What I Wish I Knew in Gold (OW2)

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@SQUNTO Жыл бұрын
thank you for acknowledging my humanity mr spilo :')
@SQUNTO Жыл бұрын
and amazing advice as always! So much of this can apply to everything else in life 💪
@galev3955 Жыл бұрын
For real tho, so many streamers, unintentionally or no, talk about people "in metal ranks" as if they were subhuman. It is nice for a change to be treated with respect.
@AutXRose Жыл бұрын
Lol, yes, thank you XD
@talon4567 Ай бұрын
SQUNTO?!?! Hope you're well!
@hashomi0596 Жыл бұрын
My secret is tilt until you reach the zen zone, or the reverse tilt. At that time, you would not give a fuck about ranked, and climbing becomes a side effect.
@mrtoxicrain8772 Жыл бұрын
When I started playing competitive with ow2, my hands would shake so much that it would physically bounce on the keyboard and make my mouse slip. It took me a couple of seasons before I played more than 15 games a season and not feeling like needing to take a walk afterwards. it just took me time and growing confidence of basic stuff
@I.want.toji.in.me.oml.ughhhhh Жыл бұрын
It took me dropping to silver to realize that i should start playing comp more to get back into gold. Those silver games were miserable 😭
@BasedDocumentarian Жыл бұрын
Start taking TRT.
@wgcdrelliot8989 Жыл бұрын
i feel that, ow wasn’t my first fps, so i was already prepared. but when i only started to play cs go 7 years ago, i was the same, my hands were shaking, i had trouble keeping my hand on the mouse. I was breathing like i was chased by a serial killer, i had trouble communicating, and i sometimes I just wanted to cry because i let my team down. It was a painful experience. But nowadays i grew a little bit of healthy ego and don’t take everything to heart.
@300ml_brasil 6 ай бұрын
have the same problem if i dont play my main regularly. the ranked anxiety just kills your aim
@intrepidmonkey Жыл бұрын
This is just an old gaming man rambling, but I've seen a lot of your videos, along with thousands of other OW related videos/content. I really have to say that your way of communicating or how you convey your knowledge is very good (I have 4 year university degree as an educator, so I know how hard it can be to be a good communicator/teacher). But the thing that really makes me come back to your videos is not necessarily that your in-game knowledge is "better" than other educational content creators, but the way you seems to respect and understand the human and emotional aspect of how to teach respectfully and actively. (Your in-game knowledge and coaching skills are still very very good, don't get me wrong). Not that it's the same, and the methods and angle of communication are different, but something about your view on people and your interpersonal skills/communication somewhat reminds of coach Jayne
@Z6Dakotaz Жыл бұрын
This is why I love watching videos like this even though I thought I heard everything there's always new insight to be unearthed from someone else's experience
@weebtrash3376 Жыл бұрын
“Gold players and below are human too, but...” famous last words
@albingrahn5576 Жыл бұрын
if you wanna communicate without tilting or putting pressure on anyone then informative statements instead of guidance is always a safe bet. don't tell your teammates what to do, give them useful information and let them decide what to do with it and i guarantee you no one will complain. for example "rein has shatter" instead of "save suzu for shatter", "sombra is on our ana" instead of "help our ana", "tracer no recall" instead of "focus tracer" etc
@SNAPSHITNATE 2 ай бұрын
Big 1.
@Typical_Tyeus Жыл бұрын
This is my favorite video you've ever made. I think player psychology is really fascinating and I know first hand how scary comp can be and how it's affected my relationship with Overwatch 2. For me, turning off the in game music helped me trick my brain into treating comp like quick play and just focusing on self improvement and fun.
@ReccksR6 Жыл бұрын
this was the EXACT thing i needed to hear, i always take comp way too serious and let it affect my mood way too much when i win or lose, gonna go into my comp games from now on with a bigger perspective and use it as a tool to improve each game
@BinatLoves 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Spilo for yet another touching video. I come from Guild Wars, which probably tells you that I am already past 35y. Back in the days I was our shot-caller and strategist, we climb all the way up to T500 Guild vs. Guild ladder. Nearly 18 years later I can feel the pride in me when my calls made the team hustle and wrestle through matches we couldn't win on paper. And obviously I nutured this skill. Coming to Overwatch last September made me smile big times. Overwatch is closer to Guild Wars 1 then a lot people probably would think off. And I immediately felt the thrill of being a good shot caller. But within the past year I learned shot calling can be super discouraging even though you are very skilled on the social side in it. Thanks for stating this here. It settled my feeling I had and relieved me to keep doing it. I feel more rested now. Thanks mate.
