Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E11: Data's Day

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@tougheddie7297 5 жыл бұрын
Monday would not be a Monday without my lorerunner hit. Love it and thank you
@sharkdentures3247 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Though if LoreRunner IS a Romulan infiltrator. . . we are sooooo screwed!
@videogenics86 5 жыл бұрын
Data's questioning of why tap dancing is inappropriate at a wedding reminds me of some of my 5 year old's questions.
@carmensavu5122 5 ай бұрын
Actually I was right with Data at that point. And he's also right about the kind of dancing they do do at weddings. That style of dancing doesn't make any sense to me either. My family tried to teach me as a kid, and I was just as clumsy and stiff as Data. I've done tap dancing too. I'm not "good" at it, but it makes sense.
@milamila1123 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like Data would be a wonderfully uncomplicated partner.
@andrewkyriacou6405 5 жыл бұрын
I do enjoy this episode too. It's fun, more insight into Data is always good, and O'brien and Keiko are great too. What you were saying about the infiltrator was actually quite thought provoking. I hadn't considered how long she'd been playing this role. I do expect there was once a real ambassador that she had replaced. I find it hard to believe, as good as the Romulans are at this, that they invented an ambassador and had her build herself up for however many years. While I wouldn't put it past them I find it more believable that they replaced an already noteworthy ambassador and had her snoop around, maybe for several years, before retrieving her.
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
It's interesting that in "The Drumhead" (one of my absolute favorite episodes, and the most recent TNG episode I've seen as of this writing), Admiral Sati tries to crucify Picard over not having managed to stop the Romulan spy in this episode, but doesn't even mention the events of "The Defector", when precisely the opposite happened. So Jarok brought us some Romulan secrets, and then T'Pel walked off with some Federation secrets. Suddenly Picard is a traitor just because he didn't manage to catch a professional spy? Geeze lady, some standard you're holding everyone to.
@athrunzala6919 5 жыл бұрын
Does anyone remember the old "Tap-dancing Data" screen saver for their computer? This is in my Top 10 list for sure, we have 3 great episodes in a row here starting with this. Loved the grin on Data's face when he's dancing with the hologram and the family in the background getting something for their kid when Data and Worf are discussing wedding presents. And the whole final sequence with the Romulans was amazing.
@tedhodges 5 жыл бұрын
Athrun Zala, I have that screen saver!
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
The juxtaposition of the teddy bear and the ever-scowling Worf is funny as well.
@iancrossley6637 2 жыл бұрын
Best part of this episode is when the doctor leaves Data alone with his conjured dance partner when he turns around - the look on his face is priceless.
@MidnightSt 3 жыл бұрын
the night lights actually DO HELP the night watch. maybe not in doing their job, but certainly in not completely destroying their biological clock. even night workers' bio clock (and mental clock) likes to be aware that it's night, even though they personally are away. it's a psychological thing, and long-term, you'd be surprised how important it is.
@ChocolatierRob 5 жыл бұрын
I remember being surprised years ago when I discovered that Dr Crusher was the choreographer for the dances in The Labyrinth.
@Edax_Royeaux 2 жыл бұрын
Your body's circadian rhythm does respond to light, so having the lights dim during night and bright during day is actually suppose to help your sleep schedule and prevent time disorientation.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
If that's the case you'd want the lights bright for the night workers for their circadian rhythms to help them be awake at night. You don't want to put the people operating the ship to sleep on the job.
@tbk2010 5 жыл бұрын
May be a small episode, but contributes a ton of little details to continuity. Great stuff!
@jamiewebster7432 4 жыл бұрын
One reason they may have dimmed the lights at night was because they would be doing maintenance and conserving power for the active hours of the day.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
Lol, if the ship's power supply was so sketchy that they need the night crew to dim the lights they are in big big trouble.
@williamozier918 5 жыл бұрын
Not only do I love this episode on EVERY level, it is also one of my top ten "What Star Trek is all about" episodes.
@SchneeflockeMonsoon 2 жыл бұрын
Data is so much fun. I wish we had more Data Days.
@mitcharcher7528 3 жыл бұрын
“Off” episode, my android butt. It’s a perfect Trek story. One of my absolute favorites.
@SchneeflockeMonsoon Жыл бұрын
So, my justification for the lights dimming is that the night crew still operates during the day shifts, so they dim the lights so their eyes don’t get overly bombarded by the noonday level of light. I love the idea that this *is* T’Pol, section 31-ing it up and whatnot.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
The "noonday" level of light that you get on earth doesn't happen on a space ship because their ship is not lit by sunshine. Their "noonday" level of light would be the same as any other time of day.
