Starfield: Space RPG Perfection

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@Morphologis Жыл бұрын
I made a mistake in the video where I said 1,000 star systems, I meant to say 1,000 planets and moons! Sorry for the confusion D:
@MaxWis Жыл бұрын
big difference😂
@_Me__ Жыл бұрын
Silly Morphologis
@MatsJPB Жыл бұрын
Still very impressive, as long as there is interesting content on a bunch of them.
@--Traveler-- Жыл бұрын
it's OVER 1000 planets as quoted from Todd
@FingerinUrDaughter Жыл бұрын
@@--Traveler-- anything that comes out of todds mouth is pure bullshit. its REALLY 5 planets, copy/pasted 200 times each, with a "variant seed" thrown on top.
@eXponentia Жыл бұрын
Star Citizen will one day be the game of my dreams. Starfield (with mods) will give me the 5000 hours of gameplay I need between now and then.
@OneBiasedOpinion Жыл бұрын
I hope Starfield will bridge that gap. Not overly confident seeing as it’s a Bethesda game, but I’ll be happy to be proven wrong for once.
@mnm8818 Жыл бұрын
yeah, my rant, I played Star Citizen and didnt play Star Citizen again :) but will try Starfield definitely Star Citizen wasn't even very immersive for me which im guessing its suppose to be... maybe I didnt play enough? will try it again now though :)
@haroldallaberg6359 Жыл бұрын
i think chris roberts will probably die of old age before star citizen becomes the game of anyone's dreams
@OneBiasedOpinion Жыл бұрын
@@mnm8818 it does seem to have the misfortune of being more niche than many new players expect it to be. Can’t say that I fault you for not liking it, as half of the reason I love it is because I can see the end goal through the current cracks in the game and I’m excited for it. But most people don’t share that vision. They feel that if it’s not done within a certain time frame and with certain features, it’s worthless and dead.
@NFawc Жыл бұрын
Look what happened to Duke Nukem Forever before getting carried away with SC. They are taking sooooo long they are at risk now of always trying to keep up with the curve...
@stuartthurstan Жыл бұрын
Just a small but important correction. We have been promised 1000 planets/moons, not 1000 systems. Personally I'm looking forward to the game. I think it will fill in nicely for me in the periods when I get burned out with Star Citizen.
@Morphologis Жыл бұрын
That was a bad slip, thanks for letting me know!
@Libertas_P77 Жыл бұрын
Is anybody beyond really new players NOT burned out by the current state of Star Citizen? A year on the 3.17 code branch with stagnant lack of perceptible progress was followed by the worst patch deployment since 3.0, and it continues to be so bad that it’s almost unplayable much of the time.
@chasereed7141 Жыл бұрын
@@Libertas_P77 Yet somehow people still throw money at SC. Lots of money. As cool as that game is on paper, I just can't be bothered playing an unfinished game like that.
@MrBenjaminRhoades Жыл бұрын
@@Libertas_P77 Seems unfair not to mention however that the "worst patch deployment since 3.0" also contained a great deal of the "perceptible progress" you were asking for. This year is shaping up to be quite a good one for Star Citizen, if you are interested in seeing new and important features get added to the game. Less so if you were happy playing in the relatively stable environment of 3.17.
@fnunez Жыл бұрын
@@chasereed7141 Well that was before there were any reasonable alternatives. If FDev weren't completely incompetent they should have eaten CIG's lunch years ago, and NMS is too cartoony for a lot of people. Besides Starfield, I've heard that Disney is prepping a Star Wars MMO for release next year, and heaven knows what other big players might be testing the waters. It's not amateur hour any more.
@Spockability Жыл бұрын
I think it's 100 ish systems and 1000 ish planets (and moons presumably). Seems like a nearly manageable space to explore. You could realistically visit every system eventually which seems ok to me.
@deraelevans222 Жыл бұрын
And then with mods that could expand on that we’ll be busy for a while
@Spockability Жыл бұрын
@@deraelevans222 yeah. From interviews it sounds like would have been trivial for them to generate a gazillion more, but they chose to keep it smaller so they could curate the planets to some extent
@deraelevans222 Жыл бұрын
@@Spockability true I’m fine either way. I’m wondering if we could bring life to a dead or barren planet im excited to be a smuggler so I’m thinking what if we could create our own Pirate Bay on a barren planet and have other smugglers/pirates passing through.
@Spockability Жыл бұрын
@@deraelevans222 I feel like anything you can imagine will eventually come to life as a mod if it's not in the base game. It's hard to imagine this game not eclipsing Skyrim in popularity, and I can't think of a game with better mod support.
@chasereed7141 Жыл бұрын
@@Spockability As much as I love ES and fantasy in general, I have always wanted a game like this. NMS just didnt get it done. I didn't have much reason to play. Like it was fun chill game, but this seems like it'll be exactly what I want, and I can see myself having even more playthroughs than I did in Skyrim. I can't believe there isn't a star wars game with this scope of gameplay.
@crystallkingh3048 Жыл бұрын
Personaly, starfield is exactly what i want in a spacegame.
@ChadIsRad-g7b Жыл бұрын
Starfield is not a normal game, on PC it needs a SSD requirement. Only other game like that is star citizen. No game on any consoles is doing what SF is doing. 30fps is not a L as people think. Alot of gamers dont care they understand the huge scope and ambition of SF they want to play day 1.
@TimePlayerOfficial Жыл бұрын
yes ive always wanted a space immersive game not a space sim. unfortunately theres nothing worthwhile like that out there, forcing me to play star citizen, and im glad not everything in the game is going to take an extra 10 minutes to do cuz of le simulation.
@Libertas_P77 Жыл бұрын
@@anthonymercado8126 I think it’s quite different from NMS.