@Jeankalled Жыл бұрын
Man thanks for the video. It really resonated with me. I started ow2 at bronze 5 and a few weeks ago I got to plat 5. It was a really stressful journey to get here, and right now I'm felling really exhausted and afraid of losing the next games.
@Kitsenya Жыл бұрын
You know what? I salute you stranger 👏👏👏 going from Bronze 5 to Plat 5 is a huge improvement and I'm happy for you so keep rocking on‼️
@ABadGamble Жыл бұрын
The point about open comms and just observing your team is huge. Some of my best games have been with my mic off just using pings and the message wheel. I occasionally get teammates who talk the entire time and if anything it makes us do worse. If I'm listening for audio queues and they are screaming in my ear during a fight, I can't hear the enemy bastion assault mode sounds, or Widow using Ult. Calling out "reaper has no fade" is fine. But some people just backseat the entire time and then flame you for dying.
@Doodfist Жыл бұрын
Great point about keeping perspective. I used to treat comp games like they were a big deal and so I was only playing 25-30 games per season. Really hard to make progress that way and it put too much pressure on small sample sizes. I've played over 200 games this season and ranked up 10 or 11 times. Now losses and deranks don't hurt as much because I know I can get it back (and then some) in a day or two. Much better that way
@penrilfake Жыл бұрын
You're such an understanding and empathetic dude, I lowkey really wish your channel logo would reflect that aspect of your personality, cause it's the most prominent and special. That logo makes you look like Angry Man hahaha, but you're so sincere and kind! Food for thought, maybe.
@ItsShooty 2 ай бұрын
Your rational, level headed approach to this is so valuable. Thank you.
@ActuallyAdrian Жыл бұрын
I’m not in gold (masters all roles except tank rn) but this actually helped keep me a bit grounded. I had the worst loss streak yesterday (demoted from diamond 3 to 5 on tank) and I was getting a bit frustrated with myself and my teammates. I think I just needed to put it into perspective that it’s only a game and I should just focus on what I need to do better instead of tilt queue. Appreciate all you do Spilo, hope you’re doing well.
@lukasg4807 Жыл бұрын
Just shiny gold
@ActuallyAdrian Жыл бұрын
LOL basically@@lukasg4807
@mikelo216 Жыл бұрын
This is a nice video. I'm in Gold, have been for a while. I've found myself feeling similar to how you say you used to--a lot of anxiety and pressure in comp. I've put way more hours into QP than comp. Since OW2 came out I've been trying to make myself play comp more, and I have been more or less, but this season especially I've really been playing a lot. Just last night I ranked down from Gold 3 to Gold 5 after going 5-9. This video has made me excited to try to go back in again tonight, aware of myself and my gameplay, and try it again. Gonna try to win, but if I lose it'll be ok. :)
@xylerpunk7481 Жыл бұрын
Thank you sm for making this video. I recently dropped from Gold 1 to Silver 4 and it's completely shattered my ego. I've barely just got back up to Silver 1. I'm still unsure as to why I'm underperforming so much but this video has helped me understand what I could be doing wrong and what I should be doing to improve.
@kitnoCC Жыл бұрын
I stumbled upon your Chan a couple of weeks ago and man, I wanted to thank you! Such amazing content. Thanks my dude
@paultech9385 Жыл бұрын
Communications is good for heads up commentary like, “x hero is at backline” or “x hero is flanking through …”. Helpful is always the key idea.
@hlepme7861 Жыл бұрын
I switched to pc at the start of ow2 and one tricked ana to gm by the end of season 2. My aim was terrible but with ana its more about the technique of knowing how to position and how to go about aiming to allow urself to hit as many cooldowns and shots as possible whilst remaining safe. Aim is important but having good movement, being able to predict movement patterns of ur enemies, using cover, playing from better angles, respecting ur enemies threats in 1v1s etc give u far more consistent value than hitting some nice shots from time to time
@AutXRose Жыл бұрын
Thank you! This is such a relatable story! This is so inspiring, I couldn't explain without writing a paragraph, so really, thank you!
@AdamJC88Zeitgeist Ай бұрын
I love this! Super helpful. I think a lot of this philosophy applies to some other ranked FPS games as well.
