Star Wars: Episode 10 - NEW BAD DETAILS! | Crazy News

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Bad news about the new Star Wars movie! [Episode 10]
Episode 10 details: • Star Wars: Episode 10 ...
Star Wars: Episode 10
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@napoleonwilkieiv6222 8 ай бұрын
Her career will plummet after a fail like this, would be lucky to direct a foot powder commercial
@HalfEatenPotatoChip 8 ай бұрын
the only way disney is gonna learn and actually make good films is if they lose money from it, and the only way to do that in a guaranteed way is boycott. If you have influence, you know what to do.
@mpagan15 7 ай бұрын
Assuming that male Star Wars fans don't want to see "female themes" or powerful female characters is false. Those who have ventured into the extended universe (Legends) fell in love with characters like Mara Jade Skywalker, Jaina Solo, Tahiri Veila, etc. As far as canon, Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka, Rey, Sabine Wren, Asajj Ventress, etc. are all loved as well. The issue has never been female characters or themes, it's creators getting too self-righteous for their own good & assuming they're smarter than their audience.
@WickedQueenAvice 8 ай бұрын
Yeah… can we stop with men Vs women and just have the old cannon back? Take your political agenda elsewhere and give us back our beloved universe.
@doubleaabatteryz8606 7 ай бұрын
EXACTLY like I’m sorry for the all caps “exactly” but this whole political debate bs is so upsetting I still to this day cannot believe how this Disney franchise destroyed my hope and all our hope in these movies and anything the honestly produce. Lucas was a true Jedi and let me just inform you all now. Disney is the empire the way the swooped in from the shadows and hoodwinked Lucas stole his treasure and stole all of our hope 👏
@michaelgray8318 4 ай бұрын
@MichaelDerouse 8 ай бұрын
Why do people have to create problems between people by politicizing your films?
@pedrohugo4796 8 ай бұрын
I don't go to the movies because of people like her. So sad😢😢😢
@RaikenXion 8 ай бұрын
the only "Men" Sharmeen will be making very uncomfortable will be all the Disney Suits, the big investors and shareholders, who were told this Rey movie is going to make bank at the box-office. Anyway it seems Bob Iger has cottoned on already, cause a press release on the official starwars website has revealed Jon Favreau is coming back to helm a Mando & Grogu movie, which is going into production very soon, and has even been pushed up ahead of this planned Rey movie and will release First lol.
@evertonporter7887 8 ай бұрын
Fire Sharmeen the wicked witch and her cohorts and replace her with Jon Favreau!
@joeygay7115 5 ай бұрын
I was 5 yrs old when the original Star Wars came out so she may want to watch how she addresses life long fans of all that is Star Wars. It's fans like me that can put her in the poor house. We need George back. My dog has left better things in the yard than any of her projects.
@jimlev 8 ай бұрын
I'll wait and see the movie first before passing any kind of judgement...
@cjstenzel 8 ай бұрын
This is how they win. We need to boycott Disney. If you've not read or listened to any of the books, I would highly recommend the New Jedi Order Series.
@jimlev 8 ай бұрын
@@cjstenzel No I haven't... Is Rey part of the books storylines?
@cjstenzel 8 ай бұрын
Hell no, I'm talking the books that took place immediately and shortly after Return of the Jedi. Where Luke started a new Jedi Order, had a child with Mara Jade. Han and Leia had three children. They are really, really good stories, you won't regret checking them out. They are wonderful on Audible as there's sound effects and voice actors doing the narrating. @@jimlev
@paulstewart9860 8 ай бұрын
I remember being one of the first to see the original Star Wars at the movies. Own and have read all the novels. Have started to lose interest of late. For over 40 years I have been a Star Wars fan.
@cjstenzel 8 ай бұрын
How great would the sequels have been if they just followed the New Jedi Order books? Especially the Yuuuzan Vong story arc!? They could've still had a bunch of female and not white characters, would've been epic and united fans instead they hired activists with no clear story in mind. Sad.
@RaikenXion 8 ай бұрын
@@cjstenzel Don't talk too soon, rumors already swirling that Rey's movie will actually have the Yuuuzan Vong appear. they're stealing everything from the EU
@RussianRebelll 8 ай бұрын
There can be feminine themes for movies and shows but to put it in the Star Wars franchise is not a good idea especially if theres 80% males in the fandom. As a filmmaker its very important to please the audience = both female and males.
