Students who've lost their temper on the teacher, what happened?

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@salbahejim Ай бұрын
The guy that said, "Depression is a sin," is not a Christian. Jesus was so about forgiveness and charity, not accusation and rejection.
@_nob0dy_297 24 күн бұрын
@saber5694 24 күн бұрын
Jesus spent all his time with prostitute tax collectors, and criminals. To think he would abandoned anyone for any sin in ridiculous and stupid
@The-San-Francisco-Treat 24 күн бұрын
That made me angry to hear.
@onionbubs386 19 күн бұрын
Don't make the mistake of falling for the no true Scotsman fallacy. He's still a Christian, he's just also a terrible person.
@thebestcentaur Ай бұрын
I genuinely hope that person who got expelled from the Christian college sued or got some retribution. Nonsense like that finally woke me up to the fact that religion is full of it
@notgamer911 Ай бұрын
Don’t just judge an entire religion based on a few people that did wrong. There are always some people that will give a bad image.
@thebestcentaur 29 күн бұрын
@@notgamer911 this has been a long time coming. I subscribed to this very faith because of my family until grad school-one of the worst mistakes I've ever made. I guarantee you it ain't just because of a "few people that I've come to my conclusions"-the fact of the matter is the truly faithful and genuinely good of any religion are so few in number that I can only view most faiths as well-meaning but misguided at best, and inconceivably dangerous scams at worst
@Shaytan.666 6 күн бұрын
@@notgamer911 haha only few people huh Good one
@lukereyes6266 4 күн бұрын
​@notgamer911 only a few is just as big kf a lie as "god loves you"
@CelebiEX251 Ай бұрын
For the 26th story- As a Christian myself I can tell you right now that depression is not a sin. We ask God to help with our burdens and Psalms 88 actually depicts depression and despair and how we still come to God even through hardships and grief. My heart hurts for the girl who lost her dad in that way. I’m also always frustrated whenever someone makes a mistake, the entire religion gets a bad name. Please don’t base your judgement on a group of people based off of a few individuals who, like us all, are imperfect human beings.
@That_Ducky Ай бұрын
@ViirinSoftworks Ай бұрын
I became a witch because of how I came to understand Yahweh through my life experiences up to age 8, at Sunday School. I'm friends with various Christian priests when I was around their ages anyway. You're not wrong, you can't judge a whole group for one person... at the same time, we all do it. Just we have to be aware of it and stop ourselves. It's exactly like it was said: we all represent. Everything you do, everyone sees your group as. Like if you're disabled, of a minority culture, a musical subculture, of a financial class or have a certain job. You screw up, you just made all the people of all the groups you consider yourself to be a part of, and everyone else, even wrongly, considers you to be a part of, gets the hate you just earned. We must be vigilant of our own behavior, and don't get to make excuses for ourselves. I'm glad you know this! Thank you for being cool.
@Shintauri Ай бұрын
I was about th type the same thing. I come from a very religious family, and when I was dealing with some stuff, they supported me fully.
@tesuniekataren46 Ай бұрын
You beat me to this. Was about to type the same thing about how Depression is not a sin. We are all broken people. Not one of us is perfect.
@gardenofsn5955 Ай бұрын
wish I had y'all instead of my birth-giver. maybe I'd have gotten the help I need
@ExSharkV Ай бұрын
When I was in high school I took French because I was already semi-fluent due to being French-Canadian I lived in America for context. The French teacher I had was not a native French speaker she had learned it as a second language and I'll give you a hint who the only person in the class she couldn't understand was. That's right, me. The only person who spoke French, albeit Canadian French, at home regularly. The sheer number of times she told me she "Couldn't understand me because of my accent" or asked me to "change my accent" was ridiculous. One day she was being observed by someone important (it was 20 years ago at this point I don't remember who) and she once again starts complaining about she can't understand me because of my accent and I went OFF. I told her that I couldn't help slipping into my natural accent when speaking a language I've been speaking my whole life. I asked her if she had had a British or Scottish or Irish Student in her English classes would she pull the same "don't speak with your natural accent" crap with them. She couldn't answer me and I was sent to the principal where I explained everything. I think she go spoken to, because she never commented on my accent again.
@pooperpants800 Ай бұрын
I mean, it's not really her fault you couldn't figure out how to speak in a way she could understand you :/
@jasthequeen Ай бұрын
Infuriating!! I literally have a French teacher who’s québécoise and she literally almost never comments on our pronunciations
@G0hstW4v Ай бұрын
your old french teacher seemed like a bad teacher to say the least... I'm not exactly sure which language you mean by Canadian French, but as a native french person myself, I have already heard Québécois French and I have noticed there is quite a difference in the accent, but come on, it's still understandable, and your teacher doing the same stupid thing to British, Scottish or Irish people, even tho, from what I've heard, it seems like british and american English may be even closer to each other than Canadian French to uh France French? It sounds like your teacher was simply doing less than 0 effort and straight up was just mocking your accent... and, well, clearly looks like it felt the same to you too, as you said "and she once again starts complaining about she can't understand me because of my accent and I went OFF.", must've been really annoying, teachers shouldn't do that to their students...
@MysteriumArcanum Ай бұрын
I also had a crappy French teacher, except in my case I barely spoke French and she only taught us the bare basics yet still expected us to be fluent. She only taught us stuff like "it's raining outside" "where is the library?" "May I have a Ham sandwich please" and other basic shit like colors, numbers and letters. Yet this bitch still expected us to do one of those " write a letter from the perspective of a native speaker" projects. So I wrote her a letter. But I wrote her a letter in English telling her that she failed as a teacher and was insane if she thought we could complete such an assignment having only been taught the bare minimum. And when she wasn't teaching us the absolute basics she would go on these long, rambling (and possibly made up) tangents about her time living in the Ivory Coast.
@loosilu 16 күн бұрын
@@jasthequeen I was the opposite. I had a teacher from Paris, and she was CONSTANTLY correcting my Quebecois accent. As an adult, I am now still very intimidated when I try to speak to people from France. I'm constantly worried I'm going to be snapped at for using the wrong word or pronunciation. She also messed up my natural accent, and it's permanent.
@jasmineanahera Ай бұрын
My year 7 teacher accused me of cheating in front of the class and copying my creative writing work from the person next to me because it was “too good for me”. She straight up threw my book in the trash and went back to writing on the board. I got up and threw my chair at the whiteboard, she turned around and asked who threw that and I gave the sarcastic kind of answer of well, hello, I’m the only one standing there teach soo, me. 🙋🏽‍♀️ She ended up fainting and was off school for a couple weeks. 🤦🏽‍♀️
@regulargoat7259 Ай бұрын
Finally, landscape is back. I can watch in peace
@kailyns8159 Ай бұрын
What a timely video. This is a long story because you really need the context to understand my reaction. I0th grade yr; second year at a performing arts high school; you had to audition to get in and you got kicked out if your arts department head gave you a bad evaluation at the end of the yr. From the day we met, first period of the first day of my freshman year, the vocal department head was a man I did not feel comfortable around. He was also my choir director so if I wanted to be in a different choir, sing in a school showcase, or participate in the school talent show then I had to go through him. And this man absolutely despised me for some reason I never understood. I spent an entire yr being torn down by him in every way you can think of. He refused to say my name correctly even though my mother corrected him. Hell, he straight mispronounced it directly after she told him how to say it. And when she corrected him again, he mispronounced it again. This continued the entire time I knew him. He refused to let me get help during my medical emergencies. I actually went unconscious twice around him and both times he ignored me. The first time, I asked if I could call my mother because I felt diz… and I dropped unconscious to floor at his feet. He just kept conducting and got mad at the two students who stop singing to help me. I was out for 5mins. The second time, I passed out in the hallway of the chorus building, just fifteen feet from his open office door. He knew I was there because right before I went unconscious he walked by me as he returned to his office. I woke up in that hallway with the dean, several concerned students and my mother all around me. I’d been unconscious for 40 minutes. A student told my mother that she’d watched the vocal teacher stand there and stare at my unconscious self then walk right back to his office and shut the door. He never informed anyone. Because of how long I was out, I ended up in the ER. He tried to get me expelled by claiming I damaged his property-his van. An outright lie. I didn’t even know which car was his. And I was raised to respect property. He berated me every day for my “awful singing” and loved to tell me “I knew from your audition that you didn’t belong in my school.” And each time I’d point out that he didn’t audition me because he wasn’t hired until the weekend before school started and I’d auditioned in the prior year. He refused to let me use the restroom during his class. I was the only student not allowed to do so. I was also the only student with a standing medical requirement to be allowed to leave anytime I needed to use the restroom. He threw books, his keys, sheet music, markers, basically anything he had handy, at his students. Many got hit. I managed to deflect the notebook he threw at me. He would mock me or single me out in chorus class all the time for shit other students did. The girl to my left was talking to her friend? I got