Starfield Is Going To Disappoint You

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Enclave Emily

Enclave Emily

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@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
I'd like to make a few points for people clicking on the video without watching and a correction of something i got wrong. *Correction*: Digital Foundry's video on Starfield switches to Star Citizen and don't they didn't make that entirely clear, but still, it was my mistake and I believed that clip to be Starfield. The new version has processed and the issue has been corrected in this version of the video, but some old comments may relate to the removed section. Points: 1- No, i do not own a playstation, and even if i did, I have a PC which allows me to run most games on high above 60, and even 90 fps. As such, I have absolutely no reason to be "mad" that Starfield, a game I have limited interest in, coming to Xbox but not PS. And even if i did, all this video is, is me pointing out Bethesda's track record in being misleading and how the trailers show flaws. If your first reaction to seeing this is "you're a sony fan", then you're just making yourself look stupid. 2- You should not excuse games releasing broken or heavily flawed. I don't even know why I have to say that. It only tells devs they don't have to care and that you'll buy it anyways. 3- The whole point of this video was to show obvious flaws and make arguments to show that they may be overhyping a game that could have issues that will be a problem for them. I never said that i want people to not buy the game outright. 4 - I never said that I wouldnt buy the game. I said i wouldn't buy it on day one. edit: wrote "very little interest" - meant to say "limited"
@whenisdinner2137 Жыл бұрын
Bro shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your clickbait. Get off of KZbin
@tot0byafrica748 Жыл бұрын
A game you have "very little interest in" that you made a 17 minute video crying about. There are parts in the video when I can hear you clenching your teeth bro
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Thanks for caring enough to post a comment telling me people don't care. The algorythm (and your inability to hear my points before ranting in the comment section) works in my favour. thank you.
@thew6rst216 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily you won't get a single penny out of this video lmao
@billcarson818 Жыл бұрын
I agree with your points in general, only that you are a lot more negative about them. Its always a trade off, a trade off that many people dont mind. Bethesda, just like any other developer focuses on certain aspects and has certain strengths and weaknesses. And I agree New Vegas was special, made by Obsidian. "Im so fucking cynical" you put it very well there. ^^ Of course companies always try to make their game look as good as possible in their videos. And lying is not good and good that you point it out. Unfortunately thats a side effect of todays version of capitalism and its happening everywhere. Companies lie in order to make more profit and thats not acceptable. They only stop doing it, if the government prevents them from doing by implementing laws. "Its the free market!" as they tend to say enthusiastically. The style of the video and how you convey that message is your decision, of course. But if your goal is to convey that message effectively(if you want to convince people), then maybe the way you are doing it in this video is not the best way. The energy you send out there, will often come back in the same manner back to you, as we can see here. Talking about copium arguments and statements like that. In short talking down to people, starting with the title, implying that you know better than them what will disappoint them and that you know already how it will be, of course that wont work that well. ^^
@Calbeck Жыл бұрын
I like how damn near every NPC has an expression almost identical to "my face is tired" from Mass Effect Andromeda.
So many people are hard riding that Bethesdik here like they're getting paid. I wonder how many are coming from reddit and scattered discords, lol.
@lmno567 Жыл бұрын
Fair points of criticism mentioned, honestly. Bethesda's mainstays really only got good (save for New Vegas to a lesser extent) due to outside modders fixing what they claim they can't fix. I am still looking forward to the game, but i am tempering my expectations.
@LiberatedMind1 Жыл бұрын
True, they also didn't make New Vegas.
@DJWeapon8 Жыл бұрын
Hasn't here been a video comparing all the editions and re-releases of Skyrim and showing that in terms of gameplay and performance that nothing has changed? Same stats. Same content. Same bugs.
@lmaway8545 Жыл бұрын
Bethesda have only made ONE bad game imo, Fallout76 which was an open world multiplayer game. Every single other game they’ve made I’ve LOVED & played for hours and hours. Each to their own, but this means absolutely nothing to me
@brownpleasure9320 Жыл бұрын
redfall also, but yes i know im also tired of these crybabies. beteshda made like 30 super good games and half of them made game of the year
@lmaway8545 Жыл бұрын
@@brownpleasure9320 Redfall wasn’t a BGS game mate :) but so true
@ShrimplessScampi Жыл бұрын
@Dootie Always has been
@SirBrandan Жыл бұрын
​@brownpleasure9320 I think people are confusing their personal opinions with reality. Just because some people didn't like F4 doesn't mean it was bad. Same with skyrim, oblivion, fallout 3 etc. Legit every Bethesda single player rpg has done amazingly.
@LymeGreen04 Жыл бұрын
@@brownpleasure9320 bethesda games studios didnt make redfall. that was arkane studios.
@aaronbacher1595 Жыл бұрын
I’m not going to lie, I’m not a fan of meat riders either but you literally went on and on for 5 minutes about one hand on one gun clipping and the 30 fps 60 fps thing. Missing all of the good things, you just sound like a hater. Don’t buy the game… it’s all good. I’ve watched a lot of reactions to the trailer, I’ve seen the meat riders which I don’t enjoy much, than I’ve seen the haters (you’re the worst of them), but there are plenty of fair and balanced ones who came into watching the video with great skepticism’s and their minds were changed. Clearly you need a 60 fps resolution to get excited about a game, and even 1 bug is too many, so why even review games that aren’t 60 fps when the obvious answer is you’ll say their shit either way
@CosmicKnight_07 Жыл бұрын
I actually don't mind the 30 fps, I'm gonna play it either way and I'm gonna enjoy it, not shit on it and waste my time.
@AL-cy1mu Жыл бұрын
Given Bethesda's track record with games like: Fallout 3, 4, 76 and Skyrim, I can't say that I'm hyped or interested in Starfield since most of the signs point to a dumbed down RPG with creation engine combat and all the limitations that outdated engine brings.
@billcarson818 Жыл бұрын
You sound pretty mad, my friend. Why is that? I basically played all the singleplayer Bethesda games and they gave me countless hours of fun. Bethesda games hit my taste perfectly, that wont be different with this one. You are making the mistake that you take your taste and opinion and trying to apply it to everyone else, my friend. :) That can't work, of course.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Except that if you had watched until the end you would have spotted the part where I said the exact opposite of what you claim I did. I explicitly said that due to bethesda's track record, one would be smart to wait a few days for reviews to come out and that I wasn't gonna try to prevent anyone from buying it.