@Siks7Ate9 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly how i went from hardstuck silver support in ow1 1700-1900 sr (ana main) for over 5+ seasons to quite literally 2800 in a week of playing ranked after practicing what i needed to learn. I figured out that lack of peel was holding me back, nobody would help me survive. So i spend 150 hours in quickplay because people would never peel for me. I practiced my dueling with flankers, finding better spots to not be attacked as much by them, worked on my sleepdarts. I did that untill i managed to get 3 mvp cards in row. Two mvp cards with 92% on fire and one with 96% on fire. I had a combined death count of 5 in those 3 games. I went back into ranked and within a week went to 2800 sr. And never dropped below 2740 sr ever again. During my climbing i did nothing but focus on me being in a good position, being sure that i could sleep the genji blade when he bladed, that if a genji was going for me i would stay outside of his dash range, that I would keep nade for myself when they had flankers and i was i no position to be healed, but otherwise completely save. When i went back into ranked after practicing, those silver games felt so incredibly easy. I think i died like 3 times per game at most even when playing into full dive comps. It only got a bit challenging in the 2600 range, before that everything felt very easy. And it was mostly because i always made sure i had impact, but was always able to defend myself. The first genji that managed to kill me in a duel was in a 2400 sr game. Before that i was never killed by a genji. Even when they had used blade. Because i was always outside of his range.
@richardhubbard2151 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy your "chats" and respect your perspective, Spilo. You're a grade "A" human, sir
@phobos123456789 Жыл бұрын
Thx, would love to see more videos like this.
@BonzoDeAap 11 ай бұрын
Playing to improve vs playing to win is such a good mindset to get in to. It takes the sting out of losing, and makes me enjoy playing the game a lot more
@jonaskristiansen781 7 ай бұрын
Such a great video! This is exactly what I needed to hear
@PineappleSquuid Жыл бұрын
I love this video, I’m pretty experienced in overwatch but this was still some eye opening stuff. Great vid Mr Spilo!
@Ingu.z Жыл бұрын
I really miss the old SR system. It's how I got to Diamond with Rein (before role q). I decided I wanted to get better, focused on what I could improve on, accept when their team outplayed mine, and suddenly saw I gained 30+ SR on wins and -10 on losses. That meant ranking up was just a question of playing enough (even if I got unlucky with a sub-50% win rate streak), and that I felt the game acknowledged my improving immediately when I sat down to focus and be responsible. Coming back to OW2 I placed low bronze as tank (lol) but this new system of 5 wins/15 losses that delays the feedback makes me feel less engaged as I don't know if the game does recognize a game I lost, but that was well played by me.
@kangokyobi Жыл бұрын
I love this video and I feel like for years I’ve always been extremely too centered on having a hero ocean, I very much should try to have a more focused hero pool. So far I have that for Tank but I still am kinda searching for who exactly I click with most on DPS
@ReaveIdono Жыл бұрын
For DPS I like to go with ones that can get value independent of what my team is doing. Then you work on your engagement timing to be more effective with your team. So Tracer, Sombra and 76 are my top go to picks in that role. It used to be Reaper but new Sombra is too fun. There are times I pop off with Junkrat but I need to have a lot of back to back games to get back to consistency.
@waxedlatexpanda8496 Жыл бұрын
Very polite and not toxic! Lovely!
@ApolloPlanetary Жыл бұрын
Loving the music, and great video as always
@mcpremier3544 Жыл бұрын
The funny thing about Ranked anxiety is it comes from thinking you are not good enough for your rank and therefore you are afraid of losing. But when you look at it, anyone at any rank can have ranked anxiety. GM5 players are so afraid of losing their GM title and dont know if they are good enough to be in that highest rank. But if you put them in a Plat lobby (or if they smurf on an alt), I bet they have 0 anxiety. Yet plenty of Plat players who ranked up from Gold probably have just as much ranked anxiety being in their own Peak. Personally, the things that helped alot for me were #1 stop tilt queuing ranked #2 try to warm-up and also vod review so you feel more confident that you are playing at your best and trying to improve #3 losing = learning!
@ryouskye Жыл бұрын
thank you for this video, that helps a lot. I'll finish my placements (I'm 4-12) and try not to care as much about the results. And squelch chat once people start insulting each other haha
@allofthat_ow Жыл бұрын
death match while you queue for comp works fr. I even bring out the winton in the dm. I might get called cringe but I be landing those 130 burst combos more often in my comp games.