yelled at. The boy to my right said something under his breath? I got lectured. I was his scapegoat. If I auditioned for any showcase, choir group, or talent show….he tore me down in front of everyone during my audition, rejected me, and then made disparaging remarks for days afterward about how embarrassed I should be. After a car wreck, I came to school with heavily bruised ribs and a dr’s note excusing me from chorus class for the week because working my diaphragm was going to cause me pain. His response? “I don’t care. Sing or fail.” After I fractured my foot, he not only made me perform in a concert fully dressed-ground length gown, hose, heels-but he refused to let me use my crutches on stage because it would throw off the aesthetic. He did, however, make me carry a heavy box of music from side of the campus to the other while on those crutches and in that attire. I nearly broke my other foot just trying to stay upright. I did not like being alone with him and he would frequently call me into his office to privately trash me. I noticed that he was especially friendly and accommodating to the pretty girls. And it bothered me a lot. His attentions just felt wrong. Hands on backs, frequent hugs to the body, etc. Now you have the history. Here’s what happened the day I lost it- The day before I was taking a standardized test in my English class and I had a medical emergency during the test and had to be taken the to ER. The next morning, I arrived super early to school because I knew my English teacher would be eating in her office and my choir director would be in his office as well. So I explained what happened to my English teacher and asked if I could finish the test. She told me I could come to last twenty minutes of her first period class and start, then if I needed more time I could stay because she had a free period. I agreed and went to ask my choir director if he would be okay with me leaving early. I explained the medical emergency interruption, night at the ER, all of it. He told me I could leave early. Chorus class starts. Same old shit. I endure. When it’s 5mins before I am supposed to leave, I motion for his attention and mouth “I need to go” when he looks at me. He shakes his head no. I then mouth “you said I could go.” He glares and again shakes his head. Ten minutes pass. I get his attention one more time and mouth “need to leave now” and motion toward the door. He slams his hands on the conductor’s podium. Up to this point, neither of us had spoken. All communication had been nonverbal and discrete. This man proceeded to tell the entire class that “his time was his time” and “you don’t leave my classroom till I let you” and “some students don’t respect my time, they think their other plans are more important.” I’m getting ready to hear a lecture like usual, but this time he takes it way too far. I’ll paraphrase what I remember. “(My name mispronounced like always) wants to leave my class. She thinks choir isn’t important. That just because she skipped school because she didn’t study for a test I have to let her leave early so she can retake the test she aught to fail. But I say when we you leave. Not you.” My barely contained rage-filled reply: Excuse me. What gives you the right to tell everyone in this class about my personal business? First off, you’re lying to make yourself look good. A medical emergency is not skipping school. I didn’t go on a damn joyride for a hamburger. I went to the ER. Secondly, you told me before school even started that I had permission to leave early. I’m not disrespecting your time. You are, however, disrespecting me yet again. Like you do all the time.” At that point I stood up and started down the risers. “I’ve listened to you berate and belittle me for over a year. I’m done.” I reached the pile of backpacks on the floor and yanked mine onto my shoulder. He snapped “what do you think you’re doing?” And I answered “Walking out. I have somewhere to be.” And I opened the door and walked out. I went straight to the Dean and reported him for like the 20th time. And while I was waiting to speak to her, in he walks and does a double take when he sees me. He had a referral in his hand and snapped at me “What’re you doing here?” I replied “Waiting to tell the Dean all about what just happened.” And he said “I will be in the room when you do.” The Dean popped her head out of her office and told me to come in. My choir director walked in right behind me and the Dean held up her hand and said “Not you. You’ll have a turn later.” His reply was to shove the referral paper at her in a huff, glare at me, and slam the door. I related the whole thing to her, she read the write-up of the incident to me-half of it was bs like I threatened him-and we agreed on in-school suspension for one day….during only his class. Basically, she gave me a day without him. A gift. This same teacher is about to stand trial for 20+ yrs of student abuse culminating in inappropriate sexual advances on several underaged students. He got arrested last yr and everyone he’s ever abused came out of the woodwork to tell their story.
@Envy-Animations 3 күн бұрын
Bruh how was he NOT fired sooner?
@kailyns8159 3 күн бұрын
@@Envy-Animations Because the adults who knew didn’t care. He was a boon to the school. Heavily acclaimed chorus program. He elevated our vocal department from pretty great to consistently award-winning. He was absolutely beloved. And when the students did report him for abuse or inappropriate behavior, their claims always got swept under the rug. Even a petition to have him fired in 2010 that had some 100 student signatures went missing until the current super intendant of schools-well, she’s former now, but she was the current super intendant till she was forced to resign over this bs….which she didn’t have shit to do with as she had only come to the position a couple months before the man was arrested. Basically, she became the scapegoat to protect the real corrupt. Meanwhile the rest of the school board that did know and didn’t do anything but keep it quiet got off scot-freaking-free! Even the school has been shown leniency. Which just infuriates me because half the staff there now have known about his questionable behavior at least a decade or so. His trial starts soon. I hope he gets the punishment he deserves this time.
@PsychoSavager289 Ай бұрын
I like the idea of that teacher with the puppet watching Mr Garrison from South Park and thinking "This guy is a genius!"
@cv8167 Ай бұрын
My school only kept digital records of all school work/grades on a single computer in a locked room. One day this computer started having problems. Rather than hire someone to fix the PC, the principal decided that she could do it herself. She decided to format the computer without backing up the data, erasing everything. And then proceeded to decide that because all records of grades were gone, that all students would have to start over. Not the year, no, everyone had to start high school completely over again. I only had two months to go before graduation, so I absolutely flipped, and just quit going. To this day, I have 'technically' never been to high school.
@AnimalProjec Ай бұрын
That's insane! Was there (even a tiny bit) of good that has come out of it? or get to sue them?
@lieked5903 Ай бұрын
My middle school had an big open area that was used as 3 classrooms during the day and after school the space was used as a study center/detention hall. There was always a school faculty member surveilling the area. We were standing in the “hallway” waiting for classes to switch. While waiting I was texting someone on my phone. At some point the faculty member came up behind me and was reading my chats. After I spotted him, he told me to hand over my phone because I was using it during class. I sternly told him that 1. I wasn’t in a classroom yet and 2. He shouldn’t be reading any of my private conversations! I kept my phone and didn’t hear anything afterwards.
@Cardcaptorsfan94 Ай бұрын
I had 2 teachers that I didn’t get along with. Both happened to be band teachers. The first one was ms.keys in grade 7. I had gone to the bathroom between classes, and (like most girls at this age) I had started my period unexpectedly. I told my friend to go tell Ms.Keys I was going to be late as I had to go to my locker across the school to get my purse where my pads were. Before I even got to my locker, the bell had rung. I got my pad, ran back to the bathroom, and my friend was still there on her phone. We got to the class, and Ms.keys gave me the third degree. Asking why I was late. I told her I had had a personal emergency, she didn’t deem that as a valid reason, kept asking me why I was late. I eventually told her that “I had a personal fricking emergency”. She responded with “that’s no reason to be fricking late!” I didn’t do anything to her that class, and she didn’t even bother to pull me to the side to ask what my emergency was. Ended up telling my mom and she called the school. She started with “I don’t appreciate you swearing at my daughter”. Ms.keys tried to say she didn’t swear, and my mom mentioned how she sees fricking as a swear. Ms.keys tried to throw me under the bus, and I had already gotten in trouble for saying fricking from my mom. My mom then said “if you had bothered to find out why my daughter was late by pulling her aside, you would have found out she got her period”. Ms.keys tried to say that my friend was also late, and my mom told her that I don’t control my friend. Then my mom said that if she ever caused problems with me again, my mom would get her fired. The second one was in grade 9. My parents couldn’t afford to pay my class fees. So I didn’t get my folder to hold my sheet music (which was photocopied…which is important) my photocopied sheet music got a little crinkled. My teacher Mr.Lyons grabbed my sheets, held it up in front of my class which was for grades 9-10…. And said “this is why you keep your sheet music in its folder” put it back on my stand, and told me “you’ll be paying to replace those”. I was mortified. I already faced a lot of bullying by my peers for being quirky, and not being the stereotypical attractive (it was 2009, so everyone was stick thin and thigh gaps were all the rage.) This time I got my own revenge. I got permission to switch class at semester change. Went for foods instead. The last day of term one; I took my sheet music, with my name still on it…. And placed it on his podium. At the beginning of term two, Mr.lyons walked passed me in the hall and if looks could kill…. I would have been dead. Edit: Mr.Lyons was known to bully students. He “jokingly” would talk about hitting students when they didn’t get their parts right. Made one of my other friends in the grade ahead of me cry… and eventually got fired for being a bully a few years later.