@thudthud5423 8 ай бұрын
There's always been a feminine theme in Star Wars through Princess Leia. Being 1/2 fantasy, with this swords and wizards and magic, Lucas included the "damsel princess in distress" in Leia. But, she was no pushover. She carried a blaster, killed the evil solider stormtroopers, she pushed people around and insulted them. ("Would someone get this walking carpet out of my way?" "Laserbrain".) She is the strong, beautiful leader woman that the woke feminists always complain about being missing in movies. The thing is, I don't think anyone complained about her (aside from the, uh, bikini thing). She was good fit for the story, which centered around her brother. She was both a fighter and a romantic figure. (Taking the initiative to go aver the biker scouts on Endor, falling in love with Han.) For the morons to say that the element of a "strong woman" has been missing in Star Wars is nonsense. But, I think the issue they have is that they want characters to stand up and say: "I am a WOMAN! Notice that fact! I need no man, because I am a WOMAN!" But, when you think of the first six Star Wars movies, in every one of them you had the strong male lead roles that NEEDED women. Anakin needed his mom and his beloved Padme. Luke needed the friend he had in Leia. Han would have disagreed in the first movie, but it became very apparent that he loved and needed Leia. (Think of the scene in Empire Strikes Back, where Han tells Leia, "Well, this is it," and she responded: "That's right." That hit Han hard. He wanted Leia to miss him and she gave him that cold answer, he stormed out, she followed him and they argued why Leia actually wanted him to stay.) The men were vulnerable without the women. There's nothing woke or "feministic" about that. Every male Star Wars fan could relate to all of that and the need for women in men's lives. But, when women begin to stomp there feet, throw their heads back and proclaim "We don't need men!", we get into nonsense land. Its not realistic. Its not something we see in human nature. Its some Marxistic stuff being pushed by a few activists who yearn for a world divided into oppressors and the oppressed. In the case of feminism, men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed. Men are the bad guys and they need to be "put in their place". None of that activism works in Star Wars. As you noted, Star Wars' main audience are men and boys. To treat the core audience of anything as the "oppressive bad guys" and somehow hope that ALL women will join their "crusade" and flock to the theaters is must more fantasyland.
@joebalint3367 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update, and the new "director's" views. Notice that she is part of that World Economic Forum Elitist Club that wants us to all eat bugs one day. I love Star Wars, and always will, but it's becoming harder to support the product these days. Can we just have a movie without politics and gender views please????
@RaikenXion 8 ай бұрын
the WEF once said about the public, "You WILL have Nothing, and You WILL be Happy." People need to NEVER forget they said that.
@clintonmorris7318 8 ай бұрын
You love Star Wars because that it was STAR WARS. With this new lady, Shamu the whale 🐳, IT'S NO LONGER STAR WARS. I mean, you can accept to keep eating the garbage they're feeding you. But it won't stop with them just "proving we are equal to men." No, they don't want men being men anymore. OR you can stand up and say "I'M NOT TAKING THIS SH*T NO MORE.!" I KNOW THAT I'M NOT GONNA PUT UP WITH THIS CRAP NO MORE. WHEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS LADY AND THIS PROJECT I MADE A PROMISE TO NEVER WATCH THIS MOVIE OR ANY MOVIE THAT THIS LADY MAKES. OR EVEN WATCH ANOTHER MOVIE WITH A FEMINIST AGENDA BEING PUSHED OR ANY WOKE AGENDA FOR THAT MATTER. PERIOD. THEY WILL GET NO MONEY FROM ME NOR MY SUPPORT. THE ONLY THING THAT THESE AGENDAS HAVE DONE IS DESTROY SOCIETY. But I'm not too worried because movies like this almost always bomb. Sooooo..........
@DaG.O.A.T. 8 ай бұрын
It's a man who is writing the movie. She is only directing the movie...people need to not listen to whatever she says ....she acts like this is because women probably don't get treated as equals compared to men
@projectvague 8 ай бұрын
and they never will be.
@MatthewJohnson-wh5ru 8 ай бұрын
Disney, give me Star Wars legions or give a yard sale! I have spoken!!!
@basementvibe2441 8 ай бұрын
When my sister heard about this she said, "As a woman, i call bullshit. She shouldn't be a director for any kind of film." And I agree.
@paulashman4844 8 ай бұрын
They're trying to destroy it ... but then again it's been destroyed for one really cares about Star Wars anymore
@gnosismonkey 8 ай бұрын
That’s dumb, they didn’t pay billions just to destroy it. They just don’t know how to make anything outside of a corporate boardroom environment. They don’t know how to trust creative talent.