@valkrivers Жыл бұрын
This video was so educational and helpful thank you ❤
@kristianodden9733 Жыл бұрын
I went from bronze 4 in s1 to gm4 now. When I reached diamond and beyond I would get pretty bad performance anxiety, wich ended up in me playing a lot of qp. My solution was to make an alt account wich I ranked up to main acc lvl. Whenever I get anxious about losing I play on that. Both accounts are in gm4 so I still get the same skill improvement vamue while I don’t freak out in the 13 min queues.
@xethaan1987 Жыл бұрын
im a gotta be at my best or i lose and quit comp guy and that happened today and i tilted myself and got mad but for the future i wanna take this mindset and also the practicing smth each game and playing more deathmatch cus i do wanna try and climb
@testtube173 3 ай бұрын
Here's what ive learned from ranking up in ow. It did absolutely nothing to increase my enjoyment of the game itself. It increased meta picks that i played against more which stagnates variety and it boiled down maps into figuring out the most successful character for any given point and counter picking when available. It was not more engaging it was more limiting.
@alvin_row Жыл бұрын
Nice video! I'm between Diamond and Masters but still very often struggle to start playing comp because of the pressure I put on myself. This sort of video does help me give it a bit less importance. Unrelated question: I've noticed that I don't always know for sure how many players are still alive in each team. I don't watch the kill feed very often and while I do have the sound effects for kills enabled, I mostly know a vague sense of "we're winning/we're losing" instead of exact numbers. Do people at higher level always know exactly who's alive in each team? How should I train this? Maybe going "5v4->5v3->4v3" etc in my mind while kills happen? Or should I try to keep in mind exactly who's alive and dead? It gets a bit fuzzy when people can respawn and come back during the same teamfight, and I'd like to know how to best approach this issue. Sorry for the long comment, but I've e struggled with this for a while and you're the best coach I know of. Thanks in advance!
@ABadGamble Жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm gold rank but something I learned when I turned on death sounds is the enemy deaths actually play at different pitches for each enemy that dies. If you hear these sounds you can know exactly how many enemies are dead in a fight without keeping track in your head. For teammate deaths I still check the kill feed because if the tank is dead the fight may no longer be winnable. That's the main thing I look for because it usually means I need to immediately start retreating. but it's a quick glance. Mercy complicates it a little but even then just do a quick check to see who got revived.
@Siks7Ate9 Жыл бұрын
I am not completely sure how you would train this, but maybe rewatching the game back via replay viewer can help you learn it better. That way, you can focus on just that instead of having to aim, etc. Maybe it helps because you will train yourself in picking up the sound ques and being able to track who is where and who died. I have A.D.D, looking at different things while doing one thing is natural for me xD. I have also played this game for so long that I don't even need to look at the kill feed to know who has died because I hear their death animations or sounds and my gamesense tells me this guy is dead behind me because he was way out of position or he used that cooldown already etc.
@Mr_Sting Жыл бұрын
I don’t play comp normally, but I’ve personally sort of trained myself on this in qp. Really it boils down to playing a low stress string of matches (like qp) where you ONLY look out for the death sfx, both the pitched sfx and the death voice lines, as well as using your peripheral vision to consistently check the kill feed during a fight. This is what I’ve done over many matches, and currently I’ve got no more issue with death tracking. Hope this helps!
@Atlacatt Жыл бұрын
This season I’ve gone from plat4 to masters5, and you are asking how to train yourself to know how many ppl are alive, I’d say just try to be more mindful of the kill fee it gives you so much info, with the kill fee you’ll know if pylon, torb turret, lamp, etc are there. Also the fee let’s you know when you can go more aggro if the enemy ana is taken out and maybe one of your dps is down that means time to go in as you have more healing resources.
@Siks7Ate9 Жыл бұрын
Also super simple thing I forgot to mention lol, press tab, shows who is dead/respawning
@alexbaughman9404 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the insight. I have definitely been on autopilot too much recently, and I found myself getting scared of comp again. I look forward to my upcoming breaks to really put some death match time in too.
@minimalgrammar1276 Жыл бұрын
I respectfully disagree with the communication thing. It matters a lot. Even telling your dumbass DPS that they're overextending can make a big difference. Idk, communication feels like it has a bigger impact on my games than literally anything else. Then again I play tank so that doesn't really mean anything at all.