@HeidiSholl Ай бұрын
This is a long one, but I made my RE teacher cry. He was bought in very last minute to replace our former RE teacher who had mysteriously vanished (we found out years later that he was arrested for being a nonce). I imagine the school had to find someone to replace him pretty damn quickly, but the guy they got in was from our perspective a religious nut. He was a baptist, which is unheard of in the area of the UK where I live. We have 3 types of religious Christian (or under the umbrella of) in my area, CofE, Catholic and Jehovah's Witnesses (there's more, but for storytelling purposes we're doing a rule of 3). So to have a self proclaimed baptist in the area was rare. And not only was he a baptist, he was an evangelist and had an agenda. For most of us at 14, our only experience with evangelists is when we close the door on the lovely old Jehovah's Witnesses ladies. None of us were quite prepared for how blatantly this teacher was trying to push his religion onto us. This went on for weeks before I really snapped. In one of his lessons, he had prepared a worksheet showing the difference between violent protest and peaceful protest. To do this he used Martin Luther King as peaceful, and Malcolm X as violent. Fine, the issue came from how he kept on going on about how King was peaceful because he was a Christian, and Malcolm X was violent because he was Muslim. Now I was a righteous little twat at school (I still am), and I never back chatted a teacher unless I felt there was justice to be served. And this man had pushed just about every button I had. So I argued with him about how being a Christian does not automatically make you good, and being a Muslim does not automatically make you bad. To which he replied "No, but Christians never resort to violence". I mean, what a stupid thing to say. I spent about 5 minutes arguing with him, I bought up the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, and more that I don't even remember. I listed just about every time anyone Christian adjacent had ever been violent. I was rude, I spoke over him as a teacher, I raised my voice, I called him a liar, and I was on my high horse fighting for truth. He got down to my height to look me in the face and try to intimidate me, but I was already too angry with this man. Eventually I think I said something like "you have deliberately chosen a Christian who was peaceful to make your point, when actually a lot of the worst things in history happened because of Christianity." And that was that. He got up, red in the face, and left the room. I wasn't monologuing, other people were also shouting out in agreement and giving their own input (I was just the loudest and most disruptive), and so when he left the room it was another pupil who went to the door to see what was happening, and we were told he was crying. He didn't come back to that lesson, another teacher took over. I was never told off, and it was largely forgotten apart from the odd occasion when someone would say "remember when you made Mr so-and-so cry?". It wasn't just me either, I heard tales of other students who had argued with him too. He was fired a few weeks later for telling a gay student that he was going to Hell if he didn't stop being gay.
@Shaytan.666 5 күн бұрын
As an exmuslim he was right about Islam though It's as bad as the other Abrahamic religions
@HeidiSholl 5 күн бұрын
@@Shaytan.666 Ahah, they're all just as bad as each other at the end of the day! But Christians have been no more peaceful than anyone else!
@SamHammie 11 күн бұрын
I told my teacher once that they were doing PEMDAS wrong and were giving all the students the wrong answer as well as the wrong steps to complete the equation. I got told to go to AIR (The alternative instruction room, AKA in-school suspension) to finish my work. I brought my entire folder with me, containing all of my work from that year, and began realizing that over 75% of the problems we'd been doing that year had the wrong order of operations. I got called to the principal to explain myself near the end of math class, and proceeded to demonstrate the incorrect order that she informed us of, then went on to explain the correct order. After some internal investigations, it was discovered that her college diploma and all of her certificates were fake. She was ordered to go back to college if she wanted to keep teaching math. Lady was 57 years old and had been teaching in various schools for 30 years, and the college she claimed to have graduated from didn't exist anymore, so it took some work to gain access to their old records.
@runikvarze6191 17 күн бұрын
I was on a first name basis with most of my teachers. Never turned in assignments. I believed in the work/home division strongly. I told them "if my job gave me work to take home, I would only agree if they let me bill them for the hours. Otherwise, it's not MY problem, and I won't use MY time to do it."
@MiG249 Ай бұрын
The German impression had me on my ass 😂😂😂 I love it you clearly practice it, definitely your best accent interpretation I’ve heard yet
@CharlesGriswold Ай бұрын
I've never had kidney stones, but I did have my gall bladder removed because it was completely stuffed full of gall stones. That was not the most pleasant experience I've ever had.
@availanila Ай бұрын
My sister has a story of ages. One of her very intelligent orphaned classmate was on the lizard teacher's bad book along with my sister. Lizard kept mocking him for being raised by a grandmother reminding him he had no one but a "corpse." Lizard's husband died suddenly and she was on a war path the weeks after; one day she finds boy and siz chatting and goes off on them but keeps mocking smart kid relentlessly for being orphaned. Smart Alec hits lizard with a "well I'm better off that Leonard (lizard's son), he only ever had a dad but he's now half lizard and motherless" then proceeds to slap the hell out of her and says "don't talk to me geko, lizards can only serve us humans not mock us." She had a nervous break and to keep her job had to publicly apologize to this kid in public; now everyone calls her lizard and her son hybrid.
@Vexrais 24 күн бұрын
The story of the guy getting his pockets ran by a teacher remindered me of the story of 'Greg'. Greg was a transfer from the alternative schooling program and he was largely to himself and quiet. Well this teacher 'Mr. Harkens' thought he was going to prove himself to be a no bullshit teacher and one day sees him messing with something under the desk. Harkens tells him to give whatever it is to him and greg says no and puts it in his pocket. Harken grabs him starts trying to get empty his pocket. The most horrifying scream came from greg as he began punching and clawing the teacher screaming 'no no no stop ' by the time someone got another teacher.Mr. harkens was bloody on the floor and greg was in the corner fetal and crying. Turns out greg was SA'd and was just starting his transition back to being around other kids but mainly male teachers and figures. We were in 7th grade.
@NanaGuedesI Ай бұрын
My language teacher in eighth grade liked talking to the "popular" girls for half an hour before actually teaching anything. She'd go off about clothes, shoes, make up, hair, nails, whatever shallow shit she felt like talking about that day, and mind you, the class only had 50 minutes to it. Well, she had given us a book to read (can't remember which now, it was over 15 years ago) and we had been sitting there and waiting for class to start so we could talk about the book. I'm on the spectrum but never really went to specialised schools, what I'm trying to say is that I remember things very well and it's not like I can avoid remembering. SO, she decided to grace us with actual teaching and I decided it was enough of her bullshit. I started asking very specific questions about the book, things she should be able to talk about but clearly wasn't. That piece of shit was so overwhelmed she started crying, then told me to go to the student office, which I said I wasn't going to because I was asking about the subject and she should answer. She tried sending for an official to come and try to get me out of class, the other woman came, stood at the door and that human trash pointed me out while weeping. I repeated I wasn't getting out of class, told them they could carry me if they so liked, and clarified she should be able to answer my questions the same way she easily wasted half an hour of class talking about her nails. She cancelled classes for two weeks and never talked about useless stuff again. Nothing happened to me as I was correct in saying I was merely questioning her about the subject and my mother usually didn't have the most patience with calls from school when I was in the right.
@Aquila556 Ай бұрын
When I was in highschool, I was giving a presentation at the front. The teacher went to the back of the room, near my seat. When I went back, I found my new pen moved and WARM. I lost it, childish I know, learned from my neighbour she used my pen. I got up, yelled at the teacher, "taking without asking is stealing", "You have all those students around you to borrow from yet you chose to TAKE my pen", stupid Chinese class. She cried, I felt bad. I apologised after class. Classmates were delighted. I am not that crazy normally, usually a shy kid. AND I have pens to borrow to others.
@loyoutubersuyoutube 2 күн бұрын
Y’know, I really like this kind of videos. Like the thoughts middle stories, finally someone who doesn’t just read in an AI voice Reddit stories. Oh, I wanna also say that the thoughts you say can also be pretty heavy, like in a good way. Not just childish “OH WOW THAT TEACHER IS CRAP” every time. Thank you. New sub.
@guerinja Ай бұрын
I hope this gets seen and recognised but if it doesn’t it alright. Anyways this is from the teacher point of view, he got fired last year because he had a massive temper and would be horrible to bad students, yet they kept him for ages because he was a genius to the point where the students ingraved a true quote on a wall “ I have six phds and you have zero” he yelled that at a student when he disagreed with him and it turned into an argument, also he flipped off students and the final reason he got fired is because he started throwing chairs at a class of students because they made him go over the edge. And that’s the story also sorry if I misspelled stuff or if it is clunky
@amandabriscoe6578 Ай бұрын
I was fortunate enough to have pretty great teachers but there was this one time I got so upset with a teacher. It was 8th grade English, we were split into groups and we had to do a presentation. I don't remember at all what it was for/about/supposed to be. I'm 43 and can barely remember yesterday! My friend Cassie and I shot a 10 minute video of commercials. Admittedly they were a little darker than most probably (best example I remember is our "puppy food" commercial. You know, made of puppies.). Look, we had and still have darker senses of humor and NO puppies were actually hurt. Anyway, we turn our video in and it was GOOD. Her brother helped her edit it (he's like 10 years older than we are) and it was seriously high quality for the mid 90's. The teacher LOST it. Or so she claimed. Now that I really think about it, I wonder if it was too dark and she was worried about us. Lmao. We did another project (I honestly don't even remember what it was) and got a good grade on it but we both knew our first one was the best either of us have ever done. I'm still a little salty about it. Wish I had a copy.
@SkyFyre2435 Ай бұрын
I never understood the teachers who claimed you wouldn't be allowed to use pens on college exams. We were literally _required_ to use them in some classes. The only ones where we weren't allowed to use pens were the exams where the teacher used a scantron, and it just read pencil better than it did pen.
@ashleylyons9345 Ай бұрын
Not me but my mom. I was in special ed for as long as I can remember and would have cse meetings which basically would just be to go over my progress and my accommodations. So it was the last cse meeting I had for the year in 8th grade and this teacher Legit lied through her teeth about how I come to her everyday during lunch and she helps me. That was a complete lie she constantly would lie to me she had meetings or something when I would ask for help I also got hit by someone and bc I didn’t have a hall pass she gave me lunch detention…. Anyways I say out loud umm that’s not true another teacher also forged my math test to make it look better so they didn’t have to keep giving me acomedations. So anyways my mom said to this teacher how dare you lie to them I know that’s also not true my daughter comes home all the time saying she goes to you for help and lie that you have a meeting and stuff the teacher got quiet and didn’t say anything my mom continued on I don’t remember much I just remember the iconic sentence of why do you like to see my daughter struggle looked at that teacher again and said you are a heartless bitch. I saw the teacher crying and some people were like we do help ur daughter and I’m like you don’t. I continued up until 2020 when I graduated high school to have issues with these people another thing they did was take away my OT services and didn’t even tell me!!!! They sucked but so glad I’m out of that school now cuz I have a friend who’s still in the school district and they got worse
@aliciavelarde6200 Ай бұрын
I've been a Christian all my life. This is the first time I've ever heard that depression is a sin. That's crazy.