@billcarson818 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily Yeah, sorry your loud rant was a bit hard to listen to. :> But some like that style, probably. But I dont know what track record you speak of. I basically played all their singleplayer games starting with morrowind and they never disappointed me. It just hits my taste perfectly. Of course I see the imperfections, no game is perfect, but Bethesda games have a certain feeling that i love and they focus on certain things in a game and they usually are pretty good at them. They have their strength and weaknesses like every game. Did they really fuck up a specific game as it happened quite often lately with other developers? For those whose taste is not hit quite perfectly by past Bethesda games, yes they should probably wait. Thats a good recommendation for any game.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
If you actually like Fo3, 4, and/or 76, I never at any point said that that's a bad thing. Like I said in the video, if you go buy it day 1 and it's exactly what you want, then good. My point is that you're simply guessing what I said and that people are ignoring obvious problems such as Bethesda's track record in releasing broken games or RPG games with stupid story/rpg elements that make it shallow (such as the finding the cat quest of fo4). Nothing else. If you don't like the way I make my videos, in which i play an overly sarcastic character, then fine. No problems there, but please don't guess what i said if you didn't watch it.
@billcarson818 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily Well thats just a side effect of using titles like "Starfield is going to disappoint you" :> You had something in mind there. But you are right, I didnt listen to it all, I listen to it for a bit though. Its good to hear, that its meant to be sarcastic. ^^ "problems such as Bethesda's track record" I can see why it might be a bad track record for some players. For sure. For me its not bad at all, like i said they gave me countless hours of fun. I only played the singleplayer games, thats their strength. Thats not true for everyone, no doubt. And I can understand that too. Im not good at recognizing british accents, but are you a scouser btw? I like scousers and I like liverpool. :D
@66bloodmoon Жыл бұрын
@@billcarson818 "problems such as Bethesda's track record" I can see why it might be a bad track record for some players. For sure. For me its not bad at all, like i said they gave me countless hours of fun. The only played the singleplayer games, thats their strength. Thats not true for everyone, no doubt. And I can understand that too. U have a good point, question Bill did you play cyberpunk as well? If so what were your feelings on that?
@dallasmed65 Жыл бұрын
Starfield will not disappoint me. These are huge L opinions. And chill out on the metaphors, you do one every 5 seconds. lol
@xBINARYGODx Жыл бұрын
"The whole point of this video was to show obvious flaws" well others have the opinion there are no "obvious" flaws, and for such a claim, we really do need the final product and all that.
@colbychilds86 Жыл бұрын
Why so upset people are exited about a game?
@jaredbangerter8156 Жыл бұрын
Probably a PS fan boy.
@SirBrandan Жыл бұрын
Because they know they can milk it for the views or they are bored and sad.
@nickperfetti7976 Жыл бұрын
It’s an alphabet mafioso, they get upset about everything
@goyjin5676 Жыл бұрын
@@SirBrandan Yeah, it's negative view bait. People love to hate on the internet and making an over exagerrated negative video about a topic a lot of people are interested in will get you hate clicks. Both from other "counter culture" people and fans wanting to know what is so terrible about bethesda releasing a new open world rpg game.
@3mileisland516 Жыл бұрын
Truth is scary?
@Astr0C0w Жыл бұрын
It's Fallout 4 in space. I'm not going to be disappointed because I expect it to have all the usual problems, and be of the level of quality Bethesda games usually have. Bethesda fans dont care about these problems, so I kind of doubt they'll be all that disappointed either, unless it ends up being a complete dumpster fire of technical issues. Of course, I'm still going to get it so I can play it modded, like crawling back to an abusive spouse and saying "I can fix him", like I do with every Bethesda game.
@phaedrussocrates7636 Жыл бұрын
That is currently very dangerous subject, but time will be on your side. Also, on side of everyone waiting for this game to improve, like me.
@dylanosborne2575 Жыл бұрын
I love how you say that like you've played it 😂
@MrDrManPerson Жыл бұрын
​@@dylanosborne2575Bethesda RPG's have been buggy messes for decades. You would have to be crazy to think anything different.
@lorenzocassaro3054 Жыл бұрын
@@dylanosborne2575 The same can be said for all the people currently cheering it like the second coming of Christ. But intellectual honesty has never been a major trait for Bethesda, so I doubt fanboys like you would be any different on that front
@MrDrManPerson Жыл бұрын
@lorenzocassaro3054 I had some asswipe on reddit tell me Fallout 76 was great because he has 700 hours into it and that all of the problems that it had don't matter. Brainwashed
@Juicegoose9310 Жыл бұрын
This aged like wine.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Personally, I'm waiting for player reviews before deciding how it aged.
@HumbleDodo Жыл бұрын
Dude has no idea about game development... Doesn't even know what procedural generation is... And is hating on a game that isn't even out yet... I guess either you got some issues or you're just pissed that people are actually excited for a game after a long time... Bro just wait... Maybe starfield will surprise you...
@Freedom21stCenturi Жыл бұрын
Check out the Starfield ESRB rating. It's lower than previous titles. There's not going to be any gore at all, merely potential blood spatters. It's being watered down.
@unclewoozie8835 Жыл бұрын
I can't take the opinion of a dude named Emily serious 😂
@dibbidydoo4318 Жыл бұрын
parents were expecting a girl but named him emily anyways.
@tentacledood5784 Жыл бұрын
It's because she's trans
@hankdedalus Жыл бұрын
The thing I am doing is just waiting till it comes out and keep an eye on it for a week or few to see how it comes out. The one thing that really gets me is the ground combat AI being really dumb and yet the space combat AI having like 5 more brain cells then it.
@DJWeapon8 Жыл бұрын
The space combat is the same boring dogfighting that every other space game has. Shit. Ace Combat has had Beyond Visual Range engagements since the first game. BVR should be the norm for spaceship fighting.
@hankdedalus Жыл бұрын
@@DJWeapon8 Yeah but I was saying the space ai at least tires to not get shot as much.
@hiddenkitty2911 Жыл бұрын
I have multiple thousand hours in Fallout 4 and Skyrim, both of which are apparently "shit" games feature wise or rpg wise, so nah I'll be perfectly content. Boo Fucking Hoo, people are happy for something, and can look past what MIGHT happen. Why do you feel the need to use your pessimism over things that have happened in the past to generate clickbait titles where you spout what could be valid concerns, if you would pull the seething rage out of them? The amount of bugs that release on day one that a majority of players will experience has always been over-exaggerated anyways. Someone experiences a bug, and then a reddit thread gets made, and now everyone starts saying the game's buggy as hell.