@iStorm-my5fp Жыл бұрын
I forgot about deathmatch, I'm doing it at least 15 mins a day now ty
@_XRMissie Жыл бұрын
My peak rank is plat 1 (open queue... cringe, ik), but i tend to hover around gold 1-3 on tank, sometimes dipping into low plat. I'm a ball 1 trick. I play doom too but tankfist is so boring compared to dps doom. Depending on the game, I either go something like 40-0, or I get absolutely curb stomped, there's almost never any in-between. Sometimes I can absolutely destroy every counter the enemy throws at me; cancel every hack, bait sleep, bait cryo, bait hook, bait javelin, etc... I wait for certain abilities before engaging like suzu, fades, overhealth, but my gamesense is lacking. I can't frontline enough to keep my team alive because I just pop, so I sweat in their back line trying to secure a critical elim or 2. If I can't do that, we lose EVERY time. There's been too many games where I leave the enemy with 1hp and I die, or I'm 1hp escaping and I ever so slightly mess up my disengage and die anyway. I know I could just swap off ball and play a "better" tank but I play ball because he's a) very fun with lots of interesting techs, b) has a very high skill ceiling, and c) I'm trying to learn how to adapt in suboptimal scenarios. I'm getting better but I've given up on ranked. I accept that I won't rank up because I still play to have fun on my favourite hero and improve with them at my own pace. I'm not interested in the rock-paper-scissors fighting, which makes me a horrible tank to play with. Edit: I just want to add that in team fights, I am always the last to die. I fight right up until I can be melee'd, or use grapple tech to dodge shots if I've got shields coming online in the next second or 2 but it just doesn't matter. Either my target selection is poor, or my aim is cuz the teamfight is lost when I don't secure at least 1 elim. I refuse to say ball is weak or needs a buff, I just suck lol. Actually, not being bodyblocked in ball form would be a perfect buff since that's what tends to stop most of my engages if I don't do some weird doom level rollout
@lasagnaboy4075 10 ай бұрын
The communication part I totally get, BUT when the tank it's going balls deep just attacking then complaining about the team not engaging with them, then u do the entire team gets rolled
@galev3955 Жыл бұрын
Great video, good advice. One small feedback: the audio is a little muddled, not sure what it is, but sometimes it is really hard to hear what you are saying, as if some words or syllables are cut off.
@yomama2376 Жыл бұрын
On the comms thing, i would like to see a debate on it. I’ve seen people say that not comming is the worst thing you can do, and other say that it doesn’t matter. Personally i agree with the latter, but i would be interested in hearing other perspectives.
@addictedfoolgamer1970 Жыл бұрын
Depends on the comments and team makeup. You’ll still get the same types of people as chat. But for those interested in communicating to improve team play it’s just faster.
@atagen2186 Жыл бұрын
imo besides quality of comms, it's about your teammates familiarity with comming in a competitive game. I've played ladders in other fps where mic use is a hard requirement and comming is a major component of gameplay, so comms feel natural and useful to me now - but initially they were mostly disorienting, especially with someone malding or backseating main caller.
@eonstar2441 3 ай бұрын
Spilo reminds me of that quiet friend who doesn’t say much but will tell you if you ask
@billbobert Жыл бұрын
@Chris-hj4xx Жыл бұрын
I may pick up tank again just because of this video. I think the roll is cool but i am down right horrible at it. Goal is to hopefully make it from my college team to something bigger, cant do that if im not willing to learn more about the game.
@Vaz_G Жыл бұрын
I disagree with the aim trainers. I find that when i take extended breaks from ow my aim becomes very jittery which makes me flick off enemies very easily and its the aim trainers that really allow me to smooth out my aim again
@I.want.toji.in.me.oml.ughhhhh Жыл бұрын
Aim trainers improve mouse control, not aim. Aim is very dependent on the game ur playing and the gun play
@CoachSpilo Жыл бұрын
aim trainers are really good for building back comfort with mouse control for people who've taken extended breaks OR folks transitioning to PC, but they're not the best way to develop aim over the long term
@thywhiskey725 Жыл бұрын
U gotta keep yourself calm and composed. Make sure you do not move your mouse more than necessary when you are aiming. Laser focus on the enemy not your crosshair and be patient with your shots.
@sonderbain Жыл бұрын
Finding an edpi that you can just drop in and be good to go is much better than spending lots of time in a aim trainer
@Luke_Powers Жыл бұрын
i like using VAXTA while listening to podcasts/youtube. I'm not able to play that many games in a row because it can get tiring, so without an hour to a couple hours of VAXTA every session, I wouldn't play as much@@CoachSpilo
@LEGI43ON Жыл бұрын
Don't agree about communicating: it's easy to coordinate at least ult combos and it can change the tide since people at low elo tend to waste ults
@josephreynolds2401 Жыл бұрын
You have to factor in how often people tilt and throw at the hands of comms. You've suggested one good scenario that requires input from the other players in the team (also has a non-comm keybind). All it takes is one open mic or a flamer in text for a hard fought game to enter the dumpster. It's a team game, but the guys on your team are total randos. I drummed a whole lobby once (my team and opposite team) after I got flamed by literally every guy in it. But at the end of the game, I 3k on kiriko headshots in the last OT after my team is expired. That's 9 people who were abjectly wrong about how the game is played. And none of their words matter before or after I take the cake. Stop trying to make social glue between people who are in competition with you. Focus on yourself, you're unlikely to play with the same people ever again. All that social effort doesn't pay dividends, but developing yourself WILL. If the players are good, they will take cues from their teammates actions. Comms aren't for the average solo player.
@loopo8940 Жыл бұрын
I was stuck in high silver, low gold, and I started to believe that maybe I was just getting old. However, everything changed when I bought a 170Hz monitor! 🤣 It's unbelievable how much it made a difference; I managed to reach platinum in just one day. Now, I can't help but wonder how far I could go with a 600Hz monitor. Nowadays, FPS seems to be the pay-to-win factor, so no matter how many tip videos you watch, having the right gear is essential to back it up.
@sekcaJ Жыл бұрын
"Gold players are human too, but..." Spilo, 2023
@Venant91182 Жыл бұрын
I don't get why OW devs have actively tried to stop players from having long term teams in this game, which is a team based game. First they limited group stacking for comp, and in OW2 they took out group finder which eliminates a major entry point to populating your friends list and making long term groups. There needs to be a paradigm shift towards some sort of guild system and a mode where actual teams can compete, or the game might as well go totally casual and become fall guys with guns.
@marc-andreblais5818 Жыл бұрын
i agree a lot that most communication is toxic, i just disable chat and focus on my game and im much hapier
@Elizabeth68337 Жыл бұрын
Very common Spilo W
@justajoke7260 Жыл бұрын
Best video you have ever cooked
@royceblack6752 Жыл бұрын
I used to improve my mechanics over several years not only by spending sessions frequently on the practice range but also by having a small practice range I would do every time before going into a game to also warm-up. I would pick widow grapple jump over the upper bridge in front of spawn, get a headshot on a walking bot to the right and empty 2 more mags while flicking (it's my type of aim). If I wouldn't get the headshot or miss at least 5 shots after that I'd do it again. Then I'd grapple over the upper bridge back and headshot the Tracer target. After that I'd pick Cass headshotting the walking bots for until I had deadeye the second time. Then I'd pick Tracer and farm pulse to pulse blink stick it onto the distance measure bot. Then I'd pick Ashe and make sure I'd hit my dynamite, be able to land a headshot after propelling myself up into the air and of course use coach gun, 180 during the animation and turn back immediately. After that I'd pick Ball and do a little bit of wall jumping and stuff. Before they reworked Mercy GA I also practiced various GA mechanics to make sure I got the timing down. And that's *everytime* before I was going into a game. Nowadays I'd say I got decent aim and I'm really quick with it because my sensitivity is at 61
@NinjaFrog-nr3bs Жыл бұрын
This is some massive tips I am going to come back to and use. A question I had was that I really like playing all kinds of heroes and I am on an Overwatch esports team and we have a bunch of characters to focus on with the meta changing JQ for fast brawl Doom for dive Ram for slow brawl Sig for poke I usually fit in Winston for dive since I am more familiar, I don't need much practice on Sig, I know him pretty well, but doom and jq require alot of practice. I really enjoy learning all the characters and becoming well rounded and it allows our team to flex around an enemy team. However, I also am only in mid diamond and need to rank up. Do you recommend closing up my hero pool? Or is it okay to play these just isolate my focus day to day when I can, what do you suggest?
@bharathnaikkorra Жыл бұрын
I love your videos spilo,but there was audio sync issues in the last few videos in the damage complete guide and also in this video hope you'll do something about it.
@atagen2186 Жыл бұрын
it may be an issue with your playback device, the sync on speech and gameplay footage is spot on for me
@galev3955 Жыл бұрын
Spilo: go practice in deathmatch me: okay, I will try that. I remember when I used to play a lot of deathmatch my aim did improve OW2 matchmaking: lol have fun playing against masters rank players every. single. game. (literally every game, don't tell me there aren't enough people queuing on a Saturday to have at least a semblance of fairness) It is just so fricking frustrating when you get absolutely dumped on by someone clearly far above the entire lobby. Like by the time I respawn after my first death they already have a scoree of 10. Okay, I am not there to win, but it is really hard to practice when someone is killing you every time in 0.5 seconds, you can't even react and also you can't go for anyone else, bc they are also perma dead.
@jacobisalemon Жыл бұрын
the little goals thing is incredibly important, i've spent easily 1k hours just autopiloting and thinking what i was doing was either right or if it was wrong, only wrong because i was outplayed mechanically. This combined with my want to be a flex god made it so i was honestly mediocre at everyone on every role. This video is extremely good and I'll be taking some of these ideas into game. btw your noise gate was a bit harsh at times whenever you spoke low, i'd recommend gating in your editing software so that if this was done in OBS first, you can correct it later. luckily not a massive issue as 99.5% of what you said was clear, just a little heads up for next time!
@JeithKeith Жыл бұрын
Do you think it’s important for someone who normally plays highly mechanical characters to have a lower mechanics back up if things aren’t going well (say like your aim is off or something)?
@xylerpunk7481 Жыл бұрын
I've wondered this aswell. My main hero pool is Hanzo, Echo, Tracer, all of which are pretty mechanically intensive. I've noticed sometimes I'll do much better if I switch to bastion, pharah or even Sojourn even though I barely know how to play them. I try to resist it as I know I should be improving on my main hero pool but it gets to a point where I'm just desperate to get the win.
@davidquintanilla9330 Жыл бұрын
If your aim is bad warm up or stop playing. Being tired isn't just a mechanics issue.
@JeithKeith Жыл бұрын
@@davidquintanilla9330 I never said my aim was bad btw. I’ve spent more time than you would believe aim training and honing my mechanics. I say this because it’s possible to have slumps yfm.
@davidquintanilla9330 Жыл бұрын
@kietwilams3529 I get it. I'm just saying cuz when my aim is off either I'm not warmed up or my eyes are tired or I'm hungry or whatever but all that affect decision making too. So if you play comp on any hero it won't be at 100%
@brdycd Жыл бұрын
silly goose! you can derank back down to gold and apply these tips!
@zambsDGOW Жыл бұрын
RIP to tryhard ffa 24/7 NA. playing against OWL and contenders players improved my mechanics insanely so fast.
@МужикМужитский-к3и Жыл бұрын
Хорошее видео. твои советы полезны
@Buddygong Жыл бұрын
So, I have a question, why do you specifically pick comp and deathmatch, and not something like unranked? If you try your best to work out what it is you want to work out with your character there, shouldn't that be enough? Or is it something to do with comp being more focused on playing within your rank and learning how to play attack and defense on the same map? (If that is the map in question and not something like control.) Otherwise, thank you! Very helpful video.
@rebornjoker359 Жыл бұрын
Because comp is where most people will actually tryhard at times, so it'll help you get better
@BagelBoi4000 Жыл бұрын
Do you think a video on how to play with a team would be useful? I find a lot of these tips are really good for solo queue or individual improvment but I normally only queue with a group or 3/4/5 friends and if we could find a way to play better together that would be cool.
@Baby_tea Жыл бұрын
Im a masters player ( on tank ) and my problem is im too flexible( i play on 80% characters ) . Its boring to me for having little hero pool.
@an_bichael Жыл бұрын
How do you approach paying attention to the team as tank? Generally, I find team is behind tank and maybe you'll see your DPS take an off-angle, to which you can respond accordingly. I'm usually hesitant to just turn around during team fights and see what's up.
@ReaveIdono Жыл бұрын
When you play cover, and hopefully your teammates are as well. Use that time to turn around.
@seva4370 Жыл бұрын
You need to reload or wait for cooldowns to come back while being behind cover, that's a perfect opportunity to evaluate what's the situation
@nicentix Жыл бұрын
I disagree with aim trainers not helping. Most people don't know how to use them and translate what you learn in aim trainers into real game. Sure, I might be overcomplicating things/ it's easier to just autopilot your way to good mechanics in deathmatch, but isolating weaknesses in aim trainers is objectively better at improving your aim when you do it correctly.