@phant0mdummy Жыл бұрын
Appears to be *** I fucking hate when people speak in certainty about unreleased shit. Especially Bethesda shit.
@thomasrial4444 Жыл бұрын
@@Libertas_P77to me the only true thing that looks like no man’s sky is the scanner and mining the iron rock, But even then it’s still built completely different and you can tell just by looking closely at it. NMS will never have the characters or major locations that Starfield is gonna have as well, and I think that’s the most significant part of the game when it comes to things that aren’t just game mechanics. Also mod support is far better from Bethesda and it’s because they’ve been doing it for decades now.
@KenFromchicago Жыл бұрын
It's OKAY to like BOTH Star Citizen and Starfield, Star Trek & Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica original & reimagined. It's okay to like ALL THE THINGS! Nice work, Morph. 👍👍
@Wylie288 Жыл бұрын
It is. However they are made for completely opposite audiences. very few people will want both. Starfield literally represents EVERYTHING I hate about modern game design. About the only game in the last decade I have been less interested in Cyberpunk. Why? Because I enjoy space sims. Which are games designed to NOT have everything I hate about RPGs. There isn't going to be a lot of overlap.
@Battleneter Жыл бұрын
Starfield appears to be more like Fallout 4 in space, it's not like the scam that is Star Citizen. Star Citizen is barely a game even after all this development time , it's a basically a far from finished sandbox to sell rediclousey over prived virtual ships to whales, that's it.
@bazilisek502 Жыл бұрын
I cannot wait to fly SC ships in Starfield and forget that miss managed, lazy, arrogant and fragile CIG garbage they call alpha
@JT-hg7mj Жыл бұрын
Its not okay. I do not allow this.
@SleventyFive Жыл бұрын
It's not okay to like the original BSG. Boxey and Muffit II should be tried for crimes against humanity for being insufferable twerps that put everyone in danger with their stupid hi-jinx.
@SuperCocoKiller Жыл бұрын
Starfield feels like a 3D version of Starbound, which I love.
@redbloodcell4047 Жыл бұрын
As someone who dislikes playing multiplayer games but prefers the simplicity of Bethesda titles, this is (hopefully) going to be a good game for me.
@Inar038 Жыл бұрын
Totally opposite, i find single player games extremely boring and dull. .
@crystallkingh3048 Жыл бұрын
@@Inar038 gonna have to disagree with you there. Singleplayer games afford the player much more freedom and choice and consiquence. and the game can be balanced for fun, instead of for fairness.
@aprilmeowmeow Жыл бұрын
​@@crystallkingh3048agree. the balancing and anger surrounding pvp games bores me to tears lol
@AlbertoMartinez765 Жыл бұрын
That is the attitude people should have, but some peopel are over hyping themselves and are going to be disappointed with the release version of the game.
@WHOULOOKINAT123 Жыл бұрын
@@Inar038let me guess, you get off by killing everyone at all times no matter what game you play
@DreadCaptainSqueek Жыл бұрын
I'll probably pour more hours into Starfield over the course of a few weeks than I have in SC in literal years. This was CR's original pitch (plus multiplayer) for Star Citizen way back in 2012, and what got me invested in SC over a decade ago.
@Lucildor Жыл бұрын
I like that you point out that this will be the intro to scifi for a lot of people. Skyrim did the same with fantasy. I remember friends of mine that would have never touched a fantasy game just losing their minds playing Skyrim. Hoping this game has as big of an impact.
@YumLemmingKebabs Жыл бұрын
It is kind of amazing how much of Bethesda's brand is built on its fans just not realizing how bad their games are.
@lnlsun Жыл бұрын
@@YumLemmingKebabs Bethesda rely upon their fans (modders) to make their games good. But kudos to them for supporting a modding community.
@caidyno Жыл бұрын
fallout was sci-fi esc. i’d say
@bathtubtoast9181 Жыл бұрын
@@YumLemmingKebabs besides fall out 76 and the shitty multiplayer wolfenstein game what bad games has Bethesda made
@YumLemmingKebabs Жыл бұрын
@@bathtubtoast9181 Like... basically all of them from Oblivion onwards. Also, they don't make Wolfenstein, just publish it. That's kinda my point though. Bethesda fandom is reliant on people not knowing any better. Every single Bethesda game has been a technical disaster at launch but people just ignored that until Fallout 76 was slightly worse. Oblivion pioneered shitty overpriced DLC that was obviously just content removed from the base game to sell to you separately. They actively retconned interesting aspects of the lore to make it more generic for mass appeal. The only thing keeping the game from being a generic "You are the chosen one who must stop the demonic invasion" was that you're technically the errand boy of the chosen one who does all the things the chosen one normally does in these types of games, but then the real chosen one sacrifices himself in a cutscene at the end after you've done everything else. And they removed flying, so now they don't have to take 3D movement into consideration in their level design. Then in Skyrim you just are the chosen one, period, and they made sure to skip ahead hundreds of years so they don't even have to reference the last game's events. And we get Bethesda trying to start selling us mods... and they removed spell crafting so they don't have to take custom spells into account in their combat design. Not that it matters much since even then the combat design was barely better than Morrowind. Bethesda thinks that the Fallout series is about how cool 50s music and nuclear explosions are. The ending of Fallout 3 literally forced you to kill yourself with radiation poisoning even though you could potentially have a radiation immune party member with you who could have completed the task for you... Then they made a new ending where you aren't forced to die for no reason, and sold it to you separately as DLC.
@DDheliservice Жыл бұрын
Every day I watch videos about Star Citizen, I've watched over 1000 by now, but when I watched this one video from Starfield, I got a big smile on my face at the end. Thank you very much for that!