@elitepro102 Жыл бұрын
Haters will always be haters. Just remember your review my guy once the Starfield ratings come out and wins game of the year! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@georgeking1014 Жыл бұрын
he will memory hole it
@SirBrandan Жыл бұрын
Probably gonna be super silent or start praising the game. Usually how it goes with overly negative youtubers struggling for clicks
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
As i said in the video, if i am wrong once reviews come out + i play it, I will make a video issuing an apology and mentioning what i got wrong. Not surprised you didn't catch that though. A majority of the negative comments didn't bother to go past the 90 second mark.
@@EnclaveEmily mainly because you talk in a way that isn't professional and comes off very biased. Huge turn off for anyone imo. Lots of other youtubers, are able to make plenty of points without coming off as insufferable.
@@GIGAREAKTEM "Unprofessional speaking" is no defense for wilful ignorance on anybody's part. At best it's admittance of a terrible weakness.
@Mirthful_Midori Жыл бұрын
One thing I noticed during their "deep dive" is that they never showed more than a minute of continuous game play, before they cut to an employee babbling. This is because they're hiding things. The game also doesn't look good. It's obviously just a reskin of Fallout 4, but I think the facial animations might actually be worse. The "creation club" in Skyrim and Fallout 4 and the "atom shop" in Fallout 76 proves that Bethesda only cares about micro-transactions and not actually making good games. Fallout 76 is clearly designed just to sell MT and their "Fallout first" subscription garbage. The tenth anniversary of Skyrim broke mods and added micro-transactions, but still had bugs from when it launched in 2011. Some of those mods it broke only existed to fix those bugs that Bethesda is still ignoring.
@schnitzel_enjoyer Жыл бұрын
Duh obviously, they had to explain every mechanic in 45 minutes, this isn't god of war where only mechanic is spamming button. There is actually tons of content and it was well presented.
@Mirthful_Midori Жыл бұрын
@@schnitzel_enjoyer It's a reskin of Fallout 4, bro. Virtually none of what they showed was actually new, just the same old animations and mechanics with a new paint job. They hardly had to explain anything and what little they "explained" would've been done better by just showing game play.
@schnitzel_enjoyer Жыл бұрын
@@Mirthful_Midori planets, ships, space travel, space combat, biomes were in fallout 4? I think i was playing the wrong fallout.
@schnitzel_enjoyer Жыл бұрын
Spiderman 2 is a spiderman 2018 reskin if we are gonna talk about that lol
@Mirthful_Midori Жыл бұрын
@@schnitzel_enjoyer Of those, spaceships were the only new thing. Biomes? You mean the different cells that are going to represent the "planets"? It's also not spectacular to say "planets" since they still have yet to prove they aren't just going to be separate cells with a new name. You can call the load zones whatever fancy name you want, but a name alone does not make it a new idea. The fact you had to try to divide the space stuff into three separate things with "ships, space travel, space combat" just to make your list bigger is proof that you're just grasping at straws now.
@tot0byafrica748 Жыл бұрын
Holy shit bro this game HURT you.
@AlienIce Жыл бұрын
I'll buy you some napkins don't worry
@GusC1337 Жыл бұрын
Some bounty 12 double rolls will be better for him man lol he has such an L take on this
@MrDrManPerson Жыл бұрын
​@@GusC1337Imagine getting hyped for a studio that fucked you over with 76.
@Doc_OLDGUY_Savage Жыл бұрын
'REEEEEE! I don't have to play this game to know ....' /S Starfield 'feels' like it needs another year or two. To fill out the narrative. This being a Role Playing Game, and not a pure first person shooter. Nor a farming simulator; you farm starships. Although that's based more on experience with new releases of MMORPG games, and a smattering of RPG games. Starfield 'feels' more like a MMORPG tease. Which would not be a bad idea. Imagine the Bethesda Universe. Visit the hard science planets and star systems. Visit the radioactive wasteland world(s). Visit West(ern)world. Visit worlds where magic abounds; yes, where Gandalf (TM) guns down a Balrog (TM) with a plasma cannon. And these DLCs can be yours for $$$. Probably buying this. But long after most of the bugs are fixed. And at a discount.
@t4ngo_kilo Жыл бұрын
The edginess is strong with this one! The words “fucking” & “shit” are his super powers!!!
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
I'll save the world by screaming the N word
@parawill7074 Жыл бұрын
Not going to call you a hater, but you seem to misrepresent fans of the game. Fans of the game are fully aware of the potential for flaws with the game (like the clipping error in the trailer and other bugs) and the fact that it will be 30fps on consoles. You think you are saying things that most fans don’t know and it only shows that you are ignorant to the fact that virtually all of the great games have had those issues and were still great to play. As long as Starfield releases in stable condition with the typical bugs that don’t break the game, players will enjoy the game if they get what was promoted in the showcase. You are being too technical when most gamers don’t care about that stuff for action RPG games that offer a lot of other things to do. Everyone is fully aware of all the salesman tactics of these companies and have been burned enough by a number of games recently. Starfield is releasing September 1st for most players and they will find out for themselves. Stop assuming that they don’t know that the game may not be good with it comes out just because they liked the showcase and are hyped to play it.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
I wasn't necessarily referring to all fans of the game, though i apologize if it seems that way. I am primarily referring to the people who, as you said, might acknowledge the "salesman tactics", as you put it, yet still fall to the blind hype and pre-order + get the XYZ Editions for God knows how much money instead of waiting a day or two for reviews. I also did not assume that "they don't know that the game may not be good". Many do believe that though. Simply look at the rest of this comment section to see for yourself.
@parawill7074 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily - I cleaned up my earlier comment and removed the curse words (did not belong there because I wasn't angry or anything like that). I think people are getting Starfield wrong by constantly comparing it to Star Citizen and NMS when the game closest to it would be Mass Effect: Andromeda (since it was the latest in the Mass Effect series). People need to have the right mindset on what type of game Starfield will be and the Mass Effect games are the best example in my opinion. I think it is more important that the fans know what type of game they are getting than the potential flaws that may pop up in the game. Yes, the hype is through the roof and folks are extremely excited to play the game, but most people are already cautiously optimistic while excited. However, most feel that the delay and Redfall being a failure has set up Starfield to be great. Microsoft and Bethesda have too much riding on this game and we see the differences between 2022 and the showcase. I'm confident that we will get a solid game on both platforms with some bugs and that is fine.
