stop doing what the mind says you should do

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Araya Amenti

Araya Amenti

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Donate to save Lady Bug from going to the slaughter house 🙏🏼🐴
What I wrote on the gofundme:
“Hello and thank you so much for being here!
Lady Bug is a beautiful horse who is currently being boarded with us on the horse farm in Italy. She is a wonderfully smart, empathetic, and independent Lady. She knows what she wants and she doesn't let others boss her around. Yet, she will somehow always know when you are going through something and there truly is some sort of frequency that she emits to you that feels tremendously healing.
When I, Araya, first arrived to the farm to volunteer, I was moving through some deep-rooted trauma that was retriggered. After arriving at the farm, I wanted to get in my van and keep driving, hoping it would solve what I was going through internally. Every day, I thought about leaving, I would be met with Lady Bug standing in front of my van and offering that healing frequency and a loving cuddle, that somehow brought me back to my body and reminded me that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
Recently, I learned that Lady Bug will be sold, by her owner, to the slaughterhouse for her meat since she has a condition called Wobblers. Wobblers Syndrome affects the spinal cord, leading to instability and difficulty in movement. It appears she got Wobblers from having West Nile disease, a virus that is a mosquito-borne illness that can cause neurological issues in horses. This is, in a way, good news because it doesn't seem the Wobblers is hereditary and she can be a good mama to a baby horse, which will save her time on the farm (approved by her owner). However, even with our multiple attempts to have her covered, she is still, unfortunately, not pregnant. We have one more chance to get her pregnant in a few weeks, before it's too late in the year.
I too had an insect-borne disease (Lyme) that led to many other conditions. I think part of the reason why I’m so bonded with her is because I see how truly valuable she is, even if she has a condition that she lives with. I don’t think her having some instability and difficulty in her movement makes her any less deserving of having her experience here on earth. Some might not see her gift that she brings this world the way that I do, but it truly is magical.
Lady Bug saved me from running away from myself. She helped me face what I was going through and showed me what was right in front of me was a place that now feels like home, this Horse Farm and Sanctuary. Lady Bug is a gift to this world and deserves to live, even with her condition. If you would like to support the farm in adopting Lady Bug instead of her being sold to the slaughterhouse, please donate.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
21 Days to Know Your Divine Guidance
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21 Days to Rewire Your Mind:
* Sign up any day or time on the calendar 😊 You will receive a link with the private playlist of videos for the 21 days. See you soon!
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#quantumleap #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #newearth #newparadigm #lawofattraction #manifestation #spiritualawakening
Hello and welcome, I'm Araya and I am here to you remember who you are and to get what you want out of this human experience. In this space, we talk about all things spirituality, manifestation, consciousness, health, and wellness. I spent years and years and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning how to heal my body from chronic illness, which ended up being my soul's chosen path to awakening and having me remember who I am. A new earth is here, and I am honored to be a guide as we shift into this new 5D world. Let's decondition our minds, leave the matrix behind, and celebrate our uniqueness and authentic truth. Namaste, my friends!
Subscribe for more videos like this and for updates on my own personal and spiritual journey of solo traveling Europe with my dog, Arlo. We are currently doing van life and have plans to travel all over the EU this year. I'm on a path of leaving my old life and belongings behind to step into my own truth and to find where in this world I want to call home. Thank you for being here!

