breach glass got broken by a former (and now late) roommate. I still have my Borg chamber portrait, though.
@maximusstarblazer Жыл бұрын
I was a teenager when the family and I went to Vegas and I personally went to the ST Expience..not once but three times consecutively during our week long visit. Lol if was fantastic every time and I spend at least $200 in the gift shop. If was memorable for sure. One of the female officers that guided me to safety was cute too. 😍
@Jeremy-83 6 ай бұрын
Given the structural and technological limitations of the station itself, it really is amazing just how beefed up the station became.
@heartoffire5902 2 ай бұрын
Whenever the Federation quits effing around, it's an absolutely terrifying force. Hence why the Confederation being so unstoppable makes sense.
@saltyheathen8113 Жыл бұрын
Lol that intro is awesome.
@stevenewman1393 Жыл бұрын
🖖😎👍Very cool and very nicely well done and very well informatively explained and executed in every detail way shape and form provided on this format and subject matter on all of the duties and functions and its abilities in battle and so forth of DS9 indeed 👌.
@k1productions87 Жыл бұрын
The legends of the "full size Promenade" at the Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas are greatly... GREATLY exaggerated. Firstly, it looked very little like the actual Promenade (particularly in there was no upper level), and the curved area with the shops was only about maybe 30-45 degrees of arc, large enough for four small shop spaces around a single restaurant and bar. Physically, the Promenade area of The Experience left a lot to be desired. The primarily impressive part of it was not the structure itself, but the characters within it. Rather than being typical theme-park style costumed characters who just take pictures and remain silent, save for a "hi how are you?", they each had complete characters and backstories, for which they would maintain for the duration. And this is where my favorite experience came from. I went with two buddies, and made us each a DS9/VOY style uniform (though, fairly cheap. To the layman, it looked great. To the Trekkie, it looked terrible, LOL). We were all at the restaurant and ordered a non-alcoholic frozen drink. The Klingon came up to us, "picking on" the Starfleet officers lounging about (which was fun in itself), and then proceeded to pick up one of our drinks, hold it up in the air for all to see, and bellow out for all to hear "THIS is not a WARRIOR'S DRINK!" My friend immediately chimed in with "Right, and one of your greatest warriors drinks PRUNE juice", after which the Klingon went on a long spiel about the benefits of prune juice and how it gave warriors great strength and stamina. THIS is the experience we all went for, and it was (pardon the Klingon pun) GLORIOUS
@cye58 Жыл бұрын
Sir well it's like this Deep space 9 base is the best because you can actually make it home and you can interact with other Species. Most other bases have some kind of priority mission assignment. 👁️
@Dan__S Жыл бұрын
Star trek the experience was in fact pretty cool. Stepping onto the enterprise bridge the was the highlight for me, but the museum they had and the onion rings at quarks was pretty rad, too. Man that was a long long time ago, thanks for dredging up an old memory.
@ultramaximusreviews Жыл бұрын
You should do a video on Deep Space 1-8 stations
@martinithechobit Жыл бұрын
YOOO that MTG REFERENCE in a DS9 Video? Best cross over.
@ebilliot510 Жыл бұрын
I did get to go to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas. It was a fun and my best part of my trip since I’m not into gambling.
@mitchgordon8199 Жыл бұрын
I got to do the star trek exspirence at the Hilton and hang out quarks bar, I thought it was so cool to be able to stand on the bridge, Highlight of my life.
@adcraziness1501 4 ай бұрын
@4:00 that is the elegant beauty of being made "by" Cardeys. The Bajoran workers built DS9 and now they get to keep it. Dukat took it back but only long enough to give the chair a test sit
@Drivertilldeath Жыл бұрын
I wish we would get a show with the Enterprise J and war of that time.
@JeremyBolanos Жыл бұрын
Starfleet built starbases had no style. Its like they blew it all on the Spacedock at Earth.
@samuelhendrickson7396 Жыл бұрын
Dude I really love your voice it's funny to listen to, especially when your sarcastic! 😂
@farshnuke 8 ай бұрын
I do find it amusing that the first (and most stupid) criticism TOS and TNG fans of DS9 is "Well it doesn't go anywhere" Then it's a literal plot point in the opening story that DS9 does literally go somewhere. I'd like to imagine it's later refitted with a spore drive so it can travel the galaxy defending whatever needs defending. Okay no I don't because that would be stupid but also fun.