@stargazer4683 2 жыл бұрын
"To be honest, my opinion of Starfleet Security is so low, you'd have to work very hard indeed to disappoint me”
@subraxas 5 жыл бұрын
I have always admired this episode. From the very first viewing I've been mesmerized by how well it was written/constructed. It may not seem like so at the first glance, but there is a lot of stuff going on in it and nothing feels forcibly slapped on or rushed through; everything has its right place. Plus the episode is great, intelligent fun. To me, it is one of the greatest gems in the whole of Star Trek.
@stevemanart 5 жыл бұрын
10:50 We did actual tests on this back in the day, night hours on a ship helps the sanity for everyone involved. Without a designated night time, even for people who are on night shift, it drives the sailors batty. One of my favorite anime is a slice of life series. 24 episodes of day-in-the-life style comedy surrounding a group of girls in highschool (Azumanga Diaoh)
@EnvisionerWill 5 жыл бұрын
I saw part of the DS9 episode "The Homecoming" last night (which you have Ruminated already, and I'm surprised you didn't remember this detail from it, but that's why I'm pointing it out, since I figure you'll get a kick out of it). It has public replicators on the Promenade, where Sisko is getting lunch when Kira comes up to ask for a runabout. In fact, Sisko goes and gets his Rakta-Jino from one replicator, then goes to a separate, different replicator and orders a fruit pie or something. So not only are these public replicators in the Promenade dining area, but they are specifically a Drink Replicator and a Food Replicator, and you have to order from them individually.
@FreeSpirit47 2 жыл бұрын
I have often wondered if the person dancing was actually Brent Spiner or a double for the dancing scenes.
@dirtywashedupsparkle 5 жыл бұрын
I love this episode. What a great idea to have Data's perspective on a typical day, someone who interprets things through his own filters, a filter which fails to fully comprehend the things we get as we watch him. That alone is a fresh idea. I feel that the lights being off/on are justified for the very reasons you gave for them not to be. Having a regular light cycle throughout the shift helps to regulate the human expectation of light on earth that is hardwired into them, and so it makes sense to me that night shift people have to deal with the lower light.
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
The thing about the dimmed lights though is that they're dimmed in a work area, not somewhere like hallways or ten-forward. Factories that run a night shift don't dim the lights, because, well, people are trying to work, not sleep.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
"Having a regular light cycle throughout the shift helps to regulate the human expectation of light on earth that is hardwired into them, " THat's exactly why you'd have to have it daylight for the workers who work at night. It let's them know they are expected to be awake then.
@MatthewCobalt 2 жыл бұрын
I personally think why Data keeps having to replace the cat is because, while they don't thrive on social interaction, cats are more needy and affection seeking when they finally get comfortable. So he has to give Spot away to other families on the ship just so they could have a more fulfilling live, which in turn makes him get a near identical cat to see what he could do to get that similar experience as the families. He is definitely not irresponsible enough to let his pets die, more likely he just wants to know the experience of how a cat yearns affection after a while.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
That doesn't make any sense, why get another cat when you know you'll just have to give it away again?
@DrownedInExile 4 жыл бұрын
Good episode. I remember being quite amused by Data & Troi's conversation about marriage.
@MissTea_Trekkie 4 жыл бұрын
I love this episode! It is fun and upbeat! It makes me smile!
@williamozier918 4 жыл бұрын
A) I loved this episode. It is in my top ten sci-fi stories period, and in my like top 5 episodes of "what Star Trek is all about". B) for this episode I loved how the romulan plot was seemingly understated considering how mind blowingly important that was. To me, that is one of the things that makes this an even more subtle and deeper look into data's psyche. Lacking emotional perspective Data sees Keiko's wedding, his cats diet, the defection of a high ranking star fleet officer who was actually a deep Romulan mole, dancing lessons with the doctor, and how to format his letter to Bruce Maddox, as all equally important as long as he properly prioritizes his processing power depending on the priority of the subject. That makes me wonder how Data has perceived other situations that we considered life threatening or mind blowing; like when Q was on the bridge was Data simultaneously wondering with as much interest if he should call Spot a good car, or a pretty cat?