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@karolinarudnik5753 3 ай бұрын
Also people who live from vlogging are not necessarily happy with it. It puts much pressure on your everyday life. After a while you end up thinking not what you want to do but what will be looking good on camera. And its fine until you like doing what looks good. But if you make an audience on one format it is hard to change it later. Many people feel stuck and leave YT altogether. I like your style of video. I am coming back for what you say. There is sooo much influencers who have really nice, inspiring visuals and not much to say. Sending you love from eastern Europe :)
@sophie8436 3 ай бұрын
Araya I did the exact same thing August last year. Coming home from swimming lessons, I cycled too fast down a hill and hit the wrong brake and went flying over the handle bars. My bike ended up on the road and I didn’t have a helmet on. I was in tears and had to have a family member come pick me up. My silly thing was I went to an interview the next day pretending everything was alright, and then tried to go to work afterwards. And I was still in complete shock. I got sent home and had to go to A&E and had a damaged rotator cuff. I had in my mind, ‘I should be doing more.’ Just for others approval. Exercising too much and trying to have 2 jobs. Sometimes the Divine says we need to slow down, do less, and soothe ourselves as we tend to wounds. You’re not the first. You look like you’re in shock. Lots of sleep, eat and drink lots of water.
@bluwng 3 ай бұрын
She isn’t going to answer you. She is just a child who wants to be heard and wants your money to tell you how to live. She hasn’t even lived and wants to tell you what to do. No one here is real I guarantee it would be easy to rile her up if you met her. She is in Switzerland but her family is helping her what do they live down the road. Her family most likely has money.
@kaytiestone4980 3 ай бұрын
@@bluwngthat is such a weird comment, and if you feel that way, why are you even here? I suggest you expand your mind. She is doing what the world needs. Coaching changes peoples lives. Sharing information like this changes peoples lives. People like you just love to knock people down
@bluwng 3 ай бұрын
@@kaytiestone4980 you are no one to give advice, you are the seeker that’s who you are. Why am here , to see how and why foolish people are willing to pay children money for answers to life . Some of the older people have bras older than this kid. Maybe I start my own Chanel, I am well educated and well read, it won’t be hard to do this for me. Don’t worry I’m not a fool I won’t use this Chanel which is basically anonymous I will create a new one. The funny thing is you will most likely follow me and pay for my advice. I see all these children’s weakness and now they play up to audiences. It’s not spiritual at all it’s just mechanics and psychology.
@emrys2522 3 ай бұрын
@@bluwng There seems to be alot of anger and jealousy in your words. I hope love and kindness can find their way to you, friend.
@bluwng 3 ай бұрын
@@emrys2522 you are kidding right? Why exactly would I be jealous and what makes you think I’m angry, sad and amused maybe. Your love seems pretentious it’s a script and the thing to say. You know all the ancient texts say God or Universe or whatever knows what is in your heart. So worry about your own heart not mine, feigning love doesn’t buy you anything.
@temporaryname8905 2 ай бұрын
Yesterday I said to myself "I need to go out and do something otherwise the girl I like will think I'm boring" so I went to the beach on my motorcycle despite knowing I was really to tired to be going out and that the gym just kicks my ass and I still wasn't recovered yet... So yeah now I need a new shift lever, a new Ferring, and a new stock frame slider for the Ninja 2024 SE Anniversary edition.. I know I know i'm lucky to be uninjured to just lose about $100-200 and learn a lesson. You know the whole reason I went out to the beach was because someone told me I should and listening to your parent is a hard habit to stop : | So yeah I knew this wasn't for me and I did it anyways out of fear of what one person thinks and out of doing what omeone eles told me WHEN I WANTED TO STAY HOME THE WHOLE TIME ANYWAYS HOLY FRICK
@MiaV7 3 ай бұрын
Your videos, I was thinking today, have that really nice old school KZbin vibe, just sitting and chatting, so I hope you don't feel the need to change that, unless it naturally feels right one day. Thank you also for sharing this vulnerable moment, it's much more real than if you made a polished version of it, and you're completely right, heart over mind. Rest up and take care
@shawngoral3987 3 ай бұрын
Ouch! Lesson learned. We all do it. My first thought, no helmet. So lucky. Glad you are ok. Don't be embarrassed, good lesson. Thanks. I've done the step on the rake gag.
