Minden tiszteletem az úrnak! Ő még a régi időket képviseli! Sokkal jobb volt azokban az időkben, nehézségek voltak akkor is, de ki számítható volt az élet, a szegény ember számára is.
@الثورةالإسلامية-ف9ت8 жыл бұрын
good job
@NewClassic24 жыл бұрын
automate everything you can - you will stay alive.
@ciszegebe3 жыл бұрын
if u automate everything than the automate ultimately will live yr life instead of you, so u wont stay alive but u will... u will do what? u will be what? u will be who? will ur life be yours? this man is alive, i know these winepeople, they live long, their work is their life is their vine. This keeps them alive. Automate ultimately makes you spare makes u lumber.
@ciszegebe3 жыл бұрын
and i u know the drink made by an automate is called coca-cola, the drink made by someone called vine. cola has technology, vine has character.