@karnifex9757 8 ай бұрын
i will never go in a cinema to watch any new star wars movie. 7,8,9 was a heartbreak
@cryptoking9684 3 ай бұрын
Like I said, make Rey turn to the Dark side with Adam Driver. They both wear helmets and she becomes his his apprentice. On the good side you have the ghost of Luke to train Finn to become a hell of a Jedi. A classic Kung fu movie storyline . Then he could try to save Rey, if it’s not too late
@razorback9999able 8 ай бұрын
At this point, I'm praying that Nelson Peltz takes over Disney and cancels this piece of garbage as a tax write-off before release.
@KevinKuykendall 4 ай бұрын
You are spot on!! Unfortunately this is typical Hollywood operation / agenda. It’s too bad that us as Star Wars movie fans can absolutely do nothing about this pathetic director situation. I guess the Almighty dollar helps turn a blind eye in Hollywood circles. The situation is bad and only gonna get worse. I wish as movie goes we could actually do something about this … oh well :(
@ianhenry1031 8 ай бұрын
I will wait and see the movie first but I agree she should not have spoken like that
@alisu-x6630 8 ай бұрын
thats all we need to enjoy a good movie, more hatred
@CarlLundqvist-b7t 8 ай бұрын
They always said once Disney got it's hands on Lucus, that it would be the death of star wars. Looks like they were right
@718Anubis 8 ай бұрын
Cry me a river
@RaikenXion 8 ай бұрын
@@718Anubis We'll cry YOU a river when this Rey Movie comes out and flops hard at the box-office, losing Disney loads of $$$$, causing Kathy Kennedy so much embarrassment and stress at her final big Failure that she just up and leaves the Lucasfilm company; then we can finally get this beloved franchise back on track, to greatness again.
@718Anubis 8 ай бұрын
@@RaikenXion nope sorry. Not that invested in it either way. Enjoy your sad sack life.
@oliverkuarsingh1610 4 ай бұрын
First of all we need to redo Episode 7,8,& 9 - They were aweful
@lemonlord6965 8 ай бұрын
Disney is literally my only motivation to better myself. So I can buy back lucasfilm and fix this shit show
@nabi5864 8 ай бұрын
Imagine Disney sells the SW franchise to a Studio open to collab with the top best selling writers of the novels and the creators of the best SW Game Trailers ...Then they hire the like of Nolan and even go way off the wall with Tarantino ...I seriously think Tarentino is more than capable
@michaelweiss5320 6 ай бұрын
Well, is she going to treat Rey Palpatine-Skywalker like "Daddy's Little Girl", over indulged, and over protected, again? All the powers, all knowledge, none of the consequences, none of the work, no character growth, no personality. Pushes all the other characters out of her way, runs ahead all by herself, because "she's not like the other girls"; so all the other female characters become irrelevant and disposable? How exactly in any conceivable shape or form is THAT feminism? It's supposed to be about equality, not superiority of one female character above all males, and sadly other female characters. Rose? What happened to her? She was awesome! Maz? I wanted to see more of her! Wise, witty, charming, encouraging! Into the rubbish bin she went! Admiral Holdo? Could we have gotten to know her, and become emotionally attached before she heroically dies? Phasma? She may as well have never existed! Her role was so minimal! None of her skill, or competency was ever shown. How is this feminism in any possible way when all the other female characters are cast aside in the story favor of "Daddy's Little Girl"? And I use "Daddy's Little Girl" as a statement of irony, for all this talk of "feminism" when the focus of the story is on one special girl who's not like the other girls; who gets everything handed to her, except a personality, and the ability to not alienate herself. All the other female characters are shoved aside, and forgotten about. This is like a distorted version of the Bechdel Test, but I'll call this the "Queen Bee" test; are there more than two female characters, and do any of them get to associate with the female protagonist, or do we never see them again, other than merely in passing as a cameo? When all the other female characters are meger cameos, because it's all about the Queen Bee being all by herself, because... males need to be put in our place? The math on this does not work! Nobody's talking about this! Queen Bee culture and male bashing is being called "feminism"! I watched this trilogy where the female protagonist traveled, but had no journey. She ended exactly where she began, alone, in the desert, but on a Completely Different Planet! HOW?! After being handed all the powers, and the knowledge of the Jedi, because...wait, she wasn't even a Jedi. That was a religious organization that was wiped out the day Luke and Leia were born, not a polarity in the force. Force ghost Yoda even goes as far as destroying the last books of the Jedi. This trilogy teaches that as a female, you are alone, and will be handed everything, while suffering no consequences for any of your choices, aka "Daddy's Little Girl". This should actually be a tragic hero story!;Rey should have gotten possessed by her "grandpa", she was warned, but no, instead, what we have is a "Karen Self Insert" story. Because Karen's don't have friends, but they believe in power, having it all handed to them, and having it all to themselves. This is a Karen wish fulfillment trilogy. All the other female characters were made irrelevant! Rey already had all the powers, and all knowledge, she didn't need Leia. She doesn't even need a ship, she can just space fold to anywhere she wants. If the dead Jedi were dumping the entirety of their library into Rey's head, what was the point of Leia even being there?
