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FNAN Eritrean Youth and Family Outreach

FNAN Eritrean Youth and Family Outreach

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ትምህርቲ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ፡
ብሓልዮት ፍናን ኤርትራውያን ንድጋፍ መንእሰያትን ቤተሰብን ኣብ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ።
ቅዳሕ መደረ፡ እዛ መርኣያ ጓልና
ክቡራት ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን ተማሃሮ ትግርኛ፣ከምዚ ናተይ ትግርኛ ክትዛረቡ እንተደሊኹም ነዚ ብመማህራን ፍናን ክዋሃበኩም ተዳልዩ ዘሎ ትምህርቲ ብዘይ ምቁራጽ ተኸታተሉ።
ዋላ ሓንቲ ማዓልቲ እንተ በዅርኩም ጠቓሚ ትምህርቲ ክሓልፈኩም ይኽእል ኢዩ። ስለዚ ኣይተብኩሩ ወይ ካኣ እይትደንጉዩ። ብግዜ ትምህርቲ ካኣ ጽን ኢልኩም ስምዑ፣ መማህራን ዝበሉኹም ግበሩ።
ቋንቋኻ ጽቡቕ ጌርካ ምፍላጥ ንብዙሕ ነገር ይሕግዝ ኢዩ። ብሕልፊ ናብ ዓዲ ክትከዱ ከለኹም ምስ ዓባየታትኩም ኣባሓጎታትኩም ከትዕልሉ ትኽእሉ። ንሳቶም ናብዚ እንተ መጺኦምውን ከምኡ፣ ኢንግሊሽ ዘይክእሉ ክኾኑ ስለ ዝኽእሉ በትግርኛ ተዕልሉዎም ፣ ንሳቶም ካኣ ሕጉስ ይብሉ።
ምስ ወለድኹምን ከምኡውን ምስ ኣብዚ ዘሎ ትግርኛ ዝዛረብ ሕብረተሰብ ክትራዳድኡ ይጠቕመኩም።እቲ ትምህርቲ ምስ ጀመርኩሞ ከም ትፈትውዎ ባዓልቲ ሙሉእ ተስፋ ኢየ። ምኽንያቱ ቋንቋና ጡዑም ኢዩ።
እዚ ብሓልዮት ፍናን ዝተዳለወ ትምህርቲ ዝዋሃበሉ ማዓልቲ፣ ቀዳም ቀዳም ኢዩ።
እቲ ሳዓታት ካኣ፣ዕድመኹም ካብ 5 ክሳብ 12 ዝኾንኩም ካብ ሳዓት 4:00 ክሳብ 5:00 ናይ ኣጋ ምሸት
ዕድመኹም ካብ 13 ንላዕሊ ዝኾንኩም ካብ ሳዓት 5:00 ክሳብ 6:00 ናይ ኣጋ ምሸት
ጽቡቕ ምክትታል ይግበረልኩም።
Dear brothers and sisters,
Great news!
FNAN is providing Tigrinya language lessons, this is for everyone who wants to learn Tigrinya, from the ages of 7 and above.
The importance of mother tongue is greater than the ability to learn to read, speak and listen.It has a big impact in our personal identity development. Identifying cultural identity, emotional and mental growth education performance and many more.
Research was done by Linda Blomquist, on language and identity in 2009. She talks about the impact of importance of mother tongue or personal identity development and the success in our life.
Also Nelson Mandela said this "if you talk to a man in a language he understand, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
Therefore knowing your mother language is very important and I'm sure you'll enjoy the lessons.
I encourage you to register, all the best and thank you
-- Rahel
FNAN Mentor

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