@willadeefriesland5107 Жыл бұрын
Four, out of the four quadrants of the Milky Way galaxy were affected... directly or indirectly, by this former Cardassian ore processing station. That's not bad... 🙂
@kurdtz Жыл бұрын
The recreation of promenade in Las Vegas was amazing. I had a drink overflowing with dry ice fog . While I took the tour /show, ( the enterprise D refit was also amazing) a Klingon server/singer hit on my then fiancé. Soo great!! It needs to be recreated again!
@KyrosX27 Жыл бұрын
My friend's dad worked on the monorail system for the hotels in LV and was given pretty much free passes to the ST the experience. Friend brought me along and oh man, I miss that place. Definitely a core memory. As someone else described, that woosh and them BAM, you're IN THE REAL THING lol.
@bustedsim Жыл бұрын
Might be wrong,, but I though there was a distinction between Starbases and Space Stations, where Starbases are outposts on a planet with orbital suport stations and the like, as opposed to singular Space Stations like DS9 and K-7.
@MrJ-dc3yz 8 ай бұрын
Then I guess you will be envious of me. My apt was 5 minutes away from the Hilton. It was a sad day when they closed the experience, at least I got to see it before they closed.
@willadeefriesland5107 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for including the Lower Decks footage...
@vazatimo3000 Жыл бұрын
Lol I'm already subscribed your royal trekness 🤣🤣🤣
@montecorbit8280 Жыл бұрын
When is the behind-the-scenes video coming out??
@stevengalloway8052 Жыл бұрын
Great video about DS9! 👍Is there a size comparison between it and Earth's Spacebase?
@SEMAJH106 Жыл бұрын
I saw a scale once, DS9 is the size of the little bulb area at the very bottom of ESD
@stevengalloway8052 Жыл бұрын
@@SEMAJH106 - Thanks...
@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
ESD is *considerably* bigger. I think Starbase 1 is too. There are numerous videos on both on other Trek fan channels. Supposedly ESD is big enough to be seen with the naked eye by people on Earth. That's *enormous* . The scale works the same way as things on Earth that are big enough to be seen from the ISS, for example.
@stevengalloway8052 Жыл бұрын
@@vic5015 😳
@MichaEL-en3nn Жыл бұрын
Behid the scenes video - go for it!!!
@TD-ug4mg Жыл бұрын
That damn song randomly pops into my head, and is firmly lodged in there now. Thanks allot jerk lol
@Xfonic Жыл бұрын
Sisko is the greatest star fleet commander of all time! He was fair, but didn't put up with anyone's bs. DS9
@benjaminscott8198 Жыл бұрын
I was 12 when DS9 debuted. It immediately became my favorite show and I watched it twice a week. Original air date and on Saturday encore presentation, along with Kung Fu: The Legend Continues. It gripped me from the first episode to the last. Character driven stories that had repercussions throughout the series. It was unheard of back then. I finished up my 28th or 29th binge watch in December. I'd like to build a large scale model like the show used and put it in my collection room. Ah to dream lol
@joseph1866 Жыл бұрын
Defiant: Well, that explains a lot if it was in storage for 25 years. Technology will continue to advance. Did they update the armaments when they dusted it off? Early on in the Dominion war, it was easily captured a number of times by the Jem'Hadar. They were so unimpressed, they just gave it back.
@geeklukeg Жыл бұрын
My dreams tonight will be filled with Allamaraine hopscotch
@A3r10k Жыл бұрын
I ate and drank a Quarks many times… the borg experience was the best!
@XL-5117 Жыл бұрын
ST:DS9 is my favourite series after the original series. The only thing that let it down was the final series and that we never got to find out what happened to Sisko after he went to the temple of the prophets. His disappearance also destroyed his son, Jake, which I can’t forgive him for.
@neilhaas Жыл бұрын
Star Trek Deep Space Nine phenomenal interesting. The station built by Cardassians, Cardassian Center of all the races.
@merafirewing6591 Ай бұрын
The station itself in the show had a very art deco feel. Who knew Cardies love that art style.
@ColinLack Жыл бұрын
If you haven't done it yet I would LOVE the behind the scenes on DS9!
@mrspaceman2764 Жыл бұрын
I was able to go to the Star Trek Experience at the Vegas Hilton back in 2022, it was pretty amazing. The Voyager experience with the Borg was cool but the TNG experience on the Enterprise D was amazing. The whole thing starts with a really novel transporter set that really felt like we got transported... The entire set changed from DS9 to the Enterprise Transporter Room 3 in the snap of a finger. A little gust of wind in our eyes from below triggered a quick blink and that was all the time they needed to change sets... Awesome!