@egg8253 Жыл бұрын
the audio is a bit scuffed? nice video tho
@lruddy8820 Жыл бұрын
I kno exactly why im hard stuck, dont play the game enough and dont care to climb when i do play
@ow124-k3z Жыл бұрын
So basically: "git gud", got it
@CROSSFADE69 Жыл бұрын
What is that opening statement XD
@therebelfrogy9287 3 ай бұрын
Below Diamonds are human, up there are psychopaths playfield Trust, I'm there right now and nobody normal😂
@thejamsler Жыл бұрын
W video
@fashnek Жыл бұрын
You need a different mic, or turn down/off noise cancellation stuff because it's repeatedly cutting out the voice.
@tyildirim71 Жыл бұрын
I don't even care what other good players say anymore; I'm done. I carry almost every game, and some rounds go out with 40+ kills. THEN I look at my team, and what do I see? THE ANA had like 900 heals at the end of a match. I know I'm good at the game, but I can't do anything. Other people have humans in their team; I don't. Always, my whole team are zombies not doing shit. Meanwhile, the other team is a 5-stack with good comps, and my DPS support diff is not only diff but hard as well. When I watch other people do something like an unranked to GM, the teammates are average, but mine are NOTHING. I analyzed so many things, and I always do my best and carry, but when 3-4 people on your team don't do ANYTHING, then yes, I will be hardstuck in gold. With a normal team, not even a good one, just normal, then I would be GM in an instant.
@lukasg4807 Жыл бұрын
Being in voice can be very helpful, having a widow standing right next to a sleeping reaper not noticing because they're not in voice is annoying af.
@josephreynolds2401 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like the Widow isn't paying attention to comms if they also aren't paying attention to reaper audio cues close by.
@JustinOw2 Жыл бұрын
You see,
@Seresmada 3 ай бұрын
i am gonna rot in gold 1 :D
@tankenjoyer1891 9 ай бұрын
i am only gold cause i otp rein 🗿
@scumknight6074 6 ай бұрын
The true tank player.
@palwatcher6903 Жыл бұрын
nah, we gold and below players are subhuman. unga bunga jiba jiba
@sera48g Жыл бұрын
thanks pookie
@eddymiranda3021 Жыл бұрын
Said slurs casually
@moonbeamz8207 9 ай бұрын
I really cant get behind this domt communicate or shot call in lower ranks advice. Its something you need to practice like anything else. And this is a team game. Go play deathmatch or quick play if you dont wanna use comms. Its even worse for the culture of the game. When no one uses comms. The only coms are ragers and the only communication becomes toxic. Making the game feel inherently more toxic.
@Dman1235_ 5 ай бұрын
I think by the end of your statement, you realized exactly why people who are new/hardstuck shouldn’t be using or at the very least relying on comm. Just ping, and use in game communication like ult charge.
@lukelilly1572 Жыл бұрын
Gold players are not human
@SamuelWaggoner Жыл бұрын
Still pronouncing Illari as Illyari
@pissfi Жыл бұрын
The correct way? lol
@SamuelWaggoner Жыл бұрын
​@@pissfidoesn't sound like how Illari herself pronounces it
@sera48g Жыл бұрын
It's Eel-ee-yaree
@SamuelWaggoner Жыл бұрын
@@sera48g kzbin.info/www/bejne/rJyTd3edhqx1odUsi=0UtMRYCXXuzdW54R
@SamuelWaggoner Жыл бұрын
@@pissfi kzbin.info/www/bejne/rJyTd3edhqx1odUsi=0UtMRYCXXuzdW54R
@i.r.weasel7042 Жыл бұрын
It's just a game, no one will remember when it's done, no one outside the OW community cares what your rank is, it's not something you're going to put on your resume. No one will love you more or less.
@sera48g Жыл бұрын
This is such a dumb comment lol. You're technically not wrong but if it makes someone happy to improve at their hobby then why would that not matter. Why wouldn't that be an important thing for them? 🙃
@ryanh4975 8 ай бұрын
Come on, man. Nobody wants somebody focused on practicing micro things during a comp game. Should be doing that in QP or Arcade.
@ReaveIdono Жыл бұрын
Im not convinced they are real people. Sorry lol.
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