@quasar8898 7 ай бұрын
Wait! Let me guess. The new film will kill off Chewbacca, Leiah and Lando; the Emperor will return Again; Rey will rule the galaxy; a new black,lesbian hero with a handicap will arise..........
@TheDharpa 8 ай бұрын
Let's be honest, Star Wars used to get the benefit of the doubt....before Episodes 1, 2 and 3. Seven, 8 and 9 happened so whatever, we dealt with it. Clone Wars (the show) Rogue One, The Mandalorian were outstanding and maybe some of the Book of Boba Fett was dec. Might as well burn it down.
@lighteningleke3228 8 ай бұрын
if I'm honest unless it is a Sith Windu or Darth Krayt then I could not care less to be honest.
@ewanhub6080 8 ай бұрын
its simple....don't see the film, don't spend your money...let it flop... wait for it on bluray or disney plus ...there done !
@jasonhutchinson6195 8 ай бұрын
I feel like vader noooo
@sol767 8 ай бұрын
I find it absolutely absurd that this woke notion of empowering females and de-masculising males is what the greatest space opera of all time needs. Princess Leia waa a trailblazer for empowering women; intelligent, fearless, compassionate and sexy. And that was way back in 1977, long before some of these feminist crusaders were even born. Please Disney, employ directors on their talent and love of film instead of their political viewpoint.
@CID1973 7 ай бұрын
No money for ratcorp.
@thudthud5423 8 ай бұрын
So, recently, its been announced that there's going to be another theatrical Star Wars movie release called "The Mandalorian and Grogu", which definitely is good news. Its going to be directed by John Favreau (creator the the fantastic blockbusters as the "Iron Man" movie, "The Mandalorian" TV series the the undeniably awesome "Elf" movie (yeah, I had to throw that one in). Even though I've heard rumors of a direct to theaters continuation of the TV series, I have a feeling they are throwing this one into the mix to do damage control.
@sammedia3d 8 ай бұрын
Well... this is how to destroy a franchise
@lesliehagemeier8944 8 ай бұрын
They did that with The Last Jedi. TLJ actually made all the prequels look good
@potkan07 8 ай бұрын
prequels were good before sequels. i'd say better than OT@@lesliehagemeier8944
@thekingmaster131 8 ай бұрын
Feminism is what star wars never needed, there has female actors with important roles and making "males respect women" and "I want to embarrass men" is a crazy act and statement that'll more than likely kill a perfect franchise from the start! completely unnecessary..
@kellyrk2007 7 ай бұрын
Does anyone at Disney watch these videos? They are going to shoot themselves in the foot if all of these rumors are true.
@DayneWilson-y3p 8 ай бұрын
As the rise of Skywalker sequel movie give us new Sith lords and/or dark Jedi, we can get good details.
@RaikenXion 8 ай бұрын
It's not going to give you "new Sith Lords and/or dark jedi", because Kennedy, Sharmeen are teaming up with Leslie Headland, who will reveal Darth Plagueis in her *Acolyte* series; and Obaid-Chinoy's Rey Movie will pick up on Darth Plagueis again, who will be the main villain for Rey to face.
@DayneWilson-y3p 8 ай бұрын
Darth Plagueis is a noshow in revenge of the Sith. He may appear in the acolyte series but not in the rise of Skywalker sequel movie.
@emanuelanderson9024 8 ай бұрын
They need to bring the old way back. Because this new stuff makes no sense. Nobody wants to see wack Rey.
@michaelgray8318 4 ай бұрын
This is a problem that Disney has created and needs to fix I don’t care what gender the director is but to ruin a franchise over her hatred for men is ludicrous we as fans need to make a stand and be ready to cancel our subscriptions if need be to make our point known theres a time and a place to make your views known this is not it unless Disney is prepared to lose billions of $
@quincycroft3323 8 ай бұрын
This movie is gonna get review bombed.
@edwardrivas7228 8 ай бұрын
I'd love to comment about everything you said, but I'm floored that feminism is coming out of her mouth, when I don't believe that machismo is thrown around much, in either case Star Wars always has and always should be about uniting all Life in the Universe, and it comes down to 2 knuckleheads pointing at feminism to lead us. Scrap the crap ladies, best thing you can do is get into pajamas pour some wine (or better) turn off the Disney Magic, and watch the 4th episode or New Hope again and again, until you see what got you to the point of power you're chasing. Investing in your investors or the Board, might keep your day job, but if you want to be successful in this business or Star Wars business, then invest in your fans and give them what they want. I could go on and on about the 50 mistakes Kathleen has made and it's coming back to bite her behind, however, she's getting pressure where it's deserved for her role in it, and just one more screw up might cost her; her job; which I have to say wouldn't be good for the feminism movement, but would probably be better than her blatant disregard for fans. I got no problem if you want to make the film but this is a very very dangerous film to make, based upon all the fans, we will go see it, but review will NOT be kind of this film, so no political agenda, no feminism inside film, no trying to convince us that a new Emporer or Snoke or any other weirdly thing is going on, and then the million dollar questions need to be answered. "How does one will themself to die or disappear by teleporting a holographic image of one's self to another galaxy and somehow, you want everyone to believe that crap", JJ Abrams brought it back, Ryan made it the funniest movie around even though on substance it sucked, and then 9 was so long and tried to tie up loose ends because of Carrie's death, that this created a plausible scenario where let's just borrow their character and put words into their mouths as if the actual dead were speaking. Ryan had the opportunity to kill the character off and didn't take it, so if her views are put into 10, you can bet it's the first and last major movie she'll ever direct.
@rickprice2519 8 ай бұрын
Little Opie cunningham`s daughter is a GREAT choice! She is a chip off the red headed block!
@esquaredstudios2668 8 ай бұрын
Disney really needs help!
@BobStonina 8 ай бұрын
The problem is emotion. Listen, you don't make movies or TV shows to start a movement, make a political statement or to whine about your issues. The movie or show is not about You (attention writers, directors & producers). It's about the fans, the ticket sales, escapism and quality. People do not need or care about your opinions, your politics, your emotions or your issues. George Lucas was a genius in this regard. He created a world of fantasy, of escapism and of pure enjoyment. He created arguably the best and most popular movie franchise and world Ever. Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau seem to get it. Why the rest of Disney wants to stand on some political soapbox to their own financial and public opinion demise is the greatest mystery of all time (make a movie about that). So Disney, KK, Bob, Charlene whatever, shut your mouths, shut your emotions, shut your opinions and grow up. The public has spoken and we all want quality and frankly, you're way better than this!
Translation she got hurt in a relationship & makes it her purpose to attempt others
@evertonporter7887 8 ай бұрын
Probably was in due to be in an arranged marriage years ago but her fiancée bailed out at the last minute😂.
@718Anubis 8 ай бұрын
The comments amd this youtube page inspire a Weird-Al take on a song that Bowie wrote for Mott the Hoople. Call it 'All the Whiny Dudes'
@CharlieHepp 8 ай бұрын
hell yes, I like it.
@TheTanman412 5 ай бұрын
Convert to Dune-ism… Leave Star Wars. Then one day, Lucasfilm will create something more along the lines of Dune, which doesn’t treat the audience like they are a child & stupid.
@bazexo12.73 8 ай бұрын
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is a political narcissist.
@doubleaabatteryz8606 7 ай бұрын
this whole political debate bs is so upsetting I still to this day cannot believe how this Disney franchise destroyed my hope and all our hope in these movies and anything they honestly produce. Lucas was a true Jedi and let me just inform you all now. Disney is the empire the way they swooped in from the shadows and hoodwinked Lucas stole his treasure and stole all of our hope 👏
@hunterharrison3694 8 ай бұрын
Interesting how she was shown in front of the World Economic Forum background. Turns out she spoke there so I’m not surprised Disney hired her.
@geraldjones4126 8 ай бұрын
Bud light anybody??😮
@jasonrodriguez9692 8 ай бұрын
She will destroy starwars
@the_viper_mc4404 8 ай бұрын
She's like the annoying kid trying to prove something nobody cares about. I don't care what she thinks, I just don't want her to ruin starwars again. Please either leave it alone or get someone who can make it better.
@cabin_life_karl9561 8 ай бұрын
Another woke wef adorator
@stupidfuck6750 8 ай бұрын
Lucas should have never given rights to Disney, they've destroyed starwars this is just gonna be the pinnacle of the destruction.
@thekingmaster131 8 ай бұрын
she's crazy..
@evertonporter7887 8 ай бұрын
Daisy Ridley is not the problem. Rey is not the problem. The feminist nutters are! Throw out the activists, including the director and get good writers who love Star Wars! Bring back Michael Ardnt and Lawrence Kasdan as writers, with George Lucas as consultant. And Matthew Vaughn should direct Star Wars X. But Disney aren't gonna listen, are they!
@whatonearthamito 8 ай бұрын
@p7g498 8 ай бұрын
keep her away from andor.
@gnosismonkey 8 ай бұрын
I’ll give it a shot, and Ms Marvel was a good show. But I am surprised they picked a documentary filmmaker to make this sequel. She is an odd choice, but I’m not bothered by her politics. Your reaction to her feminist PR rhetoric is so sad in its own right. She said nothing but generic feel good, feminist blather, but of course you take this as a declaration of war. Having a political agenda is not alien to SW: the original trilogy obviously was riffing on Vietnam and the prequels were dealing with the War on Terror along with the collapse of Rome. I’m not bothered by a bit of feminism in my SW. Hell, I think the saga needs to take up the issue of slavery most prominently next.
@evertonporter7887 8 ай бұрын
I'd love to know what she actually said, but she's still not the best choice for a director of Star Wars X.
@gnosismonkey 8 ай бұрын
@@evertonporter7887 She’s an odd choice. But my tastes would be too strange for most fans anyway. I dislike most of what corporate studios do with their franchises. Charmeen is no worse than JJ Abrams, I think most of the weight rests on the writers and how much forethought is put into where the story goes from there. It also largely depends on whether the studio will let them take any risks. I fear Disney is taking SW down the same reactive and terrified path that WB took the DCEU. If they’re smart, they’ll let Filoni consult on the scripts.
@esquaredstudios2668 8 ай бұрын
I can make I better story.
@csagegabriel6213 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for exposing this. For there's no way am I watching episode 10. All men are going to go ahead and boycott it
@tamarkad5874 8 ай бұрын
We need more strong women but equality between the sexes should be the focus.
@evertonporter7887 8 ай бұрын
There were strong women who lived in the Bronze Age and Iron Age setting of the Bible, in the Old Testament, but they were never in competition with the men.
@chris1298100 7 ай бұрын
So sexist....
@jasonboyd2479 8 ай бұрын
I don’t get it. I loved the Prequels. I’m 45 and grew up a Star Wars fanatic. Of course I loved the OG 3. But I loved the next 3 ax well, especially Ep. 3, my favorite. I even liked the 3 sequels too. They had their drawbacks (like Finn) but I really liked them, even the Rise of Skywalker. I loved Palpatine coming back.
@hardworkingslacker7233 8 ай бұрын
You must be the one that the prophecy speaks of, the one who will unite the trilogies and bring balance to the fandom. At last, the end of the Fan Wars is within our grasp!
@jimhalpert9421 8 ай бұрын
Don't feed the troll...
@jasonboyd2479 8 ай бұрын
@@hardworkingslacker7233 lol, that was meant as a bad thing, but you worded it so awesome!
@hardworkingslacker7233 8 ай бұрын
@@jasonboyd2479 Thanks mate. I didn't want to give offense and I hope none was taken.
@jasonboyd2479 8 ай бұрын
@@hardworkingslacker7233 no offense at all bro. Actually, quite the honor. Appreciated 😁
@jenniferscholtes7912 8 ай бұрын
It is disheartening to hear your views on the patriarch and how it's destroying our community. Women love Star Wars. I can't believe you've made something so disrespectful for your women viewers . Why can't we just wait and see how this will play out the last few projects that have been fantastic. And I've had more female than in the past. Princess Leia is my princess that became a General .
@ilikemilfsandcougars 8 ай бұрын
She is "burdened with glorious purpose"
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Piers Morgan Uncensored
Рет қаралды 1,9 МЛН
Why Do People Dislike Rey?
Рет қаралды 1 МЛН
The Idiot Jedi Of The Acolyte
Robot Head
Рет қаралды 72 М.