@jamesfry8983 Жыл бұрын
Wait that was 30 years ago I was 6 I remember watching it
@Phoenix-Neo Жыл бұрын
I actually had the rare privilege of visiting Star Trek: The Experience in 2003. It was a dream come true and my day was amazing! I even got to take pictures with Klingons! My only regret was not buying Klingon Blood Wine or Andorian Ale from Quarks. Although it was $100 a bottle. I'm sorry you never had the chance to experience it
@709mash Жыл бұрын
The remastered footage from the DS9 doc was so good.
@berthulf Жыл бұрын
Ugh, 30th anniversary? already? but it was only aired ten years ago! More on DS9 Please! and if the 30th anniversary isn't an excuse for you guys, well... it's an excuse for more defiant!
@richardajoy79 Жыл бұрын
Aired from 1993-1999, I remember watching first time around...glorious.
@berthulf Жыл бұрын
@@richardajoy79 like I said, a decade ago... lol. and it certainly was (I heard that in Gowron's dulcet tones too)
@Duchess_Van_Hoof 11 ай бұрын
Having a trade port as the main location is brilliant. Finally we have actual civilians, recurring aliens, a world worth building, and geopolitics!
@xheralt Жыл бұрын
@Trek Central Yes, envy me for experiencing the Star Trek Experience!
@johnsieverssr8288 Жыл бұрын
Great show... I feel the same as you about Ds9, and its crew.
@JeffreyTappan-bb8rr 2 ай бұрын
Good ol' crazy eyes Gowron.
@setsuna200 Жыл бұрын
I did actually visit Star Trek, the experience awesome. Got a picture with a Klingon saw all the ships above, Enterprise A, Enterprise D, Voyager, and Defiant. I think DS9 was their but it was over 20 years ago when I went. I saw so many amazing props. I experienced both Borg 4d and Klingon Experience. Being in the bridge of the USS Enterprise D was an actual dream being on the ship i watched reruns of TNG. It was sad to see it close.
@kineuhansen8629 Жыл бұрын
i love ds9 is one of the few series i have seen from start to finish evry episode and in my top 5 favorite series of all series from to to enterprise if you dont count the new one
@RunningRabbitTV 6 күн бұрын
I was there at Quarks Bar in Vegas on opening night :)
@BrokenCurtain Жыл бұрын
RIP Nog, Odo, Vedek Bareil, and Kai Winn.
@kith00000 Жыл бұрын
So the Cardashians now have a space station? This is crazy.
@deansmith9914 Жыл бұрын
The Cardassian Alien race being compared to The Kardashians.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@thomaskemp-wood6875 Жыл бұрын
Behind the scenes video pleeeeeaaaase 🖖 chuck and earth space dock vid in there for the kicks too
@apparentlynot1stLeonchubbs Жыл бұрын
I was probably going to like this video after watching it anyway.. but that piano ds9 theme made that happen much faster 👌🍻
@PuReWiReZ Жыл бұрын
DS9 is the best written Star Trek with the best characters and the most robust extraterrestrials. You can fight me for it but the fact is TNG got the acting budget and DS9 got the special effects budget.
@alanmike6883 Жыл бұрын
It will always be a classic and my favourite of the star Trek series. BUT what was technically superior. The cardassian version of ds9 or the federation rebuild?
@shanenolan5625 Жыл бұрын
Cheers. ( I always liked that gowron line )
@Paradigmfusion 5 ай бұрын
Leave it to the Cardassians to build a good station. Terrok Nor was an amazing station.
@Tael71 Жыл бұрын
It wasnt really full sized, it was shrunken down a bit to fit the space it was in, things squished together but visually it looked normal until it was full of people
@zenmaster24 Жыл бұрын
why not a peace sign instead of the mercedes logo?
@QuantaSolace Жыл бұрын
The station itself was a breath of fresh air from a design perspective. It wasn’t the same bland Fed design that we’ve seen in previous shows. I might get some hate for this but I was only a fan of the Dominion War episodes. I never got into the mythicism part of the show with the Prophets and Wraiths. I loved the characters though. Sisko is a badass. Dax was more than just eye candy, the two female hosts not the symbiote. It wa good to see Worf and O’Brian again.
@Shad0wBoxxer Жыл бұрын
i subbed please do a behind the scenes
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