@sheilagrayman7147 3 ай бұрын
Take good care of yourself, dear.🎉❤
@meimeow2300 3 ай бұрын
It is brave and honest of you to share this 🙏❤
@earthangelstarseedawakend 3 ай бұрын
Hey I'm proud 🥲 u didn't even curse ,, 🤣 u just said that was stuiped..❤😂
@C.Scholl 3 ай бұрын
Dear Araya, I’m glad you did nog break bones or bashed your head, but this is a hard life lesson and I’m sure you will be more careful in future 😉 . I will send you some Reiki to help your wounds heal faster and cleanly. Looks like you touched the front brake to hard, exactly the thing where I have invented a solution for, to prevent that from happening.
@jolenelongworth6300 3 ай бұрын
6:45 to 6:48 spirit orbs? 💫💖✨
@newffee 3 ай бұрын
That's some good road rash you got there. Famous last words of Araya will be " Well shit that didn't work" Have a good one.
@Mv3Trader 3 ай бұрын
Reminds me of a similar incident I had in my teens, excepted I landed on my face with road rash along the right side of my face. Not only was it painful, but somewhat embarrassing going back to school for the last week before summer. Kinda messed up my plans to ask this girl out I was crushing at the time. 😅 I carried lessons from that experience that has benefited me in so many ways throughout my life. These experiences may seem ridiculous in the moment, but with time it all perfectly aligns.
@GeoffreyMays 2 ай бұрын
Sorry for your ouchies 😢 And thank you for your radiant spirit ❣️ So nourishing.
@EternalLoveAnkh 3 ай бұрын
I can't tell if you are crying or laughing. Or maybe you're trying to laugh to cover the crying. I had a similar situation. I went too fast over a speed bump in my wheelchair and I ended up falling forward out of my wheelchair, smacking my head on the pavement, giving myself a concussion. Fortunately, I was ok and had to go to the doctor the next day. Nothing major. That was back in 2007. RJ
@kebman 3 ай бұрын
Looks like some pretty abrasions. They'll lheal just fine tho. If you're getting sudden chest pains, though, you might have broken a rib. It's annoying and you can't laugh a lot but usually it also heals just fine. Sounds like you made some real ADHD decisions :D
@adj1256 3 ай бұрын
Mistakes are inevitable and are a part of the learning process. Planning helps.
@giantmode 3 ай бұрын sounds like it was meant for you to find out that this wasn't meant for you. Got oracle'd by the simulation hard. "The mind will get in the way of will know when you're on the right path when it feels easy and in flow...". I believe you hit it here with your first initial thought...mind vs. feeling. Feeling appears clear, even if it's undefinable. It will influencing or compel you in a particular way. The mind can be muddied. It can seemingly send you in multiple directions at once. It will attempt to merge every circling thought into an impossible action, and keep continuing down the same winding path. Feeling is on the scene first. Intuition, empathy. Some of our most common of phrases like "trust your gut" should probably get higher cultural clout.
@trevorgoodrum4053 3 ай бұрын
I trust you’re recovering okay. It does make you think though doesn’t it? But where does this deep thinking get us really? Everyone here with you is on your side, we learn from what you learn, we experience what you let us experience. What I have noticed is that I see the life cycles and patterns before you do, yet I cannot tell you something until it has happened, as it is only then that I get the confirmation. The cycles, and patterns I have noticed are, that you are running from everything that scares you. Whilst reinforcing beliefs you think will help get you to somewhere else. Until you can be happy just residing within yourself, there will always be a part of you missing. So what is it you’re scared of? Because whilst you’re running or cycling, the fear is chasing right behind you. When it catches you, you realise too. What the hell am I trying to do? You keep mentioning your soul, and guidance. Yet your soul is non-physical, it makes no demands upon you whatsoever. Your soul is simply merging with your personality, your true identity is that which belongs to a group of 12 individual souls. We are merely a partial representation of our soul group, so what happens to us, could be the result of what one of our 11 counterparts has done. We could be clearing density for others, for our closest soul family. Our soul group is also one of 12 groups, meaning we have 144 individual soul extensions in our larger monadic soul. These souls can be incarnated, or residing on the inner planes. They could be on Earth, or anywhere in our universe. So our soul, is just a precipitation from source. Source is very businesslike and seeks balance in all things, if there are parts of your soul group not doing so well, all the energy will focus on you to lift it up. Like a business pooling it’s resources in one place. So 8 souls in your group could be called back to channel into the four souls doing well. You could be the teacher for the other souls in your oversoul group, learning these lessons, you see? A lot of this happens while we are asleep, so anything you do to make your Earth bound human identify with furthering its story is completely unnecessary. Our zeal for spiritual growth, often feeds into this unconscious activity of taking on karma, on behalf of others in our soul family. We may think we are freeing ourselves on the Earth plane of codependency, not realising we are still codependent with our other soul extensions. We are but a dream within a dream, the deeper we think, the further we sink, into nothingness. Everything is seeking its way back to source, because that is the secret of light! And light is what you are. Blessings Araya, and to our wider community of soul searchers.