@Wanderer628 Жыл бұрын
Starfield is gonna be a great game. With mods its gonna be as ledgendary as Skyrim. I'm not gonna lie as much as I've hoped for Star Citizen I'm at the point now where I don't care about it anymore. The glacial pace of development and every update only introducing new prolblems have burnt me out. I'll still follow the news but I'm not hopping on anymore every update. I'll be back when it has a full release or Squadron 42 comes out. Whenever that is lol.
@maxibartogame1073 Жыл бұрын
I agree
@craigman04 Жыл бұрын
I think that, like a lot of people, I'm not ever going to have the money or hardware for Star citizen, (or even the requisite skill set) even though I would love to. If this works as well as advertised this should definitely scratch that space itch
@redbloodcell4047 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget you need patience for SC. I'm not talking about the long development or bugs, though of course you need to be patient for that, but rather that Star Citizen gameplay has a lot of time dedicated to just waiting.
@tobymacdonald5893 Жыл бұрын
@@redbloodcell4047 waiting for what? Do you mean travelling? The only time you’re “waiting” is on trains
@redbloodcell4047 Жыл бұрын
@@tobymacdonald5893 And when you're doing quantum travel.
@AnymMusic Жыл бұрын
@@tobymacdonald5893 flying in a straight line to a non-QTable destination is waiting. QT itself is waiting. waiting for a train to come and get to a location is waiting. Standing around for the elevator to arrive is waiting.
@americancapitalist9094 Жыл бұрын
This is actually more of what I was expected from Bethesda. It’s what they’re good at. I’m actually fairly happy with this. There are other space sims out there. I’m really getting the urge for a new Bethesda RPG, this feels like exactly what the doctor ordered.
@shmayazuggot8558 Жыл бұрын
This is a delusional title and quite the surprise from you Morphologis. Shocked!!
@BenShaffer282 11 ай бұрын
This video aged well lol
@zeiphie Жыл бұрын
I'm a fair bit less optimistic than Morph. As a veteran of Bethesda games and gave them more than their fair share of my youth I think I'm a little bit thrice forth shy.....I'm sure there's a lot of enjoy in here for newcomers but I don't know if it'll be different enough of an experience for me outside of the sci-fi paint to smooth over the existing grievances I have over the Bethesda formula and it's not exactly encouraging to hear they aren't really diverting too far away from that in the core game-play. And as far as the planets I noticed a very strong haze in any planet that isn't barren which is obvious to why it's there but also quite jarring and I don't think it looks very appealing myself. Alternatively from the extended showcase it's very VERY clear that combat is by far their most developed mechanic. Which is fine; but I actually prefer to play as a non-combatant for the most part in my huge free-roam sci-fi games and I don't know if there'll be enough meat here to scratch the itch if all I'm doing is navigating on-screen menus or zooping with a rudimentary collection beam to do it.
@darkbro111 Жыл бұрын
I think str citizen and Starfield don’t at all scratch the same itch for me. They will be fundamentally different experiences that aren’t really trying to be the same thing other than sharing a genre of setting. I will play both extensively.
@Casey093 Жыл бұрын
I prefer a 5 second landing cutscene to 5 minutes of atmospheric travel followed by 10 minutes of train travel.
@thevlaka Жыл бұрын
i'd prefer being able to actually land my own ship...
@Kris.G Жыл бұрын
After playing X4 and manually docking at stations, after a while I welcomed the docking computer and after that I wish I could just press Shift+D to skip the docking sequence altogether. It's the same with Skyrim's and Fallot 4's survival mode without fast travel. It's fun to walk from A to B, just not 40 times in one session. It's not that important if I can't manually land my ship on a planet. I would probably want to skip it after having done it multiple times.
@AnymMusic Жыл бұрын
@@thevlaka then play a space sim
@JoseJimenez-fc6pu Жыл бұрын
I'm hyped, but not stupid hyped. DO NOT PRE-ORDER. Let the game release and reviews come in, then see if it's worth the hype and our hard earned money.
@raymeijer3379 Жыл бұрын
Super excited about SF! Im totally fine with the more simple nature and cutscenes. I reminds me a lot of NMS and Mass Effect. With ME being my favourite game of all time, this will definitely hit the spot too!
@Ace-Brigade Жыл бұрын
I'll take something before I die thank you very much. They simulated what was important. Can't wait to play this and haven't played SC for well over a year and a half now.
@Wanderer628 Жыл бұрын
This is the best way to take it. If we have to sacrifice the ability to land on planets ourselves to get a top quality space game in a completed semi stable state I'm happy to make that sacrifice.
@BoarhideGaming Жыл бұрын
Maybe we should let the game release before we call it "perfection"'s Bethesda.
@domdom3938 Жыл бұрын
Idk looks pretty good to me
@tobymacdonald5893 Жыл бұрын
@@domdom3938 so did cyberpunk
@BoarhideGaming Жыл бұрын
@@domdom3938 So did Cyberpunk 2077. And Fallout 76. And Elite Dangerous Odyssey. And Battlefield 2042. And bloody NO MAN’S SKY
@domdom3938 Жыл бұрын
@@tobymacdonald5893 i enjoyed cyberpunk
@electrospud9230 Жыл бұрын
@@BoarhideGaming True enough, but NMS is an awesome game now as well as CP2077
@Libertas_P77 Жыл бұрын
Ordered Starfield a couple of days ago. As a SC backer, this is the actual game today that I very much need and want. Screw “immersive” when what’s there is so buggy and lacking gameplay or fun that it’s not even enjoyable to play anymore. Thanks for covering Starfield Morph, please do a lot more ongoing.
@electrospud9230 Жыл бұрын
or if you can even log in to play it...or 30K after 2 minutes..
@indivestor Жыл бұрын
Why would you buy the game when it is going to be on PC Xbox games pass?
@Libertas_P77 Жыл бұрын
@@electrospud9230 Bugs experienced in the last few play sessions for me: massive server lag, waiting up to a minute for a ship door to open etc. Low population server (‘best’) up for over 24hrs without any ASOP terminals working in any locations, forcing players to go to other regions (also unable to buy/sell cargo on that server). Hangar with an invisible barrier above the ship preventing it from taking off, or landing again - then marking ship as unknown and forcing claim on log back in. Unable to eat or drink properly and neither metric going up. Multiple 30k server crashes. -> This is the current PU experience, it’s absolutely dire, as bad as I’ve seen in years, it’s such a sad situation.
@AlbertoMartinez765 Жыл бұрын
I hope you remember those words on release day...."Screw “immersive” when what’s there is so buggy and lacking gameplay" Your not just describing SC your describing Every Bethesda Release in the last 30 years..)
@SueMyChin Жыл бұрын
I don't want this to seem like a personal attack but people pre-ordering games, especially from companies with a poor track record like Bethesda, is one of the reasons they get away with the all malpractice that is so common place in the industry. Go look up the car crash that the Fallout 76 launch became and the really shady behavior of Bethesda treating it's customers like idiots. If this is a mess at launch and I'd bet it will be then I hope you decide to hold off next time.
@codyhunt8896 Жыл бұрын
modders are going to go wild with this one....cant wait!!!
@electrospud9230 Жыл бұрын
a good stable base like Skyrim is going to push this Space RPG the way Skyrim is continually being played today, mods will completely change it and I look forward to the crazy stuff they make for it. Lets start the ball rolling, Make Mass Effect game using Starfield as base like Skyblivion .... Modders how about StarEffect? 😁, the possibilities...
@Spinikar Жыл бұрын
Look, if this is traditional Bethesda game and they took the best of what they done, I might have to check this one out. A good single player RPG is just what we need.
@OneBiasedOpinion Жыл бұрын
Exactly this. If- and it’s a pretty big “if” at this point in the company’s history -Bethesda makes this a good game, it’ll be one of the few new modern single-player AAA RPG experiences on the market. There are so precious few being made nowadays that are even halfway decent because everyone’s got a stick up their ass with the words “as a service” written on it, but Bethesda seems to have remained committed to bringing us the “boxed game” experience in full. I hope they can raise that torch high with Starfield and not throw it into the mud.
@Spinikar Жыл бұрын
@OneBiasedOpinion yeah, I'm hoping it's a boxed game. Same as skyrim and fallout 4 were. Happy for DLCs, if they actually have decent content. Good to see it seems to be headingbthat way.
@huethehand1 Жыл бұрын
you cant say something is "perfection" when its not even out yet
@oksuree Жыл бұрын
I think the most exciting thing for me will be having a usable starmap.
@philm325 Жыл бұрын
Agree SC really needs to release a new version asap. Worst part of the game at this point.
@MaximizedAction Жыл бұрын
And customizable ship skins
@gravityslave6277 Жыл бұрын
"Perfection" I think everyone forgot this is Todd Howard we're talking about. Remember " _It just works!_ "?
@e2rqey Жыл бұрын
If you caught the last little bit of the showcase, it looks like the player character will have some sort of psychic/magic powers that are probably related in some way to those artifacts they showed. Wouldn't be surprised to see some of the Skyrim shout abilities show up in some new form.
@electrospud9230 Жыл бұрын
Mass Effect! lol once this game is open to modders, time to make Star Effect! 🤣
@TaderSamich Жыл бұрын
So, instead of reading dragon words etched in a cave wall to learn magical yelling, we touch doodads in space to gain magic fingers... CAN'T WAIT!
@Omega-EP Жыл бұрын
So, they're gonna bring Dishonored into the game now too? Man, they really only know how to make one genre of games.
@joshwhittaker1637 Жыл бұрын
on character creation, under the cyberneticist origin it mentions 'psi-amps great for parlour tricks' so i'm imagining something similar to mass effects psi powers
@AnymMusic Жыл бұрын
@@electrospud9230 inb4 Star Effect Citizen lmao
@BirdLaw6969 Жыл бұрын
I really really think we shouldn't be praising the game as "Space perfection" when the game hasn't even come out ? we all know there's a seriously high chance that this game comes out broken and not what the trailers and gameplay showed us, DO NOT PREORDER
@bellidrael7457 Жыл бұрын
Love how the game isn't even out yet and we're calling it 'Perfection', despite the shitshows of Fallout 4 and 76.
@hern7213 Жыл бұрын
How could you judge a game without even seeing a prolonged playing session?
@littlefoot2869 Жыл бұрын
anything right now works better SC to many of us been waiting far to long just to play the game , I want to play the game not watch my grand kids play it
@cirrus393 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion Starfield is missing the two best aspects (for me) from Star Citizen (multiplayer and full control of your ship from space to landing on planets), however, it clearly does every single other bit of Star Citizen better (if it functions, it's better). Even the fact you can customise ships so deeply, with major impacts on gameplay, massively outweighs SC's ships (even if they were free!).
@TheKodiak72 Жыл бұрын
I cant wait to make memes of people who beleived theres gonna be a entire planet to explore and anywhere to land on like Bethesda promised.
@MustardSkaven Жыл бұрын
There will be entire planets to explore and Bethesda never promised you could land anywhere. The planets will be quite barren though.
@OneBiasedOpinion Жыл бұрын
I will look forward to seeing those memes.
@billcarson818 Жыл бұрын
You care a lot about what other people do, dont you? ;-) I know Ill love Starfield, because Bethesda games hit my taste perfectly. The Bethesda singleplayer games gave me countless hours of fun and it wont be different with this one. :) I love Star Citizen too but lets be honest, Starfield will have a 1000 times more content than Star Citizen has right now. They are both set in space but they are different kind of games. Starfield is focused on story, base and ship building, characters and exploring and providing a feeling of a living world, singleplayer makes this easier as well. Of those, Star Citizen has only exploring right now.
@AnymMusic Жыл бұрын
Yeah Koadster, let's not talk about making memes of broken promises (or massively missing deadlines for that matter), when SC has done almost nothing but
@wica6145 Жыл бұрын
The game is not even released yet and got praised so much. These people never learn are they?
@SmarterThanAll Жыл бұрын
I've got 62 full days of playtime in Elite Dangerous. Flying onto planets seemlessly has for me lost its luster ages ago. I literally couldn't care less at this point. I just want a space game with some soul and character.
@JediTridae Жыл бұрын
flying onto planets is only cool the first half dozen times and then it quickly becomes tedium. Starfield has the right idea
@Aravanus Жыл бұрын
You make a lot of definitive statements here and I find that puzzling since we are talking about a trailer/presentation from Bethesda of all companies. It baffles me how willing you are to take everything at face value.
@jasonallen2602 Жыл бұрын
I am a sucker for a good story line but I hate when the main story feels time sensitive because it makes me feel like I don’t have time to do the side quests or enjoy the extra content. The great thing about this game is that the story seems like it will be open enough to not feel “pressing” but intriguing enough to keep you interested throughout your undoubtedly many adventures!
@mbg4681 Жыл бұрын
>> I hate when the main story feels time sensitive because it makes me feel like I don’t have time to do the side quests or enjoy the extra content. Same here! I hate the Hollywood "action beat" bullshit. It feels fake and manipulative. I was so excited with the Morrowind mission that basically says "go have fun exploring while I consult the prophecy". I don't know why more games don't do it. But it looks like Starfield will.
@Erad_Prime Жыл бұрын
"nothing fancy but it works" I see what you did here Morph :) And welcome back. Hope you fully recovered.
@Morphologis Жыл бұрын
Exactyl! It's not trying to perfect the everything game, just the narrow genre of a single player Space RPG. They're just taking what they've done before, and doing it in space with some traditional game design. Might not be revolutionary, but so long as it doesn't crash or run too poorly it should be great for a lot of people.
@Erad_Prime Жыл бұрын
@@Morphologis you do know that Todd Howards is infamous for saying "but it works"?
@positronikiss Жыл бұрын
​@@Morphologis No. Its revolutionary alright. This is just the first iteration. Starfield is here to stay, and expand. The single fact alone of every npc having a background is revo. Ship to ship trading in a first person game also revo. Loads of completely new things here and the planet tech seems on point from the showcase.
@Omega-EP Жыл бұрын
@@positronikiss Everything seems "on point" in all showcases for every game nowadays, yet look at how few actually succeed. I have my skepticism, but fingers crossed it'll be a good play nonetheless.
@positronikiss Жыл бұрын
@@Omega-EP Im with you dude. Entirely, just pointing out what was shown.
@emanator8233 Жыл бұрын
I love how you insert sarcasm related to SC without mentioning the game at all... too funny... good job, well done (as always...)
@bubbavox Жыл бұрын
I think that if Starfield is moddable like previous Bethesda titles, then it might provide a very immersive space sim experience. edit: Oh and if they make Starfield Online (seems likely)... watch out Star Citizen.
@stigmata_rex Жыл бұрын
If it even has half of the mod-ability of Skyrim, you'll have that experience within a couple months of release.
@I_Jakob_I Жыл бұрын
I just want koop
@fabolousjada5070 Жыл бұрын
They said no to online buddy so thats dead
@kofeyh Жыл бұрын
Treating this game as it is presented, not what one might want it to try and be, helps set expectations I feel. It's a bethesda rpg-light story driven game, just in a giant sandbox. The scale is something new for Bethesda, however. It has the potential to soak up a lot of very fun hours. The movement tech, weapon handling, traversing, etc looks great. The extra time seems to have paid off.
@-NateTheGreat Жыл бұрын
This game competes against Squadron 42 not Star Citizen.
@TierDvik Жыл бұрын
I wouldnt even say that. It competes with No Mans Sky and The Outer Worlds. SQ42 is a a story game with Simulation stylings, Starfield is a RPG
@onetwo5155 Жыл бұрын
"Perfected with a Bethesda flavour" means, for anyone curious, that modders will fix and upgrade it to specs in the coming years.
@mmogaddict Жыл бұрын
Wing Commander and Xwing both had a similar spaceship combat and that is just fine. Also it’s nice to have a game with working NPC AI crew, working base construction, working ship modularity and working exploration gameplay unlike a certain Citizen game who still doesn’t have any of that after 10 years. For those that want more sim like features, I am sure the modding community will come up with various bits and pieces. I think we have reached the stage where most backers of Star Citizen are pointing out that Emperor Chris has no clothes.
@OneBiasedOpinion Жыл бұрын
You’re talking about a game that nobody’s played yet, or even seen outside of a handful of clips in a heavily curated 45 minute showcase from the developer. Look, I get that you got a bone to pick with CIG. There’s plenty of people like you looking for an excuse. But no, those of us who are Star Citizens are not mocking CIG or Chris Roberts just because Bethesda made all the soyjacks excited. Even if Starfield is good (which is by no means guaranteed yet), it’s a perfectly serviceable holdover until we get the game we’re waiting for CIG to deliver. You want to mock and jeer them, go ahead. Don’t pretend like you speak for the rest of us, because you most certainly do not.
@tobymacdonald5893 Жыл бұрын
@@OneBiasedOpinion this is the game for me while I wait for star citizen. They’re not comparable and anyone assuming they are hasn’t played well, either of them
@OneBiasedOpinion Жыл бұрын
@@tobymacdonald5893 fully agree. If this game comes out well and has what Bethesda promised, I’ll gladly give it my time while I wait for SC to finally come online in full!
@bigpoppa1234 Жыл бұрын
The reason why this "arcade" combat gets used is because it's fun.
@FSH-fv6ww Жыл бұрын
The people who want the space sim can just wait like 4 months till the modders end up modding in all the super duper sim stuff like they did with Skyrim and Fallout.
@KamiCorp2953 Жыл бұрын
Knowing the gaming industry so far... - Set your expectations as low as you can - Don't pre-order it - Be prepared for it to be unoptimized, and riddled with bugs. As good as a game it might look, companies will never show you the bad side of it, they want people to buy the product. With Bethesda's track record as well? I won't touch it for several weeks after launch, even then, I doubt it will be as good as people are anticipating. Thats my take on it anyways.
@Funkm4ster96 Жыл бұрын
I'm hesitant to be excited for this game because I've just been too burnt by previous game releases but man, the more I look at it the more excited i get. As a longtime SC backer it will be nice to see a potentially great space game and see what SC could look like in the future!
@danilooliveira6580 Жыл бұрын
then don't, keep your expectations low. stop watching trailers that misrepresent the gameplay and PR that oversells the game. keep your expectations just above their last release, and anything above that will be profit.
@jacob.1820 Жыл бұрын
@@danilooliveira6580 your mom
@danilooliveira6580 Жыл бұрын
@@jacob.1820 dead, why ?
@TerraWare Жыл бұрын
The great thing with Starfield is that you can just sign up for Game Pass and give it a try. If you have any friends that have Game Pass on PC they can send you a friend voucher thingy for a 14 day trial free of charge. The barrier to entry is really low
@brockoala2994 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure even hardcore space *sim* fans like me will spend a lot of time in this space *game* and enjoy the heck out of it.
@Chris-Moore501 Жыл бұрын
The first thing I thought of was Morph's reaction to this huge announcement. SO excited
@justalex4214 Жыл бұрын
I'm more than happy that starfield is an rpg first and foremost and doesn't try to be something different. The one thing that SC doesn't offer is a narrative focused scifi experience and starfield scratches exactly that itch.
@thegamerboy1000 Жыл бұрын
That’s what Squadron 42 is for not SC. Now SC definitely could have better quests on just quest lines but that isn’t its main focus though.
@justalex4214 Жыл бұрын
@@thegamerboy1000 squadron is probably not gonna be an rpg tho, I imagine it'll be much more like wing commander which is cool, but very different from what bethesda is doing.
@anderramos4624 Жыл бұрын
It looks amazing
@Roadkill5880 Жыл бұрын
I'm so excited that Bethesda is finally coming out with a space sim!
@AndScrambledEggs Жыл бұрын
Thank you! This video needed to be made. There's nothing wrong with being excited for your game, but people are letting their hype get out of control once again, and a lot of creators are feeding it for easy content. It's not 2010 anymore. Remember the heartbreaking lessons you've learned, because these companies do not care about anything except money. Control your hype. Do not pre-order, do not purchase day one.
@shadowflame68 Жыл бұрын
It's already shot to the top of the Top Sellers list on Steam. People aren't controlling their hype - but I don't think they need to. The world sucks enough as it is, why not let people get hyped early? If you think about it that's another 3 months of enjoyment they get out of the game.
@AndScrambledEggs Жыл бұрын
@shadowflame68 I see your reasoning, but given the track record of the vast majority of AAA games studios, that 3 months of extra enjoyment could very likely be followed by an eternity of disappointment - and it would not surprise me in the slightest.
@Saito26 Жыл бұрын
The way the space combat looked, and the outposts and such gives a single player Star Wars Galaxies impression to me. So kinda looking forward to this now
@severdislike4222 Жыл бұрын
Regarding Starfield, the following trends in Bethesda's storytelling & company behaviors has tempered any interest I had in the title - Bethesda has no idea how write for the passage of time. Bethesda doesn't care about story coherency, player choice, immersion, or quest design. Bethesda do not treat their owned IP's as settings/living worlds to tell stories in but as a garnish to create theme-park rides in. You are a latecomer, the story happened before you. Bethesda's games as of late exist as a vector for the creation shop at the expense of a stable modding platform, Skyrim has technically been released 17 times with each modding platform it is attached to breaking mods via version updates once creation club updates happen. Bethesda is the epitome of the song "Lowered Expectations"
@jobt1999 Жыл бұрын
I will come back to this video after the expected launch debacle
@tiarlyn Жыл бұрын
Let us not forget- It will be modded straight to hell. Want better flight controls? Someone will likely make it, lol
@FTChomp9980 Жыл бұрын
Starfield will be an inspiration to future Space games! I love Science Fiction and Starfield reminds me of Firefly from the show.
@NFawc Жыл бұрын
Why not wait until it's actually released before proclaiming it's the second coming?
@bauxite13 Жыл бұрын
Small correction: it has been said that there will be around 1000 planets, not systems. From what I can remember I think they said there will be around 100 systems.
@positronikiss Жыл бұрын
Yeshy great point
@Wzrd8 Жыл бұрын
>Christ Roberts with 585 mil and 12 years vs >Todd The Rodd Howard and 10 releases of skyrim Who's winning?
@derekwyden2983 Жыл бұрын
I have been playing SC since it's public birth or so to speak since I'll be with great grandchildren by the time that it's actually released. So I honestly say that this is a better choice, and you can really sense the love and pride that the team has for this title as well. That's what sold me, not the fancy game play nor the graphics... but the actual LOVE that they had for this one. I haven't seen that from them since the Oblivion years.
@deadmanslastwish Жыл бұрын
all these years, Bethesda still haven't figured out how to do character faces and animations. These are really really bad.
@admiral_hoshi3298 Жыл бұрын
2:54 you say 1000+ star systems, Todd was saying 100-ish star systems with 1000+ planets and moons.
@MooseMeus Жыл бұрын
i hope they haven't hyped it up too much. they have made it seem very ambitious and I hope it can live up to the expectations that bethesda has set
@LemonsRage Жыл бұрын
you mean like in Fallout 76?
@TimePlayerOfficial Жыл бұрын
@@LemonsRagefo 76 wasn’t even developed by the same people as starfield lol. The people who developed fo76 (austin) had only made a mobile game before.
@skyriminspace Жыл бұрын
Hyped it? I think they've played it down. I think they've only given us a glimpse. Have to wait & see....
@MooseMeus Жыл бұрын
@@LemonsRage yes, like i have zero faith for starfield. i watched the direct and a few fanboy videos and all of my hype is gone. some kid on steam forums was talking about visiting his house on earth?? like are you effing kidding me? they actually think the planets are going to be taht size? with no flying in atmosphere? not even a car? but hey ill just walk to my house on earth. im 100% waiting on reviews.
@demetriuss6101 Жыл бұрын
They didn't specify if the planet surfaces would be different for each player. In past interviews, they mentioned that they kept the game at 1000 planets so they could still test and tailor experiences. That wouldn't make sense if each planet is random and they're essentially testing infinite planets anyway.
@durtyred86 Жыл бұрын
Finally.... A video from a balanced creator...😮‍💨 I've grown tired of all of the stupid fear mongering videos screaming; Yarr Darrr Durrr!! Da Star Citizen killer!!! 🥴
@Bishop1664 Жыл бұрын
You can't kill whats already dead ;)
@phutureproof Жыл бұрын
This is perfection = balanced?
@EiriUesugiKun Жыл бұрын
@@phutureproof Well, he's not biting the hand that feeds him, aka Star Citizen, thus "balanced".
@j.d.4697 Жыл бұрын
Imagine gushing over how great a game is that you haven't even played, in 2023.
@disky01 Жыл бұрын
It's pretty great that they're actually doing what people wanted from Star Citizen 11 years ago. I didn't want what Star Citizen is now back then, and I'm happy to have what I wanted then, now, from Bethesda. Because if Starfield is anything like Skyrim, the mod community will be incredible and I'll be playing it for a decade or more.
@josphenciso7471 Жыл бұрын
The worlds wont change only the random points of interest, basically next gen radiant quests
@poposterous236 Жыл бұрын
This hype train is going straight off a damn cliff and I am HERE for it
@billcarson818 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait for the game. I played most Bethesda games and their strengths hit my taste very well. Finally a classic Bethesda single player game again.
@Anonymous-yk9km Жыл бұрын
That showcase scratched the exact same itch that I felt way back in early 2011 when the Skyrim hype train took off. I'm cautiously optimistic and my inner child is screaming
@billcarson818 Жыл бұрын
@@Anonymous-yk9km Same here. ^^ I had the same feeling with several Bethesda games like Skyrim and Fallout 4.
@jimminent2 Жыл бұрын
All I ever really wanted out of SC and ED was customizable ships/ship interiors, and this game shows that it delivers that, so I'm pumped!
@varieedeventualii Жыл бұрын
I dunno about the design... I understand they wanna give you something "plausible", that looks real, but... Spacex Dragon's interior design already looks more futuristic than this...and it's REAL.
@h3llofademon Жыл бұрын
"Gamers who want to play now and not wait for another 10 years" You are reffering to Star Citizen by another 10 years, aren't you? 🤣
@electrospud9230 Жыл бұрын
Well a poster replied to me that it took BGS 25 years to make Starfield, literally interpreting that the game has been in development for that long when it was shown in the presentation of Starfield Direct 🤣so if we go by that metric SC has 15 years more before it ever sees the light of day🤪
@h3llofademon Жыл бұрын
@@electrospud9230 you forgot to mention bugs 🤣
@z-beeblebrox Жыл бұрын
It looks great but if it's actually ready in 3 months like it claims I'll eat my hat. This is a December release at its absolute soonest
@your_alter_ego Жыл бұрын
Bethesda? Will it be a bugfest for sure 😂
@canny8228 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like Bethesda is willing to sell us the same old stuff that they've been selling us for years. Might be a nice game to play for awhile, but nothing else beyond that.
@TaranTatsuuchi Жыл бұрын
I suspect anyone who thinks any game could be a replacement for Star Citizen is delusional. Nothing compares to the scope of it. And no publisher would fund anything even close to that scope.
@spicoliweelad Жыл бұрын
i love all the subtle, indirect jabs at SC in this video lol. Super excited to get my hands on this, also very excited/curious to see how big of a fire it lights under CIG
@Azariel-Horfald Жыл бұрын
Star Citizen is ultimately gonna scratch every inch of itch you have but game like Star Field and Star Wars Outlaws are gonna scratch specific itch and need to explore a new univers or connect yourself to one you love and that's very welcome and can allow some "pause" while SC and SQ42 dev finishes . this is great
@bladioYT Жыл бұрын
It's not going to be everything that I want from a space game, but it's looking like it will definitely provide a lot of hours of fun while I wait for other games to deliver what I'm dreaming of in a space game.
@Backyard_Brouhaha Жыл бұрын
Stop over hyping it. The promotional images they release literally show bugs in the images.
@gamingevolution1678 Жыл бұрын
Just love your vids Morph. I'm very excited for Starfield. For me it consolidates all the things I like from many other titles, brings new stuff like ship modification and seems to shed things I don't like. So far, from what I've seen, it ticks all my space boxes and I'm preparing myself for no sleep come Sept.
@Raio_Verusia Жыл бұрын
Can you like, chill with titles like that until you have played the game for a month and have a well rounded, grounded view of how it actually plays, performs, and have a firm grasp of it's systems? You haven't even played it yet and your title practically calls it a fucking masterpiece. lol "Starfield: Space RPG Perfection"
@solid244 Жыл бұрын
@fixo5132 Жыл бұрын
some people clickbait with title , others with boobies , much prefer this one. A mans gotta live.
@harbl99 Жыл бұрын
That's not how time-dependent hype-driven content creation works my dude.
@mechiramtorrefalma1365 Жыл бұрын
Now that i think about it, bethesda kinda makes a genre mainstream. They did it with elder scrolls, they made the shooter rpg that is fallout. And now theyre going to space. This is awesome. 🎉
@overvoltagestudio Жыл бұрын
What No Man’s Sky should have been like. I am totally enthralled, even though my computer is literally worse than minimum spec 😂
@contrapasta2454 Жыл бұрын
Between From revisiting Armored Core and Bethesda releasing Starfield, 2023 is the year of scifi and I'm here for it.
@billyuno Жыл бұрын
This may sound boring to the combat junkies, but I'm going to be a diplomatic cargo hauler. I'm going to make my ship to haul cargo across the galaxy, and then use my profits to make it even bigger to haul even more cargo. That's how I'll get rich, then I'll just buy whatever resources I need.
@4bangerkovaaks Жыл бұрын
I rarely am hyped for this sort of announcements. But I do believe this will be the greatest game of all time. (Ofc a year after release once they polish it 😂)
@frisby7143 Жыл бұрын
I’m getting the feeling that a lot of you are going to be very disappointed at launch
@gustavolrcoelho Жыл бұрын
Finally, No Man's Skyrim.
@thegheymerz6353 Жыл бұрын
I hope this game is excellent and wakes up the whales and deluded people constantly pumping money into Star Citizen. Star Citizen will NEVER release until they stop breaking funding records. Ill add that while you cannot fly your ship into the atmosphere and land it yourself in starfeild- how much does that actually add to gameplay? As a casual star citizen player i find that once the wow factor wears off (which is quickly) these processes become more of a burden than a source of enjoyment.
@neonspark707 Жыл бұрын
Flying is awesome. Racing, combat, tactics. Literally the reason I play....crazy right? I want to fly my ships because they are the best in gaming. Not just park them to stare at them. Flying ads everything that makes star citizen unique. Starfield? Ships are just loading screens or fast travel. The combat model looks... basically no man's sky level of basic. Wtf is the point? Star citizen isn't getting done because funding. Star citizen isn't getting done because sq42. They've said so many times. Yeah that sucks. Cutting finding isn't going to do anything other than not finish squadron hence not finish star citizen 😅
@thegheymerz6353 Жыл бұрын
@@neonspark707 They made a over half a billion dollars from funding this game already and you think they cant operate on that? They charge people hundreds of dollars to fly a single stupid ship. I cannot understand why this game is the one space in gaming where everyone is okay with what is essentialy overpriced NFTs in return for lies. The flight model is absolutley not the best in all video games. If youve attatched your personality to this game and need to defend it at all costs go ahead but it doesnt make the game good. You've been lied to for 15 years. Have some self respect.
@neonspark707 Жыл бұрын
@@thegheymerz6353 they are making two games, not one, they built an entire studio from nothing, over 700 people which makes them one of the world's largest. yeah, 500 million over 10 years is a mere 50m/year. peanuts. For comparison, fornite makes 50m per month selling crap. Star citizen has a tiny revenue stream that is peanuts for the size of the studio they run to make two massive games they are doing. If you look at starfield, basically 8 years and could not bother to deliver even a ship that flies over a mountain or a newtonian flight model. Seriously, color me unimpressed. Having 8 years, a ready made studio, an engine that has been tried and true, and the backing of microsoft...but they can't even do what microsoft flight sim 1.0 did: fly. seriously have some self respect!
@Forcemaster2000 Жыл бұрын
As long as Starfield delivers what's been promised, this is the game I've been waiting for! I'm so glad there is NO multi-player, NO PVP! And I"m so tired of hearing people complaining about the graphics, they look great, not everything has to be photo-realistic!
@Samsung_Samuel Жыл бұрын
0:02 to 0:06 That music sounds like the 2019 version of Samsung's Over The Horizon music.
@packdog70 Жыл бұрын
Bethesda's games all get MMOs.....Skyrim got ESO, Fallout got Fallout 76 (for better or worse), and Starfield will get....something (down the road).
@andrijavukov268 Жыл бұрын
A small correction, they didn't say 1000 star systems, but rather over a thousand planets across about a 100 systems. It wouldn't do to set unrealistic expectations.
@PaulSlavonik Жыл бұрын
I honestly don't care that I won't have the ability to waste five minutes of my life flying through an atmosphere each time I want land planetside or leave a planet. To me, it's all about story and customization which Starfield looks rife with. I'll definitely be grabbing a copy.
@jordan1982 Жыл бұрын
If you play no mans sky, the tech and feature set is actually astounding by now. What you feel is the lack of high production value content. No voice acting or motion capture, few bespoke characters locations or items. They are very committed tobletting the precedural tech and tile sets do the work. As cool as that is you feel it acutely. AAA Bethesda magic should be a singular experience for the genre!
@RoadRunner217 Жыл бұрын
2:53 Little correction, they said 1000 worlds, which includes moons and planets. Star Systems would mean that the number of worlds was like 10 to 20 times higher. Just in before somebody gets too excited.
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