@timhays5884 Жыл бұрын
I'm just upset I don't get to be a space cat
@dakota48 Жыл бұрын
This is gonna be really funny to return to in a couple months.
@haroldallaberg6359 Жыл бұрын
EnclaveEmily is going to go down in history for having the worst take on Starfield ever. He is truly an atrocious human being.
@joesmith3590 Жыл бұрын
@@haroldallaberg6359your takes are going to be hilarious. Imagine expecting a company that ain’t made a good mmo in almost 2 decades is going to be good. Lmao how many times Bethesda going to fool you. Fool me once shame on me fool me twice….your not going to fool me again right guys?
@haroldallaberg6359 Жыл бұрын
@@joesmith3590 you must have some of the absolute worst taste in gaming period.
@haroldallaberg6359 Жыл бұрын
@@joesmith3590 also Bethesda has never made a bad game. Only people with crap taste in gaming do not like Bethesda games.
@joesmith3590 Жыл бұрын
@@haroldallaberg6359 no only people who think picking up a book and a candle makes a good game like Bethesda. Metacritic audience score is fairly reliable and they suck rating wise. They have made many many average to bad games. You are the reason jack links is a popular beef jerky brand. No taste.
@YugmasterJeff Жыл бұрын
It’s honestly scary seeing people just assume you have a hate boner for Bethesda because they “made one bad game” Please for the love of god reevaluate your standards. Bethesda hasn’t made a good game in over 20 years. It’s crazy to think people just see high number sales and “lots of content” as a Indicator a game is good.
@GritterTheBuckethead Жыл бұрын
Nononononono, it’s a feature that the Bethesda games soft lock, brick consoles, and having certain mechanics not working because of your selected race…
@DJWeapon8 Жыл бұрын
To be fair. Certain mechanics being locked out because of your player character's race or build is a staple of RPGs. But argonians not being able to shield bash *_despite spending the skill point to unlock shield bashing and your character visibly performing the animation_* due to a bug is straight up due to bethesda's incompetent bullshit.
@MooseMeus Жыл бұрын
terraria, stardew, witcher 3, path of exile (2), halls of torment, factorio, slay the spire starfield has a 0% chance of being anywhere near as enjoyable as these games i named. it's going to be boring. it's going to be a lot of loading screens. you are not going to be exploring entire planets, loading screens, lots of teleporting. no flying in the atmosphere. cataloguing plants and animals? give me a damn break. AND they are making people pay almost double price to play 5 days early? with no demo? nothing. maybe it's good, but if you don't have the willpower to wait and see then shame on you. there are many other options that are already good, that you have not played, and that do not cost 99.99. you could buy all of the games I named for less than that amount of money and get 10, 20, 100x more playtime out of EACH of them.
@obvv7714 Жыл бұрын
I’ll give Bethesda game studios the benefit of the doubt here. They made one flop game (76) and suddenly hating Bethesda was the coolest thing
@Mirthful_Midori Жыл бұрын
Are you comfortable living under that rock? Bethesda has been getting flack for dumbing down their games for as long as they've been dumbing down their games, which is over twenty years now. Starting with their "creation club" and onward, they've proven they care far more about micro-transactions than making good games.
@goyjin5676 Жыл бұрын
Todd Howard became a meme with the "tell me sweet little lies video" and 76 and now him and his company are apperantly nothing but vultures who have never offered anything of substance to the world of gaming (the people who make skyrim btw) and everything they do in the future should be scrutinized and ridiculous as if it's coming from a life long snake oil salesman.
@obvv7714 Жыл бұрын
@@goyjin5676 I respect your commitment to the hate train but that studio has made multiple games I’ve spent hundreds of hours enjoying the substance of, so I’m willing to give them another chance after one flop. I’ll evaluate the game when I play it instead of being preemptively angry before it releases.
@obvv7714 Жыл бұрын
@adamdee9671 imagine not protecting your steed
@RobertAckerman-v9b Жыл бұрын
the game looked awesome. the starfield direct was spot on. i have already pre-ordered the premium edition. I don' t agree with your point of view.
@darken2417 Жыл бұрын
Yep Fallout 4 sucked hard. I couldn't even get myself to finish it (and I even play gacha games). So if its more like Fallout 4 that could be real pain.
@TheAcquisitioner Жыл бұрын
Good on you mate, so many people are so used to eating excrement that they got used to the taste. Hopefully this will wake some people up to the fact that we don't have to settle for bad as a standard.
@NavajoNinja Жыл бұрын
You'll still give bethestha money, youll still make videos about starfield, youll still be complaining while playing it.
@goyjin5676 Жыл бұрын
(The game is free on Game pass) :)
@ashleymaker39 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to watch this guy play Star Citizen. Talk about being let down, look at those devs but that still has an amazing community behind it... Star Citizen is basically a single-player tech demo that people sink £1000's into daily. Yes, it has multiplayer, but the majority of people don't really do it... By the time anything gets going you get 30k'd off the server. But anyway, I was very pessimistic when Starfield was announced but now, after seeing the tech demo, I am pretty hyped. I understand you're upset about the clipping of a model you won't really see while playing, but every game has some form of clipping. We can only wait and see, luckily it's out on Game Pass on release so it will only cost you £1 to play it! Apparently, Xbox will be doing a Game Pass promotion before it releases.
@roseowl Жыл бұрын
I bet $100 this will age like milk the game will be amazing
@xain86k70 Жыл бұрын
You must be new here
@roseowl Жыл бұрын
@xain86k70 nah I just know this game will be amazing
@tentacledood5784 Жыл бұрын
Why would you bet so high for Bethesda?
@roseowl Жыл бұрын
@@tentacledood5784 my favorite company I have faith
@LiberatedMind1 Жыл бұрын
@@roseowl This company invented micro-transactions, and created Fallout 4 and 76 both of which disappointed fans.
@MobyDick-m8t Жыл бұрын
Lol, loved nearly every, single player game Bethesda ever made, so not sure why I should be worried. Also, I didn't understand the hate Todd obsession that swept through gamers when Bethesda made one bad game. Geez, not even Naughty Dog had their fans turn on them like that after the TLOU2. So the absolute distrust is totally unwarranted from my perspective. Of course, I could be wrong, but I've always loved Todd's work, and I'd rather trust in him and be dissapointed, than care about the opinion of all the random KZbinrs pretending to be gaming experts.
