Surgeon General- American Men are in Crisis. Reason he gives is beyond insulting (and incorrect)

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Far From Eden

Far From Eden

Ай бұрын

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@brettk143 Ай бұрын
I am fully aware that I will die alone, and have accepted it.
@derektomlinson6514 Ай бұрын
We may pass by our selves as far as relationships are concerned, but we are never alone.
@joshuawood1428 Ай бұрын
Amen its hard . God told jerimiah you wont marry or have children because the women in the land are all bad . stay strong bro
@lastinline4322 Ай бұрын
I never understood the difference. Die alone or at a family reunion. You are still dead.
@Big_BadaBom Ай бұрын
Everybody dies alone.
@ShaunHensley Ай бұрын
There will soon be a world wide clamp down on the net. It will be too late.
@jth_printed_designs Ай бұрын
Essentially: “Men are not complying with feminism” Well yeah, because it’s a raw deal.
@RobertHodge-xu3zw Ай бұрын
feminism condemned masculinity decades ago.
@Corey-iw4ot Ай бұрын
U can thank hugh heffner for that paying women to get naked in his magazines. Now all women today are inked up and on onlyfans and Instagram
@ShaunHensley Ай бұрын
It was a supremacy movement from its inception
@siroswaldfortitude5346 Ай бұрын
and it condemned women as well
@GiblixStudio Ай бұрын
I disagree. Feminism condemned women and is liberating men from the oppression we've been dealing with. we've always been insulted and spit on while we are the back bone on which everything is build. now that feminism fought for equality and women feeling oppressed by equal treatment just shows that they can now share the burden. while we check out and let them suffer as we have. after all. women think they know better and are more intelligent and stronger. We men should just kick our feet up and enjoy the break while the world burns and collapses. when the smoke clears....we'll simply rebuild.
@RobertHodge-xu3zw Ай бұрын
@@GiblixStudio feminists are curently working to put an end to MGTOW and drizzle drizzle. They started an inferno they can not stop.
@shanebrzowski3093 Ай бұрын
I would rather die alone than surrounded by frenimies
@onno_vocks Ай бұрын
Why would I care about something that seeks to exclude me at every turn? Society will cease to exist without men. Not a great loss for me. Bye.
@arrowhead455 Ай бұрын
Before I was saved, I too, had a feeling that I needed to be part of something bigger. Now I’m part of the biggest thing, much bigger than this country, this world, universe… I may have been kicked out of my house by a Marxist, but my compass couldn’t be more true. I’m truly blessed.
@bobeyes3284 Ай бұрын
I would rather die alone than live the rest of my life unhappy. 15 years single to pay off my mortgage, bring up an adopted daughter and fill my garage with plenty of toys. While my life isn't complete, its bloody excellent. These days I won't even hold a door open for women. Not worth the trouble. Those few % of girlies out there that deserve a good life, I hope you find it and never change.
@dchurch2012 Ай бұрын
Same here; I will die alone and I accept it; "Consider yourselves already dead" - General Savage.
@lauriemcelroy8998 Ай бұрын
Everyone dies alone , unless it’s a plane crash. Living alone is the issue
@lauriemcelroy8998 Ай бұрын
You should notify YT about the fake telegram account. Don’t know if there’s much they can do about it though
@ThomasChristian88 Ай бұрын
As a woman, you are a rare, priceless gem of kindness and knowledge and a true friend of men. Thank you. Tom of PA
@juligrlee556 Ай бұрын
She is a very likable person
@rationalmale6265 Ай бұрын
I concur.
@jth_printed_designs Ай бұрын
It’s really as simple as four words: “No puzzy, no work” Men want women and family, and when they can’t get that, there’s really no reason for most men to try hard. You can try to find alternatives but they will never come anywhere near as purposeful as raising a family.
@stumboguy Ай бұрын
I'm not in a crisis. Oddly enough, realizing that I am not crazy, and the odds are against me helped me walk away. I now see what the legal system, dating apps, and social media have exposed. I have peace is solitude, without a life gamble.