@rmsgrey 5 жыл бұрын
For how T'Pel became a Romulan agent acting as a Vulcan ambassador, I can imagine four scenarios: Either she entered Vulcan society at a lower rank and worked her way up, or she became Vulcan already with ambassadorial status; and either she did it without inside help, or she had help from deep-cover agents with access to Vulcan personnel records. Least risky, is probably the scenario where she infiltrates Vulcan as, say, a recent graduate, and then rose to prominence with the aid of Romulan agents in the bureaucracy - giving her a much more robust cover identity, and with reasonable confidence that she'd end up in a position to have ready access to secrets and agents. Creating an entirely new ambassador again requires inside help, and also requires that there be enough Vulcan ambassadors that it's not noteworthy to not be familiar with any particular one. Replacing an existing ambassador runs the risk of encountering people who know the original well enough to detect the switch, but doesn't require any significant prior infiltration. And assimilating into Vulcan society in the hopes of achieving a high enough position to access useful information purely by one's own merits is a gamble with fairly long odds - and suggests that there are probably many more, less successful, infiltrators out there.
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
What if she was just an ambassador for the federation in general, and not Vulcan specifically? That's my line of reasoning, which would make it more likely for her to be successful in her cover. It's probably easier to get help from non-Vulcan federation traitors than it would be from Vulcans anyway, and easier to maintain cover if she's not constantly around other Vulcans.
@danielyeshe 5 жыл бұрын
The question of jeopardy and threat of the week has been handled well in The Orville. They have lots of episodes where it is just about the crew relationships and I think they work well. It is one of the things I like about DS9 too.
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
Colm Meaney is the freakin' *man.*
@Species1571 5 жыл бұрын
22:36 Have you seen the Orville episode "A Happy Refrain"? And night shift makes no sense. Night where? Starfleet HQ? Not out in the middle of deep space.
@stevemanart 5 жыл бұрын
It's a holdover from real world military, where while there is no reason whatsoever for people on a ship to care about natural light levels there is still a day/night shift. It keeps humans sane.
@tbk2010 5 жыл бұрын
Orville does what trek don't ;-)
@DrRyan82994 2 жыл бұрын
i didn’t realize keiko was introduced in the same episode she was getting married
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
Yes, strange, I thought I missed things about their romance. A weird choice.
@harpercole5321 5 жыл бұрын
Not a huge favourite of mine, but I can still applaud them trying something different. Using Maddox was a nice touch, that seemed consistent with his final line in "Measure of a Man".
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
Just because four promotions happen on a typical day does NOT mean that an average of four promotions happen daily.
@francoislacombe9071 5 жыл бұрын
Considering how "defective" T'Pel's portrayal of Vulcan behavior is, it is extraordinary that she could have infiltrated Vulcan society for so long, and risen to such a high position without having been found out years ago.
@AlucardNoir 5 жыл бұрын
Have you seen Enterprise?
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
She probably avoided the planet Vulcan and actual Vulcans like the plague.
@mr51406 2 жыл бұрын
Keiko’s dress was indeed fabulous! 🌟 That’s her 2nd television wedding: she married Cpl Klinger in M*A*S*H too, speaking of dresses… 🌙I do hope they lower the lights in the halls at night to help people who aren’t on shifts maintain a good circadian rhythm (I’m agreeing with another commenter). After all in space it’s always night too.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
If they lowered the lights in the halls it might help the p;eople who aren't on shifts but by that same logic it would hurt the ones who are. The best solution would be for the computer to set the light to the appropriate level for whoever is walking down the hallway.
