I guess the fact that these people recognized they have a communication problem is a good thing, but Im still gobsmacked at their fumbling and out of touch ideas of how to approach the problem other than we shoulda listened to Bernie. Shoulda woulda colulda but why not? I guess we cant go there. Hell they hardly know who they are trying to talk to much less develop a compelling message. So what is the proper message? Hell if I know, and Ive lived 67 yrs in N Alabama surrounded by these salt of the earth Trump enjoyers. They come from all economic and social classes, trailer parks to the country clubs. I just know the edjumacated old farts in this video sound like those anthropologists that documented the ancestral ways of life of native tribes while those same tribes were being culturally eliminated. All symptoms and no identification of the problem or even who they want to talk to, much less a just and honest solution. Hopefully a powerful unifying voice will come along in time, but I have no illusion its gonna come from these folks.