@zacharyabbaticchio1895 Жыл бұрын
People fail to realize as well, Todd Howard was not the director of Fallout 76, he barely had any hand in it.
@darth_cheezus Жыл бұрын
@@zacharyabbaticchio1895yeah that is the biggest thing that people don’t seem to care about. Still can’t wait for this game. We play singleplayer games for a reason and if you mod Skyrim your ranking frames anyway. Who knows how it will effect this but base will still be fine. And honestly 30fps with 4k from the gate. I think the game will look freaking amazing.
@goyjin5676 Жыл бұрын
I know people are gonna call me an low iq fanboy or whatever, but Bethesda has a track record of making groundbreaking decade lasting open world rpg games. Fallout 76 is LITERALLY the only trash game bethesda has ever releazed. Oblivion, skyrim and the fallout series (even if you want to exclude fallout 4) are some of the most beloved and long lasting games of all time. Fallout 76 was a bad attempt at capitalizing on the live service money making trend i admit. The game sucks. There is no passion in it. But pretending like a single bad releaze in the companies 30+ years of creating somehow taints all future projects from the company when they have released SEVERAL timeless classics is ridiculous to me. Now, people will talk about fallout 4, and yeah i agree, New vegas and previous titles had a much more interesting narrative that 4 pales in comparison to. But it pales in comparin to one of the best games ever made. Fallout 4 is in no way a bad game, but compared to a masterpiece like New vegas it doesn't quite live up to the tale. I want to point ouut that Fallout 76 was excplicitly made to be a live service money maker created and released shortly after fallout 4. Which Todd howard didn't even direct (unlike the previous classics like Skyrim and Oblivion). The game was absolutely an attempt at cashing in on mmo/live service audiences for money. No one denies that. But games like oblivion and skyrim were released nearly decades apart, whith Todd Howard at the head. Starfield is the third implemantation in this series. When you judge someones character, or a companies character, you look at their track record. And in my opinion Todd Howard and HIS bethesda studios have one of the best records there is in ALL video game companies. Up there only with Rockstar. To me, disregarding Bethesdas future project because of the cash grab failure that was fallout 76 despite their record of making timeless classics is the EXACT equivelant of disregarding all future Rockstar games based on the failure of Red dead online. And yes, i will try it out regardless of how it launches. It's free on gamepass for me for gods sake.
@darth_cheezus Жыл бұрын
@@goyjin5676 Ahh RDO suuuuch wasted potential. Still cry.
@YugmasterJeff Жыл бұрын
It isn’t because of 76. Bethesda hasn’t made a good game since morrowind
@Reason4Termination Жыл бұрын
You are pretty much spot on.
@bigcountry8652 Жыл бұрын
Waited on this to read the Bethesda defense force alongside listening to ya, made it twice as entertaining. I'm expecting a cyberpunk situation where the game at it's core is fine to explore and move around, but the RPG mechanics are dull as dishwater and the bugs are the best source of comedic relief.
@sketchpixels6255 Жыл бұрын
2:05 bro it says digital soundtrack and artbook right there... Do you not look at the images you use in your videos?
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Within 15 seconds i stated that it's digital, and to me, that's not worth it because, quote: "it will be release on youtube"
@memesarekey5366 Жыл бұрын
My post was removed from the reddit page when I pointed this out.
@furiousplays4428 Жыл бұрын
no shit , they have rules about no shit talking
@yurgen95 Жыл бұрын
30fps is because it's CPU bottlenecked apparently, at least that's my guess based on how the engine works on previous games and what Todd said in an interview, he stated that the Game ran above 30fps but they wanted the extra space to get a stable performance cause they dont know What could happen once you trigger certain events, which is just another way to say that the framerate dips when there's a lot of shit happening = CPU bottleneck, so the resolution is not the problem.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Interesting. Resolution would affect it somewhat, but i see this is going to be a very CPU intensive game. I really am curious to see how it performs.
@yurgen95 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily not enough to make a good experience probably, my guess is that with the fps unlocked it runs around 40fps in the main cities and dogfights, and 60fps during planet exploration and random quests. The creation engine is heavy on the CPU and light with the GPU, this game having everything they have shown, going on all at once near you sounds pretty demanding for the CPU.
@CaseCold Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmilyso maybe do a little research before going on a rant that just makes you look like a negative asshole
@Cascade7155 Жыл бұрын
"Bethesda is when glitches and bad" - you or smth idk
@tentacledood5784 Жыл бұрын
I mean... (Fallout 76) I-I mean... (Fallout 4) I MEAN- (Skyrim)
@killingjoke535 Жыл бұрын
Put the salt down. I'm going to assume this is a troll
@johncripo9025 Жыл бұрын
This guy has no idea what he’s talking about. This game looks great. But everyone has their right to an opinion.
@mikeb3902 Жыл бұрын
Why would it be different than Skyrim? Except the POI will be spread out much much further. I mean that's to be expected right? If you take Skyrim's caves, forts, camps and spread them out much further apart and across different planets, that's probably going to be similar to Starfield. If that's boring to you then you know what to expect.
@Everest3000 Жыл бұрын
This man’s dad left him for milk and he placed all his anger on Starfield
@haroldallaberg6359 Жыл бұрын
He's a truly rotten and insidious individual.
@tentacledood5784 Жыл бұрын
@@haroldallaberg6359 Calm down, it's just a video about a game.
@raypalmer5125 Жыл бұрын
New Vegas fan cries about Bethesda game, what a surprise. I have never seen a more insecure fan base in my life, they literally can't enjoy their game without moaning and crying about "Bethesda bad, Obsidian best dev eva!!!".😂😂
@tentacledood5784 Жыл бұрын
They're right tho.
@YugmasterJeff Жыл бұрын
by amazon delivery simulator did you mean Death Stranding? Because that game wasn't really supposed to have a lot of things in the world, it was supposed to be dissolute and empty. when the game starts its been about 40 or so years since the world got destroyed, and the world is still plagued by ghost that'll kill someone easily, people have to get sent to an incinerator when they die and the rain will rapidly age people. so it does make sense that the people are having a rough time actually rebuilding. Personally I love the game, but I can understand how people might not like the game.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Yeah i admit i didn't expand on it as much as i intended to (i was trying my best to sound normal and get the clips done). I intended to make the point that many of the planets would be empty with only superficial things to do like DS. I'm not saying that's what DS is since i haven't played it, it was going to simply play along with the "amazon delivery" meme.