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, dimming the lights for night shift is _not_ standard procedure - they just do it because they're the cool shift. Once they're sure Picard is nowhere nearby, they also put on the Beastie Boys. One thing that cracks me up (besides most of the episode) is Data's double-take when he sees another crew member getting her hair styled next to Geordi. Also, dang it Geordi, you need to hold still while Mot is trying to fix that divot in the back of your hair! It's gonna look like a rumble-strip back there from all your head movements! My take on T'pel's cold attitude not arousing suspicion is that she's just always behaved that way, so people just figure she's a bitchy Vulcan. I'm not sure that this would make for a very good ambassador, but eh, whatever. Maybe her plot plays upon that fact, reasoning that she isn't a typical Vulcan and therefor may be better in some specific political functions. (they would probably choose people with different styles of negotiation depending on whom they're talking to - maybe someone forthright and aggressive for Klingons, or someone soft-spoken and logical for Vulcans) The thing that gets me is, once they have T'Pel on board the Romulan ship, why are they just putting around on their way back home? Why not go faster, or cloak and take their time, or do either option when they see the Enterprise is coming back toward them? They would have had at least a few minutes of warning in which to act. Maybe they just couldn't help but rub it in. Then there's the confrontation, where Data is likening it to a poker game. Will they think Picard is bluffing? In my opinion, they're already up two to one here so clearly the Enterprise is in no position to do anything about it. (especially with three more Warbirds incoming) There's really no way for Picard to successfully bluff here, unless he's planning to suicide run the ship in hopes of _maybe_ taking out the admiral's Warbird before biting the dust. My thoughts on the unification question are that there may be a fairly low-key societal change that has been in the works for some time, since several of the Romulan commanders we've met (and will meet over the next few seasons) have seemed to be fairly reasonable people. They're not all tricky trappers like Tomalok, or angry antagonists like Sela, which indicates there may be a substantial portion of their population who are tired of constantly being on-edge both at home and in regard to the Federation. Perhaps reunification hasn't reached the point of the semi-formal, if secret, movement we get next season, but I'd have to imagine plenty of Romulans would secretly prefer some measure of breathing room in their daily lives. Data's Day is fully engaging and entertaining from start to finish. The humor and wonderment of Data's interactions are believable and fulfilling, and the Romulan plot sneaks in before you realize what's happening. Even though it's a very low-key part of most of the episode, the spy plot manages to come back for further review some time after viewing. It's a very serious event that takes a back seat to the fun parts of the episode, only coming back near the end to make you think, "Damn. You got played, son."
@Tuning3434 5 жыл бұрын
If it was a navy shift, crew rotates around and will be exposed to both night, evening and day schedule's. As such, it makes sense to keep a clear distinction between day and night. If they are following Merchant type shifts, than each team would have the same shift every time. As Starfleet is a non-military only by name, I suspect a navy shift would be in order, except for main bridge crew which is probably mostly scheduled for day shift, and offline as much as possible until relevant missions / events are happening.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
Why does a navy shift have people sometimes working night and sometimes day? Why mess up their sleep like that?
@carmensavu5122 5 ай бұрын
Picard to the newborn: welcome to this world and welcome to the Enterprise. Now, for the next 16 years at least, please stay away from me. Thank you.
@AlucardNoir 5 жыл бұрын
But we've seen public replicators, what's that new show called again? Star trek Orville! that's the one. They have public replicators there.
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
You made me literally laugh out loud halfway through that sentence; bravo.
@EnvisionerWill 5 жыл бұрын
I watched part of "Amok Time" last night, and while I agree that it's a good episode overall, with excellent acting between Spock and Kirk, IMO it nosedives hard once they actually arrive at Vulcan. In particular, the character of T'Pao in Amok Time is an incredible obstructionist, totally unreasonable and arbitrary in her behavior, acting solely to produce the artificial drama of the climactic battle scene, by doing a lot of Because Plot stuff that makes no *logical* sense at all, beyond the fact that the Vulcan people all have giant sticks up their fundaments, both in general and very specifically about the Ponn Farr. (T'Pao in this episode makes me think of Judge Q in Encounter at Farpoint and All Good Things, without any of the redeeming aspects of the rest of Q's character.) I bring all this up here for one reason - because of how much T'Pao bothered me last night, and because we know the Vulcans can live long enough to cross over between TOS and TNG, it amuses me tremendously to think that T'Pao and T'Pel are secretly the same person, that this incredibly respected Vulcan judiciary, "the only person ever to turn down a seat on the Federation council", was secretly a Romulan agent *all that time*. If they're not the same person, the similarity of names makes me suspect them of being relatives or something; maybe there was some sort of collusion going on, where the jackass Vulcan judge is secretly traitorous (or a naive enthusiast for the Unification ideal, who is being manipulated by sinister Romulan plotters feeding her what she wants to hear), and she creates the identity of a daughter or great-niece or something who's actually this Romulan agent, who picks up the "T'P." name convention of the real Vulcan family.
@francescobianchi595 4 жыл бұрын
Usually Red light on ship at nightime Is becouse Red light dont stimulate orthostpatic response ine the eyes. So basically you dont midriate, but your are in miose --> you can see Better in the dark (of course it has no sense on a spaceship, but it does on the seas)
@EnvisionerWill 5 жыл бұрын
(And we will never know what Discovery thing Lore was talking about here...)
@ashnackDEblogspot 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like she could have been a plant from the get-go, and her mistakes of the portrayal of a Vulcan might be fatigue from playing one for so long, and being too eager to get home.