@Funasenbaer 3 ай бұрын
seems like we learn lessons everyday, I aim to learn from them as best I can. speaking of the mind: in German "thought" means "Gedanke" and Danke means thanks. And my idea is to be in the moment and when a thought arises to say "thank you" which helps to slow things down a little, be focused and enjoy being.
@tkc8810 3 ай бұрын
Please be careful on vehicles, do squats to overhead press with a weighted gym bag back pack or boxes or sandbag. One needs to get stronger for riding a vehicle. A full recovery strength training cycle is good.
@QuintupleS 3 ай бұрын
oh nooo, heal fast! love you my lost soul.. I knew you liked cycling, hiking that kind of stuff but I was hoping it's not this hardcore :v
@silasrome503 3 ай бұрын
Made me think of that moment meg ryan spread her arms whilst riding a bike with her eyes closed, lost in the moment in that movie 'city of angels' :) then...oh shit...a truck
@anselnova 3 ай бұрын
@Cuauhtemoc3 3 ай бұрын
Im pretty sure we've all done stupid stuff like that before.😂
@HelloworldWelcometoMylife1 3 ай бұрын
I had almost the same experience I was riding my motorbike and there was a pothole I was trying to avoid and then my neighbor over here who also has a farm unexpectedly drove from behind a bend in the road and because ther it was water in the pothole I had no choice but to brake ther wasn't enuff room to avoid it but I'm so used to my bike where the back brake is on the right side of the handle bars but on my motor bike the back brake is a foot brake on the right side and the front brake is a right side handlebar brake so I fell because I pressed the wrong brake I could have died lucky I wore a helmet but still it could have killed me and it whodunit happen if I was paying attention to what I'm doing instead of overthinking it was a divine lesson to be present att all time or you might get all bruised up again
@mikeseidner3085 2 ай бұрын
Yep grabbed the front brakes . If you doo that again put the phone your other hand . Then it will be back brakes and no crash.
@Carnetsdenote 3 ай бұрын
perfect, I don't like vlogs, too much chatter that I have to cut. There your videos present a constructive reflection each time and I do not waste my time :)❤ and thank you. (Take care ❤)
@NorbertDz 3 ай бұрын
You are quick learner though and you are right every situation is a lesson there are no coincidences in life everything happens for a reason even though I'm sure many people wouldn't learn the lesson yet 😉😅 lesson learned for you :)) By the way I've seen some orbs moving in your video very good sign .
@jbozz5977 3 ай бұрын
Love your mistakes, they only make you more aware of you
@ypey1 3 ай бұрын
Wait, i thought shit doesnt happen to pretty girls?!
@mikeseidner3085 2 ай бұрын
Wish i had a video when i went over the handle bars at the grocery store .
@tabrezkhankhan1007 3 ай бұрын
😢😢😱😱 so lucky girl what happen
@TheBuuks 3 ай бұрын
Second channel for Vlogs ?
@aimangill2603 3 ай бұрын
I love you!! you are so precious
@One.manuel 3 ай бұрын
Just a scratch. Wash it with soap and get the day going
@infinity2kx 3 ай бұрын
did u do the peter griffin thing where u sit there and seethe in pain for 5 mins?
@705tv 3 ай бұрын
Be careful next time 🙏🏽
@CLChronicles 3 ай бұрын
So much beauty in that fall ;)
@humbob2845 2 ай бұрын
Ohhh make me cry ouch ouch
@MargaretCarpenter-Dove-oj4jc 3 ай бұрын
Get cpr first aid aed
@Eternitylasts 3 ай бұрын
its your enemy year, take it slow
@TravisLim98 3 ай бұрын
I just had an epiphany, THNKYOU and have a speedy recovery!
@TheRealSuperwiesel 3 ай бұрын
Gosh that was so hot
@mikeseidner3085 2 ай бұрын
We need to see the video 😢
@paulray5723 3 ай бұрын
@EmOrganically 3 ай бұрын
Jiminey CRICKET! I am so glad you're okay that is... yeah that was a SIGN and yeah lol maybe next time listen to the FLOW part and less the "hey maybe we should vlog this downhill" lol jeeeezum. Seriously grateful you're okay. Divine timing and you're right there's perspective with everything. Heh, I respect eh idea, although my goodness, please be careful. I'm glad you're fine, and hey, listen to your HEART (instead eh)
@thuanedesouza1761 3 ай бұрын
Sometimes we need moments like this to laugh at ourselves and also remember why we don't do some things hahahahahahha
@RealScotticus 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. It's likely a benefit because folks can get caught up in feeling entirely in control and powerful. It's great, but you're not invincible and it is very helpful to see that no-one is immune to bad things happening or even doing silly things and feeling silly about it. To be fair, you did *know* it was a bad idea, so it reinforces the idea of lostening to intuition. Sometimes it's not all encouragement and 'you can do anything', sometimes it's 'nah, that's a bad idea' and that has to be respected equally. Very glad you're taking it in good humour and are getting better, thank you for sharing, it couldn't have been easy!
@JoeyKastelic777 2 ай бұрын
@rongike 3 ай бұрын
well damn. spirit can be quite direct at times. but at least it happened when you were almost back already! yesterday I saw a recommendation for a YT video that I thought might be interesting but then I went nah I spend too much time here anyway and I wanted to close the tab but suddenly my hand refused to move, so I was like OKAY I'll watch it and it was actually a really nice insightful video (a card reading). also I agree that silly is such a great word, especially when you have to address something someone else did that might make them defensive. get well! ☺
@PaulMack-o9o 3 ай бұрын
You're a tiger and dynamo kiddo and watching your videos from the start is definitely colourful and refreshing... Much Love ❤
@merajhosseini3423 3 ай бұрын
Take some rest, little sis. You will get better soon! I believe almost everyone has experienced something similar at least once in their life. So, don't curse yourself! It's typical of humans :)
@SharvWld 3 ай бұрын
Oh my god...dear please be will be so hurting...stay strong buddy....🙏
@meatiethatsme2471 3 ай бұрын
My goodness.... so very happy you are ok. Thank you for continuing to put out content even after your incident. Be well...💜💜💜
@PeterAcrat 3 ай бұрын
Solid! 4:40 100% agree. I've been a seeker of deeper meaning like this since my teens. It builds purpose for everything in life, and reveals powerful core patterns we have hidden from ourselves that, with wisdom, can foster our conscious expansion. Who we become is the catalyst for the ripples of magic we thought were just fairytales of the devalued imagination 😊 🧙🏼‍♂Much healing luv to your 'bruised ego and bones'. I see you healthy, happy and comfortable ✨
@MarcEllis405 3 ай бұрын
Ha ha, thanks for sharing that.. always good to have a slap down once in a while... Perfect... A story for the pub anyday xx
@VincentWen-tt3st 3 ай бұрын
I will serve the Lord for gladness. I thank you for giving me this life and the blessings. I hope I can get closer to your calling.
@KingLyRiiix 3 ай бұрын
Sending you HEALING ❤️‍🩹 ENERGY
@MyaMagical888 3 ай бұрын
Bless you, hoping you recover quickly! Glad your safe ♥️
@sleeptimesanctuary4064 3 ай бұрын
I went over the handlebars on my bike ages 8 and the handle bar went into my throat. Couldn’t breathe the whole way home! Luckily I had my big brother with me and helped me home, and I was Ok so lucky! Also, once I ran into a lamp post so hard that my entire body and arms wrapped around it. I was with nobody so I had to style out the pain and sheer embarrassment 😎
@gelladean 3 ай бұрын
Wow this video came in perfect divine timing. I also got into a stupid accident in the ocean and the waves made me slam into some rocks.. luckily I’m fine, but I totally resonate with the whole following your heart, i was in my mind trying to do something I thought I should be doing in front of my friend.. thank you for the message, much love ❤️
@electric_being_bliss 3 ай бұрын
Sending you lots of love. I admire your vulnerability and authenticity 🙏🏽💚
@earthangelstarseedawakend 3 ай бұрын
Looks ouch 🤕 ,, but u be okay,, ❤ get well soon . Use some horse Necro spray,, on that,, I promise even do it says just for animals ,, those spray help
@Mk3lgt 3 ай бұрын
Get well soon love wish I was there to comfort you and patch you up wit bandages❤ take it easy love.
@RapidNewsRecap 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this, I needed to see this. The thing my mind tells me to do is look for a job.
@jonanthony6078 3 ай бұрын
Sending you a spiritual hug ❤️
@Romanticism_64x_ 3 ай бұрын
When I was a kid, I rode my bike off a ridge and busted my head open
@anselnova 3 ай бұрын
@KatieLorando 3 ай бұрын
The Soul knows, the Mind chooses. 😍💓✨
@anselnova 3 ай бұрын
@StephenmilesHall-tz7hk 3 ай бұрын
lol. i admit i could see myself falling the same way
@DivineFemmeTV 3 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you’re okay 🫶🏻
@StudentofFlames-me3ie 3 ай бұрын
We are all vulnerable creatures to accidents.
@KathKeel 3 ай бұрын
Sending strength and healing.
@StigDesign 3 ай бұрын
woow Sending you Hugs 😊
@MargaretCarpenter-Dove-oj4jc 3 ай бұрын
Hey daughter hey Arya
@booharing642 3 ай бұрын
You are so sweet, I'm sure you saved someone today 💕
@fearlesslivemore222 3 ай бұрын
Get Well soon Sweetheart ❤
@Jenniferinthemountains 3 ай бұрын
Oh, Araya I hope you recover soon! ❤💐
@austincopeland1607 3 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry you fell 🥺
@94nolo 3 ай бұрын
@edenstark 3 ай бұрын
@robertcoole6408 3 ай бұрын
So sorry, but can you or would you like to show the video of you crash. ❤❤❤
@ArayaAmenti 3 ай бұрын
It’s in this video 🥲
@kalinamalina4492 3 ай бұрын
@santiagodelgado3772 3 ай бұрын
So sorry!!! 😢
@thomasmoores3512 3 ай бұрын
Are you a child?
@SamIsHere444 3 ай бұрын
No. Hope this helps 👍
@samiaziz5 3 ай бұрын
The mind & ego v the soul & spirit..! 🎉
@larsstougaard7097 3 ай бұрын
So sorry you crashed it must have been quite a tingle 🦵😢💪, glad you are ok
@anselnova 3 ай бұрын
pregnant at 13: my story *updated + details i've never told before*
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