@coastcity7029 Ай бұрын
The crisis with men and families is happening in every developed country, not just Western, Christian nations. Men around the world have stayed roughly the same, in terms of their attitudes and social roles, while women's values and responsibilities have shifted dramatically. Countries like Korea and China, where men adhere more strongly to traditional social roles, are also the places we see the widest gaps between men and women's ideologies. Women have changed a lot. They're causing this split in the foundation of societies around the world.
@oopsdidItypethatoutloud Ай бұрын
My daughter is marrying a South Korean man. When his parents met her, he said they got emotional, for the exact reason you just mentioned.... the disconnect. She is not like that. My daughter is a homemaker. Her true loves are cooking, keeping a beautiful home, and wanting a big family. She's highly educated, speaking a lot of languages and able to work for government and business and earn a lot of money. But She's not interested. I once asked her why she has no social media. She said it's for people who talk a lot and say nothing 😂 ❤ from Northeast England ❤️
@scottifly Ай бұрын
My heart has been crushed by all this nonsense over the last 8 or 10 years, and my response has been to isolate as society has been screaming at me to do. Goodbye.
@josephjulianmionie4744 Ай бұрын
awwwww.... ...stay strong, soldier!!!! ...Rebuke the devil... ....and she will flee from you. -|-
@Pedsonc01 Ай бұрын
Hold the phone, Scottie! Add more power and continue to cruise along, and let those persons who are haters, continue to hate.
@RealLifeProduct Ай бұрын
We appear to all be in a crisis. The culprit is our own government
@7sons484 Ай бұрын
Policy is a always the culprit of a declining civilization. A simple flick of the pen.
@dchurch2012 Ай бұрын
Unmoored - as in mooring a boat - tying to a pier.
@anon4kag Ай бұрын
Alone does not necessarily equal lonely, and there are plenty of married men who wish their biggest problem was lonely. If you have to depend on your happiness to come from another person, then you have set yourself up for eventual and likely regret & disappointment.
@Jimmyman1324 Ай бұрын
"Ultimately, we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot choose how but, what we can decide is how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered, as men". - Proximo, Gladiator, 2000
@andrelockridge9109 Ай бұрын
Society doesn't care. So I'm not going to hold my breath.
@jameshowlett3921 Ай бұрын
I'm not lost, I was thrown out. I didn't fail in education, I found another way to support myself that didn't require student loan debt. Men have adapted to the current times and women/the elites don't like it because men's path doesn't include them anymore. I'm not happy about the current state of things but until some major changes are made, this is the way it's going to be. Maybe if you want men back, try meeting them half way? I know, that's crazy talk. Humans work on incentives. If there's no incentive to do something, it won't get done.
@TheSnackAttackingSnorlax Ай бұрын
Half way??? Fully , or run society by yourselves if you ask me… know your worth , and it’s more than half… 👑
@jameshowlett3921 Ай бұрын
@@TheSnackAttackingSnorlax yeah, they won't even meet us half way so the point is moot anyway
@Garrett799 Ай бұрын
Need prayers, feeling down. Men are damned if we do, damned if we don’t. Accused of everything, praised for nothing. We’ve been lied to, you can be in shape, have skills, talents, support group, etc but still rejected despite it all. Inflation kills pocketbook/dreams, women kill the heart, time kills the body. The Rapture to be with the Lord is the other thing worth waiting for.
@Morrisfactor Ай бұрын
You pretty much summed it up. I'm well past 70 and have watched Feminism and Socialism destroy so many families. I am rebuilding a big old sailboat, which raises my spirits and keeps me out of mischief. Through this project, I've met many other old codgers and we often discuss how bad it has gotten - but then we snap out of it and enjoy working on boats or going sailing. Life can be pretty good even without a woman (maybe even better, given modern females who seem to prefer being married to the government).
@WatchfulHunter Ай бұрын
I encourage you to see the peace and joy in being free from a hysterical, controlling wife. I encourage men to encourage each other. We are not alone. We are brothers.
@rationalmale6265 Ай бұрын
We should be the band of brothers. Watch that series by the way. Absolutely fantastic. Hang in there and don't give up. I still believe that men and women are better together than they are apart. Adhere to your core values, but also be open to learning and being able to adapt. Those who are good at being able to adapt have a higher chance of success. Nothing is Guaranteed, but we can do things that will increase our chances of success, happiness and peace. Good luck. Don't give up on finding a good partnership, but don't allow it to be the end all be all. I'm personally still open to finding a woman who I can have a successful partnership with. I'm willing to adapt(other than on my core values). Having a higher power to give one strength and clarity does help.
@Holy_Moley Ай бұрын
"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach." Isaiah 4:1. So what shame is coming, that women will be broken from this current self-reliance, and desperately chase men to remove their shame?
@Scooter110 Ай бұрын
That man is called Chad. He indeed does have 7 women at one time.
@Holy_Moley Ай бұрын
@@Scooter110 Certainly the chase for one man out of seven, which demonstrates the stupidity of women, is absolutely the case at the moment, and the description of women providing for themselves. BUT, I don't see them feeling shame yet, for not finding men. I don't know how many women I'm coming across in Australia at the moment, who are having children through IVF (sperm donations) and are raising children, telling them they do not have fathers. No shame yet. Maybe Moslems taking over will bring the shame. Something has to push the prophecy to an extra step.
@ShaunHensley Ай бұрын
@@Scooter110you don’t understand Chad😂 Chad’s not going to take them. If he was going to do so, they wouldn’t be reduced to begging.
@ITPMMentor Ай бұрын
v yvv y1😊😊😊😮​@@Scooter110
@limeallens6160 Ай бұрын
And I will tell them on that day to buzz off. Isa 13:12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
@Pedsonc01 Ай бұрын
I was furloughed, beginning in August of 2023. At this time, I was tapped on my shoulder by the one-true-living-God, who told me that our Parish school needed a replacement for the Science and Math teacher. I laughed and then asked the principal of the Parish school (who is our next door neighbor) about science and math teaching positions. He said: "yes, our current science and math teacher is on extended maternity leave for eleven months." I told him about Comrade Biden's shell-game of tossing seven-thousand people on the street, to fund-up O'bamma (O'Commie) Care. He smiled and said "you're hired! By the way, we can't pay you. Show up tomorrow morning at 0600 for introductions to the other staff members." I've been a teacher for nine-months now. The seventh and eighth graders like having a "real scientist" as a teacher. Both the math and science scores have risen from a 2.5 to a 4.5. Now our principal, is beginning to worry about what happens when the regular science and math teacher returns.
@mafp22w Ай бұрын
God brought Eve to Adam. To the Christian men out there, your job is to serve God in whatever He has asked you to do. If God sends you a helper, great. If not, carry on. In the end you want a helper that will follow your lead. If women today don’t want to be that, you are better off without them.
@OneWingedShark Ай бұрын
Interesting you should bring this up; I've herd it the other way, too: God made men to be the pursuer (and if you're sitting around waiting that's bad). Honestly, sometimes it seems that "heads, I win; tails, you lose" is the name of the game, and anything you do is wrong. I've gotten to the point that I'm praying about it, trusting that God will bring things to pass and show me what to do.
@limeallens6160 Ай бұрын
In heaven there won’t be marriage and chasing the opposite sex.
@literalvampirepotbellygobl5629 Ай бұрын
All people should be wary of anyone who says that the primary struggles men are facing are related to decreases in workplace participation or educational attainment. What they are saying could be perfectly true, and it could be coming from an honest place. But I'd be willing to bet that the majority of people who advance this argument care next to nothing for the actual struggles men face. What they care about is that men are not as exploitable as they used to be. And when they don't say it explicitly (e.g., women can't find "economically attractive" men to marry), it's in between the lines of everything they say. It comes in a little package of "Men don't know how to be masculine anymore in the modern world." Never mind that every boy since the 1980s has been put through a culture-wide lifelong humiliation ritual for the crime of being male. We don't need to look at that. We just need to find out why men aren't being the good little workhorses they're supposed to be anymore.
@JohnHerr-dy7eh Ай бұрын
Best comment I've read anywhere. Kudos to you my friend.
@kaiserpuppydog7174 Ай бұрын
We can't forget also the drugging of boys because of the manufactured "disease" of ADHD. I would bet this has caused the epidemic of soyboys since the 90's.
@pirateracingnz9846 Ай бұрын
I have two trades and three degrees. Now 51, I have lived off grid and debt free for the last eighteen years. I choose to work for toy money and trips etc. Over half my income is discretionary even in the current environment. I am 6’ and apparently somewhere around a seven. I am not behind in any situation and got that way by putting in the work and never had help from anybody. I have a weekly date with a woman and that’s as far as I will let it go. Women will no longer get any assistance from me, but I will help a brother out. Modern equality is stepping on one party to raise another and not based on individual merit. You don’t see women protesting to work in construction or the trades. Funny how 90% of our rescue volunteer team are male in my local unit. What was wrong with a feminine woman anyway? Thanks Erin for starting to understand us terrible males.
@user-su5uf5yv1w Ай бұрын
I refuse to be nutered or spayed.
@thunderwolf2576 Ай бұрын
I turned 25 the other day and as I reflect on how far I've come, I feel like there is not much hope for someone like me. I consider myself an anomaly to people of my generation but I have felt alone before everyone else started feeling it. I've become anxious and scared but try to be morale good but been screwed over by so many people, betrayed and let done when I needed people the most. I found a stray dog was more relatable to me than others. I guess I can say, ive been walking alone since i was young but now im getting weary and tired of it all. Like a knight-errant without a kingdom to serve. Got nothing else really to look forward to, only surviving now.
@SALTYCOMBATDIVER-ExInstructor Ай бұрын
You're right, it's tough. You are loved and you are important. Forget those who don't love you and please be strong. I say that as someone who has children your age and is painfully aware of what you're talking about. Society is failing us but we can do more than survive. Get in shape (exercise good nutrition, physical activity and spirituality). You can do it and you'll find it is worth it.
@WatchfulHunter Ай бұрын
We are brothers. You are not alone. We stand together.
@stayfree6115 14 күн бұрын
Enjoy brother, deprogram, you don't owe this world or anyone a damn thing. Your free
@jesse_campbell 18 күн бұрын
MAN-ifesto should include: No more signing birth certificates without mandatory paternity testing. No more no-fault divorces. No more taking children away from fathers. No more stealing child support money by courts, and regulation for what money is taken for child support, limiting it to spending on kids only (rent, mortgages, cars, clothes, food, things that keep the kids safe and well). Everywhere abortion is an option, men should be legally allowed to bow out of their parental obligations if the mother decides to keep the child. No more paying women to get pregnant without getting married. No more assuming that all disparities between male and female outcomes are the result of oppression. No more government-funded misandry or misinformation in colleges.
@grandpascuba Ай бұрын
Unmoored- nautical term for a boat that has lost its connection to the shore or dock. Drifting unguided in the water.
@ShaunHensley Ай бұрын
More like “We took away all motivation for men to provide surplus skilled labor needed to keep this infrastructure running, and they are refusing to be drones who perform the dirty dangerous and difficult work, for long hours with no recognition, while vvomen take their rightful place to control what men build” 4:09 Truly, let it burn. If they want to control it, they have to build it and keep it running. Forced labor is, by definition, unskilled. These people have forgotten that. Men don’t need creature comforts, in fact, many men hang out in the woods FOR FUN. This empire is in a death spiral, which is a good thing, because what needs to happen is for certain people to be made humble, and only after that point will it be a good time to rebuild.
@jkbrown5496 Ай бұрын
Sadly for the liberal arts majors is that "regulation of the heart" is one of the three elements of real education, not knowledge. The others are "discipline of intellect" and "establishment of principles". So most college is now an impediment to becoming educated as all students are forced to spend tuition dollars to keep the humanities and social science professors in the manner they've become accustomed.
@siroswaldfortitude5346 Ай бұрын
We face a Feminist Dystopia, and we stand back until the whole thing collapses, but I feel things will never be what they were or should be. In the end, we all sink together. As the Bumble bees would say "If we go down, we are taking you with us".
@arrowhead455 Ай бұрын
Seek something bigger than themselves. GOD! That is what is MISSING from our society.
@johnhanson4795 Ай бұрын
i have been alone for 12 years swore off dating.a girl i knew in high school got ahold of me 2 weeks ago on facebook we got to talking 3 weeks later i got the nerve to ask her out against my better judgement.she said sure so after work i cleaned all up whent to meet her and she never showed.this is why im done dating not worth the anxiety the disrespect.she had added me as friend on facebook.we supposed to meet at 7 30pm bye 8 30 she had blocked me on facebook dunno what happened.i figure a simp was involved with better talk lol.i sent her a message after 2 hours had gone by.did you get lost?.thats when she started blocking me on phone and unfriending me on facebook just weird!
@garrett621 Ай бұрын
Good grief.
@kaiserpuppydog7174 Ай бұрын
Lucy always pulls the football away, Charlie Brown...
@Coyote-wm5op Ай бұрын
It says everything you need to know about her. She did you a favor.
@lawr5764 Ай бұрын
Should've trusted your better judgment. She's at the point where the bad boys she REALLY want are starting to ignore her. Now she's looking for a bail out from her friend zone.
@garrett621 Ай бұрын
@@lawr5764 Bingo.
@Buck-ho6kn Ай бұрын
We have a problem but it's a spiritual thing.❤
@do0ranfrump260 Ай бұрын
This interview is what Rush Limbaugh would have called "psychobabble". It's not about men in crisis; it's about selling the Democrat Party.
@Is..4110 Ай бұрын
The dark color of her hair brings out her beauty even more...
@jeremycole3008 Ай бұрын
Weird that the girl we chose to watch on you tube has been celebant her damn near whole life. Kinda like being fascinated with the nuns in the sound of music
@Imyourhuckle6erry 21 күн бұрын
Funniest coment ever.
@Daddy2025HQ Ай бұрын
Let them lose you,you were never there’s because you were always your own so let it
@Hectorszenshopedc Ай бұрын
you are right.. people are looking elsewhere, no jackpot.. I go for jackpots...
@aaronnanos8789 Ай бұрын
Healed disc herniations, had 4 shoulder surgeries, only brother dies from drug OD, I go to college and start talking to everyone and stuff goes south for me socially and my body falls apart to an even worse place, I do work to fix that, I am behind socially and with relationships, then, I learn a thing or two; pull my heart out of my chest, I quit school, go into the trades, and now I get to be my own boss 😂
@BlueAdept596 Ай бұрын
The new hair color looks nice on you.
@SALTYCOMBATDIVER-ExInstructor Ай бұрын
Because men have clarity they are falling behind.
@Cayuse2009 Ай бұрын
I enjoy listening to you and the way you think. I have to grin though when I think of your husband you will have one day and the challenge he will face keeping up to your quick mind. His life will not be boring!!
@lawr5764 Ай бұрын
That "looking where there's better light" is indeed a story. I've used that example myself years ago.
@lawr5764 Ай бұрын
@FarfromEden1............120 ?
@lawr5764 Ай бұрын
@FarfromEden1............120 The ladies' room symbol?
@FarfromEden Ай бұрын
That guy is a scammer I keep blocking him & he pops up again
@michaelbreukelman2854 Ай бұрын
Unmoored most likely means "no anchor". No grounding; not attached to anything.
@jeromebarry1741 Ай бұрын
"Unmoored" is a nautical term, meaning that the ship is not tied to the dock.
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
28:21 - The Surgeon General is named Vivek Murthy - he is a Vice-Admiral of Indian descent. Born in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, UK, which is essentially an indian ghetto. He moved to Canada and then Miami. He is a Biden Appointee, current (2nd) tenure.
@petemorton8403 Ай бұрын
No wonder
@derektomlinson6514 Ай бұрын
The turning is taking place which you or many may feel , everything is good. It is suppose to happen.
@Comfortzone99 Ай бұрын
'Unmoored' is just a nautical phrase- a moored boat is safely secured in the harbor - an unmoored boat is at the mercy of the waves, crashing about into any shore the waves take it.
@kdub2229 Ай бұрын
12:30 I'm glad 2 hear U say this . Most people don't get it .
@kdub2229 Ай бұрын
@FarfromEden1............120 I'm sorry FFE , I don't know how to use telegram.
@Hectorszenshopedc Ай бұрын
@MattGleason1 Ай бұрын
Unmoored = untethered.. like a boat floating loose with nothing to anchor to.
@garysuarez9614 Ай бұрын
TL:DR; yup, and it took money coming up short to get the power structure talking about it. In the eyes of the mighty a man is merely the scope of his influence. If men start looking at life realistically instead of with eyes and heart poisoned by the romantic subtext of society, they will not attempt even the basic societal and traditional (patriarchal is traditional, by the way) roles, knowing that no matter how well adult masculine role assertion is conducted that the aggregate chance of initiating a successful marriage and family is merely a statistical coin flip. The fact that after decades of this occurring that the alarm is being called merely illustrates how much men are viewed as merely a resource, as well as how precariously positioned the modern world is without them. Concomitantly: Every 7 years in the prairie of the U.S. there is usually a fire that renders the plant and animal life to its constituent elements so that the hardy may prosper and the weak or overly specialized life forms die off. I am sure a comparison may be made by observers more intuitive than I. Be well.
@Tony.Tony.Chopper24 Ай бұрын
As a son of a broken family I admire you for what you are doing. ❤ For those who had a difficult start in life or are going through a hard time - I hope that I can inspire you with my words, at least a bit ^^ My mom left my dad when I was two years old. My parents weren't arguing like in some movies. They had no contact at all. But they still hated each other with passion and they didn't like it when I spent time with the other one. At some point I thought that they don't love me anymore. I thought that their hate is more important to them, than their love for me. I dreamt of the same as other boys (driving a fast car), but I often dreamt that my parents would come back together and we would become a happy family. But my dream didn't come true. When I was 14 my mom married my step-dad and my last hope for that dream was shattered. This time felt like I was falling into a deep deep hole. There was a lot of disappointment, frustration and sadness. My parents said different things to me and it led to a conflict and aggression inside of me. I had less and less trust in my parents. I got trust issues with people in general, over a certain point. That was also the time when I liked it anywhere more than being at home. At 16 I was lucky. I got the chance to have my own little place, with the help of a social worker. Some problems were solved, others got worse. No conflict and aggression anymore, but the sadness grew. When I look back, that was the point when I got depressed. I would describe it like a negative unbalance. I mostly focused on the bad experiences. I thought that I never saw my parents kiss, hug or be kind to each other at all. I thought of all the hate in the world and yes, I thought of feminism, because some of the feminism just feels like hate against men. I had less contact with my mom and even my brothers. I lost my friends and my job. I isolated myself to the point where I got suicidal thoughts. Then I finally made a decision. A promise to myself. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. I HAVE ENOUGH. I WANT TO HAVE A GOOD LIFE. So I trusted in myself. I believed in my strength to overcome everything I have to. It took me A LOT of mental strength. I set goals for my life. It was a mix of successes, failures, setbacks and learning about life. Every time the suicidal thoughts came back I reminded me of my promise. I listened to music almost every day. Rock and reggae are my favorites ^^ I went outside for a walk in nature or just to enjoy the sunshine. I learned to trust in others again and to ask for help. I learned about balance, to focus more on the good things in life and to believe in love again. I learned that it is okay to make mistakes -> because nobody is perfect -> which means that everyone on earth makes mistakes. I said to myself that I deserve love and took more care of myself. I looked for male and female role models as an uncle and aunt (who could help me with things, which my parents didn't tell me). I had to change a few negative behaviors and habits, which took me a while. With the age of 21 I got rid of suicidal thoughts. My opinion on feminism: as long as only the problems of women and LGBTQ are mentioned, don't ever expect men to trust these groups. Because until the problems of men are finally mentioned or men are invited to the talk, it will never feel like equality for men! That could be one reason why men distrust democratic parties who support feminism too much, because it leaves the taste of ignored men's interests, just like feminists ignore them. Anyway.. just my thoughts.. Last year I got a new job. I'm in regular contact with my brothers, my mom and my step-dad again. My dad is in a new relationship. I met my dad for the first time in over ten years! I got a new friend. I am thankful for my good mental and physical health. It surely took me some time but my scars healed. I'm happy for my parents' relationships and hope they'll last. Despite what happened so far I'll look out for the love of my life! When in bed before sleeping I recommend to actively think of what you've achieved today, instead of what you couldn't achieve today. Then close your eyes and think of something you wish for yourself, family, friends or society. Lastly, try to imagine what's needed for that and where you could find it. That exercise helped me to get good dreams and sleep. So.. long story short - some important things I learned in my 28 years of life from myself and trough others -> - it all starts with the trust (believe) in yourself - if you focused more on the negative things in life so far, focus more on the positive things (balance) - if you look for love, let you never tell from anyone that the romance is dead - failure is part of life - problems are also opportunities for growth - healing is part of growth - whatever happens to you in life, stay open for new positive experiences. I know it's easier said than done, but if you reach it, it's a success. For everyone reading this I wish you a good day or the strength to go through the tough times. Bless you all. 🤘
@Doberman_6773 Ай бұрын
Between this and certain other events affecting this space, it appears our government may be settling on a 'solution' for this 'crisis'. And it won't be beneficial to most men. Why does this not surprise me?
@GiblixStudio Ай бұрын
out of touch people talking about issues they don't have a clue about. well that never happened before. this is a problem in the making since the early 1980's. have fun fixing it.
@deathshead556 Ай бұрын
“Cause war time it can, annihilate a man. I gave my life, for my homeland; but who will miss me! So see me as, a husband a friend! Father and son, who never will come home! But who’s mourning me… Went into war for Sweden, got baptized by blood. Out there waits only death, not heroic deeds. In fields where friends keep falling, no song is heard! Challenges our fate, every single day! Far from home. (Born and baptized in blood) And the whole world burned! … And when my time has run all out! Who’s caring then? They charge ahead.. Do soldiers get a worthy end? To pass away.. And disappear.. And never wake up…” - En Livested I Krieg: A Lifetime of War. Translated- Sabaton.
@randomcat3053 Ай бұрын
44:00 you know, on the 'what you need =/= what you want" t,and "they might take the hug" thing: Human beeings (and most, if not all mamals in fact) actually NEED that hug. If you reaserch 'rumanian orphans' you'll find storries about their high mortalityrates, where for a long time they couldnt figure out the cause. Broadly speaking, what they found out was: Those children needed a hug.
@joshuawood1428 Ай бұрын
happy Sabbath
@TheHornet1fan Ай бұрын
Agreed, God created both men and women as absolutely of equal value. But also of different talents, strengths, wisdom. Its called balance.
@mafp22w Ай бұрын
Equivalent; definitely not equal.
@jamieseiple Ай бұрын
I feel sorry for young men. They have no idea what a good wife is.
@steveaguinaga3821 Ай бұрын
Omg..😯little makeover?
@randomcat3053 Ай бұрын
4:00 "The nutered state" - Oo . You're on to something. Been thinking about the whole 'more than two genders in different cultures' -thing and basicaly came to the conclusion: In many places, as a guy with little chance of success in life, you had the option to become a eunuch, by wich you'd get career options prior not avalable to you. Particularely in asia a lot of high political offices only allowed eunuchs (so they wouldnt sleep with the sultans whifes ). Now adding your points, we now basicaly have a souciety, where beeing a eunuch is the base-requirement for any careerpath. Dam... I'll be thinking on that for a while now. :/
@jjzap2935 Ай бұрын
29:32 he's implying connection to one another as the "community" You're response was 100% on point !! It's your family (not the community) Its God (not the community)
@Brainwreck-mk6dd Ай бұрын
I have difficulties articulating the mix of strong emotions I feel about the current dating market. And there is no politician that is willing to be courageous and tell everyone how it is.
@sammygoodnight Ай бұрын
"Moored" means when a boat is "tied up to the dock." Unmoored means untied and therefore subject to being tossed about by currents and storms.
@Sarcasmarkus Ай бұрын
Unmoored = adrift
@jkbrown5496 Ай бұрын
That wasn't written by the Surgeon General. It was written by one or more, Presidential Interns assigned to HHS. Graduates of Georgetown, Harvard, Columbia, etc. Trained to be government functionaries.
@Corey_Lee_Slater Ай бұрын
32:55 "Is that a Parable?" -No, it's a Terrible... (ed.) We get 'Biden' and 'the other Guy'... Have a nice day.
@Wookinpanub235 6 күн бұрын
Do you have any videos on widowers and wether or not they should even try to find another woman in todays modern age of dating?
@mstorgaardnielsen Ай бұрын
49:59 We love you too.
@Taylorsatterfield83 Ай бұрын
I'm happy alone with my corvette. Less maintenance and gets me off anytime I want.
@Corey-iw4ot Ай бұрын
It not the same brother cuddling up with a women but it does keep away child support and stds
@Taylorsatterfield83 Ай бұрын
@@Corey-iw4ot I know what you mean it isn't the same. With 6.6 liters of engine the vette way more fun than the cuddle.
@Taylorsatterfield83 Ай бұрын
@@Corey-iw4ot also my vette doesn't have yeast issues 🤣
@bobeyes3284 Ай бұрын
@@Taylorsatterfield83 And you can just turn it off.
@user-hf1ji1fw4l Ай бұрын
I want or wanted a daughter but now I'm okay with 2boys I don't want to be told by my own daughter that I'm the enemy cause I'm a 37 straight white male and I will run my house like my dad who was my hero.
@user-su5uf5yv1w Ай бұрын
For as long as I have been alone die alone with cat's.
@robinabernathy2829 Ай бұрын
Why'd you let me call you Eden and not correct that I was calling you the wrong name?
@Zebulon1977 Ай бұрын
love your sighs 😉
@alfredjones58 Ай бұрын
I'm gsy it doesn't matter to m3
@user-su5uf5yv1w Ай бұрын
I killed the my herb to make space for chives to spread.
@Hectorszenshopedc Ай бұрын
Having a Family is understanding hierarchy in the heaven realms. METATRON, Michael, Gabriel, are in a hierarchy with GOD. OKAY, YOU EARNED IT.. this is all from ENVY Metatron was actual a human before he became one of the most powerful of the angels. Metatron was a man called Enoch. This is detailed in the aprocraphyl text, the 2nd Book of Enoch. First let me clear up the lineage. Adams and Eve had 3 sons - Caine, Abel (was killed before he had any children) and Seth. Caine's 1st son (and the name of his 1st city) is Enoch. This is not the Enoch who became an angel. The Enoch in question is the great, great, great, great, great grandson of Seth. He lived 3 generations before the great flood. When Enoch was 365 years old, 2 angels were sent to in a flaming chariot to bring Enoch up to heaven (while he was still living) to walk with God.
@Dana31965 Ай бұрын
Can’t we all just get along.
@jjzap2935 Ай бұрын
17:56, 17:59 & 25:28 community, communities community in their lives... I think that's 6 and counting in one article. Do you think it's a coincidence that community is replacing God & family. It's also replacing everything that is synonymous with it like village. town. neighborhood, suburb. fellowship.. need i go on?? Things like PMA's and HOA's are communities community.. haha I have to laugh it's so blatantly obvious. Hope this finds you well and blessed.
@desertcoyote8291 Ай бұрын
Alone = Freedom The only thing that men can do is walk away.
@alainbellemare2168 Ай бұрын
You would like to think so to boost your feminine ego
@alexanderbordonadaiii4322 Ай бұрын
Sorry but men are not falling behind we are just not doing anything for women anymore the juice is not worth the squeeze any more
@homonoia78 Ай бұрын
"Truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces much fruit. The one who loves his life will lose it, and the one who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life”.
@davidbmilton524 Ай бұрын
Where does this idea that democracy = communism come from?
@CatStareOfShame Ай бұрын
The more I think about it I can not help but to think maybe we all have been brainwashed and taken out of our natural environment not unlike your typical house cat.
@knowsstuff988 Ай бұрын
I wanted to say to everyone who thinks they will end alone because they are alone right now....Just because you are alone right now does not mean you will stay alone forever. Some might, but it is no guarantee. Remember that men can wait (on average) longer, some up to age 60 before they hit their "wall". If you are 40 then you can literally wait for the next generation to grow up. You can also be ready for if someone comes into your life sooner. There is no rush for men like there is for women. And a final reminder, even if you are alone physically, you are never alone, God is always with you, even if you do not know it.
@Johnrider1234 Ай бұрын
No not in this house. Oh my. Call cps. Call cas. Terrible
@Taylorsatterfield83 Ай бұрын
Love your hair being darker now. Just wanted to compliment you. It suits you better than blonde.
@Buck-ho6kn Ай бұрын
@scottperkins41 Ай бұрын
Stop I can not get past wammen bs
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