@Pirosthe3rdFollower 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe Spot is like a betazoid cat, or some other space kitty(or possibly a genetically altered super cat, lol). Perfectly normal house cat in every way, but with gender swapping genes like the way some frogs can spontaneously change genders when necessary.
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
The easiest explanation is that Spock simply assumed Spot was male, having not seen fit to investigate the anatomical details of cats (it would take him five seconds to become an expert, but he's still perfectly capable of just having never thought of it), and then found out otherwise after she snuck off to find some other tom and came back to have a litter of kittens.
@nickokona6849 5 жыл бұрын
I personally don’t find Rosalind Chao was a great actor in Trek. Kind of like Boomer (Grace Park)from Battlestar Galactica (2004) or Lexa Doig (from Andromeda) Can pull off one or two moods, but the rest feels fake to me. They have public replicators on DS9 in The replimat, in the Defiants mess hall, Voyagers mess hall, in 10 Forward, and on the Marquis colony in Peak Performance.
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
@Phelan Well you guys can both think whatever you want. I thought she was perfectly fine, not to mention smoking hot.
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
Boomer is such a pain in the ass. (at least in season one, I haven't re-watched the latter three just yet) I like Keiko just fine. Chao isn't on the level of Meaney or Stewart, but she's at least up there with Frakes. Serviceable or better most of the time. Just my opinion, obviously. But yeah, Boomer's a real ball and chain. Oh, we were talking acting. Hahaha.
@Core1138 5 жыл бұрын
They did do a romance story with Data later in season 4. ‘In Theory’ is episode 27 of season 4 where Data gets into a romantic relationship. Really good episode too, IMHO. EDIT: You mention this, so now I’m confused lol
@francoislacombe9071 5 жыл бұрын
I think Lore was talking about a project for a long term relationship, not just a single episode thing.
@andrewthorne3570 4 жыл бұрын
Didn't they also dim the lights on Voyager in the episode where Harry runs the night shift?
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
It is no less inexplicable for having been done twice. (Also I'm pretty sure it isn't done always or even usually. It likely just varies by writer.)
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
That was just the writers hoping Kim would disappear into the shadows, never to be seen again.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
Her getting mad and emotional at people is not human, it's just rude. We all have our problems but we don't view it as a license to lash out at others because we realize they have feelings too.
@EnvisionerWill 5 жыл бұрын
On the subject of telepathy, aside from Deanna being only a half-Betazoid who can't actually read thoughts, if we really did have a full Betazoid (or Deltan, hah!) on the crew, I still believe that "T'Pel" (I'm pretty sure T'Pal is the Enterprise character) is impossible to mind-read, because Vulcans are telepaths. They need to have touch in order to read someone else's mind, but they can probably defend themselves against the remote probes of other telepaths, who are more versatile but perhaps less powerful. And while Romulans are a different *people* than Vulcans, they are the same *species*, so even though they haven't kept up the habit of Mind Melds and such, it seems likely that Romulans are resistant to mind-reading. Maybe not resistant enough to stop a determined scan, but there's another explanation, which dovetails nicely with the first - because T'Pel is supposed to be this very important Vulcan figure, she probably comes aboard with an assumption that it would be incredibly rude, illegal, or anywhere in between to try and read her mind. It would be like someone stopping a visiting foreign head of state and demanding to see their papers - you just don't do that, and someone as sinister as the, I mean Romulans...would absolutely take advantage of a policy like that. So this deep-cover agent pretending to be a very prestigious high-placed Vulcan person, whether or not she can block a passive scan, is protected by something akin to diplomatic immunity, and so nobody should even be trying to read her mind. If they went ahead and did it anyway, well, the game would have been up, but "T'Pel" was counting on the idea they wouldn't.
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
That, and I don't think her and Troi ever share a scene or room.
@linsqopiring6816 9 ай бұрын
The more logical explanation is it's just a plot hole lol.
@zuzoscorner 5 жыл бұрын
on a side note about romacne. i then suddenly though of Doctor from Voyager and he somehow "made alterations" to his programming to have intercourse. XD holo lol
@EnvisionerWill 4 жыл бұрын
To logically extrapolate from Lore's theory, the computer probably just replicates some actual semen for him. Probably inert though, just as replicated booze defaults to having synthehol in it.