@amosk3938 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily it's obvious many planets will be empty just like how they are in real life. It's amusing though how people worry about planets they aren't going to visit anyway. You're not required to explore every planet, it's for those who want to do it.
@Khajiit-f1v Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily they showed in the direct, that planets will obviously be procedurally generated and handcrafted locations will spawn as the player lands. Obviously its impossible for them to make a game with infinite quests but it'll rather be that you will go to planets for legendary loot and resources, and the story and side content is in the handcrafted cities. I think thats a good balance, also if you include base building, then its perfect for that as well.
@johnnyhart340 Жыл бұрын
Like every game they have put out bar a few have been world famous. Fallout 4 was ground shattering and what most game companies strive to achieve Skyrim. Here we are more than 10 years later and the game is still played by millions
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
I... what?
@Mirthful_Midori Жыл бұрын
"Like every game they have put out bar a few have been world famous. Fallout 4 was ground shattering and what most game companies strive to achieve Skyrim." I have no idea what you're trying to say here. That second sentence in particular is just confusing as hell. How was Fallout 4 "ground shattering" and what does it have to do with "most game companies strive to achieve Skyrim"? What does "most game companies strive to achieve Skyrim" even mean?
@schnitzel_enjoyer Жыл бұрын
Let it go he's a pony fanboy doing this for the juicy youtube views
@jesusmendez3202 Жыл бұрын
Starfield releases on game pass next week. Gonna try it but omg I really think this game will be awful. It seems like Bethesda learned about procedural content and said "well why bother creating a single gigantic map of emptiness if procedural generation can create thousands of gigantic maps of emptiness?" bethesda should try and make procedurally generated writers too since they havent written a single good story since morrowind. Hated fallout 3, hated fallout 4, I despised f76. No hopes for Starfield. If the game releases and it´s actually good or at least promising, im gonna shut up
@coyoteofthetrash734 Жыл бұрын
Me personally I do not see a difference between 30 and 60 fps. And this is coming from someone with a console and a pc that averages around 140-130.
@coyoteofthetrash734 Жыл бұрын
Edit: your little jokes and constantly cursing does not help your case instead it does the opposite in my eyes like for real
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
>"i do not see a difference between 30 and 60 fps" >"(...) does not help your cause, it does the opposite *in my eyes*" lol
@masterzenonias Жыл бұрын
@KRG30001 Жыл бұрын
To each their own but I’ll be enjoying the heck outta Starfield
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
That's good! I hope you do! I just urge caution (waiting for reviews) due to Bethesda's past
@antjeeismann4684 Жыл бұрын
Your sick voice didn't bother me because i listen in double speed
@Sharie_mabari Жыл бұрын
Bethesda games have always been empty nothing for me, it feels like some kind of heart or soul is missing from them. I'm glad people are so hyped for this game, but the past has taught us to be very cautious of them and their promises. I don't think being wary of them means you should be attacked! People are just very excited, they hope that the past doesn't repeat itself, and are treating anyone who is having doubts with some frankly unwarranted aggression. Don't kill the messenger, and such. If it's good, then great! If not, I'm glad I didn't preorder it, personally.
@MFSpaceboy Жыл бұрын
Video spoiler alert: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@bayounemesis3091 Жыл бұрын
@mastercyclonia Жыл бұрын
I haven’t played much of Skyrim or fall out, but watching videos with any criticism has been entertaining because fans of Bethesda roast the video creators. I honestly have no loyalties to any company and will call them all out because I have to pay for the content. I am a slightly hesitant about this game, but I came to this video to see the other side of the hype. Hopefully we get some real seamless gameplay soon. And hopefully it’s not a day one cyberpunk because I saw that disaster of a release from a mile away.
@packdog70 Жыл бұрын
The title of the video is probably the same line you use with your sexual partners. That is, if you had sexual partners.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Admittedly, I laughed at that one
@jaydeebow6431 Жыл бұрын
okay we can see you are ignorant to what kind of games Bethesda puts out,and ill leave it that there is no help for you
@AntiCommunistMarine Жыл бұрын
I hate that RPG’s are linear now. I should have a literal choice much like new Vegas or Morrowind(since they were good RPG’s in my personal opinion). I hate communists, but I should be allowed to play a space communist if that was a group in the game, or a monarchist, and not be bashed over the head that the evil space fascists are evil or that democracy is the only way forward with all choices. It’s so fucking shallow. Just because one side says “No u” and the other side is supported by the developers so they are good…. I hate it. For example, I shouldnt be evil aligned just because I pick a space Caesar’s legion, or good because I pick space NCR. A true RPG is choosing any side for any reason because of gameplay replay ability. THATS how you take a game from a year release to drop, and to a 5 year replay ability, so I don’t have 800 rereleases of the same game for 15 years. I enjoy Skyrim… but it’s ass as an RPG and pretty gutted as a role playing game. So it just works.
@Umcarasemvideo Жыл бұрын
7:26 If you look below the dialogue options here there's a persuasion bar that's almost full and a turn counter, so he didn't just compliment the guy and get let through. There seems to be a whole dialogue minigame for persuasion/negotiation that where only seingt the tail end of.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
I still wonder why a compliment is +3. The game is telling you the correct options, so I'll still stand with my criticism, but yeah, good catch.
@Umcarasemvideo Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily They seem to be listed in order of value, the bribe is a +6 for example. I can't tell if it's how much it adds to the progress or if it's a dificulty rating since it's the last interaction in the scene. I imagine it's probably a progress bonus and that harder negotiations will have a larger bar to fill. Maybe like the Oblivion minigame. But then there should be minuses so I have no clue. The bribe seems to be like NVs skill checks too. It's the kind of thing that they should put front and center and I haven't heard you or the boys mention them covering that on the presentation so i'm guessing they didn't go into it much, if at all.
@DJWeapon8 Жыл бұрын
I honestly can't see how people would even fail this minigame. It looks ""complex"" at first glance, but its braindead simple. From what they've shown, it looks like you need to fill up the "PERSUASION BAR" underneath the dialogue list to succeed in the minigame and that you can only do it within a certain number of "TURNS". But here's the braindead part. Not only does it tell you how many "points" each line will add. It also neatly arranged them so that the bottom lines add more "points". Essentially telling the player to mash the Down D-pad and choose the bottommost line.
@Juicegoose9310 Жыл бұрын
This is almost the same persuasion system that was in Oblivion btw only with a different UI. It's just as stupid.
@firstnamelastname956 Жыл бұрын
I never understood the hype behind this game. Literally looks and plays like COD in space. Lol the casual gamers think this is so groundbreaking for some reason
@rysing-alexhd5078 Жыл бұрын
ok so i agree on a few points but overall i think you are a bit nitpicky.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Where am i nit-picky? I wanna keep an eye out for that
@gorionus9812 Жыл бұрын
those are valid points, not nitpicks...
@aaronbacher1595 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmilyI wouldn’t call it nitpicky, I can just tell the person you are when you drone on and on about the same negative shit, and don’t mention anything positive. It’s not an honest review, it’s shit talking Bethesda and searching for every bad thing to talk about. It’s like politics and Bethesdas on the other side, you want to hate it in advance
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
@@aaronbacher1595 I did mention that the combat looks cool and that the game does look legitimately impressive at times. If i made a video talking mostly or only about the good things, I'd be wasting my time since there's countless other videos doing the same. No, I do not want to hate anything in advance. Hence why i stuck to mentioning only things i could prove, such as bethesda's money hungry track record and the fact the first gameplay trailer was obviously running sub 30fps.
@tentacledood5784 Жыл бұрын
@@gorionus9812 nitpicks aren't invalid, just inconsequential. Like animation errors and stuff like that.
@turbo558 Жыл бұрын
So aggressive 😂 Well one thing is for sure either this dude will have some serious bragging rights or will be proven wrong. In my head, its probably somewhere in between. Had they not spent a year polishing it, i would have agreed 100%. Heres to hoping its turns out at least 7/10 quality and 9/10 fun level.
@surfofsinify Жыл бұрын
Wait I wonder if this is the game they stole all the fallout 4 modders
@Dkm337 Жыл бұрын
All i am going to say is this game looks good. and i hope it is what they say it is. till then i have games to play like evochron legacy, Everspace. and spacebourne 2.
@shoelacethesecond1607 Жыл бұрын
All your worries will be fixed my modders you must've never played Skyrim modded
@Khajiit-f1v Жыл бұрын
Ah the classic haters, the game is not out yet,and instead of either praising the game or shitting on it, could everyone pls stay cautiously optimistic, who knows, the game might actually be great and all your doing is causing negativity to invleunce people's decision on buying a game that has the potential of being fun. And people love skyrim and fallout because of the freedom, if this game is near the amount of content that those franchises have i would be more than happy to play a new Bethesda rpg this year. Just because you dont like skyrim and fallout 4 doesn't mean that we dont have to like starfield, for the people who actually enjoy all Bethesda RPG's for different reasons.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
"cautiously optimistic" - I'm glad we agree.
@stur3366 Жыл бұрын
​@@EnclaveEmily Dude you were not being "cautiously optimistic" in this 17 mim rant. You were practically shitting on not only the game, but the people that are hyped for this game.
@Khajiit-f1v Жыл бұрын
@@stur3366 thats why i decided to comment on it, he might not be hyped for the game, but so many people who love skyrim and fallout will most likely end up enjoying it, so hating on the game is literally just this man, making videos on his mom's laptop trying to tell everyone else why it is so bad, when he is the type of person who didn't like skyrim of fallout 4,so please 'enclave' leave the people who enjoy Bethesda games to be hype or optimistic for a game that gives us more of what we love in their games.
@Khajiit-f1v Жыл бұрын
Also the fact that he said that skyrim and fallout 4 arent good games puts him in a lesser position to discuss the negative parts of this game
@stur3366 Жыл бұрын
@@Khajiit-f1v Skyrim is haild as one of if not the best game ever made and people are still playing it. Yes the mods improve a lot about the game but without them it's still a amazing game..
@georgeking1014 Жыл бұрын
When did they ever say it was frame locked on PC?
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
When did I say the framerate was locked on PC?
@skrunklyOwO Жыл бұрын
​@@EnclaveEmilyin the video ya retard
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
give me a timeframe if you will.
@Bizbappo7171 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily 3:20
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Didn't say it was locked at 30, but i admit i did say it poorly. Fair enough
@thekingsoftyrannynetwork3275 Жыл бұрын
It’s okay to be skeptical. I know I am! But you’re just being negative to be negative. You haven’t played it. I’m reserving my opinions for when I see real community game play and reviews. Or better yet; play it myself. I don’t get how shitting or praising a game you haven’t played yet is productive.
@ihavenomouthandimusttype9729 Жыл бұрын
No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 76...I seriously hope we've learnt our lesson by now.
@dylanosborne2575 Жыл бұрын
The reason people pre order is to play early smart guy
@Atilorn91 Жыл бұрын
Let me guess. You have a playstation.
@Glebean Жыл бұрын
Oh you're coping...........coping and just cant believe what you're seeing, OHHHHHHHHHHH YOU"RE COPING
@evilslither6759 Жыл бұрын
This guys probably own a playstation😂😂😂
@stur3366 Жыл бұрын
He says he doesn't but i don't believe him.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
>has arguments based solely on what I've seen >make a point about how people are overhyping it and ignoring possible flaws >doesn't own a playstation >"lol must be a playstation fangirl" There's literally videos on my channel playing PC only games like Total War or DayZ Namalsk, i'm not gonna waste money on consoles with no games that cant even get 90fps
@stur3366 Жыл бұрын
​@@EnclaveEmily You literally sound like a Sony pony and just because you play pc on video does not mean you don't have a Playstation. You were bitching about 30fps when you don't even have a Xbox. You points literally make no sense. Why are you bitching about something you're not going to play. Just because starfield doesn't look fun or good in your eyes, does not give you the right to shit on people's fun. People like you make no sense to me. You were talking negative for 21 min straight without talking about any positives. You say you use your fucking eyes but you clearly don't. Yes you are allowed to be skeptical but being ignorant is different entirely.
@evilslither6759 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily i base my argument sorly what i have Seen on you Vid you conplain like a 10 years old that did not get the candy hé whant
@skrunklyOwO Жыл бұрын
​@@EnclaveEmilynewsflash! You're a man! Stop being a creep pretending to be a girl!