@crazycorgiladyus7418 25 күн бұрын
It’s a super common belief in certain conservative evangelical denominations. I definitely heard the same thing growing up Southern Baptist in KY. Certain church leaders tried to tell me and my parents to seek pastoral counseling through the church instead of going to see a real, licensed therapist with proper training when I was struggling with crippling anxiety in my teens, because they believed that all mental health issues were just “spiritual warfare” from Satan in disguise and that the Bible alone was enough to cure them. Thankfully, both my parents and I had enough sense and education to not believe this, and just ignored them and got me in to see a real therapist and psychiatrist. This was like 10ish years ago, but I know people who still attend that same church, and they said those same people who tried to sell us those toxic beliefs are still there. So given what I know about their stances on other things, I don’t think they’ve changed much, if at all.
@aliciavelarde6200 25 күн бұрын
@@crazycorgiladyus7418 ah, well.... that explains it. No wonder I never heard it. I've been Catholic all my life.
@thebestcentaur 24 күн бұрын
@@crazycorgiladyus7418 what in the cultish teachings...sorry to hear that happened to you. Your story is just an example of some of what contributed to me finally leaving religion behind
@chelseasaunders212 Ай бұрын
I really like this narrator. Both are awesome
@tonychan8558 4 күн бұрын
This happened in the 60s. There was a break in at my school overnight. The next morning, we were not allowed into the main building until the police arrived. We were told to put our bags and coats in the outer cloakroom and line up in the playground,. This was December, snowing, and close to freezing. I decided to leave my coat on. A teacher saw me and shouted at me to put my coat in the cloakroom. I was so cold, I ignored him. In front of 150+ kids and several teachers, he decided to come up to me and forcefully take my coat off me, literally wrestling it off my back. Being 8 years old, I lost badly. But I wasn't having it. When he started walking away, I snatched my coat off him, shouted, 'GIVE ME BACK MY COAT!', and put it back on. His face looked like I called him a c**t.... which he was! He told me he was going to call my parents and get me expelled. I wasn't worried; I knew how my mom would react. That afternoon, mom came in, where the teacher told her everything that happened. As calm as you like, she asked three questions to the teacher. 1.) Did you have your coat on? Yes. 2.) Why? Because it was cold this morning. 3.) And why the hell do you think an 8 year old boy could handle the cold when you, an adult, couldn't? No answer. My mom was always telling me to wrap up warm. She spent a lot of money buying me a very warm coat for school. I knew if she found out I was outside without my coat, she would go apes**t! The next 10 minutes was pure bliss, seeing my mom tear this teacher a new one over what he had done to her boy, how she would make an official complaint to the school, how she would get all the moms to gang up against him for refusing to let any of them wear their coats out in the cold, the whole nine. He didn't lose his job, but every one of his students made the rest of his time at the school an absolute misery. Normally calm, well-behaved classes turned into a zoo whenever it was his class. He kept complaining to anyone who would listen, but they didn't believe him because we were all so well behaved for every other teacher in the school. Whenever I was in his class, I made sure I sat front and center, right in his view, sitting silent, just staring at him, whilst all hell broke loose around me. My friends loved going nuts in his class. I'm still friends with some of these people to this day. We are in our 70s now, but we still laugh at this story whenever we meet up for a drink. It was even mentioned during the wake of one of them a couple of years back. That produced a hearty laugh from the grieving family.
@jasonellis4330 26 күн бұрын
Our school used to have this score on report cards called "CAB" (current attitude and behaviour), which was basically a score of your actions in class. 1 was best, 5 was worst. Once I got a 3 in computer class (which never happened bc I was a quiet kid) and my mum was not happy. The teacher basically said that "if she gave me a 1 then there would be nowhere to improve next term" even though I was behaving like a 1. The only kid who got higher than 3 was the boy she favoured to an almost creepy degree
@mistysprxgeny 27 күн бұрын
The story of how I blew up at my 11th grade history teacher is one that was talked about quite a lot when I was in school. I was stuck in a class with all freshman, none of which had the desire to actually learn. The teacher was fun for the most part, but his major flaw was that he would punish the entire class for a few people misbehaving (which was actually quite a common practice at my school). The punishment was that we wouldn't have fun for a week and would do nothing but essays. I was one of the quiet kids in that class that sat right in front of the teacher's desk. One day, the group of freshmen in the back of the class were especially rowdy and the teacher was about to end the fun and punish us. This had happened many times before and I had talked to him kindly about it before, that I didn't feel like it was fair how the few of us that were quiet were getting punished. That day, I finally lost my patience. When he called out that we were gonna do essays that day, I stood up, spun around, pointed at the kids in the back of the room and screamed "I'm not writing a damn essay because they won't shut up!". Looking back I feel like I was really out of line, but as a quiet, nerdy kid, I was sick of getting punished for something I hadn't done.
@sharonrinkiewicz3940 7 күн бұрын
On Feb 14, 1984, I was 14 years old, and I was moving from New Jersey to Florida. I was leaving all my friends, my school, my hometown to a place I didn't want to go. When I got to Florida, I entered a deep depression. I was homesick. I had no friends to confide in. I hated my new school. Needless to say, when I first transferred from an out of state school, I had no idea what was going on because I wasn't there. My English teacher passed out some worksheets, but mine was so light and blurry, I couldn't read it. She told me to read the question and answer it. I said I couldn't because the copy was too light for me to read. She didn't believe me and started berating me. Another girl next to me lent me hers, so I could read the question. The question was about a book I had never read. I told her I didn't know the answer because I never read the book. "I don't know what kind of school or town you came from, but it must've been low class." "At least my low class town and school has got more class than you've got." I walked out of class, crying and went to the office. I got suspended for telling off the teacher, but my mom stood up for me. She blew up when my English teacher started with the same shit. "How the fuck do you expect her to know what a book was about when she was in different state following an entirely different curriculum? She should be excused from this assignment or be given the book so could actually read it and then answer the questions correctly."
@francinetitherington4060 Ай бұрын
Reader, story 30......the OP said it was a "Closed" Fruit Roll Up...... meaning Not Open, thus not eating Candy in class.
@LookItsSani 20 күн бұрын
Here in Brazil, there's a point in school where you're not allowed to turn in tests written in pencil anymore. I think it's so you can't change your answer and pretend the teacher got it wrong if you get a bad grade lol
@Papyrusthegrand Ай бұрын
My band teacher in 8th grade was a sucky dumbass. If you couldn't play a note he would make you go to the front of class and play the entire song. A few months into the year, I found out he had a "nsfw" relationship with one of the flutes. He lost his job.
@kausha7135 Ай бұрын
The bullying story killed me. I was badly bullied throughout school, but eventually grew one hell of a back bone as an adult. Thanks bullies! Not a teacher, but my own younger brother, typical jock, proudly told me bullying is not a problem anymore. I know my brother, love him in spite of his flaws, but he's the type to say some callous things and then say "just kidding" and get mad if you "take it personally". Obviously as his sister I'm not scared to call him out on it, but kids his age probably were. I know of at least one victim. He was taking my order at McDonald's and saw my last name on my card, asked about my brother and then could hardly look me in the eye. I joked my brother is a dick, and he quietly said "yeah." I felt and still feel so disgusted. I told that poor young man that whatever my brother did, he didn't deserve it and I'm sorry. Guy straight up started crying and speed walked to the back kitchen staying there, I assume, until I was gone. Bullying isn't a problem my ass. Side note: 10+ years after that incident, for unrelated reasons, I'm no contact with my younger brother. Still love him, but I finally saw his true character firsthand. That poor, poor kid. I hope he's doing amazing now.
@indigowulf Ай бұрын
I was in cross country. Our PE teacher was the football coach. The whole class I was in was football jocks and cheerleaders. I was also a classic farm girl, I'd been carrying 5 gallon buckets of pig slop across 4 acres since I could walk, so I was in the best shape of my life. Coach was also lazy. He would have one of his little pet students "lead" stretches, while he went and hid in his office doing god knows what. Teenagers being teenagers, the leaders would not bother leading stretches, and they'd spend 10 minutes chatting with friends instead. I took stretching serious, I understood injuries because of my background. One day, he comes out and tells us to get in even number lines, which will be our teams for the upcoming sport. I got in my line, and sat down to continue stretching my legs. So, he missed counting me and got mad, he told me to go get dressed because I was getting a 0 for the day. I was the good girl, the quiet girl, the respectful girl. I went off on him for about 20 minutes of us screaming, tears streaming down my face because I was so angry. It ended up in the principles office, and I told my side. Coach was reprimanded, and he never sat in his office during class again. He tried to abuse me the rest of the year by making me do things much harder than the other students, but again best shape of my life and he couldn't slow me down. He hated me so much, but there was nothing he could do. I also told MY coach, the cross country coach, who was like a 2nd father to me at that time. My coach had a private conversation with him, and he stopped picking on kids just because they weren't football jocks.
@CTEagleCeltic 27 күн бұрын
I had a 10th grade Language arts teacher argue w/ me at 15 y/o that; whether is something is considered Art or not, is in the execution not the intent… he should “scribbles can’t be considered art!” My I shouted “it does if you’re a toddler” the class laughed, I was asked to leave, the end.
@YourCatSays... 20 күн бұрын
I went to school before the language to recognize an abusive person vs abusive behaviors existed. “Grownups are ᴍᴇᴀɴ because kids are sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ and at fault” only taught me how to hate and that love is conditional. Yet I know that I’m one of the lucky ones. But I’m not here to brag, but instead share some of the language that has helped me recognize an abusive person vs abusive behavior, helping to release me from repeating the same patterns of behavior I learned as a child. I compiled the following list from all of the stories from this video: 1. Gross Abuse of Power: Using one's position to unjustly dominate or manipulate others. 2. Gaslighting: Manipulating someone to question their reality, memory, or perceptions. 3. Weaponizing Insecurity: Exploiting someone's vulnerabilities to control or demean them. 4. Projection: Attributing one's own negative behaviors or feelings to someone else. 5. Guilt-Tripping: Manipulating someone by making them feel excessively guilty. 6. Judgmental: Criticizing or condemning someone harshly and unfairly. 7. Scapegoating: Blaming someone for problems they didn't cause. 8. Exploitation of Trust: Taking advantage of someone's trust for personal gain. 9. Exclusion: Deliberately leaving someone out to isolate and control them. 10. Deflection: Shifting focus from oneself to avoid accountability. 11. Neglect of Duty: Failing to fulfill responsibilities, causing harm or distress. 12. Void of Empathy: Lacking the ability to understand or share the feelings of others. 13. Manipulative Benevolence: Offering help or kindness with ulterior motives. 14. Victim Blaming: Holding the victim responsible for the abuse they suffer. 15. Devaluation: Undermining someone's worth or achievements. 16. Malicious Compliance: Following orders exactly, knowing it will cause harm. 17. Character Assassination: Deliberately damaging someone's reputation. 18. Peer Humiliation: Embarrassing someone in front of their peers. 19. Minimizing: Downplaying the significance of someone's feelings or experiences. 20. Invalidation of Experience: Dismissing someone's feelings or experiences as unimportant or incorrect. 21. Withholding: Keeping back affection, support, or resources as a form of punishment or control. 22. Emotional Blackmail: Using emotional manipulation to control someone’s actions. 23. Void of Accountability: Refusing to take responsibility for one's actions. 24. Blame Shifting: Transferring blame to someone else to avoid accountability. 25. Bullying: Repeated aggressive behavior intended to hurt or dominate someone. 26. Triangulation: Using a third party to manipulate a situation or relationship. 27. Favoritism: Showing preferential treatment to certain individuals. 28. Stonewalling: Refusing to communicate or engage, effectively shutting down dialogue. 29. Forced Loyalty: Coercing someone into loyalty through threats or manipulation. 30. Retraction of Support: Withdrawing previously given support as a form of punishment or control. 31. Tokenism: Using a minority individual to give the appearance of equality while continuing discriminatory practices. 32. Pretending Ignorance: Feigning ignorance to avoid responsibility or manipulate others. 33. Emotional Manipulation: Using emotional tactics to control or influence someone. 34. Void of Compassion: Lacking genuine concern for others' suffering or well-being. 35. Intimidation: Using threats or fear to control someone. 36. Obstructing Complaints: Preventing or discouraging someone from making complaints about mistreatment. 37. Denial: Refusing to acknowledge reality or the existence of abusive behavior. 38. Unrealistic Expectations: Setting unattainable standards to create a sense of failure. 39. Intellectual Sabotage: Undermining someone's intellectual contributions or achievements. 40. Conflict Induction: Creating conflicts to distract, divide, or control. 41. Silent Sabotage: Subtly undermining someone's efforts or success. 42. Failure to Educate: Neglecting the responsibility to provide necessary knowledge or guidance. ….it’s all forms of ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ & ᴀʙᴜsᴇ. (It’s crazy that all of these behaviors can manifest in a person who has gone through life without ever learning the personal value and wisdom gained by their inner ᴘʟᴜʀ ♡)
@jasonellis4330 26 күн бұрын
When I was in year 9, it was pretty common for a class to end with everyone still really unclear on the material. I once actually went home and got my mum to teach me (she was also a science teacher at the time) and then I taught the table I was sitting at during the next class. On our next mid module test (unofficial, more for the teachers to see how everyone is doing) we all flunked so bad that she got BANNED from teaching GCSE classes anymore
@KatlynJShute 26 күн бұрын
Mine was loosing it on a fellow student. I was in college on an athletic scholarship. My mom had been in the hospital for months and I often had leave or skip class in order to address issues with her since I was the closest person to the hospital she was in. The kid was a fellow athlete who loved to give everyone a “hard time” but in a joking manner. It usually didn’t bother me because I was a little preoccupied with other matters. The day after my mom died, I decided it would be a good idea to just go to class like usual (I know bad idea). I was in no shape to be there but, I thought it would be a good distraction. Unfortunately, I came in late (about 10 min) and of course, he had to say something. This was literally my first class at 8 am after just removing mom from life support less than 8 hours before. He tried to joke with me about being on my own time and he wished he could have my sort of schedule. Without even sitting in my seat I looked at him and calmly said, “well I wish someone else could be me right now to because, I was just coming back to campus after watching my mom be taken off life support less than 8 hours prior.” The entire room went from regular everyday chatter to deafening silence with all the air sucked out of it in about 2.2 seconds. I didn’t even finish walking to my seat, I simply turned around and walked out. I didn’t trust myself not to storm over to him and knee him in the face. The professor didn’t even mark me as absent. We had a quiz that day (that i obviously didn’t take) mysteriously disappeared from my online grade book and the guy who made the comment later apologized for trying to make a joke at my expense and that he didn’t know what had happened. He was a cocky jock who had never been called out like that and I think it really threw him for a loop. From what I recall he stopped being such an a$$ hat who intentionally tried to push peoples buttons just to see their reactions. I also tried to understand that most likely he truly didn’t know and was just being a cocky jerk and not an evil man child trying to make fun of the girl who just watched her mom die. But it took a while for me to not have the burning desire to punch him every time I saw him.
@carved_cuts 27 күн бұрын
I transferred to special ed in my 3rd year of middle school. I could choose between two languages to learn there. German or French. I chose French because my German wasn't going well at the time. So I had 3 years of catching up to do, which I actually managed. In year 4 I got a new French teacher who started DESTROYING all of my progress. She would explain things for 30 minutes and give us only 15 minutes to actually DO the work. As a very visual person who best learns things through practice, I started to fall behind drastically. I have ADHD and genuinely tried to take in the full 30 minutes of auditory information, but nothing stuck. I NEED to DO things, instead of sit and listen. I told her as much and proposed a different idea. I would like to just start working immediately and ask questions if I didn't understand something, during the final 15 minutes. She said "No. We do this by the book, because we've always done it this way. And it's never failed." I started to get angry at this point. So angry, that for once I refused to let a teacher ruin another subject for me. I said "Well that's why I'm here! If I could do things by the book, I would be in a normal school!" She went silent. I've never stood up to anyone like that. She still didn't really listen to me though. Every lesson following this, would start with me asking if I could just work already and her telling me I couldn't. I felt bad for the other students which were very annoyed with our constant arguing. But it's not my fault this "special ed" teacher refused to actually give me special ed. Only once I got the school therapist and my mentor involved, did she FINALLY budge. It was near impossible to catch up at this point but I tried my best, and passed the French exam. YAY :D TLDR: Special ed teacher not special edding.
@Crusader1245 Ай бұрын
I know being a teacher an be stressful but expecting someone to tell their reason of not attending class right there and then is unreasonable.
@QuailRocks Ай бұрын
My sophomore year of high school I enrolled in integrated alergbra and geometry at the recommendation of the math teacher I had freshman year, who is to this day my fave math teacher. The teacher who taught integrated algebra was a new hire, fresh out of grad school and it translated into the worst classroom management I have ever experienced. There were two boys who would sit in the back of the class and would 100% goof off, they’d just spend the class showing each other stupid things on their phones. This was super frustrating as I have ADHD, and even with medication I would still get distracted by the boys’ activities. Math is my absolute worst subject and I was working my ass off to get a decent grade to complete the graduation requirement. By the second term she finally put in a seating chart, but the boys would still goof off. What’s worst one of the boys was sat in front of me and the other behind me in the other row on my left, and I process information better in my left ear. One day I had enough, the boys rolling a cylindrical speaker to each other, so I picked it up and put it on the podium and sat back down. After class I lost it, I was yelling at the teacher how she had terrible classroom management, she needed to separate those two boys because they were impacting my ability to learn. And I am trying to take this class seriously, I am disabled and cannot focus at all due to the boys. Basically telling her she needed to get her shit together and stop the boys’ distracting behavior. I left for my next class after I unloaded on her, I told my mom about the whole situation and I believe she fired an email to the teacher, my disability case manager, and perhaps the principal. The next time in that math class I was forced to apologize to her, because I apparently made her cry. I think she should’ve toughened up, I had an undiagnosed math disability that made it very difficult to do math well and despite the constant math tests I bombed I worked hard to do my best in the class. I managed to graduate high school, after retaking the math classes online for much better grades (which really showed how stupid it is to grade tests on accuracy instead of knowledge of concepts), hiring a private tutor that helped me so much with my test anxiety, and my attorney dad fighting the school claiming I needed a math assessment because “I didn’t show any math skills”.
@jessicacrowell4799 Ай бұрын
I've had A LOT of shit professors in college. The most recent one was when a professor told everyone in the class that our paper would be pass or fail, so basically the paper had to fit a very specific criteria, if it missed anything, even something small, you'd fail. Her exact words were "I don't get paid enough to grade all your papers. I understand she doesn't get paid enough but why punish us? We didn't do it to her. Well everyone absolutely freaked out, I had a panic attack and almost quit school completely due to the stress just for her to come in class next week and basically say everyone had failed so she had to grade our papers regularly. She doesn't work there anymore, I think she got fired lmao.
@izzycooper9742 13 күн бұрын
TLDR: My freshman english teacher gave everyone zeros on an assignment that wasn't due yet to prove a point. So, in my freshman year of high school, I had this english teacher, call her Miss Taken. Miss Taken knew me before I was in her class due to her kid going to the same dojo as me in the next town over. Two weeks into the year, we had an assignment that us analyze a poem. This was one of our first assignments. I checked my grade when I got home, and it had gone from a 3.8 to a 0.6. I freaked the hell out. The assignment was due in two days, so what happened? I sent her an email, asking what happened and to see if I misunderstood the instructions. Miss Taken was very friendly with me due to having known me for a while (which, let it be known, I didnt recognize her. The dojo had bleachers where the parents could sit and watch their kids. I knew her kid, but I didnt actually know her, so the relationship with her was kind of strange from the get go). She told me that she had put in grades as if nobody had done the assignment so that we as students could see the direct impact of not turning assignments in. I spread that info around like a virus, letting everyone in my class know. Some of my friends who were in that class had been grounded, pulled out of sports, etc because of this, and they were ROYALLY pissed. The next time we were in class with Miss Taken, everyone was going off. Some students got up and left the class, people were yelling, and she kept defending her actions. In the end, everyone got their grades fixed, and she was kicked from her position of being our class supervisor. This was also her first year being a teacher at my school. What an introduction, am I right?
@johnconner8437 Ай бұрын
Thanks for a second good narrator
@felicitybywater8012 Ай бұрын
I'm guessing the Shakespeare "love poem that said nothing nice until te very end" was the one w the 1st line "my lover's eyes are nothing like the sun". It's my favourite of all his sonnets and its very good.
@gabriellewatson2236 Ай бұрын
Once in high school I asked a teacher not be the first one to present a project, as I had insane anxiety and it was a particularly bad day. He was totally chill about it and said no problem. When it came time for presentations he called my name first to present my project. I immediately got up, and walked out of class. I simply went home with no repercussions. That teacher ended up slipping on ice, breaking his leg, and was out of class for the rest of the year. He was a shit teacher, and I think everyone was thankful he was no longer there.
@diegohernandocubillos6464 Ай бұрын
I got 2 experiences like that in college one that happened to me, and one that happened to a classmate. I studied Economics and just because I could, I applied to an Engineering elective called "Introduction to Economic Indicators" (I wanted a really high score at the end as expected considering what I was studying). It wasn't about the score at the end, more to the message the professor wanted to give us at the end that started the issue (and luckily it didn't affect my score there), but it was something serious. The professor wanted to introduce people to the feminist theory, saying these things like "all men are evil" and "men are subjugating women and are not allowed them to enter to men spaces of competition", using a philosophy text to prove his points instead of something like a statistic (like something you would expect for a professor who claims to be an economic expert). And yes, there are some injustice, but as somebody rational would know, both men and women suffer with that, and curiously, there are some statistics that prove this point, for example, the harder and more degrading the job is, the least is the possibility women would chase them (talking about mining, fighting in a war, cleaning sewers, etc), there is not that much of an issue if is just hard, but with a high implication there could be the possibility of being an administrator (high standards jobs for say something) or jobs related to "household administration", which would be the most "degrading" job of them all according to the professor. I was able to demostrate to the professor that not only women are able to enter to men spaces with not that much of an issue, but also there is a cultural necessity of of pushing men out of this "positions of power", except if the job is one of those "degrading and hard" ones I mention before. I also told the story of David Reimer (you know, that kid that was castrated and forced to have a femenine attitude by that degenerate psychologist, John Money, who just wanted to prove gender is just a social construct using this kid and his twin as Guinea pigs), to prove that we can have the same interests as individuals, but that our biology could also influence some of our choices and that it's not necessarily a bad thing, also, forcing somebody into liking something they won't like is stupid and could create a hell in life, just as if happen to David and his entire family. The professor, curiously, literally apologized to the entire class, claiming he wasn't knowledgeable about the statistics I provided, but in a way he was also said "I know I messed up, but I would keep the idea anyway" sort of speak. At the end of the semester, the guy wanted to apply to become the head of the institution, but not only got denied, was also in trouble because there were some accusations of "misconduct" with some female students. Quite hypocritical. The second happened as well at the end of the semester, in an Economic History course dictated by one one of the heads of the faculty, and she had this girl as her class supervisor that in principal was quite a nice person, but always showed an "attitude" everytime a guy spoke in front of the class, being over critical of everything we said, but being less hard with the women. I actually don't care and I just ignored that attitude from her, I just did what I needed to do and didn't care about the rest, but what she was doing was not good, so from time to time I just skipped some of the classes that were given only by this individual, focusing only in the ones given by the actual professor, so I was not that much aware of all the drama. The last class was attemted to be a "sweet sharing of experiences" of what we have learned in the class and there's where my classmate contribute with his bad experience with the supervisor. You see, I am from Colombia and I studied in a Colombian college (not gonna say which to avoid anything), and one of the ideas that was tried to be instructed on us is to work for the wellbeing of our country, but this guy, like the vast majority of us I assume, is just studying to get a good job as soon as the studies are completed, but the day he said it, the sup argue the guy is a narcissistic needy man that is not able to think about others, and Thad he didn't deserve a future in that institution. The thing is this guy came from one of the poorest and most violent places of the country, and his goal there is, as soon as done with the classes, to obtain a job which could help him push his family forward from that hell hole, and that he found really offensive and hypocritical being called all those kinds of things just because just being focusing on his family instead of a whole country, as imagine, it was on one of this sup's solo classes so I wasn't aware, but it seems it actually shocked a lot of people there, included the professor, who had to apologize for the behavior of this obnoxious girl she contracted, who was actually there with us and was livid because she got exposed, but was not even able to defend herself, I mean, how so?
@helookalikaman79 Ай бұрын
10:17 I had a first year math teacher (it was my senior year HS) This B did everything she could to get me into trouble with my dying father... Even after my dad told her "He is 18, you DO NOT call me unless it is an actual emergency" the B still called.... about a month before graduating my dad died. As required by family I was out of school for 2 weeks, the school was informed and all of my teachers were aware... The first day back this B smirked, and had the balls to ask how my dad was.... in a cold robotic emotionless voice I said "Six Feet Under" she lost the smirk... left me alone after that.... ALL of my other teachers were great, they understood and even waived any make up work.... The B got married and moved out of state and hopefully learned some empathy... oh and how to understand what is and is not an actual emergency...
@aaronjoshuaa Ай бұрын
Not quite lost my temper, but I was the 'quiet kid' in highschool, never spoke or raised my hand to answer questions, but I got decent grades so the teachers never bothered me about it. One day in my chemistry class a member of staff comes in to give us all letters to take home, and says that it's important so to put them in our bags now so we don't forget. The whole class basically starts doing just that, and for some reason my chemistry teacher yells at us (yes just our row, which was closest to the front of the class) for not paying attention and tells us to stay after class. I was pissed off because as I said, I was a good student and was literally just doing what I was told to do, so I wasn't going to be punished for that. After the other students left there was about 5 of us from the row that had to stay, and no one else is saying anything, so when she comes over to speak to us about not respecting her or whatever, I basically call her out and say that it's unfair that she picked on our row and that we did nothing wrong. I think she was shocked that I actually spoke to her, it was probably the only time I did while she was teaching me 😂 so she just stops talking and tells us we can all go. Anyway, 5/6 years later and I'm a law student at university now so it's kind of ironic looking back that her 'injustice' was the only thing that ever made me speak out 😂oh and I later also created an anonymous protest about a change in the school that most students didn't like (it never ended up going ahead because of COVID but I had decent support behind it and no one suspected it was me because I was the quiet kid) 😅
@chillchica9626 Ай бұрын
So in my Junior year of high school I had mandated therapy (CPS was involved in my family, the therapy/therapist wasn't very helpful) every other week. Most of my teachers understood but my Science teacher did not. Every time I had to miss class she would be super rude about it the next day when I was in class. I should also mention that when I did have to miss class I was really only missing like the last twenty minutes of an hour and twenty minute class (it was a double period). Well we had gone on about this for most of the year with her getting ruder and ruder as time went on, and us exchanging words a few times and the principal getting involved more than once. We finally get to the last month of school. We were supposed to do a final paper/project apparently. Well she had waited until I had left for therapy to introduce the project and explain everything. The next day when I got to class every one started working on their own papers and projects. I asked her what we were doing and if I could get the info on the project. She sneered at me and said that if I had actually been in class I would know what was happening and what I needed to do and maybe I could sweet talk a classmate into looking over the requirements because she didn't have anymore copies to hand out in, front of everyone. I told her that it wasn't like I had skipped and she was required to give me the info. She walked oer to me and got up in my face and said that she wasn't required to help failures and maybe if I wasn't a dumb broken bitch I wouldn't need therapy and my parents must be so disappointed. She actually said 'your parents must be so disappointed, oh wait, it would just be your dad, wouldn't it? I'm sure he's so proud to". For reference my mom left before I started school and i was raised by my dad alone. I lost my shit and said my therapy is the reason I didn't slap her across the fucking classroom and she needed to get the fuck out of my face before she tried me more. She ended up slapping me and called me names! I went to go hit her back but the assistant teacher grabbed me and pulled me away from her. She then started yelling to call the cops because I had threatened her and she was pressing charges and everything. The assistant teacher told me to go to a different classroom and then called the principal herself. It ended with me being told I would be able to finish the year but couldn't come back the next the year and I would be transferred to an alternative school. I didn't get in actual trouble though. The teacher was also allowed to finish the year but would not be back the following year either. There was also a mark in her professional record that she had hit a student. On the upside I was good friends with the principal by that point and she noted that I had missed a lot of school from not living at home that she put down truancy as my reason for transfer rather than fighting with a teacher, which could fuck up my ability to go to college if I i ever wanted to go (which I did even though that wasnt the norm at our school. Lots of trades and blue collar stuff for my school). I ended up graduating from the alternative school top of my class there. I had had a hard time reading and writing before the transfer due to my IEP being ignored at the regular school. My English teacher there was able to take extra time with me due to the small classes and really helped me improve in those areas. Another teacher told me that I HAD to go to college or pick a good trade because I was to smart to end up on the streets or working dead end jobs. My math and science teacher also helped with my math skills and let me study ahead and when I finshed all my work for the year early he helped me figure out stuff for college, like how to do fasfa without my dad's help since I wasn't living with him or any of my family anymore. Honestly that fight completely changed my life, and despite it meaning I was kicked out of main schooling everything turned out much better in the end anyways. Also, I'm not sure why the teacher didn't like me or why she would always get upset with me. I did my work in that class despite her attitude, and I tried my best to be respectful even though she would often push and poke about trying to get me upset and to lash out at her. There were a few other students she was like that with, including one of the top kids in our graduating class. She just had students she would pick that she didn't like and basically torment them in her classes. Her father had also taught in our district and was the same way.
@princedorado6368 3 сағат бұрын
Depression is a SIN????? As a Christian I would’ve started swinging.
@savathunsgoblin 22 күн бұрын
Oh my gooood i also once got failed by my german teacher (am also german) for a poetry interpretation, it has been 10 years and i am still mad about it
@Calmly.Chaotic Ай бұрын
About the 40 year old teacher picking on the 13 year old- I’ve realized age truly is just a number especially when it comes to maturity. I’m in a program right now and am currently dealing with a 62 year old woman that does nothing but talk crap about me to everyone and try to turn them against me. It’s literally worse than middle/high school drama. She has failed miserably because everyone can see for themselves the type of person I actually am and come tell me about it so I’m aware of what she’s trying to do. I’m 23. This 62 year old woman is picking on and belittling a 23 year old that is doing nothing except trying to do better and work on myself, I don’t even bother her and rarely even speak to her. It’s sad that at 23 I’m more mature than her but it is what it is
@chironsbow726 Ай бұрын
It wasn’t me that blew up at the teacher, but my mom. I had a 504 plan in high school, basically it gave me some provisions to get me on a level playing field with the others in my class. One of those provisions was that, when I needed it, I could have an extra day to complete basic assignments, with no points taken off for it being late. In this class there were a lot of writing assignments and it just took me a bit longer to complete them. This teacher was my AP US History teacher, and he decided that he wasn’t going to accept late work from anyone, provisions be damned. Well, zeroes started showing up in the grade book and when my mom asked about them, I told her “Mr. So-and-so doesn’t accept “late work”. She said “what do you mean, he doesn’t accept late work?” She left work early the next day and talked to the guidance counselor in charge of the 504 plans and provisions, and the principal. Mr. So-and-so got reamed for not following a (apparently) *legally binding contract*, and I got transferred out of his class and into a class that was not only much easier and enjoyable, but with a teacher that I got along great with.
@lightsidesoul Ай бұрын
Wondered how long it would take to see a 504 violation here.
@ShowierData9978 Ай бұрын
Hey- I have the exact same accomodation!
@izzyallan582 Ай бұрын
I was an art student and my digital arts professor was a massive tool. They dragged all the students one by one to the back of the room to show us our marks near the of the semester and said "This is what your mark is going to be if you do nothing else in this class". It was heavily implied we could use this to either bust ass or stop working on his class to relocate our time to our other finals. They sent an email not 3 days before the end of the semester casually reminding us if we didn't hand in every single assignment regardless of our current marks, we would fail the class. I saw them and another student yelling at each other on the last day of school. The student had not seen that email and if honestly? Can't blame him. bonus: they over sold their second semester classes to everyone and out right lied about what it would be covering. Promised me 3D rendering/printing, I was forced to make weekly awful corporate memes and a stupid story building game that had nothing to do with what he was supposed to be teaching.
@ianross9125 Ай бұрын
i never let teachers take my phone in hs and they would get so butt hurt but like bro im not gonna give it to you. i dont care who you call 🤷🏻‍♀️ you dont pay for my phone
@Sensansenkai Ай бұрын
Not me but my sister, and it wasn’t a big response but for her it was pretty impressive: we had three grandparents and a dog die in the span of four months when we were in high school, so when she went to let her AP Spanish teacher know that she’d miss an exam for the third funeral and asked to reschedule it, he sighed and said “you know, I really think you need to figure out your priorities.” She said it took her a second to stare at him before saying “don’t worry, I have.” Before turning around and leaving without another word. Apparently he was much more respectful after that lol
@Nico6th Ай бұрын
Uhm... people are allowed to use pencils for tests? In my school, the rule was: Use ink. Black or blue. Ink-erasers weren't liked very much by teachers because often the writing will reappear after a while and the paper gets wet and kind of thinner. At college/university: Nothing that could be erased, not even those nice eraseable ink pens. You made a mistake? Cross it out, sign your initials, and correct it. Exceptions only for diagrams in math or drawings in art.
@baconshreds1772 8 күн бұрын
My spanish teacher was an asshole and my friend group wasnt having it, so one day when she moved me for no reason, i exclaimed "this class is bullshit." And threw my bag down next to the new seat. I then stared the teacher in the face for what must been 45 seconds and when they looked away, i said "I win." Lmao
@torigiovannini807 19 күн бұрын
I’ve only snapped back at a teacher once One of those high school gym teachers with the bad gut feeling in the likes young girls way doubled with rumors. He was continually 5ish min late fetching us from locker rooms for class It was 15-20 min after class bell. He hasn’t been this late yet and we are mostly through the semester. I went to the office thinking that there was supposed to be a sub. But when I came back he was snapping and yelling at me for doing that. So I yelled back defending myself. With an experience I had prior. A class I was in prior that year had no sub come in and the class got yelled at by the principal for not going to the main office. That shut him up thank goodness. I think he saw that both of us didn’t want to get in trouble with the principal.
@Lumpy_p0tat0 Ай бұрын
The narrator sounds like he narrated some stories on amithejerk
@bigheart423 Ай бұрын
well this channel is way better
@RedHeadForester 19 сағат бұрын
I'm pretty sure a higher percentage of teachers are narcissists than in the general population. Think about it; you get respect, status, control and external validation. But then when someone challenges your "I'm amazing" world view, hoo boy... That sort of ego can't take that. Gotta regain control! It's not your fault, everyone else sucks, it's plainly obvious that you're better and the plebs just need to see and respect that!
@BlessingKnTproducti 20 күн бұрын
the icarly reference was my sleeper cell activation phrase
@HoodieMaster-mc Күн бұрын
I can relate to story 51 My eighth grade social studies teacher took ten points off each graded assignment because I used pencil (All graded assignments are worth quiz grades)
@That_Ducky Ай бұрын
As a person with a teacher that would target me, it was annoying, i was constantly called up to the front of the class then one day, i just flipped, i gave her a 3rd finger then got in "trouble" my parents were fine with it and the class was never the same after that and i got some attention from it. Honestly, its pretty fun just flipping out, and that was just a year ago in 8th grade, I will try to put any stories of my own in the comments, im going into 10th grade in 3 weeks and it is actually pretty calm, so tl;dr, i flipped out on my teacher and got no trouble. Have a good day :)
@chrishale7480 Ай бұрын
My kindergarten teacher asked to borrow a pencil so I lent her my favorite pencil and when I went to get it back se refused and said I gave it to her. I’m turning 30 this year and I still seethe with rage about that. Who the fuck does that kind of shit?
@sparkyshore3543 29 күн бұрын
1:10:20 This is a situation where you don't ask permission, you just get up and walk out. What's he gonna do, physically restrain you? ETA: Oh good, that's what you did.
@pocketbeeb Ай бұрын
Some of these aren't even about them losing their temper lol
@Yanxa-chan Ай бұрын
Math teachers are just mean in general. Mine told me math was more important than my mom’s death I will never forgive her
@Donuts_in_the_sun Ай бұрын
This is my story so one time we everyone at my school gathered at the gym for something at the end I held the door for everyone and my teacher got pissed and said they can hold the door them self and everyone started laughing so I said nothing bc I’m a good kid and anything to hurt my reputation would be bad for my school life so I just walked to my desk and I still hate her class
@ViirinSoftworks Ай бұрын
Story 15: What do you wanna bet that the teacher had secretly called the principal on a cell phone no one could see and he heard everything and that's why he showed up?
@LoveShaysloco Ай бұрын
I had teachers who always deleted crap. Then blame it on not saving enough. So I had 3 thumb drives and they deleted one I moved it from one drive to the next only a few seconds. And they delete again. They called the principle that im wasting time undeleting stuff. It got suspended for 2 weeks (just note miss 5 days and fail) till I took to school bord. With the suspension and saying it it common practice to force a failer cause the teacher didn't like you and gets mad cause you have to back up or it gets deleted. After a few days the tec teacher and principle gets fired for teacher wasn't qualified for the job and since we had to pay for the class more like dues to pay for competition and the only answer they gave was I don't know where the money went to and now they had to track down hundreds of people to give a refund to. Just to keep it under the rug
@marshalt0201 25 күн бұрын
dude from story 36 def got pounded then murdered in prison
@ApolIo. Ай бұрын
Depression being a sin is one of the reasons for why I will never have respect for any form of Christianity.
@TheGraduateApple 24 күн бұрын
That's the thing though, that's a huge lie made up by those schools. It isn't a sin in any way, Bible confirms it not being a sin unlike those braindead bozos running those schools or being absolute fake Christians.
@Codm22712 Ай бұрын
Oo this Shuold be interesting
@acekingbones Ай бұрын
Not auto subtitles interpreting “iCarly” as “Mike Arley”
@edgelord1923 Ай бұрын
Find it kinda funny half the comments are unhinged complaints and the other half is just personal stories relating to the video lol
@laciebrenneis4658 17 күн бұрын
Reason #347 why I’m taking a stress ball to 6th grade next year
@user-vt4si1ef6r 9 күн бұрын
Should I have lost my temper with these people? Probably, would’ve accomplished anything? No clue. Teachers aids, one would never tell me what I had done wrong with the math problem, just that was wrong, frustrated me the new end. Another teacher saying Criticize me for both, having a slightly expensive taste in chocolate, and being terrified of sewing needles, I have my reasons. However, the one I should’ve really lost my temper with, and didn’t and still got revenge anyway GTA, a college psychology, course freshman year of college, second semester. God she was a female dog, Said, I would never get more than a see in her class, my reaction being colon a game on check. Do not remember what my ending grade was, that was also the same semester. I got the mother of all bronchitis cases, felt bad about having to miss my horseback riding class, no hard feelings whatsoever about having to miss psych that next Friday morning. She would have a quiz on the chapter, so then we would study, or I would anyway, and then she would teach the chapter. I wonder I was falling asleep in class.
@Hen7 Ай бұрын
story 26 - Is it just me or isn't only Christians that do this and it being normalised as with other religions, it's out of the ordinary.
@EclipsePheniox Ай бұрын
This may just be me, or the way you read it, but the girl in story 15 sounded like she was having some kind of meltdown. Now I'm not saying she's autistic, but from the sounds of things it sounded like it and the only way she could express herself was by yelling like that. Like I said, no evidence for it, it's just the way it sounds.
@blocoes2757 Күн бұрын
your comment at 15:09 were no matter how polite u were, you sitll got bad marks because you wre just bad at that, my dad had a student like that, best student in every aspect, execpt knowing anything, he failed misserably, but he was a nice chap
@codyjones8153 Ай бұрын
@jasonellis4330 26 күн бұрын
1:09:43 Ok but... that's still plagiarism. Reusing a paper you've done previously is self-plagiarism
@user-gn7ue4yv4k Ай бұрын
39:12 empty the compartments of your pantaloon
@anon.spectre4734 Ай бұрын
That French was PAINFUL to listen to man (for legal reasons this is a joke, please do not smite me)
@rossblackblood9554 Ай бұрын
Why ai voice, didnt this guy used to use his own voice?
@ShowierData9978 Ай бұрын
this is a different narrator, still human haha
@Bella-hk3ds Ай бұрын
12:58 13:27
@kittycatcube Ай бұрын
34:23 Aaaand this is why I hate religion :3
@Kevin-ju1kb 24 күн бұрын
During the fourth grade my teacher placed her hands on me. I was a very advanced student due to being almost autodidact. When i was three my mom bought me an encyclopedia set as a gift while i had a broken leg. That started my education. I still have it (im 53). But that got me to be bored with lessons and i would talk and joke in class. She eventually placed my desk backed up to hers in front of the class. One day she said “kevincraft be quiet.” “I’m not talking” “I SAID BE QUIET!!” “I’M NOT TALKING!!” She walked around her desk to me and i stood up. She grabbed my face with her fingernails and pressed me into my seat with her claws. I stood back up and came back with the “left right cross combo”. I had to start seeing a special teacher after that. Lolol 20 yrs later i was a land surveyor and my instrument was setup over a pk nail on centerline in the road. At a stop sign. Lo and behold mrs. Jones pulled up and stopped. We had a tearful reunion right there. God bless you mrs.jones (Raleigh egypt elementary school memphis) I’m sure she has passed on by this time.
@lemonman5937 Ай бұрын
Howdy! I am a Christian, and I would like all to know that DEPRESSION IS NOT A SIN. We Christians often get a bad name due to people who claim the title of "Christian" thinking it somehow absolves them of all sin. In the example provided in this video, I assume that this "Christian" saw this child as a "blot on the school image", and decided to twist God's word to remove her. This has caused not only people I know but my family a lot of suffering. I have made it a minor life to goal to go throughout biblical passages to remove discrepancies such as this from existence. If you ever find a Christian being unfair, cold, or tyrannical, I recommend you look through the bible to disprove this person. Think of it as though your a lawyer destroying someone's case. Trust me when I say, it WILL feel good.
@ShowierData9978 Ай бұрын
( Atheist ) Yeah, thats generally called a "Conservative Christian". Source is wikipedia and some insane claims of one of my family members
@mellissajones3020 13 күн бұрын
You sound weird are you sick or are you losing your voice or something like that
@Lavendeer201 29 күн бұрын
35:33 As a Christian myself, I've experienced this. Sadly, most people claim to be Christian and then are hateful and awful people. Been told repeatedly I was going to hell and harassed bc of my orientation. There are good Christians out there. It's just becoming difficult nowadays... but we're here, and us and God love you ❤ no matter what
@boogitywoogity248 Ай бұрын
Hey so can you not include stories where the student just walked away instead of actually losing their temper? Why is the, “you’re taking an illness” story even here? Like he literally avoided losing his temper. Please keep the videos on topic man. It’s literally like, “cops what’s the weirdest arrest you’ve ever made?” And then you included a couple stories where they arrest nobody. lol. Why?
@jasmineanahera Ай бұрын
It reminds me of a video where half the stories told us what the gimpy gimpy was and what it did. Like sure okay include one, but after that you’d think you’d cut that part out
@greendiamond2604 Ай бұрын
I think it's because A.he doesn't choose these, usually someone else does and B. It was in the questioned ask. If they didn't people would probably complain it wasn't here.
@bakerrr925 Ай бұрын
He's just reading what's on their you do know that don't you
@loganroufs9705 Ай бұрын
Shush pleb
@qje3204 Ай бұрын
there’s been stuff in other videos i felt didn’t fit or were disgusting and unnecessary to include seemingly just for the shock value, given they’re all stories from reddit and they’re just reading what they’re given it was about sexually abusing animals and i don’t care what it is i don’t want to hear it it’s disgusting
@TacGrave Ай бұрын
What happens to your voice?
@YourOdyssey Ай бұрын
Different people I guess
@Cravin4Racing9001 23 күн бұрын
@Burrby_Stocks Ай бұрын
Different narrator?
@CamiClay Ай бұрын
Can someone like my comment? I wanna see what it does.
@user-fc3gd4ig4y Ай бұрын
Nu uh but you should like me Fr
@Codm22712 Ай бұрын
@@user-fc3gd4ig4yno likes you both irl that’s why your doing this This is a joke mostly
@derpy433 Ай бұрын
No, but I will like that other guy's comment.
@pooperpants800 Ай бұрын
I like his comment too
@Tisbilly Ай бұрын
I'll like the two comments above me
@bribrilolzOG Ай бұрын
WHERE IS THE ORIGINAL NARRATOR?!?! I’M UNSUBSCRIBING!!! ☹️🚮🚮 Videos started getting to long & this isn’t even the same guy I subbed to… who the heck ARE YOU?!?! 😕 I waited a week or so to see if the original guy would come back, but no apparently…
@GreenPorridge19 Ай бұрын
There are two narrators on the channel
@bribrilolzOG Ай бұрын
@@GreenPorridge19 I only like the other guy 😭 and there’s no indicators of who’s narrating which one, so I’m just going to opt out.
@ShowierData9978 Ай бұрын
​@@bribrilolzOGI think it's every other one
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