@necroticavalon5176 3 жыл бұрын
"Let's be honest, in a fair fight, the D'Deridex would beat a Galaxy." I have no idea where you got that impression, but it's ridiculous. Romulan designs have historically proven to be one-trick ponies, and the D'Deridex is no different. Big frontal firepower, but slow, sluggish, and almost zero weapons on any other arc. Their game is to decloak and deliver an alpha strike. If they fail to destroy the enemy immediately, they are in trouble. A Galaxy class is both newer and more advanced, with burst-fire torpedo tubes (can fire 10 torpedoes simultaneously) fore and aft, and full phaser coverage across all arcs. It's faster, more maneuverable, and even has better shielding. For a self-proclaimed Star Trek "ship guy" I don't think you know as much about ships as you claim to. In a fight between the Galaxy and the D'Deridex, the Romlans' only chance, is to surprise-decloak (preferably from behind, not in front, so they can stay on the Galaxy's tail for a a while at least) and deliver an alpha strike. In a fair fight, they are food on the table for a Galaxy, which will just outmaneuver the Warbird and pound it from all sides with it's more accurate and more numerous weapons. And if the Warbird tries to cloak during a fight... well. Shields go down for those 2-3 seconds, and that's a death sentence for it. The D'Deridex is basically an oversized troop transport with (poorly placed) weapons in the front arc, without any kind of overall coverage. Why do you think Romulans always have at LEAST two of them, every time they confront the Enterprise? Because they know that one on one, a Galaxy would wreck it. I mean, in this episode: Mendak has 2 of them, and FIVE more on the way. Against one Galaxy. Now that tells me two things. One - he's not nearly as confident as he pretends (Romulans seldom are, their arrogance is through the roof). Two - he's afraid that it may come to a fight. And if he knows his history, he knows what happened each time the Romulans tried to attack the Enterprise. And I'm not just talking about Enterprise D. Sources: Star Trek Encyclopedia, Star Trek: Bridge Commander PC game (you can fly both), Starfleet Command 3, and several observations I made about typical Romulan tactics used. Oh yea, and let's not forget that episode of Voyager: Ship in A Bottle, where 2 holograms in a half-disabled Prometheus, an Akira class and a Defiant class, force 3 D'Deridex warbirds to retreat, destroying one of them in SECONDS. That tells me all I need to know. Oh and the way they got SLAUGHTERED during the Dominion War in most line engagements, speaks for itself. I would put the D'Deridex battle rating somewhere between the old Ambassador class, and a Nebula class. Galaxy is out of it's league. In BC game, I'm pretty confident taking on a D'Deridex one on one, with a Nebula. Now I realise you have some kind of fetish for the ship (you've praised it more then once in your ruminations), but some objective assessment wouldn't hurt. It's a typical Romulan design, meant more to intimidate visually then to actually be effective. Size isn't everything. Especially when most of it is wasted. Romulans did grow a brain eventually, and replaced it with the Norexan class (Valdore), but it took them a while. Same firepower, but much smaller and more agile. A Norexan would be a solid match for a Galaxy (still no match for a Sovereign, as Nemesis has amply demonstrated). The D'Deridex is a Star Destroyer of the Star Trek universe. Big, imposing, but MASSIVELY flawed in design.
@EnvisionerWill 5 жыл бұрын
I have to admit, Lore, that I find this episode excruciatingly boring. I agree that it does a good job of showcasing Data's perspective, and I could have liked that, but they go too far in making this a perfectly *ordinary* day, where Data goes out of his way to find things to do which are completely uninteresting to me (especially the flowers and the dancing; even though I like both Keiko and Beverly as characters, the fact that they are interested in gardening and tap is right up there with Janeway's damn Victorian holonovel to me - they're not my girlfriends, I don't have to pretend that their boring girly hobby appeals to me). There are several moments in the episode that I like, but this is one of those episodes that I would either fast-forward through most of, or would be utterly checked out most of the time, just sitting there in a slump going "cmon, cmon, get it over with - oh, here's a good scene - aaaand it's over...".
@rafetizer 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe you ought to choose your girlfriends more selectively, if you have to pretend to enjoy their boring girl hobbies. Anyway, it's all good - most of the rest of us will enjoy the episode for you.
Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E12: The Wounded
Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E13: Devil's Due
История одного вокалиста
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН
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iPhone or Chocolate??
Hungry FAM
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Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E14: Clues
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Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E23: The Host
Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E15: First Contact
Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E22: Half A Life
Who Is Actually Star Trek’s Number One First Officer?
Steve Shives
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Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E16: Galaxy's Child
Star Trek The Next Generation Ruminations S4E17: Night Terrors
Is This When TNG Got Good?
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Charming Woman
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История одного вокалиста
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН