Ste - 6/11/2019 *First Look*

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Erica Love

Erica Love

5 жыл бұрын

Ste - 6/11/2019 First Look

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@ramonaflowers2813 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Tony and Diane🙌🙌🙌
@ramonaflowers2813 5 жыл бұрын
As much as I hate Ste's character right now Kieran is really brave for accepting such a difficult role. From going to a much loved character to what he is now must be tough. I hope there is redemption for him.
@ramonaflowers2813 5 жыл бұрын
@Abbie Hunter well HO cannot cover every single social issue. I think this is a fair one as there has been a rise of far right extremists.
@rehnumachowdhury3629 5 жыл бұрын
@Abbie Hunter yes me to what would be great is if down the storyline ste drives Imran to be radicalised against British people
@ramonaflowers2813 5 жыл бұрын
@@rehnumachowdhury3629 this wouldn't make sense as Imran is British have no ties to grandparents home, has a brother whose secular and all of his friends are non muslims.
@TheSnowboy4 5 жыл бұрын
Abbie Hunter you know British is nationality and islam is a religion so that means someone can be both British and muslim just like someone can be both Christian and British at sometime. What I am say is Islam is religion so people who from that religion came in different types just like all other religion. Religion does not have a Country or race religion is belief system.
@TheSnowboy4 5 жыл бұрын
Abbie Hunter race and religion are two different things is what I am telling you
@Mitsubachi2529 5 жыл бұрын
9:49 Tony's speech was on point! That's exactly how these groups operate IRL.
@NGCSH187 5 жыл бұрын
Melissa Turner what are these groups?
@marvinerikone514 5 жыл бұрын
Ste stop playing with the fire! Waking up for your responsibility!
@gracebenjamin5548 5 жыл бұрын
Someone needs to take Leah and Lucas away from Ste. I hate racists.
@CherylDavies-bl9ob 5 жыл бұрын
Your are right
@NGCSH187 5 жыл бұрын
It’s only a program? One that is propagated to hell nobody deserves to lose their kids
@Samuel115s 5 жыл бұрын
NGCSH187 no true. Some people do deserve to loose their kids cuz they are bad parents.
@NGCSH187 5 жыл бұрын
Samuel115s having an opinion on something doesn’t class you as a bad parent? Wanting to protect your English identity and your child’s future doesn’t make you a bad parent?
@MsTinkerbelle87 5 жыл бұрын
NGCSH187 it might just be a soap but most of these storylines actually happen please look up the Westboro church they raise a bunch of kids full of hate, those kids would be better off away from them!!
@hannahfleming5465 5 жыл бұрын
That speech from tony has to make ste realise what is actually going on
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
That speech was over the top, self-justified and mal placed. Tony should have pointed to the chaos Ste`s demonstration had created, and asked if Ste was happy now. That would have placed Ste in a defense position, having to attempt to defend himself. By instead yelling at Ste, all Ste get is that Tony is angry at him and hates him - making Ste more dependent on Johnny and Stuart than ever before. Cause now Ste would have felt - because of Tony`s overreaction - that he had no one else than Johnny and Stuart. Which again had made him more likely to do, and be, what and how they wanted. Had Tony been smart, he would not have lost his temper, but instead used the opportunity to show Ste he still cared - despite how badly Ste had screwed up. By gently dismissing all Ste`s attempts at excusing what had happened. Appealing to Ste to think again about what he was doing, and had gotten himself involved in. That way Ste would have realized Tony was someone who wanted his best, and didn`t reject him just because he screwed up. Unlike Johnny and Stuart, who only accepted him when he did as they told him. Tony wasted the best opportunity, so far, to get Ste back to sanity again. What both Tony, Leela and Peri did - trying to talk to Ste when he was all fired up about his new role and responsibility Johnny and Stewart had given and shown him, is pretty pointless. Cause at that time Ste would be convinced he was right and justified - and that they were wrong. But now, when his action and choice has caused a chaos in the village he didn`t intend (his focus was to protest against the school), he would be more likely to realize Tony to have a point. And if then Tony didn`t dismiss him, but he saw Tony still accepted him, it would be more likely Ste would pause to think. Especially after how Stuart and Johnny behaved towards him, it is more likely he would have gone back to Tony, and ditched all the propaganda Stuart and Johnny had filled his head with. Now however - because of what Tony did - Ste likely will be more dependent on Johnny and Stuart than ever before. And they can set demands to have him back in the group, which could sink him into even more problems than he already are in. So in my eyes Tony screwed up here. Seriously screwed up.
@Samuel115s 5 жыл бұрын
Tvjunkieful12 when something as extreme as this happens, the last thing you are thinking about is mind games and being smart. Reactions are usually very emotional, also this is a soap.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
​@@Samuel115s It is not mind games, it is applied psychology. What is important here is not the character of Tony - he is fictional - but that people who watch this don`t repeat his mistake, should they find themselves in a similar situation. If Tony, or anybody else, cannot handle the situation, what to do is leave it to the professionals who can. Ste is in this situation for a reason, realizing what that situation is - and not the least what he gets from it - is essential to untie him from the strings Johnny and Stuart has tied to him, while they at the same time have been manipulating him into cutting off his strings to his other family and friends. Tony is literally doing their job for them here. That is a serious mistake, because of the grave consequences it can lead to - making Ste even more dependent on Johnny and Stuart than he was before. What Tony should have done was trying to imagine himself in Ste`s shoes, and realized that what Johnny and Stuart offered him - to Ste - felt like both support and recognition at the same time (until now when Ste feels himself to have screwed it all up, is in danger of losing the respect and love of Leah and Lucas, he feels, and feels alone and isolated in the world). With them Ste both felt he had something to offer (which is why they praised him for his memes), was appreciated (gifts for the kids and the promise of a trip to Florida) - and this at the same time as he was totally dependent of them, not only emotionally, but also to have a job and a place to live. Tony should have realized as much, and therefore also that to get Ste to cut his ties with Johnny and Stuart and their gang would not be achieved with one single shouting match. In fact he should have realized that would be more likely to getting Ste even more entangled in Johnny and Stuart`s spider web, than get him out of it. Also, to the this is a soap part, if you had known to which extent people copy behavior, attitudes, take for gospel truth storyline developments they see on tv - regardless how bizarre and out of touch with reality they are, you would not be saying it is only a soap. Weird as it is, people measure their own lives more from what they seen in tv and film, than what is going on in real life. And therefore both copy behavior, attitudes, sentiments and characters they see on screen. So when a soap, movie or whatever shows the wrong kind of reaction or response, that is what is being copied. It doesn`t matter that later in the piece that metode/approach is shown to have been the wrong one. What people remember and responds to the most is what they both can see and feel in the moment it happens. Like here with Tony now. Because Ste has acted as he has, and Tony and many others have been negatively effected by it, viewers feel good when seeing Tony lay out full force his contempt and disgust over Ste. Viewers go "yes, you tell the little sh.., Tony," while their blood is pumping and their dopamine levels increasing by the second as Tony`s superior position is becoming more and more clear. That feeling is what they remember - and want to experience again. But in their life there isn`t someone being groomed by right wing extremists, and who has organized a riot that has turned their neighborhood almost into a war ruin. What there is, maybe, is some idiot "stealing" the parking space they saw themselves park in, or some noisy kids making a racket on their way home from school, and perhaps accidentally stepping onto a lawn or bumping into a car they shouldn`t - or even just someone looking at them the wrong way. Then. BOOM! They explode. And the more shocked and terrified the other person involved looks to be, the stronger and more powerful they feel themselves, resulting in more dopamine being produced in their brain. So if the other person is trying to apologize or explain, they don`t want to hear it, they are perfectly happy just standing there and verbally abuse them, thank you very much - cause that makes them feel good. Just like it did Tony with Ste in this situation. That is what happens when you adjust your behavior by what feels good for you personally - instead of what is the right response to that type of situation. Just as anyone cannot get into a car and drive through traffic - it requires the training and knowledge needed to do so, plus the license proving the person has all that - not everyone should get involved in an attempt to re-orientate a person groomed into right wing, or any other kind of, extremism. Had Tony gone to the police sooner, when he first started to get worried, it would both have been easier for Prevent (or Channel, would be a more accurate name for that particular part of the anti-radicalization process) to persuade Ste to distance himself from the extremism, as well as fewer possible criminal charges Ste could be held accountable for. Not to mention less grief and general worry for the Maaliks, Tony himself and Ste`s family and friends. Which is why it is important to act immediately, and not wait, in these types of scenarios. There are many people today, wondering where there grandchildren are, and how their sons or daughters died or was lost, who deeply regret not having called for help as soon as they realized their son or daughter started to develop ISIS sympathies. Another thing. This storyline does not paint Prevent (or Channel, as the people reaching out to Ste directly would have been called) in a very flattering light. Since Hollyoaks simply has skipped the assessment stage of the process, and gone straight from Tony informing them, to one of their representatives approaching Ste - and straight in front of Johnny too (unbelievable!). In real life, since Tony himself was able to discover what Johnny and Stuart was part of - so would the police. Therefore Ste`s case would likely not have been handled in any way like what we have seen on screen. Cause Prevent, Channel and Contest always is supposed to judge the cases individually. And had they, they would both have taken the sudden presence of Johnny and Stuart in Hollyoaks more seriously - most likely placed them under surveillance (Stuart is Sid`s dad, and Sid the kid Prevent discovered to have exerted hate crimes towards Imran. Therefore, together with the concerns Tony had about their influence on Ste, and their group`s previous activity, would have sufficient grounds for suspicion for surveillance and investigation of Stuart first, but as the picture cleared - more and more of the people around him.). Sid likely also would have been identified, assessed and attempted reached out to by Channel.
@vanessamillwood9710 5 жыл бұрын
Ste, I recommend a book for you that I've been reading called "Facing Love Addiction by Pia Mellody" because that's definitely your problem. The conversation with Johnny in the beginning reminded me of his addiction to Brendan.
@rducky136 5 жыл бұрын
Tony tried his best but there so much you can do for some people
@Mitsubachi2529 5 жыл бұрын
I dunno how the writers are gonna redeem Ste's character after this...
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Tony seriously screwed up here, ruining the best chance, so far, to get Ste back on track. It is not important how good it feels to see Tony dig into Ste. What counts is how to best get through to Ste. And now that Ste`s action has caused so much chaos, by placing Ste in a position where Ste felt he had to defend and justify himself, Tony could have talked Ste around with arguments and facts. Instead he laid into him so solidly all Ste perceived was that Tony was so mad at him that he hated him, making it even more important for Ste to get back in Stuart and Johnny`s good books. But had Tony not dismissed Ste as a friend, only condemn Ste`s actions and view - not him as a person, Ste would be more likely to listen to him - and not the least realize Tony, Leela and Peri had been right when they warned him about Johnny and Stuart. Consequently he would be more likely to realize who his true friends were - especially now that both Stuart and Johnny have rejected him - and as a consequence he would be more likely to realize he had been led astray by Johnny and Stuart. So if this is Tony`s best, I hope we never get to see his worst. Cause he seriously screwed up here - and ruined a unique opportunity to turn Ste around.
@garymcnabb7879 5 жыл бұрын
the only one who can ste is himself
@Spp2244 5 жыл бұрын
@arcadie3374 5 жыл бұрын
This episode is rich in informations: Observe what a delirious crowd can do. Observe where can drive the decisions of someone who looses sense of reality and who is filled with hate, anger like Steven. Consequences, you are rejected by everyone, especially your own family. So i suppose that to get out of this situation, he’ll have to implore Stuart and Johnny’s forgiveness, exactly what they expect ! It’s sad to watch Steven destroy himself, but i have already said it, Kieron is very good in his role! And Diane if Tony failed, Brendan will succed. He’s the only man that Steven’s heart and body demand, the only one he wants to see again , the only one who can gradually bring him back to reality !
@koma-ho5yq 5 жыл бұрын
Arcadie 3 Succeed at getting Ste beaten up, again. Oh, did you want Brendan to murder Stuart and Jonny; he would succeed at doing that as well.
@xalexis.editsx 5 жыл бұрын
Inb4 this gets taken down for copyright lol. Thanks for uploading these episodes, Erica!!❤️
@jenniferbrown629 5 жыл бұрын
Chloe Hughes I love Erica for doing this! I am in USA it’s hard for me see episodes
@marvinerikone514 5 жыл бұрын
When Ste will waking up for the reality?
@Samuel115s 5 жыл бұрын
Marvin Erikone i think you mean “When will Ste wakeup to reality”
@coconut_master3546 5 жыл бұрын
Damn im kinda relieved
@MollyDollyPolly-ld4td 5 жыл бұрын
Tony needs to wash his hands of Ste he given Ste loads of chances thought him how to cook helped out of messes been the dad he never had and Ste says all that to him Good on Diane for calling the police not her fault if Ste gets fined or arrested she reported a riot that choose and willingly took part in
@michellelohde8729 5 жыл бұрын
@Abbie Hunter they better off without him someone have take his kids away from him ?.
@NGCSH187 5 жыл бұрын
Michelle Lohde you do know it’s only a tv program right? Scripted and acted not real? And the whole story line is a complete lie and mis representation of English men
@sergr1lihemar25 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Erica. Ste, the character has gone too far with his racism, he has even destroyed the strong bonds that he once had and loved so much. It's sad how a human being can be his/her own worst enemy. But it can not be denied that Kieron has done a great job with his flawless acting, proving what a great performer he is. Time to shape up now.
@sergr1lihemar25 5 жыл бұрын
@Abbie Hunter, That is very valid point. He is gone and he does need help of all kind. What worries me now it's the children. He doesn't give them a healthy environment at all. Let's see what happens in the near future. I can't forecast a good one for him.
@KokomoGreenberg 5 жыл бұрын
The Dublin Target store must have been out of tiki torches.
@Mitsubachi2529 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah this is based on what happened in Charlottesville a couple of years back.
@rehnumachowdhury3629 5 жыл бұрын
This riot is disgusting but I have to admit the riot scene was the coolest thing iv seen on any soap
@gohan_lee3565 5 жыл бұрын
How can a riot be cool, are u crazy?
@rehnumachowdhury3629 5 жыл бұрын
@@gohan_lee3565 no I meant how Hollyoaks filmed it
@Samuel115s 5 жыл бұрын
For anyone who thinks that this is to over the top and unrealistic, let me just remind you all what happened in Charlottesville in America. A girl died and many got injured.
@NGCSH187 5 жыл бұрын
Samuel115s difference between this and Charlottesville is Charlottesville had better actors... it’s been proven that it was a staged set up by far left radicals posing as “white supremacists” there has NEVER been an individual or a group exist in ENGLAND like the way holly oaks are making out
@Samuel115s 5 жыл бұрын
NGCSH187 are you mad or something, literally all of the main white nationalist figures were there. Charlottesville was very real And a girl died, that is not acting.
@NGCSH187 5 жыл бұрын
Samuel115s who are these figures? Yeah Seth rich also was killed to cover up Clinton crimes nobody wants to admit that next thing you will be saying Jussie smollets staged hate crime against trump supporters was real
@brendadiak17 5 жыл бұрын
My favourite episode 🔥
@MollyDollyPolly-ld4td 5 жыл бұрын
And they called a peaceful protest nothing peaceful about that
@NGCSH187 5 жыл бұрын
Molly DollyPolly2018 it looked more like an antifa protest to me a far left prescribed terrorist organisation every single tommy Robinson event iv been to has been peaceful inclusive and family friendly
@marvinerikone514 5 жыл бұрын
Where's the police braved police officers who were protected the people from this village?
@jenniferbrown629 5 жыл бұрын
Ste Jonny and Stuart are not your family at all. Especially Johnny he’s not even your real brother. Jonny and Stuart don’t want anything to do with you now.Your real family disowned. Plus they’re done with you now. I am proud of Tony and the rest
@coconut_master3546 5 жыл бұрын
Remember he wasa favorite
@Samuel115s 5 жыл бұрын
death glare well he is not anymore.
@coconut_master3546 5 жыл бұрын
@@Samuel115s "was"
@Js2Jo 5 жыл бұрын
Ste is troublemaker for what he did to everybody!!!
@coconut_master3546 5 жыл бұрын
Remember he used to be loved
@KamiTenchi 5 жыл бұрын
@@coconut_master3546 Not anymore.
@blackgaymer4507 5 жыл бұрын
YAS Tony! Gettem!!
@Julie-ok4ht 5 жыл бұрын
I just hope that this it what it takes to get Ste back 😭
@kaseyx3671 5 жыл бұрын
Omg leah is such a mini peri😍
@luizgustavowojtowicz9159 5 жыл бұрын
@KamiTenchi 5 жыл бұрын
Even after all that Ste refused to changed! Why do these Writers have to do this to Kieron?
@xalexis.editsx 5 жыл бұрын
Kami Tenchi I know right? They've completely fucked up his character and now Kieron and his family (including his children) are being targeted and sent death threats! All because of people who can't separate fantasy from reality :(
@fairyluce20 5 жыл бұрын
@@xalexis.editsx Kieron had been wanting for weeks and weeks more gripping storylines and he has been asking for them. So, don't blame the writers when is Kieron whose been putting onto the test his acting skills for the past years that shows Ste having a lot of problems. I think is admiring that Kieron has accepted this further to do this storyline as it can push his credibility even if the past episodes had given me flashbacks makes you realise the real world out there.
@Rachel-jt3sw 5 жыл бұрын
Its cause Kerion is the only actor in the soap who is strong enough to take on this role.. I also think the writers choose now to do it as they want everyone to hate Ste and buy in to the Jarry relationship with James being the good guy and Ste the villain. It's the Same with Mac they turned him into the villain to make James look better to the audience. They think they can have James be vile by continually putting innocent people in prison and acting of his own accord but paint everyone's who calls him on it as the bigger villain. Seriously look back at James and macs first couple of months. Mac was a brilliant father, and described as the guy you go to the pub with but the writers had to make James look better, resulting in evil Mac. James treated harry as a whore and was terrible to him. Ste loved him. Now James is the family guy and Ste s racist. Bet its Tony who gets it next.
@Rachel-jt3sw 5 жыл бұрын
@amna kanna so true. Jarry fans are currently running the show when it comes to SL that involves there boys. If Ste gets killed off I'll probably stop watching as Ste SL are always interesting. Dont think I could bare to watch Jarry boring relationship as they no chemistry and their SL sre shit
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
I don't think ste is being killed off.According to Kirkwood and Kieron there working with prevent and charities for this story.ste is supposed to be redeemed after this story.Will it be successful I don't know. I could care less what Jarry fans think anyway.Jarry will never be comparable to stendan anyways.
@1love119 5 жыл бұрын
I feel for tony omg 🤧
@twdfanboi6947 5 жыл бұрын
What I found weird is how Jonny was Protecting Ste from Stuart eventhough they aren’t really brothers you can kinda tell Jonny cares about ste and you can also see Stuart loose his shit with Jonny when he tried Stopping him from attacking ste it’s very unlikely but maybe Jonny will turn on Stuart for Ste at some point highly unlikely I know but it is Hollyoaks lol anyways Ste has practically lost everything which is a good thing for me Can’t really stand his Character lol
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
That is one possibility. Another one that Stuart had planned this all along, that he didn`t intend to attack Ste at all, just wanted Ste to believe as much, and therefore Johnny was playing a part when he pretended to protect his "brother." All so that Ste would feel so out in the cold, they could get him to do anything to get back in the warmth again. The possibility Johnny could turn on Stuart and the group has crossed my mind too. If so, I suspect the reason he claimed to be Ste`s brother, was to cover up the real reason he took an interest in Ste (the grooming). But since Ste attempted to kiss him - something I doubt an experienced gay man would have done unless he had registered signals suggesting Johnny to be gay - I suspect the reason Johnny didn`t show any interest in Peri, after claiming to be into her to explain his behavior around her, was because he really both is gay, and into Ste. He just couldn`t admit to that, because it could cause him problems with Stuart (Johnny is meant to be grooming Ste - not marry him). Should that be the case, Johnny could start to act protective towards Ste in not too long? Unless off course he doesn`t have to. Should he not be a right wing extremist, just posing as one - while he in reality is an undercover agent targeting Stuart and his group, or doing surveillance of the right wing extremist scene from his position in Stuart`s group. And the reason he claims to be Ste`s brother, is so he can get himself a reason for protecting Ste without being suspected of being an undercover operative.
@weskershades 5 жыл бұрын
Good on Tony
@kareemtaylor9623 5 жыл бұрын
Does anyone besides myself think Ste may end up being killed off the show. Because Ste has no where else to go and he's gonna do something desperate and it's gonna bite him badly.
@huktaunfonixwerx 5 жыл бұрын
Someone Ste loves is going to get hurt or killed before he realizes how far he has fallen. And when it happens, he'll have no one to blame but himself.
@farshadnilambur6596 5 жыл бұрын
Stopping work. Brendan come back ples
@keepsmile587 5 жыл бұрын
this is it. i can't watch ste acting like he does anymore. someone really needs to stop him and take the kids out off this mess. and as brendan isn't in sight this isn't gonna end good...
@nataliebarnett2285 5 жыл бұрын
Y is the writer killing off ste character . his he leaving the show?
@chempton4035 5 жыл бұрын
Uh oh
@MsTinkerbelle87 5 жыл бұрын
I’m glad they brought up the gay thing the whole time, I was like “Like how does he know that skinheads kill people like him?”🙊 Poor Tony!!
@mckinnb311 5 жыл бұрын
Although Tony's remarks were the truth and good to watch, he did exactly the wrong thing in isolating Ste. Now Stuart and Jonny can take him back and inflict even more damage to poor Ste. Thank goodness Tony brought up Amy and Tegan, to give something for Ste to think about (not that it will do any good!).
@vivianroy7188 5 жыл бұрын
is there any chance of harry and ste getting back? i mean, they are really in a very tense position right now
@vivianroy7188 5 жыл бұрын
@Kieron Fans I just hope that happens. ugh i hate to see them apart😭
@cynthiaboniface1174 5 жыл бұрын
is ste going to be this shows focus now, am used to him screwing up in the past and I know someone always gets hurt helping him. Make him go to prison maybe he might grow up a little. And where is Harry and James they are the main reason I watch this show.
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder if ste feels loyal to Johnny because of him getting rid of his stepfather.
@michellelohde8729 5 жыл бұрын
@diveshramudit8222 5 жыл бұрын
Bring back Brendan Brady!! Lol
@craighamilton3877 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder if Jonnys starting to feel remorse for what hes done
@brendadiak17 5 жыл бұрын
Jonny baxter tho😍 (Ray Quinn, my favourite character on hollyoaks)
@amyclarke41 5 жыл бұрын
ho s 19 😎
@Ronniebccb23 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like this would ha e been fun to act out for literally everyone. Just go and act crazy and you get paid for it
@gohan_lee3565 5 жыл бұрын
Why do I feel like Ste is going to die in the and of this story?
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
Kirkwood says he's going to be redeemed.I find it hard to believe ste wouldn't get a reunion with brendan if he left even if it's in prison.
@koma-ho5yq 5 жыл бұрын
@@Harmony233 Ste has suffered enough at the hands of that murderer.
@Peachfizzz 5 жыл бұрын
maybe someone should phone the social services. if the kids are taken away then maybe ste will see senses.
@jeon.roua7890 Жыл бұрын
I don't know the story of this show, but that blond boy looks like Cristiano Ronaldo.
@davidhodges1153 5 жыл бұрын
Tony should take this with Jonny and stuart, there the real problem.
@0zonebillthegrilyp593 5 жыл бұрын
Sinaed will fix ste but she’s in jail 😭
@ApobangpoBorashae7 5 жыл бұрын
His homeless now
@michaelseamon5554 5 жыл бұрын
I hope Ste suffers for awhile. Ste has been forgiven too quickly too often. The writers have written a powerful storyline. Wish the US soaps would tackle strong storylines
@nickdidntdoit999 5 жыл бұрын
i hope this isnt getting into a suicide ending for Ste
@mckinnb311 5 жыл бұрын
From what I've read, eventually Ste IS going to see what Jonny and Stuart are about and try to distance himself from them. Whether or not he's successful we'll have to wait and see.
@davidostrowski679 5 жыл бұрын
Although it's a good storyline, I imagine Ste will be redeemed in a few episodes and it'll be forgotten about. Then, a months later, the Hollyoaks writers google current, trending, controversial topics, put them all in a hat and play 'What extreme storyline can we give to Ste next time" Urgh
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
Wow he attacks misbah I hadn't heard that where did you see that spoiler at?
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
I've seen the spoiler about peri and Johnny and the DNA although I didn't know Johnny was going to end up being ste real brother but I hadn't seen the one about misbah being attacked.
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah I read that it was at least going to go to Autumn.
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
Amna IA but it's good there working with prevent but yeah if ste does leave we better get a stendan reunion lol.
@zaramariadixon39 5 жыл бұрын
Tony should wash his hands of Ste once and for all.
@lordphoenix2138 5 жыл бұрын
Yes! well said Tony! We all done with ste. He has become an irrational and violent animal. Tegan death is nobody's fault! the doctor tried to save her, but it was not enough. Ste must understand the doctors are not God, and not always can save people's life. I'm done whit you ste! 😒😡😠
@KamiTenchi 5 жыл бұрын
*The Doctors are not gods.
@zanthus7 5 жыл бұрын
Tony said exactly how I feel about Ste. I am done with him. He can go to hell and rot there.
@lewisedgerley6133 5 жыл бұрын
Why would you put an american date on a british show 🤦‍♂️
@davidhodges1153 5 жыл бұрын
How does it feel now ste, ha! How does it feel to be the victim?
@howardmiller6223 5 жыл бұрын
She used to be innocent now I think he killed Amy!
@myl3zs 5 жыл бұрын
He didn’t, Ryan did. That’s why he died. He escaped from prison and fell into a river. Harry left him to float and drown.
@Rachel-jt3sw 5 жыл бұрын
I think the writers choose now to do it as they want everyone to hate Ste and buy in to the Jarry relationship with James being the good guy and Ste the villain. It's the Same with Mac they turned him into the villain to make James look better to the audience. They think they can have James be vile by continually putting innocent people in prison and acting of his own accord but paint everyone's who calls him on it as the bigger villain. Seriously look back at James and macs first couple of months. Mac was a brilliant father, and described as the guy you go to the pub with but the writers had to make James look better, resulting in evil Mac. James treated harry as a whore and was terrible to him. Ste loved him. Now James is the family guy and Ste s racist. Bet its Tony who gets it next.
@josephrolando5616 5 жыл бұрын
@Kieron Fans That is really tragic. But I don`t think we should label them Jarry fans, cause there is probably a very small segment of people behind this and how do know they are Jarry fan, and as well as their motivation might not be what it is painted out to be, either. but really and i copied this off someone Personally my guess would more be - because of the tactics used, and because Ste has done a lot in the past without ordinary fans turning on Kieron Richardson personally - that it is more likely to be people angered by the fact Hollyoaks is doing the storyline which Ste is involved in at the moment. Either right wing extremists not happy light is being shed on this subject, or people not able to distinguish between the Ste on the screen, and the actor who plays him. But regardless what the reason behind is, it is totally unacceptable and irresponsible. Hopefully the police are all over this, and will track down accounts behind it all. Then interview the holders of those accounts, if they can be traced. If they cant, then clearly it is more likely to have been an organized campaign by someone, than a random nutter setting off the spark that ignited an entire arms depot. Therefore, since the calculated intention behind this act could be to create a divide between Starry and Jarry fans, hoping to harm Hollyoaks as a show, we should be very careful with identifying who is behind what, but instead focus on condemning the act itself as the culprit. That way, if people focuses on hating the act, instead of any of the people involved, it would both be less effective to stir up problems this way in the future, at the same time as innocent Jarry fans are not unfairly labelled as something they are not. It doesn`t really matter who is behind it, if the reasons is mental health issues or an organized campaign attempting to hurt both or either Kieron Richardson personally and/or Hollyoaks as a whole. When metodes or behavior like this is used or displayed we should speak out against the metode/behavior as such, and leave the who and why to the police.
@Rachel-jt3sw 5 жыл бұрын
@@josephrolando5616 agreed as most jarry fans aren't that bad so we shouldn't put them altogether. Hope the people abusing Kerion get caught as they went after his children which is Disgusting
@michellelohde8729 5 жыл бұрын
when we see Harry and James next hope Ste stay away from Harry he has move from him with James they in love with each others ?. tony tell him to stay away from HARRY ?.
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