@guotyr2502 Жыл бұрын
Also where's the sexy aliens/robots, mfs went out of their way to make the mlst milktoast, trigger warning using non controversial sludge. There won't be just a few planets worth of content I bet you wtvr you want they didn't make enough content to fill ONE planet combined
@MCernoble Жыл бұрын
bro if you don't want to play Bethesda Games, that's fine. Other people enjoy them, get over yourself. I find it extremely ridiculous that any time a triple A game is about to release, the skeptics come forward to try to temper peoples excitement. The Hype is a part of the experience, let people enjoy the trailers and imagine what the game could be like. Even if it sucks people still have fun imagining.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Tell me you didn't watch past 45 seconds without telling me.
@venkateshrayapureddy5244 Жыл бұрын
Did you ever play any Bethesda software games except Fallout 76. If you have played you would know that they are the masters of single player open world games. From morrowind to fallout 4 they won game of the year awards. Fallout 76 was new to them as for the first time they made a MMO game and you expect them to hit a home run. Yes the games from Bethesda have bugs but that is the charm of those games. If you don't known please don't make videos this will only show your lack of knowledge.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Read my name to answer that first question. Second, I don't care if a game got awards. Mass Effect 3 got awards, Tell Tale's TWD got awards ("choices matter" but it ends basically the same), etc. If it's pretending to be an RPG, but 3/4 endings are the same (fo4) and the game reacts to "No" the same way they react to "Yes", I'm going to say it's not a good RPG. "First Time MMO" does not excuse lying to customers so hard that the game gets recalled in some countries (AUS for example), just like it doesn't excuse "infinite content" lies (fo4 - repeatedly generated missions which are just "kill X bandits"), just like it doesn't excuse "200 endings" (fo3). Also, if you in any way excuse bugs with "it's part of the charm", you're the problem with modern gaming. Bugs are things you fix, not features. Any opposition to this just shows you're a useful tool to greedy developers and publishers.
@gamingtonight1526 Жыл бұрын
So many thumbs down! Hey super fans?! The King has no clothes!
@darken2417 Жыл бұрын
I think it'll be better than Elite Dangerous so I'll be happy but I appreciate people giving some skepticism. I have quite a few complaints like the factions looking boring or bad worldbuilding. Bad worldbuilding is like the religions, fake joke religions and no real ones despite being a setting based on our future. And of course I'm an rpg guy not a power fantasy guy.
@stereotypical713 Жыл бұрын
its Bethesda's newest rpg since fallout 5 back in 2015, and its a new IP, and its running on the new creation engine 2, and it just looks really fucking good. youre allowed to not be hyped but dont go around pissing on everybody's fun because you think the game will be shit.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
If a video of me pointing out Bethesda's track record of misleading customers is "pissing on everybody's fun", then i think my video isn't the problem itself.
@stereotypical713 Жыл бұрын
@@EnclaveEmily no, its the fact that you choose to ignore the evidence pointing to this games success. I'm not saying it will be goty as soon as it releases but everything is pointing in Bethesda's favor. The new creation engine 2, the disaster that fallout 76 was and the mass coverage of it by them
@66bloodmoon Жыл бұрын
@@stereotypical713 I think the game could be good. but would being cautious be a good idea sir?
@stereotypical713 Жыл бұрын
@@66bloodmoon ofc but there's no need to put other people down for wanting to be excited
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
At no point did i put anyone down for being excited. As the description, ending, and multiple other points in the video show, I was putting people down for being *blind*, and **not** *excited*. If you're excited for Starfield, be excited for Starfield and I hope you have fun, sincerely. My problem is people ignoring the very obvious flaws and concerns that others may have because "oh look spaceship" or "hype" (as i stated within the first 2 minutes), which you yourself did right here with your initial comment presuming I am trying to run people's fun because "hype".
@robbyrockets1 Жыл бұрын
891 subscribers? Makes sense.
@georgeking1014 Жыл бұрын
Remember the days when candy cost a penny. What is your point
@ecbald1921 Жыл бұрын
Why do you care what other people think? They are hyped, who cares? You're salty, who cares? The answer is no one. Yeah I get it your trying to be an 'influencer' and 'make money on KZbin' by hoping on the latest topic, but you know who are the most successful people? People who do their own thing. You can't change people minds so why bother. If you don't like something then talk about something you do like because whining about things you don't like is not going to get you a larger viewer base. Doing a little research on your profile reveals that you most popular videos are short pieces which don't feature your voice whining about things you can't control, may want to look into that.
@dakotawolf5155 Жыл бұрын
Alot of this game reminds me of mass effect andromeda. Like I wonder if the maps on the planets will be the size of the maps on the planets in mass effect andromeda
@seanmorris2869 Жыл бұрын
This dude sounds like a playstation fanboi hes hating so hard on a game that isnt even out yet
@evilweasel6339 Жыл бұрын
Why you upset?
@alikh4541 Жыл бұрын
I know u try to get attention but trying to ruin people's excitement for a game isn't the way to do that also you sound so salty in your video like Todd Howard stolen your girlfriend or something if you have one that is
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
If I had a euro for every time someone said I was trying to ruin people's excitement when all I did was urge people to wait for reviews, I'd have more money than Bethesda's revenue from Skyrim re-releases
@louisfranclouisson8398 Жыл бұрын
Starfield is going to be another bad Bethesda game. The Rpg elements will be shallow and non-existent.
@surfofsinify Жыл бұрын
Wait isn't Bethesda rpg is really pretentious game
@hunterwhite7382 Жыл бұрын
I got my doubts about this game..
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Waiting for reviews is often the best course of action
@trissmerigold7722 Жыл бұрын
the more dislikes than likes says it all
@acedarkages Жыл бұрын
we do not care
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
But ya did comment!
@66bloodmoon Жыл бұрын
@loganoswalt1271 Жыл бұрын
I'm a diehard Bethesda fan but I'm prepared for a shitty launch.
@solbridgen2961 Жыл бұрын
It’s going to be a shit game even well after launch, empty game and a outdated engine typical mediocre Bethesda gunplay. This game is the flagship of the new Xbox console and they can’t even get it to run at 60fps. I’ll play it on game pass just to complete the campaign but I know 100% it will be short and disappointing and nothing to do after it’s completed apart from looting and building a base with nothing else to do
@jTmc5 Жыл бұрын
Me while listening to this video 😐🫤😑🙄🤮😮‍💨
@shrikepilgrimage5524 Жыл бұрын
I’m just sad I gave eejit a view! Hope he’s not going to get monetised at any point.
@HoodParallel Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to see the horror when I turn off LENS FLARE.
@EnclaveEmily Жыл бұрын
Oh Christ, I didn't even consider that
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